THE Page Two H o o d Selected G range Master Jack, and Mr. and Mrs. Jesse M ey -, ers an d Elsie. Mrs Jessie Tillm an attended an R. N A supper at Hillsboro one n ig h t last week She also visited h er son Laurel Frost In Forest Grove. Move Here H IL L S B O R O ARGU S. H IL L S B O R O . T hursday, Novem ber 29, 1931 OREGON mid Mr mid Mrs Signs of the Ttiiies," dealing with Clarence Adams and daughter of the latest Inventions, radio, uvtu- l-\inv»l Grove were Thursday eve­ llo n . lu iu e .dli'ii-.d m n new ra y s ning visitors at the Kowlon home |n'i f»n gasses, etc A message up Neal Kennedy suffered a I rat is Hu- hour C o m e I'u c .il.n ut 7 l:> turod right wrist while cranking | n in uieiubeis’ business meeting tin' cm' Friday evenuig. Friday, i 45 p in . evangelistic serv­ ice. Rev mid Mrs J E 'Tlmnu'l- inmi. pastors. Mr*. Farm ington. Mo., Mr and Mrs. E. E Hopkins. Mr an d Mrs. Platt Laurel People Banks League Hopkins and daughter. Phyllis. and Eh Hopkins, all of Wlsliram, Wash . and Miss IXvothy Hail of St. H e l-1 Plan Pot Luck Sponsors Meet ¡Clyde. en* » ere all ueek-end guest* of; Moxie and Ida Hopkins in Hanks. lire« of T aft er'' midweek service Hennon, "Ex­ cuses " "Feature" servie«» p in. il>e- , emlx'i Di "Call Roosevelt's NRA Restore Perm anent P ro sisrlly ?'' A lie ,ills w e l l , im e Io all Olli a l l lei’s "The church with a family .pirli." R 1. Puluuni, push»' .htne m ^R»»',? Hill Calvin W hitmore and Mr. and Mm W T. tWtersI Iliiplisl Church Naderer Given Parties camp near Birkenfeld t o T h o r German M, E. Cliurch llrthany for the Bledsoe» Sunday. Sunday school. « 45 Special m eet­ Groenbeek’s house here. Gn G erm antow n road Sunday Mrs Carl Shipley and daughters -------- Mr. and Mis. Arley Hudspeth of school every Sunday. 10 a in ; G er­ ings to start on next .Sunday. 'The Jm uuta and M arjorie spent Sunday (B y M ra F . I. H ruw n) ,By M s Fret! Wolford (By m « . M«r«i»i Portland visited her mother. Mrs m an service. Il a. in . first a n d ltev Mr W hirry will do the preach­ afternoon with Mrs w . T. Sellers. Fvrrytlilug tu Inaurane« LAUREL A community pot luck third Sundays; English service. 11 ing No meetings on Mondav mid M o u n t a in Mollie Tallman, last *eek. _________________________ _ _ _ BANKS Banks Epworth league Mr and Mrs Reid Eldridge. Mr BUXTON - G r e e n dinner will be served at the hall George Higgle made a trip u will a community get-to- n i Mrii MtU-ian McLeln a n d John a nt. second and fourth Sunday» Saturday nights; services to be­ Grange on November 17 elected rh. »me 17*1 1132 W ashington E Julius 'lYaglto, pastor. if gin ul 7 3 Come mid share 111 the iomuwwk ii » « » . *' Hood, Birkenfeld to brine household goods , et|w r „reeling and pot luck dinner Kennedy all ol Hillsboro, were Sunday. Everyone in the commu­ following v officers R. M blessing« ot this meeting. All are master Harry Seabold S r . lectur- for lus brother Sunday ln th e R N A hall Wednesday eve-j SundavKUests of Mr and Mrs Jeff nity is invited to JoUi tn the g>'l-1 welcome. __ _ „ . together. Christian Science Society er- Rav Roberts, overseer; Mrs Some of the school children and ning. December 5 The dinner will Kennedy. mid Mra F rancis Coolidge, Services are held every Sunday Olive Stowell, treasurer; Mrs. Edith several other people of the co in -¡b e at 6.30. Everyone in live com- ,j wopien enjoyed a pot of Mr. Portland visited h er parents, | Free Melhedlst Church at It a. m ; Wednesday evening Higgle, secretary: Mrs Mac Quier munity have been ill with 'flu1' the munitv is cordially invited to a t- ,U(.k dtIuler ut noon Thursday, their Mr and Mrs. George Rosevear. services at 8 o'clock; Sunday aciioo! Sunday school. 