I'll it i*Mor. lU.'H. upon a Judum ant In a causa therein I a M ary Wlllerw Is p la in tiff and Samuel Pieks Bouquet and against John Y u r'-o v b i. generally and I h i m muda und eoi «rad lltaraiu ori A KI AIH MAIlKliT WITH T W E N T Y f miar pH fo r »ala Behind- Ih*, a la i day of Oi ber. 1914. in f«vor I A r th u r Steinke and H a ttie Htatnka, hus­ Mrs. E. E Wohlschlr^-el picked L ittle Jouh Y u rk o vkh . John I lar lit'M , • j - ii i II»» north «f llalh an y band and w ife, w. J Feblt and Pearl Y u ri ovii h. generally known as big Joh M O KliHDI.TM AT ,i bouquet of «7 v.inetii uf flower» • f t'onrud Alunaholmar and A filli» Alpa* atom. 4<> «hciou-r, p la lh llfl« , und agln«l II. I,. M I «hit, husband and w ife, ai. d Liquids- Y u ri uvlch. and L ittle John Y u rk o v k h as l it t l e c o st Irotn her garden November 10 V e te r in a r ia n » forty pig«. m old < «Il at II Steve Johnalon, Fiorone« Johualuu. Allea lla n d - tor«, a corporatioii. ar« defendants, in Ado, n latra to r of the M ta te of favor of the p la in tiff and against the da- Yurt. oviar. IV31, ut , he rate the (B y Mra. Bird McCormick I 1st duy u f Jan u ary, 1031, a t the waa randarad Bi'hoila. MtMOp whcrvin a judum ant In I of )i',; per annum am i the fu rth e r aum rate Each additional i n a a r l l o n , p e r of 7 per cent per annum , and for . CHEHALEM MOUNTAIN Pupils word *• »111.4 1111 W hit» hoar. 15 month« old. favor of p la in tiff« am i wuaiuat tha «h»- , of I j'.b.bu attornwya fe«e and the < >aita the fu rth e r sum of 8280.1 f a iiiJ u n la , IL Joht and F io r (N o serv lee laaa than 26c I ti-,r n * ra | Mountain Top school, who ■all vary i haap M llaloceo, m il» and Uiahuisemanla li« r« n laaaal at 124 • f<«*< w ith im e rm t thereon fr. Kaadara, p»r llna 1"« BETHANY - CEDAR MILD Mr interval tharaon u rata o f awven in>r of tha follow ing d*»cril.wi real property x»er ■ (N o aarvlaa laaa than M o W i.A N L IN li plu . for a u k W . L Burke, eiit t»er annum , to me directed and P0rtfI14?nt i i l l 'l til |u»r annum noiarship arid were and Mrs. A Schultz celebrated I tha ZMh day of lit. if. Ililla l -ituate in W ushington County. Oregon, delivi red. commanding n « to m ake »ale j n e i t h e r ttt X ifn t Bonded and Insured Carrier » 4 lf Muy. i m , nd the fu rth e r sum of p a rtic u la rly daacrihe«| as follows, ti ••• of tan o’clock A M in the forem -.n East Side Terminal Portland ba u*«*» »u l u n til tha papar la were absent on account of p. Johnson second. tain 28.0 acre tra ct conveyed by proj liitit) to Kitit) I ha , 4 lo |u y au ra old. ’«cty, lying, l>«ing and aituat« in «« ___ »-*« of uhl duy at thu l.aat o r fro n t door Innuwl. Phone EAst 8131 D e id rk h W ilier« und M ari W illar« to W tt hinpum < <>unty, G r«von. «m i mure Miss M argaret Dixon, oounty Cornell Sewing club met with nu laa and rnalehad lauro > F. VV. <»f tb<> County Court House in tha C ity I ho-- 1; Hum phreys by dead record«! purt la rly df-rih««| «« foiluws, t o - w it : health ** ***” nurse, visited at at«_ ..«a Mrs. •• lftou the Buck Silla last week. W »lrh , Id f>. IKIKhorn feat of Hillnhoro, W uahiiigtnu ('o u iity, Oregon, at page 266 of Book 44 of th« rec­ »>Ulli N ri at at lori he W«wt Hfclf of th« S«Mith«s_ - S4tf • 11 at public auction to the highswt Heaven school Friday arid found Leedy Grange Home Economics’ ANNOI N< IMEN TS ord« of deads fo r W ashington County, »j - r i f r and the Laat qu a rter of th« I. bidder fo r cash in hand, all the rig ht, tlie children In good health. club met with Mrs E. E. Jones Oregon, said <-orn«*r i>eing witnessed Ni 27. iheaat qu a rtar of th« Houthwewt title, lutertwt, and claim which knid CATTI.K w ill •«uin h» h« i u n ir M A I by an ash tree N inc I k « in diam eter ] to h W arn er and Loretta RV- 42 Lena Meyers Bunday. Mias Phyllis W hite and Miss Dor-I phona NJ . huu . 22* W mid t moniha-ohl pig«. W J Daniel, t old», Curllaa 28 acre tract a diatanc« of 460.8 feet J « ., a, and G ottfrw i Y un gen «M /je- W arn er and each am i all of them hud on m ile northweat Jaektowu ach.ud 40 Chris Floch and family and Guy employed at George io an iron pip« at th« r e e n tr a n t cor­ know« th at our I'arfa cl «cribad EVERYBODY i lt«»«»k 61 orí page 144 the 2ftlh «lay of June, |V32. or at any ner on the w«st iin « of «aid H u m p h ­ Stoutcnbcrg of Unionville visited at ,£ 'J re s 2reenh°use until Christ- EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT K e o f .n i l* lim a W lilla Diamond» ara prlca*l lower I II L S I| Jersey and Guernaoy eowa for lim e have «Ince acquired a n d /o r now a of Dee«bt fuy Waahmgtkjn rey« land, said corner i/eing witnessed jew «lar« price Impar fact ■ala O lio Behnaidar, near knrm lng- have In am i to the follow ing boundcsl SPECIALIST nty. State of Or««• Vivian were Sunday guests a t the brother and family. which hear« 8. 