T hursday, November 29, 19.11 Helvetia Club Gives Bazaar _ THE the bildi/c.-» uu«t o|H*ratlon of the i druWB on the I<♦•«•(U|»oi l uiul Hlu Maw MputiM will require iui annual I out lay of upninxlniulrly 1300.000 u ' year or 1 12ft .000 more than Uie ueuk vont of the ferry nervier I nhould tlu* hiflnlature approve the I free bridge (Millry It Would mean H IL L S B O R O A R G U S, 'IftwL CfJzzkí Patt&wiA^ • Cornelius • Club Postponed Due I Funeral of Miss Vera French i<- is hard to beat and I doubt whether anycine in this Mate can fell Me Another - - now Herman Trochsel ol i Hetluuly cDinc«. aknig with a rec­ do him one better when It comes cnuM w iriTs tf> raising i/>mato*’H. Well, anyway Improvement Herman raised 302 on one vine Df rourw- the vine had to be a long one Ur accommodate so many toiimnx ft was 13 feet long and •even feet wide. ' j «lute, a coiLhldrraUon which cull I»' depended on to i.tlr up plenty of argument In any legislative sc.vdon ( l l y M r« . J n h ii Ila v h la o n ) HELVETIA Sunshine cluh will I hold it« annual buzau.r und program Thirteen experimental nur.x-ry at tlx1 K I’, hall at North I'liiln« kc I hxi I h are now operating In Ore- Haturday. Tin- bazaar will be open K»n uh a |«irl of the emergency at 2 p ni. and the program al li J education program, providing em- p m Lunch will be served during ployinent for 2(1 teuelu'r« on re the afternoon and evening A good! lief roll« and 13 cook«. Three of time 1« uaaured all who attend. ) these schools are loculrd In Port- School program Friday night was loixl und one each In IIIUhboro, wr!i uttendod and enjoyed Joseph Hulem. Oregon City, Toledo, Hl Woiutel, the teaclier, wbiliea to Helen.-.. I*end|eton. Klamath Fall«, thank all who helped hiiu f»l Ux Albany Corvallt, und Eugene Pour liberal eontrlbullon« ol lunch. Pro- t fib er nursery hclxxd» will be opened reeds will be iw il lor iwirt payment «oon, according lx» C. A Howard, on Uie i leelrleal Installation. »late «uperlntendent ol public In- A F (lllllum. anointed by Join» «tructlon. Eueli of these schools U Iktvldsou and David Tfccliubold. fin- earing for 26 under-privileged d ill-\ billed Hie carpenter work hl tlx? dien Ix'lwccii tlie age» of two and school basement lust week four year« with an all-day program Keeoverlng from Paralvsl. i.','“1!1“ !* V,l,ay; T,“"“ ' Casper Itufener. who hud u severe " l‘e a ll|, habll.- a properly pre ............... 1 m fuinil. p a ra ly se , I . eon- '•.M.ii-.l.n m eal and an aflei t d. ■ mg ilowh a, Ila- h o n .......I he. <*“ P «biter Mrs Kosle Green. In Port- ! t" ronsldcr problems In child devel- luixi. Mr Itufener expect» to la* , « p i l l e i n , u i e ubo conducted by the nursery school instructors. able to I«' up next week. Mr». Honte»» .» ■ I'» . I Bishop tlM Ilip ■ ■«»»»« w » * I) I ■ ay » • M . c, , ¿ November 20 Portland touching situation. the funeral services for Vera French l,ar‘ Jan<- Garden of T h a n k s g i v i n g . " ------------------------ held at Us- M E church that aft- was The the title of the pageant pre- Estate Filed ernrxrri Cornelius Estate of Samuel H. Ornduff, O/rnel ss '-. a .¿ " Is (mnethlng. Perhaps We ought Ur crown Hermon king of the Ur- mato producers. ” X * ««v, s 5 “!