Thursday, Novem ber 29, 1934 THE H IL L S B O R O ARGU S, H IL L S B O R O , OREGON Page Nine N O T H F O F H H F K IF F 'H H A I.F H IIF M IF F 'H HAI.F. N O T H F (»F H H F K IF F 'H HALF. O N mann Miss Clertrude Needham and , HANNAH CAKI.SON Al LKN Notice la b«’raby given that hy virtue Notice 1» hereby given, that hy virtue F O H F i LO H I MF. Walter Henry. off an Execution, Judgm ent, O rder, b e ­ >f an Execution. O rder and beeree of BEAVERTON-M rs. Hannah Carl­ Notice ia InTuLy given th at by virtue en-«* mn| O rd er off Hale tanned out off and tale, issued «/ut of and under the »«el Hillsboro grade schools were 100 of un E »iw uiton, Deere« am i O rder uff under the »eal of the C irc u it C«*urt of »unty of Washington, thia year. died at her home near here No­ • »f lite U in u it ( our l of the Htata off O re ­ nty, on the «il «I day o f October, 1934, I date«! the 40t.h day of October, 1934, In ( Uwaiflrd Column* Clow at 12 e'clock Wrdnrad.ty Noon gon, for Washington < m inty on the 31al in a cause therein The grade schools are now an- vember 21. She was born In Swed­ which favor of M a rija n Petrirevieh, p la in tiff, pending day of October. 1934, upon a Judgm ent M a ry ... i joying a Ttianksgivtng vacation. en on March 8, 1860, and came Harnuel ami agalnat John Yurkovlch. generally W iliera la p la in tiff am i lit-« raa mad« ami entered therein on A r th u r H leinke am i H a ttie H leinke, hu»- known as L illie Jouh Yurkovirh, John . . . . . . A Itl A IH MAIIKLT WITII .. „ School will take up again Monday. 27. CATTI»»: the H a t day of October, 1911. In favor hand and w ife, W. J. Feldt and Pearl Yurkovlch. generally known ax Big John M ost A ttr a c tiv e Room P la n The contest lor "The Most At- to tlito country 52 years ago. She U lti KBMHLTM AT I G l i n i N f i h V < <>w f rustían I . of («m rad A Igea het m er and A n n ie Alge- M Feldt, husband and w ife, and Liquids * lit tu Ir Ita hall J J an h u ary Yurkovlch, and L ittle John Yurkovlch aa tractive Hoorn" has created con­ had lived near Beaverton for 32 I hInh teat I. ■ beimer, p la in tiff» , and aginat II. I.. tore, a corporation, are defem lants, In A d m inistrator of the Estate off Hteve A New ma ti. fflr>4 Ito LITTIJC COHT A ttra c ts M uch In terest siderable enthusiasm in all three years. She married Mr. Nelson last «ani off Golff 4 1 p J olili I lorvm e Johnston, A lk e lla m l- favor off the pia . t i f f and agalnat ’ he de Yurkovn-h. decease«!, defendants, for the ______ schools. Winning room in each Febmary A sister, Mrs. Hilda 811- the aunt of 36,000.00 to- urn of 113.30 M a t and the fu rth e r »urn J I II H E Y <«tw ffimh M u iih , b alla r livuit luy, J <’ . Parm lvy, Hally M. Parm ley. G. fandania tn A Cobb, M ary M C«4»L, C u rtia D W a r­ Kirai lasoriloa. p«c w ord le g el her w ith I m erest thereon frorn the >f I'.I.bbii.Wt w ith Interest thereon fr«»m> May, l i f t T. Kb luna. Ilo« 1175. H i I. verspare of Portland, also survives. ner am i L o retta W arner, defendants, 13th «lay of Heptemlter, 1931, a t the rate the 1st day of January, 1931, at the |N o servire laaa ih a a 11«) Forra! (ir.«ve. 4 lp wherein a Judgment wa« rendered in m o n th T h e rn,St Funeral services were held Fri­ •f 1% per annum and the fu rth e r sura rate off 7 per cent per annum , and ffor during the past week. At the Peter >hc r(x,nLS Katfh addit binai In a a r i l o a. p a r (JIJEK N H E Y Itoli fu i «ala, am i ptirv- favor of p la in tiff» and agalnat the ’ ------ - ■*» off *■>»<> 1360.00 attorney» iic j i «uv» fee» ami the IU« <« M hnr>l ?A Ur« «.w . M elar, III. 2, H a a v e riin i. on Cornali Johnston fo r the f 13,000.00 w ith am i < om inanding me tu make sale «lay of October. 1934. at the rate of 6 W ith ftll i n f e c t i o n Of t h e e a r . A t h o r r v ’«i~ rrvw n • *~r»»u tz4** H m * I ■ with an infection of the ear. At i Kaadara. par lina IOa ruad. ________ 41 iff Interest thereon at th« rate of seven per of Ute follow ing deecrthed reel property per cent per annum , to rne directed and t lj^ I la V ld H i l l W-1 if Mil Rj-ru u- h»hri x» J , V (-*«**«a xJU i m.riOOl, — ---------—--------- ----------------- ------------------ (N o Barrica laaa Ib a n M e i I- Kh.HII « <>w w ith calf ff»< «ala Mr» < enl per annum «lm < the 2«th day of situ ate in W ashington (o u n ty , Orag<"*. «lellvared, curnmanding me to make «ale . . . f r fir , »Me /A H e iso \ iwx n t ^ iA .s Johnson S room, Junior IQ YOUR COMP! FXIOM the fu rth e r aura of M utiliti 11 iipvu>i'Kh « .O o l. 7A2. Mrs. Sim on» room; 10 C ouat Worda Hand M««nay M ouiitalm lala alora Titona N o rth Plain« j 3-6o ,,u attorney's am i ffor plain- ing at a point 10 feet east C ounl Y o ur P ro fila Beginning I have leviwl up«m and pursuant to said n ?L< >IQ' ^ i H U tC n iflO n The N u rs e ry s chool O p e n e d t ttus ills ANO PIMF Nurwry achooi opened mi dUhnraeotents taxed at X2F16. 