I « u liity Early - r g u s o In 11¡I I h I io io for Y oui Chriatmo* Need» W irh W h ii h VO LUM E 11 — S ta te C a p ito l N e w s L e tte r A. L. L I N D H K C K Democratic Li'itislators Make O rganization Plans Saturday. — | | Independent | In Hillsboro for Your Christm as Needs HILL8BORO, OREGON, THUR8DAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1984 • NO, 41 ......................... s w ..................................................... Bargain Event - Christmas Opening on Saturday 1 BY ■ is ( o m h ii e--l t Buy Early - - I • 1 < 4 o Milk Board Gives Data on Industry • n I a • Scrip Redemption to Start Locally This Saturday | --------- Pension Plan Held Factor of Security Thanksgiving Day Court of Honor Largest History ot Scout District County Folk fQ All outstanding W ashington coun­ Don Hammer of Hillsboro troop , ty scrip will be redeemed a t |kir In cash starting Saturday, according 226 was advanced to the rank of | C M i M I )i'iniK-ntiU' members ui life scout here Thursday night dur- I to an announcem ent this week by , the state legislature got to- It. W Well, president of th e board I tng the largest Boy Scout court of I • ■ i f ! iii i■"!: ■ ’ .ii... and honor ever held in this district I of trustee». Certificates will b e ! tiri'u.M'd tlw skid-, for organisation c a lle d Bulurduy.s at th e office ol ! Twenty-one boys appeared before I ___________ of both Uie house a n d senate. Tluil D a ir y m e n G iv e n R e p o r t A. I, Amacher, auditor, in Hills- i T o w s e n d S e t - U p P. L. Patterson, acting as judge in D e c la r e d Is I hey p artm cn t | the house and W II Htiaycr, vet­ store In rank or for m erit badges. O f f e r e d to S h o p p e rs by D u r in g P a s t Y e a r eran legislator from linker coun­ P u r c h a s in g P o w e r Scrip was Issued 20 montius, ag o 'as I Jim Davidson of th e Helvetia ty, us president of t h e senate 3 2 L o c a l M e r c h a n ts troop and Faurest Anderson o 11 l a m e a n s of c o n v e rtin g Warrants! H lra y e r’s e le c tio n , however, la Mill of ‘ounly county school school teachers teachers and and ooun- ooun- r * • Hillsboro troop 216 made an o u t- 1 ------------- 1» • I I I l _ __ I '** • 1 r-> « • . contingent u|>on the releaae by » 4 ; II standing record, successfully pass- _ . D i l l K o p u l a r ly employe. into a medium of ex- ■ K rillC ip Ie S IlX p la in C G S enator Corbett of his pledge and iVIIlR 1 cluinge * * hange during a llm Umc r when It was •ng examinations for three merit r r € e C jlftS P l a n n e d upon tlw* ability of the democrats badges each. Leon B anner of Hills­ almost Impossible to obtain cash to persuade a t least three republi­ boro troop 226 earned two first I ------------- R ob- ' cans to join them in siipjiort of u H e r d s m e n S u g g e s t C h a n g e I A d d ress class m erit badges. c dem ocrat for the gavel wielding , portunt factor In stim ulating trade j Scouts advanced to the second *Jan*a C la u s to D is t r ib u t e Job which now seems highly prob­ C. o f C. N e x t M o n d a y to S tr e n g th e n M ea su re In the county, particularly Hillsboro,! able class rank were Francis Brown and C a n d y to Y o u n g V is ito r s —' — J and In encouraging buying a t home. ----------- Leon Wiley of Hillsboro troop 216 7 8 tan o rs From all report» the democratic and Robert Beatty of the Aloha Progress In increasing milk prices ‘“ nol“ ' “ 'd *« A government Is safe only to the caucus was entirely iiornuinious , y , ,llrd o i w,ilch was degree th a t it keeps Its people feel- troop. Second class m erit badges, Bargain hunters and Christm as with both William L. G raham und for grade u shippers, results ol “ t a ',‘y onc time ing secure as to the future and an were earned by the following: Ted »hoppers of Washington county will Howard Lulourette of Multnomah m arket surveys and plans for fu -i \ ,ei' J " c,!fl present the outstanding amount age pension program would pro-I G ardner, troop 216 Hillsboro, per- be afforded an opportunity for an county wltlutrawlng from the speak­ lure developments under Uie state , ” , , , , ’ ! 