THE Page Four Wear Red Cross Button X ñ l l s b o n ¿ ^ A . r ij u s H IL L S B O R O ARGU S. H IL L S B O R O , OREGON T hursday, Novelliini' 22, |p;ji I Miltei C hapm an assistiti It«' host-! Social Nun’s of ess. sh o rt talk» «eie given by thi’ P o u ltry M en syiUHlleal president, Mrs. lXmaluH amt by Mrs. Margurei Me Local Folk and Bates, Cormick I’resbvl rial p iv s lile n t, P lan M e e tin g both of PortlanJ. Mrs Cuirivk atat Their Friends her niece. Mrs. Amy ltyers, played piano duets amt Mrs. Chapman W ear the Red Cross button! This great hum anitarian organization should not be without the support and encouragem ent of every Am erican citizen who can afford it. Only one week more to buy yours. Christine eietstx'is and Mr Tro One man who came in to leave his mem­ , ber made , high _ , -cores Monday err bership, said, when thanked for the dona­ i n t o : al tile Bowel Neighbors earel Mrs. \V F. D inner and Mr tion: "D on't thank me— I am only doing parly. Jansen were .nvon.l lugli, a n d my duty." Isn't that a splendid thought? Stella Melnlle. Mrs e> e'oslell. and Mrs. E W ortinan a l s o received During the depression the Red Cross has prue*. given relief to one out of every five per­ and Mrs M P. Cady and sons in the United States, according to on Mr Donald attended hemecotnehlg statistics, so the dollar we give is helping and Dad» day testivi.ics a t Cor- ou I' neighbors and incidentally helping vallts Saturday Olliers going from e l y . 's D o n ’t forget to ioin l e t l ’s i p put w ■ t 1 luufeivsen. S E our r 1 s sen es. POIll io rgei IO J i n n , U u t Favi-am. Jack Burr and W. Verne our r county over the top in the member- McKinney ¡uid son W alter. K nuu'U i Robb ot Baker Is visit- ship roll ea Calendar paltl In u beliefIt lary named in the poltey." Hepteniber I. 11U4, haa been dt,», Haled us the date when the in m ! giH'« into effect All euipl.n, ileneiiil Fond« and -uib.iilliii v , . MII i p . in li . In Pulled E late . and i tin iiilu. no» under ret t r e i u i 'i i t a , , « i h . I have b e e n with the orgiuii/.ati,.n lone vear prim to HrpteniUri i ellglblo lo piirlleliNite. but |>..||i, , 'lio n 1« not obligatory, t li-iu i ,,t I ,„„i will pay nut only it« »time ,,| ,b.! l»lun. but also tbe Hepteniber, o, tuber, and November cmployi , 'eon trlbiitnliin tor all woik i , J o tn h Hu- |ilun before December I ai ■ though the plan 1 1st- it ,i,, , provide for It. ifi«. unnuiiiii-ineui • lute. G eneral FiXXU may ai i., dlsi'iilloh add to tl«- leUri-ueu' inc,une of employes a l i o a t e i,,,«. I iiHire titan (5 years old G eneral Food» will itedin t pay I iiients ol puttli i|Nitlng i - n i p l o j r , ,, | teelly Iroiu salary chri ks The Binds, logetlier With Hu- corpum Hon s ronli Ibutlmis. will be bimi, dlately turned over m Ute t « largest tii.-.iuunee cOIU|MUilr» In tl, 1 eountry. The «- companies will dll' tl«' adlllllltHUatlou or lb, uid assure »ccurlly of all payini n: I November -'-I B i i .a t n at North Plain« K. P, Itali. .Scingi, program at Helyi llä American Ergimi meet« a t Veteran»' luill. H p m Dr. W. T. Johnson. poultry p a th - 1 sang Following the musical pro­ Service chili program a t Vi Il­ gram, a tv .ponalve praise* sen lee ologlat at Oregon S late college, will ei But theater, li -tt> p m »as held. A large niunlx'r ot church speak on poultry disease« lo 11«' Pythian Sisters meet ui K mend . rs ».us present MRS. E. C. M e K IN N E Y E R N E M c K IN