Page Ten TH E H ilh i * i l l III V I r i e l lit . j-> . used up in the pending suit. Reei »mntendat ion to slash $55' from the item for second deputy in tile ;uo<.">'i's office »¡l* tin first successful attack against bud- get items. This move was instigated by la n d e r.a n d e n »Ito baseu Ins contentions on the figures shown I. T . President Speaker as necessary in past years. for _____ Assembly — Two unsuccessful budget*] proposals Items were H igh School H IL L S B O R G I h - l li t l AK G US, ton on th« h. h'.»r«<( Gro«« 16-yartl Une and he retut left able of the line fo r *tx y unia »nti , then Uhelp« tallest to gain at center. . llinea plowed over left aruard for « firat down on hia own 3M and fmleU to gain H IL L S B O R O . O R EG O N Th u rsd ay, D ecem ber Ö, 198-1 1) I I C ity B ow lers Lose / to P ortland T ea m s secret to a survesaful dem onstra­ I Is now called Wiley s New Deal A lo ita tion I. endless hours of hard and I Grocery. lu tten t work Achievement m cont- i ll y M i . I I. C. K lra rO P C S t VlPO VC V lillllC potltlon Is noi get eraly reachetl a lt­ Tlk» I.... laimly of Aloha spaliti .. . , , I '’■«- eral tears ot effort We »ere lour Sauvles lotan.I. F o r hale Yotuw I hiv nuur to p ip i n g tiu> visitors back and »lien years completiti« this dem onstra­ Mr and Mr C. I) MeCai they I f»Hil in ttb* aprhig Ray l)eU- „ ,, ,........... . . . ......... . , , land alleys Bunday In return games tion. In the face of varying degrees gamsel recovered B ritton's fumble ! of Kelso. Wash , »ere TtUUiksglv IIUU1. Ciaillxtkj Ave Plwuii* Hdla- 1». .»m, «„.1 c,»w ..... ». ***“ the Multnomah cream ery and of success and failure, before we j mg guests ol Mrs M cCarthey1 bon> 2107. 4Utf mint tlie Telephone company. company The ltxal ..i..h .r '» m S ^ plS S S ? V ^ ^ H ." “ o i f S h T r V 1 '- r J k w i.m ^ n .M r H U ^ int L I the ! TVlephone , Oua« ' w re able to »In the high honor ¡ m other. Mrs. Snyder I.O M T F rtilay, laaraï I u Ha UP, «m l then p«.».«i a i n i ' s ‘- l m 0. the Visited a t tlie Fled Ash I o l d b o l l it ­ M A ('ovIiiM luii, lltllslioriK I •'lephobw i ita » . 4| Annual Senate club dance will be Mills His lirst proposal included ;U1 (jown a stone ,rl“hA, *“**' iti A lolla TTuuiksglvIiig. »h., .»..«i 11 point yard, w .» for a | tlie 1«. TVIcpIione ,i’1 lll*.l 4»f yooiiH hitili bred « held In the highschool gymnasium an increase of $25 per m onth in of Vikings held Cook for no «ourhUown st.-r«', t » for w t.t. 1 1 T. T.. • compatiV . - 7 - „ defeated ----------- 11,,rul» liotit m em tars of the chnmptoii- Ml and Mrs R. Skinner ol l*oi t- fro m v I m » ii herd, ala«» other Friday night » ith music by Jim the salary of the comity treasurer gau| on # w -eX side plav and For- of ,h. upr.«t,w i...t X , ““ ladles team by the same lirlew l to ««|| A t Ita n k lo a ir field Dterickx Oregon Slate college band, and a reduction of $10 per month L , drove took the b u l l ' o n i t « own • ' '¡rove « tt.ih. 0 score. Die previous week both ' ’'P 1,1,111 " , r * , g rad uat.xl from land were Sunday guests ul the m ile north of ('«duodila Hlvd. on U nion tfnyder home lust The gvgtu is being decorated for m the salary of the treasurer's 3 siorey kicked o f f for Fore*« Grove «,, Hillsboro squads were successful. Hillsboro union high school Ave f ill . P o rtlan d . >» r»"<< U u ‘ National league schedule was »tiilding construction club, spon- Durham fin the U lalrivt of Orett«*n Jolui Risunv of Corvallis vtalu-d the M a tte r of Janiee t'la m le Moot». ana Tigard . u u u n is. legislature asking that the next u u rn u r through the line while fir*1 liown- Britton oa » rev«»« rolled off due to conflict wltli I'sin ,',i bV ibe On-gun Builders' league al the JUn T urner home Saturday. 