00 , ' wde UuU “ P urity lo r the existing, sonal health; Edward Ja n n se n ,1 all-day Roman Holiday" of econ- ership race to give Cooter a clear milk control board were discussed u , S'.'rlp ‘“ “ ’ large group of dissatisfied citizens, Aloha troop, handicraft; Charles I 001 y and th rift in Hillsboro S atur- Held and Asldry C Dickson, P o rt­ here Monday evening by E. G. H ar- Traughber and Everett Eberly, troop day when the official Christm as j declared'I'tioinas H. Gentle of M o n -! land ileuiocrut. shelving his per­ lun, board chairm an, and Oeorge 5 " * a rr a n u * M,u“ ‘ dis- j mouth Monday In discussing the 226 Hillsboro, flreman«hjp; Glen i opening and Bargain Day event sonal ambition. In order to throw Olson Approximately 150 county Pow’ers, troop 226 Hillsboro, handi­ gets under way. T hirty-tw o leading O*a <'onv<‘r“ ,18 * a rra n ts to Townsend plan a t the cham ber I the entire democratic strength be­ dairymen gathered at the local S — THE FIRBT THANKSGIVING , cluunber of commerce to hear r e - : V ” ’ and i,rom< »he sale of commerce He assured his a u d l- ' craft; Jim Davidson, Helvetia troop, m erchants of the city are offering hind Htrayer. (fro m th e p a in tin g by port« on Uie stewardship of Uie „ °®.rt il<'atf " , “ ’’“ n ence Uuu sotIW’ kind of an old age sheep fanning, corn fanning, fire- speciaUy low-priced articles during T hirty-tw o of tlie 38 democratic J. L. O. F e r r is i ............................... A tar“" “hare the would come before t h e m anship; W aiter Hershey and W al­ the day, new holiday stocks will be 1 . . t/» of uJ ' , tnlUal — pension _____ representative» and six of the 13 board during Uie post year. = n .? s c ^ I ms hnlrt a - t ___* ter Erdman, Helvetia troop, fire- on display, free gifts will be dis­ next congress democratic senators attended the For the fru it o f the time o f our toil; manship. . tributed to w v visitors uumms aim oama Principle of providing every per­ and S anta viaus Claus « IVrllaJMl causus, which hud I w i brought Uu* Industry out of chaos Members of t i e board of trustees F irst class m erit badges awarded be *>n hand with candy gifts called by members of th e M ultno­ to stability and ttia t 75 per cent Included R. W. Well and Edward son «0 years of age or over with For whate'er ive have fought for; a pension of »200 per m onth to be of Uie discord lias been elim inated were: Faurest Anderson, troop 216 fOT children. mah county central committee. ((*oultnu~ J repair the s°uth- south- Period of last year. m u i,,^ mS~4U ePB1T I cties by S anta Claus a t lhe HObCh|Cr J ? ' " b'V l ' m u r n ;the extra point, time proved the I stimulated. zen. which he hus prtimisod to luui- I, ,1« r i i i i Intersection of Main and F irst 1 have alread>' exceeded by two fatal- .7°°° h “ ? * * 1 again from 1:30 to 4 p. m. Tickets t.h*-.‘ -v’u.r^ S c 1 niark" ’ ° i vlrt« T ; Level of living to which American tlli personally wltlle he Is governor. streets has been designated as the ities Ule record for the whole twelve i ro'L d. and rePaw in installments. entitling holders to the candy gifts na, oe aesignated as m e , ----- ---- -------------- - _ _ Federal government guarantees tkave distributed to school Outside of tlwsc four Jobs Uie m s m a d e u n d e r th e fe d e ra l h o n x . _____ ____ .. new governor is not expected to be in any great liaste In making clin iig es in tlie stale organization In fact most of t h e governor’s friends agree Uiai II would be the part of wisduin to watt until after Uie legislature lias adjourned and Jk«— ..V».,* a.xjivrt vu DdAl l, G«- »lirpv tu iUl OiQ ftg f PCIISIOII AM he lias laid time to survey the Tackle Kay's attem p t to convert j had a decided effect on the n u m - T h at the 9.7 per cent th a t may • situation from the inside belure X r ^ e r ^ Ult- ^ ^ ‘X ^ e Z n be numberod in hun- ^ ~ t i v e step in roduemg attem pting any further reorgantza- tlon of tlie state n u uhliu ry . At any ^ -io n o f rate it Is not expected tliat Uie new governor will be Inclined to Modi'ls of n hen house and hog acormg teriitory" o w 49-” anTnuteGi’ , Hbie‘u> kw*pUU ^ ‘w t profite o f ^ h w WCSt ° f P trst art"T o "be're- week ca” in« upon all garage and' enter into any wlmlesale house- house are being completed this was stopped on the eight-y.ud line busine« was u i t i a u X n o f ll? med ln the follo» 1I1C sequence » m c e stauon atten d an ts ln the ‘ “ nmde, thrJl« h - Regular m onth meetings of Ute monthly cleaning. Committed to a one-term ! week by members of a 4-H club w h e n a P.IAS in to tlie e n d zone w a s G e n t l e ln reply to a q X u S S often ear*5' HUlsbor° and Mcimty state to make a special check o; Ux Ilat‘on for salary A m “ erican * ’ Legion an post will be held IKilliy he will be under no liece. .lly group u! Hllhl under Uie direction knocktxl down and Erickson fum - (Co„ii„uLi uue, ften '« •d e n ts : Adams avenue, Bailey «Continued 00 page n . column t ) . 