N E poultryiiieii at then monthly meel- P. itali. Il l> m Aaaociat« E d itor mgs which will be held a l the W it o r Electrte lighting "Jubilee" at \ I : , , it,.K t |) „ i I . Beaverton high school luesday al A lib is l l U l l l n iitit? Kim ’ti church, n p in First Audited Paper. L a rg - M em ber— Oregon Stata Edi­ tl p. lb ami at the Forest Grove Monilay, November -II e»t Audited W eekly Circula­ to ria l Asm via« ion and N a ­ Dairy lueelliig lllllnlsuti ehum- high school Wednesday at s p. m ., tion in O r w ’ti tio n al E d ito rial Aaaor tat ion ber d commerce, tl p. i ll M em ber of the A u d it Bureau of C irculât ion states I. F Franela, asstn an t coun­ Miss Cora Hullt. daughter or Ml ty agent. Dr. Johnson Is reeognlited I baiiksKbbut Bay and Mrs s F Hulu, and Walter as being one of the leading a u th o r­ O F F IC IA L NEW SPAPER OF W A S H IN G T O N CO CNTY Football HlilU v» I’ o r e s t c . Schmidt, son ,,f Mr. and Mrs Glove, lo ts n m lllltd field Jacob Selunldt Of Iuiurel. w e r e ities in tl«' country on poultry dts- Subarription Ratea S tric tly Cash in Advance Schults community I'luink.s- eases and his discussion will be ot •a.iM ) married Wednesday evening at t h e 1 considerable Interest to ihe poultry _____ 11.60 U. 8 . Outside O raro n glvliig dinner Pa? year lUlptlM church In Hillsboro, with ».50 Foreign Countries ____ .85 Six months Firemen's boll a*. Shuts* park ReJ r A officiating. raisers ot tile comity. auditorium. The H illsboro Argus assumes no fin a n c ia l nwpon-it Gity for I’he bride, «ho was given In I A discussion ol poultry disease. Prltlav, November 30 errors published in iia colum n*, but in case* where thia paper U'K his brother. Dr. J O. Robb. He m am a e by her father, wore a will I«' ot , on .idrnib.e interest to Cnun y budget meeting Vene­ I* at fa u lt w ill rep rin t that p a rt of an advertisem ent in which is a member > t th? Baker lodge 'town ot Ivory satin, with tulle veil, the farm ers ol Ihe county at this tian theater 10 a. m. the typographical m istake occur*. «Inch «.;• put on the 3t'th degree ‘“ d canted white and pink rose- time iLs tiu» pullets have been or Saturday. Beeemlier 1 work at the Scottish Rite reunion buds and white' Iwhotrope. Her ! arc being brought Into laying and A n Independent Newspaper, Whose Services and Policies County Fanners' Union meets a re Ba*ed on the P rin cip le of the Golden K u la — "A nd aa ye to l«' held a t the Masonic temple maid of homy, M l»s Marie Selunldt. w e subject to serious upM'U» due in aU-tiiiv .session at Veterans* would th at men should do to you, do ye al*o to them lik e ­ w’°fe pale green net over ta f fe ta , U> some of tiu» more common Uu»-; Itali. w ise.” — M atth ew 7:12. Aneni an editorial in last w eek’s Ar- Friday- evening- and earned Talism an rosebuds. Tl«' j eaaee, uveordmg to Mr. Francis, H ehcttu Suu .lune elubboxaar ..¡ns— R e sp e c t to the th e F lag— la g — in which w h ich the th e .A*1’ » .„V;3,1.1? ' o',! l,,i esmaids. Misses G ertrude Me North plain - K P. hull. It la also of considerable Impor- Thursday. Iteeeinlier tl q u e stio n w a s a s k e d . Do th e c h ild re n ot ¡¡mess Of her daughter. Mrs. George blue taffeta atid » p'tnk H...VWI .»