T H E age Eight H IL L S B O R O A R G U S. II I I, I, S B O R O . Thurailny, Novemlii'i' 22. I'.l.'ll O R E G O N o f L on A n g fles. C u i. w ere H uiw I h . v | Vii u lu la O tU lield m ul th e h«»mne»| a t th e M e tU x tU t t i m . ' nouncemen next week I'rncueal in-law and sister. Mr and Mrs gueM.s O( Mi tUHi Mrs A It Me i»hv. Mr and Mr> Eli Griiulle -.pcukci ol the ulhiii.MUi w .» n M,f workers' class Monday. 7:45 p. m. Frank Hanauske and children. Ruth. I ariane Mr and Mi • Held EMrldgv and HndUt. who gave mi Intere 44iig t««ik Wednesday. 7:30 p. m . u n i o n Gerald and Helen of Portland Mr an t M in , Erank lidia k made ,.on join» of Ihll .horn VbtU'd vein- on lialla Tluuiksgivuig service. Music fu r­ Mrs c. H. Dou.-t of Anacortes. a biLsinesN trip to Vtrnontu and m , , in Hank.s Huitday nished by union choir from the Wash . was the guest of her brothel. Timber Monday. I Mr. and Mrs*. Merle D mv I m . M in churches Sermon by Rev. Charles A ULADUEH LAXATIVE C. P Stafford, from Monday until Mr. and Mrs It W Ai iin ntroul Hawley und Misi* Myrtle Itati»», J u i i I| m * i Oil. Ilurliu l4»Mvra. I f«. Reed of Methodist chureli. other Friday of last week. spent Bunday with Mr. and Mfs 'a ll ol IHutlaiul. were Bunday guest» lis.il m inisters assisting We extend Mrs W. L. Stevens visited her If you are buUicml gulling up daughter Ina at Vernonia Friday Congregational Ladies Will a hearty welcome to any and all School Board Buys Piano Aivlile Tluanpoon and elilklrvn at of Mr. and Mrs Eh til Indie iilghlA. burning, leg pultui. back­ Moun tu Induit». I ------------------------- these services. ' The church with Dairy Co-operative Meets and Saturday. She was accompanied in'he make Un» u&c test. Hu»h out a tanilly spirit.' R. L. Putnam , AIL, Brown ll«m>rr,l by Mrs. A Schults, who visited for Grade School Hold Bazaar Friday (h r rxers» uclds uiul w iutr ttiMUci pastor. Laurel Tuesday Night friends at her former home there. thut cnuM» Irrttutlon. (in juuij>ri A surprise party was given for Mr and Mrs. Lester Lindsay and oil. rxtruct buchu Icuvr i, rlc . In Miss Alta Brown Saturday evening Free Methodist Chart'll i By Mr* Fred Wolford! small son Doll Roy of Oak Grove BEAVERTON Julius Hendrlkson. green tablets culled Ill’K K l’H tin by her selwohnufcs In honor of her Services oh Sunday as follows: (B y M r . r . L . B row n) were Sunday callers at the W H 75. died at the Portland Sanitarium . BANKS tlie student laxly play birtJiday a iililv eistn at her home I I. V I,i, a I.nmn 't'lmnlr.gB'Ing bludder laxative Aflei tom days It LAUREL- A large crowd attended and B. G McNay homes. Mrs. November 13 alte r an Illness of Sunday school. 10 a. in.; preaching. "The T hirteenth C hair" will U '.w est of Banks, Tliose present were A J i, t he Me h i druggist will re 11 a. lii : class meeting. 7:15 p. in.; presented Wednesday evening in Alta mid Ethel Brown. Peggy Wil- service will be held at in, Mem- " ,,t -«Usfled any is iiu h r m »lor., he F anners Union program, »nd Lindsay Is Mrs. W. H. McNay a three years Mr. Hendrikaon " a s evangelisfle .xltst church Sunday morning at ll tuJ '‘ >n'« meeting, 8 p. ill Our born in lkxineila. Sweden, in 1859. , . ... iance Saturday night. The to"c» sister. tlie high school auditorium. Miss Mui. Geraldine Kessler. K atherine Mrs. Fred Withee and children In 1887 he came to America. Alter district quarterly meeting will be Altec Laix> is coaching ilie play. Miller, Bernice Friday. Theresa o', I,» k l lie llimiksglvlng sermon I numbers were given: Tap dance held in K irtland at C entral church will la* pristeiaxt by Hev. F Hade- ■■ iyR Dorothy W hisnand, accompanied Fred J r and Laura Dean of Day- working as a laborer on the rail­ —— beguuimg o n Thursday evening, w lu elilu isa cast of seventeen char- puetsch, Frank Wahl. Ray Dobba. maelier ot tlie Evangelical church ——— ‘Jimmy mid Ray Brown. Roy Moss. Special music will consist o I „ iy Thelma M ulloy:, V ^iJ^i^T h el- ton were Saturday and Sunday road in M innesota lu* came to O re­ with Bishop G riffith as the mailt