I I Thursday, November 29, 1934 THE H IL L S B O R O ARGUS, H IL L S B O R O , OREGON — ! thuslosm of the Sunday school over tlie contest between tie Turtle . and .a. Rabbits L*«. IxK.4•_«•>«*.*.. Ho....I VBA A. K i l i l J V jlll.I V the Rabbits efV The were ahead lust Sunday Mrs Emma Keen gavel the utter sewilon talk John K err of Longview visited Hamilton Blade Saturday evening Mr and Mrs D. L ----- 8uillvaii --------- - gave W .- d n r s d a y ; B e n e f it ‘ ¡¡“ Z, tbe,rM,rrlW2ila1' W f " U n io n F a r m e r s ’ U n io n at . | K nl liUTIS • INOrtn It wan tlx- .spirit tim t wu* arounetl I tide washing over the tracks de- ! medals for placing third among 1 Must cau sisi'T ig o n i to loilil thè laying train service. i 2000 In the Sears-Roebuck baby SAXTON A I.OONEY powerful Hlltaboro team tu u u-U Mr. and Mrs Albert Riche were picture contest Ile. Producer, of Quality Hill, boro visitors Wednesday and Mi.ss Gladys Nissen is a t the Lea- ' Meiliber» ut thè Tlgunl C. E Ihursday ter Grower home In Camas. Wash J . . --------------------------------------- --------- S A N D and G R A V E L iwM'lety lu-ld u shuwer (or R uth . A,. hop was given helping care for a new nephew. , Lenita uiul Oliarle* Bt-yt-r* a l tlie by the high school In Veronla No- born November 20. Plant located 4 miles north of Por- lumie of Mi-llxi Albe,- Novembri IH vember 23 and those who attended Another of the series of card est Orove on Oales Creek. Phone , A ffa ir b* ‘" V * 110»1 ,r Tlmb,r *,re P*“ '*- ■ «iven by the Scholls Worn- 1«»R C in d y * M e y e r * N e w M a il e r ; t. “'ta k ir oiac'.' iT cen ta-r h 1'lgurd football players were to fo r T e a m W e ll A t t e n d e d Mrs A Lawrence and son. Mtaw-s Cecelia Marchel and W alter Christensen home Saturday night., B a s k e t b a l l S ta r t e d play tlx-lr lust g a m e 1 t o d a y , Stella Peterson of P ortland and Wright Mr and Mrs. Glen Androas and Thnliksglvlng day iigulnst Beuver- ■ | Florence Yeo. Mrs Beneflel of Buxton ha* been four children of Portland w e r e ) WC DEAL IN REAL ESTATE I ton 011 Beaverton's field Heuvelton n ix Mr., Hush liur.iM i.) Simon Nagley had his tonsils r e - ( i lljf Curtia ‘Ilaarti) ! visiting her son, K enneth Beneflel, week-end guests a t the John Tyler 1 (By North Plains P. T A.) Writs Tlguid alwuys 'tu t up a big , ORENCO Women* Circle will I moV!d No oixl family the past week home Many neighbors called to vis- I Fir« and Automobile Inaurane« T1GARD ìlg a rd G iunge lias el­ uiul NORTH PLAINS—The play. buttle and the guine Is gi-ni-ially I Mis* June Townsend of 3unset it them and see th eir twin* Mr ettisi (he fullowliig ol filerà Giudys Make lucana and laau« Surety Bornia assisted in serving a t the Andross formerly lived a t Scholls, Meyer*. iiluster, Curtia T lgurd,uvei- KURATIV & WISMER given a t the Forest Grove Mias Eva Penner, a missionary j aeer; Mrylle Jensen, lecturer, Hen­ HILLSBORO. OREGON *,1 Friday. from India, visited Thursday and ry Milzentllx-, ässistäni steward,' TaUphon. u s i nai g^ ond gt. Lindsay and George Bavar Friday with Mrs Ida Kayes, l lora Ix-etly. tliupluln. Anna M e •veek-end a t their homes Gospel team of five members from I I mhiu U . »ecretary; C. ClUIatensell, Newberg had charge of the League ( lreu*uror ; Il 1 