10 n in ; preach­ chaplain; Harry- Seabold J r , stew-, past week. tend Following th e dinner a Pro*, regular meeting day The afternoon Sunday. a t 11 a. ill. Pupils up to the age ing, Il a. m.; etnas meeting. 7:15 ard Mr Goodrich, assistant ste w -! a Thanksgiving program was giv- gram will be given by members of was spent in quilting. liv e in Coolidge llom r of 20 years are welcomed. Sunday's p m . evangelistic nu'eting H p ard; Evelyn Rinck lady assistant t„, Tuesday night a t the Manning the league, assisted by resident*.of I Mrs. Lewis Hostess Mr mid Mrs. William Borgelt, | topic. Anelent and Modern Necro­ in. Friday night prayer m eeting at ( steward, and Eugenia Quier. Lucille i scliool house. community. Bil*> s O m in g . a 4 *itt ' * of tlu* Mrs. Alfred ul tx.msas City wlio were m arried last week, are mancy. alias Mesmerism and Hypno­ 7 30. S liangers are Invited to Uiese ; Retherford an d Dolly LaZott °t t - t h e Mr and Mra Cliet Fryuendal and , nw\iv will be part P,KVpU, aro entertained the Lewis Bridge club T hurs- 'aving m the Francis Coolidge house. tism, Denounced " services ut all tunes. graces. kitchen Helen iUld llbuL aAldt honing thAt the people ul the com- dav afternoon. Mrs Vem l*rlckett Calvin Whitmore Honored A housewarming and ner *SS| ** d“ > S h wdi e X F into then plans won ftrat Mra A rthur Irelan d Calvin Wliltinore was honor guest Banks M. K. Church shower with pot luck dinner was {njin a' trip to Uufur All Sainis' Mission iFpiseopal) for a pleasant get-together eve- second and Mrs Cass Wilson low at a dinner Sunday alien Mr mid Sunday school every Sunday. 0 45 given Mr. and Mrs. I. Bledsoe in First Sunday In Advent Sunday , Mrs. Raletgll Wliltinore entertained a in Mrs II. Jopscn. superintend­ ning. Admission Is free Card Party Friday their new house near Manning R - N A- kxl*iv wl11 8tve a card at ttieir home for ills sixty-seventh ent Preaching service« by Ellsworth school. 9 45 a m . service and se r­ Sunday Several useful gifts were C r e t 'k M i l l l Free Movie Monday A m otton'picture sli "w“7wrt.lining | X \? M ra V't^hMles Shipley a t- birtluiav anniversary. O thers pres­ Tilton, pastor, every Sunday eve­ mon by the vicar Fellowship in e e l-1 received. Those present were Mr ent were Mr. and Mrs. Marion ning. 8 o'clock. Ladles' Aid meets lug Sunday evening December 2. and Mrs William Shepard and Boge mid Mr. and Mra. Tom Savage first and third Wednesdays ut 2 ut 6:30 o'clock District m e e t ­ V eretta May and Evelyn ot near of Portland. Mrs. Ed Boge and p m. Banks. Mr and Mrs. Jack Benefiel tf ing Of Y I’ F ut Hl Michael mid All Angels. Portland, B«'v R H. Cecil lloge of Farm ington, Mr. and and Lillian Mae, Mr. and Mrs. E Wlsecarver. vicar Mra Mervtn W liltinore mid son Rye and Floyd. Mr and Mrs. C h ar­ 1‘ruteciMtal Tabernacle Uxuiard of C hehalein Mount aUi. purchased a new car He purchased QtK— - speakers will be Mrs. Hugh Mrs- Uriuik Hartw ick and daugh- les Crowther. Mr. an d Mrs. Jolui fus old car in 1918 1240 lUncoln street m £ uv £ ’ £e” dent of .Ae W sX - ^ ^ ^ X k e r X f B rik s 'v is u ,^ Mr. mxt Mrs. Leslie Lee mid three Christian Church Caldwell. Mrs. Lena Caldwell. Mrs. Sunday. Sunday school, 10 u m.. children of Cherry Grove. Elizabeth Boeckh of Brooks Hill mgton County Public H ealth as- ' . 