Page Eight THE Kinton Grange Meet Saturday K in to n and Scholls G rou p s to In s ta ll J o in tly (By Mr.- E. L. C o.) KINTON—Local grange will mee< at the liall Saturday tor all day. It will be a C hristm as meeting and a "Christmas Pie" will be enjoyed. All those attending are requested to bring a gift to put in th e pie. The lecturer. Alice I’luke, is preparing a musical and literary program and everyone is invited to attend. Lee Hire hour following d inner is open tq aU- Services at church Sundav as llows preaching b by y ___ Re, w _ E follows: flimpson, 45. followed by session Simpson, 3 3:45. Of Bible school. U> ' * _• u*. 'te n d a n c e i s urged for these se n - i £ s ^ p lin s ^ U i K a b iu t H IL L S B O R O sensational reports would inevitably appear about me. I sent lor Miss S h arp and had a frank talk with ARGUS. H IL L S B O R O , OREGON Comer of Neuberg at Vancouver luiiiiled demand plus u small excess ita own d o lili" . Neither ean I. Itiit G o d s eyes you arc eternally und W ash, November ill Tiny were lot lliictuation Actual fluctuations also guests at a dinner in honor ol In demand m l*oiiland dining lhc ita» a spoltra-« garm eitt has been so mantled Iroin Hie lig H a u l y o u bronglit oul for me. Imporle«! her. w o e been the heat of friends i n v i v i ' U lliis i the newlyweds al the Hackett home m aterial, often Unitati1«!, Imi never ever since And she's kepi lier word and later attended a reception at year were about 11 per eenl while siu'cesinllv Wlial about Ila' little child? Il eveii Ih«' rlwhleousness j —absolutely." the Issu'd expected approximate!) the neu home of Mr and Mrs cannot «Io for lUa'ir Alai No la 15 |s ’r cent. tl«xl. f«*r lolks wlio never «xiuld Ilei H illis Io loving lieart and loving • Oh. thanks," began Anne, 1 11—“ Beatty Miss Fuells was Joint hostess Mrs. Hanunel lnterupted. with her iiiollier. Mrs A 1' Fuell.' However. Olson contended that gnod and keep thxl's lioly law. Il «unis "Verily I a y unto yiai. e x ­ Site belon-.s to a rath e r Interest- C h a rle s B la z e r W e d s A n n a ‘!ul Miss Julia Fuells at a tiles afest wuy to handle Hi,- su r­ Comes ludo all nini U|ioii all who cept ye Him and las'ome as a Utile child, ye shall not eider lido the mg organization—th e Woman's . slK’wt'i Sunday afternoon at the plus was through a central agency j National Press club. All the society S n y d e r a t E ugene | Fuch.- home m Newberg e o n n ili- rath er than attem pting to market ! beiteve In Jesus t ’Iulsl a i Kuvlor kingdom of h eav en " George N adv editors do. I'm gouig to one of | ____ . meiitlng Mr and Mrs, Beatty individually. T his prevents the sur-1 from llie gullt uiul curse of sin. In 'lltylor. lanverton. Oro their Monday luncheons—jolly, in - O thers from here who utleiuiod plus from entering t h e m arket formal affairs—as guest of honour (By Mr" McCormick) I were Mr and Mrs Glen Miller, next week. 1 wonder would you CHEHALKM MOUNTAIN F I r , i', r . a,ul "A v n e Jones uiid milk trade, he slated, H arlan's comment on Hie surplus problem ; like to come with me? It could Grove school children, under the Hodson McCormick. be very easily arranged You'd have direction ol their teaelier. Miss! Frank Meyers of Hillsboro spent was that the board was doing every - ' a good tune, an d —well. I think it Helen Keddig. will give a benefit the w«*k with relatives in the Fir (lung possible to protect the fac­ tory shippers from grade H su r­ would be a good plan all around.' program and pie sale this Friday Grove district. Anne's quick gratitu d e was so evening. T he puplic i s cordially| Paul Blazer from Eugene arrived plus being dumped on their m ar- I (C o n tin u ed fron» b u t w erk) I *H't. J real tliat Mrs. H anunet was m o re' mvited to attend. here the middle of lust week to 1929 FORD ROADSTER Anne hung up the receiver, al* | touched tlian she betrayed. Last week two items got b a d ly , help his lather. J. E. Blazer, and That the board may require herd 1932 FORD