ledrliiunii, guleseep- .uoy hi ....... i..,,. A 1 ,r . . ,.,,..,.,1,.,, »as a aui-sv ui «ir . , . . ; u ic* « job * Is is visaing nis tatner, ervlces a t the I visiting his father, services church Sunday eve e i , 1. a Ryan. Cerea, llunnuh Clirta- ago. Local lodges an- planning busk.’t b i l ” nem danS- h? tto- Mr" J P rank and ,am l*y 1,1 S . ^ s ™ c f w il 1 H H O<* ’ for * » « day». Mr &*"<■ U ium - ii , l sa nona. Annu Keisiey; ■" ' .... ..... • ................" - - - - - - vtoiud • . r * — — gymnasium Saturday night Ä Ä , Ä Ä w Ä ä | Ä Mr». 1 "Koch's llliyliiiii Rascals" ut Hill atives in 1 Eugene last week Mre Ch^ita* B ^ ^veek*' u m g '•’•d u " ltj*'r “ l the Wash. boro furnished the music. to ento M r J * i J ^ o a h i n i d Loftl» xpenjT ^S M CCC * Seattle. Mrs k (Jill.-, iia-skftball team will b eg in ! Mr« Oeonre* IrrUav^* *** **" Mr ' LoftU spe; Oltleers seut.ug dilli “^ X ^ i i i l n g “1 ^ eòo« to a piiu tii c afti'1 Thanksgiving tinder vLstUnir Marian Isaacson visited her friend 'inU i U s - s in liiinur* Won In lyplng z .x z r.n o ro were served. Following the dinner the low lumi Mi Kennt'. Mrs. C hristina Kelly, Jean Ini M e s srs, and Mesdames A K R e y -I a SCHOLLS— . . ure . beginning to rot i Marien AY V * ci«,,I W Y *•< A C hapm an school will a program b consisting of d musical A nollirr pupil of Mr». Nellie „ tioals. ï ï î ^ b y 'l M »SS ¿ ' h Uiel f X Hollenbeck, ü ' 7 í d William wÍ . S Joca. K : Wench Elwel l, instructor of co m -! ,.’*IH.ln» on Uu 4b acres are « inerclul - * s education » « « wi « « Tigard » « s s ä K ' Ü U ■“ — i» - A s ," . "¡K high out over I.boo Ä a.nd “ “H®:“ 1 corned> 'sU rtn« teacher. Pie coffee, doughnut, and dames A la in , S U ^ a rt and Bo.- Mrs E Anderson In Buver ,ind Eme8t Nelson. Honors were cnotoiale will be szjld w tjj was presented. Miss M argaret through he, work 1.1 Short h and * U¡¿t w»^. t p u r and Mrs Al Johnson of Mr M and r and Mm C T Im lay a ^ i V % M rs, tHe,r Cy« ‘eri Mrs Gbidys Cansón was one ol: ten slu- ,IUJ* u . / ^ y weaUa-r will have HUI Mr and Mrs 8 P family visited Mr and M r s’ Fred ,*nrtKif ” ! ? n? ^ U r‘Mne8 M*1»««“ » . _Build New Hi,use Peterson was dinner chairm an, and o f'T i ^lou^e being built a t Mesdames Boswell. R B Denney, dents out oi .too compi ling uiul as u wult untll M,r „ig before it can Nn-vens and son Ji I . "ii?, r ^ p , i a result 01 Iter wlluung. she was £ 101« 11 ta n al (h)> w R Rli (j Jack were guests White In P ortland Sunday. liirme the past Mbs« Florence Yeo will visit her . Pd’st Cldels club of friendship £*?'• Vy,ald.ron i,a rm ' kn*wn a , th - c E Mason. John Felsher. C.Peck. and Mrs. E. G. Webb were bazaar given a gold by Gregg Blun t j Mrs. Georg«' Leslie was hoateas w<‘®k miTth., in S m -rld^i durUm t h i Temple. P ythian Sisters, met a t the ............. . medal ‘‘V H .jt.irr ui aix-riuan uuring m e h ( , . M , n (>||Pnh,„.k i—» Mis. Alex Bruce of M ountain chairmen. luu Ml company Vela ?|,I,. Fian, I locul - ^ y ° L “ r ? ,o « ^ M " ü p . T ^ U " ¿ T b J fÄ hü“ Mr and John Sbmme" « - Us u» » 01 m en d s Tuesday eve . M,s ( m s , ,-ge Gijodman visited liei T ^ - * ¿ v h , g holidays student, won honor u J. ? ? mug 111 |g 5 n u i of her duugliter R uth 1 ' “ '¡K*,'1" 1 Mrs Prank Hatliuwuy ■ Friday _ e v e Z g ^ V u r í . CÜÍ? í’.