5 < ‘^ X 0,Mr £ ld Mra Laura High Smith, and Richard. laird's Day cliurrh scluxil. 9 45 a. i ■auTOi VI i i i u m g t o n v o u u i y r u o u e n n » » u »>--- v . . „ „ lhp r M r „ .„ i M rs morning worship. 11, young people'* Sophia Jackson of Scholls. Mr. and Shirley, Mary Jan e and Darlene. and Lavida W aefler of this sec- sociaUon. Dr. R. M Kmes and November .» with Mr and Mrs Mrs H erm an W hitmore mid d au g h ­ service. 6 30 p in , evangelistic m.. C. II Nosier, superintendent. Pete Ore. Mr and Mrs Ruben K el­ tion took p art in the program of Margaret Dixon, county health M L ra Frank Hartwick and d augh­ ter Elinor, Mra. Calvin Whitmore. service, 7:45 p in Wednesday. Bible Two more classes went oyer th e i r , ly, Mr. and Mrs Chris Tolke and the G irl Reserves of Beaverton nurse A short program will also be ter Maxmc 7 46 p. in. Thursday. Prayer of FAvrcst Grove visited Arland. Josephine, Irene and Elaine .study’. Billie and Norma. Mr and Mrs high school, which was broadcast given by th e grade school children incettng . 7 45 p. m. Saturday, evan- goals last week Only three weeks with Mr. and Mrs. W G. Whitmore. George Fisher. Mrs Marv Watson, over K W j J Saturday. It was spon­ All paren ts and anyone else Inter­ Sunday gcltstu- service. 7 45 p. m. Harry left of our "Loyalty" campaign, Walker and Mrs. Bella Hartwick M rs Naderer Honored le t's have more than 200 in a t - . Clara Allen, Ethel Meyers. Mrs sored by Olds. W ortm an & King. ested are cordially invited to a t­ in Downey, pastor Banks. Mrs. A. Naderer was honor guest tendance Hits week Morning wor­ A lta Carstens and George Bledsoe C. E Barker of Aloha gave an tend Admission is free. Alvan Dreeasen of Corvallis is at her home November 21 when ship at 11 Special music. Hermon, i an d Mr and Mrs. I Bledsoe and interesting address on geography Mr an d Mrs. A. C. W ahl and visiting Congregational Church his uncle. O. D. Dreezen. a number of ladies gathered there Y O U 'L L never catch h e r "Sixty Yems Preaching the Go»pel son Lvle. A quilt was presented Mr. to the pupils of the Rock Creek sons F ran k and Bryce an d Miss in Banks. Tlie Holy Conuniuilon will be on Alvan is recently from 1 standing still . . . ehe'e to help celebrate her seventy-sec­ World Field« " 'The aiuuuil m is­ an d Mrs Bledsoe, made recently by school November 20. Ethel Sm ith drove to Portland N orth Dakota and is very much celebrated in coius*ction with tlie ond birUiday anniversary. Those always «1 tlie gn And while sionary day inemagr. ’Dwrarnd Old the W oman’s Benefit association. On Wednesday morning J. B. service of public worship a t il a. m .! present were Mesdames E O. Mul- Age IVnslon club meeting. 