aeters. guests of her sister. Mrs. Flora gon. I l l 1397 Mr. Hendrlkson went iu riel Kellogg, vocal trio by The Shoot I’rofltable 1 hum Id Tucker. IXniold Mianv mid Tlutuksglvlug anllu'in "Ancient ol and evangelist. The bishop ___ na Mulloy, Bernice and U llte BiMrr and Mrs. Francis Coolidge to tlie Klondike where lx- made speaker turkey shoot at Buxton given David Rosencrona. will hold a two weeks' meeting in by The the Metlaxltst ellotr. a « y A HR considerable money prospecting tor connection tlie Banks American Legion was Mi> William Joos uf North 1’ 1 . t i lls Day«" Marvelous Jrown, accompanied Mr2;, J s ?„, 1» M' ' W W g J with tlie quarterly m eet­ ■tulloy; saxophone solo, by San have moved to Portland for the gold In 1900 he returned to Beav­ ing Our Sunday school convention well attended an t a goodly sum ol j m uted with her sister, Mrs Minute Vhitmore. accompanied by M ilano winter, where lie has em ploym ent.1 erton and in 1923 he made a short will be held on Friday afU'moou. money was cleared l.nnch was. schulniertch. at tlie Earl Wilson iiiima O aarde M d Mrs H e l e n HudctiuL'her and an instrum ental I 'arm ack; sleight-of-hand Pc ri®J,n7 His son Fred will stay here with visit to Sweden. Mr Hendrlkson In charge of convention, Rosla served by the legion Auxiliary home November 14 would llki' to g e t ill Henry A’lee atten.lixt a luncheon Mrs. Etta Preston Is visiting with trio by MUss Clara Melhuiald, James ini-rs bv Delbert Blersdorf. and a Ins grandm other for the present. is survived by five sisters, all res­ Dougliuss. the conference Sunday w a ? s2lo by Mrs. W alter Steinke. Mrs Coolidge's brother. Alden ltose- idents of Sweden. Funeral oevices of the W illamette society in l*ort- relatives ntair Roeeburg. i , 0 U l " i t *1 vwu y / ° u , , public is lnvlte,l tx> Uils scry- . , , iccompanH’d bv Mildred Carmack. vear. will stay with his sister during were held at th e Congregational school secretary. laixt Thursday. Mrs. Fixxt Wolford and son Lyle The tee. T he Sunday s. liool» will be I Bt'Keyu HUltnblu for I II e Inothe? such meeting w i l l W the working days of the week, as church Thursday and Interm ent Born, to Mr. and Mrs Louie, a H Wolford spent November interim llo u ss he is employed in Portland. was a t Cresent Grove cemetery. he third Saturday in December. 13 a t the Frank Qcnzer home on lieLt as usual ill t i l e rrKpeellve ’I'liaiiksgiVHIg BHH'ket. Only Friday. November 23: St. Clem­ Dober. it boy, last week. Mr. anu Mrs .Andy Veek and four I A large crowd attended the per­ Green Mountain. Everett Genzer eliurelies. 'prim e Nti. 1 llirila should lie Mrs Jacob Schniidt. assisted b \ children Iluv l'Inno ent's Day. commeinontting a church of Portland were guests of Mrs. S Raynor Smith was the formances of 'The Grow R ay­ ,lrs. Adolph schmidt and Mrs i n d her sister. Mrs Ade Rutschman, lias uurcliuscd¡returned home with them mid re- guest father and m artyr. Sunday. Novem­ a Tile » I uhi I board speaker ol t li r Moreland , B ill,' liei'C d for (his trade. mond, ' world renowned magician, grade “ hKUl which j «venUm Shm idt, entertained at her norac from Friday until Sunday. 25: Chapel services of worship Presbyterian club of Portland last at the high school auditorium F ri­ ber ast Thursday with a brldt i 'slHms- for tlie Sunday next before Ad­ is appreciated very much by the |» » n nyw Mrs. Lizzie B urnett of Little Rock. day niglit. Frutay'. Blw talk,si on "India Con- or Miss Cora H ulit of near Hill»- F« mh I Sale Tuesday was the guest of her niece. tiunes mid Customs." Her talk was Mrs. M C K ereher left last week vent. a t 10:30 a. in. and 7:30 p. in. pupils mid teacliers. ,oro who was married to W alter Cal Mr. and Mrs Fred W ilcox. M r T h e M o th e rs ' clu»- will have a , r . " w .in c o stu m e s m id eu rto s Mrs Rollin Meyers. Sunday and for a two weeks' visit in S an F ra n ­ .At mortung worship Pastor Henry mxl Mrs. B e n u ir d S ellers a n d food sa le T uesday before 'I'hunks-. 