Page Ten ___________________ T H E H IL L S B O R O ARGUS, H I LESBO RO. OREGON Thursday, N ovem ber 22, 1934 ber Co.. Well's D epartm ent Store, with very slight tf any loss of ter will nam e an assistant equip­ Delta Drug Store, J. C. Penney Co., birds. Marriage IJci-uae m ent m anager if necessary. Lester Ireland & Co., HUlsboro . a l ____ i Ulood tests are being taken now lleorge M Van Hamel ol Kami T h ! « W Z aw >L ,•» ot blooi T entative trial calendar for of a JiunbtHec. and a com- Itesoliitlon addressed to t lover 24 ircult court during the m onth of *uut been appointed to lay eery, Hillsboro D t d Co.. K ru c h tk s |>nn( o( vlrus UMXi fius,t.r nHiulivs u s ,s ilr>' “ M'd One is tin nor-elect Charles II M arlin lee- j P*an*s for ihe event. M any C onverted to Using Kasli Qrocery, Grocery, Bristol Hardware C " h \ , , ‘ , whole blood test commonlv r o fe rr e i December was released Hits » wet'k w k plans lor Hie F red s Superior M arket. C o lu m b i i " ***1 *w'*1 la surer of producing . .. le st a n d >h > iUS December 11 and 12. Hlllit Hl-Y members are ph plan* oiunieudlng Ihe reappointm ent of) State-M ade Products Food company. J. W. Copeland Uwn «*’•' oi ihe other , i e ^ se in 'in 'te st win-n m Marie Edwards vs. Oregon Electric nmg to attend Uie o ld er Boys' U. DR. R. J. N IC O L Yards. Howe'S Clothing Shop. Sale- '«‘ tlnxls advocated. reallTv ls d L / m A ui ' L i - , Railway company. December 13 ami conference a t Si Helens. Dec. in- Mall Corrigan of McMinnville as chairm an ol the stale game c o m -, Thousands o f Oregon citizens way. Palm Drug Store and Self.ldge M ajority of immunization « ¿ X lU ^ s t U a ¥ » « King , b.', ,u,d T n ~ 7 w — ----- u. V..UHIW V!i, " r a a u A ■ J b er 7 ; ill u l 8 H DR. E. W . A I.M Q U IS T were converted to the cause of *»>'• Palm Drug Store and Selfridge of Investigation bear on: December 17. Herman Kolberg is several students are out <»> the mission was Monday eve | others. Advertisers on the hand- h a n d -' ures u ™ are « « ,d du* rt th Oregon products as a result of the Brothers. Vc to U>c ~,c to ‘act t l a at t the “ ** the llesults fact th a t the clear serum £ tes: G. O arthofner et «1, Decen.ber 18. KU c h , X r M ur. nlug by the county lzuak Wall on I V eterinarian » ls included the Hillsboro M otor, ' “•«* llad »»*n kept too long or ,,nxlll‘t,,,s cll,iu.‘r m iT has a Jolui "Oregon Industries Week" spoil- bills ____ A vUs 1UU, v ,.rlUM1 K n.l u H. Hulett va. William U)(, league Flans were also prepatedi ", a. sored by the Oregon M anufactur- Co., ., V enetian Theatre, Commercial undvr adverse conditions, he said. lor a dinner In Januury a t which I Telephone o u and 042 , Bank _____ and __________ MacKenUe I 'iru s should lx- kept m a cool £ “ “ X ° L “ l, a « ' Suu til; December 19 and 20, Fred ..................... ers' association, according to George ; N a iio t i n o al n a l ____ lime members of the shite game i lila c e and a n d should sh.-mid be h » used w w ithin it h i,. a s „ wnoic blood ,, test, he stated. C. Belton vs. J. H. H ulett; Deeeni- " “ lfs l,s •“ “ * H*1' " Nelson has scar- commission L. Baker, m anager of the associa- Motor Co ” place will be guests. ber 21. May C. Wolf vs. Ernest ‘< 'v>'r tion. MOWr _______________ week alte r its receipt. The average Gonsequently. if the poulUyman is Wolf; D ecem ber 28, R o w it. Q • Criticism of adm inistrative ac- "The public generally has seen poultrym an should be able, with a cleaning up his flock It would be Tines is S arah M G raham et al P u b l i c l a u d s W i t h d r a w n tlvltles on inspections a t LuGrande the Importance of supporting our ( , e v S f r i ' i ' t S v s f p n i little practice, to vaccinate about £ '? ? “ ’{! f«r him to insist on the and December 27. M H Stevenson * • 1 , » » •« « « • * w n Oregon fa c to r.