THE Wlsboni8ifcA.rg us W ith Which l> Combined Iho Hillohor» Independen« H lll.boro A x a * •etnh. IS»« Hlllnhoru Independent » « a h I t t i MrKlNNKV « M cKINNBY, I*>Mtehera iu b li.h e d Thursday». Entered n» «eeond -cte» m atter in the p .otn ffire e t Rillahoro. Oregon W V E R N E McKINNEY Editor lo a I I m b V tt —Oregon 8t*t* Edi- torial A M w iation and N a- tional Editorial A taoclation Merihvr flf the Audit O F E U IM M W M -A H .K MRA R C. McKINNKY Aanoetotto Editor Kir»t Audited Paper *-• w t A udited Weekly Circula« tion in Onmron Bureau of Circolatiow______ O» W K M llM .li x Subscription R ates Strictly Cash in Advance Par y e a r _______________ |l . M u 8 O uU ide O raroa Six month» ____________ •*» Eorei*m Countrta» -12.00 2.60 The H illsboro Arnua aaoume* no fin an cial rceponaibllity for errors published in ita column». but in case* where t h e paper to at fau lt w ill reprint that »'art of an advertisem ent in w h k f e the typowrapbical m istake occur». A n Independent N,M -m i-er W hoa. Servtraa and t'cl'.-iia ere Baaed on the P rinciple of the Golden K u l« .- And a . t e would that men «hould do to you. do ye ateo to them Ube- wieo."—M atthew 1 :U . _______ _ Let’s Unite to Win Some bitter partisans with their a t­ tacks on the Roosevelt adm inistration and the New Deal reveal little sym pathy for the common man or average Am erican citizen. They do not take into considera­ tion where we m ight be today if it were not for our having a president with cour­ age to act in providing relief. They cry about the excessive expendi­ tures. True th at m akes good political propaganda, but did you ever stop to con­ sider th a t income tax rates now are small in comparison with w hat they were after the world w ar and in comparison with those in England and other countries. Those who have, in this land of plenty- should do everything within their power to ease the burdens of depression. Heavy taxation on incomes is a means of redistribution of w ealth. I t will do more good in circulation through governm ent expenditures than in piling up in the hands of a small minority. We have heard some, who are now the bitterest critics of these expenditures, in years past, get up in public m eetings here and openly as­ sert th a t some form of redistribution is necessary. Is it wrong when it is actually- being put into operation'.’ This nation spent billions for w ar pu r­ poses with patriotic fervor back in 1917 and 1918. Economic forces of today are fa r more dangerous enemies than those of w ar time. Billions for reconstruction and to fig h t the enemy of w ant and des­ p air in our ranks today seem more logical than expenditures for destruction. United in patriotic endeavor we can win this con­ flict and are doing so in spite of non­ co-operative forces. Small Business Protected Senator McNary takes a dig a t price­ fixing on the ground th a t it hurts small business, probably because it seems the popular thing to do. Some of us must be awfully dumb, but we cannot under­ stand how price-fixing or protection will h u rt the small business. R ather it should serve as an aid for the sm aller business against bigger institutions, which are or should be prevented from cutting under them . A suitable answ er to such attacks is found in the expression of fifty repre­ sentatives of NRA codes operating in O re­ gon. They declared th a t industry has been aided m aterially and th at they would not give up the codes “for anything in the w orld.” These representatives, as many appreciate, contend th a t the prime need is for some plan of more effective enforce­ ment. Every possible protection should be g.v.n those who sincerely co-operate in doing their part in the recovery pro­ gram . Automobile dealers in a recent poll • t «d 77 per cent favoring ta e motor vehiv.3 code. A recent meeting of rep re­ sentatives of 23 durable goods industries adopted a resolution affirm ing faith in the “ basic principles of the NRA" and favored retention of open price filing pro­ visions. Shortsighted Critics of relief efforts of the govern­ m ent are shortsighted. Stability of gov­ ernm ent, property, investments and fam ­ ily life are much g rea ter through provid­ ing security, opportunity and a chance for a “ more abundant life” for all rath e r th an to be faced