COUPE, V-H ready regretting her sudden_ ini- And of course you must start mixed. M ountain Top church had brother, D 8 Blazer, harvest their testing records f o r determining pulse to appeal to the Vice Presi- right ui making Today D ip -( a special program laM Bunday b u t, potato crop, 1929 ESSEX R. S. COUPE production cost» was the statem ent dent's wife. As she lay in bed the lotnaue day. You'll find a list ol - then! was no pie sale The pie sa!? of Harlan. He also held it possible [ 1927 DODG1 SEDAN before, miserably wakeful, embassies lb your copy of the Con- was the t'ne th a t will be given at A I.'IL . 1 tliat the board may be given pow- 1 she . had - remembered - - „ teaiure „-j-c.x-jon.i; —. director) Grove school house tins 1’ I I I K D O i l t U v J l \ t N ------ - _ If , your — bus- -— the - Fir - -------- 1933 DODGE l'g-TON TRUCK er io regulate the num ber of dis­ story th a t site had read about band hasn't brought yours up from Friday evening. tributors in each market. The la t­ ".m iinel in the Inquirer the Ute office h e s ¡Seen' very rem ise Married November N 1926 DODGE 1-TON TRUCK ---------- 11 z ter would protect (lie profits of, Sunday before. This article was ac- Every se n ato rs wife h as one with d ia rie s V. Blazer ot Eugene, son , 1930 DODGE 1%-TON TRUCK companied by a picture of the lady her . nam e stam ped neatlv in the Of Mr and Mrs J. k . H la»»r w a s : the producer, he said. (C o n tin u e d fro m I ) Program Fir Grove Friday USED CARS Data on Industry D a iry m e n S h ip p in g fo r Ice C re a m to B e n e fit PORTLAND Oregon dairymen who slup their b u tterfat to lea cii'am factori M throughout the state will receive an advance of five cents a pound, raising Hie price io them Io forty cents a pound butterfat. I elfectlve lX'cembiT 1. due io re­ cent change in Hie Oregon ice d r a in co ile. T his action w a s taken nventlv by the area comm ittee of tlie code after application to the stale departm ent of agriculture for permission to make Hus change in the provisions of the code been spending the past week or so with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pomcrv?. Mr. Steelm an has been assisting harvesting their potato crop. Program and play put on public speaking class of Be high school at the liall November 21 was well attended. One cast, Amos Bierly. lives in and Francis Holboke. formerly sided here. They are both graduates of K inton school. Aid to Elect wm t e 1» ^ ^ r «lda r u i e h ^ o f M r e ^ l i d T w a t o at 2 o'clock The president. Mrs. Gladys Aten, urges and members members to to be all officers officers and be present as it will be the annual election of officers. O ther im por- ta n t m atters of business will be d discussed. is c u s s e d Mrs. Emery VanKleek V“ has been ,,MH ill a t her home during the past week. S. H. Pomeroy. Robert Pomeroy. Edward Cox, Everett W right and John Steelman (a guest a t the Pomeroy home) attended Albright Brotherhood November 20 a t the home of Mr. and Mrs. Amos W at- u._ ».,->1 kins of t Laurel. AS A l.lT T l.t ( llll.l) A little child Will ig»i k e e p itself clean. Every so often tla> age-old b ^ k s" w h ic h '¿he" had '¡akeK away rounds But t h i s . u m e J ^ r - M r s • ' j r “*7tsitod' at“ \ b T j M k surPhia load and to Increase debat«'. M other says the ears are with her from the mountain school.' ^ r w n e ^ e v * ^ o f ^ S u - J 'abort Brl«house hw ne m Newberg S u n - ! lax «» buMerfat from '* cent dirty and la* fights to keep tlw There were other paragraphs of- * ’d ^ e x t ThS££»'v v o u ri“T P»’1' P01“" 1 to ' J fc n t per 1>oulu1' wash-cloth away. do we; our own goodness! !er that, that, describing describing the the rise rise in will b i « 'L i k A ^ S ” J th h ’« neonle ¿ n lr!, M M « rs-M ary O Ornduff. who has has been b e e n ! H H arlan arlan pomted pointed out out th Hint ter in the the | i -M ary rnduff. who a t It It was No So slain on us! Then on a day our Hammel fortunes, both political and » ho