2 30 p Mrs. C A. Peterson was visited McNeil of Portland took a picture «lie's going -s ite 's growing Amelia Campbell, John C raw ­ Tlie Rev T A rthur Diuigmi acting m. Speaker. B art KUarmeler <> f “ s*""t ” " iL S fS S ^ S S E loy, last week by a sister from Cor­ of tire Rock Creek student body Hlie needs Iwr appetite I S ta rt minister Bible school meets at 10 IMrtland Everyone Interested In­ ford. Sain Davis. W L. Stevens, L. vallis. Alfred Willis of Cornelius Mr. an d Mrs. Ted Gutschm idt lier off rigid each loom ing ctv'de Honklns soent Saturdav eople's choir. S pe­ ^ e ^ c ^ ^ d s of X X b e r have 'h T R efo rm ed church Sunday. Rev Portland. 1 • stro 'mkP our laird. No public service J. J H utchens of Banks and the honor guest. musical feature by Miss Mixire. Wvss wiU preach Everybody wel- ,m Mrs. H. L. Jensen underwent a Siuiday, first Sunday in Advent, cial beer, shipped out. m Jo 3 £ r ( opemttoA“ ^ * S e“ ^ u e l - « Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Brown and Order T oday! Sermon. "Spiritism Can Uie Liv­ the begttuiing of the new ecclesias­ ^upus of O. the ww Rock , hospital in Portland. She Is re- R‘lt^ T dw i ^ i i ^ , ^ wnA c i uidc daughter Lillie called on his g ran d ­ ing CiMiiniunti ate With the Dead?" , Give Honor Roll Last week th e pupils Phone 4KX1 tical year. Cliapel service a t 10 30 niece. Mrs. C lifton Berwick (Lois es e * h a “ lta w d *■" th e ported getting along nicely.: S m S h ew f S S d ^ m TWt. Mrs. followed by trick rxlilbll* on spirit Perfect attendance pupils of the Creek upper grades a. m. and 7 30 p. in. ''Your King slate Vail» Saturday evening a t t h e wilting and answering of ques­ primary- grades for the past six pupils of the lowv, ki.u r., <>, s w o ru is m r«»v .nent rt»v with Mrs weeks are Robert Alford. F rank, w eeks spelling contest. On Monday c a st of characters of the student .t, X ) orove Emanuel hospital in Portland, where C om eth' will be tlie them e of Uie tions In sealed envelopes Front she underwent a m ajor operation serm ons for the next four Sundays, «eats reserved for children Mon­ Crowther. Dorothy- Cummings, L e s-' moming th e average grade of the body play- given in the high school; Dt inert HutcJU ns in r u on Monday. They were evening tn preparation for C hristm as day day. 7 45 p m . practical workers' te r Moen. Evelyn Ross. Shirley upper grades was 97.9 and the aver- auditorium Wednesday evening in- Clyde Hopkins N. G. In tlu- morning tlie iwstor's topic W hite and W auneta Cearley. Dor- age of th e lower grades was 96.9. eluded Mae Cason, Alvan K aufm an. Following officers were elected at guests of Mr. and Mrs, A. N. Vail. will be "Through the World About class fi>r young people 'Tuesday. othy Cummings, second grade pu- The w-inning room received a prize. Tillle K norr. George Thompson, o d d Fellow s lodge S aturday night: Mr. mid Mrs. Leon F. Davis a t­ Us." mat tn tlie evening, "Accord­ 7 30 p. til., meet big of board* of | tended a party a t the Frank Pile elders, deacons mid deaconesses fol­ pil. is moving to Centerville, where Herbert Scheldt is teaching th e W alter Jesse. R ita Duyck. Marie civde Hopkins, N G.; Ray Lien, ing to Isaiah " lowed by numtiily bourd meeting she will attend school. Those hav- upper grades an d Miss Ingrid Lind Rieben. Effie Toates. A rthur Van- v. G ; George Schneider, secretary, home tn Hillsboro Thursday eve­ December 6. S t Nicholas day Wednesday. ning. 7 :30 p i l l church scliool DAIRY mg perfect attendance for th e same the lower grades, 1 dehey, Wayne Shipley. Leonard