with millions of our neighbors and friends being on a starv a­ tion basis. This paper is in sym pathy with efforts to provide old age pensions and unem ploym ent insurance in reason. All will be the happier for bringing about a g reater sense of security and happiness for those less fortunate. Stringent Laws Needed More stringent laws for driving auto­ mobiles are in order to make a real im­ pression in the “Let’s Quit Killing” cam ­ paign. A legislative committee investiga- ing this question has completed its work for recom m endation at the next legisla­ tu re and if adopted their plans should go a long way tow ard eliminating the reck­ less autom obile driver. A few jail terms and the tak in g away of drivers’ licenses fo r reckless and drunken driving will help a g re a t deal. A P ortland communist being tried on a crim inal syndicalism charge received a long and fa ir trial, something different th a n he would have been up against if he had been attack in g the “Russian gov­ ernm ent. A like offense under the Soviet would probably resu lt in a 15-vear term in S iberia or im m ediate execution. B roadcasting of football games in ­ creases the interest in the games and does not in terfere with gam e attendance. Any red-blooded fan would rath e r sit in on th e gam e if at all possible than to have to ta k e it over the radio. Thanksgiving H IL L S B O R O ARG U S, Social News of Local Folk and Their F riends Thanksgiving Day— a day to be th an k ­ ful for the many blessirtgs we have en­ joyed during the past y e a r— good health, enough to eat in this land of plenty, an Mrs. Mary Ann Dooher. Miss adm irable clim ate and the best country Dooher, Mr. and Mrs. Frank in which any man could make his home. Evelyn Dooher and family of Cornelius, Thankful th at we have lived in this his­ and Joint's Nolan and Robert tory-making epoch, even though times have Schoen of Eugene were guests S un­ of Mr ami Mrs. Fred Caldwell seemed rath er strenuous o c c a s io n a lly : day and family. The boys c a n » down to thankful that we are coming out of the at lend the Columbia University and Clara football game In P o rt-' depression: thankful for t h e optimism Santa laud Saturday. with which the people are looking toward Miles Eventt of North Bend was the fu tu re ; thankful for a president with greeting Hillsboro friends Friday He en rente to Manning io courage and fortitude enough to lead us visit was hts relative-. Mr. and Mrs. J into a New Deal which m eans the fellow­ M Brown. Mrs. Emma M aynard ship of men. and last but not least th an k ­ and Manley Everttt. Mr. Event! the Masonic meeting in j ful that we are good Am ericans living in attended Portland last week and his team e x -| the best country in the work!— a country emplifUxl the sixth degree at the session. without a peer. H IL L S B O R O . T hursday, November 29, 1931 O R E G O N TIIE GREAT AMERICAN HOME Co-o|>erative I lead Speaker at Laurel THAT THANKSGiVIN&'G.‘ f (1 6 3 4 .) W W Henry, lumuigei of the dairy co-operative, Hpcuklitu before tlu» Laurel unit Tueaday night, gave a brtel rmume of the hbtory mid iH'uotiat ton» h»aent Mont of It wa.n for an a t ­ torney to draw up the Need for re-apportioning t h e dtatrtcU» in tlu* co-operative was brought out by Mr. Newby, field representative, wlu» «aid W ashing­ ton county should luive two direc­ tor’» liudead of one He felt th at thin county should be divided us to dUtrlcta by the highway Senator George Aitken and Ilep- reMentat Ive K L. Itoiu». who were preeent. teemed favorable to milk control and to the proponed change« In the meaaure Earl Wallace of Beaver spent the week-end with Ins parents. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wallace. and left M on­ day lor California, where he will join hts wife who is visiting there , They will retu rn home in about Today m arks the opening of the Christ­ two weeks and their son Will, who in the navy, will retu rn withl mas Seal Sale. C hristm as Seals h a v e .Is them for a m onth's furlough. i •— — —— — . » brought us much to be thankful for in Mr and Mrs. T. O. Bronleewe I Pori lander to Address the fight against tuberculosis. Every citi­ ; and family are spending T hanks­ Old Age Pension Meet and tlie week-end a t Nelscott. zen should help this worthy cause by buy­ giving They