- ív u n g ^ re a tm e n U ^ and w .1* presented with iui e v tr - • W,M,M. ,1U4rrlugc t«re) w . lfiire .-amme FARMING Guiles » Hies El of Vaiicourer w e lean St o ' * p at th<‘ hdm(‘ her 21. Novemoer L utheran chureh held Ladles' Aid November 21. The play wlU be re- Kev C. M. Van M urUr will leave! FARMINGTON Laities' Welfare Pauline Settle* oi Vancouver are WE CALL AND Glib elected elect.sl following lollowmig officer; officers at ' la nding several days at the Cal- {^17 ^ / ' ^ ha2 d , Hu»e r Bt Mrs Henry Jones of Banks is vis- T h ^ ^ to y a lw n u £ £ Demmln 110,116 30ha t the for IUI ertended trip to Alaska Hut- ,.|ub to .he home IXlbv No- vtn Gross 2 ^ ' . " 2 2 " 1» » c J L ; A s 'S E J J Z S ^ r d met Sunday ^ G ^ e s e r v e s cab- unlay In an ello rl to regain Ids hom r of ,,f Mrs Mrs 8 a s 8 Dalby n o ............. ......... home ------- ------T=- ‘“ P« Mr and Mrs Jo h n Loftto. DELIVER IxxiiUi Re lived In Alaska lor a ventber 15 Mrs Hara Reive p ris- Mrs S L Carlyle left Wednes- 7?' a L, nor° Sunday. as program. home of Miss E sther McKeown a t healtli lor someium' uml w, H omed secretary-treasurer. Next ineelli< Mix, Olive Rogers of St. Vincent's ?£■*' N Young men of Emil Miller called on his sister, C hnstm L. M. Miller returned November Aloha Thursday tlw opportunity 01 returning north W||j it ir ' with Portland, nitui Mrs. E'rank r i n i n S< ih hul- ii u i - hospital, ................. ......w*, spent ->,z« Saturday ixniuiuui 1, .. ’ neighborhood , >__ _ surprised w. . Mr. Mrs. Fred Miller, of Aloha T hurs- 21, a fter several days spent at the Mrs. L. D. Shellenberger retuned lla s k r ib a ll M a rti. iixTlch '1 he ladies bulles ure ure request«! requested *Uh w‘th her lier parents, parents. Mr Mr and and Mrs. Mrs. J J . H’’'Jnes hb* 1,‘on'< ,K>ni5 ‘ November November 20 20 day. day. •rich The /."i1“ a t *1^’ beach. Friday a fter a short visit with her Basketball is startuig in full p, brligt wltlL ,a sta5 n ^he ,orm he card party at t the St. Edward briigt tlx-lr favorite lavorlte quilt block •’ Roger. Rogers UltiL,a sta? pa,?X Part^ ln form ot of ; ” "he y °ïz l? ,™ rr ?.y.„ÎÎid «on-in-law swum for tlie town team* in this p attern Mrs M artin B Bernards ttern ernards and baby a a. , ^ 5nower nower of useful u-‘x 'ful houseliold uten- church November 21, was well wen at- Mr and Mrs E <-■ Heaton i i t r n t f " an i d t . ’ daughter. Mr. “ and “i --------- ----- ............ . .. _ Mrs GuUvx- of Pasadeiui, Cal., returned home from a Portland . tended, there being eleven table in ed the I cmccoming urogram cd the v i " ' ° ^ a r . EifenberBer. Mr. and Telephone 47 Hillsboro, Ore. aixl Tigard forming a Bherwucxl I returned home November 15 Six- h<»-pital bust week. Mrs John Strickler and Mildred play This was the last party until I r n O F m dSef M rs' Eif,e nb«Y er are the proud town team Laid Saturday tlx- lx.rt- lui, , u vuw wllh £ r ‘¿ o t h e r Mrs Robert Crook, who Is 111. a,?d Vukl,‘ ’i*«« Tuesday visiting afu-r C hnstm as h o l i d a y s M Newber« p a re n u of a >»>•• UuM Woolen Mills downed tin- kxal Mrs J I Anderson since the w“-s taken to the home o! h er sister “ “ L1 her nlother and stater at T l- Victor and Alvin B a tA elar of L w crow d er was taken to Port ----------- boys 2B 10 18 at Sherwood A New- n .