..X «><« chiffon, «« re- .r_ J tAiice to the }HHiItryman to avoid fa’t Ihe advetllHemenla help yo„ Sehtill» - Isuirel Dairy Co-op our homes and schools know the proper Bane of Boring, who underw ent n 7 ^ u w ^ . " i u i d ’^arriiM chrysatithe- Having hl» laving flock go into molt meeting make your shopping plane. ut t.aurrl etinunuulty T .r ... „ ii« e t i m i e l t e o f th e U n ite d S ta te s F la g ." C. , ll“ Jor “ the Good S am ' , munvs. Ted RuLschmun of Laurel or for any other reason having hl» hall, ti p ni ________ l a k e a good look around a a t t t t h i l a t v \ a a r t io uu. 1 , arltat» hospital. was tx,st ,,w n unR Vernon Hullt b«»ro Independent Rillsbo io Argus eaiah. Iï»94 Hiilaboro Independent «••tab- 1571 M r K IN N B Y Ä M c K IN N R Y . P a M labaro ter in the Published Thursday«. Entered . post o f fica a t lit! ¥ & of W alter Schm idt Taught in Schools Affects Everyone l,sz»v RUSNLOW „„,1 then make a solemn „ledge to do S » « S d“ « « . 'lif e .'„"¡“ ‘K X EX TH Ä l T e S X Ä your part in helping to increase their use. it is the same tnrougnout t i n s t a t e , . \ e \ e i - Mansfield s a daughter of Mr. and rruiy." aeeompamtM by m l , s m u - , ns 111(1 |„,K (l, llv„ui tiM.,n HlRb The windows reveal some i n te r e s t in g theless. the children seem to forget it Mrs. Charles Mawhitutey uf Banks, dred Jam es and Jesse Fuster of - , . . . m .., «..i,. »...».Evelyn Guests were M r. tU gabeth | stories, which if carried to their conclusion when out of school, and t h e parents Mr. ¡uu Mrs Doneison. Mr. m L* a ta d j‘sl{Gira tir Mni Si.................... s.„, is.,,,,in ,.i i» „ t. I rmtotr were won by MU m k- vrrylhlug Iu Insuriuxr Dooher wild Albert SpierliMt ! I w M atlhow .' m rd p a r ly 1 • rhw i nr 1781 11« Ww«hln< Ion I tun cline prime with Wah- tnaled Phone ÖÖ3 : Hiilaboro ' by HUIsborn H t'd t txupany A new »cries will I* -:m ufti i the Imllduy». FVNEKAI, HIKEi ro llS and F vir», (o m an » iilrrtalni I.I(KNSEI> E.MIIAI..MEUS ♦ Donclson ÖC Sewell tier at the church Wednesday eve-1 , ntng. December 5. Diiuier will be ,, . ,, ,, I served from 5:30 until 7 30 o clock Organise Qaeen E sll.e ra - custom er. OCAI. OFFICERS ATTEND IN ST IT l'T E SIX-county institute for C A Good Selection People in the judicial district com­ prising W ashington and Tillamook coun­ ties m ade an excellent selection with the election of R. F rank Peters for circuit judge. The fine vote received by him in Hillsboro was a splendid testim onial from those who really know him as a "true blue" man ’and friend. Anyone cannot truly know F rank Peters without having the highest respect for him as man. citi­ zen and friend. S to m a c h Gas Our dose of ADI JCItl KA quick a ly relieve« gas bloating, cli-wu MaUnel H artuulrrcht of T ualatin corvatits, auring the post week- treasurer; an d Colene MneDowell nual dance. Give the firem en your help halter will entertain ” ..tu in > t't i upper ii n i i \ i n ò n i i ì o . i . Plums. Mts« IXirothv Howe« of For- George Burk Hurkhatler »III enlertali end. He was a guest of his daugh- nUte-box \ e r a «.¿-retarv la VhííÚX ami M ^ l n e ''st O ro" - “ «• » J IUI<’*‘ “ nd ' Clu*'( ’ ‘ lub ter Norma, who ts a student there, named .... . Eleanor tu.!..,™ K ■ iZ1. Norman Brostnun of Gaston The lempii- at an elk dnui.