4 lp llffffa* » • <«•« •itiön. O rder and beeree of Hale. I f/.? ? 1 W eek a t t lt f ' D a v id H i l l BChOOl W i t h ' fro m the % section corner on the Ri ari» Kaoa llaadlugs Noi per- 318.60, iirwrtcd am i delivered, west Iina off H ertim i 12. T 1 H. It. will on Haturday, the 1st >er. 1934, ut the East 3 W. W ill. M ar.. W ashington Coun­ Thona 194)6. <0-2 Hi- . i13*. a ^°. .Pc*11 Hl- At cook. | dy, sallow due to clogged bowels property herein after deacrihed, I »I ty , O ragim , and running thence Caah ah**uld eceumpany Iha ordar. c.A irt iiu .iM In H iii.i, , w -.h ii.M tu r, u , e junior high lx.nald Cady and N lt E Jvtaey fam ily cow C a ll at KMI& take Adlerlka. Just one dose rids have levied upon am i pursuant to the N o rth and p a ia lie l w ith the w ait • ounty. Oregon, at the hour of Urn o .leek Robert ButU from the 6A have Havant h Hl. 4«i-2 commands of aaid Execution, beeree and your s system of pGUOnOUS poUonous W wastes line of said Se< 12 a distance off a m of said day. sell at public sue uTTp? , 4~ . v r f f * f I * 'T ’ IA f y s te m Off M M ('A H H paid fo r g-««!, f rea h oowa and O rder of Hale, I w ill on Monday, the 10.26 chs. ; them e N. H9" 30' E. 87.67 to the h ig h lit bidder for r««h m VUla Thompfion from the J L i l I n i that cause pimples and bad akin O u i off ffalrnaaa lo a ll no Inform a* i «pringara. (,’. Flem ing, 9007 H. F. 3rd «lay of December, 1934, at the hour chs. tu the N W corner off that cer­ hand, ail of the follow ing described real ®B Riid Bill Orogan from the 8A2 The Delta Drutf store.—Adv. lin a oa Ilta e laaa Kl ed p«M« w ill I Unton HC. T o rtla n d . 26tf of ten o'clock A M In the foremton tain 26.0 acre tract. conveyed hy pr The West H a lf of the Southeast ; 1'HK H A L E Fine little home w ith two of Hillsboro, Waahington County, Oregon, (Continued from page 1) , man from Los Angeles, who has II at public auction to the highest orda off (lewis fo r W ashington County, quarter and tlur F^ast quarter off the i bedroom« . newly papered th rougho ut, ANNOUNCEMENT« entered the first grade at the Peter being intercepted at midfield garage, fru it h«m»e, hen h«m«e. large bidder f««r . a»h in hand, all the right, Oregon, said corner being witnessed Northeast quarter off the Southwest Bonded and Insured Carrier by Jack Barr. Interaat, and claim which »aid Boscow school. hy an ash tree H Inches tn «liametx-r quarter of Hec. 86. Township 2 N o rth 4 IIU IH T M A H w ill a«««u be here Come garden sp ara. rl«««a in, |H6<>. IHR» raah. tit la. II. L. Johnatun, klo ran re The Pioneers outgained H llhl by S e r v in g B e a v e r to n . A lo h a , W eed­ 1 «aari rig East fro m said corner a llange 2 West of W illam e tte M eri­ Rosemary Maklnsen, who has now and the rush. We make halam «• | | u p«-r month F. (J. Eagoii, defendants, Johnston, A lira H andley, J C. J'arm ley, distance off 0.02 chs. , thence H. 0 * dian, containing 90 acres more or leea. •B lin g s any tim e Juat phon« us. I nth Thune 901. 4o-1p ville, IHJIthoro, Cornelius and been David Hill 2A, recently moved a three to one margin, making 253 Hally M T arm lay, G A. Gn«r u . loan T h . i « l . r . l lum.1 “ »-I m »!>• County u f W «.hli.i»ton. which hear« H 11* W 0 37 cha. . and said w rit. first grade and second at the David P10™*™ at_ hank now has am ple funds In hornis to S tate of Oregon and m ore p artic u la rly Phone EAst 9131 thence H. 29* W . 1.89 chs. to an Iron Said sale w ill be made subject to re­ Hill school have been making turkey S. RLFAIK WORK IMINE I8' alx beln8 complete for described as follows, lo -w ll. pipe on the went lin e off aaid H u m p h ­ demption as per statute off Oregon. loan to farm ers at <%%■ O ver 61.000,- T H O N E 714 fo r cwtimBloa un new emi Lots H and *>, B»hart*a Subdivision, reys land and on the le ft hank off bated at Hillaboro. Oregon, this H a t brxiklets in art and they used them 98 yards, three being Intercepted 000 has bean loaned tu W ashington rep air Juke. w irin g . plum bing. c««n- as shown hy the duly recurded map for their spelling lesson each day and seven falling Incomplete. Both day off O ct/dw r, 1934. the T u a la tin K iv e r ; thence continu­ R t f f a n i i n » Ly t lia l>ank W r i l a or rrw k e u fi «(raart 411 f Eh harts and w ife b . L . C. la Town» lea« to the center off aaid riv er . thence ton County, Oreg id D e a 6 . 1914. at 10 T h e 7A Class Of the Junior high Halfback Erickson and two hiis-kv , , , M , «.nirth i H, M . auction at . • (ha . a V n H u Land í , 'n t h . C o u n t, Court t h . U w la „ t . h| of O ra- each or eith er off them had on the 7th and required tu praaant them w ith the IS Ht I a. in al . public caring ff<»r rhlldre« a party Wednesday tackles R»o e c a ,,i., “ usay gun. fo r the (o u n ty of W ashington. ,ia y of August. 