THE H IL L 8 BO KO H IL L S B O R O . Thursday, November 22. 193 t OREGON without inldltional ciiin|a-iisal ion uni il I lie plant was placed on a sell-supporting basis, which ixilnt. he claims has now been reached. Two obstacles are seen to a real­ ization ol Einzig s desire lor mon- cash One of those is the opposition of ui least on«- member of the board wlio thinks th at Kinalg 1- Lutheran Bazaar A ttra ct» alit-ady ov< t patil at >4000 a year a - Considerable Interest purcliasmg agent. Tlie oilier is tla -tale law w lm h forbids a date ol Play P la iiiir il .B> U n . H ush tiu iO .im from holding mon than one i l l y M i- E I. Co»» i'll,' prlniary people are hard al tB y M i*« D o ro th y ORENCO A class ui adult edu­ work on a play. 'Sleeping Beauty, K1N1KN la d le - Aid uealy is lucrative po-itlon Sunday morning a Thanksgiving • • • cation o r-a n i.n l under SERA i- which is io lx- given al tlieT hanks- ■ IH'iisoiing a ‘ Jilblllec" at ihe chinch , pa gean t em it led The G arden »1 being conducted by Mrs. M. D at 8 p m Friday when the newly iving pro- ram Nancy Pitm an is th e slate emergency Lxxiid m eet­ Thanksgiving" will be given at the Whuioixl. Instruction in business 1,-velv princess amt Robert B er­ in-i.iUed rlcctrtc lights will be tiini- ing lu re Saturday authorized a M. E. Cnurch at 10 o'clock. English .mJ public speaking, c.asses live «,! an lor Ila- tn -l lime A musical nards is ihe gallant young prince, Displays of handwork and cook­ hem on Monday ai d 1'hursday eve­ wlvo saves King Andn-w. Queen and liieraiy program will lx- given deficiency appropriation ot $23 >oo ery were at the Lutheran bazaar covt-i salaries ot circuit aiai su­ ning* at 7:30 ui t h e M Jclidl Lorene and tl'e royal court from Rev. Carl Heinilllllei' of Portland to and tea Saturday afternoon In Bun- preme court judges fur October building. will -ix-ak He wa- formerly a dl»- ihe wicked fairy's six-11 atnl Nuvembei Ila- action revers« • ning s hall and a large group of P la n S pe cia l S ervice triet -up<-i'intendi’iit of ihe Oregon «Hie taken by llu- board at a pre friends attended. Mrs. G. Peatm an A Thanksgiving service will be and Wasliliigton district for the i ton.» meeting when Hu- request was in charge of the program. Rev. conducted at the chinch next S u n ­ Ev.ingelieal church. lor additional funds was relu-ed George Koehler led in prayer and dae morning nt 11 o'clock. The Many here have been ill with I n - 1 on gave a talk thanking the people and the ground th at Uu- judges had president's proclamation will b e testlnal flu. especially the large groups from lalled io oo-operale m tin- legisla­ read, and there will b e special Everyone is enjoying the new tu different denominations. Mrs. A. re s economy program by refusing Thanksgiving music. lights, and the electrielans. to accept Bunning gave a toast of welcome LAUREL RIDGE A birtliday electric pay cuts lu authorizing H o n o r R o ll Given who have been doing the wiring, and announced the receiver of the Pupils on tlie lionor roll in Aus­ dinner lu'iiornig June Downey and finished their work during (lie past ilu- additional funds tin- Ixumt fol­ quilt. Mrs. C. Rooter. Singing of lowed tile advice ol Attorney G en­ Dickie Strickler was enjoyed a t the tin scrofford's room. receiving a week Grange hall and church lights several songs was enjoyed along glade uot lower th a n "two" lor the H 1’ Sn akier home Sunday Those were turned on the last of tIn- eral VanWinkle, who m an opinion with a splendid program which ui- six weeks ending cXtober 19 were present were Mr and Mrs. J. W week There are still a very lew Iasi week held that they hud no cluded tlie following numbers: play. Arlene Bernards, B arbara Burdette. Downey and children Jo Ann and homes which