-i tonight K a w g o o d u n i' k t h o r u u g h »■ J A. Hockersmith and family, re- Pitm an, program, and ra- nwethitf eixkxi with a dinner at the home of Mr» Kullierforu lion yet gentle mid e n .h rlv sat- t n n t l i a r n f t h o s e n n n u l n r « li e g ria v g ig cenUy irom 8011 Dakota, aré liv- 1 nuen mien aixt and Hetty Joan Kramten. ¡m ^ ro u rM ^ c k fe ' Anotnei Ot those popular sates (lays is Ulg Hillsboro. He says the elec- special. Mrs. J. A K ram ten is spoti- “ B u n « (a f e New Krpresent•](* f)r«K RU»r* CHRISTIAN I NDE U O K ferred liere from Portland to be business firm s will stress the im portance 11 in so u th Dakota. D v v ha« inspection— sales representative lor the local RALLY IILKL S l’NHAY of this community as a trad in g center and R "^i^\m tUwere°Mr»r RUlB ^Pooiev official tnapeotion of Alma Bcn- division the I*ortliuid Oaa A County Christian Endeavor rally {‘ .‘I “ ” ! ,,! of ’* ,?! all should plan to tak e advantage of this aijd daughter Evelym of Ijortlond ’ xUv"“* - will be oon at c K< evmPluB ,>«• held lield SumUiv Sunday oflem afternoon opportunity fo r C hristm as buying. i ^ F o ^ t . G ro w S' Wayne ElUnlOil ber« 6f Portliuid acting depart- th e Christian church Each year » . ' • m eut ULspector. Mrs. Clori&ia Dev- shield U awarded to the MxTety P p n s i O l l H f iM T r illll Delinquent tax paym ents were excep­ ------------------------- ^ r * aild Mrs. R. R. Easter and ereaux of Portland, departm ent doing tlx» best work, ami at this v *2 ■ ii 4-room house, good barn. Nancy Aileen attended the in&Unee treasurer, was also present. The rally plan« will lx» mad«« bv confer- tionally good for the years 1930 and prior, Christm as is ju st a short tim e a wav perfonnance of “T he Blueoird.” Jun- program following t h e meeting ! ence leaders and committees for a tO o t . i r t L O C t lll y ti n ,, w ater supply, fruit eel according to the tax departm ent. The « « • I I * * » » * 1 a xv/k — v vav id i - • for league play presented in P ort- included a dance by Miss Helen busts on which points will be grant- RO>fU Canadian, Visit H e n - club will meet Friday night at the hts participation in the plan For fo r private business and would be the hall, » till the following new officers instance, an employe age 35 today City seeks rep a ir of sidew alks.— head- b J ^ o “ ! l u ; Meslr» '.M iiie^and Bladder o A cu ’ g in their c h a in : G erald Abt«, presl- »111, on retirem ent, receive each same for public business. Insure with dent; Merle McCoy, vice-president, month Wl per cent of whatever III« line. Well no one will deny th a t a lot of general hospital arier £ T U A L A T IN V A L L E Y Julianna He line Ider, secretary; Joe average monthly sulary may br them have needed it for a long time and .w eeks illness. He contracted pneu- Chose and Mr and Mrs G L. Mar- Sohlfeld, treasurer; and Lawrence during the next 30 years. If an IN S U R A N C E A G E N C Y employe wi.-lies. Ig. can arrange Ills and ugg of Tobias. Mr». Doent» is a Kununer, sergeant-at-aniL» That annual Turkey day f o o tb a ll have actually been dangerous to life . 5 K S U S i ! 5 r c ,‘7 X . S Mrs- George B urkhalter returned cousin of Mrs. Chase and Mr Mar- classic in this county between Forest limb. Monday from an extended visit u#g. and lutd not seen lliem in S ill .« » s '? « " i'i ,.! la . 