111 ***• '• <• «■ > , , IW||U Schmidt Wednesday 5. Haller will preach tile last of Monday Mrs. B urnett came up to cisca daughter Janet. Miss Anna Schneid- giving in the front of the Bank- '1 ^ >u ha ¡J J wa . called he B aptist church in series of sermons on “Tlie Holy with a sister. Mrs. Susie Turley, Tlie Peterson family held a reu n ­ the iK m t thirty ladies were in at- be er. " aihovs Seilers am i Mr. mid Mrs MeivantiU* Store Homo f d ' K™. . . .„„duct tlie Apostles." using the topic. "Judas, who is critically ill in th e M uit-j ion at tlie H M. Barnes home S a t­ endance. including Mrs. Louie Car- nomah giMhJles mid Thanksgiving supplies I Ul l*dri‘“ hu ruesday Ml i i i t w Serti — Shrub» «inti In the evening thei W T. Sellers spent Sunday wttJi will county hospital. urday in honor of Mr. and Mrs. tlie Tnutor be on disul iv f,ir ¿ è »< c 1 cl011«' vtcc-iursf- >w Mrs Grover Brown. Mrs. Sam ix on display lor sal, lixxxwps d(>n( Ui|l p)rsl NuUlllwl uuik , Ihmltry J. P arr and daughter Helen William Campbell and two-weeks- sermon » ill be on "T he River of | Mr. mxt Mrs. d ia r ie s Sellers at will iiilit and Mrs. Fay Hulit of Hills- of Mrs will be used for the support of the D eath." the final thente of t h e 1 Iowa Hill. Amos remained for a few visited the home place old daughter Patricia Ann. of THImnook. a t Uw Holman Fu- ¡ riiiMir 3061 K>ro. Many beautiful presents were and Hillsboro ehureh. Pilgrim's Progress" series. Thurs-1 days' visit. called on Mrs. A. Naderer one Thirty-five young people a tte n d ­ lierai home. eceived by Miss Hulit. Mrs. C. B. Hall and daughter Birthday Celebrated dav last week. Tlx* Women s Foreign Missionary ed the West&lope Bible class at tlie dav. November 29: Thanksgiving Ladies' Social club will have a A surprise birthday thirty was MX-fetv was entertained Thuraday Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Schmidt en ­ home of Mr and Mrs Ray B. Mc­ day service at 7:30 p m., in con­ Shrela were Sunday guests of Dr x itlu c k lunch at the com m w W tertained with a dinner Sunday, Minn Saturday night. Plans are formity with flic proclam ation of mxt Mrs. R, M. Klnes In Forest given Friday evening by friends of Wednesday at 1.30 P- nt. Each guests being Mr. and Mrs. Fay Mr mill Mrs Ell (iriiutle a t tliclr made for a Christm as party. the president of tlie Ututed States. Grove. nber has the privilege of _bring Hulit and son Vernon. Cora H u lit1 being home in Ixmor of tliclr sevenly- Moss Sells Truck Mrs Conners entertained the Next Sunday. December 2. is Ad­ __ _ __ program will a guest. A short and W alter Schmidt of Hillsboro ladies of tlie Beaverton W. C. T. U. vent Sunday, and will be celebrated Ralph Moss has sold his truck fourth and seventy-eighth birth­ with a full choral service. St. Nich­ Itu s^ h risten sen of Midway vls- and Ted and Helen Rutschman. Thursday afternoon Mrs R Wil­ olas Day. with annual Ingathering and milk route to Mailer Brothers. days. The evening was spent in wlK) are now hauling milk to th e, playing games. A beautiful Mrt birtJiday Mrs. Mabel Mellar and Mrs N an­ gave a talk on th e life of <1 his aunt. Mrs. A. Naderer. cy Freem an of Portland and Mrs. liams toys and C hristm as gfiU lor Banks cheese factory. .cake was made by Mrs. Ray Parm- th e founder of the organization. of less fortunate children, December Glen Musi. wtx> lias been working ley. Those present were Mr mid Frank Pile of Hillsboro were guests Willard. Ralph Sabiston departed W’ednes- at th e L. A. W hittle home last F ri­ Frances Tlie pastor may be seen each in a cheeae factory a t Philom ath. Mrs Charles Shipley, Mr mxl Mrs T hirty-three ladies attended the 6. day. between 10 a. m. and 12 noon, v for his home In Spokane after day. is at home for a visit. A. C. Wald. Mrs Bella Hartwick. missionary study class at the Con­ or by appointm ent, a t the house week's visit at the Amos WaUuns Ship Fern« Mrs. Clell Carstens, Mrs. d a r k Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Jungers of gregational church Thursday. nte He recently returned from Portland were guests a t the M. office. 