1929. o r have acquired proper voucher, to the ui.deml.ned nd- school held O ffic e a t K t h : H ilh i (7) (6 ) Oregon C ity Execution, Judgm ent, O rd er and d X T X ' NLAHLY w ardr.4—i tru n k or M 2 I su lijert to the approval of the Secretary signed Daniel Hhaw has been appointed »a l4 REL trail« ■ >f the In te rio r The purchase price w ith ad m inistrator of the re ta le <»f Julius Hen- Decree. In te re s t, C««U and Accrued Coat, notice, t u -w it : W ith in six months ffrom d e c o r a tio n s u"knrd C .. on. M ayfield , I Ì . I . : , . ' « . . f T - - I m u .. ¿ 7 d - ^ e o - . w lZ - rlMh. < > - u u .llfta d A ll peno.n. When you go to California, try n a y I >e<« m a n i n « > « *• ___ h a v in g c la im s s a ir a in s t aaid s a id c a t a t e are a re h e re - I» . LGR --------- having claim agalnat estate here­ toastmlstress. Douglas Seymour S?-1*!' H olliday Dated this la t day off Novem ber, 1934. 2i« t d a , of November, lvs«. purrhase is aw anied hy the Itegtster the (rain I Big changes have taken S T O V E K gasoline engine, a h p . g«»»»l ' LTR by m Hlflcd to prawent the same, duly ldw ard lee R ichmond , Admini»- gaVe a reading entitled. "Poor Chris- lch J W C O N N E L L . S h e riff of W ashing- Ray how * » (M tn l-.llr r H e ll I ce rtific a te off sale w ill not ■>»«.« t « . . . „ ---- • —z=------ ------------------- - I Hamsel - u n d llio n ; 4-h« to r of the Eatate of M a rtin Hawkina. topher;" a stunt, “Sleight of Hand," LER place on our rads. Pullman Krueger ---------- c?Z i.r aratn F r a n k f u n .i l t h . p u r.h a .e r h a . compBe.1 fu lly \ r r , i ‘* ’1 • , B" , by, ,r ~A' to. lh * 7 n' t«»n County. Oregon. H are, M cA lag r A tra ------- I Torbet or tra d e ff«r J 1* L. i'atteraon. Attorney Q .......... ....... T a y lo r charges are a third less than L , i'.r m ic L t.,., « ’ 1.1 w ith . . I d r « , i l . l l o „ . , C lr c o l.r 1200. . . 1113 i” rvic? »'« *« • J * « « . , A t t o r n . , , f o , P U ln tlff . »7-11 Daraaaad. was carried out by James Allison, Cook fur A dm inistrator. Hetnlker. Kt J. . . . . M r m l ., « . ., «0- 0 RHL lh< r „ ..l r „ , Portland, O rnron, w ith in .1 , m o n th , fro m ----- ----- --------------------------------------------------------------- ......... Erieiuum he exe«*utii last year. Rad fares are touching ___i Jack Goodman, and Raymond Es- ! Holoeher IlA L E b bay f««r «ale. and w lll »eli or LHR -------- W heeling and I m iiu J retjulrvd thereunder The m«»ney the date hereof. S I M M O N S bottom it mde and leas. linger. A group of children gave K»hi merer trade »«nel plga and feeder» f o r i <|e|HHiit««l w ill l»e returned iff sale is h«X ■ ?'"* ,n 7 ‘ . ‘ ’ '‘ '■ ' m '!“ 1. N ' In ih a C irc u it Court o f t h . S la t , of O ra- N O T IC E O F F IN A L ACCOUNT .... Baker H iih i substitutions : Complete meals in our dining g raln . putatuaa. w««>d. fa rm machinery. s|ipn»ve«i. In the County Court of the State of Ore- a comical dramatization of “The i p ■ub*t,tullo7* ■ A. W ahner. Rice, «»thorwlse patent w ill issue 1934. D ate off last publication December yon, fo r W ashington County. 1. old C la tra * trarU»r. Ford. 20, 1934. M ohr. SchuL yon. ffor the cars cost as little as 80«. For de- County of Washington. Landing of the Pilgrims.” A n n a! ? ° nA u rr Go* ter- ffor the tim ber, which must he removed John H M cLeod and L an a McLeod, hus­ D A N IE L H H A W . A d m in istra to r. In la n d J ,,h i,. urn. Hb»rw ..>l ' • ' I w ith in 10 r w o H id . w ill be rwcelvod Bronleewe. In the M a tte r o f t h e Estate uf W Hiiam Webb le d the class in singing. aX t?t™ band and w ife , P la in tiffs , lads, see your local agent or Il Shaw, Attorney. • ’(^ •titu tio n s : Barnum , 4 0-4 R. Tucker, «iereased. I' ii K S A L E u r in u le anything I ran use, j fr«»m r ltlie n s off the U n ited States, Teachers attending were Superin- ■ straip h t and cnid write J. A. Ormandy, 705 Pacific Notice is hereby given th at the under- months I lati««na off such citisene, and r««rporall<»na W h ite G iant puliate, L“B7 w i'S * tendem Norter.-Miss Rowena Watt Lob, .NO TH K TO < « E D IT O R S Building, Portland, Oregon. tori beast * ryanised under lite iaw« " f the Unitevi 11 A I Mi miles Bennett. M a rie L a U a r r Bennett, L a vena / ' f 'Y*. ‘* m «^* tu c k e r, de- Cornelio» I « •• State«, or any S tate Terrlt.