^ u , of llrr ,uUlf.r in IM Iand one day last week. ^ dr .. „ „ o, Hillsboro visited Mr. and Mrs. Mer- U n d G e n e r a l h o s o i t i l W edneSav ------------------------------------------------- berg town team computa d nax-lly |.o r ,„ Honored Mr and Mrs George Persons a t- a S,^.an.‘.s f 1* “ 1 rlU Jatk -Son Sunday. for X -ray ’reatm ents ‘ H e returned of Pacific cottage play, 1» and New- A birthday surprise party wa* tended the T\>wnsend Old Age 7 ^ ? i l.d w lth tilelrson Mr and Mrs. Harold H arm s en- Thursday5 He s somewhat ^m urov- berg high sciaxjl siais nx-l tlx- K| vrn Loren Rehsi November 20 by Pension" meeting I11 tlie Methodist L‘\& d,',?iKi 1l?ia '¡diei . tertained a t a dinner party Sunday 1 ““ P n* ao'1’ • Sherwood boys and barely nosed m.s parents. Mr aixl Mrs Edgiu church at Hillsboro Sunday. ’’ O lt" P*’ “ubk of P ortland spent lor Frances McDougal. R ichard and Mr and Mrs Ravmond Casev and II»-». II I.. 311 Claa. ix. a . tn..ll • . ..... .. .s upper was enjovid Mr and Mr» Edgar Ludwlck of ,aJ,ld 8unday a t J le P L’lalr Rice Otan and M artin S and- Ch ild re n 6 l McMbniiviHe spent 5Sun- is ix m g s u i i i i s i u i iim iiigii s, ihmh uy [u llo w in g g u e s t* M is* l o i i i a u a w e r e c u iiu a v guest Bazaar Success to gel puyel.s m londlllon Most of shultz. Miss Ingram, Mrs Bagnell Mr and Mrs H E Burdette. n ,p. . i , TT eLiCTI" T h . , A good crowd attended the Scholls iiu- baakawall men an- out tor and daughtei Helen. Ruby and A number of high school identi „ J*? , , J*<* 'L .,P ata*S ■— — — .. „Z ,1, r-i,,.- , orchestra benefit musical Novemoer li.'tb all and Will IX- in lairly good Annabell Mr* Grielx- ¡X h A « C C1111 zie» •. T» h .a.n * . t . 1 X- -j e - ‘iiUi 16 w h en "tt7 ’ ^ ¿ “ m e m ^ re o f“ 'ihe / » l i t u l M« 1 1 , Mr i» l I t and a i H I .» » Ir e V 1 1 It 1FY and HI HI f[’ i n here, attended, « the « » i Hillsboro- m «OC/VZI \t ' Kt7 * VW -V-X cundiUon. ___ ________ M in ____ Turife»on of ________________ Portland. Cecil Oregon City football Käme In Ore- vf?«, # R ichard amounted to about $60 and the M is* G la d y s B erg [ouiu-r lo- Igige M l» Vera Bug,- lievin Bigie) k<>n City d ^ Ftlday M r e . night " ¿ ^ ’¿ x l Purdy of o ^ ^ F r S S ^ ’^ ' ’ 1- ° church ' < al nvsloeiit. was presented in u re- Mr Bnwlby and Esther Boge Tlx- Mr and GUU recently In Portland and sung evening was spent In playing”guini s Hlltabt.ro were guest* of Mr and g __ ________________ M ountainside ‘ ^ h o o i a=v. . M ountainside school gave a four different group, of songs | basement under the « lu x .:, Mi's Jack Hamel Saturday evening. V f 00,lle Pof lJaodI Sunday T ; . , , C P z x llz J—Lslz-1 Thanksgiving program Tuesday a f­ Born, to Mr and M r, A W will noon lx- completed Tlie w hoot M is J P Roger* Is sick with the iL.Io .pUt on 0 Pro^ram ior *-!le rt:sl- I 1I11D I T F O l k T l O l U ternoon. dent*. Dlngtay Jr., u stxi. rixxn ta being ixilnted till* week f*u - “ 's u« i„- G race Kingston, Lucille Carlson. UiUoii Ttianfc.sKivlnK services were h I so - ............... — «m . mum i gm Charlie Burke and Joseph Stretcher h « d a i uw T igani M euxxiut church ________________ . i 1 n The heavy rains have -aimed the attended a n Epworth League cab­ loess of about fifteen carloads