1352 Jackson street. AU young G nbner Brothers will have an- Inkley, Mrs. Frank Rtnck. Mrs The Past Noble G rands' club held ■tchikan Alaska, where he spent Keyser home from Saturday until a pot luck dinner and meeting at people's meetings as announced. other carload of ferns ready for Oatfield. Mrs. Earl Wilson. Mrs. e « a s w in the fishing business. YOUR FUNDS shipping by tlx* last of tlx* week Hay Parmley, Mrs. Fred Wolford. Sunday. the home of Mrs. Rose Stevens Congregational Church Laurelview school Is P " parlP ^.,a Tills car will go to New York. Mrs A. B McFarlane. Miss Sylvia David Wight and B ert Flotra of November 14. Mrs. Edna Sheets Safeguard your money by Investing In tills in stitu ­ ogram to be given at the school- Everson. Wash.. called on the form ­ was presented with a birthday pres­ Tin* Rev. T. A Dungan will speak Mr mid Mrs. Carl Shipley and Severance, Peggy Wilson. Marie tion. which Is barked by seasoned First Mortgxgrs on Religion. Its Supreme Value." daughters of Hdlsboro were Sunday Rinek Frank mid Bryce Wald. Ver- use Wednesday afternoon. cousin. G ilm an Wight, at the ent from the club. Josephine Whitmore spent sever- er's O ur type of monthly reducing mortgage lias «too,! a t 11 a. m. Tlie church quartet will eventng supper guests of Mr. uiul ix>n and Ju an ita Wolford. Alvera J. W. Mulloy home Monday. They Mrs. L. Bartley of Seattle is davs this week a t the home of were en route to Mexico City on a spending the week as a guest of sing a special selection. Mr. R Mrs. d ia r ie s Shipley tlx* test for over 100 year» mid K enneth Parmley. Donald and Scearce wiU render a violin solo, r sister. Mrs. Leslie Lee of Cher- six weeks' vacation trip. Jam es Thompson of Forest Grove Check for earning» mailed you heml-annually Mr. and Mrs George G rant. Mrs. H arry Hoeffel will sing visited Sunday afternoon a t the Grove. . . An Armistice day program was and Dairy Co-op Meets Why not liave tlx* best? Miss Laura Ahlstrom. teacher of a solo. Bible school at 10 a. m. home of his nephew, Cliff Tlx>mp- Dairy Co-operative association held November 13 at th e high e Groner school at Scholls, was IN V E S T T O D A Y I school. The Glee club sang sev eral. son. hold a meeting a t the com­ We Want to Select e guest of Miss Irene Stevens will Trinity Lutheran Church Mr. and Mrs. H arry Whitfield of munity hall Tuesday evening at appropriate selections Speeches and Services begin a t 10:30 a. m .; j spent the week-end with a rwliabla young n u n , now eni- Mra>’and Mrs. Charles T atm an 8 o'clock. The legislative delegation readings were given by Mildred Sunday school a t 9:45 and Bible Estacada Mrs. W hitfield's [Mirent.s, Mr. and I V.! w ith I «»in 8 1 G R r fa ir Twoby. Donna Broad and Markey Chehalem Mountain were bun- of the county will be present and Sayre. I class at 8 p n t Sermon subject. Mrs. N. J O rlffen. Sunday Mrs education and mar ha n leal In rlin a - y visitors of his sister. Mrs. all members are urged to attend The Day of the Lord. " Rev. 20. I l ­ G rlffen and Mrs. Whitfield visited tiona, who la w illin g to tra in Mrs. George Taylor is visiting ls. Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Schmidt SA FE •in,«’ o r a w n in g s in H ill» - You are cordially welcomed to in North Plains with Mrs. Griff,*n's ora Baker. in S eattle for a few weeks. worship boro to q u a lify aa IN S T A L L A T IO N Sunday guests a t the Dewey Mer- were pleasantly surprised Monday friends with us. mother. Mrs. K atherine Reppeto Mrs. Essex M arsh talked on evening when a num ber of n e ig h -. anti S E R V IC E r« |w r t In E lr r tr tr r home were Mr andI Mrs Carl Mr. and Mrs. M. A O rcutt and ealth” at Scholls W om ans club K rfrig rra tio n am i A ir Condition­ ichanan. Mrs. Frank M axanr bors went to their home to help "H All Saints' Mission {Episcopal) children of G aribaldi spent the ing. F o r in tr r v ir w w rite, giving their th irteen th wedding Thursday. erle Dunham. A rthur Newland celebrate age and present occupation. Mrs. W. J Scott entertained with Sunday, next before Advent, serv­ week-end with Mrs O rcutt's p a r­ Those present besides d Gerald Buchanan, all of F ort- anniversary. the honor guests were Mr. and Mrs. a dessert luncheon In Portland ice and sermon at 11 a. in. S un­ ents. Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Nielson. Fred Paetsch and son O tto of TTIM T IE S ENGINEBRINO day school. 9:45 a. m. Fellowship Sunday guests a t th e S. E. Stol- W H McNay. Mr. an d Mrs. J. W. Thursday. Lebanon visited from Friday until R uth Denney spent a couple group. 6:30 p. m. DfSTI 11 I » J. M. I'U tSO N . M anager ■ home were Mr. Stoller's brother - Mullov. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Stevens. of Miss Sunday in Banks with his brother. days at her home here the first Mr. and Mrs. F. L Brown. Mr. and «•4 N. W ell« 8 |.. Chicago. III. lllll.hora, Oregon Navingx A lo a n Blilx. Ed Paetsch. and family. of the week. Miss Denney is ta k ­ Mrs. Rollin Meyers. M r and Mrs. M ethodist Episcopal Church Mrs. A. C. Wahl attended a Lee Brown. Thelm a Mulloy. Lillie ing nurse's training a t the M ultno­ SAXTON A LOONEY C hurch school, 9:45; Miss Rose meeting Wednesday afternoon of Brown. Gilman W ight and Billy m ah hospital. producers of Quality Mrs. H L. Hudson is spending Cave, superintendent. Divine wor­ tiie district chairm en of W ashing­ McNay. ship at 11. sermon by the pastor. ton coiuity, who are In charge of th e week a t Tillamook where Mr. SAND and GRAVEL Newlyweds Serenaded Noon, basket dm ner. Afternoon the C hristm as seal sale for tills YO U N G 'S A num ber of folks from this Hudson is organizing lodges for service a t 7:30. Serm on by Rev. E year. The meeting was held in the ant located 4 miles n orth of For- community. Firdale and Hillsboro the United Artisians. J. Huston. office of tlie county health nurse. t Grove on Gales Creek. Phone gathered a t the H J. Borgelt home Bazaar Friday We have a fine church school for 1609R Beaverton Congregational ladies all age groups under the leadership Miss Margaret Dixon, in Hillsboro Monday night to charivari Mr. and "Thoughtful. Sympathetic Miss Elizabeth O rlbner and her Mrs. William Borgelt 'M arian Wil­ are holding the annual harvest d in ­ of Miss Cave. We invite you to Join niece. Service" Naomi O rlbner, visited in ner and bazaar Friday. A program son1. who were m arried in tire us. Lebanon November 14 with the I'hone 972 lllllxboro will follow th e dinner. Catholic church in Hillsboro Mon- In honor of the new members re­ W E D E A L IN B E A L E S TA TE Mr. and Mrs. Keeler Em r ons of ceived since the 1st of July of Fred Paetsch family. i day. They will make th eir home Mrs. C. W. Moore and Irwin W rite in this community for the present. Eugene are visiting relatives in this year we plan to hold a service Schlegel won first and Mrs Cass F ire and Autom obile Insurance Mr. and Mrs. Sam Davis ar- Beaverton for a few weeks. next Sunday. There will be a se r­ lake Loans and Issue Surety Bonds A ladies' gym class has been or­ mon a t 11 o'clock appropriate to Wilson and Joseph Bernards second I rived from South Dakota Saturday the K. N. A. card party Friday K U R A T L I & W IS M E R a t the home of th eir son. Leon ganized at the high school again the occasion. At noon there will be at night. Davis. They plan to locate here for this year. H IL L S B O R O , O R E G O N a basket dinner in tlie basem ent of Mr. and Mrs Cass Wilson spent the winter, a t least. They drove elephone 1391 12»« Second Si. Wilson Nominated the church to which all friends of Sunday with Mr. and Mrs Stanley ; through in less th an five days. The A. E. Wilson received unanimous the church are invited. The a fter­ Clark and son nt Glenwood. [ w eather and roads were fine they nomination for mayor a t the city noon meeting will be especially in Miss Naomi Rleben of Portland 1 reported. honor of our new members and will spent Saturday night and Sunday caucus November 14. MILL WOOD 1 A num ber of young men and boys Beaver chapter, O. E. S., ob­ give opportunity for introductions. In Banks with her parents. Mr. of the community have procured served "Friendship Night ' Novem­ A cordial invitation 1s given to all. and Mrs. Chris Rleben, and daugh­ jings and inside wood. S the use of the Junior high school ber 14 at the regular comm unica­ The Rev E. J. Huston, S upenn- ter Mane. ■en. 4-foot .......................... gymnasium in Hillsboro one night -Liqi Mr. and Mrs. A rthur Benefiel of o or more cords ................. $1.75 each week and are practicing bas- tion. League, will speak a t the evening Seattle, Wash., visited Mr. and Mrs Sawed. 