«ry «»r D i» - ( In thè County C o urt off thè State off O re ­ Waat U n Urn Em m a D .m m irk , F ran k D im m lck. M a ria fU -1 h - fin a l arem m t in tha ■— u to ma diracud and dahvarad r a n - --------- -------------------------- , 41 (rie t thereof <»nly. Upon application of ; gon, ffor County off W ashington. P ro ­ road. ba te D epartm ent. W ru d lt, f r a n k A n lh o n , Bennett, B « i a ,V JUrt u f O ra«<’n mandinM me to make m W of the real A s k your attorney to send yOUT alifle d purchaser, the tim b er on Nutice la he rei» y given that thè under- Vt A S H IN G eiachine engine t«> trade for any Bennett, B e r ,l Bannatt, tha unknow n fu r >h» C o u n t, of Waah.nMton. and that p ro p a rt, heratnafter deaenbad. I have legal advertising to the ArgUS. legal s u ìm B v ì s ì « h i w ill l»e offered . ennett, deeaaaad, the . ?? .n AJ.M..«u oa • the i,— . •» tn a and n d r purauant a i i M i i a n t »w mm .. . a .aaaua». h a ir, of B o r,I B Monday 3rd < d 1 a ... , ..a of T» D « e m b L « -. le « t ted iiiw upon to M id mw everu- ‘ 4 e le rlrU motor radio. »luHgun or separately l«efore being Included in any »ignvd has l«ern appointed E xecutrix of unknown h e in o f W tllia m H . Bennatt. >»?•• • ’ tb< <* A. M of ‘ ‘»n. order, and d o rr«, of an e J w ill on ehat J H Aten. Ut I. Beaverton o ffe r of a larger unit. T I S . R. 6 E .. the estate of E rick Hundherg. deceased. d o - . a l , tha unknow n h e ir, of M a r , J»*'1 ’**>'■ • ' lh - C«>un Houae. in H i l l. - * ! » ’ «•• d«V •« Dacemlmr. 1»J4. a t the I ’ hone H,ubl.‘c . * ^ ti»7 *ho. bi« h“ t bid- 26. N W 1« N W , yellow f ir present seme tu me at the office off my HOW and lit t e r . Ilo b te in cow, heavy 12 W parties claim in g any r in- tv rm t in tha real p n .p a r t , haratn d r J ' “ « , u l f >™' puhlieation November 1. d -r for c « h m hand a ll of the follow ina ) p u lle t s . I 1 .6 6 0 M heml<«-k 626 M. none off the atto rn ey. K« m » u » 2I7-21R, Masonic B uild- m ilker, frw h e n Jan uary 7 ; scribed D I>efen.lsnts 1M 4- B ate of last publication N'ovemuer desenbed real property, lying, being, and he aoi«l ing, Oregivn C ity. Oregon, w ith vouchors nuise i lim b e r «>n »«! f«»r less than 92 ot» per M fo r the yel W IL L IA M C. T U C K E R , Executor off *nd more p artic u larly desen bed as fol- low f ir 91 (Ml i * r M fo r the red cedar. the date hereof. W a lte r Bennett. M a rie L a B s ir Ben- K A K E « hanre t o < •» « » R e le ig h U u sin ee« Dated and firs t published Novem ber 16, I »er M fo r the hemlock and n r .t. F ra n k A n tb u n , Bynnatt. B — w ¡ Phone 471 Y fo » c o n f . » ran ce 4iP : & cents each for the red cedar poles A ll off Lots 6 and 7. Block 1, W illia m L. Harrison. A ttorney 1934. Beitnett. M a n e W r g h t , Beryl Bennett, Hocken's Third Addition to Beaver­ the unknow n heirs of Beryl l«*UJ f ” r *'-**culwr- H I® Porter Bldg Last publication December 13, 1934. T o rt- , KO Y Methodist church building. >ux60 T U N , It 6 W . Sec 29. H W % HW ton. as shown in W ashington Coun­ E T H E L L IN G E R S O L L . E x ecu trix of 37-41 de.eased, the unknow n heirs off W illia m land- U r< o n ' f i r 1.67d M . none o f the lim iter feet. fo r aale Rev Charles Kee«l. 1 >'•! ty Records at Hillsboro. Oregon, subdivision to l»e ««»Id fo r I«*» tDu K a lal« of Erick Hundherg. Deceased. HtllalM.n* Photte 3163 39-41 H Bennett, d e r a te d , the unknow n to satisfy the hereinbefore named sums than 91-76 per M J N •• »-I Lrei R s m 817-119 M a- .s .ta o r —. . r w W ill idaiikMr ’ Han 917 6 T . 19 S . K. 7 W . I S H E R IF F 'S S A L E heirs off M a ry Spalding Bennett, de­ t F IIA It fence p given, th a t hy virtue 15. CARS AN1> TIKKN • sold f««r leas than 9 1 60 per M fu the pr«»perty herein deecrihed. Defendants. gon. fo r the County of W ashington, dated Dated at H ilbboro. Oregon, this 26th I red d r and 91.00 |»er M f«»r (he < >f an Execution, O rd er and Decree uf he dearaal>v : I _— a _ . ■ .. . . f f . . . fv va tun N26I ___ ____ _____________<£ ton County. Oregon. P. Patterson. ffor P la in tiff. 41-6 1 N O T H K O F E X E C U T O R 'S HA M F.A I. P R O P E R T Y IC E O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T No. 4094 County Court off the State off O re- i> - p a r ts ff«» l'» ’ H illsboro A uto In the County Court «»ff the State I I-«dith V io la llenefiei. ,.f hia w ife, defend 109- W ashington County. gon, for the County <»f W ashington »13 ,-.-t and 1"™ ''.°" , f" u r . , » « * • i r >™ <»n you. the date off the fir« t a.._ . k - a__ ___ ___ .a «... illness Takes Toll Schools Classified Advertising ''UMrLtAIUN BLOTCHY AND PIMPLY? I PJtTl Oregon City Eleven Hillsboro Auto Freight 1. TRY THE TRAIN Legal Notices people. ; J , --- -----------. TO CALIFORNIA .4 2« l S o u th e r n l ^ d f i c — BUY OREGON PRODUCTS — We Are An Oregon Manufacturer POULTRYMEN production and better quality eggs FEED IMPERIAL EGG MASH. Our prices are lower the quality is better. Our m anufacturer to consumer policy saves you the dealer profit. Milk Egg Mash— Sack ................................. $2.05 Im perial Egg M ash— Sack .......................... 