are not yet flnlslied. ’ discretion in tla- m atter. Thus a p ­ "Just One." the cast including Alice propriation leaves only *8700 111 tlie \ uginia Robson. Ernest L-x-dden, June of Longview, Wash.; Mr. and Birthday Cetrhrated Wolfe. Margie Jacobsmuhlen. Violet M i, W arren ltangli of Portland. emergency fund. Eiv.i Bradley, Bcrmcc Ensley. Rob­ Hienie. Wilma Hamelman and Bet­ Ricsemary Alen, daughter Records of tlie stale d>|>artmem ert Anders, i. Wiltert and Mi. and Mis John Strickler. Mil­ ty Hulsman. dialogue "My Sick Norman Bradley Those-being n eith ­ dred and Dickie. Mrs. Daniel Werre ol Mr and Mrs. J. H Aten ob­ sliow tliat of the 29 circuit Judges Doll." Joyce Lee Feldman and served her eleventh birthday at the and Ixuia Marte. Norma and Hurl in tlie stale only eight have taken er absent nor tardy were Donald Ronald T anner; duet. God Is God." Baughman. Ira Rogers. Junior C ur- Peters. Helen Asoalir. and Mr. and home of her parents Friday « veiling the lull 15 per cent ixiy cut. These Helen Hulsman and Joyce Lee Feld­ when some of her young friends are 1.. G. la-welling ot L um -M arlon, Mrs H P. Strickler. ington. Barbara Burdette. Dorothy man; reading, "Doll Bath." Irene C. Aebtscher of Newberg was at were entertained at u birthday din­ Itouis 1‘ Hewitt and W A. Ekwall Parks. Helen Wiltert. Lee and Joy Hienie; playlet, "Poor Women's lioogue. Honor toil m Miss Mc- tlie Edward Aebi-, lu-r home Wed­ ner Miss Aten reeeivetl nuinerous of M ultnomah; C. It McColloch Wealth." Wilma Hamelman a n d nesday repairing th eir w ater sys­ gifts. of Baker. W. W Wood of Malheur; K itu n s primary departm ent t n- Bettv Hulsman; trio. “Tell Me the Mrs. Lilly M. Ulerly spent a J. W Knowles ol Union; l ari cludcd pupils receiving all "ones tem. Storv ol Jesus. Mrs. H. Sciunale. Mr. and Mrs Jake Weber e n te r­ (B y L o i« R ic h m o n d ) couple of days last week with her Hendrick- of Gilliam and Arthur were Nancy Pitm an and William Mrs. H. Hoflman and Mrs. H TIM BER—The next dance given Losli. Those receiving ones ' and tained Mr. and Mrs. Fred Phillips daughter. Mrs. Ethel McCormick, D Hay of Latke, lu 'la e t Judge Mc­ Jacobsmuhlen. ai-.d Miss Jessie Hibschnuui of P o rt­ who ts spending the winter in Hills­ Culloch has taken a 20 pei cent "twos are Dorothy Webb. Lorene Service and Statesm anship" was by the CCC unit at Westimber will boro. pay >ut Uiixuighoul. Judge Calvin Rooert 'Dunean. Arthur land over the week-end. the devotional topic of the Women's be held in lim ber November 27 Sqheidt. Middleton F anners' Union met he program lias been changed Anderson. D.unel Bella and Valeria m Sherwovxt November 13 with a Mr and Mrs E. L. Cox were su r­ L Sweck of Heppner has luken a Home Missionary' society meetuig T from Thursday to Tuesday nights. Stewart. Those neither absent nor large number in attendance. prised Friday evening when Mr 121 a per cent pay cut and Judge 'Tuesday afternoon at the M E. w e r e Sherwood Wilfert, Mrs. A. G. Pearson was a business tardy Mrs lit- rge A Brewster of tlixuge R Bagley ot Washington church and was led by Mrs A. J. Mr and Mrs C all Asbolir and and Stephen McEntee. Daniel Bella. visitor m Hiiisboro last Tuesday. Re. kland. Maine, came und re ­ county a 10 per cent cut. Circuit Oliver. The annual conference held Allen Asbahr ol Portland visited a l A culvert was put across the Louise Parks and Dorothy Webb. mained until Saturday. W hen they judges refusing to take any reduc­ in October at Harrisburg. Penn., the Werre home Monday. on their Journey which tion m tlieir salary cheeks were 1. B irth d a y O bserved was discussed. Serving committee highway m front of the school­ Mrs Fred Aebisgher ol S h er­ continued house io carry olf Lie excess water Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Scheldt