111 Itan kru p l . N«>. It IU M I In bankrupt« ) G irl Reserves enjoyed a play. rnnniv tiw sn re r receive a i oalarv ¿ r , lIc ‘ . uirvu#n u 'e une " h il to k.Min and , heM i ooh r«vov*r«ii tlie Tluuiksglvlng holiday. All league al HlUu and led by M. M. Kumlg. saiar; HoLschcrs Miss Mary Marquis of Portlund N o live ia lie iid ir liv e n Io all » redliora ■The T ruth About Sleeping Beauty.' •»— Puntfng kept the vis- I ’hel,.’. f u m h l . , . , , .ho H tit.b o r.. i t e . , - leaders m aintained th eir places d u r-p 'ig h school Instructor. spent several duys last week visit­ l Imi on Ih e 2lat day t»f NoveiuLer, A U he left ai « 1 « $125 a month, but no n ors (rom getting into dangerous .«a.i» >ar.t a . ih ptwaented by members ol m e group ^ " . f ^ w a s *ake 111:14. Jamea l laude M oxie of lleavertoi*. mure. Hol- ing tlie wrek although the m argin' Young Milts was elected m aster of ing her cousin. Pearl Dudley. Monday Betty Mayes sang a solo. , Uj 7? „ . , ... ------ ----------- ----------- — —- .>n»r »uniad t.. l)i««tfon. ih«» ban krupt above named, w u, h<* nibtfitfld In tlie Commercial league 1« slim the Washington O range last year, Two groups of Latin III students Laudmg tlie »o rg of tlie county ler Grogan put the Vikings I I I U wher« H in«» fu m b l^ i an,| rwov» duly a«ljudlealed bankrupt . and Ibnl the Birth* flr»l nieetlnu «if hl* credit«»» w ill be presented a Latin play m class school superintendents oince in tough spot by grounding Hoischer's er*'1 Hm«» »Mrt rti»i ¡«ft end fo r tw o yarti» between the four contesting teams, the youngest master In the state. William.« To Mr. mid Mis. John held In Ihe t'm in ty C o u rt Room in U te Results of games in the tw elfth | This year he was re-elected. In mad« tw o more at venter. Tuesday morning. Miss Mary Yoder the conductuig oi 4-H club work. lMint on qw Q rove one-foot line mi * I'holiM ”l Williams of route 2. lli averUm No- ('«»only Court llo u *e at liillalio ro , O re- Storey then punted the (»«11 goinir out o f W tv k _ ___ of play were as follows: i recognition of Ids work In coinmil- is Latin instructor. later sugKested an allotm ent of coach Halverson rushed in Store 28. a daughter. Nancy i -n «»«» the I f l h «lay of Iharember. |*S 4, s t a r t ^ basket- »350 for th » h U'7 c e 'p m itêr?mid' m unedïateiyïhe hw ' - . " ' X i ” . r, Ä Ani,,,'lClUl Hilhi ixwjxsters hoopsters started $350 W to th the e iiupeni< superi’o * r«lent ndent tor lUllsboro Motors nlty agricultural activities, 4-H club vt-mlM-r at tw o p m . at which tim e amid e re d ito » Dolores. ball may a l l e n i i , prove I heir r la lia ^ appoint tall practice this week. Tlie The county purpose and again no action was .v.mulexion of the irame rhaiiimd «u«rd "f.'.r '.»7. »»ids'«s ih'»"fii"i I a- W a l Soda Works 1; Home work and grange work, lie was glv- a tro*l4$e, e»am lne the Itan kru p l, and schedule was made up Tuesday. taken. Cook fumbled Storey « mint and ¿“Y**1' Seore' F.-rwi Grv»» c. Laundry 2. Hillsboro lee I. City en a scholarslup by the state grange Iranaaet *uvh «Hher bu* lumia a * may At,tack bL ' ^ ™ nden ° n Ule ^ u i u n e i ‘ X r - m e i S ^ r “ 'y v X t .... .. f.»ur ...... . 3 t - ' T ‘ 7 “^ °H *UU‘ U no"1 l’“*- Divorce Suit Filed r«»me In» fu re eaid meeting. C onnor Wilma M. Connor vs properly by lU tto G n e M u k n X n s l n d stu- both a county nurse G rovc on hts o » n 45-yard line. A el»r the .„.I * C S a i " n '. t <»««-1 •»'“phy at the Oregon Institute of C laim * m ti« l be preeenlod In form r« Ray C. Connor. by the H a n b ru p t Act am i «worn A n te » ¿ v e until April 1 to place “ „p r^ , tl0? , J n ^ L ® n ^ f , s CCii; iew PIa>’ laler Hilhi took posses- !h"." G.nercial le a g u e -c u rry s 2. Fairway Technology. Napier Willamina Napiri vs »lulred to. ..a .1.