* ," « ss ? - ess Ur the Ladles' Altar society of Dee Selfridge- duet Rev and Mr« ! - __________ Uie 8L Alexander church at her Cliarle» Reed;' "Garden of Joy by "The whole of the count™ Ixrmr- Thursday afU-rnoon. Seven- Winnie Rock; solo by Helen Ollier7 1 common e n e m v y has a teen ladies were present. garden of Faith" by Helene Shaw; lure, capital, iahor. consumer—all Election will soon be post and Olrte of Miss Evelyn Reed's sew- Garden of Love" by Cora Murphy, are engaged in fighting it Pre«- then tlx- bird, who won will thank ink das« have on display one o f •a,*° ^y David Edmonston. "Gar-! ident Rooeevelt. the voters for their kind assistance their projects In frmler’s Hard- oen of Charity" by Lavon Robin- | ette, duet by Helen and Frank ' and the fellows who lost will wold I ware wind dow. J. Delmonte, Mrs.' . Ghver. "Garden — ........ silently ......—ly for _„,B - ----- ------- of -- , the voters being „ so Mr- an’er by Virginia Erikson, read- 4-room house, good barn, make, in,. Interesting and If November 23. Miss Murphy of Mon- “h? by Mrs Loster Mooberry, pan- fine w ater SUOnlv fruit col mighty nice U> keep the political m°u th a guest there. tomime acted by the impersonator i„_ f . „,¡1,, ---- ------- . e . the . . last min- mi «. Martha o^i.—i------- sung , by Mis» Spieschaert ------1 w a s of . the gardens ______ - as _____ - the 1 ,d r ’ I a m n y orchard, 2 acres world guessing up tn Ute because no' one knows how hostess Thursday evening to the chotr. “Nearer, 8tUl Nearer." alfalfa, 1*/^ acres timber. the whole business is going to turn Peoples society o f t h e ----------------------- - Only $1600; $500 cash will out ahyhov.. even though t h e CaUiohc church Eight new mem- ’ D ir» ss I O taftftH jo , '. th in k , th a t M artin . going W 't" in itiale d into O ver Portlanders inerting will lx* ut tlx* home of Mr». John Gfcllvr ut North Pliiliui December 12. Nutlonul Cluard team and tlie r|' l l l 3 splendid morning frock. Pattern 233, has Its slim, smooth a i.u!••• crowd iik ' Hi * skirt steented by buttons and finished by a tie In the back. Hillsboro luulle«' «quad defeated Bunday for the b I kx XI hu mutch luid two Portlaiut bowling team« on the Collar and cuffs lend coutrast. Either linen, percale, or gingham the bird» were ull gone curly In local alleys Friday night. The Is suitable as the fubrlc. Designed In sizes 14 to 20 and 32 to 42, the afternoon. Ouards di’hsited the Multnomah Members of the Bunshine club Creamery team by u score of 2320 size 18 requires 3*4 yards of 35-lnch fabric, plus % yard contrast. For the mature figure, Pattern 174 furnishes a neat morning «re requested to come early to the to 2278 while tile ludles turned inerting ut the home of M im . Elmer buck the I’ortland Telephone rom- frock of bluo and while striped gingham trimmed In white pique. Batdirlder December b. iv* busl- H tny team 1930 to 17HI. Ml«« Available In sizes 30 to 02 Size 44 calls for 4% yards of 32-lncb lies» will ftlurl at 2 p m. sharp , ItolierUi Uurtics of the local squad fabric plus % yard contrast; or 6*4 yards If long sleeves are I had high «•■ore and average lor the required. women, while Nell Stangel was high To secure a PATTERN and STEP-BY-STEP SEWING INSTRUC­ for the (liuirdsmen. TIONS. nil out and mall the coupon below, being sure to MENTION League game» In Uie American ((’nntihiiMl from pane 1) TIIE NAME Ol THIS NEWSPAPER. as the highw ay department'» con­ I league were won by clean sweeps tribution to the (oiuitles und to , lust week while games 111 the otlier j three leagues were taken on two (lie state police. FASHION BUREAU, 103 PARK AVENUE, NEW YORK gome« out of three. In the eighth • • • week of txiwllng Royal Bodn works Alter Stale Treasurer Holman had defeated the Home Laundry and Enclosed And................ cents. Please send me the patterna UiT llJre w an T to’X R Mrs E Kroner of and advertised ajxklier (360.000 block the Hillsboro Motor company blank­ chucked below, at 16 cents each: will no doubt end ud bv Tvervbodv Mrs' R BelUn«er