and W. E. Davies, treasurer. Special Mr. and Mrs. Silas Bechcn and Annual ingathering of toys, games conference for teacliers and offl- i length of time in upper g rad es, Edward Scheldt played a violin I Fowles. Patricia Jensen. R ita Cop. district deputy- grand m aster was mid gifts for less fortunate chil­ ,ci . limisoHv 7 30 p m H u .a ■ children Tommy and Dorotliy of were Lloyd Messenger. John Rinck, solo at the Thanksgiving program M arian Maxwell, Harry' Seabold official visitor An oyster sup- dren, afternoon mid evening. Chapel Wilma Crowther, Harrison Teller, at th e Bethany Presbyterian church Earl G roat and Ed Maxwell. per was served following the busi- West Union were Sunday visitors service, 7:30 pin. a t tlie B. O. McNay liome. Chester Canby. Melvin Powell. Mer- Sunday night. Hold Ceremonial ness meeting. Young people's meetings as a n ­ Elbert and Irene Stevens visited; tin Watson, Delmar Bellish. Donna o tto Zurbrugg of B ethany and The W ikapi-Nahon Camp Fire j . c . Moore spent the week-end BUY HILI-SBORO MADE nounced. Annual C hristm as Eve Lane. Billie Crowther, Harold and William Jossy of Hillsboro left for G irls held a ceremonial meeting at the home of his brotlier. W. L. their sister Ina at Vernunla Sun- m idnight carol service, in Venetian Norman Peterson. Francis Kirk San Jose. Cal.. Monday morning at the home of th eir guardian. Moore, in Banks He started for day. tlieatre December 24 a t 1130 p. in Mr. and Mrs Henry Tonchln m id ; Betty Lane, Esther Quier and Tre- i for a two weeks' visit with Mr. Jos- , Miss Ethel Sm ith. November 20 hts home in Los Angeles Monday. daughters Vlrguila mid B arbara of The pastor may be consulted any vor Canby. i sy s relatives. • Alta Brown was taken in as a n e w ------------------------- Ehnonica were Sunday guests of day between 10 a in and noon, or Henry H annan of Portland was Mr. and Mrs. Jack Harvey and member. Mrs A. C. Wahl, who as _ _ „ , Mrs Tonchln's sister. Mrs. Jacob by appointm ent, nt the House office. a Buxton visitor Saturday. son Gifford of Portland were Sun- Miss G race Gibson, was a member H t ' m i i l l l U illlC n V ¡352 Jackson street. Schmidt, and family. Help Local Industry Couple Honored day guests a t the F. H. Jossy home, of the first Camp Fire group or- J B Hall mid Miss Oladys Hall J A surmise nartv was riven Mr Mrs- Harvey will be remembered ganized in Forest Grove, spoke to F iir iis f o l Q l i n i f a v of J. Portland and Grape Growers Methodist Episcopal Church were Sunday evening 2 ? X < uesse i £ r » aieyere f e ! 5 i s ’ a a t ? th £ r »• Wahl was -pir.. also C hurch school. U 45. Miss lto«e and Ml 7 airs, uieir _ H t uth Arns. formerly of Rock the girls. Mrs. fir« guests of their brother-in-law and ; Creek. guardian o f t h e first Camp Fin- BANKS—Funeral services for Her- uncle, C P. Stafford. Cave, superintendent If you are w ^ ro r^ p ta ^ c J d F l Donald Jossy- spent this week-end j ¿roup in Banks Mrs. Howard Rice and Miss Marie not going elsewhere to a scliool of T t a S ^ B ^ n T ^ * >4“'’ ^ ^ •“ Corvallis visiting with his broth- M ra.