® r».urn»«i .h. I,«11 to hi«) 1; OofiloU 2, Safeway 1. tentimi th a t tlie offices could be Owen T. Napier. their orders. Senior rings and puis slon of - the ball and. with the aid I wn h t 1’h .llw * « » h«l,l fo r no train, I High scorers In 11». Pbe a« hedule filw l diaeloam t?6r> no a. . combined was •eia, 9 1.£44 Mil lla b llllle * . 9£<<6.0ate«l (teeember &, I tbi t regon Institute of Teclinology. relief and old age pension work irivanced the hall f i v „ v a r d « i n t - i ¡ h' " i'1'" " - '" 1 f ' r » f 'm t ,1..».. .... o . Wiley's Grocery Is being I IIU H K TO NG UE J r. lU ie re e in ¡dressed the Wednesday assembly made tlie plan unfeasible. Findley tern tn rv ' . Vikin» si. i-hvipa »». thn.».. i..r a American league, 222; Ross Hall Lillian s i Onge. both of Sherwood miHlcl«-»l to iK'iinii «elf M-rvlcc and nani, route 3. November 28. i the topic of "Success T raits coiuended th at the use of a pro- V, 7 tliis J point came " «am .... « , r“n •" re- Y n'nnlclai At came .J the 25-vard k ., .»> failed ' ... -'J3; * « • v Freshman class was responsible lor ba!K,n ofncer 0K reUef work ha f «-naltv U isl n a i r r e d J . o t h e r w is e St 'r''> punted .he .hint . do».. DavU. Laches league, 152. ......... . .... Ki«'< Standings: 4 * assembiy program which con- resui,„ l In a saving to th e county S r e t J mic S tm ^ m ociurwist - . . ... ih e H ilh i 40 and rei u ru n i . j city sisted of a u p dance by Alma Es- in „,1^# fumfe periect game, ¿»tuxig to a fury by flve >-«ni«. -----------------» a pass- Cwh made fiv e yard* at left guard and l.« n U .. . Haynes . - o f . . . .J, ... the back-set, ------ Hilhi launched launcl linger, accompanied on the piano Charles Aiiud.etuii lng attack th a t came withm an l^en w«m over right tavki« for four, c. c »“ of bound« on ihe V ik - n. Motor c o r d u ^ t o Betty Hobbs, business drelimuig th a e efficiency of the ^ X ^ is s " ^ : i i X X l X .„ manager. o n let nau resulted in yg per cent tended lor Sanisel tn tlie end zone f°ur mom i.mton fumbled .n the Safoway i Pleas of all of persons indicted entering - — bur . h ip ban waa r.n hioi, fn» «t»m - H«hl.«» neit p '1»' s«'»«<-i reeovenfd fo r 1 CoeliHt» ehaS? «ho hid Cr.«. ° / f guilty. h1'! ' Oscar b ^ e t Hagg. H T .n in n t r e r - 1 . tO b r U lg U d o w n * ° « ' iOr a ****• " . n r li. / l e f t . . . h l . fo r f.« ir E . ir w .v Curry» Annual Senate Dance Friday IS ' •• ... t„ .i,, i,„ » S lash M ade in T a x Levy T h is C ou nty man of t h e budget tonun it t< « .Duruig ¿n v e Holscher turned H< ¡»«-her went throuxh venter fo r N a tio n al i » « u e — pouiit-d out the fact th a t the uc- m a cool headed performance be- * nd then Cook piunued ovar left Hr».-t«»i tivities Oi the office were increased rushed r m v a . m h .ir fp A d in jy i° r ?m r , y , thr<* h»eh» N a tio n al Guard» bv the nrndin.» Lax JUiit an/i rfp- .? 1 a CCttlSWntdJ DUt Xenaing short o f a f i » t down on the tw o-yard Union O il &nd 1 011 WOuW-b® tacklers and waiting line. A w ail »‘f V ik in g « held Cook fo r no Com m N a tio n al Bank (Continued fro m pa«;« one) pi-y «nd Crow _________ __ puiposes is but $845 higher than d ared th a t the services of a quaJ- fur a blue-shirted player to get ified m an were needed. Iuto the cl€Hr ® took i»«w*e**i.»n of the bail, storey. w r * f in 1934. during ses- O utstanding t h e h„ H ...7 ilh i! t " " '. ’ ? '.?w « I I O U th S L l o S f C lU D Question of w hether or not m tax- .......... ..............