gave wood was visiting several friends tvxik tliem to Yakima, W ash, where II McMahan ol M allon and K. C included Mrs. A J. Oliver. Mrs. l.atoureite of Claekannu-. f lu- other C. La than. Misses Doris Shay and th at flooded the school grounds and a birthday party ui honor of their on Chehalem M ountain Wednes­ they will spend tlie winter with 16 judges luive complied with tlie lughwav ui wet w eather last week. little daughter L orenes seventh their sons, who reside there The Dorothy Cooke. day. legislatin' recommendation in part, Mr. and Mrs. H. Narver and birtluiay. on Monday afternoon Mrs. Ellen Vickers and Mrs. Lee ih e benefit card party sponsored Brewsters are making the trip in u lew taking Uie full cut for most Hoflman were hostesses Wednes­ small son of Portland visited Mr. November 12. Idle loilowmg liule by the Odd Fellows ui tlie S h er­ tlieir car and came through the of tune and others lor only a day at the meetuig of the Ladies' Narver's sister. Mrs. M. F. Welter, girls were present. Mary Jane Mc- wood L O O F. hitll was attended Southern states to California. When few tlie months. Entee Louise Parks G race K arns by more tlnui fifty people Monday itiey arrived in Kinton their milage Aid society. A pot luck dinner was Sunday. • • • Dick Goss of Portland visited his Betty Lou Peery, Camille Good­ night, was well over 5.000 miles since leav­ served at noon. ing Maine in October. This is their man. Valerie Stew art and Lorene Plans fur diverting liquor profits Miss Frances Gnos spent the father. H. H Goss. Thursday. Mrs M Ashpole and L. Cox of Miss Ann Ornduff. Miss G. Ohen- Scheldt. Tlie after, oon was spent trip to the west and they were direct to unemployiiw-nt relief were week-end at Newport Portland spent Friday a l tlie W. C. first very favorably impressed with the upset by an opinion from Attorney' Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Kat on lauff and Miss Louise Kalich. nurses ui play mg games. Edy home. Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Woodward General VanWinkle holding th a t and son of Vernonia spent Sunday a t the St Vincent - hospital m Mr. and Mi's George Baker had lo- k.- of tlie surrounding country. Portland, spent last Monday and and son K enneth spent Armistice Mr- Lydia Otorist and five sons this could not be done so long as at the Earl Sm ith home. .is th eir guests over tlx- week-end Tuesday a t the heme of Miss nay in Portland. Miss H arriet Long, state librarian, Mrs. Baker's son. Dickson, and of G resham visited her parents. there were unemployment relief Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Robinson family of The Dalles. visited the local library on T hurs­ Kalich's parents. Mr. and Mrs. John Mr. and Mrs. August Dallmuiin. ccrtifirutes outstanding. So t h e ana Miss Estella Leaverton of F in ­ stale treasurer is offering another day afternoon and reported it in Kalich. Norman Stearns of Portland spent Monday. Miss Ju an ita Nelson spent the est Grove were guests of Mrs. S. Armistice day with his brother, s. very satisfactory condition. Mr and Mrs. Robert Pomeroy week-end with her parents in Mon- L. Carly le Sunday. Mrs. idcacn Eleven members of the Neighbors A NEW BAY S. Stearns. and three daughters und 8. H returned home with them for an of Woodcraft from Forest Grove i mouth. M ountain Home church has a Pomeroy spent Sunday with their There are enough of the Lord's Miss La Velle Berg spent the extended visit. were guests Thursday evening at new furnace. Some of tlie men old friends, Mr. and Mrs. John own saved Ones In tills section to Mr. and Mi’s. L. T. Woodward, lielped install it last week. Bunmng's hail. Regular business week-end a t her home i n Ska- Sux-lman. of Molalla. bring Ui a