were accompanied by Mr. and B ait Ellemietr of lXirllund will ing as many of these seals as possible. Put Mrs. Rudy Bronleewe and Miss El­ address th e Hillsboro old age pen­ them on letters and packages and in this len Bronleewe of Portland. sion meet lug Sunday a t 3:30 p nt Thanksgiving guests of Mr. and nt live C hristian church II was m anner carry the m essage on. Mrs. V. W. G ardner are R. E decided a t Uie meeting Sunday a f ­ Someone or some group in your com­ Harbison of Cottage Grove. J. C. ternoon in the MctlaxUst church to munity is doing a public service in the G ardner, his son W. T. G ardner, luild tlie meetings weekly during and daughter Miss Berniece G ard ­ selling of these seals. They are giving of ner of Portland. Dtswinber. About 25 more active j ntembera were added a l Ute last their time. The nice thing to do is to Mrs. H. R Emmott returned S u n ­ uiwUng R L. Puliuun. president make their work as easy as possible. You day from several days' visit with of Uie l«x*al club, reports a very daughter. Mrs. B R. Pooley of are not doing them personally a favor her I marked growing Interest In (lie Portland and with her sister, Mrs. when you buy, but you are assisting in L. F Enunott. who is ui the E m an­ ! Townsend plan 111 W ashington coun- i ly. the national fight against the great "white uel hospital. Mrs. S. W. Melhuish and daugh-l plague.” ter Polly left Wednesday for Kent, City Launches Drive Wash., where they will spend A g a in s t O v e r - P a r k in g Tluuiksgivlng and the week-end Tuesday afternoon, where they vls- Tw enty-three local rm id en u were with his parents. Mr and Mrs C. ded Mrs. Clara H. Smith. retiring attested Turmtav 111 Uie drive to e n ­ W Melhuish. 1 president of the third district of S a lu n la v , December I force tlie city ordinance prohibit­ Mrs Dora Nelson of P ortland & ^ T p iU S d ^ Helvetia Sunshine club buzaar ing parking more Uian two hours was a guest Thursday night and ” ri'h .W. ¿“ ..J? U* '* P^dent at NorUi Plains Classes In dressmaking, as a in Uie bu.slne.sH district. The worst W islnesdav. December 5 Friday of Mrs H enrietta Morgan. uie alM rkl government project have been organ­ offenders were local business men Bazaar a t Orenco. and attended the Past Chiefs' din- Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Blersdorf ized a t Alolia All women are pilv- according to George McGee, city Ktntixi and Scholls G range Burbank. Cal., citizens. given th e opportunity to n er at the home of Mrs. D. R. of Schefflln. Mr and Mrs. W. T Joint liuttaliatlon officers. eleged to attend free of eliarge. but manager Putnam J r and children of Farm - vote on an am endm ent to the city charter which R utherford. Th ursd ay, December 6 must bring thetr own material Mesdames V W G ardner. Verne ington, Mrs O tto Voges of Moun- would have made publication of proposed ordinances Curry, Robert Burlingame Buzaar. lunch and program at and tam dale and Mrs. Gordon Sahnow This is a wonderful opportunity and Jack "Where are you going to and council proceedings optional instead of compul­ George Fischer attended a tea and M. E church. Hillsboro spent Wt-diiesday of r should be of Interest to every wo- eat liHi' sory. turned it down by almost two to one. Tliese program on Japan at St Peter's I“-"1 week a t the Ben Kolbe home West Union Farm ers' Union i man In the community. This class BUI: "Let's eat up the stre e t" meeting a t NorUi Plains. H p III. ' is under tlie aupervUlon of Mrs. Burbank folk dem onstrated th a t taxpayers want to Mission in Portland last Thursday, a t Salem. Jack: "Aw, no. I don't like a s­ Musical comedy a t I. O. O. F have published reports of th eir municipal govern­ Mr. and Mrs. M P Cady went to Miss B ertha Sahlfeld is spending i 8 A Becker of Reedvtlle Lessons phalt." hall. 8 p. m ments' proceedings. Rockaway Sunday to look after two weeks with her parents, Mr. Laurel-Scholls Farm ers' Union ! at present are on remodeling and Say you saw It In tlie Argus In two Oregon counties in recent m onths county- their beach home, the roof of which mid Mrs. August Sahlfeld, prior to j uw-cting at la u re l hall. 8 p m after Uie holidays coat mukmg will for __.... Everett, clerks failed to comply with th e state requirement was slightly damaged during the her departure -. , _ . Waah. . , u_ |- ------ -------------------- ---------- lie taught. Classen are held every th a t county court proceedings be published m the recent storm on tlie coast. h iiPOi’1UOn Bt 11 bridge for Mrs K enneth Davison Wednraday at Uie lanne of Mrs Mrs. Elmer Sm ith and little Providence hospital, county official newspapers. Publishers of these news­ »Dome Sm ith.i P a p r r li a n g in g • P a in tin g J E. Hays near Stacy avenue from Mr. and Mrs. W aller Busch were papers, of course, were under th e handicap of hav­ daughter of Hoquiam. Wash., a r- to a. in. to 3 p. m. Diekaaon O p era ted — ing their actions interpreted as selfish if they pressed rived Sunday to spend Thanksgiv- guesta Friday of Mr. and Mrs. •1 OM « •>•*»! Elvis Dtekason. son of Mr and the clerks or county courts for compliance with the mg with Mrs. S m ith s parents. Mr. j-'rancis VanLom at Sheridan liiey Mrs. S ch o lls-Lau rel I n il tu M eet Arnie Dtckusoti. underw ent ail and Mrs. Paul Seligman. spent the week-end with Mr. and law. Mrs. Caroline Stangel. Luke. Neil Mrs. Frank Sm ith mid other rela- operation for appendicltlg at Jones Annual election of officers of the But in due time, in each of these counties, citi­ and hospital Saturday. Miss C atherine Stangel. a n di fives at Lebanon. laurcl-Scholla Farm Union will be zens began to wonder why they were not being fully EU* Schulm ench. who has gw - 11 I informed about th eir county’s affairs, and in at Th'Siksmvmg°“i n h m U licld Thursday evening. December J caiu p k j at W UonYuie becn ln m ltln g Cal • thls ,,x •‘■bnuner. 6. a t tlie Laurel community hall least one case hinted th a t honest officials are not J. Wilsonville. ls noft. frlcIMla uyjic- rTlllSD O I'O , L j FOV’C unwilling to have published accountings of public I . . _ _ , according to Ous 8 Mrs L. C. K ramien who has uood. just out of Los Angeles. SJie ( J u D S I d e a r I I c u t I All members are re«pi. .ted tu lx- funds th at they handle. been in the St. Vincent's hospital probably rem ain south several We Cover Surfnces ! present In one county the court, when apprised of the for several weeks, following an months. Percy Scurrali of Victoria, d i s - 1 ________________ aroused suspicions, ordered its clerk not only to operation, was brought home Mon­ __________ __________ ..„ ere ,w » lf {lend and is convalescing Mr. and Mrs. Jolm K anuia Jr. , trlct governor of Rotary Interna- resume th e publication of th e expenditures but to day Hillsboro Decorating Mrs. J. W Maier and Ted and l l n sons W*H spend Thanksgiving tioiud. spoke at a joint meeting (o |lls sl(n W|lo WBg ignoring ttw complete publication for the period during which and of the Hillsboro and D irest Orove #p,nach „„ his plate, "get buck on Pearl and Mr. and Mrs. J R. W at- wit*i ^Jr the reports were not made through the newspaper. Company and daughter were guests Tues- •“ rs- ” cAIertz iu.ld Mr •H“ 'clubs a t Uie Forest Grove C hainbrr i ¡f,,. green. Ex. In the other case, too. the county's officials finally kins day evening of Mr. and Mrs. Jam es ^ rs- Byron Elliott at Eugene | of Commerce Wednesday noon. saw the wisdom of informing the taxpayers about B II NICKERSON Prop and Mre. q m Heaton and Governor S ru rrah la’ld th at It the court's proceedings, resumed publication of full Valley of Beaverton. Mrs H attie Hill Brownhill of Me- nephew, Irving Stephen, visited was a fine trtbute to Rotary th a t Phone 2102 reports and also published those for more th a n a and Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Mrs. H eaton’s brother-in-law and one could find two towns like Hills- I C ir c u ì» !»n« hM itcr year bock during which th e county clerk had re ­ Minnville Manley and two du ighters of Eugene sister. Mr. and Mrs H. L. FiU - lx>ro and Forest Orove cooperating *', ‘ ", g,' 41p fused to furnish the complete reports to the official are Tnanksgivmg guest* of Mr. and gerald, a t Amity Saturday. ln lli suc,, such a a m anner. an ui-1 He declared that newspaper. Mrs. W R. Manley. Mrs. Mary’ E- Parker and Mrs. Rotary was a factor In breaking Efficient and economical government demands — — ■ Mr. and Mrs. V. I. Megargel of g Hoffmiester of - Portland and down prejudice and m isunderstand­ th a t taxpayers be fully informed a t regular and G ran ts Pat* and Mr. and Mrs. Be rth