« and 6regon prod- V O U X tl SU 111 ~ clear scrum test because with this during Ihe recent elk season was vs. Edith L. Reamea et al o n O r d e r o f P r e s id e n t expressed by le a g u e m e m b e r s As a Phone 958 ucts as a means of creating work n -; . A I m in bird« > , test lllii chances of disposing of : H ills b o ro Three persons appeared In th e ' Secretary of Interior Harold L. result the hind of Ihe forestry d i­ and building payrolls and increas- „„.¡.¿V , ?, , non-reacting biros and his . h a n d ­ FUNERAL IHRFCTOHS ing demand for raw products." says IF vaccina ed. Cost of vaccination is kee Dirur reacting birds w i 7. local Jiustice of die peace court Ickles Wcdneaday announced ls- vision has tas'ii asked to attend -- anager - Baker. • — results ■ of - th ■ e coiniiured , compared , onus — win — oe uurw anil durlng past weea week a n and were suiuice | suancc of of an un executive order bv the December meeting of t h . M "The a r ---- e >•----------relatively l a t i v e insignificant l y insignificant ' ’ * g ■ ------ g-uK ■ - the paw a were| I K FN SFII I M HAI. M4R.S eampaign have been amazing to ief adm inistrator This order re- »ttli tire losses which poultrymen n . , ,, <-vx.k- 1. ,v h l, , assessed fines ranging from »5 and President Kooaevelt tem porarily eounty gixnip to .h .< uv* ihe h i many of our m anufacturing plants semded existing wage orders and may suffer as a result of fowl pox , . ? ? . 11 , C Zei ' ' V,uU lag h o rn costo lo *25 an d costs H J. lc irie withdrawing from settlem ent I. m i - lio n and the economic result is being required commit tees to prepare a Equipment for vaccinating may be bnxx1tl of Milwaukie, and past of Portland was lined (0 and costs Uan (1, honuxxteadlmr aDtirox widely felt. Already the public sup- wage scale corresponduig with tile purchased for a dollar and the bresidem of the Oregon Poultry Monday on a charge ol speeding miuielv 17i(IOOunn 'i,. K>r ,„,i.ii Regular meeting was held at the port has created additional jo b s, local prevailing rate for such work. Cirus ^ s t s fw m a n 28 or 250 » » ’’nded the Beaverton will, a truck while E m stach c K lu u ic r U, F * d e r, Z?a.eZ m 'Idl-is»... cham lM ol Commeice and put additional money in cir- The new si-ale adopted will be sub- bird lots whteh is the i n a i w nieelu"! and s‘x* f 6" USP “ U" ‘ “f“ 1 u u o L. n n .r i r ’’ 1 " " F '-'-'d' d "■ 'h e ah culation in Oregon. nutted to the state'w ag e board for rnnounl hand Zd J T rniia ¿ 7 ... thc N ational Baby Chick conven- 1 " e. p" ul Kul“ v ' U ts 1 x' *•■!..■ ol lk.nal.1 T. Templeton, • e t i" i n“ unL ^ »»I iicle' icii , to So-Oo for un tion a luuyt t.uimg liuitc consci law vu m "Prior e r m to c ^ tlic r a C'iniPilitn u r a h „ , tlic e X sh n I cs t s - !^ nrwvwnrvtmi ro' !U ‘* i°re beU* pUt v mtO lt U> v * m iu iic 2iXX) & n n»» ^ n nrcivixt'i) ^ ' r ^ a p fHnf ^ p fix.» r 2 u i > n ^ I*' , U'rln(t ‘X of lU“ “ * “y to slop upon W JMttltlixl, UOn “ "»•'“ ls •f to U.e olftx Taylor grazing r grazing A ll Prices throughout the state filled t h e , birds. W hen egg prices are good it . v .. 