1 on the second and ar fourth Tuesday down io iiS and ? down Erickson bled on the* n « . fum “" ­ - ^ m n t, avenue, Connell avenue. D ennii _ --------------- The government is --------- through "w et1 nighU v.. of v each ! m onth in th e fu- to devote Ills attention to poltUcal of M. M ltoinlg, instructor. The knocked „ -----------— - — - j i avenue. Connell avenue, Dennis bled on tlie foui Ui down. The sec­ fence-fixing us is Uie average In- m inature buildings are being con- nursing Uie country'. I reed de- t ure, according to an unanimous de- avenue, Ebberts avenue and Free­ ond drive for 39 yards to tlie Hllhl dividual wig, enters Uiat office and , structed true to scale on the basis clared, and is favoring reh abilitation, cision of members Friday evening, man avenue. will feel entirely free to pick and of one inch to a foot from regula­ seven bogged down when Halfback programs. The federal housing ad- The post previously m et on the Street signs are being purchased m ir 'c t r o fln n in e — 4 _____ . . _ choose his lieutenants on merit tion blue prints. Construction of a Cook knocked down two desperate I m inistration n plan gives com — m uni­ second and fourth Fridays o f the by the city while Uie SERA is and Hitlwsit any fear of w hat the model form house and bain ls ex­ passes Into Uie end zone. ties a chance to help themselves month. providing 14 workers for the pro­ Late In the game Uie Pioneers j effect of tils selections may liavc pected to sta rt within a short time. and bankers a chance to show their Committee appointm ents for the ject. A city ordinance is also being seemed to be under way for a on his political future. interest in Result- the community. Result- coming year were announced during Structures now under way are touchdown twice but Torbet Inter­ DreDared to inrornom t* Uie «tiwwn > «* ------ interest in the community. c h a S e T m< *> rPorute above a safety responsibility bill, de- mg increased buying power helps complete with cement floors, w in­ the m eeting by W. F. Cyrus, com­ „ . T. *. „„1U1SUI,, w X s- ’ __ __ ---- ---- ------ - the *— irresponsible — m phases phases oi 01 business. o u sin e ss. Dr. W. Johnson, poultry pain- p a th -i “ to r iiu » . irresponsible': all 1 I signed to remove T lilrty-three persons were killed dows, siding and shingles and are cepted a pass deep in Hllhl terrl- S tate col- d e ^ th » e WOTk relief d X driveF the highways in Ore- i He assured his audience th a t if mander. The following chairm en 1OgiSt of oi th the e Oregon Ore»°u «late ^ w ^ p Hriva. dr‘VT fr?‘n thC ui-». ^S hw ays «_ < In truffle lu’cidents in Oregon d u r­ accurate ln every detail of construc­ Hrat drive u7d R iJ® y*r‘? ° n 7 “' ° logist were appointed: Fred Engcklinger, VLd . lcT fJlarcd wwUier lege, addressed approximately 80 ordered T iT ria7 , S°n - been accepted by th e high- the communities would do their child welfare and service officer; ing October, bringing tig* y ear’s tion. I11 tlie project, Uie boys learn oiilv X i l s .O L th b . ^ ond w ‘u G p'‘u^ V ‘nen a t monthly poultr, ' Co u n t ^ rri ^ T ro n im ttee com V dinsio" of le« isla- P ^ t the program would show def- total up to 261. to cut rafters, figure costs of lum ­ only sreond.s to ¿0. HlUU went *> iiieetlngs held hi Braverton T tie s '! in secon d s uc m » .m . ................ I----------- , ^ y oL m reuef m com- tive interim committee and win be inite tangible results. He further Robert Scearee, relief officer; Leon ber and m aterials and oUier p rin ­ on U.e lv air tor a rtcood score and the t d £ X fo rest o _ ™ w X e X ' [ u H ’“ * ,*7? committee ‘’T " irom Davis, em ployment, G. Russell M or­ A total of »16,922.000 will be avail­ ciples of building. r . v A accord,nv ***** ruieöv Strove weemesaav U " ° P 8!ns*.iederal emergency re presented to the legislature for ) pointed out th a t the plan would gan and P. L. Patterson, legisla­ attem pt t was almost disastrous to 1. E. f a ttu n p was alm ost dtsostrous. A according to L. Francis assist- able for highway purposes in O re­ study a t its next session, according not reach its peak unUl next spring Membership I11 tlie club Includes tive committee; W. Verne McKin­ (Continued on page io, column 2) speaker dis- to the Oregon State Motor asslcia- and summer. Freed expressed his ney, publicity; A rthur Kroeger, gon during 1936, according to tlie 22 boys bi Uie dally m anual tra in ­ long pass from Patterson was nearly a n t county agent. m The fretioiS bronchî- unnual budget of the state highway ing class and 10 from this group m 7 h T r i , X T , ayl0r'mWliO' ‘T ^ 'lG 's r e d fowl tion. Slxty-five per cent of all auto appreciation of the work of J. M. community service; P a t t e r s o n , drivers In the United States and Person of Hillsboro, county clialr- Americanization; Jake Weil, Boy departm ent which lias been pre- meet once a wi*ek for study. Club had la Id the boll, would have luul tis. coccidiosks and pullorum disease Canada are now operating under ! man. *pared by R. H. Italdoek, state high­ members are lntensley Interested In a clear field for a score. The game ! or white diarrhea Scouts; Carl Russell, junior base­ ended with another Oregon City J Now is Ure time to watch for this law or sim ilar statutes, it was K eith Powell of Salem, manager ball; L. J. Merrill, aeronautics; Dr. way engineer. Tlw* figure Includes the work, according to Romlg. ............">'«•»>" 7) , fowl pox. since It Is prevalent In »4,153,000 of NRA funds already pointed out. O( modernization credits, accom- R. J. Nicol, sick call; and H. L. in effect, the bill will accomplish panied Freed and spoke briefly on MacKenzie, membership. allocated to tills state for federal the fall and winter months, John- : I “ lP ioli°'J'ln8 results: Persons whose the bankers’ angle of the program. aid projects and »3,800,000 to be son stated. He held it im portant W asliln gton C ounty L egion J a m ­ County and federal officers co- ' drl'Trj ‘‘reuses have been s u s -, He declared th a t banks were in- boree vili be held a t Forest Grove spent on Uie live Coast highway Uiat poultrymen be able to recog-1 '-' vxmivjf < miu ivuvi hi uiiicvrs co- bridges during tile year. M* rated Thursday T hursday evening in raid- luze symptons of this disease due operated rald- P ^ d e d or revoked will be barred terested in the sound program and December 7. The Forest Grove post • still “ a t Durham sta- fr° m further driving until they ! th a t the drive is gaining momen- will have charge of the program. In Its own right the commission to Its rapid spread. , ¡ng * a " 90-gallon will have »8,060,000 U» spend d ur­ Oommon symptom is lesions on tlon a " d took William Kelly, alias fum ish satisfactory proof of their ! turn. O ther business included th e re­ V. W. G ardner was program chair- port of tlie Armistice Day com m it­ ing Uie year. Of this am ount »3,- College News Service, Corvallis— ns to number and kind of other Ute comb and wattles. These are in I William Gilky. into custody. The ability to compensate financially for any future ui« damages caused Dy by man. joo.ooo must be paid out for bond Sm aller benefit paym ents for hogs, livestock produced tlie form of circular, grayish blis- ! prisoner was turned over to fed- ;F* “a«es caused tees on tlio program and dance. 4 Interest und principal, »2,100,000 on but less reduction and more liberal Driving rights and Benefits for the corn growers have ters which later turns to a yellow <,ral authorities and lodged in tlie tnelr dnrinc- ' ownei-sDip retrlstraticia of all per- tlie m aintenance of primary high­ contract requirem ents in oUier re ­ been rusted from 30 to 35 cents a or brown color and finally, after M ultnom ah county Jail. ways, »500,000 011 the m aintenance spects, characterize the 1935 corn- bushel and yields will be figured about two weeks, develops into a Equipm ent confiscated included sons against whom a final judg­ of secondary highways and »125,- liog adjustm ent program, accord­ on n farm basks rath er than on thick, dark scab. If this scab is re­ the still, two 250-gailon vats, four m ent for damages arising out of 000 on the operation of draw bridge, ing to advance announcem ents re­ the particular acreage left out of moved. a warty growth will be 