‘Eunice Ewing and son Car- I? -ln B X nd^v « T F Schmidt of Hillsboro were Sunday religion, why not s ta rt next S u n ­ Ruben Kelly, Mrs FTed Sulivan Barle, who is attending school ston of Beaverton T . hursday p,>n-si Orove Grove undertaking luvdertaking evening guests a t the A d o l p h day? You will find a good fellow- « « were . .. « m m at j Uw Forest ! TVew m 5hI™ t° rS ° f M aIMl Mn> J Parlor with Rev Ellsworth Tilton Schmidt home. slup and excellent class instruction. and Charlotte. Mra. Prudie Fickas there. « u te n e n a officiating Interm ent was in the and Frances. C. A. Morgan. Mrs. O Mrs Sam Frost and daughter Divine worship. 11 Sermon su b -, ! ° H. Stowell. George Hollenbeck. H ar- Ask your attorney to send your Verle and mother. Mrs. Ada H an­ ect, "The Book We Neglect.” E p­ ry Seabold and sons H arry and legal advertising to th e Argus. son of ScIvolLs were Sunday guests worth League. 6 30 A Bible study CHOICE WINES of Mr. mid Mrs. Kollui Meyers. I class for youth. Evangelistic serv- i Mr. Douchy was bom tn Minne- Mrs RoUln Meyers attended the Ices. 7 30 Senium subject. "Why You cannot buy better wines any place and the F nends of Mrs. M S Woodman Oriob« r 1° 1860 the son of funeral services Monday of h e r Will Ye Ilte?" The second Is a prlci's are reasonable will be glad to hear th a t she stood n ^ i d ^ n d Lucy' Douchv He had of living question« from the t r ‘P s ^ ^ eVle^ , ^ Witce.v « i ™ < £ d m andi^ aro tu id 'B a n k s for aunt, Mrs. Ben Turley i 8 u s l e series »1.75 CIIAI I.FNGF WINK, gallon Blasksleyi, in Portland. Mrs. Turley Bible. All of the above services are «PAKKI INO BAI I I IlM h J ' v r a r ^ ' w t\lio r a w firo m Rav llurty He was a me,nber ot lived tn this community in the plaiuied to guide, direct mid Inspire Quarta »145 -I'A ltK I.IN G III K (.l SIIV * c J X a n G w h o ? w h h T J X t X r . ^ G a l e ^ n U . He°ls U S d ' g . nineties. C hristian faith and Uf* We wwi- Pints .78 conie you to our services - -Charles SPARKLING MUSKI.I.F Mrs. Theodore Wells and sons i In re a r of Piggly W iggly Store accompanied the^rem ains of M. S a daughter Mrs. George Dresser o l , Teddy and Donald of Redmond. M. Reed, M inister Many more varieties available in a few weeks W oodman to Iown for burial i he.» ■ . n_ a son Civde ■ Mr mid Mrs. William Joo« J r of | were met at the depot by five car- X t i o f^ J e rrX d a M lX 1 Foursquare Church Hillsboro, Mr. a n d Mrs. Harry loads of oldtime friends, who knew R Pouchy of Bermuaa, Minn. QUALITY MEAT— Specials for Saturday, Dec. 1 Sunday; Sundav school, 9:45 a. Schm eltzer o f M ountain Home the Woodmans there many years i LOUTS H E R B O fjyr, Proprietor m ; morning service. It o'clock A and William Walker were Sunday ago. d rp err teaching message. A lively Oregon's Only Bonded Winery guests of Mrs. Flora Baker. Mrs. Mr. and Mrs A J. Fnedley and Telephone MOI WF DFI.IVFK Spring St. near Condrnser Wells is the house guest of her young people's meeting. 8:30 p. m.; D. Holgate of Hillsboro visited Mr. I Mrs. Dan Miller and family of sister. orchestra entertainm ent. 7 30 p. ni ; Mrs. Joo« Jr. of Hillsboro. and Mrs Ray Parmley and chil-1 Bonneville visited her mother. Mrs. This advertisem ent not (mid for by the Oregon Liquor Control then following an Inspiring evan­ And SIRLOIN Steer B eef Frank Post Jr. of Portland vis­ dren Sunday. Laura Brown, over the week-end. Commission. ited his cousins. B. O. and W H. gelistic service, a gixxl musical Pound Pound Mr. and Mrs. Fred Irvin and While