1 ie u ira j appropriation Allyn of lu isto n was tu n 'd $25 a n d shelves of stores with Oregon- ior an SERA project w not uncommon for poultrym en to . °il 1 Saturday for failure to have C ity M anager Gives T a lk Forest Grove W om an Let us help you put v«ur made merchandise a n d producu. t-his week by t h e suffer losses t-hat amount to $1 nrex un nUt 1 U t * tt* hunting license. All but $10 of vv j « p i* u ’riA r * H u rt in A u to Crash This immediately reduced the su r- committee from the Beuv- per bird. p n sent pouitrx m en of h e c o u n tt. the line was suspended during good W e d n e s d a y H a d to K O A C R iiilio in good w o rk in g plus in the m anufacturing plants erton drainage district to clean ap- Rxnerimmuj*i ?£? approximately $5,000.«, behavior. i George McGee. Hillsboro* city Mr Minnie llange of Fme.xl | o rd e r again. and they went to work to replenish proximately six miles of drainage . inn1 'nr J i n u,‘dlc'Vtes th a t ooo a year as a result of coccidlo- Orders hi the following circuit m anager, spoke for 15 m inutes o u r G r o v e surtcrcd chest’ und buck In their During the “ till 1' zwxvxza “ > lx >d Uwt little being - court this week null»» m a KOAC W c .ln e s.iu v ju r ie s amt a scalp wound in ai ( onie In for FUI F Informatluii I hQ stocks. OrC SllClV€^ WCI'C cam 1« paign.: ? ***—’* 1 ditch. Tins as-— . work -.«...-.a is a an t-.« essential - * • •** • V I i v x V vll U It* “ VI t J >W “ I 1 “ 1 " .1 1* >x.s • very • aw sal y-W --» ls -. I- - .1« — . • • cases aw were . . Issued _.... IK. _ ftatk r«»% _ •» « Oregon People Approve Cause Poultry’ Diseases I ’ • - ~£ \ I . Calendar lor Court Local W altonians Support Corrigan or1 it <1SC C.1 1 IllS \\ I I n D onelson QC Sewell Work (jCtS Approval Radio Batteries cleaned out of Oregon goods again the stocks must be Tube« .tint liA lirriri ished. This means th a t Tested Free! and factories already hav _ _ __ _ _________ “ " T h T • ta tT 'd id a good lob o fi One addition to the the case 01 the Oregon station in order Unit non of Shute Savings bank order > ”•«. ••SamX i*. 1 Hillsboro work, was approved for Just commg m to Dr. Johnson would be able to do a to sell City of Scappoosi' * bonds; j l iuon lie . lx Offlcrrx t S i S u l t lbe 1 W T ^e the county this w e e k , c i Z S * * * * * “ . ° f «*» Portion of the work on T S i d t s S ^ A. A. Scliriunm n. ft. oviirauuu vs. Annie A llllle M.l 51 I ,, , IMrtlix ..... , . . campaign was only' th e beginning., Ior ttie re-laying of tile a t the i ^ ur21?’1, ls advisable to vaccinate Poultrym en decided th a t due to Pearce ei id. decree O tto E rickson) Hl‘linuui To Mr and Mrs l'rixl I cclion .m.l installation ol of I t is certain th a t from this point Timber school and cleaning of an Iioclt * " c e th e drop in pro- the rush of the holiday season they & company v C M cC lure cl u! ' ■I'«»"«»*» of Hillsboro. November 18 ,h ' ' wdl **' ll,'ld ,llc West Union lln io i forward, the Ocegon-made goods open ditch. auction a t this tim e will probably would not attem pt to Iwld their judgm ent; 's t a te vs. Robert Harry V,rm ’ rs' Union meeting n.x xt Hurry 1“ Blr1' will receive attention ahead of _______________ _ not 1* serious. December meeting, but will hold