300-gallon vats, 20 gallons of whis- operation of an automobile has and ferries. O ther budgeted re- ceived by extension officials a t O re­ corn. All restrictions as to tlu* use found developed under It. The keY’ 570 gallons of mash, crocks, been legally rendered, and who .,Ye failed *aiied to satisfy the Judgment judgment, quirem ents Include m aintenance of gon S tate collego from the ag ri­ of w hat was formerly called "con­ blister stage ls tlie one in which yeast ----- - and J an automobile. ’ ---- " " “ S h e riff. " have ( B v Wrn. F . C vrus C ou n tv A trenti vrwN+irtm asre+nm t* __ __ ____ ** susPended. For retnstate- isuks »25,000; m andatory secondary cultural adjustm ent adm inistration. tracted acreage” have been re­ the disease should be recognized ln J. W. Connell, Deputy H an y John- F' f i r 1’’ Coun' 1' A " " ” rooting system it stands n the drouth ment, guarantee of future financial . ifi5 ? hdin p*i,t'ats one reason th a t it is not contingencies a n d miscellaneous. growers who voluntarily choose to corn on this land and for any p u r­ satisfactory control of fowl pox. buildings ln t h e county Sunday i r î r .prw a ' , s° ttla t lts requirem ents tlle ■same 1 bie’ T 113 ,pota!’° developed by the being received with more general »100,000; reconstruction of worn- sign again will be perm itted to pose, except ns he may be bound Johnson stated. Investigation has night, stealing approximately $60 ot • usPe*Jslon *'U1 apply to the op- yarl5 ty ------------------- ‘ S tates Departm ent of Agri- favor The trad e iurs be- out pavement and bridge«, $500,- raise up to 90 per cent of their by oUier adjustm ent contracts. shown th a t the stick m ethod is culture and wh*ch only recently COm e accustomed to expect high 000; rights of way, »50,000; surveys, established hog base Instead of 75 Tliks lowering of restrictions on the best method of immunization, was introduced Into commercial ; quaiity jn potatoes of th e tong vari- Beaverton high school. Nothing was 1 oj>l’v^ tcd of a serious traffic law (C on tin u al on page 10, column 8) (50,000. This leaves a balance of per cent ns was Uie case this year. w hat are n o w termed "shifted ------------------ - taken from the Forest Orove and violatlon in anY other state or in production. Tlus makes th e third ety and consequently a potato th a t »807,000 out of current revenues to Corn growers may also plant up to acres" is explained by the W ash­ C \Y / —J ! Aloha-Huber elenientray schools.1 Ca? ad a ’ OT who falls to satisfy a crop harvested by a few growers; is round is not looked upon with which will be added approximately 90 per cen t of Uielr base acreage, ington officials as being necessary • T . W . v ^ O I l l I l K l I l u C r At Beaverton the Intruders were un- lud*"nent against him ln any other in the county and they have c o n -, quite so m uch favor. T his one ts »1,000.000 of budget savings during though they may elect to reduce in view of the shortuge of feed ¿X , _ , 1 successful ln an attem pt to o p e n ' stati or Canada, arising out o f ststently yielded better th an other ; an exception and h a s unusually the jNist th ree years to make a down to 70 per cent, as was a l­ which Ls expected to develop early 9 total of »1,885.000 available for lowed this year, and take rental next season ln many of the areas | to ¿»peak I lic s d a y “ safe ,n thp ’» sem en t but broke ^ ’« ^ t operation of an autom o- varieties planted along with th e m .1 good quality Because they are heavy yielded u the crop just harvested A J open the office strong bux. m atching lodcral funds under the benefit payments on th e 30 per affected by drouth, 'h ie AAA lead­ C om m ander-ln-Chlef Jam es E. and have produced more potatoes to, Rowell of Scholls reports consider- term s of Uu* new H ayden-C art­ cent. W anted in W ashington coiuity on ~ “ ers believe continuance o f t h e Van Zandt of t h e Veterans o f f ho oom thn Burbanks HnrHonlzn or „i_. . ,___ , ... > the acre thon th an the or abljl w right bill. of larceny by bailee, R. C o i l f l t V R p s i r l p i l t « heavier yield of K atahdins corn-nog control is necessary bi Foreign W ars will speak a t the a E. ehorge The benefit paym ent plan o n Oems does not mean th a t they th an Burbanks planted side by side Corene, formerly an employe of < v C » lU C n