of I By Loia Richmond » Sunday with Rev W 1 Rude- School* Join Red t rox* cauliflower ln the Sherwood sec TIMBER—Mr. and Mrs. W E inet meeting at Forest Grove Sun- I m acher of Evangelical church de- Tigard a n d Grubel elem entary 5* _ llvrnng the M-riuon school* reported 100 per cent mem- ( |< Oix- of the nxtot succemful pep bershlp In the Junior R<-d Croas c z c c tin u c i rain«, a.xl «erpentlne was held by thl* week The T igard school ha*, REEDVILLE C E society post- Mr and Mr*. John Strickler «pent n t a v ^ 5 " " ? W e l i ^ n x Mr. and Mrs CUiford a" d »IU.X-IIU of the high ix-hool Novelli- *, yen room* while the Grabel school I p , ned’ it* entertainm ent until De- Fridav . i ( f t . e w r í v ™ J , u w , . ‘P" ' í Píayed . . M, F Welter and Mrs. daughter Jeanie spent the week- Imagination plus paint—combine these two' You will be sur­ Dr- Fnrtwv S Î , ‘L Ä -iS - ~ = __________ S c „ « — teriaitunem - “ Ä Ä V « J ? . Ä prised how delightfully "extravagant" your gifts will appear and score in end with her m other, Mrs. Mary how little they will cost. From colorful kitchen canmsters to Thursday' eventoj gu e« s a t' the ro ^ ia tT o m M r s / j H1U> a t Stayton. IxMiftre th a t ha* ,-ver Ix-en built III _ p________ _________________ ____ ____ ______ _ _____ _ ; ----- ---------■ T Richmond Move to Seaside painted period" pieces, your least or greatest efforts draw praise were M Mrs. Tlgiird. » h u h wa* set off a fter | v notify the Argus direct and a t ! In crea.. in attendance of 59 to 65 Nellie Rogers" of Hillsboro. iss and Boy W right were high in Mr. and Mrs. Joe Baney. who and give pleasure. We can help you with ideas and suggestions. tlx- rally lixude Soiiw- claim ed th u t once Tin* im u-ase Ls due to th«- en- Ju an ita " '^ V e rs and" Bu"ck * L e h ^ M nochle ^ S -s^ a n d Those 1 M ^ d a ^ attending 'é f a ï l L -“ ' e the O¡1\ " Tayloi For brilltM t giftt m uiooJ, metai, bric-a-brac and t o jt fer. Morrta Kochman. William Hoff- S ím id s L s \ h¿ l ^ w r e k . X r e of Portland. Vtaltar» at the Laurel R 1 d g e man, Bovd ' W n ilit" M ' ‘ F “ w elto-' 2 2 ^ , weeaGwnerS ^ * t ” D‘lx ^ .We2 « J h reni S i M re M re l ^ K T i b u ^ ^ s ^ d ^ W ^ u ^ s . ^ i d ^ h ’ 1“ of Ran IVlrS. Kcil.SC I TCatlS l.ravr fur Alaska Farmington Group ¡¡¿“} r,,lat‘^ ’ Home Laundry Dry Cleaners SC CLEAN U P . . . PAINT U P .. .F IX U P n .... r FOgriim KCCUVlllC 1 .nave * . a.uaed ..nu™ BAS Party Saturday Christmas ahead! it will cost but little to “ paint it red” LUSTRELAC Eighteen Schools Serve Hot Meals Eighteen schools in Washington county have reported to Mias Dixon, county nurse, the serving of a hot lunch or drink to pupils at noon. In some cases this consists of hot chocolate made w ith whole milk, or a hot milk or vegetable soup; In o th er schools the pupils bring th eir Jars of prepared food from home and these are placed in a boiler of hot w ater and reheated for the noon meal. Dr. H enrietta Morrta. education director, advocates the hot dish at noon as a m eans of prom oting a better condition of health and thus Increasing the child's ability to learn and forming a greater re ­ sistance to disease. The schools which have reported the serving of a hot food a t noon are. Leicyville. Jackson. Chapman, Middleton. Tualatin. Reedvllle. John- I