^ c lu d e O d ther the discussions consideration of the , O utstandu* anlM* ‘ « h n e o n e Hilhi ( X h , ~ payers should ____ be taxed aion “ »Guaed the consideration cf players . was Jim Samsel, one of I..... i'*rr .. w _ u 1 nesriy _a._a.__ a>_ __ to retire LA X nfllTDenL-i nit pfltrn noVTYIArtr Trxr li I V . complete on the . lV -yan l W ork with H o n o r r t ' ^ r i ^ ^ ^ " j ” M .”v ^ . ‘ , ^ bud* « - d , ‘ ^placement of 7 n “i ^ S I « ^ t 't o At Wash. County’s Largest Oept. Store work derzanden of Roy led the success- sh eiy f 5 office, Afte bang-up game on defense a n d iiTL lhr** yard* For»t Grove « ,-P th at count-v Commenting on tlie ful fight to increase estim ated re- 1^ ? b/ ra u ° ? ’ ‘he proved a dependable pas» ivevivvi g i- ’- ,. • dem onstration Pft<,r “» completion ceipte from aalm gugqt faxes to ftnlcn na£* dwindled in at- Orogon. ooioenn kicked ott u> the Eure», cruv« Mills summed up tlie team 's four offset t h e outstanding w o tra n i■ rSBSS««* w approximately 20 U x - d — end, also.»» rrturn*'* ,‘,h« , ba11 hi* years of labor as follows: “ T h e S T item, declaring th at perSms p aying, ^ » .e d in c ie of the best games «£„ h ” « ’ “mbiSi .nd I----- .u b « c n v . complete and then Schulm erieh fa iln l flclent oollections had been made elder of the budge» committee a t- outstanding m the Hilhi line. B ailey.' >-»rd». Cook failed to gain at guard. H o i- to gain on a «-enter im a a k H«»l*vh«r -.hen on delinquent levies during the! tended the session. p. Hines and B ritton starred hi ’eh*r i-«»—! «• ^ ”,-1 in ih * rim uhm , rifle d a ia»*« to Sameel f«>r a f i » t down on the V ik in g 19 and «m the laat play of year to cause a reflection In lower — -------------------- the Vikmg backfield while Storey. th« game threw a pa*a to Samsel in th« taxes. Tail«, Kappel, Hillis and Schram m el p ro v -: .h. Vikins, h» Boyd on the H ilh i ««. •n d i»n e hut the hail waa to«» high fo r the rvc«iver to a n a » . Fin al » c o » : Fo County jnHgp Donald T. Temple- A C11S A iT lH rlC C ed oynam ite to Hilhi gridders. B ritto n picked up ™ yards a t c«n t«r fo r a t i » t down on th« { Grov« 6. H ilh i o. ton explained t h a t theoretically n 1 | „ r> J- 'TP 1« , Forest Grove u r w e gained gained 156 156 yards collections on delinquent t a x e e s , r JrrODIemS r U U lC IIIS KadlO IYHU1O 1 alk a iK trom ‘com scrimmage to io 13» 139 for lor the tne lo- h ” « "m x , ,Tr'd7 “ would exentuallv re u rt n il n u t s t-a n d - a* > cals. However Hilhi had a slight le ft ta r k l« and then M ohr * m e a » d B r it- ( Continued fro m page one) edge On first downs With Six tO ton ior #n eight-yard loaa on an at ing w y ran ts. He stated th a t this the rescue with emergency leg's- its credit F o u r ^ a m e f r o m mZ«.«e« »noihw pbm I would some t time im e a n d declared d e c la r e d lation i o . , « « and „»j „.hich fen ' H ilh i took 1 would take take some and public funds designed 1LS creait. to u r came from passes. Which f«u ¡„complete incom plete »n.i and th a t the item of retirem ent of war- to meet the minimum demands o t i * f ? n e p ia ?’s an<1 o n e a " lh e bal1 on i u ow n 22 rants had been included to pro- unemDloved a penalty. The Vikings *n<1 then H«d«ch«r went through center 5^ tcct the credit of the county and; F ^ u ^ n t of the emergency duty S ^ V o 'a i t e m o t e d " ’^ /gj. prevent the possiole recurrence of < under the SERA Drocram demands » boro attem pted 12 passes, com- caught on a punt a tte m p t and throw n ___ ___ _ ... discounting of county w arrants. ! S e aW enU onof u U ^ T h e s ^ T r tO r a tO U 1 ° f 7 7 y a r d s f " r * - 1* > * , -< O n t h . n e,« « r , he ____ _ *_ W- . ' ° C‘ues- tne speaker »-hue Forest Grove attem pted b u t pun.ed ... m