ve c o m e to see i f thev told th e ii1 fo,r s o n le tone, suffered a stroke up to the grade B shippers to bring eyes are opened and it s, "Not my financial. But they did not m atter tru t>, And mv vviiat a dissaooouit- Sunday and is in a critical con- [ about the proposed amendments, f«>et only, bm also may hands anil m uch. w h a t m attered was th at ™ ' "tT M ^ H ^ m r e l d‘V,on „ , , , Explat Explanation of production quotas, my head." for "If we confess our " ¡^arti- , ^ rtv laughter. "I d w Miss been 1 Pr,ct' pnct..s s tuld a Mrs. Hammel had once been a little n h ^ Alice ^ ’i . McInnis, ^ Cl m ™' who has *^en lhc •‘’Urplus pooi wus sins, he is foitliful mid to for­ country school teacher, like Anne bke to t be there n myself, iy s e lir my n v dear hl Wlti ¿ o h^ lven b> b ’ <->b«n. Quotas, he held to give us our sins, and to ele«uise us r t li r n sjLsU>r- d ^ ^ 'a ^ M^ h o - .n L .. L M urray. ' i *lven hersell. had suffered far more in ,h e fun If I c ^ o s s i b h - to Portland, is a t home again. L her bridal days, and she had m a r - ! lt j f ia n P06*101' t Miss Anna W oehlert of M ilwau- * necessary in order to provide I from a-11 unrightixuisnrss.'’ A little d u ld ciuinot supply Ils *or n ed a man who possessed far fewer ghe rose and kissed Anne on the i - . '. lef‘ A1 * ., w w i- stable supply of milk for Uie advantages of ever)’ kind, th an Neal. Anne on the hom e of iler in P ortland >»Hle and can trade in a m anner own food either. Tile little ones And she had won through. But she ..Rm a n d eet to work !Utt' r a tWo weeks' vlslt a t t h e : «JUiUble to all producers. Approx- would soon starve If dad did not go must have had to learn, too; and home of Mrs. Cornelius Ott • unately 9300 pounds of butterfat out and bring home th e buccii and visited her are used in the P ortland m arket m other cook it. So would my Inner perhaps, she remembered how bit- cvnfidence in vou '• ’ ' Itss„ Hel? n Hotnm visit« m an starve; tliat eternal person terly hard th at learning was . . . T h ,s confidence was not m isD la c - sister Saturday, who is convalescing daily, he declared, who for a little while tents here In T-v.- \r,„ n „ t . I ,l u “ « x u w ra c e » a s not mispiae at the p o m ^ ,^ Sanitarium . I __ ■■■••__ The ----- ----- telephone r ------- rang. _ Mtss _ — ^ u t- . ’ „ J HCKTUIV Doggedly, e even ven a as s s she n e n had aa t — r- j I Factors Uifluenctng th e price a frail body of flesh and blood Install December 5 ters was speaking again, her voice, scrubbed floors and tatutht seliool . McCormick and Hodson scale ttre the comparative costs of T liat eteriuU self m ust Ivave heav­ Joint installation of officers of even smoother and more purring doggedly Anne set to work to m v McCormick visited their daughter oilier food commodities, _ prices .i__ ... the . enly f«xxi. "Thou preporest a table K inton and Scholls granges will tlam b efo re. ‘ fiu t ' 3 £ l A' H C° m ‘* r ' 8t distributors will pay and the dif­ before me In tile presence of mine lake place a t Scholls grange hall. -o h . Mrs. Conrad . . . . I gave home on the street cars from the , Irs c ferences in the requirem ents for enemies ' T he saved ones feast on December 5. A pot luck supper will jjr s Hammel your message, and senate office budding, an d the chil- ruaxia vi •uiy has received producing market and factory milk, Jesus C hrist as they seek him out. mason. Don Cady, be served a t 7 o'clock followed by will be pleozed to see you at dren walked home from school, so word from tier grandson. by clm pter through the installation. Those attending are eleven. She is of course very much th a t she would not have to go for who is In the U. S. Army, saying he he said. Prices established affect elianter 300.000 consumers in Portland and B«x>k. requested to bring something for pressed, very much occupied, so I them . I t was barely h alf-p ast three is stationed at Honolulu. And a little child cannot make Ira O. McCormick and Lauren 600.000 ui the