50c more ketball. hour Rev. Huston is a forceful Frank Rincx Friday. Mr Benefiel Ed G rauer's car was badly dam - i ;ings and inside, dry. S i speaker and knows tlie facts con- and Mrs. Rlnck are cousins. aged Monday when It went over a one of th e most im portant Inch. Cord ......................... Hermon Dauchy is very ill in i German M. E. Church. Bethany I I cerning grade Into the canyon on th e W hit­ m atters before the Oregon people a Hillsboro liospital. r more cords ....................... $2.75 tle road He had »larled to town On Germantown road. Sunday today. Come Sunday evening and Sidney J. Pascall of Portland v is -! .. kitchen wood, the best I with a load of potatoes when the school every Sunday. 10 a. m .; G er­ learn. Ited Saturday with Mr. and Mrs buy you can find. car stalled on a hill. He got out man service, 11 a. m.. first a n d W T. Sellers. to see what could be done when third Sundays; English service. 11 Dry Slab and Block A group of R. N. A. women from the car started back and turned a. m.. second and fourth Sundays 16-inch Old Growth Fir Buxton and Hillsboro attended tlie tf completely over, lighting on the —E. Julius Traglio, pastor. pot luck dinner aixl card party giv­ There is nothing in life Herman Rehae front end. The opened door struck en by the Banks lodge Thursday Christian Science Society Throughout tho town a corps of fire hydrants we cun be sure of— ex­ e 2383X Res. phone 2062 Mr. G rauer but he was not serious­ Mrs. Rose Hermens won first and Services are held every Sunday ly injured. cept that the end must Mrs. Ida Coslett second. (B y H a te l Churchley) stands guard protecting the lives and prop­ at 11 a. m.; Wednesday evening Mr. and Mrs. Cass Wilson visited services at 8 o'clock; Sunday school REEDVILLE-- A t the P arent- come some time. Is your erty of the community. These sentinels are a t 11 a. m. Pupils up to th e age Teacher meeting neld in the church Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Erin of 20 years are welcomed. Sunday's last Friday several things of im ­ Coffey and sons In Portland fam ily amply pr, .ected part of the service provided by your water Mr. and Mrs. W alter Beard drove topic, "Soul and Body." portance were acted upon. M us b y L IF E INSURANCE, to Oakridge Friday and spent the company. They furnish the fire department Oleva Berger's room won the fern for the m onth of November for week-end with th eir son, O tto Banks M. E. Church should t h e unforeseen the water with which to fight fire. who is in a CCC ram p there. Sunday school every Sunday. 9:45 having the greatest number of par­ Beard, Mrs. Katie Shipley and two chil­ happen? Allow us t o a. m.. Mrs. H. Jansen, superintend­ ents present. Mrs. George Imlay dren and Everett and Leonard ent, Preaching services by Ellsworth brought up the subject of a play- They are the visible evidence of protection Tilton, pastor, every Sunday eve­ shed for tlie gram m ar school. V. P. Shipley, all of Hillsboro, visited quote you our low pre­ Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Charles miums. and give you a feeling of security which ning, 8 o'clock. Ladies Aid meets Perry moved th a t the P. T. A. work Shipley. first and third Wednesdays a t 2 toward this project. The motion was One Roger’s Silverware Certificate with 20 games Mr. and Mrs. Delbert H utchens1 would be lacking if the community were tf j seconded and carried, after a dis­ p. m. bowled— either ladies or gentlemen. cussion in which Henry Hagg told of Forest Grove visited Mr. and without water service. ” of past playsheds and old tune Mrs. J. J. H utchens from Wednes- P-ntecostal Tabernacle plans to accomplish this project. day until Saturday. Mrs. Hutchens, 1246 Lincoln street wr a r Sunday: Sunday school, 10 a. m.; The play shed is to be built so who was very ill last week, is much y-,» » a <-> v morning worship, 11 o’clock; young th a t it may be enlarged later and improved Mr. and Mrs. Emmott Shipley Confectionery — Bowling Alleys people's service. 