2.00 Big-Lay Egg M ash— Sack .............................. 1.90 MWi MW We buy und Kell used cars. I vt ti ( nr Exi tuinge. IRtf DAIRYMEN Now you can afford to sell your grain and buy a balanced dairy ration. You can feed less feed with a balanced dairy ration for the same am ount of milk than you can when feeding ground grains. Im perial Dairy, 18% protein— Ton .......... $35.00 Cow Ration, 1 6% % protein— Ton .......... 31.00 Molasses Dairy, 15% protein— Ton .......... 28.00 WE buy and «ell used cars. — M ackenzie Motor Co. U l U ) auto parts, second hand f a r m m achinery, stock tra ile rs , for ren t or sale,-- 1260 H e c n d HL 9 tf 18. FUEL hlkfb t« w l D IE S E L O I L Fuel O il ln«l«spendent Tenth Bt Phone 1962 ( T FLOUR SPECIAL l¡I..(..< ’ .Herv ice. N36 97-43 ORBIS HARDW HEAT FLOUR Sack PAY CASH AND SAVE _ TRADE W ITH IMPERIAL 6 per cent per annum from the of real propnrty. lying , being and situate Dated thia 16th day off Nuvcmher, 1934. P O U R -fo o t dry oak wood, 96.60; » * » * 1 hip 2 H Range I W. <»f the W ill­ 19th day of November. 1934. to me di- in W ashington County. Oregon, to -w lt l*ef«>re delivery 9 1 . - Phone 2033. 29tff i i^i _ . . ‘ ’ rtiviv»rw ANTON « K [ E . n RO un W o S M K I. , A d m inistrator or of ............................................................... M ft j am ette M eridian, described a» t»egin­ rected and delivered, commanding me tu ! . . , - « . ,tr j , ................................................... P a rt o f th e Law rence H a ll aiui ning l0 6n rods W and 193.12 f t N d E A H O N M J oak and country slab wood w ife D onation I>and C laim No. 43. of the corner c«»mm<»n to Section« Hawed any length before delivery. In ­ ." n t* K S T ip J r T n d n ..M . . . . ¡ j v and Administrator, and of Sections 4 and 9, in Tow n­ 2o. 21, 2k and 29 in «aid Tow nship side block wood T ru m a n ll<*yd, 661 purvuan. to said Execution, O rder and ship 1 South. Range 1 West of the and R ange, running thence W . 67 N in th Bt. Phone Mi Ils I »on» X"S>. 14if Decree of Sale. I w ill on Munday, the pa « v— -w- r W illa m e tte M erid ian , w ith in W ash­ rods and I I ' » f t ; thence N 4 rod», F IR S T class w<»o«i ffor sale F tr. oak and ington County. Oregon ; Beginning at and I I ft. . thence E. 67 rod« and ash. Ila y Delaman. Phone Hillsboro d t» c r off t h e Court _____ ___ . . . a stone on the west boundary of I l l g f t . ; thence B. 4 rods, and 11 ft. <8tf W aahington County. Oregon, at the hour Catherine Kester to A A. C anfield et Phone 81 County Road No. 993, which ia reach­ tu the place of beginning con tain­ Millers of Quality Feeds O IK H E l. and fuel oil. George L. Mend ° f ten « clock A. M. of said day. aell a t ' ux. Lot 14 Evelyn Gardens, South Second Kt. ed by ru n n in g fro m the southwest ing tw o acre« more o r ie»s t«»ge(her neks, fuel oil dealer. Forest Gruva public auction tu' the highest bidder for Waahington Savings A Loan corner off «aid D onation Land Claim w lht the road off public eaxement tu cash in hand, all of the follow ing de- tion to Mora A. Roberta, part L o t 3 Mum 848J. ** the public highw ay and also that w ith the south boundary thereof south •crihed real property, lying, being and Block 2 Hum phrey'• A ddition. H ilbboro. 69 «leg. east 4300 feet, and thence certain onion h«»uae which ia situate»! situate in W aahington County. Oregon. J W. Connell (S heriff» to Waahington north 23 deg. 40' ( b a t H6S feet io 19. NKEDS—PLANTS up«»n a tra c t off land lying W««t off * nreg«»n. L in e of Section 10. Township 2 South G reek. Iris h A rbor vita e; G«»ldapot. 20 acres Section 22 T1S R2W . tra c t owned by B ert M ille r, and run­ Bald «ale w il, he made subject to the of Range 1 W eal of the W illam ette H u x w is m I Bunlettc N ursery, (Irene«« p M a ir A. Dano to J. C. Parm ley. part ning thence north 60 deg. 20' West con firm ation o f the above entltlnd Court M eridian, 16 chain« S 89* 38’ West Pyram idal ; also English Lau rel and , Sections 21 and 28 T l S R lW l l » l a . l t h i . 