11* W . 0 .8 7 cha. . Kay DvUuian. G arlhaldl A v r |*h«nr State of Oregon and more p artic u larly LOHT ANO rOUNII s.,.1 ..i . w„i . ubJwt r„ Key H arrington home at Middieton. C hatterton, of Os- them'« 8. 2 0 “ W. 1.88 cha. to an iron ______ i • i d«mcrih«e| as follow«, to«wit. Room Inquire at pipe on the west lin e of said H u m p h ­ lo H N K Lady*« «Ilk aearf dwmption «« per statute of O re v .r. A program and pie sale will be H . ... „ L , I.ota N and V. liohart*« Bubdivkion, Call at I DOS C mb m ereiai N a tional Bank Annes 4'» N IC E J e r.ry fam ily row reys land and on the le ft bank of n . i - 1 «1 HHUbor.,. O rm .1., ih i. ant held at the Mountain Top church . -a^ h,-y.I,rs\ . rAf t *\ur„ ‘^ h tilz. Aruua a« ahowu by tha duly re* ordmi map Bevanth Hi 40-2 th« T u a la tin R iv e r, th em « con tinu­ d»y of October, 1934 next Sunday by the high school ¿T.i^,Tlte,,Schul5- M,rs 0110 H l U N I ) brow n «love for left hand and plat thereof, in the George W. Phon«« FO R BALI- Fraah H 'd » t» ln r o w . T II Hours ing 8. 20* W. 0.62 cha. m ore or Fbberte and w ife D. L . C. In Tow n* Inquire at Aruna office 40 J w < o n n f l l , s h e riff of W a»hing- student» from the Newberg C hns- afvi Mrs. Sam Joss and and abortion l«wl«d Mr« |f Residence 2872 9 :30 a. m. to 12 m. W leas to the < «ntwr of said riv er ; thence ■ hip I N orth Rang« 2 Weal and 1 I-. < .Minty. Oregon, g . Ru.-eii «„r- tian church family attended the seventy-fifth, |.OH I Lady's gold w rial watch. Friday O f fie« 2871 Totiyea. % -rnlla north of Limoni« 1 :30 p. m. to 6 p. m. follow ing up the c«mt«r of said riv er Mouth Itauge 2 W w t of the W iliam * H d,.*;":r m««o: *'“ inUW’ C 'url Mrs. Granville E vere« £‘f ± . v C ar' eveniny Itew ard l.a va at Argua W alker road 40 w ith ail the rneamleringa thereof in a lia M eridian. lO lt B A I.I. T w o registered Guernsey to -------------- - Z _ _______________ ,7 <1! attended a dinner in Portland Sun Sun- n e. ®?hulz of Portland recently. I a westerly direction to it« in te r- satisfy the hereinhafore men t lone<| hutia H F Lem ing. M on rilalm lal« aertnm w ith the aouth Un« of the N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R » dav in honor of Mr and Mrs. .. A , . tar.d « » • dance was WANTED—M boolia neou» day In Mr. — —7 held - at uma and for tha rust« and expenaea of N W '.4 o f ««id 8ec. 12; thence N. W A N T E D Good fh and oak tim ber for M IL K cows, fraah David Lorens. 6 mil»» aal Henry Newhouse's wedding anni- Ce e^ r-< t their work at the school J * - . . , ' l ’ N o î i ! ; n Hh£ " ton 2». REAL ESTATE HELP WANTED Jr.. M argaret Neill, who has been 11. FO R H A LE Fin« little h«m« w ith tw _________ ____ the highfl«t bidder fo r cash In ------- r ” i u W A N IT D Itaiiahla man o r man to grub I bMiul m J) o f tb« rig ht, title and inter«».! ’ * 'herefore. all person^ having claim * , i e Leo Buyserie home “ at 7 St. R e v a n d V fr 1 « T v ~ I hedruom a. h « w l, lb r .« « h o u l . ¡ N O T H K TO ( K R D IT O R H and Hann about ft or 6 acre» of land garage, fr u it which th r w ith in namwi d efw .d an u «nd »*•'* «~t«t« ar« herH.y n.xified Haul, returned to the home of her an« ««», j e . Tim m erm an, h k I Mf"1 u rr,) u ,r«d . u> prevent t them u i ' w with ü k l.y contract. Frad Hanaa, Rt. 2. Corn»* ! sanim i «pare, ib »a In. f*fto, U n o rash or ««iher of them had .»n the 7th th« parnts, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Neill, have am ved in Hillsboro to fill the Ilia .. balance f | 0 per month F <) Fagon f August. 1928. or hav« acquire«! *’«»char» to the undesig ned *d - Sunday. pulpit cf the Foursquare GO6pel tuatrator _ _ _ ■ 'I cu t I S i ................. Ml lo ¡ , th at ih » under. ^ " 7 ,U t* ,0 * n<* “ »■» r ^ P " * - N o ti. Honor Roll on Mountain Out Classified Advertising —— .4 U law» Shaw of Portland. DR. R. J. NICOL DR. E. W. ALMQVIST Program and Pie Sale f j r Grove School Soon Anniversary Party Held Cedar Mill Hilliboro Auto Freight nine.-.-, HARRISON D. HUGGINS M. D. 8 10. NJpvV P a c f n r c Fír-t-r» r d»lOrS n e r e FoUTSGUcirC G o S p c l IL V liU N G ...... — i WORK WANTED «etanan want« I,....» , k r ^ iu r r .Ich..i I,.„1,1 Kh.» h.. work. W r ite It e ii I_ .„ «„pTunicd ,.f I h , « > . 1 . ,,f J u h u . H e ,,. aspar- < D«t«.| and fir»« publiah«*d Noveml>«r 22. 1934 D a l« o f last publication D rcrm lw i b am . I IA N I E I. S IIA W . A itriiln U trato r L r l.n d TM K FF«-bum «r oil «t*»*« in g '-» i C«>i»d)- J garden . piac« fo r ehlekena, h*q It Bhaw, A ttorney 4i»_4 cow. and plenty of w ater , 8? tlwft t*» tra d r f«»r larga «Udì buggy. al«« I *----------------------------' _______ month. II II Carey I'hun In good «••iidRioi» W rH # Bo» 8N3. Ilu»« N O T IC E TO ( R K D IT O K H N orth Plains. t.m. 40 _ _ . I n th . County C'Mirt of the State of O r». h l t i V h l t « ....Iin « «im in«. « »> i' HOOMN AND APARTMENTS for i . unty ..f W » .h in « t..