of Forest Grove of unemployment relief certificate» 's! the Hill.slsuo lee Works In the domg exa^tlv Is they ¿lea«?an v- *'ere g^ sti’ Sunday at the M Ed- for sale to finance December re- American league. Lentz and Hallie’., Pattern No. 233 Size.............................. how—UiaUs atout 2 far I s E Russe11 home 4“'t needs tlie liquor commission Place won out over Lester Ireland kind o t ^ e ^ e W Pattern No. 174 S ize.............................. A c Co. and the C. C. Store, respec­ suddenly discovered t h a t liquor profits would Lake core of tlie idt- tively, In Uie City league, while * * * John Pidcock fell at his home Name............................................ A d d r e s s .................. .. Aral tile world will go on just Saturday and injured his shoulder u.Uion w ltliout resort to additional Fairway Market and Curry's Oro- j the same and w ell all be Just as Horace Davis, who was recently certificates and the sale was called eery were victors over Sufewuy and C ity...............................................................S tate...................................... Coulcits in tlw Commercial league happy as ever because if the d ip lo-, injured at play, is able to be around off. In Uie NuUonul league tlie Com­ mats can't solve anything why i again. Name of thia newspaper................................................................ .. mercial National bonk defeated Uie should we worry? Many in the community are 111 Tire "safety-responsibility" a c t ■ Union Dll company team and Bris­ --------------------------- with the flu. which Is being sponsored by the tol Hardware trounced Uie National DecvrrMm «»,«»» Mrs- Louise Cochrane was com- legislative InterUn committee on Guards. plimented with a party Thursday: party for their daughter. Betty High scores In Uie various leagues roads oiul highways 1« being face­ T - z» « ^itemoon by her fourth grade p u -! Jean, on her eighth birthday. Twen- i tiously referred to tlie "dog bite" were os follows: American league, schoolhouse rane wajs presented wlth Mrs coch -f ty-two guests were present. Games! M Reli.se, 234; City league. P. Schu- bill Opponents of tlie measure were played, led by Miss Rose kart, 221; OommerclaJ league, M SOUTH TUALATIN—An interest- and a bounteous luncheon was serv­ declare that It is founded upon tlie Stucki. Jean Berger played t h e | ing program was given by the pu­ ed theory tluit every dog 1» entitled Jolinson, 200, and National league. (C o n tin u e d fr o m 1) piano for the songs. A buffet supper Doc Almuulst, 213. H. Rogers turned pils of the Johnson school Wednes- J Joseph Mann of Portland called ; to one good bite before b r i n g _____ the _ highest ____ score __ ever made on popularity. It is weU that they was served. Following were present: day Thanksgiving songs, readings, I at the M. D. Mann home Sunday j muzzled. Furthermore if the o f­ In the local alleys loot week with 287 i*"“*1 ,d" » w,ul<' ne» «PU‘f Lois and Donald Meier, Jean. Jim­ and plays were rendered by th e 1 after having spent the day at Gas- ( fending motorist behaves like a pirn, In a practice gome Other L' .?( high quality and a heavy my and Lowell Berger, Mabel Zur- | ton hunting ducks. good dog for three years alter be­ nigh practice «'orcs were O. Corry, - y lr*der. it shoukt not at this time cher, Buddy Levitt. Evangeline, youngsters. Miss Clara Routt of Olympia.1 Leslie Brown of Gervais spent ( ing muzzled that It d o n not have 25«. arxl R I»rtrrH, 265 as the older Billy and Artie Moshofsky, Esther ( Wash., who is visiting at the W last week with friends here. * be grown as extensively --------------------------- Sandstrom. Elred a n d Russell any serious accidents during that Amvrtran I.