2llth ,1», Of N o to o ila r. lv .il 1679 feet along the n«»rth line off aaid fn x n the Q uarter section corner on Ft»R B A L E IG ilheart straw b erry plants. D a le «»ff first publication November — Bert M ille r tra c t and along the the • N o rth line off said Section 10 1». Ilieh ler. Banka, Rt. 2. Box 9 2 . I» .H ■ - D ata of - l u t Section 10 T2S R lW . publication llacam - north lin e off a tra c t o f 10 acres and running thence South 0 * 18' W . R. Zum w alt et ux to Jay Mc­ 4 mile« no rth of M«»unlalndale 41-2p her 20, 1934 owned by A n n a Young and along the W’est 10 chains; thence S. 90* 2 Combs et ux. 80 acres Section 22 T 3 N S H R U B .Hale I ’ lant now. fru it «nd nut F R E D B. W ,L I.1 A M . Executor off the north line off a 15-acre tra ct owned We«t 663.68 feet to a stake on the R3W . trees I ’lent det»en«lahle tree« w ith con­ IS ta te of John C Young, deceased by M elanie E. In g lis to an iron pipe F. S. East boundary line of t h e J o h n First N ational Bank off Forest Grove fidence. M«Hx liras. Nurseries, «ales Sever. A ttorney fo r Executor. set on the north side off a large 40.4 Huslagea la n d , thence N o rth O' 6’ to Fran k lin J. Lewis, part Block 9 For­ yard and «»fffire at Reed v illa .______ stone, which point is fu rth e r de­ E. 10.03 chains to N o rth line off Sec­ est Grove. scribed as being the northwest cor­ R E t L E A N E D cheat «eod ffor sale. Phone N O T H K T O ( K K D IT O R H tion 10; thence N o rth 89* 38’ E. 10.12 Thomas W ith y combe et ux to W illiam 1 ner off said M ela n ie E. In glis tra ct Beaverton *71» 4 i t f In the County Court off the Htate of O re- s(®vr: 1 bedstead and spriner«ons h a v i n g Dated at H ilbboro. Oregon, thia 21st 24 73 acree Section 26 L.«? T lS i R2W In tha M a tta r of tha E atate o f ChgrUa 25' East 810.8 feet to the intersec­ R H O D O D E N D R O N .^ , cam ellia«. aaaleaa. claim « against «mill estate are hereby day of November, 1914. Agnes M cllvaine to Jenette ------ V. - M ille ....... r. duster: m allet; oil can; slider T bevel squarr; combination square- 5- Caraltl T u rn e r. Dereaaatl tion of this line w ith the southweat and required to preeent the Daphne O dom , rock Daphne, heather, notified J W . C O N N E L L , .sheriff of W ashing­ n e* ..1 ‘ nd 1 WS O< ’ BI“Ck 10 c °r Notice ia hereby given th a t the untlar- t 0’ * 2’ foot ™1*‘: ** st,rI bits! 7 wood b it s ~ 11 wood boundary of the land f«»rmeriy owned and m any «»(her ch«»lce shrubs Also «arne. («»gether w ith proper voucher« ton County. Oregon. Geo. W Joseph. ■ igna.1, aa F.aerulor o f the Fatate o f by M. 8. Barnes, and w hich point chisels; 4 wing dividers: 1 rivet set; 1 chain driU; 2 oil stones- 3 nee«. sha«le tree«, f r u it tree«, figs. F il­ therefor to the undersigned at the off- Attorney fo r P la in tiff. Yeon Building. L . C. M elqulst to H ow ard Rice et m I . .a (¡»raid T u rn e r, daeeaaad. haa filed is in the center off County Road; berts, w alnut«, w ine grapes Stout 4 fices of G. ItiiHNell M M organ organ in in the Court , hla fin a l account in the County Court wooden gauges; 3 scratch awls; 5 pair pliers; 3 nail sets; 2 s e t s ’ of Portland. Oregon. 40.4 Tract 31 Kennedy Aci thence w ith said southwest boundary N ursery., Oregon, Rt. 4 | llo in e at Hill«bor<>, dat? l h 2 L . f W ,h " " * °.f th<’ ‘St,,1'e " f O n * m - ' " r W aahington and in the center of County Road _______ % -m lle ««»utheuat Orenco. 2 miles north months ffrom the dat_ ['ate m eret.r, ___ | ( »atnty, and that Monday, the lo th day N O T IC E O F HEAR.'W.« south 36 deg. 08' East 1316.9 feet ; 39tff Dated thi« 26th day off November. 1931 In the C ircu it Court of the State of Ore- of December, 19S4. at the hour of ten thence south 40 deg. 37' west 290 feet G RUSSELL M O R G A N . Executor of gon. fo r the County of Washington. to the southwest corner of a tract the Last W ill and Testam ent off «aid o'clock In the forenoon o f aaid day and Ed Moyer and Herbert Cam berg, P lain ­ tha Court Room of ,a id C o urt haa been HAY AND FEKI) 20. o f land owned by E. A. Stevens; Deceased. 41-6 tiffs . appointed hy said C o urt aa the tim e and thence south 43 deg. 68' Es«t 261 apron; 1 duck apron; 1 grass hook: 1 wheelbarrow; 1 18-inch alane 1 out and vetch hay and lixse It A l l i t vs. place fo r tha hearing t.f objectio n, there­ feet to a pipe at the most southern 10-inch plane. ’ Ray Dalamatt, G aribaldi Ave a lfa lfa R E P O R T O F A F F IL IA T E O F A Sherm an M ill Company. Defendant. to and the aettlam ant thereof. corner o f the land owned by School 4<>tff Phone 2107. N A T IO N A L R A N K T o all creditors and a ll other persons Dated and flr a t published Novem ber 8. D is tric t Not 67 on west boundary of M ade in com pliance w ith the require­ 1934. D ate of last publication December having or claim ing an interest in Sher­ «aid County Road No. 993; thence ment« of the B anking Act of 1933. 6, 193« man M ill Company and or in the dis­ FARM PROIillCF. tl. south 23 deg. 61' West w ith said W A L T E R G E O H O E T U R N E R . Eugene, Report a« off <)rt«»her 17. 1934. of H ill« - trib u tio n o f its assets: h«»undary off said n»ad 688.3 feet to I»er Franq uette w alnut» l2M|e G OO D boro Comm ercial B ank. H ilb b o ro , O re­ C. Libby, A tto rn ey. 71S O regonian B ld g .,, N o tice is hereby given th at the Hon­ the place off beginning, containing W H Hahn, Hank». Rt. 2 ; noti lid gon, which, um ler the term« off the orable George R Bagley, Judge of the Portland. Oregon. 