6:30 p. m ; evan­ made into a community auditorium. Agent gelistic service, 7:45 p m. W ednes­ Mrs. V. P. Perry is to have charge and little son of Vernonia visited Every form of protection - Fire, day, 7:45 p. m.. Bible study. T h u rs­ the day when the Reedville P. T. A. Friday with relatives In Banks. “Where Ladies are Courteously Treated and Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Mawhinney automobile, casualty, liability, day, 7:45 p. m., prayer meeting. , en tertains the county council. Gloria Cordially Invited.” Saturday, 7:45 p. m., evangelistic Rollms and Glen Stiff sang "Ding, of Portland and Mr and Mrs. How­ Fidelity, Surety and Life. ard Mansfield of Sumner. Wash., Long T rail.” M arian Hagg was ac- service. 1260 Main Street -I- Hillsboro, Oregon 1164 3rd St. ' companist. Refreshm ents were serv- spent tlie week-end with Mr and Phone 1732 Mrs. Charles Mawhinney near j ed following the meeting. Foursquare Church We Serve OLYMPIA and WEINHARDT’S BEER Banks. Edwin Is convalescing from Mrs. Em m a Meyers of Portland Sunday, 9:45 a. m.. Sunday school; Richard E. W iley, Manager 11 a. m. morning service, message was a week-end guest of her sis­ a recent operation In a Seattle hos­ pital. ter, Mrs. Rosa Bruce. subject. The M inistry G ifts and Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. O C. T. Imlay spent the week-end Their P lace;’ 6:15 p. m., Crusader C. Jackson an d family were Mi young people's service; 7:30 p. m.. in Seattle, Wash. and Mr«. W. C. Jackson of North Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Snipes had evangelistic Thanksgiving service. Music in keeping, Message subject, l dinner with M. McDonald in Van- Plains. . WASHINGTON COUNTY Bluebird club held an enjoyable * couver, Wash., Sunday evening. "The Harvest Time." Tuesday, 7:30 p. m., Bible study. | Mr. and Mrs. A. Brownlee and meeting November 14 with their | leader, Theresa Paetsch, a t the Friday. 7:30 p. m., evangelistic mes- daughter Doris spent the week­ home of Ethel Smith. Sixteen little subject, “Emblems of tlie end in Yakima, Wash. On account of it’s marketing facilities, its vast areas of level Holy Spirit." "A stranger but once." Mr. and Mrs. M. Pizar and fam ­ Bluebird girls were |)r» . , n l . Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Luther, Mr. land and the potential possibilities ol these thousands of acres when ily visited Mr. and Mrs. W. Caln and Mrs. William McFarlane and they have been properly drained, makes W ashington County the ideal of Scappoose Sunday. Christian Church Helen Becker will spend the week­ two daughters Patsy and Luella, nil spot for “Back to the Land” movement. Lord's day church school, 9:45 a. m., C. H. Nosier, superintendent. end with Helen Jolinson In P ort­ of Portland, and Mrs. Nancy Rlggle Come in and talk over your drainage and building problems. "Ten Weeks’ Loyalty Campaign" is land. Shirley Houle of Portland visited NEURITIS, RHEUMATISM gaining momentum. Several classes NO COST — NO OBLIGATION almost reached th eir goal last week. friends here Sunday afternoon. Casey's Compound has accom -' Donald Trachsel, Eloise Stiff, pllshed marvelous results for those W atch them do It this week. Classes for all ages. The Ever-Ready class Helen Imlay, and Velma Barnett, afflicted with rheum atism, neuritis, 'm arried women» and th e "99” are among the numerous cases of sciatica, lumbago. class of men have entered into a chicken-pox th a t have developed In A Tonic and Blood Builder Drives contest, beginning this week. Come the Reedville