„ l ‘r . - coiidit »•*)< 4-hot»« «team lM»tl«r Bell 3H. S I N t . l .1 a ,.a r .n „ n l. furnUhed. A I... ‘’’‘"‘" '" r ” or t r . . l - 1 -f i-“ « one »ultahle for man -.ho i. w o rkm i « '• •'. e l . h. rot.y th at the under- 8«tnik«r. Rt 8 . o «*r ta rm iu g to n 4<>-lp| M r. I.ln K irk , you S e c o n d S t In • n ' " " 1 ''• * '— n «1’fo in te.l E a s ru trix of I o t i BALI 28-lnrh b u y d « In « » le llriit i iii f i i- r . . i In« ratal*» of Fri< k Bunditrrg, flmwrtwl. •hape. 8»3 B«n Hcrugg«. Il«avert.»n. m : * '" 1 .......... ''X I’,1; S la te of Rt 2 l ’hon« »6&I 4op , fo r W«*hingt<»n Cuunty, and haa f t ) R S A I.K F o rn i« lllp«-utraut«r. Forni'« n a l if irti A ll perdona having claim * *2. FARM LOANS Ilo ti Del Lln lm en t *63 4th Bt. 4 lp kgnlu«t *a»d «atale ar« herahy notified to I I A I H ) bay f«»r «al«, and wUl «Il «r F A R M money to loan Tha I-«lierai Land »’«'»»‘•’'l «ama to me at the office of my p,«a «nd fw«Ur« for atto rn ey. Rooms 217-218. Masonic Build­ bank now ha* am ple fund* in bond* w«an«d trad« wood. fa rm m arhin«ry. loan tu farm er« at 4^a%. <>v«r fl.oOO,. ing. Oregon C ity Oregon, w ith vouchers |Mrt«|o old <'la tra r tra rto r. 8 «rd , et«' < L IHM) haa b«en loaned to Washington and duly te rifie d , w ithin sis m onth* fro m CMwinty farm ers by tb« bank W rite or the date hereof Johnalon. Mh«rw«w>d. 4»»-lp Dated and first published November 16. call fur particulars W ashington Coun­ l o i t MAI F or tra«ie fo r c o * . 1934. ty N ational Farm L mui A*aociatlon. W hit« G ia n i pulir««, ft montb» old II Laat publication Derem ber 13, 1924. J M l ’.«riko»i. «.-a ri-’ arv. I ll laln.ro 9 'f A Leu. l ‘ j m llw northea»l W««t I I H I . I . I. IN G I K B O L L. Executrix of , . .. l'aaa • ad *"!• the M ta t e of F rick SumU»erg, Deceased. V V A P ÌlÌN G m achine m g ln e lo (rade f«»r I. J N«4de. address Ruoma S17-2IM M a ­ i. « la ririe in«»u»r radi” , «h tgui» <»r sonic rem ple. Oregon C ity, Oregon, A t ­ «hai J II. A len . R t. L Iteaverton torney fo r the Eseguirla. 89-43 « Rehulla 2')6I ^*41 G E N I.R A L L A N D O F F IC E . W ashing ion. I) C . O .t |8. 1934 Notice U bere« S IIF K IF F 'B B A L E Noti«-« is her rii y given, that by virti by given (hat subject to the condii urn* I«. r o a HALE— Ml« rlUnroua «Bd 11 m u a 11. .n * ..f the ggtg of June 9, F »«rut ion. O rd er and llecree of MA|Í-AI«rtmental regulation«. C ircu lar »>»• 13th «lay of Novem ber. 1934. in favor i >|< mk I n | Holatetn, Io**« bay Birch. I S 1200. I he tlrul*er on th« follow ing laud« 1 * b« U nion C entral L if« I n.uranc« C.»m- ,1«* ..a itb on I i r . t *"»' - corporation, .-i_i_..ss w lll he aold Dee. 1. 1934. at 10 >*rb«6 I.-..M »••'»y. a p la in tiff, and against MANKRÌ I« -' t r u c k lo a d s. Land J S CuS¿d»„, M _____ .r t.,.. ___ j ____ 'i¿;;fk5”aitd a. m. at public auctlon at the l _ Rj»y Kehunan. G aribaldi Ava. I h«»ne >Wf O ffic e at R tM>r*> I ’hor»« 2168. » -4 I t'F D A K f«a«w p«ata for aae W ill deliver Kay l»el«man. G aribaldi Ave. l ’h*ma 2107. ID E . Ililla l. 13. NAI E or TK U>fc— MUecllanrou» BF V FN-ro»»»* Lcg.il Notices 8» IS. .,.he .!.•*. ", ' i'-* < • P L. | Mervin, Elmer and Clayton W hit- church. These young people are j i.. ci’ n r f n f l „ % » " '? ,* ,,.^!h.‘7 ; " ‘¡E mi>re‘ ’ r _ ^ « 3 __ F ^ k “ sh « > k 'a m i . ’ talented m usictaM ,~iS».'Tinttm CT-, »•"•> i'u h ii,« ti„ n „7" thu Rufus O rnduff returned home No- t h » the h l'l?raph£ ne The . cru«u v e t. u>wi[ Wjth|F y- at th« .MRS. J A. WOODHOUSE «1. the unknow n heirs Mpalding ..le un- ln “ *■ -« ■ » « i T S ’ n S " S ' - ' p S S ; parties claim ing any rig h t, title o r in ­ terest in the real property herein de­ scribed. Defendants. 1934. D ate o f last publication .November ^'cCormick s illness. Grove Undertaking chapel Saturday To Edna Rowdier. Ben A r th u r Rowdier. 29, 1934. Mr. and Mrs. J. R »Rusty* afternoon with Rev John Fberr W a lte r Bennett. M arie I«aK arr Ben­ . . . ’ ■ K i t “ / j s « £ “ s s i s n ^ s y s s s s u s ™ : nett. Frank A n thony Bennett, Bessie Bennett. M arie W rig h t. Beryl Bennett, g K w s a r s & r “ I the unknow n heirs of Beryl Bennett, deceeaed, the unknown heirs of W illia m land, Oregon. --------- — t.tL_4T - FJfugan and dautfhter Miss j . A woodhouse a t B enkhSitn I I. Bennett. de< eased, the unknown heirs of M ary Spalding Bennett, de- W anda Flm gan were entertained Neb.. January 12. 1894 and came S H E R IF F ’S B A LE d. the unknown heirs o f Lucy a t the Oscar Haag home a t Reed- to Oregon in 1898. Deceased is sur- ! Notice J a n . B ennett. . I« r m _ d / . n .l ali ¿ i / r I of'T n' V ,,,-u "Í’y n""-' raLZÌ."