7 ' 5 S S ' X a S '« 5 * * i t f « 8 3 Grove and Hillsboro high schools should Ju st as long as there are men who deep in their K arl Koellermeier. a t West Linn, ranchers ranchers in in Alberta Alberta The; r. .k w est rann, rivev are very husba.xl Guests were Mr and A rriv e é reurod r i Sove death be a hum dinger this year. Everyone 1314 Main S lrrrt W'ho has ju st re- inuch unpr^s-M »!!!! lite climate Mra c h arlea Boone of Piirtlotid. ìT .u c h a r r ^ w m e n t u h n e earts have desire leave e world a »»» little -- • •* - — - « . a rts n a v e t the ne u e s ir e t to o ie a v c th v iie *u n u a nr Orr fon rned from DaUasr eaves T hurs- Mid beamy of Oregon. Mr iUkl Mr3 j. M K.UIls,,,.u 8r die ff ia iu T m ^ m rc o i-u ib it1, . ? . , ^ ’ should be on hand to toot tor their re- better place th an they found it. Just th a t long will turned W ü m ll a m n n l r n n a a f . n . te ru in . . . P . a . r t y - u ._ i ... ____ _ . . . . . .. O U l . ll l i ( O I [ I I I ( m i l I 0 U I » .1 . n t ^m ü oriuna ’r!ü ? Rf / f o 0! r b T T l «laS100lC on at . . Home spective favorites. service clubs flourish.—Ex o n l i n e trip for tnc S. P. company. Mr a n d M r s I v a n g i . - l . - r Williams of Beaverton, and tl«- J- P. W illia m s ^ Juneam Alaska, h^sl«' for a house party Haturdav ho" ur each f Mother ( „m p h m e o te d - o T h ^ I ^ s ^ „ . . . ïnd l a  r El à ^ r &,nÌt“ 1>omf Í Mr E, rd O|Y?- Mrs R J Scearee , entertained A »'KW a I u».i i>uii«u f.o »I« a I.. T H R IF T Y B U Y E R S A R E ears Ago , . ------- - a ™ ™ .—... and Trvulm«i>. Nuris I'lalna. Interm ent was In th e Cornelius card party Saturday evening evenlnc a at t the i«T ?j 1-»» !!'. 4i5 ed PernUssum to u use Mrs. Blassuig » " M * arried ru peruu.'»M»n . m * M n m m h rl sioner O. R. Bean o f Portland. Emile Her mg. son of G aston saw ________ P|M»rl. 112» P la ta . Hiilaboro. ( onnrll „ „ teso- ^ T „ n? .¿ .‘U^ . ? 8t„l^ , : l.. f oni?li- “ • with all com­ With chrom i­ ine cnting nt lag Mie the past prestaents. pres tnts. Mrs. remedy th is hazard is based upon 1< I- z'» _ Carlos Johnson a t Gladstone. I _ , . , - , . _ I m Mr». |.>| Moyer end H erb ert Cam ber«. P la in . petitive roast- 1 Perley Claud Campbell and Mary C O U t l t V M e n K eC dV e Mrs. A. M CarUle attended in- lunch- Riggs served a« president um liarxUrti _ Jt of the tlffa . a belief th a t often motorists with * ‘ a . rW Y* f I rwi r»f R io— /srs risers,- 1 3. Thom as k Connell _x(JIUl<-Ji ClU O wlwn ^1 ThomDson of Hillsboro m arried ____ tir ... n ,, I v*/I4 « m "Hai with ivi Mrs. Club insik- her h e r tiomc t u n n e In m en. club wlien she made va. only one light are unaware of the E Thompson Your choice Salem. Sherman M ill Com pany, pefand ant B lu e Enamel condition, an d would remedy it if November 13. ------- — _ _ Study subject. Miss , T® all rred llo r» and all .«h er pera.m> of Ivory or Cecil Hughes. 11-year-old son of Not 1 *lxe they knew it existed. J. Layton, of C redit Bureau S abra Connor of Portland Oregon Mother Die«— h a rm « .«■ claim ing an in ie rm t tn «ber- , - _____ .. w C. -------*«.«------- mreg-waev it W IU1V1 M l I G 1 IU U 1U , V 7 I C kL M I G reen Enamel th . .r.hi. <;«»>»-«• r iu « i «,. Jud«« ¿ / " i U posal offered to alleviate this con- mers of Centerville, who Is atten d - 2 L 2 \i~ 2 .„ r r - v R. “ E .......... f entertained ------ --- “ the “ herself dltlon. which is th at motorists who mg Stanford, is playing great foot- b^ .n airea“ y ste'“ and a con" Wednesday card club a t her home K n n o r e r i n r. A n r . i v e r m .r e ___ DCr 18 8hC *• Survived by t h e C lr r u ll C o art of the « la te of ( Ir w o n . Honored on Annlveraary widower. Oliver Adklnson, five sons ,nr ,h<- N laeteen th Judicial n i .i r m t . win. No. >lLjertl4>na duly filed They feel th a t this is a rath er Attend W. K. C. Meeting— N e w S E R A P r o j ■ e c • t. u. Each In 32 house In Portland T hursday eve- Monday, an d on Wednesday morn- i-rumir.