new day. The windows K enneth Woodward and Bob Mc­ was carried out followed by a social mokawa. Wash. Born, to Mr. and Mi's. Ralph The following have been guests of heaven would be opened and u Mrs. Mae la llm a n is working a t Culloch spent Sunday with Mr. arid Hester of Portland. November 11. time and refreshments. during the past week of Mr. and blessing poured out such as we Elewe DeSmet of Spring Hill vis­ the H art Confectionery for a few Mrs. F. E. Kenyon of Portland. a girl. Mrs. Hester was formerly Mrs. Robert Crook has been quite Miss Rosa Aebischer of this com ­ Mr.- Augu-t H. D allniann; O scar liad never known in our day. ited with Marguerite Wyffels on days. We need it too: these hundnxt- Dallmann. their son. and grand­ Miss Irene Richmond spent the ill the past week. Sunday. munity. daughter and husband. Mr. and of homes wlu-re there is no family B e n e fit S a tu rd a y Mrs M. D. Mann. Mrs. Earl [ week-end a t tlie home of Mr. and Mr and Mrs. W. C. Edy attended M rs . O rv ille Marks, all of Portland. altar need it; to-day's young people Mrs. C. P. Easley at Enright. A basketball beneiit ounce will Smith and Mrs. M attie Sm ith were Mr. and Mrs. J. H. AU-ti and who will be the America of to ­ Mr. and Mrs. A rthur Gilmore of be held in tlie school gymnasium the Rebekah convention a t T uala­ Tnursday callers at the J. C. Hare tin November 10. daughter Miss Rcuemury and son morrow need II These business Portland spent a few days last Saturday night. home in Portland. O tto Krebs. Victor Muralt and Jack spent Sunday afternoon with men wlio are pressed by competi­ week with Mr. Gilmore's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Merle Persons and Fred Krebs of Six Corners spent R. P. Shaw was ill last week. tion and all who are pressed by baby of Hillsboro spent Monday at Monday night at tlie W alter Spatli a friend in Portland, who Is ill. Mr. and Mrs. George Easter of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Gilmor debt need it. All who profess to be Mr. and Mrs. W. W. McDougall the George Persons home. Hillsboro visited with Mrs. M. Ed- home. living good lives mid yet who show were visitors in Hillsboro last S a t­ Mr and Mrs. Curry and son Jack son last Thursday. Mr. and Mr W. C. Edy and no sprltuul fruit in their lives, fav e moved in to the J. C. S taik Donald Edy wen. to Portland T hurs­ Mrs. J. W. Suver and Mrs. M ar­ urday. need It. Mr. and Mrs. Kiesel of Portland house. The S tarks will live a t New­ tha Mann visited the Heywood day, where Mr. Edy served as a (C o n tin u e d fro m page 1) Yes. folks, we need a revival of spent the week-end a t the home of port, where Mr. Stark has work school on Wednesday. witness In an automobile damage minority of reckless and irrespon­ piety and prayer and Bible study Mrs. Joseph Cochrane is spend­ Mr. KieseTs sister, Mrs. George an the new bridge. case. sible m otor vehicle operators to o n ! holv feUowahip W ith the g re a t McCuistion. and family. Richard Montgomery of Oregon ing some time with relatives a: Mr. and Mrs. W aiter Führer and whom are chargeable the mounting God whose mercy fuileth not, And Mrs. J. T. Richmond has been City was a guest a t tlie W. H. King Redmond. family. Mrs. E . Alban and Mr. toll of life and injuries to persons we need to know Unit Jesus Christ The F. Kilgore house has been confined to her home with a severe nonie Armistice day. and Mrs. M. B anligt and family s cold for several days. K enneth Piper of St. Johns is attended tlie funeral of Jolui Egger and property," according to Ray is instantly able to help those who reroofed. Jam es Mitchell spent the week­ workuig at tlie Ernest W id en place. m Portland Saturday. Mr. Egger Conway, secretary to the Interim are tem pted and tried, having been Repairs have been completed on end at his home in Carlton Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Persons the Centerville bridge. committee. "The committee con­ Himself tem pted and tried. J. P. Bodley is spending this week and baby of Pumpkin Ridge spent was a form er resident of this com­ cluded th a t It wus manifestly u n ­ Enough of us to bring in a new Mrs. John Rock and Mrs. Earl munity. day if we would pay tla- price Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Smith were Portland callers on in Portland at his home. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Johnson of necessary and unfair to compel on Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Marchel and our knee» before tin- throne ol Wednesday. Mrs. George Persons, and lanuly. G arden Home and Mrs. Emily T a u ­ the overwhelming m ajority ot mo­ Gtee Drake and Earl Otocr of nt y of Weimne were week-endguCKts torists to carry insurance to pro­ grace. "If ye abide in Mi- and My The fire departm ent was called to daughter Cecelia spent Sunday in words abide in you. ye shall ask Portland were guests a t the W. H. of Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Stearns. the Methodist parsonage, occupied Forest Grove. tect th e community against the wtiat ye will and it sitall be done Percy McCampbell spent the Ring home Thursday evening. by Mrs. M. Edson and h er daugh­ Dr. R. S. Graffw of Portland damage caused by the small m inor­ unto week-end a t his home in Portland. you? Harold Holmes of Dallas spent ter. Mrs. Edna Russell, for a chim ­ Mrs. S. D. Willis drove to Cor­ tlie week-end with his pait-nts, Mr. ; was a guest Sunday of Mr. and ity." George N. Taylor. Beaverton. Ore. ney fire on Saturday. Mrs. W. C. Edy. a a a Miss Ruby Brisbine of Newberg vallis Thursday, retum .ng with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Ring. Mr. and Mrs. George Conzelman visited Sunday with Mrs. M attie Willis, who has been employed Mr. and Mrs. Sam Rich and chil­ of Tigard, and Mr and Mrs. Law­ William Einzig. state purdiasing : there by th e S. P. Smith. dren visited Mrs. Rich's parentf rence Johnson of Oregon City spent 1 agent, ha.- asked the board of con­ Mr. and Mrs. George Riggle of in McMinnville last week. Vera French is very ill a t the St. Saturday evening with Mr. and trol for additional compensation ns Buxton spent Sunday a t the home Vincent's hospital in Portland. Mrs. W. F. H unter an a Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Stearns. m anager of tlie prison flax plant. Horace Davis, who was injured of their daughter. Mrs. Burleigh Mrs. Law. on Auld visited friends in Georgia Afholter of McMinnville In his request to tlie board Emzig while at play last week and who Tallman. Mrs. Riggle will remain Portland Saturday. pent last week-end as the guest of said th at he had agreed to under­ Miss Elma and R adah Gottlieb was taken to the Guymon's hospital for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Townsend of of near Hillsboro w e r e Sunuay Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schaltenbrand take managem ent of the flax plant in Forest Grove, has returned home. a t Middleton. Mr. and Mrs. M. O. Ott, Mr. and Sunset Camp had as their Sunday guests a t tlie S. W. Baughman Home Economics club of Sher- Mrs. Sam Slayton and Mr. and Mrs. guests. Mr. and Mrs. M. B arrett of home. •voou Grange nu a t the home of Sunday guests at the J. P. Rogers Mrs. W. Tyler of Portland spent Sunday Westimber, Mr. and Mrs. A. Fisher Agnes Hue. chairman, o n of 3unset cam p and Mr. and Mrs. home were Mrs. John McGee, Mrs. a t the John Burbank home. j Tuesday Instead of Wednesday the Mr. and Mrs. W. Headricks and B. B ritton of Vernonia. John Hetzler, Misses T heresa and regular