“ Ville November 1* vived by the widower and four O rder and Decree of v’lle November 1*. persons or p a rtim unknow n claim in g Sale, issued out Mrs L. I n L. n M urray and children, children: Mrs. • Viola Howland Mrs f and under the seal any rig h t, t itl« o r Interaat in th« real of the (. -w* n x it* T no C Vk ra — A ' i V — . ’ • _ _ —-a. *14. o. ircuit Court of ___________ the State of O re- Rodney, Laura Lue. Sherm an ra v-a and Lela Leonard. C _ entralia Waah p n q w rty herein described. Defendants y - n . / ' r the County of Washington, dated Virginia, of Portland were guests Fred H. Woodhouse Amhov wTah • I th , e 19th «lay of November. 1934. 1934, in - favor f.L .r a» the tKxk D n c T n m c Krkr.-i.ra R a t i i r . . > « 1 1 ., - Nam 1!#th at y j , | " n l . k nd m . h e of uf rh« i.n i a i b r i J r* * * / GT ,P* T day W of J Noeamber. ‘Mel>h * n d L. d a v A T ld B iia'**?' at D IS 3 M M Mclruu;> honie S atur- and t Lloyd A. W oodhouse' • * Forest dav Sunday. They were accom- Grove. 651 quirgd to anneur in * th e ai p la in tiff« , and against Bertha C R O L r- . M n l n and d Kv G raden Johnson, a l s o ________________ C.m rt and V n .w e r i b i • bo* e and E ff,e O rgan, husband and against >.»u in the 'r ‘ie * d* fend* n**. fu r the sum of 8244«. P c r t la iX Portland. Guests a t the M cln- MRS MARGARET SHAW a s « .n .l you in the above entitled cause f , « u and disbursements ’ « (. h nm s ■ t h e , i„t«reat !»j» home Sunday were Mr and i w »,'r t h Z ^ d ' d a t. *£<£’' . ì r >*TCkX : ------- * ì OTì » n „.„e ,,,,r , . ÏW*. a ana n i'th Mrs. M n a . a f t fte the m e , ïurthii fu rth e r a n ia , j J . . A. n . York ZUTK from irom 'keedvüle.' neeaviiie. ! <^ ec‘ fr.,2 d "e \ fhl. ^ ' ’ d With, O Hodson McCormick N ^ m ^ ^ 1f n ? e i VertO'] rOUte piratfiHi ..« four w - ^ a „ f t h . «.rat pubhcation o f thia Sum- m- - < 1927. «ere guests. November 11 a i the E ii „ ? 7 and / u ^ r a i serv REAR AXLE CAMS AND TIKKH T R A IL E R fo r «ale. g— d llr«a. g —d condition. 812 Belfrldge H r - K I T H -wheal tra ile r, w ith SO-tneh double boa. In g— d condRKm. he« e«tra !*•»• fo r J A H ockeram llh. 117» Jack«*»« At . HHIaboro ______ PRODUCTS — in(«r«»( ih a r...n at t h , digging on the D. M. McInnis farm, •p p n w eil, otherw i*« patent -Ill lM U « ¡c e n t p«r annum , and fo r t h , fu rth e r ' ,,f reel property ly in z k O X ^ o T n T S .0 ^ ,7 7 . ‘ ÍÜ? l'enl ‘,<‘r ann“ from tb, Mr. and Mrs. Merle McDougal * ‘ h. d,Jr 8 " per f 0 nnum 34. fo r the lim iter, which must b . ramoved -urn o f »12«.„o. . t l o r n , y . free. . „ d for |„ W a a h in J ^ n c X m w ithin 10 year« Bid« w i l l __________ _ _______ J l_ me d1’ sPeRt irom Monday until Wednes- ‘u, of Iho I-a w ra n « . H a ll . , J 2 - Î Ï ? . Ï Î Î d»l>'ered eomm.’aAtiS .-.unman — wrence H a ll and m . k . . . l a ot , h , r ^ | „ n . ^ r t / ^ 1 “ d a>' W eek a t N e k CO « g u e s ts fn»m citixcns of ih« United Btat««, as«o- " f abstract, to me directed and dèïivârwF w ife Donation Land Claim No. 43. n ation« of such cltiMPO. and corporation« commanding m« to make «al« of the a fte r dearnhe.l. I have levied- upon and o f h is P a r e n ts , Mr. and Mrs. Ray and o f Sections 4 and 9, in Tow n­ ‘ •rganlaed under the law« o f the U nited r* “ 1 property h ereinafter dmcribed. 1 pursuant to »a„l Execution. O rd er and M c D o U g n L Who Were Vacationing ship 1 South. Range 1 W«et uf the a it parta for laaa H lll«b«iro A u to Btatm , or any Btat«, T«rrlt*»ry or DI«- have levied upon and pursuant to «aid , n Decree _ , --------- o - f Sale. 0 .1 . . I w ill Monday, t h , a t their cottage there. W illa m e tte M eridian, w ith in W ash­ tric t thereof only. Upon application of E locution. O rd ar and Derr«« ..f Sale. 1 24th day o f December. 1934. at the East Wrecker» ington County. Oregon ; Beginning at Mr. and Mrs. J, P. Jones, who a qualified purrhaaer. the tim ber on WHI «m Monday, the 17th day »►< Deeem- WMhinivm’cou“ ? Orra’m '?h2’ k’rv- r,ave w *‘n 1 in 11 Tillamook GHamook a at t the a «tone on the w««t boundary of have been the • ny legal suhdivbbm w ill he offered her. 1934, at th« Kaat d<«»r of the Court County Road N«x 993. which is reach­ ■orarately before being Included In any H«»uae in Hill«b<»ro. W ashington County of ten »'clock A M .a id day «oil at ° ’ . son-in-law and ed by ru n n in g fro m the southwest ffe r of a larger unit. T. 1 H . R. & F. . ‘ »regon. at the hour of ten o’clock public auction to th« hicheat bidder fo r «Uughter. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Lane. com er o f «aid Donation Land C laim t ’H l.il auto » a n a . a*rond hand f a r » Ber 9. N W % N W ', yellow f ir 1.200. m. of «aid day. «ell at public auction to ' “ *!' in *>•"<«■ *H of the follow ing de- *° t the last month, were called 1 w ith the south boundary thereof south m acklnary. atoak t r a il« » , to r rant or M T 8 N . R 2 W. Sec IS. SR% ’ he highs*l bidder fo r cash in hand, all •cribed real property, lying, being and home November 1* because of the 69 deg east 4300 f«et. and thence N W ', yellow f i r 2.2OU M a a l * — U * n Hacmd 8«. •ed radar ut ’ he follow ing deacrihed real property itu a te m « « .h in g io n Coum y. Oregon, serious illness of the baby son of north 23 deg 4o* East n 68 feet to 40 M r«d cedar poles »<); T 26 8.. R. 1 *rI«K . being and «ituate in W ashington i ron, d. . Z w i , P’ r “ cu‘* r “ ' d" c r' t~ 1 “ Mr. and Mrs. W ayne . Z who “ the southeast corner of the tract 12 W Bee 28. N W 1, N W ', yellow f i r : bounty, Oregon, and m ore p articularly herein described, which point is also l.êftn M II. I ■ B »—,—•— now recovering from an attack of hemlock 626 M non« of the described a« follows, to -w it: T h e »South- eginning — at a point in the N o rth the northeast corner of a 2*^ acre timlycr on »aid «ubdlvtelone to Iw eold w m t Q uarte r o f the Northw eat Q uarter pneumonia. L in e o f Section 10, Tow nship 2 South tract owned by B ert M ille r, and run­ llll.S F .1 . O IL . hl«h U - t fo r traetora of Range 1 W eal of the W illa m e tte Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Wohlschlegel l.uleveaidOTt FuS O il S-ralee. »»» fo r l«as than W 00 per M fo r the yel- lN W > , of N W ' , | of Section Eleven (11* ning thence north 80 deg 20’ West low f ir 81 00 iw r M for the red cn la r. Tow nship T w o (2 ) N o rth Range Four M erid ian , 1ft chain« S 89* 38’ West spent Sunday In Htl’sboro as guest 1579 feet along the north lin e «»f said te n th St I ’hona I H ! fto rente i»er M fo r the hcmlork and <4» W«nt of the W illam e tte M eridian. from the Q u arter section corner on B ert M ille r tra ct and along the of her father. L. V. Hulit. the red «««lar pplew «'«»ntaining F o rty (4<)| acraa to sati«fv H l | lB - f . « d dry oak w i» l . •» M> ; “ " ''J 76 cents each fo r the N o rth line o f »aid Section 10 north line o f a tra c t o f 10 a r r is Mr. and Mrs. L. I. H ulit of New­ ------ *u . he rein * ’ before * W k ,. «h named «urn« and for I,«fora d«ll»«ry Phon« 2UÍ». 2 » lf T. 13 8 . K . . 6 . W . flee. 29. S W ‘ S » ’in ru n n in g thence South 0 * 18’ owned by A nna Young and along the berg visited in the Buck Heaven yellow r 1.870 M . to non« ber ' w ’ he M KA SON F.n o«k and country »Iah wutd. on W««t 10 chains; thence S. 9 0 * 2’ «aid f i subdivision be of sold the fo tim r l«*s ril coot and expen««a of aale and * «aid * ’<1 north line of a 16-acre tra c t owned district Sunday West 883.68 feet to a stake on the S i a e l any leniith before delivery by M elanie E. In g lis to an iron pipe Said sale w ill be made subject to re- 861 than 817 6 per M T . 18 B . R 7 W . fcast boundary line of t h e J o h n aid, block wimm I. Tru m en Itoyd. Miss Jones Bride set on the north side of a large 14tf S«r 9. N W ‘, B W > , red f ir 1.380 M demptn.n as i»er statute of Oregon N in th SI Phone Illltoboro 2"JJ. Huslagee lan d ; thence N o rth 0 * 5’ Miss Arllsta Jones, who has been atone, which point is fu rth e r de­ Baled at Hillsboro. O n w o n , (hi* l.tth E. 10.03 chains to N o rth line of Sec­ F IK S T -laaa wood fo r aal«. F ir. nah and deed red f i r 0 M. B W , S W « t . red f ir scribed as being the northweat cor­ making her home with her uncle. tion 10. thence N o rth 89* 38 E. 10.12 aah. Ray Palam an. Phon« Hlllahoro 1.328 M. dead red f ir 20 M. nun« of ‘lay of November. 1934. ner o f said M elani« E. Inglis tra ct Wilbur Jones, and attending Hills- I •he tim ber on «aid «iibdlvision* to be J " C O N N E L L , S h e riff of W aahing- chain» to the place o f beginning, •n d on the ist lin e of a tra c t of 1107. _______ boro union high school, became the aold fo r las* than 81-ft" per M fo r the ,on „ County, O — P h ilip llam m ond. con taining lo acre« m ore or lees, in land owned by Edith A. K a ssin g ; 0 IK 8 K L and fuel oll. 4i«or«« I . H«nd revi f ir and 81.«0 per M for th« «lead »10 l.u a ra n ty T r u .l C o B id *.. «22 Oak bride of H erbert Reynolds of New- the C ounty of W ashington. S tate of thence north 23 deg. 38 L u t along Grove rlnka, fu«l «II dealer. F or red f ir F R E D W J O H N S O N . C o m m is-1 HL. Portland. Or«g«»n Oregon 2»-42 b e r g a t Vancouver November 10 the ttf t line o f said E d ith A. Kas- Phon« 843J._____ •loner. 17.41 ir a .