« i., ib. minm. rmuiimi from e x h ib it from all o a rtT o f « h ! H iiu ^ r o scveral addenda» to existing pro- W * ning. Mrs. S tannard took port In mg underwent a m ajor operation. (Upon western Oregon to make up a 50- club l u n c h e o n t h e % s “ ble ^ u - 6 B irthd-O O b s e rv id - the program . She Ls report»«! as Improving. ...... ’Ar"«', J r,p , . I ? ! ? ? , r.iX' ear corn entry' for the state ol ture of the cannery. Growers paid 4nese include clearing along tn e Mrs. William D unham of south Mrs. Manley Hostess— I’lay to be Staged— H.,n<,r»blv liuorau li Hanley. m «.i« «mi Oregon a t the National Corn show S 108.000 during the packing season Beaverdam drainage ditch n e a r Cornelius honored h er daughter David Hill chapter, D. A R. m et F L. G irls d u b of the Rebekah T h ? '-'1 Th.' X' i 'L N”v""'t,r r 2! di Next door to ‘ Venetian Theater at Chicago. ^ d »40 000 went to labor. He re- Beaverton supplying a cook-laun- B ertha D unham with a with Mrs. W. R* Manley Moirday ! lodge wifi present% play "An Al- n ^ „ J ™ i l .«.? ib" . X »7 ib ! Amos. Ivan and Elmer Bierly. P?rted th a t because of interest dress and food for the Hillsboro otrthaay party November 12 on her The chapter voted to co-operate I fair of Four." on T hursday night ••«h pnbii<-«u.,i, i, n . Phone 761 Carl VanKleek and Adrian H om - ’hOwn by local pe° ple 1,1 keeP‘n K nursery school, cleaning ditches tw enty-first birthday a t their home as much as possible with P. T. A. December fi. Mrs. H H S tannard h" 2’' ecker also entered 10-ear exhibits ' »nneiT here the offer ol McMinn- along unimproved streets and flush- A Urge crowd attended The e v e -' and 4-H d u b work A definite pro i will direct the piny. . IIU C K H r iN . ' ,!!lls.’1 ENSI' N " d AXE'' HIIXMIIOKO, OREGON R«e«tvpra of H hrrnm n M ill a« individuals in th . biniov »on, ville had “ ““ been turned *“**‘v“ down. ing storm sewers in Hillsboro, and ] Bing was spent in card playing and I gram lias not yet been outlined _ .. ... < '«mipfiny. 40-1 as uidniduals In the Junior coni Charles Philip W underlich, dis- widening several existing!danclng- Music was furnished by1 . ... .. . , Reception Given— shmv a t Chicago. These exhibits ¿bled union veteran of Civil war rna,i, ’ , ¡Fred H erring and Jay Thomas of •»,r s ' G lenn E ntertains— 1 r P v . and Mrs. J. E. T lmmerman, -- firjrnpliiiK meri h,, t ». kw > and k <>* u T » » !.. » » . „» . . . . . will be in competition with entries' died a t Centerville November 11. Cornehus^ urpnmn» accompanied by John Mrs. D a n G ig lenn entertained Wed-1 « new pastors of th - local 4-8quare i| uare from all ports ol the United States He had lived at Centerville 25 years. , W alter Schneider of near Forest r.esday with a bridge luncheon., church, were given a reception ption , T hree tables were in play, Mrs. R. and "pound" shower a t the- parson- J. Scearce receiving high score and 1 age Monday evening M a k e r , o f B a n k . C h e e se , R(x„ „ ,1K Ul Bes,le „ . nMn Commemorate 5«th Y ear- Mrs. J. H. M urton consolation. . I Visit Acme l.odce— to O p e r a te A m ity P la n t Poindexter, i .-. i ■ A lto n A d dition, lie » » - 1 Fifty years ago a t this time con- Service Meets— L J. Doherty & Sons, who op- "r‘' " K««l»ilic struction was begun in the Adlron- ’'c v i c r ( Club mn nieeis— A11 p L olrIi(. of th(, („ s_ erate the Banks Creamery, have „ . „ " n F '. N F '.’of «irtb.n 17 T3N, dack "LWUIi ta.1i’s °£ a little on,; , Serv‘ce club m et a t the home of tric t and the Rebekah lodge of purchased the equipment formerly • imh nrw. r.