washing some glasses S al- McNay, program. Message subject "The Thursday. children of Portland spent Sunday urday Mrs. Abbott cut her finger Mr and Mrs L. A W hittle and with Mrs. Irw in’s mother. Mrs. Alice so badly th a t two stitches had to Mr. and Mrs. R ichard W hittle and Parmley, who lives n orth of Banks be taken. daughter Doris were guest* a t a Mrs. Parmley returned to Portland Mr, and Mrs. O. F Kyler of Port- housewarming Mr. and Mrs J. Sugar Cured. with them to spend th e T hanks- land visited Mr K yler's parents, L. Auld at their for new home in Hills­ giving holidays. Mr. and Mrs. S. Fetters, Sunday. 3 lb*..................... Pound .............. T hursday evening. Mrs Nora Dooley of P ortland Mr. and Mrs. J W. Holt of M at- boro L. E. Francis, assistant co u n ty , cair.e Sunday evening for a few son station were Friday night guests agent, held a meeting a t the Amos day’s' visit with h er m other. Mrs. at the M att King home PHONE 3131 FREE DELIVERY W atkins home Monday evening to M. A. Dodds. J. Berry spent several days at the make arrangem ents for organizing' Mr. and Mrs. Bert Byington of home of his m other-in-law . Mrs. J. INDEPENDENTLY OW NED AND OPERATED 4-H calf club. --------------------------------------------------- Snyder, en route to a business trip a MtlUcent Dunsmoor spent t h e in W ashington. W hen he returns FREE DELIVERY Second at Main Street Phone 3251 home to Los Angeles Mrs. Snyder week-end with Ju n e G ifford o f will return with him to visit with Hillsboro. Mr and Mrs. E. C Mulloy and tier daughter and family Henry Lowry accompanied a group granddaughter Thelm a visited Mra. Specials for Friday, Saturday and M onday— Nov. 30, Dec. 1 and 3 of P ortland friends on a duck Winnie Mulloy of Hubbard S a tu r­ shooting trip to his h u n t club a t day. Mr and Mrs S. E W atkins of 1 Yamhill. They reported only fair Newberg visited his daughter. Mrs. ' luck. H. McNay, Sunday. Mrs. Leona T urner and Mrs. W. Mrs. J. Haase, Mrs. W. L. Friday, Saturday and Rachel Reichert both passed the Stevens and H. Mrs New crop fancy Heedless Navel Henry Reese a t­ Monday Features S tate Board of Beauty Culture ex­ tended the Blooming Ladies' Aid, oranges. Buy a .supply. am ination with high honors. Mrs. Large pkg. was entertained by Mrs. Ed Sperry. T urner is now operating In her which Demmln at her home a t Scholls husband's barber shop. dozen On his arrival In New York City, Thursday. Each Pkg. No. 1 tall, pink. W alter K latt, who Is working on the Edward Luckenbach, received some pretty rough experience. He Each .................. was accosted by thieves while going j Mr. and Mrs Lorenz and children Lifebuoy uptown and they took his money t Lee, G race and Elsie visited Mr. and flashlight and th en forced him , and Mrs Howard Fitzpatrick and IXL, not boneless. to give up his shoes a t the point i fam ily in Portland Sunday. of a gun. While in New York City , Mrs. Hill of Ocean Lake. Mr. and Durkee’s he visited several of his relatives. 1 Mrs. C harles Edmonds an d chll- Bar Can CRYSTAL He w ent from New York to Phila- [ delphla and does not expect to get l FOR RHEUMATISM, NEU­ Pint W HITE home until after the holidays. The turkey shoot a t the E. John- I RITIS and ARTHRITIS try Am erican Sodas. 