state. IHX) producers the supper am sure you will understand and the next Thursday when, as Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Aten enter- make your call brief. At eleven Hammel had predicted. Anne's call­ Haynes called on W. F Spriggel at and 104 distributors. He scored W hitford Sunday tam ed a number of friends from -_nen—’• newspaper reports th a t milk prices ers began to come T h e polite am - L T. Fuugan and daughter Miss in Seattle were lower than I n Sherwood a t th eir home Sunday - i t was Miss Butters." Anne said bassadoresses instantly returning evening. to herself as she buttoned on her their official visit. The Supreme T o n ^ h ^ T l u m w m K , r n Portland and stated tliat on a Ju s t! Jubilee Well Attended little blue tailleur and jam m ed her court ladies, whose program was 1 NIr M re Rustv H avnfs re c«npw »H ve basis prices were ap- ■'Jubilee” held at th e church F ri- small perky blue h a t over her curls, X ^ f X S 2 3 “V d : turned^>d ^ l ^ ya t ^ & 7 s --------- proximately the same with the ex-i day evening was largely attended w 1 k > made up th e last p art of th at and the new electric lights were message. Mrs. Hammel never said The excitement eaters and curiosity home of^his* a u n t M r s ^ B L^ D e^ ception th at 5 per cent milk in t h e ! northern city »as one cent higher enjoyed. The children of the school n a t alL If she hadn t m eant to be seekers regaled by M rs Roper and 01 “ a u n t' Mrs' B U De' than in Portland. under the leadership of Mrs. Aud- kind, she wouldn't have said she'd Mrs. Ranger. Miss S h arp and sev-1 SIarle . . Hodson rev Vandermost. teacher of the see me." Surplus problem Is the bug-bear eral other members of th e Woman's vjcCormick anerouC? ?!?» pnm ary grades, sang a group of Anne was right. Mrs. Hammel did ^ ^ - o T ^ L A ^ D o ^ s / d ^ of the m arket, according to Olson.' songs and the congregation also mean to be kind. She looked to the and is the source ol' friction be- j »n°of sang some numbers. Rev. Dr. J. A. bewildered newcomer like a com- when ^ T ^ a d Z T t i S tween m arket and factory shippers. ( Good of Portland was th e speaker, iortabie. middle-aged angel, tier Hammel, to their Monday luncheon ' 8011 ot Quotas are fixed to meet tlie es- Rev. and Mrs W. E Simpson from wings ooncealed by her r. t* perfect riect A scattering of tounsLs and govern- she brought home with her fr o m Mountain Home were present W orth gown awn of gray crepe de chine m em workens from Conrads Paris where s h e ^ i d S m a t ^ George Snider is making Improve- pu t ner h halo ' admost distinguishable Ministers, colonels, a spent Sie suSSner M r ^ h £ £ - m o o th n p p le of her per- &dge t? -o ? ith wives. ™ m en u to his water system by build- above t h e e s __ lag a new pump house of building moment wave. i short, th e kaletdoscopu HARRISON 0. HUGGINS short, th e kaleidoscopic fragm ent of to welcome Mrs. Conrad, wrtth whom blocks for a new electric pump. -s o you're th e wife of the new W ashington life w hich confronts she has m any tastes in common, M. D. Mr. and M rs A. W Mills and eon appointee to th e senate? Bless me. th e o ffic ia l hostess on her day at to W ashington, presided a t the ___ Jimmie and R- Mills from T ula- how young you look—I shouldn't home perfectly appointed tea table. Among EYK> EAR, NOSE AND THROAT mook spent the week-end at th e wonder if you're the senatorial! The door was aliened for these the many distinguished guests were 1 SPECIALIST home of Mr. and Mrs Robert Pom - baby y o u r husband s young, too. is- callers by a wholly correct butler noticed . » ” 1 eroy. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Sparks and n t he? Mr. Hammel s been watch- from Rauschers who was in great There was more, a great deal GlaASSBS PITTED son Clement of Portland were S un- mg his career with in te re st^ h e be. dem and for "at homes." Anne stood I more. ut th a t was all th a t m a t­ day guests a t the Pomeroy home. heves there's a big future ahead of in front of a bright little fire, w hich; tered B The fist hard weeks had him yet. And ahead of you, too. of giowed under a m antel banked been lived through, the first dread- C e a a e r c ie J N a lU a a l B eak A aa course. I'm pleased you wanted to with flowers, to receive her guests, ful mistake lived down, the "fea- , ru n in and see m e like this. Was her golden h air wound like a c o r-|tu re s about th e washtub and. the Phones Hour« I ! ( I CADY MOTOR CO. New Iaicntiuii 1125 THIRD STREET H ills b o ro O re g o n Do You Keep Valuable Papers in a Safe Deposit Box? 'T 'H IH Is tlie only place * deeds, Uvsunuwe |«v- liers and other Im portant document* slvnild be kept You know constfudly where they ore tuvd have no worry over th eir loss by tlieft. m ishandling or flro. Tlie protection of n SAFE IlEFG SlT BOX costs you LESS THAN Ic A DAY Let U» Show Yon Our Safe Deptxdi D epartm ent * HILLSBORO BRANCH * T he FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND *oiD«sr NanoNAf oanr w i l t of rut lo a u u “ N e x t S u n d a y — Another Thrilling CO M PLETE NOVEL oFth* VEnKRTREB Birthday H onored M ocJw « W ill n o thFro-somelhlng F p eci^ -? " |^ e t ^ V ¿ r c i i T w l u T h f 7 a ^ | ^ S, OI£ £ n R*« id en ce 2972 Office t n I 9 SO a. m. to IS m. 1 :30 p. n . to S p. m. IV la S O n T l l l l l l O m e Anne went straig h t to th e I h er rosy lace, her slim figure sup- "arrive ' , In a few brief sentences she had and graceful under its sheath (Continued Next Week) MASON HILL—A party was held outlined h e r background, u p b rin g -, of rose-colored satin. Neal sclntil- Thursday evening a t the W. S. ing. and previous experience. Then laUng w lth cordiality, satorially per- I French hom^ in honor Oa their son . i with more detail, . she re- ] feet in gray and cut-away, ----- s l slightly i g h t l y ---------------- Albert. it being his seventeenth lated the events of the afternoon i stood beside her. An Immaculate birthday. Those present in addition oefore. Mrs. Hammel listened a t- maid, th e stiff embroidered bret- to the French family were Mr. and lentively. Once or twice the com ers elles of her apron snowy against Mrs. C. H. G«wiyo. Mr. and Mrs. of her m outh twitched, and when her black silk uniform, was hover- j Charles Johnson and Betty. Mr and Anne had finished she coughed a ing over a tea table, on which sil­ Juat A » T h e Mrs. B. E. Waldorf, Gus Bredof, little behind a fine cambric h a n d ­ ver dishes containing tom ato Jelly Misses Madelyn Shattuck and Helen kerchief. D octor O rd ered sandwiches, angelfood. tiny frosted Kinsey and John Kinsey. "Well, well." she said, “I don’t cakes, ____ _____ ___ _________ and tinier biscuits ________ stuffed Another party was held at Shadv know when I ve h“ 11 80 m uch *“ ■ I ’" t h chicken salad, were scattered pl*<* etrongeet empha- Brook school Friday evening a t- terested. And you thought of com- over an embroidered tablecloth And sis on this branch of oar tended by 35 Mason Hill and Shady ing straig h t to me—which I am pouring th e tea, bland, and benign b u iin eu — th a t’« why your y2uT:F iolks; . very y°u did—on account of i above th e silver service, sa t Mrs. phyaiclan will suggeit that O tto Solberger Is driving a new th a t article in th e Inquirer. Are you Hanunel. ”» • eend prescription! here Dodge light truck. on good term s with the press your- The “leader" In th e society sec- Mrs. Charles Wools h as returned self?” tion of th e Inquirer on the follow- home after several weeks visit in "I'm afraid not. You see—” Anne ing Sunday was w ritten by M l« ' A C o m p le te S tock Portland. Helen Kinsey is a t bnm» plunged into th a t story, too. T his Sharp. A picture of Anne surm ount- o f S ta p le D ru g s now with her mother. time Mrs. H anunel laughed outight. ied it. T his picture left nothing to Fences have been moved and "Yes, I've read some of these ar-1 be desired; neither did th e head- trees removed on the road past tides, and