a Sahlfeld were luncheon frequent intervals of the proceedings and expendi­ Sw arts of Sacram ento. Cal., are guests Friday at tlie lionie of Mr ing throughout Uie world. The governm ent through t h e tures of th eir officials. The Oregon legislature wise­ guests this week of Mr and Mrs. an(j ;vjr3 Wilfred Verboort. codes has given business the m a­ ly enacted requirements th a t county courts publish Donald Megargel. chinery to require ethical business Miss Jessie Ireland, teacher a t a Now nt. Thanksgiving and regularly reports of th eir proceedings as of record ofMVakima W ash a n d d M ? d^ S d lh“‘h scho*,‘ ln S eattle. »Pen“ '•‘«'«burds and It ls up to Uie busi- MATTISOfcl and of claims allowed. ( hriatmiia time when y o u r Mrs Wavn'e Vaught are are in Thanks- r hanksgivtng and M the r week-end men to to Governor make them work, ac- Many counties of Oregon comply with only part Mrs. w ayne vaugnt an k s wU)i hej. Mrs neaa ,.ordlng Scurrah. Ro­ esJdx family is gathered together is of this state requirement, publishing only reports of giving guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Ireland. tartans should Ixick this plan for the time to consider this ques­ bills allowed and not of other or all of the courts C. Vaught. M S tretcher high ideals in business ln keeping Mr and Mrs B C. Schulmerich Mr. and Mrs. proceedings as of record. In one of th e cases m en­ tion. tioned above it was the refusal of officials to give spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. and three sons of Scholls a rr spend- with their code of ethics. O ur complete stuck and expert a d ­ C H Brooks a t Newberg Mr and l'ig Thanksgiving and the week-end any regular report th at aroused the taxpayers' sus­ vice regarding memorial at y o u r Mrs. Brooks former Hillsboro with friends and relatives a t S eat­ were picions. aervlce tle, Wash Counties may "get by" for a while with pub­ residents. OREGON MONUMENT WORKS George M erryman J r medical Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Sprague of lishing only reports of bills allowed, but In such in Portland, is spending Roseburg are spending Thanksgiv­ H. II. Stannard, Mgr. Hillsboro, Ore. cases there Is the constant doubt of the legality of student week-end a t Ute home (Continued from !»•»» 1 » some of the counties' business and the th reat of Thanksgiving and the week-end ing and the daughter. with Mr and Mrs. E. B Tongue, cl" their Mrs H a y ! Buach ¿ n l "Albert” oiU ette. troop litigation. Mr. and Mrs. A. M Carlile are Thomas. e jjq Hillsboro, civics; Nelson Weaver, Aside from such doubts and threats, county of­ Thanksgiving with tier Mrs WM.«» Sophia riE Frcerksen. mother troop tnxn> •’16 Hillsboro gardening x.iw ci, iiiwiici ¿I» HillsDoro, K a rn n iu y ; i ficials shou-d not lose sight of the intent and spirit spending • Miller. Aloha, curpentry L<--n *V*a>Xte brother-in-law and sister, Mr and of Mrs. !r' j L , . A O rtfflth, -----. went to i;uV|| fr . P a ffU Z 28 M f f l C g k g k ffl of th e law which are th a t public officers who handle Mrs. W. 8. Phelps, in Portland . , IK troop H ill ¡no- « 4 2 2 2 WW «42 • Ä O vV c tllU 9 " v ( l or spend tax money should be required to make full John Schnud and family have » £ 0 ,„ 2 " * daughter. Mrs c n(HTl alKt cooUhxa u,,,, H;u,UIM r . , and fair reports by newspaper publicity to the people moved from T ualatin to the Roth- Jackson. in x » 228 Hillsboro woodcarving who furnish the money, showing to whom and for strom place a t Laurel and were Dr. and Mrs. J. B. Dinsmore a t- : , u n iev im n n H ills Hillsboro visitors Saturday. tended the University of Washing- “"f* ,yJ tro o p H “ U' I wliat every dollar is spent.