meeting day. Tlity a r e family have moved to Portland. M ane Hetzler and Ed Adeanze, all planning to meet oitencr th an once Work on the cement sidewalks, of Portland. each m onth until alte r their bazaar. which has been done by the city Mrs. Alex Allen of Buxton spent Mrs. Alex Bruce is seriously ill and supervised by George Holscher. V, eanesday with her daughter, Mrs. at the Newberg hospital have been completed. Lee Randall, and family. Mr. and Mrs. W C. Edy were A new roof has been put cm the Bazaar Planned Sunday guests at the C. S. Haynes (B y M rs. L o u W rig h t) Lutheran church. The W om ans Circle will spon­ I home. Sunday aiternoon they visited THATCHER- -T. A. Sills of Nook­ A family dinner was held a t the sor a C hristm as bazaar in the the Odd Feliow.s home in Portland. home of W B. Barnes Sunday in sack, Wash., is here visiting his cnurch December 5. Mr. and Mrs. W alter Führer. Ruth honor of the first birthday of David I son Leon Sills. He expects to go About 36 ladies attended the mis­ and Bobby Führer a n d George on to California to visit his daugh­ William Barnes. sionary meeting in t h e churcn Rogers visited Mrs. Nellie Rogers in Friday night a t the Masonic ter before returning home. W ith the RCA V ic to r M a g it Mr and Mrs. W alter Wright Wednesday afternoon. A very in ­ , Hillsboro Saturday. Home pool a yachting contest will teresting and enjoyable program j spent Saturday and Sunday with B ra in ! B rings you m o r e be held by the Cornelius grade was given. The Reeaville members school boys under the supervision her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Place, were honor guests. Hostesses for Shirley Temple Picture foreign and domestic s ta ­ of the principal, W. B. Barnes. of Banks. Emory Place and Tillie tlie afternoon were Mesdames T. at Venetian Thi» Week tions than ever before! The yachts have been made and are K norr of Banks brought them home C. Duncan. H. E. Burdette, Jack Another Shirley Temple picture. and spent the evening with them Now and Forever" with Gary Mr. and Mrs. Barber of Cornelius Hamel and Albion Kolick. The prim ary room Is beginning Cooper and Carole Lombard will are shingling their house and barn to have a gala day appearance as be shown a t the Venetian tonight, where Rex Oberman lives. Paperhanging Margaret Andregg of Gales Creek turneys are tound wandering among Friday and Saturday. In this pic­ spent Friday evening with Donna the corn stalks on the windows. ture Shirley plays the daughter of Painting N ew G ro u p fo r m e d Mae Morrow. Cooper, an amiable. Ingratiating At a meeting at Mrs. Fred Hamel ., Ed King is clearing up some land confidence man. How hLs love for Decorating last Thursday afternoon, theyoung- the child reforms him. and at last tor Mr. Alexander. Lou W right and son Wilbur spent ler women of tlie church and com­ impels torn to do one brave act W» 4M CO' Sunday with Fred Haney near munity organized "Tile Friendly for her sake, furnishes the material G roup.' The purpose of the o rg an ­ for a hum an and sym pathetic story. Strassel. ization is to promote friendliness and .sociability and to be helpful Our classified columns may have ‘ to the church. The following of­ ju st what you are looking for — ficers were elected: Mrs. Lee R an ­ Read them. C o rn eliu s M . E. P lans P a g e a n t on display at the Irm ler Hardware store. . . F. Oreenlee and family have moved to Forest Grove. Mrs. B Westcott of Scoggins Valley was a Cornelius visitor S a t­ urday. Mrs. Jessie Henderson has retu rn ­ ed home from a visit with rel­ atives in W ashington. Misses Gladys Frasier and Evi lyn Heed, teachers, spent the week­ end at Portland and Corbett at Ihe homes of their parents. Jam es Miller, a former resident who now resides