of course I realized they i line “Vice President's wife pours th e school. G arages were moved weren’t overaccurate, but I d id n 't for Mrs. Conrad. N either did the on the Bob Munson and Toge John- know ju st w hat lay behind them, text which axtcompanied these, « » „p lac es. . . Well, my dear, th e first thing fori "Mrs. Neal Onrad, whose hus- Church services November 20 you to do is to get a picture of band's recent appointm ent to the were well attended. Let’s repeat yourself th a t does you justice—sev- | senate h as been a m a tte r of n a- this on December 4. Prescription Druggists eral of them —a n d th en ring up tinoal interest, m ade h er bow to Miss S h arp and ask her to come official society in W ashington last 1208 Main St. Phone and have te a and a little c h at w ith Thursday, a t the delightful recep- C O R W IN H A R D W A R E ywi." | tjon which she gave in th e charm - FREE DELIVERY Mrs. Hammel stirred h er cup of ing residence on New Ham pshire Headquarters chocolate rem iniscently. avenue which she an d S enator co n - H u n tin g and F ishing •'W hen I first cam e here," she rad have leased for th e w inter. Mrs. I said, "I thought I didn’t w ant to Conrad was charm ingly gowned In Supplies have anything to do w ith th e news- a Lanvin confection of pink, one of Aladdin Lamps paper women. Miss Sharp wrote th e m any beautiful dresses which Long's Radio Tubes Tested Free me and asked no; for an Interview | and I declined to give it to her. Her j reply was a masterpiece. She told me th a t h er bread and bu tter de- ! There U more thea one way that ’ ril Ufa, u Mn. Sana Northrup. New- me, but th a t, after all, was beyond ¡J7d' t o ^ iSTer the point. If h er newspaper could- . hir th^ u i . ^ « tm .a n t secure a real interview with me. today «h« 1* tr— from «tomach Buffering, it would take one. If she did n ’t now tf*«« credit for h«r rxctrrery to tbo write th a t article—false or true_ Udr pared to help me in every way boI Ud„ T, b|« , „ Mld 00 , mon, r. they could if I would only let them hack guarantee of satisfaction by If I wouldn’t, all sorts of false and 1 itiiiebor» Pharmacy Ay Stuart Palmar Prescriptions / PALM DRUG STORE 266 Almost Killed By Gas Father Time is an easy taskmaster. He never warns us when the last tick of tile clock will strike for us. It is best to anticipate the future, by paying regularly for L I F E INSU RA N CE which will save those we leave behind u s from facing poverty and debt. Continuing the Fiction Parade— a sparkling procession of the Best Stories of noted American Authors—The Greater Sunday Oregonian has another treat in store for you next Sunday — a murder mystery with a Pacific Coast locale. Breathlessly excit- ing! The kind of book you enn’t put down until you’ve read the last line. Read the Pepper Tree and enjoy every volume of the big library of Adventure, Mys­ tery and Love, which The Ore­ gonian will unfold for you—ono Cfimplete, well p rin te d , easily handled novel every Sunday. MORE PACIFIC NORTHWEST NEWS From its own correspondents in more than 250 Pacific Northwest communities, The Oregonian receives and publishes more news of Washington and Oregon than any other newspaper. Now, more than ever, to keep up with Pacific Northwest news you must read The Oregonian, Sunday and every day. Get all the worth-while news! 4% SAFEGUARD YOUR FUNDS Safeguard your money by investing In th is Institu­ tion, which is backed by seasoned F irst Mortgages. O ur type of monthly reducing mortgage has stood the test for over 100 years. Check for earnings mailed you sem i-annually. Why n o t have th e best? IN V E S T T O D A Y ! IT were up to Santa, he’d give every mem­ ber of the family a year’s subscription to this I F great home newspaper! How about it? It’s the biggest money’s worth on any gift list! We’ll send FREE Christmas Gift notification to every name subscribed for. I Order Your Copy Single copies 10c Sunday and daily in combination by carrier M onth The GREATER