—Oregon Publisher. W hy no t d ra in th a t wet U n d now m > you van get on It early Mrs. L M Phillips of Portland ton vs W ashm gton S tate football Do^°' p,1“‘‘c J 11“ “ L A of parent and In th e » p rin t? is spending Thanksgiving with her 8»«* a t Seattle. W ash . Saturday. fru-nds A large of number scouts attended t h e ! son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Palo of Bcav-1 C h antc» are, an early «pring p lanting on well drain ed , mel < Mrs. Edward C. Coman. erton and Mr. and Mrs. Lester Gray court of honor. low land w ill m ake you more money th a n a late fa ll »owing would Mr. and Mrs. E. B. W atts and (’f Beedville were Sunday guests of have m ade you on wet. *oggy land. Despite what politicians wish to believe to the son Bob and Miss Jane MUholland Mr- ^ d Mrs. John K anuia Jr. S c r i D R c d c il l D t l O I l A'tnhitant'e In j^ u r layout F**CE! I I contrary, there is no lack of evidence th a t a new spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs? Arvin Robb, student a t Unlver- Islty of Oregon, ls spending Thanks- political lineup is in the making, and it is suggested Harry W atts of Portland. Leo B arnum left Tuesday for 8lv‘n her Parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Livermore of Beaverton and Oeorge W ashington Street between 1st and 2nd coalition form of government. Dierdorff are spending Thanksgiv- VonBehren of Salem, O. Patterson of Forest Orove. The More recent elections have revealed th a t many PLANT AT SCHOLLS. OREGON Miss Grace Brldgefarm er o f advisory comm ittee consisted of P. of the voters are no longer being held to party lines, ing with Mr and Mrs. John Dler- Woodland, Wash., is a guest of L. Patterson. R Frank Peters. D on­ Our Motto— "Friendly Service . . . Fair Price«” and there is, apparently, a greater willingness to vote dorff of Portland. Nearly 200 persons attended the Miss Laura Deck for Thaiiasgivlng ald T Templeton, Lester Ireland, for the man and what he stands for, th an adoption W. V. McKinney and Harry Mor­ of what was formerly known as th e straig h t ticket. Moose dance and box social a t the a n d The week-end. old grange hall Friday night. For- Mrs. O. A. Aronson of Stayton gan, all of Hillsboro. Even here in Hood River, a community long con­ ty boxes were sold. was a guest last week of her broth- ceded to be republican to a large m ajority, a demo­ Mr. and Mrs W. H Pomranlg er and sister-in-law , Mr and Mrs. cratic candidate for president defeated the republican and Mrs. H arriet Sale of Portland w 8 Alexander. nominee. visited Sunday a t th e home oi Mrs. 1 Mr. and Mrs. T W. McDonald However, we believe it far more likely th at, at Helen Delchman. T h ir ty Vpars Ago | and sons are spending Thanksglv- least for several years to come, the new political Argus, November 24, 1904—Jerome Mr. and Mrs. Andrew W. Lentz >n B wit*i Mr and Mrs. B. E. Mallng lineup in the United S tates will more nearly follow and daughter spent the week-end at- W hale Cove. Palm ateer buys H. T. Bagley build­ on Second street and will locate the three-group system, of a centrist and left and with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Pankoninc Mrs. Donald T. Templeton and ing t h e P a c if ic S t i l l « - telephone cen tral right wings, with the New Dealers forming the a t The Dalles. son spent last week w ith her par- an d (»nfectlonery there. centrists, republicans and conservative democrats Mr. and Mrs. J L. H atch of ents- M r- and Mrs. Edward Shlp- W. H. W ehrung renu-mlXTcd with occupying the right wing, and extreme liberals the Salem visited last week with Mr. I ley ot Salem. fine present l>v Oregon employes left T h at is our own guess—and it is a guess based and Mrs, O. E. Vanosse. The ladles! Mrs. Minnie Schw artz ls spend- a t St. Louis fair. fine Roger’« Silverware C ertificate with 20 games on the vote as recorded in recent elections—Hood are sisters. j ing Thanksgiving with her daugh- Rural route four out of Hillsboro bowled— either ladies or gentlemen. River News. Mr. and M ra T. O. Bronleewe' ter. Mrs Jam es Woody, and family establ lulled. and family were guests Sunday of °f Portland. F ifte e n Y ears Ago Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rutqulst In Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Searcy and Argus, November 27, 1919 Mrs. Portland. family left Wednesday to spend Agnita Smith county health nurse, opens office liere. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Connell o f , Thanksgiving with their parents a t Confectionery — Rowling A lleys Mrs. Fannie Friday, 77. dies at Woodburn spent Sunday a t Eugene Moro. home of daughter, Mrs. W. O. O al- Educators throughout the nation are giving e n ­ with Mr. and Mrs. K enneth P at- ] Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Reeves and away, a t Banks November 19. “W here Ladles are Courteously T reated and Miss Madge Imbrle left Friday for thusiastic and strong support to the Roosevelt a d ­ terson. Cordially Invited." Mrs Paul Landauer, 63, died at Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Peterson and the Heeves' mines n ear Riddle, ministration. There's a reason. The New Deal has West Uiuon November 21. daughter were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Coman been the salvation of education, and education U Jo h n J. Splerlng and Marie Boy 1288 Main Street -j. Illllsbora, Oregon Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Losh of P ort- spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. m arried here November 28. the very cornerstone of our nation. Lewis Fowler of Portland. Much has been said about th e benefits the land. Frank Connell awarded the Junior We Serve OI.YMI’IA and WFINIIAKDT'S BEER Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Lomax and Roy Thwalte visited during tlie cham pion bull on "Twin Fir Sir pr< < nt adm inistration lias given to finance, to labor and to the forgotten m an. Vet the benefits to our family are Thanksgiving guests of 1 past week with his sister, Mrs. W. Payne" Holstein at Pacific In te r­ Mr. and Mrs. A. H Lomax ln Port- E. Taylor of Bremerton. national Livestock show. He was schools and school children have been equally large, j Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Alman of also given first on senior bull calf. perhaps even more far-reaching. Affecting m il­ lan d- Well's ent tlie week-end with Mr. and II Jill.«« Ilalcs i;ffi'< live to wages below decent living standards. T hen came Evelyn Hi-I’ressure G reasing of Heppner spent the week- Mrs. W. O. Ide. "Bargain" roundtrip r a i l r o a d the New Deal. Emergency educalonal program.« end a t th e Fred Rood home. Mrs. Flra Peschka Ls confined to tickets, selling a t the regular one­ Free Crankcase Service - Automotive Repairs gave employment to an additional 3Ô.000 teacliers. Jacqueline and Barbara Barney her tiorne this week with a sprained way fare plus fifty rents, will be Eight million dollars was provided for relief of u n ­ attended a party Friday for Helen shoulder. offered by the Southern Pacific Firestone Tires, Tubes and A ccessories employed teachers. O. Evanson a t Forest Orove. : Mlss Oladys M atteson visited for travel during the C hristm as The democratic victories In 1932 and 1934 were and New Year period, according to Mr and Mrs. Oeorge Blersdorf of friends ln Salem Sunday. DRIVE IN — SPARK PLUGS TESTED FREE nn announcem ent Just received here. its salvation. More and more teachers and parents Schefflln were Sunday guests of 1 • ... Going on sale a t all agencies De­ of this nation are realizing th a t fact and pledging Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Johnson. I ... . _ , cember 13. the low-fare tickets will . Attends Reunion— C o s le tt S u p e r S e r v ic e S t a t io n their perm anent loyalty to tlie party ol progress and Mrs. Frank Hartwick and «laugh- j Jake Well attended the reunion be available until January 1, It recovery.- The Oregon Democrat. I ter Maxine of Vernonia visited Mon­ of overseas base hospital No. 40 at was stated, and the return trip day with Mrs. Rose Prlckett. COSI.ETT'S TRUCK SERVICE th Benson hotel in Portland Mon­ limit on all tickets will be January "We know more and more th a t the East has Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wells and day night. 16. First and Baseline Streets Phone 1263 a stake In the West an d th e West has a stake ln Mr and Mrs. Verne Casebeer spent Mrs. Davison Complimented— If you change your address kind­ the East, th a t the Nation m ust and shall be con­ ! the week-end a t Pacific City. COSLETT’S BAR-B-Q Mrs. B. W. Barnes entertained ly notify the Argus direct and a t sidered as a whole and not as on aggregation of Mrs. C. E. Wells and Mrs. H enri- | etta Morgan went to Clatskanie Tuesday afternoon with a dessert I once. disjointed groups.”—President Roosevelt Buy Christmas Seals Dressmaking Class Started at Aloha Calendar Informing Taxpayers Too Late to Classify Remember Now; Y our Beloved Dead Large H onor Court Conducted in Area This Fall A New Political Lineup Ordered by Board SCHOLLS TILE CO. YARD Our Yesterdays WE PAY DIVIDENDS on What You Spend! C L E M ’S PLA C E Our Nation’s Cornerstone Ç oslelt S uper S ervice S tation s „ I