in Hillsboro, is quite ill at his home. Mrs. Le!a Woods of Blaine, daugh­ ter ol Mrs O. M Burbank ol Cor­ nelius. is ill m tlie hospital al Salem. Mrs A. McCornack was hostess a t the President's council of the W ashington County Federated clubs a t the city hall Monday. The Bed Cross membership drive m Cornelius received a very kindly response. Quite a number from attended the Junior play at Forest Grove high school Friday evening Mr. ano Mrs C. C Rulli went to Seattle the last of the week. Mr. R uth returned Monday while Mrs. R uth remained for an indefin­ ite visit with her sister. Mrs. William Dunham honored her daughter B ertha with a su r­ prise party at their home on Mon­ day. dall. president. Mi - John Simpson, .<'ci- igny. Miss Lucille M c G e e , treasurer. sixteen duties aitended. Next meeting Will be December 20 al tlie home ol Miss Lucille Mc­ Gee. Mr and Mrs Tom Perrin and children ot Helvetia spent Friday Turning On of Electricity Honor Roll for School for at tlie s W. Baughm an home. Eva Hetzler ot Portland was a ( \ lebration Occasion Six W eeks Announced guest of Barbara Jeanne Burdette Sunday. K in to n G ro u p P lans Ju b ilee O re n c o P eo p le O rg a n iz e Class Birthdays Honored a t Laurel Ridge Westimber C.C.C. Planning Dance T iilx reiil-i-1-- C h rls lm a s scala m e k ol »dai' Oikl of the <-i 111 leal«-« Io investors in ordei io tluauie Ilo - lU in m m ltlo ii in thè w a i a g a ln s t Decciiibci relict lie* it- l.lquoi' prof­ (n ix im ito ,Is T h e en em y Is u n Ih « its will lx- used >u calling m mil imi bui la im i v a n u u lr-lie il T u l x - i - standing certifícales as rapidly as c u lu h is is -UH th è le id .n g c iiuw - o f tin- profits ai-eruc and are turnixl «li d i i be tw een t lie aia.» o t 15 a n d over io tin- treasury. » , B u y f i n is tilla - -.-ala a n d ba ve • • • a po ' I In Ila - f t g ll l a g a ln s t lillà ili - Eied E Kiddle, president of the -late -enate. arrived III Salem Sat I case iiulay t>- laki over ihe job ot gov cium tor a i-ouple ol weeks wlith tiiiv e iu o r Meli-i Is y.uatloniug Hi r'aJlforma Tills Is Klddte , a-eond «-xp«'l I i nee uh tlie state'.-- chief ex- i-i utiyi' him Mae W.-»t "Bell Ilelle of tlie Nine­ Mae West t ties ' is tlie Siuiilay Monday. Tiles day and Wedne-day le.iliue at tlie Venetian ’I’ll«- picture pie a nt . Mi s West as I lie queen ol New Orleans high hie Featured with her m tills film, are Roger I'rvor. Jolui Maes Brown and Jolui Miljan, and Duke Ellington mui his oreheslra. 7 GO EAST SUNSHINE 4 It y<*i g<> I thi» w in te r, w hy not go th ro u g h ( 4 lilo rn la anJ Southern («m oot A r i z o n a H i d e ou r ( I im itr d o r Cioluen Sure I m uted throug h America’» u in iiit> r w in te r region. Stopover anywhere. I\»r detail», *ev your local agent o r w rite J. A. Orm andy, (trw e ra / F ju rw g e r 705 Pacific B u ild in g , P ortland, O ft. Southern Pacific Be C om fortable! W in te r (h iv in g is made c iin il’iiTtutile fo r the en­ tire fiu n ily w ith the in- s tn lliitin n o f h h o t w a te r iie a te r in y o u r autom obile. I lie cost is sm all lo r the greater rid in g com fort achiev­ ed. Von w o u ld n ’t be w ith o u t one a lte r you have hail one oil a car. Protect y o u r ra d ia to r in the cold days that arc ahead. Come in and have ns d ra in y o il r ru d ia tn r and put I n , ’ restone now : Busch’s Service Garage I’hone 501 Main St. BUY HILLSBORO MADE W IN E S Help Local Industry and Grape Grower» Local Wines Make a Local Market for Grapes CHOICE WINES Capitol News Letter You cannot buy better wines any place and the price» are reasonable ( II 51 I I \ S I’ A K K M N G S P A Itk M M « S rA K K L IN G Many ......... 11.73 .1 U I M g a llo n S A I I I ItM Quart« 11.25 BI M il M U l* ln l« ........ .75 M O s I 11.». more variciic? a v a ila b le Ui a fe w week» TUALATIN VALLEY WINERY IOUIH HERBOIJJT. Proprietor O re jo n 'x O n ly B o u iln l W in e ry Telephone 2201 W E B E I.IV E K S p rin g S t. n e a r t'o n d e n a e r This adverti.-i-iiieiit not paid for by the Oregon Liquor Control ConuniHlon. ‘talked turkey', too... NEW ROUND THE WORLD THRILLS Washington Man Visits at Thatcher Mason Hill Has Thieves Around MASON HILL—For the second time this fall, cord wood has been I stolen from Christensen Brother... and on last Friday evening a large ham and a truck tire were taken from one of the buildings at the i W. S. French wood camp. Mrs. C. H. Gonyo enjoyed a Sun- j day and Monday visit from her son. J. S. Cannon, who is employed at Bonneville. John Kinsey is spending a 30- day furlough from the U. S. Navy visiting his mother, Mrs. Charles Wood, and other relatives. Joyce Solberger, Betty Johnson and Noreen Johnson were overnight guests of their teacher. Miss Made­ lyn Shattuck, a t her home in Hills­ boro Thursday. Workmanship Unsurpassed Get under the banner for better homes. Let’s make Hillsboro shine. Hillsboro Decorating Company B. R. NICKERSON. Prop. Phone 2102 LU M M /r. YOUR CAR WILL FROM A ' ... 4 BENEFIT * TRIP TO OUR D R A IN IN G RACKI / f W /l place strangest empha­ sis on this branch ot our business — th at’s why your physician will suggest that you send prescriptions here - < A Complete Stock of Staple Drugs 'rt ..Í PALM DRUG STORE Summer oil is no longer safe. We have the right grade of Texaco Crack-proof Motor Oil. It will only luke u few minutes to drain your crankcase—hut it will lie worth-while. You'll know your motor Is protected. Prescription Druggists 1208 Main St. Phone 266 The TEXACO STATION FREE DELIVERY Third and W ashington Street» Phone 1703 BEAUTIFUL NEW GAS RANGE! pftllce, Real, tru e -to -lifa reception fo r the firs t tim e -because the “ M A Q IC B R A IN ” In RC A V ic to r a ll-w a ve «eta selects the station you w ant w ith razor-sharp precision, weed­ in g o u t oth er soundo — and be­ cause it steps up tone fid e lity to a higher p o in t o f fu ll, rich , life ­ lik e tone. D on't miss hearing the s e n s a tio n a l ra d io d e v e lo p m e n t everyone's ta lk in g ab o u tl P rescriptions 1 1 a v ia tio n a n ti a m a te u r band«. A ir - ! plane d ia l, e x tra , deaiffn cabinet. Subscribe for th e Argus. Just As The Doctor Ordered ...that’s why Ini cooking our Thanksgiving dinner on this RCA VICTOR RADIO LESTER IRELAND & COMPANY • Many a wife has had to insist—oh, so firmly— that antiques are fashionable . . . but not in the kitchen. Then she has purchased a new gas range. A few toothsome meals — and the "treasury department” agrees that once again "Mother knows best”! No dinner, or any other meal, is a major undertaking when you have the assistance of a 1935-modc-l gas range. Styled for today's kitchens and equip­ ped with every modern convenience to simplify baking, roasting and all your cooking, you can follow recipes easily and exactly with one of these new ranges. Gas heat is always de­ pendable, clean and uniform. Gas alone gives you the wide selection o f temperatures necessary to successful cooking. . . and gives them to you instantly/ And gas is so economical! This week th,re arc special displays of gas ranges at dealers and in our showrooms. Se, them soon. You arc certain to find the range that will help you'talk turkey", too! P o r t l a n d G as & C o k e C o m p a n y 1300 Mnin Street — Hillsboro, Oregon FREE A ^ 2 5 .0 0 SET OF STAINLESS ENAMELED WARE W H E N Y O U BUY A N E W GAS RA N G E priced $ 8 5 .0 0 or more without kitchen heater, o r $125.00 o r more with heater. D E T A IL S AT D E A L E R S OR AT O U R s h o w r o o m ««