Johnson, appointing guardian ad llm rsday evening at North Plains S rifrll| . r Phone 2IX Divorce Suit Filed Annual reports of officers will al > ' f i l l i <<» DEALERS those imported from elsewhere not p , . With pullets th a t are already ui tlu'*r meeting at the regularlv litem; Leslie Long vs. Claude Coon I Brice I. M. Brliv vs. G Brice. I be given ' only because the quality and prices laying the problem is a httle more scheduled tune in January, el ux. detault, judgm ent; Melts a are the same, but because such serious Hoivevpr if ih„ firwt .. J. Jackson vs. F. M. Allen et al* and aids the state am vaccinated, the birds will all be ln- C ounty Budget M eeting dismissal; Lillian W hite vs. Francis. su’ uggle for industrial recovery." , 7 at the S4Une «*** lnd u ’ere M White, order; Lola V.iii.l.ln ________________ _ 1 Adult recreation class for women will be an appreciable drop m pro- Scheduled fo r F rid a y vs. Clarence Vundelicy, overruluig a » T T If f_ f and Birls over 16 years of age will duction. On the other hand 11 the Public meeting for discussion of dem urrer; Edward N. Wetnbauin, SLart Monday- evening at th e ju n - disease is allowed to ru n its course. the 1935 W asldngton county budge! adm inistrator, vs. M att K urt, a l­ _ _ . . I ior high school gymnasium under it will spread over a considerable ls scheduled for Friday a t 10 a. m. I lowing motions; August C rop vs. lVe ¿ u w tio n of Miss Maro-s Hefner period While the — drop I«/ \ ■ v - of tune ------ ----------— - f — In 1 In the Venetian theater at Hills- Annie Crop, sustaining dem urrer; held XfTniT0 Wl«U ** ProducU° n a t any one time will not boro. Interested taxpayers are in- Union C entral Life Insurance com- MOUNTAINDALE—Mrs. Loci Hoi- held Monday and Thursday of each be g reat as in th e c^-se of vited to attend and are asked t o ) P“ "J' vs- S arah G albreath et al. al- ^e,nbTck •7a's t wetk and oi U*e SERA vaccinating the birds, it is quite brmg printed copies of the budget. lc,wuig m otion; Wilkes Abstract & Sie b u ^ ^ ucctlonal Pr<*ran* « the conn- probable th a t the total drop in ------- ----------------- ) Title company vs. Ray-M ating com- Dlaved. , | f 'S k S ° T « S ? . E m S n Honors d S f i were ^ a n won ^ d r s hv ’j a M m rs « IV b>'„ MlSS Hef‘ production will b e considerably U . N o » .d R e p r . « . . . « , . D ouglass Radio S ervice IvCCrCiltlOn L.I3SS to Start Monthly lVIrS. Mouenbeck H ostess for Club X m a s Opening Sale s s at W ashington County’s Largest Department Store B U Y W H E R E STOCKS A R E G R E A T E S T A N D ASSO R TM EN TS C O M P LE T E There are people, pouited out Dr o f M eier at A n n u a l M eet overruluig dem urrer; Liquidation ol Johnson, who claim th a t there is W G. Ide has been appointed I Savil* s bank' compromise no drop In p ro d u cts* T as a result personal representative of Governor T 't'tJ7 niC,Ut oi Inlbrle '»otes. Comte of v acciiS tira T W ^ sra te m e n f Ls i n c o X t b ^ u s e while m X arr Julius Meier for the joint m eetin g )’^ ^Ohlm an company vs. d ia r ie s C? “i 1? et UX- dlsm issal; and ^ w L ^ T w l ^ r e v « X t ^ of western governors and national reclamation at Salt Lake In Decem­ Sunset Tire company va F rtu S. Sm ith et al. sustaining dem urrer. 