* * * /‘* fy .xthe Hereinbefore named sums ■ing tra c t 1330 feet, to an iron pipe nd fo r the coat and expense* of sale follow ing described real estate NOTICI O F F IN A L A C C O U N T fro m which the center o f the "m ain IKI said aaa.l w _t. T k a - t t portion of t a _*2__raza In Ih r County Court of (he S la t« of O re­ N O T K K O F F IN A L ACCOUNT and rit. 1». SEEDS—PLANTS Th Section 20 in _ Tow n­ ditch'* ia north 66 feet d is ta n t; thence In the ('«niiity Court of the S tate of O re­ pon for l b . County o f W aah ln g U » , Said sale w ill he made subject to re- i ship 2 S. Range 1 W . o f the W ill­ parallel w ith the course of said m ain S l l l t l ’ B Bal— Plant now, »rult and nut gon. fo r the Countjr of W ashington. I r«4»«(« D«*p«rtmenG «lemption as per statute p f Oregon, am ette M eridian, described as begin­ ditch at this point north X9 deg. trees Plant detwndable trees w ith con­ In the M a tte r of the kuitata o f Charlea Probate D epartm ent. i 1 7 s f ’ Hillsboro. Oregon, this 2l«t ning 10.60 rotis W . and 193.12 f t. N. 2ft East 310.8 feet to the intersec­ sat fidence Moi». Hrua Nurseries In the M a ile r of the Ealate of Freda (.e ra l,I T u rn e r, llereaaed. «»ay or November. 1934. of the corner common to Sections tion of this line w ith the southwest 40- IP yard and office at Reedvllle. B W eil«, Deceased. Notice ia heretty given thnt the under- , J' , * U O N N E L L , S h e riff of W ashing- 20. 21, 28 and 29 in said Township boundary of the land fo rm e rly owned Phone N«>tl. algned, — Executor -------------- o - f the ---- Notice is hereby given that the under- »iiOied. ns Ratnte of A ll ’ O rexon t ic . W . J.weph RECLEANF.B cheat seed f ‘»r anti Range; running thence W . 67 by M. S. Barnes, and which point 401 r algned, as A dm I n latra to r of the **tn te ceased. has filed rod» and l l ’ .j f t . ; thence N. 4 rods, Beaverton M7I9. P o r t u T J <>f ’’r 'e o n B u ild in g . Is in the center of County R o ad; of Freda It Wells, deceased, baa file«l Din fin a l account in the County Court ) ortiand. Oregon. 4 ^ and 11 ft. ; thence E. 67 rtxis and | thence w ith said southwewt boundary W IN E grai»e plants and highest fin a l account In the County Court Ih e S tate of Oregon, fo r W nshingtftn 11 ‘ j ft. ; thence S. 4 rod», and »1 f t. I guaranteed g rafte d auekcrleaa fUI»wrt hi. and in the center of County Road o f ihe S late o f Oregitn. for W ashington County, and that Monday, the 10th day IN I'R O C E E IilN IIS FO R A C O M P O S I- to the place of beginning contain­ south 3ft deg. 08’ East 1316.9 fe e t; trees, w aln u t*, peach«*, prune«. cjMrrnr. ( ’«»unty. that Mon.lmy ing tw o «»ere» more o r less together T IO N l)K E X T E N S IO N pear, apple berrlcn. n * « and .hruba. o f N ovrm and | the ihe 28th .lav ° f December, 1934. at the hour of ten thence south 40 deg. 37’ w «*t 290 feet f 9:3o ocha-k in ih« forenoon o f said day nnd l ln f.t. r <’ .i.’ ‘"‘ m ' . C ,,,lr' ,,f U n ited S ta te . Phone 61 w iht the road o f public easement to to the southwest corner o f a tract ........ r a . , ! ^ ' Ph,m“ . <» «•» ■•« » b l d .F and • Hie ( ourt Room of aaid Court has been I the public highw ay and also th at In i f D is tric t nf Oregon. o f land owned b y E. A. Stevens; Planting In the M a tte r of M a rtin J. B e rn ard , and C a rlin n Nursery Co . ” ’* ,'" ” r ’ r«w»m uf snid court has been nppoinied by aaid Court as the tim e and certain onion house which is situate*! thence south 43 deg. 63* East 261 w rite or vialt 11«. 8Vtf ! Hl‘tM’h*le«l by amid court as the tim e and Place fo r the hearing of objaetiona there­ Lena Bernard». Debtor«. ( upon a tract <>f land lying West of ' feet to a pipe at the most southern Carlton. Oregon. place fur the hearing of objection« there­ to and the settlem ent thereof. »he foregoing T ra c t. ' ■ 'h e creditor» of M a rtin J. Bernard» corner o f the land owned by School and the settlement thereof B a l« 1 and «¡rat publiahed Nov«ml>«r 3. R H O D O D E N D R O N S , cam ellias. a/alens. and Lena B e rn ard , o f Orenco in the A ll <>f which said tra c t of land lies D istrict No. 67 on west boundary of Dated and firs t published O ctol.er 25. » SI 9 » * , " t* ° f l" t pl,l,lira,U,,n D ii-e m b e r} said County Road No. 993; thence Dnphne Odora. rock Daphne, heather, in W ashington County. Oregon. a fo r a iL W ,3 h ' " ,tl,’n " " d district , and many other choice shrubs. Alsu 1934. Date of last publication N.»veml»er Said sale w ill be made subject to the south 23 «leg. 61* West w ith said .. < !,:o k < :e T U R N E R , K u c m , co n firm a iion of the above entideq Court. roses, shade trees, fru it trees, figs. I II- 22. 1934. ,l«v " o f ” a “ hc” 'hy given that on the 10th boundary of said road 688.3 feet to A L F R E D G R E E N , A d m inistra tor o f the i l.il.I.y, Attorn«?, 7 D O n v o n ia n Bid,- berls, w alnuts. wine grapes. Stout .1 Dated this 20th day of Novem ber. 1934. the place of beginning, containing Leland B. i Portland. Onwnn, Nursery. Hillsboro. Oregon, IK . 4; Estate ..f Freda II. Wells. Date of firs t publication November 22. B e rim rl» O M * " ,n B ern ard- and Lena 42.26 acres ; 32-42 Shaw. 1113 Public Service Bldg., Po rt- ' Bernard» praying that they he afforded ' 934. • j-in ile maitheaat Orenco. 