°°m ‘»cam e a i !««» mile- Mrs. H. S tannard Hillsboro the (Continued from page 1) «,.*« c ..» jvu i «fZW . , sh?ck « m f * F j th « »4 1 Creamery . • _ F ’ . ««iv « “« w School _ • . Dtatrlci . A i k1 a a d t medicine mo.»«., »» i night. rxirvFvF f V »sir/* H. » new »soil, rvx/ivvxKoei’ Wednesday K».<, Clem ^Tlaaaaa /\(*tn4k f are 11 invited to III visit POrtlllJlil playing some hand-m ade Cuddle ' >wned bv the Marion at *< stone l« ‘h ill American becaui« Two members, Mrs. dolls m Ihle's window. in u tv .Jut ot.r»Sl o r h « . « » n A n r v »«•■•ion 7 Ti« R 2W . H m arked the beginning of the Eallnger and Mrs. L. O. Walker. Saturday night. . Amity and opened a cheese factory. T. IL H andley et al to Vida W'«bat«r. modern treatm ent of tuberculosis In were taken In. December meeting Members of the local committee November 16. Lota 9 and 10 T u a la tin V alley Horne-. tilts country. The Christinas seals, will be a C hristm as party a t the Mrs. Morley Hostess— from the chamber of commerc? ' ___ ____________ I Fred F. Hughes et a l to A lfre d Cum» this year Mrs. Claude Morley entertained commemorate th a t o t- home of Mrs. L. E. MacDowdl. min^H et ux. L o t 3 D o u th ty’a Diviaion which is co-operating with t h e C o u n t y M e n A tte n d casion. th e Judl bridge club a t her home Oregon M anufacturers' association • > . . . i - Block E Fairview . . .. i Sister Suceumbs— Friday evening. Mrs. Ross H a l l are Lester Ireland, Verne Curry’. w .( V e « e ‘ “ b l« L e c t u r e , l i J ; ta riS 5 S S lV n i.‘# ' ,'" he!,e Or___— whole group Ml' an<‘ Mrs Ernest Z urcher en- Calkins. 75. m other of Mrs C. F. m anager of the Oregon M anuiact- 'opening session of the short course ; th ‘s evening. New members a r e ! tertalned Sunday with a dinner! Leming of Hillsboro, were held at titers’ association, is acting as state £“r vegetable growers a t Oregon) m . l . Berdan et “,s„to„2b/W Brklc-1 I M arjorie Kidney, -Jean Ann P ii . i ,-, ------------- H ere’s g re a t news for those of us who State college Wednesday. Discus- **, " x M .-. 5 S Scott „ acr M (>4 t in » I iuw chairm an . . . t 8uphta h .l.h lu M c o ti ♦(> et »I to August C. Louise Rossman, a n d E v e ly n Columbia Foods has an a ttra c ­ sions included soils, manures, ferii- g X 5 « re . TIR R1W have been putting off th at im portant Haworth. - Ray JamP4 — W'Mxlman et ux to N<»«,l ! tive display featuring a number of llaers and irrigation. E. W alker et ux. 5.24 acre* Section 30 Missionary Society E ntertained— building or rep air job because of lack of Oregon products. T 3 N R 4W . Engineer Ends Work T ualatin Plains Women's Mission­ funds. Ihe great new plan sponsored by E m ily E. Bi«hof> to Dan Hepburn. K % ary society met Wednesday after- W ith tlie completion of work on o t NWvem- work Wednesday, L. D. Marr, state, _ H ltl 1929 FO R D R O A D STER ble for anyone to com plete their home ber 20. a boy. a t Good S am aritan resident engineer, transferred hisi T Sophia 8 M Scott et a I to Ben hard 1 9 3 2 F O R D C O U P E , V -8 hospital in Portland. plans so easily and simply. Big job or equipment to Salem and disbanded K rug, 14 acres John Poole claim 00 Driscoll—T o Mr. and Mrs. T R the staff of men assigned to the T I N R 2W . 