2-Ib. box 25c son place was well attended last CASEY’S COMPOUND Sunday. Tom ato Soup. Van C am p’s. 4 cans 19c Bom, to Mr. and Mrs. Hubert 1000-sheet. A tonic and blood builder. Drives, Livingood, November 22, a son Scot Tissue. 3 rolls ...................... ...21c Vlilg Finest quality rollt W alter Hickenlooper received a out the uric acid and poison. Stops: Cleanser. Gold Dust. 3 cans .........10c j very painful injury Sunday when pain and swelling, and cram ps in the axe slipped as he was cutting wood and struck his wrist. the limbs. G uests a t th e Louie K latt home Mt. Vernon. Mr. Frank Barnes, 4918 E. 13th, Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Robet Tall. 3 Send 3 Cam ay Soap w rappers and Cockrill and Mrs. Wendlick of Port­ 8t., Portland, Ore., states he got 10c t o Cam ay, 360 Pine St., San land. complete relief from hl* rheum a­ Francisco, Calif., for 3 Xmas Our classified columns may have tism after using Casey's Compound. cards. 3 bars .............................. just w hat you are looking for — On sale a t D elta Drug store.—Adv. Read them . Housewarming Held Sunday' Health Picture and Program , Bank, Monday Evening William Higgle *‘i'd «'*’ CHURCHES RUSH LOW Buys New Auto MORNING GRADE MILK FIR G R O V E WINES Mineral aunaay Local Wines M.-ike a Local Market for Grapes E D ’S M A R K E T TUALATIN VALLEY WINERY POT ROAST 4 JLW STEAKS, RIBS e AR/tx BACON BACKS PURE LARD Aloha 40c AVV F a ir w a y M a rk et PIGGLY WIGGLY Matches RINSO Wheathearts SALMON 21c 21c IOC TAMALES MAYONNAISE 9c 35c Leisyville Salmon k ä ,. Soap Tissue Peanut Butter SOAP 6c 21c 50c s’ ’«00 53C S U G A R S “ ': O V A L T IN E MILK T O M A T O E S Î* CAMAY SOAP 17c IOC 4 Del Monte Del Monte Golden Bantam CORN PEARS No. 2 can Each No. Del Monte TUNA Solid light m eat. Vè size. 29c 2 for tin O N I O N S ’ity. “001 10 1 '" lbs. “t 1 qc P O T A T O E S 2£.',b 25c u . 8. N». 2 GRAPENUT La France CHOCOLATE FLAKES FLAKES P arrot. 2 pkg. 19c 3 p k g * .......... 25c ........18c SATINA Clam Chowder U nderw ood’s. 2 19c p k g ...................... 5c Durkee’s Oil Quart ................ 37C io •! SAVE Wi+h SAFETY a t th e The Della Drug Store SUG AR .b..Ein"t.c.“ne:.....50c 100 Iba..............................$4.99 DRUG Sweet Pickles C. H. B. Brand ß'/a-oz. jar- 2 tor ............... 19c GIVE HIM HIS CHANCE io b. . CHAMPION I Mothers, you owe your children this chance to a strong vigorous, healthy body . . . strong bones . . . sound teeth . . . and a good resistance to colds and disease. See that they get plenty of Vitamins D and A. All good Cod Liver Oils contain some of these Vitamins. But the oil you get in Puretest Cod Liver Oil is the cream of the world’s supply . . . caught in one spot In cold arctic waters. Richest la precious Vitamins D and A. Finest In flavor I And that it the oil you always get when you aay Puretest. *IiU/iStSSt Norwegiin COD LIVER OIL * * IV IIL j K lObar, 27C 17c t r h ,'roun'' C à II quality. 5 a,............... 24c LARGE MT VERNON or ARMOUR’S ..................................... PRUNES lie BR O W N SUG AR ...... M a lte d M ilk A delicious chocolate flavored drink th a t lets you sleep. 21c 4 c ™ 23c A T all 13c 3 i u 14 c S P A G H E T T I % h.’“ . 1-lb. can j 2 £* 19c R IN S O " OXYDOL' K ill IZ 19c 15c Jum boO ranges MUSTARD English style, prepared. 15c Full quart 10c Pint jar