son. Hillside. Buck Heaven. F arm ­ ington. Cedar Mills. N orth Plains, Buxton, Mead, Blooming, Hayward, G arden Home and Aloha-Huber. more and Mr. and Mrs. Claude G il- of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Weiler of «„a « Scholis, received one of the gold Bridge Damaged A truck loaded with the trucks of a locomotive bound for Cochrane went through tlie small bridge Just west of W estimber Saturday, de­ (Incorporated) laying traffic somewhat. Smaller cars succeeded in passing Collections — C redit Reports A light snow fell at a t Cochran ln Sunday. Study club of the P. T. A. met Washington, Tillamook and Yamhill Counties with Mrs. Boyd W right November 21. Mr. and Mrs. S. D Willi* drove Personal Contact on Collections i to Salem Thursday, where Mr. Wil­ lis has employment on the S. P.. W ashington County Office Mrs. Willis will rem ain a few days. C o m m e r c ia l B u ild in g W. W. McDonald, assistant tra in ­ m aster stationed _ _ a t Timber, ______ _____ was Second and M ain Streets called to Barview to investigate the Phone 3071 condition of the railroad a t th a t Hillsboro, Oregon Place because of an unusually high Doing over «hxbbr-but-loved thing« often bring, more hzppi.ness than giving new things. This brilliant oecorativa finish comes in twelve lovely colors. Its effect is modern and smart and it's very easy to work with. a ENAMEL S1.35 Quart _ Pint 75c P ,n t 4 0 C Credit Bureaus ' O auto 7/ie' Wctioldr r a d ì O J tlc ir sa O®"-^ COMPLETE and INSTALLED Selfridge Furniture Co. EASY TERM S If you change your a d d re u kind­ ly notify the Argus direct and a t once. Bass-Hueter Paint Dealers HILLSBORO BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY PHYSICIAN and BEAUTY SHOPS YES, SIR . . . G UARANTEED SIR . You needn’t fear below zero weather when you h a v e o u r standard grade anti - freeze i n your radiator! Fill up before it’s too late. It’s worth while at our low prices to have early protection. Busch’s Service Garage P h on e 501 J.C P enney Co. Inc. M a in S t. . . . when jardineires, adamacassars, and cross-stitch samplers were in every chic home? Modern tastes are simpler and more intelligent. And it is most intelligent to save as much of your income as you can . . . that you may progress with the times in material possessions as well as pro­ vide for the future. Commercial National Bank “The l.arg«it Independent Bank in Washington County’’ SURGEON EVE’S BEAUTY SHOP A. 0. PITMAN, M. D. General Beauty Work Permanent« and all kinds of beauty work. Telephone 188IX Balcony Hlllaboro Pharmacy PHYSICIAN and 8URGBON X-Ray and Phyulo-Therapy Commercial National Bank Bid«. Telephone« Office 8281 Residence 781X Sanitary Beauty Shop DR. D. E. WILEY, M. D. • All Kinde of Reenty Werk Physician and Surgeon PERMANENTS Well* Building a specialty Telephone 1471 WEIL’S APARTMENTS Mabel Sc hen del TELEPHONES Office 2402 Rmldenee 2001 DENTISTS GARBAGE COLLECTION DR. RALPH DRESSER Garbage Collection Dentist AND CANS Commercial Building Telephone 144 Evening«, Sunday by Apiwjlntmenl INSURANCE D. P. CORRIERI Telephone 2325 RUBBER STAMP« GEORGE T. McGRATH BUY YOUR Waahincton County Acenclea RUBBER STAMPS INSURANCB HRRVICK Shuts Bank Ruildinff Phone 2211 Hlllaboro from HILLSBORO ARGUS