gram m ar school. Out Out Urie Acid Poisoning hear all about it. Morning of eighteen pupils In the primary Washington Street between 1st and 2nd Hillsboro and Mrs. M. J. Bowers, 812 W. 6th S t- worship at 11. Special music. S er­ room only eight were present Tues­ Eugene, Ore., says she was down mon, "Five Scriptural Reasons for day. PLANT AT SCHOLLS, OREGON three months with rheum atism, Is, a Christian to Tithe." County C hris­ Our classified columns may liave now well since taking Casey's tian Endeavor rally 2:30 p. m. Our Motto— “Friendly Service . . . F a ir Prices” Junior C hristian Endeavor, 4 p. m. Just what you are looking for — Compound. $1.50 per bottle. — At, Delta Drug store.—Adv. Interm ediate and young people's Read them . Christian Endeavor, 6:30 p. m. "Feature" service, 7:30 p. m. Song service assisted b y large young people's choir. Q ift to be awarded to person presenting th e m o s t “Precious Promises of Jesus" found in the four gospels. Message, “Tlie Precious Promises of Jesus." "F ea­ ture" service, December 2, “S p irit­ ism—Can the Living Communicate G A S O L IN E S slender feminine curves—take half No More Headache with the Dead?” W atch for full an- a level teaspoonful of Kruschen Richfield - General - Shell - Union - Gilmore No More Backache Salts In a gltpw of hot w ater first No More Dizzy Spells thing every morning. Kruschen is Hi-Pressure Greasing the safe, healthy way to reduce— REMEMBER when you loM your credit you lose aomething you may never Mrs, A rthur WUlette of Ferndale, approved by physicians -a Jar costs Free Crankcase Service - Automotive Repairs (Incorporated) only a few cents and lasts 4 weeks Mich., writes: "Just started my 4th regain. Collections — Credit Reports a t the Palm Drug store and Hills­ Jar of Kruschen. F irst I w ant to tell Firestone Tires, Tubes and Accessories you I lost 30 lbs. In 3 months. I boro Pharm acy or any drug store In weighed 184—now I weigh 154 and throughout the world.—Adv. D R IV E IN — SPARK PLUGS TESTED FREE W ashington, Tillamook and Yamhill still w ant to lose 25 more lbs. I feel Counties better th a n I have for 10 yrs. I used to have headaches, backaclies, Personal Contact on Collections dizzy spells, heartburn but don’t State Office Miner Building Eugene, Ore. any more. I have 3 friends taking W ashington County O ffice C O SL E T T 8 TRUCK SERVICE It and It’s helping them too." Commercial Building If you want to get rid of ugly, un­ First and Baseline Streets Phone 1263 W atch for the GREEN A N D BLACK H A N D BILLS with account* for sale Second and Main Streets healthy fat which saps vitality, shortens life and makes you look Phone 3071 , COSLETT’S BAR-B-Q AT ALL DRUGGISTS old and unattractive—If you want IP» ttw L i m i DAILY DOS! itwl D o m IP’ Hillsboro, Oregon ------ 6 to posse«« a healthy figure with Banks Hi Play Wednesday Eve Aged Resident Beaverton Dies Laurel Union Well Attended Union Services Planned Tigard Farmers’ Cash Store 4% SAFEGUARD L Washington Savings & Loan Ass’n Funeral Home 2,H I CHURCHES 3* THE SENTINEL Reedville P. T. A. Planning Playshcd WE P A Y D IV ID E N D S on What You Spend! C L E M ’S PLACE CHAS. L. WALKER OREGON-WASHINGTON WATER SERVICE COMPANY THE GARDEN SPOT OF OREGON The M ost Fooled M an THE MOST FOOLED MAN is the man who fools himself, especially when he goes to a merchant and asks for credit and is accepted, then fools himself by thinking he does not have to pay. SCHOLLS TILE CO. YARD But he is the man that PAYS AND PAYS AND PAYS, for he is sacrificing not only his credit, but his good name and social standing. He has lost the confidence of the Merchants and Professional men of his community and is making him­ self a social outcast. So in order to maintain that priceless asset, which is your good CREDIT, it is well to pay or part pay or satisfactorily arrange to pay when your accounts are due. Mrs. Willette Tells How She Lost 30 Pounds In 3 Months Ç oslett S uper S ervice S hiion Credit Bureaus Coslett Super Service Station PIONEER SERVICE CO., Inc. sehen M s 3 J