1 has not resulted m a drop, in the ber. a — — . s ,a te A u ,° D e a th ' majority of th e cases production Probate orders were issued In has been affected. the estates of M. Edith Pcchni. N LOHESE GIRLS GROUP G ardner, Albert F. O ritzinacher, GIVES DINNER PARTY w o n -so. OM, Samuel H. Ornduff. C. H. McClur Dihesc Camp Fire grou the Ed Schlegel home Saturday jCootiniMd from pa«« 1) i> nation e v e n in g S e v e n r»S1es n f - o r d s w e re V Irom pa«, /«»uuu for the U ic control c o n tr o l of 01 pox, [XIX. he ne dinner party last Thursday eve- Enier>' Alplieus Stew art. Jolui R S T S ™ . H o n o rs^ e re w o ^ b v w 'k , ’J ? 1“ 5 oi eVery the>’ « ’™ ce, said. However, tincture of iodine ning a t the home of their guardian I William R. Tucker und ham Greene Mrs. Cart Jensen. C 10 drternune both headlights are may be used to tre a t the ¡lores In Mrs. Victor Bryant. The ftrem akers William C. Harmon. O rders weic I. Williams and Leora Williams. operating A concerted movement of order to heal them. W hen' there were hostesses for the dinner. Plans also issued In the guardianship of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon H ahn a t - ) iiu d ' w “ believed, in con- ire sores on the eyelids, it is advis- were made for a trip to the P o r t - 1 Henry Krueger, and Blanche L land natato n u m Saturday. M ost1 Bennett. tended an Odd Fellows lodge in Junction with the plan advanced able to use vaseline and to keep - _______________ Portland Saturday evening. la* ’»'««k of establishing a custom th e eyes open, since the pox will of the girls are making scrap books i for the SERA kindergarten. ¡. .... . „ , _ Vedna Hobln and Rosewood of of motorists blinking th eir o w u produce blindness if the eyes are Hillsboro visited relatives In this lights when meeting a “one-eyed" allowed to rem ain closed ON OREGON FARMS ^ M r ^ a n d ^ M r s ^ F n « ? 1 ¿ h w a n d e r aUto' wUJ 41(1 111 removing this T h at fowl pox vaccination does and so^Lew is. Mrs’^ w ^ s c h w a n nienaoe from the highways, in not produce a drastic effect in the „ T he numl* r ot sheep d ^ ^ M ’ l l ^ S ^ S ^ v uS - officials believe young stock and th a t the cases m Wheeier county has been reduced approximately 15 per cent by the I Hilhi debate team was chosen ed Sunday at th e Fay Mills home vers c* rs, wi'dl o ^ y ° " e light) of a fte r effects th a t have been re ­ al Shady Brook. a« , unaaare of this condition, and ported, when traced down, were governm ent sheep buying program, last week after three trial debates 1 sell Me“ McKe“ K>n. °n the question "Federal G rants to Mr. oiid Mrs. Mate Brentner and oorrect It if notified. I found to be other ailment:» was Mrs. Elsie Tatlar.d of Portland vis- These suggestions were made m Johnson's statem ent. If a flock of county agent of Gilliam county. Schools." Members of the te a m a n ' ^ ‘5 and shegP Re»« Hertel. Thom as Bronleewc ited a t the E. F. Leming home Sun- hne with the current two-week per- birds are in a healthy condition Edon Walt- Ho»“ d of th e safety drive, which is they may be safelv vaccinated ai vJJ?to the S ^ p i ^ n ^ m g ShT^ b £ v £ £ £ £ dei€CUve equipment i an opportunity to feed their re- J?av15’ *** StANnard. Mitchell WT niaining stock properly and le&vin? *^e rr. G Charles Reed. G lenn Owen. Flvm* g« Vi WO rt le a A MZ< »*■. WiaaBA ^_aa- for ^ s i M u f ¡»¿ST o r m o n e T ^ r o r e « h helr . ^ ndf . S ln _ ___• L better ‘cZndG ® i I A tA rtas Schwanke and Mrs. Elizabeth Mr. nor. and aim Mrs. airs, Earl tsari Hollenbeck nouenoeck / z z A ■», l 1 ■ * * »-» TA . . from this his flock from this disease dis»-,,-. ** l jt2 o a Mrs. McKennon says. ! AbraJiam. coach. Judges for try- n jus fjopg — — — “z visited Mr. and Mrs. William Joos Infectious bronchitis th e .zennd * * * ) were Mlas Elsle May Cimino. of Shady Brook Sunday. D l-v .