iS Tlie departm ent's largest source the modified form, however, to pre­ should entirely displace these latter in the same field a t th e sam e time. of revenue Ls the gasoline tax which hogs will be changed so tlia t In­ vent rapid expansion of the corn Masonic temple ln Portland Tues­ a chicken ranch between Hillsboro varieties. Burbanks have for years is expected to produce »7,200,000 for stead of receiving »5 on each hog production and repetition of the day night. All veterans are Invited and Cornelius, was taken Into cus­ T. Walters, been the standard variety on the 8. „¡anted B t ^ k P T ortland ^ K a Z route S l i 2, i highway purixises next year. Motor raised under the allowed quota as surplus conditions first in corn and and Waslilngton county post No. tody Monday at Seattle, according Final citizenship papers w e r e 2666, V. F. W„ will attend In a liills of this section and so far as In the same field on the some day to word received by Sheriff Con­ granted to four county residents vehicle registrations and drivers' was the case this year, th e grower then ln hogs. body. nell. It was reported here th a t the November 21 following examination we can see now should rem ain so. and harvested about 60 per cent license fees are expected to yield will be paid »15 a head for the Regional meetings ln connection This Is a variety, however, th at more per crop per acre from the Veterans of Foreign Wars was man would fight extradition. a n additional »1,975,000, m o t o r number represented by the 10 per with the new contracts will be held by Thomas S. driffing, assistant T heft of two tires from his milk divisional naturalization director. has a definite place on some farm s K atahdin variety than he did from transportation fees, »595,000, fines cent reduction. The effect of this soon a fter Thanksgiving, the one foundfxl In 1899 and includes hon­ lor traffic law violations, $20,000 ls tliat, ln tlie case of a m an with for tills territory to be in Bolt Lake orably discharged men who have truck Saturday night was reported New citizens Included Mrs. Rose where they grow a few spuds each the Burbanks. J. R. Pubols wt »snd »150,000 will be tlirown Into a 100-hog base he will receive »150 City. Soon after this th e extension served ln tlie army, navy and to the sheriff by W alter Schollberg Vltaline Rogers of Orenco, Joseph, year. another grower locally who had VauCy wnere Down U1 in the valley where aroutn drouth few of this variety. Uie pot by th e counties to cover In benefit payments as compared leaders and county and community marine corps of the United 8tatcs of near Beaverton. Frank Heintz o f G arden Home, usually comes a little earlier and on foreign shores or ln hostile co-operation projects. T his makes with »375 under the original plan. committees will prepare for the new T hat 18 windows had been broken oeorge Pulse of Tigard route 1, and where sometliing a little more re- This year for the first time there a total net ligxime of »9.940,000 from He will be able to raise and m ar­ campaign, with Uie new contracts waters in any war, campaign or ex- out of the T ualatin dance h a l l tcori K arT K icn-n. o ep f of C ornelius'route ... ? . sistant to this dry w eather is need­ is some seed available and some prdltion recognized b y congress which must be deducted »1,880,000 ket 15 more hogs, however, and probably being offered sometime in S h e r l 'f ^ i t J “ n ’’T * * " “ d® 1 flrSt tWO werP formt'rly British ed and where th e soil is a little inquiry from out of state tor seed. with a campaign badge or service t to o ^ Sheriff (Contlnnrt on pnge column 1) will have no restrictions imposed January. Connell Monday m orn- subjects while the latter two were heavier, clasp. th e K atahdin variety might Burbanks will rem ain the standard here and because of their previously German citizens. well be grown. Owing to its larger crop (Continued on pa«« 1, eoiumn S) Sales Event Hilhi Defeats Oregon City Housing Plan Street System Auto Death Toll Plan Approved Mounts steadily _£ r Record b e e ^ ^ Æ ^ X ^ % for New Recori X Ä Legion Shifts Meeting Date Responsibility Law Favored Disease Topic Poultry Meet S till Raided by O fficers New Corn-Hog Plan Released; Crop Restrictions Eliminated Katahdin Potatoes Yield Heavy for Growers Washington County V Receive Citizenship