1 9 2 9 E S SE X R. S . C O U P E A man who M»yn lie le d « »o fr»o<1 thxf h« little one, Uncle Sam will aid and assist Benhard K ru g to Edw ard K ru g , It Driscoll of Vancouver, Wash., Nov­ project. acres John Poole claim No. 00 T I N R2W . could now eat nalH or old alioea lx W. em ber 10, a boy, a t S m ith's hos­ 1927 D O D G E SE D A N by I his great new method. O ur organiza­ H erm an Bishop to C a rl T . Scheulder- II i . 4t.d, 190« Ho. ifa rd ln c Ave., <1 Icago, pital. m an et ux, p a rt Sections 11 and 14 III. Ho wax a Btoma*'h r offerer tor 10 years | Open House Held 1 9 3 3 D O D G E l* /a -T O N T R U C K tion is in perfect, position to work with and now gives credit for his recovery to tbe Open house was held a t the of- T I N R tW M arriage Licenses H a rr ie t P a rtlo w et ux ’ •» M in n ie L'dga Treatm ent, based on a famous stomach 1 9 2 6 D O D G E 1-T O N T R U C K | fice of the Credit Bureaus. Inc., Scham you to take advantage of loans and fi­ 5, (i, 7 and s 2 f 1 A d - apeclallst'a triple-action prescription. Its William F rancis B orgelt of L au rel: Monday evening. Abou for'iv local ditio n . berg. Tit'« rdville. I purpose Is to neutralize eicesa ad d , boot he , 1 9 3 0 D O D G E 1 % -T O N T R U C K and M arion Wilson »«__i u7i »z.n of n Cornelius orn n iu c ia-K hants and out-of-town guests nancial aid with expert, building ability. It. H i r t r rnpf to H a m >n I) H u s - and heal the Inflamed stomach lining and route 2, November 15. were present. Among the visitors gio 1 ux F ’ j o f Lot 2 Rl'M-k H ills - atop pain. Already 54,109 letters p ra is in g 1 See us today and let us tell you more. W alter C larence Schm idt of Laurel were Marion Lamb Etrick S teinett boro. |ho L’dga Treatm ent hare been received and Cora M ildred H ullt of Hillsboro ol McMinnville and F W. Sm ith Ir a iD i ,1 • ii4on ’ > M I. B r i n , <*t fn v, c i,mg of Bt„m ach ulcers, acid stomach, a r t B I.H 'k 9 N a y lo r a A d d ft.o n , E . r - lr i,,1(>4 E o a rf, „ „ n ........... route 2. November 16. and Wilbur Criswell of Tillamook. u x , p Grove, —..... . lin d lie .tlo n . heartburn, x»* pslaa, belchln» Louie S trohm ayer of Bonks route A meeting was held and a Slipper eat Nnw Location ’ R G.‘ Simon to M ilto n N Simon et ux, " nfl '»<>••* «ymptnms of excess acidity. W rite 1 and Anna VanLoo of Hillsboro served 67.22 acren . L’dga, Suite 63, Foot-Hchulze Bldg., Kt. Paul, IO Good Acres W. G. IDE Concrete Safety Suggestion Given Our Yesterdays lo o Late to Classify Student of Hilhi Buried on Tuesday r«»w. M < r» • Wheat Plan Checks w R S ‘ymM t£ S S T Ä S 1 M J 89c t T Local Com Exhibit to Show at Chicago »2’ ^ Ä & cC « r °f IOgS 1 Bristol Hardware Company æ Oregon Products Featured Locally x. , — .---- Real Estate Transfers Orove U ncle Sam w i l l h elp you p u t y o u r home in p e rfe c t shape - - read h o w . USED CARS Eatn IVtiilg C A D Y M O TO R CO. J. W . C O P E L A N D Y A R D S November 1». —------------- - - ( Divorce Granted Ask your atto rn ey to send your, A ideel—Rene Ardeel . ____ from _ Erma Ardeel. legal advertising to th e Argus. John I riday et ux to < liffo rd Sandy Minn, for a free sample. The 7-day tria l et ux. Tracts in Section 25 T 2 N R tW . box of Udga Tablet« Is sold on a money- -- i back ruarantee of satisfaction by Q uality Job printing—Argus. 1 H illsboro Pharm acy 1 1 2 5 T H IR D ST R E E T H illsb o r o T H E B L A C K C A T O F F IC E O r eg o n -j a- •»