«ecu< w I. _ I varieties. BunneU home, was the inspira- Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Carl of Port- Thompson, Curtis Nllson, Iris Bur­ A. • . • [»nod. hl» muzzle will be removed II (1 labor«» le« 1ft •• .us tion for a taffy partv at the Bun- land and Mr. and Mrs. W. W. ’ ton, Miss Rose Stucki. Mrs. Flor­ K x - ym I S.wla 14 10 until lie ikwi become involved In M I Abortion control under the feder- lllUwfx. M.Hor« 10 14 ence Thompson. Mrs. Arvld Sand- nell home Thursday evening. A Shelton and daughters Muriel a n d ' anoUirr acridrnl Horn« laundry • 1ft ,5s al program will be discussed and strom. Mrs. A. E Wilson. Mr. and number of the young people of Nancy of_ Corvallis visited Mr. and • • • neighborhood gathered to hon- Mrs. W. R. Cooke and family Tues- Cl«r w L Pel explained at a meeting to be held Mrs. Arthur Gould and Betty and the or the young guests, »ho vdll re- 1ft 1 <2. in the Blooming school house Wed- Mrs. Fred Losli. Dr. W. H I.ytle, »late veterl Lanta main as a guest of the family for John Burbank of Mist spent the re It It *«» t nesday evening. December 5. Ques­ narlan. calls attention to the fact C l l . a l h C e . a S to l*l(uw Betluuiy Presbyterian Ladies' Aid a week Music, games and stunts week-end here He has been ill .. 11 18 .45« tions pertaining to infectious abor­ that Uie United States department Ire la n d « met wlUi Mrs. Stucki November 21. provided entertainment until a late m the hospital at the place of his 10 14 .41« of agriculture lias Just classified w 1. Pet. tion and details of the federal agree - Mrs Albert Meier led. hour, together with the taffy pull- employment. Dragon os being tubercukmia ac­ Safeway lal It 10 MI, nient concerning the clean-up pro- M. C. Larsen returned home from Ing. Those present w e r e Lei I la Mrs. Lloyd Shaw was ill lost week credited free This makes Uie en- Coelett It 11 kou gram that is now undict'ire itring'from a serious case of pots- the three Is going to come out on on oak. top regardless of guesses, bets and ’’Mrs Earl Smith left Wednesday straw votes Anyway the losers for a visit with relatives M Monte- Iiad a wonderful opportunity to sano Wash practice public speaking—and that's Miss Blanche Fmegan is recover- worth something. ¡ng from minor injuries received • • • bi a wreck on the highway east of Saturday night Sometimes losers should be thank - town A number • ful that they lost and they are— A from Cornelius at- look at Al Smith. People still re-(tended the silver tea a n d open member him as a real fighter, house at the Forest Grove high while they look at Herbie Hoover school Friday afternoon, as the man who saw prosperity Miss Rosamond Mundorf is work- comlng around the corner and It mg in Portland. failed to—arrive. i Harry Miskimins recently under- • * • Portland appentUcltls operation in Japan, Great Britain and Uncle Mr ; Cochrane hoc n a«1l“'nddick:^ d hathe^> probably' * vUit wlUl relaUves at Red- C i t y IjOWlCrS W ill Johnson Master of Leedy Grange K xwa» handle. Insure with TUALATIN VALLEY INSURANCE AGENCY Jackie Cooper In "Peck’s Bad Boy ’ will be at the Venetian theatre ‘ today. Friday and Saturday with a I pecial h m ^ iv m g day matinee j pecial T Thanksgiving Satur<»y- Jackie M eigh ^ T jl-k ie sZari^o6i»1?}0*"*8 ! l.