38-42 i 42.26 acres ; 40tf 1% miles west M ounlsindsle J. J. W in n e r , C ler k Banking Act off 193.3, ia affiliate«! w ith and f«»rever b a rrin g an d precluding you, C ircu it C o urt of the State of Oregon, The Comm ercial N a tional Bank of llill« - fo r the N ineteenth Judicial D istrict, w ill, N O T IC E O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T and each off you, and all persons claim - i»oro. H ilb b o ro , Oregon. C h arter No. 9917; In the County Court of the S tate of O re ­ it*K hy, through or under you. and each in the C irc u it Court Room of the Wash­ FARM MACHINERY 22. Fci'crtl! lU aerve D lx tric t No. 12. gon, ffor W aahington County. off you fro m claim in g or atte m p ting to ington County Court House, at 9 o'clock G O O D -o perator. 6(10-Iha.. at December ‘ l Function n r typ« off buaineen : State In the M a tte r o f the Ffetate off A lb ert claim , or a««erting or atte m p tin g to asert er> nearly now, fto- sale. R. A. Dean, Bank F. G ritxm acher, Deceased. . rig h t, t itle o r Interest ______________ In proceaa off liquidation. any in o r to said tc rtn in r any and all w ritlan objections, ¡ t v a s a i T U . I l s t c h e a i l P r f p p d a ! l/j'm lld 17*61 W itch Hasel school. tip K ? \ 1 L U V a p e i le B U S . Notice i« hereby given th at the under- j reel property o r any p a rt thereof ad- which may ba riled said tim e. V- ~ M anner in which above-named organ iza­ I t 2(1 Case tra c to r fo r sale, plowed leae tion is a ffilia te ii w ith national hank, nigned, duly appointed A d m in is tra trix o f verse to the t itle o r interest of the the Receivers' Report on Claims against . 1 l U l l 8 W nA t WC jTlVC yOU lfl than 60 arraa, value SI200, w ill sell and degree of co n trol: Stockholder« of the above named deceaned, haa filed in | p la in tiffs therein o r thereto, and th at fa r »700: sled »30. -C . A . Heyer. Bos the Comm ercial N a tio n al Bank share the above entitled court and cause her the title off the p la in tiffs in and to «aid N t i v . n t l t . e 1 0*4 d » k .. l u .a . a ' .»-I c a n ' t i a za r ... il 1 6 _ ZX S3 XV 111 L I I - o F 4 1. T T - 1 1 — 1— - _ _ X-S s 26«. T lg a rtl. a litf pro -rata In the stock of the H ilb b o ro fin a l account and report as such and real property be forever quieted against N, 1934 In i n tha » a la w. a r, ftO t o r. A f ' e e - d J , . . , . the court has fixe«l the 21st day of De- (he clairhs and demands of you, and auit. Upon the hearing of »aid Receiver«. . , . Comm ercial Bank. Report, and any objections duly file«! t i l l FI £ OUt t h e t)OSt. Financial relation« w ith bank ; Am ount cemher. 1934. at the hour o f 10 o'clock « M b o f FOB SHEEP—GOATS This Summons is served upon you by thereto, »uch judgm ent and such order 1 on depoait in a ffilia te ii hank. 951.20. A. M of said day and the court room A T M Y place Churchill register«! Hilly, Borrow ing« ffrom a ffilia te d hank, 9*.600.00. of the above entitle»! court In Hillshoro, publication thereof in the H illsboro Argus of paym ent .and distribution w ill be m > ed and entered herein on the 81st day facta p ertaining to the m atter« contained : th at the shove statem ent b true, to fo r the fin a l settlement o f said eatate. In »aid Receivers' Report, Dated this 22nd day o f Novem ber, 1934. off October, 1934. the heat of my knowl»«lge and heligf. M. POULTRY Feed — Sard — Fuultry This notice is publi«hed in the H ills- j H A R E . M c A L E A R A P E T K R 8 . A tto r­ EVA T O T H . A d m in is tra trix of the A L F O J O H N S O N . W A N T E D P o ultry of a l l h in d s . W r i t e boro Argus pursuant to the order of the Sworn to and subscribed before me E state of A lb e rt F. G ritxm acher, De- neys fo r P la in tiffs . Resident Att«»rneys, Phone 3061 W ill r a il or b ring F rid ay. S aturday or c»»a«ed. H are, M cA lear Peter«. A tto r ­ State of O regon. Post O ffic e Address: Honorable George R. Bagley, made and this 17tk day «»ff November, 1984. M onday before noon. Po rtland p ric a a .-- 40-4 Shute Savings Bank Bldg., H ilb b o ro , O re­ entered In «aid cause on November 21, E. I. K U R A T L I. N o tary Public fo r neys fo r A d m in is tra trix . F. R Barden. Cornallna 4 » tf gon. 87-41 1934: The date off firs t puhlieation is Or«qron, reaiding a t H ilbboro, Oregon. Novem ber 22, 1934, and the date of the N O T IC E TO ( ItK D IT O R H M y commianion expires July 14, 1936. 41 «econd, and last, publication is Novem­ N O T IC E OE F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T In the Cuunty Court off the Htate off Ore­ U. PIGS ber 29. 