-. C I ’ J disease discussed by Dr Johnson is LAKEVIEW—A row and a Jialf Miss Vlrgima Brogden. Miss Doro- Orville Reynolds has returned i _ _ ________ ______ _ 411C from Slmi. Cal., where he h as b e e n ' not as yet a problem In Q ^ 'o m P**“ “ «* “ a thy Ton« ue ***d David Leger. The employed the past summer. I , I t ^ 1” theih Tracv* Stewart and S?ked m rBRard U’ Townaend Æ Æ S 2 U S Â Æ s S B ä ä ä ^ T Í S , s r X “ S • tncir son iracv St^wsirt sn d ™ olftn w ** #» q dlSO T cza e♦ a ♦ * v , as f njn i 1 y n f F o r e st GroVi* S u n rla v SlA ted tH&t ttl— b -¡o distributed this week p. m. and will light up the d o w n -1*? county rlirfrtet school, town section every night until after tbe couj5iy school superintendent s the holidays. Yuletlde merchandise | " " ‘S'- distribution ls being will be on display and Christm as rnade on Uie basis of »2 per census shoppers will have an opportunity child in each district. to shop early and enjoy a greater selection of gifts. Every effort will be made d u r­ — Y O U K N O W US! ing th e day to carry out Hillsboro’s reputation as a trading center for WE KNOW quality goods a t reasonable prices. Shoppers are invited to come early and stay late. Program will be under the direc­ tion of the retail trades committee of the local chamber of commerce. Members of this committee a r e Howard Hadley, p. a . Anderson, Jake Weil, Fred Engeldinger, W Durst, George Selfridge, George Fischer, Z. J. Riggs, Nye O. Bristol. H erm an Schoen, and L. P. S trana- han. Sub-committee in charge of the S anta Claus program and dis­ tribution of candy includes Well Anderson, Selfridge, Schoen, J. h ’ G arrett and Verne Curry. Co-operating m erchants are the C. C. Store, Fairway Market, Oakes' Grocery, Hillsboro Pharmacy, Hills­ boro Argus, G oar’s Woman’s Shop Wiley s G rocery, Pool-Qardner Lum- R IG H T TO T H E P O IN T 5 1 0 CHEVROLETS the pullets ^ ‘'‘’1 . ^ a fter they ,ll£ "dance- num bering D anc^^m L i .„ „ rh i PJifL ch , n -n, J 1’0 45 couples. J? ““ ' » ‘.Vh, by ™ B a n "i a n d 1 U K - ....................... ’ . „ daly ,cleanln8 for USED CARS B ought and Sold “ J u n irle 1930 F ord Coupe 3 Ford T ourings F our-w heel T ra ile r .prürtdl'«. ■ ' ti. Games A fric a ” Iz d - and 2nd and W ash. Phone 2641 P air S K V fe , lts " Colored l’®‘l d e d 8 o le *' Plains and fancies. Buy f ,, r C hristm as 1 ° r fu m rn a s e w a FREE M en ’s Tics W ith every p a ir stockings: A generous sample box "U o re n c” Soap Flakes. Ideal fo r w ashing fin e hosiery and undies— FR EE! »W now 0 ‘ g ifts. DL ” P air S fih W Vk Ersz-Ii 49c SOAP GRANULES $1 value ties h o lid a y sale. and patterns. are best now. 1'V 69c Arrow" Shirts F o r men. A t W e il’s e x ­ clusively. You’ ll lik e the patterns and y o u ’ ll lik e the w ay they fit. Com plete range o f new GX patterns. .98 Each ................. Powers Grocery S H /V it? HOLEPROOF a H O S IE P y § J. O rgandy Aprons S Prom pt Service . . . | 49c Specials fo r Novem ber 30 and D ecem ber 1 S AaPj P a lm O liv e T o ilet Paper Blue & W h ite. 4 fo r ...................................... M ayonnaise Red & W h ite. P int ..... T om atoes Blue & W hite, 2 ^ s . 