2 miles Date of last publication Decern- . and forever b a rrin g and precluding you. an .;.d -..rtu n i,y . con, £ ' ^ .78-40 1 N O T IC E O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T 39tf land« Oregon, A ttorney. her 20. 1934. Heedville Service station. and each o f you, and a ll persons claim ­ 111 the County Court (If the S U I« ,,f O ra- ing Ing by. through o ,.r r under under you, you. and , n d ' each ” ? R E D S. W IL L IA M . Executor o f the h i . extension o f tim e to p«y their by, through N O T IC E O l F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T W ashington County. ‘ . • ing or atte m p tin g to ^ h ' . ^ n d e r »eetion 75 of the .t'ankruptei !.*ta :e < f John C. Young, deceased. F . 8. , In gun, ib« Ti»r M.att-m you frtMn claim tn. HAY AND FEED In the County Court of the State of O re ­ I ’ T ’ r ii1 i, ° f f?** o f A lbert claim , or asserting or attem p ting to asert erlv f ii- 4 " ppr ° ved .b/ D” * court «8 prop­ Sever. A tto rn ey fo r Executor. 40-4 H A Y for aal« or Irado «or y,nina hidfora. gon, fo r W ashington County. I . 1«ril».nmchcr. Deceased u,,v ».maeher. Deccnsed. any rig ht, title or intercet in or to said erly file d under said section. would i.rofor llo «o Ih a l havo l.ron brail. In the M u tter o f the Estate o f Herm an N tiH t» I , her,-l.y g k e it thnt the under- roal property o r any part there.,f ad- C A L L FO R W A R R A N T S By order iaaued out o f the D istrict f f , ,vh* «or the Ui»i W- A- (lia,ilm an, mil© north o« Por- J. Luck, Deceased. th L " r a d“ ly A d m in is tra trix nf verae to the title o r ' interaet o f the ir'ict A ll County Get,era! Fund .V arran la of j Notice Is hereby given, that the under­ n e lin . <»n Banka m ail. Oregon. entloraetl j i ° , re“ ' ,n dated the 29th day o f W I sling to n County. he above ent'm i 5“ f il " ' ln ’• '» '" ‘ 'f '» therein ,.r th ere),.. and thnt signed, duly appointed A d m in istrn trix of October. 1934, the pr.-------- fin a l « r en, , i ' 1 " » "d cnu«e her the t itle o f the p la in tiff« in and to aaid not paid fo r w » an o f funds’* on or j -------- ..... r . . . . , ^ , | i n r - in ,1. niM P *1" ror n t of ÎÎÀLKD int «nil valrh hay and l.aair the above nninisl deceased, has filed in Sel“ en'h er 3.1. 1933. are now pay- a lfa lfa Ray Delaman, « » rib a ld i Ave t h e e . m 'r t ' h , r r ''',rl, »" «ueh and real property he forever quieted again«! above rntitle.1 ,nq»e h a te hern re-re ferrrd ’ 40tf the above entitled court and cause her H o ffm a n . C o n riii it io n r "** e *« lh l’ rt««tee of Ihe County Trea»- S X r «. x" ••• >hr c l-l- h . . n d demand« of you. and to A. W Phon» 2107. fin a l account and report as such. nd a ? l r ' > •mn -------------------------------------- urer. in Hillsboro. Oregon. , h” u r D) o'clock «••eh o f you. ( IA T and valrh bay for aala, I l u tun, the court has fixed the 3ril day of Decem­ A. M of aaiil day and th r court na.nl Interest on ... such w arra n ts \ ----- not ------------- hereti J L .... Oregon, to enable th r This Summons is served upon you by " "e D istrtc _ vnaoie tne » ------ Oren A lbert K a h rll, m il, aaat n« ber, 1934. nt the hour o f It) o’clock A. of th r above entitled r, u ri in Hlllahoro, .. . ..................... . . . . . r t . p u b l i c a t i o n thereof in the Hillsboro Argus H,MHe 9am e,I debtors to submit i.n«ub, i Wl cenae Novem ber 24. 1934. 39-41 o f compromise and extensi«— • M A U D W . B O 8C O W . County Treasurer M. of snid day. and the court ro«»m o f Oregon as the tim e and place fo r hear- pursuant to ai. order o f Geo. R Bagley Ace‘”,n ’ J,3,,U e the - b“ ' - c ™ t rendei: ” nd that second ion to j Ihe above entitled court In Hillsboro, O re ­ f o i f h ^ f l l T . " on ¡ í/n « o ! * f ^ th. gon. as the tim e and place fo r hearing k . . f . 7 * ,,e,npnt of »»id estate. e«l and entered hereii o n t the b- " 3 x ist'"day i.t ,i-v « e « ir r c«**“ n '» Court Houae on th r 4th day pound W S Hahn. Banka, Rl. 2 . Estate of A lbert E. G ritsm acher. De- Key» fo r Dated this 1st «lay of November, 1934 P la in tiff» . Heaident A lto rn ry a . I b m i l'or. A. 11 | 9 U . 1».4 mile*, west M ouiitnindnle 40tr H are. M c A le a r A Peters. A tto r­ S ta tr of Oregon, P ,„ | O ffic e Addenta : K A T IE L U C K , A d m in is tra trix of the ceaaad. at w hirh tim e th r .aid H i I 11 No sir. No m atter how hard and neys fo r A d m in is tra trix . 40.4 S h u lr Saving« Bank Bldg.. Hillsboro, Oro " " ' " ' r- may « t in i, I. prove th r ir claim» Hare, M cA lear A Peters, Attorneys for kF,»11 n-v ” aa ^ Ä t a t u d i n e i , (h ' i* ' ? ilgabtaxrw ? . . ’ "? .. ... -ueh deep-seated M. FARM MA( DINFRY your cough or cold A d m in is tra trix . 8.’ *41 N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S her l . , , , i , , „ >y properly come’ br- ln a v bP ’ B U C K L E Y S M I X T U R E is i«-20 ('use tra c to r for side, plowed less In the County C«»„rl of the State of O r « •«’re said meeting, »»••«*♦•» N O T IC E (IE F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T f'4 v ( V.T v’ VgkL W conquer tt » pretty sure_to in _ -------*. next *. to than M» acres, value 812” ” . w i" N O T IC E O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T gon. for W ashington County. u»e«l 830. ( ’ . A. Beyer, Box In the County Court of the S late of O re ­ D) the M a tte r of the lu ta te o f James In the County Court of th r S ta ir of Ore- a w 1 u rv ’J x -i. ,** y of Novem ber. i » 3 i no time. The ver very first dose gets gon, for W ashington County. oP»»ionrr. ('o u n \M rfN w i '. 7 " 'i l '" ’ i" n, dOW 11 , o b u s in e s s Rfttf MA—-you van feel it gon, for W ashington County. M ann, i- Deceased. u . ! ,n . ,h e M a tte r o f the E state of M a ria A. o f Oregon. V M h in g to n , D isrtict fining doing you good. In the M u tter of the Ksixte o f Joseph Notice Is hereby given, th at the under- Del, Deceased. ILI.P—«¡«»ATS Bulick, Deceased. Its fast last action p amazes everybody nho’? 7 H i . i T c <," ,jr '»PP«»lnt«<| by (he Notice is h«rehy given, t ’ -.m the under- --------- ------------ - n Notice is hereby given, that the under­ ve entitled ( o u r t, ns A d m in istrn trix Mgnod Executor of the last W ill and N O T K E O F E X E C U T O R 'S S A L E OF ■ C hurchill reglalered Billy. when they take it for the first time. AT » ing H enry V i l i . W illiam signed. duly appointed A d m inistrator of • •r the Estate of naiil deceaseil, nmi has T«w«tament of said deceased, has filed in R EAL PROPERTY If you or any member of your qualified as such. the above ......... entitled Court and c cause, his labor,'. Ili. !.. B..« 2«'»J. «ddp the above named deceased, has filed In duly No. a 4094 Glass, Now f . 1 1 . , , ......... a u s e , n is «»«>. w« l family, i U l l i l v , i has i u s t a t C U U K I1 , C O iU or bron­ cough, cold the nhove entitled court and cause his * i a o a in .i h" v,nK f ’nMl , » ” ‘1 report as such, and ,n ,h < * < «»unty Court of the S tate o f O re- Chltls trV Bucklev’.S chitis, try Buckley's be con­ fin a l account and report as S such, Much and, «'"«t sa.d estate arc hereby notified »he Court has fixed „nd appointed the , the County of W ashington ‘ ~ ■ V h and We Are An Oregon Manufacturer We buy und sell used cars. —Uscii Cur Exchange. 48tf POULTRYMEN WE buy and sell used cant. — M ackenzie Motor Co. r .X or better efH? Production and better quality ejfirs FEED IM PERIAL EGG MASH. O ur prices are lower the quality is better. O ur m anufacturer to consumer policy saves you the dealer profit. Milk Egg Mash— Sack ..................................$2.05 Imperial Egg Mash— Sack ............................ 2.00 Big-Lay Egg Mash— Sack .............................. 1.90 ru n . DAIRYMEN 11 Now you can afford to sell your grain and buy a ba lanced dairy ration. You can feed less feed with a balanced dairy ration for the same am ount of milk th an you can when feeding ground grains. Imperial Dairy, 18% protein— Ton ......... $35.00 Cow Ration, 16V2% protein— Ton .......... 31.00 Molasses Dairy, 15% protein— Ton .......... 28.00 . U" FLOUR SPECIAL ev ORBIS HARDWHEAT FLOUR Sack ................................................................ PAY CASH AND SAVE — TRADE WITH IMPERIAL IMPERIAL FEED &. GRAIN CO. Millers of Quality Feed. South Second Rt. Lumber Prices Stubborn Coughs AGAIN REDUCED « V I A M I c o o n R A TINO HOME IMPROVEMENTS Now may be financed a t low cost on the Governm ent Plan. 34 POULTRY ihe court has fixed (he 17th i day of De j I required to present the same, t o - . 2»th «»ay of December, 1934, at the hour ,n the M a tte r of the Estate of John C cemher, 1931, at the hour f 19 .»dock wether w ith proper vouchers therefor, to of K> o’clock A. M of said day. and i Yo’'ng. Deceased, A M. of said «lay, and the court r< torn , 'be roiun undciMit'|i,.<| „t th,« l" l»u- thn _*__ entitled N d ii,— (a . . . in pur , ''’ "ffic _ r» (if lh '’ Court m m n f thn above N.-liee hereby given that of the above entitled court In Hillsboro H ara. M rA le a r « 1’e te n . In the Hhnte > ■ •p A dm inistrator. 39 43 ia lr a lr lx . 3S -I2 Executor. 49.« | and a fte r the 22nd day o f Ileeeiiiher iltr y ol all kinds. W rite, bring F rid ay, Katurdny or re noon. Portland prices «len C o r n e liu s ' •' ' PKiS vinced. Buckley's is sold by Riggs' Hillsboro Pharm acy and all good i drug stores. AT DRUGGISTS S 8B* ! OUCKLEYC D mi x t u re J A SINGLB SIP PROVES I T / SEE US FOR ESTIMATES Seasonable M aterial_ Flex-O-Glass. W eatherstrip. Roof Paint. Roof Putty «for fixing leak 1. Ridge Roll, Eave Trough, Etc. POOL-GARDNER LUMBER CO. If It’S Lumber Call Our Number Phone 2691 1011 Baseline