idfield w here A lien hr. ught I » W Matte, of the am ount to be al- declared. A city council which does jWo one beinc comnlete fnr th* th* baI1 ba*'*1 *- Britton made .wo | lowed for old age pensions aroused not exert its energies and even t o u c h n o w n “f n d t h . n th 2 e cen,er " ii” ,h'" another serious difference of opin- stretch its resources to take ad- fainJ^ r.i «rand t*le ° “ ler ! hr* % * ' J ' Z ' J tack ’ H *"— ,h ' n puntoii ion. Q ~B Snyder of Forest Grove vantage of th e two-fold program of m r e r e l p ^ ° T ^ G r o °e K < T s £ c ^ l, f f ? ^ . I surprised the meeting by propos- relief through public improvements r i m e s r e r o v e r . n o t h r e e w h i l e „ ¡ih . ,or ■ y“ri‘ »n'1 ,he" Hoiwher t.un.ei «.t , ing an increase in the budgeted is neglecting its duties to those f,,n,nie,i t h - i t e. HlUu 2f_.boundt o“ hi* Ph' lp" fun,‘ f 000 t ? o * O k a “ n ~d d to oennle and pot,- bled the ball stripe was O r o . m V S “ lg '0?? ° .-W 0 1 0 UOh 00; w h o need w W o O r rk “ > t th he p e o p le UniOled s e s s io n o tlirCC i t h e times ,^ 1 h lost u C ? « e o v « on w g the by next H ilh i play on t and h . SS-ynrd declaring it to be th e taxpayers wluch it serves. McGee contended. first h a ,f of th e fr„p r.ttemon knifed vOv - «) ‘ J '” ’ ” GroKsn REL ” R T I. ---- Pœ chka ........... RGL G oetter C t lU lH for a personal property tax collec-: open air recreation centers, Coslvtt LO B Schram m el tor was unsuccessful. Vanderzan- Problems confronting cit W underlich LTR Nordgren Samuel ............. L E R ...... ------ Sager o r bet 0 tlailey ing the collector be taken from the Luous and expanding. McGee point- T Cook ................. R H L .... P k i" Patt«r»on __— LHR i, help” Holscher _ r o, . , . UrXtton . forectosure __ . . <4 - ----- , adm inistration in addition -------— to ----------< R i_ . »»i-tauttona: , ttr _ Stunkard fo r G oct- in ------ the _ col- dailv J . ' t-r Hllhl 0,1__J , - proceedings __ a Kira ti,r leering of delinquent taxes. The ' and routine problems of council c ,» ™ , J win u £5' Nash 4-door Sedan Ford Coupe 2 Ford Roadsters Erskine Coupe - . .„ o th e r fro m H o iw h er i t *93? i° one yard and then Grogan grounded h“ Hoi lâcher*« punt on the V ik in g one-foot game season season w w i ith victories, «ame th t three h r e e tn e tm -ie « , - deÁeaai and three “> » S Ä tT U - o S ? ÍS. ':hePrUenlc“ Î r 1- r ^ ^ it* 1 j w .,,! n .r R b . ran up 99 points . fum bled the ball and Schram m el reeov- W hlte s 9 h K? yards Hi|hi uneuPs - f the H ilh i 42 Co«*, on a reverse made «even yard*. M.n the law other im portant phase of city m an- so th a t fees derived from inspec- declared. Consider- turn would be turned over to th e able study and planning is neces- counties rath er th a n to th e de- bary to shape the growth of towns partm ent of agriculture. I into cities and to provide parks. Chevrolet Coach oar H o lid ay bags fo r women. A ll styles and colors tk g iv Bought and Sold Royal satins, hand-m ade, pop­ ular w ith customers. 1 9 USED "FASHION CRAFT" T1F.S g l T o y Sale Steel Diggers, T r u c k s , Wagons, Pedal Cars, Scooters, Etc. Big values mi sale $ « .00 Each 26c M an y other items specially priced fo r F rid a y and S aturday. These prices good Dec. 7 and 8 only. 3 £ £ £ £ palrt In handsome Holiday box for a pairs in same packing, $1.95 Jt ~ In a still sheerer chiffon, 3 pairs lor J3.J5 2 5 c ’K erch iefs F o r men, soft in d iv id u ally boxed. 3 for. finish, 50c G ift K im on as O rien tals th a t are always acceptable and service­ able. Black and $ « .98 c o lo rs ......................... 1 S ale Jew elry And trinkets. L ittle gifts fo r less a t W eil's. Choice