2 fo r .......................... Tom ato Sauce Red & W h ite . 3 fo r ..................................... Beans C a lifo rn ia sm all w hite. 4 lba. fo r * Clear aj the finest crystal—made In a new way—these Holeproof Stockings are sheer bits' ol loveliness. Shown In correct new shades for jyJ •very costume, at P ris c illa and tea styles. D a in ty colors, lovely g ifts. 4» L‘ S 79c 4^ Ì1 "Repeato” Games T w o m arbles, a shooter and ta rg e t w ith bell. Special. A ll fo r ........... a 19C rx _ 14c i ”C , F ord Coupe, M odel T «lied Car Exchange S V c n i'flre n . 8° f t J-he d“ Ues of the athletic m anager ^ .¡ g 3 fo r G R IF F IT H C hevrolet and O ldsm obile Phone 171 3r j anj ^ a s h . Phone 441 49c o f fu n fo r young s W dlv,diI> ' ß. T*“ ' stu d 'n t Ixxlv passed a n amendm ent to the cLisHmHnn l i "! M A IN STREET M A IN 81 E. A . 1182 2nd St. I t fits any leg lik e the skin, because it stretches both w ays! Up and dow n, o r round and round. Result, beauty and c o m fo rt plus. Phoenix "lo n g m ileage" fo o t gives you extra m iles o f w ear. And Phoenix give you e x tra syle! M ade ju s t lik e the big ones. ‘G old Star, "S teeple Chase” a n d Joln / Picture Sale A p p ro p ria te g ifts i n three lots. Hand paint ings, p rin ts and silhou- p i r t r 19- 23c F O R SA LE D aa finance jou r Insurance pre­ m ium s oa a m onthly basis. for the w ell-dressed leg 1 ^ 3 Pure w h ite cotton. F o r q u ilts, s tu ffin g d olls or / s¡, 25 dozen vear in a big >ei“ ' Neophyles of the Senate club .All colors th ro u g h • . . .. . Selections tbe coul? e of ttle‘r initiation Tues- oW s , j , daY night up town. opeciai. e i,., V’ ' bo“ j oh™nn if ihi weeks)• “ cording i „ 8 practlc« *» ¿°1- ^ m e d ia te ly upon the dis- covery of the presence of this dis­ ease, It may be entirely eradicated M a-' «rouP Pu "-S a ^ a u - D and c lia r m program a t Its next meeting and a C hristm as pr.igram wl11 >» «Iven in the asscrnWy G irl Reserve conference will be held at Forest Grove The l irvesr m mhs r of membem ever u, join the are first The kind of bread th a t mother used to make is n o t h alf so Im- \ A gency W illy s 77 p ortant as the roll th a t fath er; made. Come in fo r a New m odem 5-room house, up- We're right to the point too, in | dem onstration. to -d ate kitchen, full basement, fur- saving th at your ear will show the na< ?. Best location ln city. I>ric< difference In our specialized work. to sell. As C hevrolet specialists our e x p e r-, CARS PAINTED icnce and training qualify u.s to FO R R E N T deserve your patronage. Our rates Also have houses to rent. alT,_ a *way|’ the lowest conversant I with quality workmanship. You i Gas - O il - Accessories • j take no chances a t this shop be­ cause our work is unconditionally guaranteed. Cars W ashed and Polished R eal Estate and Insurance by Phoenix I ’100 É H o,ld ay Sl,ppers » Ä g t i Ä th an Lespedeza in t h l i section?”