1934. In the County C o urt off the Htate of O re­ gon, fo r W ashington County. N O T IU K O F F I N A L H K T T I.K M K N T s iu iA T S fo r sale M ra J. I) T rarhael. W C. C H R IS T E N S E N a n d AXEL gon, fo r W ashington County. In the M a tte r «»ff the Eatxte off James In the County C o urt off the H tate off O re ­ Ill B eaverton: I " , miles north II Zp E R IC K S O N , Rereivers of Sherman M ill In the M a tte r o f the Estate of M a ria A. M ann. Deceased. gon, ffor W aahington County. I 'O l lT v |0g«. K weeks old. C all a t IL In the M a tte r off the Eatate o f H erm an Company. 40-1 Del, Deceaned. Notice la hereby given, th a t the under­ U lr e n , pain*. M ar • Lehm an p la c e : near Ced a r M i ll.____ M t f Notice ia hereby given, that the under­ signed hna been duly appointed by the J. Luck, Deceased. nauiaa. eniutipalloa, N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F 'S H A LE Notice b hereby given, that the under­ shove entitled C ourt, aa A d m in is tra trix signed Executor off the laat W ill and I i n l l o n and «Iha» i ' Notice is hereby given, that under and Testam ent of «aid deceased, has filed in signed, duly appointed A d m in in tra trix off «»ff the Estate of said deceased, and ha« 28. HORSES Mb dlvordara the above entitled C o urt and cause, his hy v irtu e of an execution, order and the above trained decemted, haa filed in duly qualified 95 ••»«•>» la h yp « W A N T E D Good learn, between 1200 sod I he above entitled court and cause her Now ther- iore. all perao»*.*' having claim« fin a l account and report as such, and decree o f »ale issued out of and under m M II Court off ths l«IIO lbs., tor fowl fo r w in ter w ith fin a l account and retiort aa such, nd again«» «aid eatate are h a i > y notified the Court ha« fixed and appointed the the seal off the C ircuit fo r the County of p rivilege of buying. Charles Robinson. the court has fixed (he 3rd day o f Decem­ and rer trade (or w««««», interest thereon at the rate of 7 per 1 « , (a « n d « a l l a i . cow«, hay, o r g rain. Ray Ddam an, «4tJections to said fin a l account, and fo r gon, w ith in aix month» fro m the date fin a l account and fo r the fin a l settle­ cent per annum from the 1st day off A I N I R D 'S T A B U T! haraoff. m ent o f said estate. G aribaldi Ave. Phone 21117 3"'« the fin a l «ettleinent of «aid eatate. ffor the further Dated this 17th day off N«»vember, 1934. December, 1933, and Dated this 8th day off November, 1934. bava halpod atbera Wk>a*«y*aT Dated this 1st day of November, 1984 O R C H A Itb b i,w k ." and logging u«»««*». sum off 3180.00, attorney feaa, w ith In ­ A U G U S T IT E L , Executor off the last roa » a l i a t ' J E S S IE M W IT H Y C O M R K . A d m in istra­ K A T IE L U C K . A d m in is tra trix of the 1200 to 1600 Iha., 4 to 10 year» «’Id. and Testam ent off said deceased. terest thereon at the rate off 6 per cent Riggs' Hf (»here Pharmacy o f the Estate off «aid Deceased. H are, W ill ninglca and malch©«l teams F. W. Kstate off Herm an J. Luck, Deceased trix Hilhbon», Oregon M cA lear A Peters, A ttorneys fo r Adm in- Hare, M cA lear A Peters, Attorneys ffor per annum from the 19th day off Novem­ H. A . K u r a tli, A u c tio n e e r J. W i.m e r, C lerk W alch, K L 6. H illa lx iro ; 1600 feet H are, M cA lear A Peters, A ttorneys for Executor. 4’ of tl>e Estate of J. R. Stevenson a t my home at 1927 Oak Street, Hillsboro, at 1 P. M. Sharp Monday, December 10th HOGQEN-BREWSTER Term s; Cash J. C. MAY, Are the leaders among man­ ufacturers of high quality H. A. Kur&tli, Auctioneer feeds. High average egg ________________________ production, better quality j mb'h's'r ’»"d'd.k eggs and iow flock mortal- Administrator P U B L IC S A L E H-D Egg Producer. Y ou'■ » ill »ell «t public auction a t the W. J s tu n k .r d place any- one block west of the Hillsboro Condenser UL____ W EDNESDAY, DECEMBER 12th Farmers’ Cash Store A WHY SUFFER? (u a t 1 P. M. Team horses about 2600 lbs.; one cow, to freshen in December; four heifers; about 15 tons of h ay ; 5-foot McCormick m ower; reversible disc; 12-inch p lo w 10- inch plow: 7-shovel cultiv ato r; new spike-tooth har’row; one Handy wagon; 3<4 M andt wagon, with grain box- Ford tru c k : 200-gallon ,t„ c k ta n k ; 5 h. p. E cornm , .n i gine; saw tab le; one pole saw for logs, 14-inch diam eter hy .)0 feet long; cream s e p a ra to r; two 10-gallon milk cans; one 5-gallon milk strainer. Will also sell one barn. 24x42 with 16x42 shed with 20-foot posts equipped w ith track, hay fork and rope, also 9 p aten t stanchions. ^*57"*. — $20 an d under cash, over $20 six months time, bankable note 8% interest, 2% discount for cash over $20. w . J. STUNKARD, Owner J.