„,i rCIL..J5 ckiS 5 * ar ’ ° ’ p Heggie i ' '2} ^ ro^hy p,*,’rsrjn- v o n n ^ n i» ^ 1 aPPealin« J?ckic Co?Per “ (be tar of this human film story. ~ — — — —— r LOGLlIIIl (Jiven i I ohnson School 1X18 at the Katahdin Potatoes Bring Heavy Yield Special Meeting Hazeld.ile Group Jackie Is .wen as a line two-fisted boy Wlm is nearly crowded out of his fathers life and affections llirougli tlie plotting of an unprin­ cipled aunt and her no les« un- prUiclpted son. To Judge front ad- Mr M D Mann and Mrs. Mattie rpl» rt»- « » y m boyhood K k d M m . /" F ^ M a S “^ Ba?- And ord breaking c rop of Uyinaf/K oi “"«'uit would have i<> ' OREGON Page Three Annual Event North Plain» 11,111 (ome out of new highway construe- K. P. Hall on Saturday 1,1 *>'»■• «.Uwi m -< tloii ol tlx- Mi H enry B ishop Was ho»t< . u> tlie r i . u i . r . A i d N o v e ra ta i i Nexl H IL L S B O R O . W. G. IDE 1314 Main Street Hillsboro. Oregon RUCHEK’S ASH GROCERY FREE DELIVERY — PHONE 2001 Price» for Saturday and Monday— Dec. 1 and 2 CHOCOLATE FLOUR A Ghirardelli product. I-lb. c a n .................. Pisher’s Biscuit Mix. 17C 2H-ib. 22c 21c 1 7c pkg CORN FLAKES MILK MT7 “ CUGAR SOUP Pure cane, granulated. 10 ib». Vegetable. Reg 50c size can. 3 SUNBRITE A L^ 22c J 7c s SAVER 22c TOILET TISSUE BEANS Small White, 5 RICE Idaho. Fancy Blue Rœe. 21c a»». TEA 1 E /V 3S-H». 18c pkg ........................... ................... ] 4 GREEN * BLACK. H.|b VX/HPAT W ilE /A 1 KERRS FAST COOKING. TOASTED. No. 10 bag ...................... 4c 4«IC Hayward S afeway S tores V alued FOR THE FIRST OF THE MONTH ( t /u n U t i//c e r i ( t . Price« Effective Friday, Saturday and Monday FREE DELIVERY Prices for Fri., Sat., Mon.— Nov. 30, Dec. 1 and 3 COCOA H ershey’s. 1-lb. can Ready to supply you with the finest MEATS a t the least cost. Heady to advise you In purrhnslng. Ready to give real value«. All meat« Inspected by I»r. Nicol and I»r, AlmqtilxL Picnics, lb. • • • 13c Cottages, lb. SW ISS C H EESE Lb LAMB C H O P S u ................... BEEF R O A ST Lb H A M B U R G E R vk 17c 25c 18c 9c 8c We have a good »upply of NEW SAUERKRAUT FRED’S SUPERIOR MARKET Phone 651 £ = = 5 Deliveries Daily Re«. Phone 321Z 5 ^ = y ~ J L ’= = ~ KERN’S. 12-oz. bottle ............... 12c DEL MONTE, % a . 2 cans ................................ CLEANSER— Lighthouse. Can ............................................. SOAP— Liberty W hite Laundry. 10 bars .............. Double Action Cleanser. RICE— Fancy Blue Rose. 5 lbs.............................................. CORN MEAL— W hite or Yellow. 9-lb. sack ............. BEANS— Small W hite. 5 lbs.............................................. FIG BARS— W hite or W hole W heat. Lb............... Dates « Hnllowi. e seen. 9c 29c 20c 33c 10c CORN STARCH 3cS?®r; Washing Powder Lighthouse. Close out. Large pkg................. 5c B ISC U IT M IX Ï S JELL W ELL 6 pk„ SUPER SU D S 25c CAM DV 19c PANCAKE FLOUR— Fisher’s. No. 10 sack 49c SANI-CLOR— Bleacher, W ater softener. Quart >0 ROLLED O A T S Saturday price, (4 lb». 15c) 9 lbs. 29c A P. & G. product. I L '“ 12c 9c 25c 3 ' X 39c nYV ................. 12c Bronson’s. 8c CLEANSER LIOHTHOUSE. 3 can« 9c PORK & BEANS T^TnpX . 5c 10c Prince Albert. Sunshine Krispy or Graham . O N IO N S B0ILING SIZE- (100 lb«. 95c) .. 2-lb. box 29C FREE 12c Pure cane. 100-lb. $ / |.9 9 10 Sack CORN D^ nMAIZ;.................... 69c 2 ; SUGAR CRACKERS i;„b 19c Mustard Sale TOBACCO 10c 4c LAUNDRY SOAP L™b Aani... 19C GINGER BREAD MIX Pkg 20c COCOA ™ 19c .......... G eneral Foods. 3 bar» ............................... SATIN MIX, in cellophone. 2 lbs IN ST A N T POSTUM L IG H T G L O B E S 1 E M 'z l" 2510,5 ""“ AM M ONIA M A LTED MILK . T IOC POWDERED SUGAR , _____ ......................... 13c DATES TOILET TISSUE S5“ ’TA , 25c OREGON PRUNES 6 Ib, _____ ) ffAxa lb»t>vC 10 D E L IV E R Y U \ ™ FS lb*. 10c