*' S Ï John M aurer and daughter Betty. B etter Business Bureau will be the Mr. and Mrs. ------- Phillip ¡Hi H ergert add speaker at th e chamber of ” 0 ^ - At the P ^ n t time there is no . . . ----------------- family visited Mr. and Mrs. R. merce next Monday, according” to contro1 for this disease other th an TOLEDO—Possibilities of the ex- Evans and family of P ortland Sun- an announcem ent by H. L Mac- tolnPiete cleaning up and q uaran- Pension of cauliflower production, _ Kenzie. president Ed. L M c X tlce- " 1 birds should be disposed to , a commercial cash crop in Lin- Mr. ahd Mrs. John Hobln of secretary announced the ? , « ' °f» because some mav aD D arent v be coin county Is indicated by a check Spokane. Wash., and M r and Mrs. announced the coming ' J"™ “^ ^ " U y be up l)( u la l * C l^ e Lincoln visited a t the Floyd , day J VCnt and c a r r S ? of ^ th « dcseiS' n n of ?ut ln A“»“81' reports Count? Agent R allety home Tuesday. urged aU present to participate. <* ? h « dlsea8e , « • » ot M J. Conklin. While some trtaU Mrs. C hns Tschanz visited sev- A ------------------------ - , 0Lrcis are disposed of and the failed because the plants were ro t eral days last week with relatives A rte sia n W e ll Developed We1 cleaned “« d a l" Pm pw ly h a n d le d / s a t i s f a c t o r y a and n d friends fr ie n d s in _ _ •- “ H 'u i lowed In r em a in id le r™ --------- o b ta in e d nn i h . fo-m L in TVx-tland Portland. _ growth Was ________ Ä Ä the Infection S Ä will be K de- ° 5 f ô G. ! n Dahl, 2 ? W. Æ F. T Wakefield, iîjs & ’ H s aiis S Mrs. Biersdorf Honored A r-^ n , V*r ° Ve L ,a ,r y months, Mrs. O tto Voges an d daughter a e *,lth a capacity of stroyed and it will t - again 'a le Christianson and A. L ist The un- m for poultrym an to kee^ c h ic it .dually , cry w eather tended t o .-on Friday In honor of Mrs. Hl..T uesdaV .at the Mrs. T h o m a s ,e n s •« *evp ciuck - ¡llIuje r jcat u Voges m other Mrs. George Bier.,- dAiryIa " “ f Grove Bronchltis u recognized bv the headed a httle tooear.y dorf, of Schefflin. tne M. Jannsen Drilling com- faz.f i t rcco»IUZ€<’ °y the w believed to indicate th a t sowir» Mr. and Mrs. M. DeRosia and P“111’ ot Roedvllle. This type of well Produces difficult • of the seed for plants should be !?nulyASf^ t Sunda>' wiUl M r- a" d m t ,! ? _ s “ ?? s area- according . ? accompanied by delayed until s the s fuddle ä S S a a g of a AuJu a : / Mrs. A. DeRosia of Birkenfeld. 10 A well is 108 feet deep. fu rth er characterized by l u v e ^ c— - ______ _______~ ~ high m ortality and ranid snreaa ' ' • , am «. M fX . ''//• Toys! Special table fu ll of games, dollies, sets o f dishes, books, toys o f a ll .kinds. Choice ........ --------------- Hilhi D ebate Team Selected This Week Old A ge O Pension Flan Explained i 10 Xm as Cards Stamped, S H em stitched Pillow Slips M ade o f “ w earever” tu bing. N eat designs, M" In stru ctio n c h a rt a t- I ached. P a ir dSvC ib 4A 69c Ladies’ B e a u tifu l M any o th e r item s specially priced fo r F rid a y and S aturday. These prices good Nov. 30, Dec. 1 only. F ast c o lo r block nnd d o t designs. H o lid a y special. J- _ Each .............. OC Mallory and Dolls! Dolls! Bed Blankets R ubber dolls - baby dolls - unbreakable dolls - jo in te d dolls. 10c t„ ’2 98 F A C E PO W D ER Perfum e in g if t bottles, package face powder. 5c Each Stetson - HATS - Lovely s ilk a n d w ool re g u la r $(5 bed cover­ ings. W a rm th w ith o u t w eight. Pastels. $ 0 - 9 8 H o lid a y special V "Autogart” S ox Perfume Sale Gift ’Kerchiefs 23c P air - For men. Made b y H o le p ro o f and g u a ra n ­ teed by W e il’s D e p a rt­ m ent store. The g a rte r­ less sock th a t “ stays u p ." New >«JV x . colors. 0 .0 . a. r P . . air r zlQi* Flörsheim SH O ES