■ THE Thiirmlny, November 22, 1934 H IL L S B O R O ARGUS. Students Given Program Pridav ra n d y anti hint li will lie lold Pro tfril.'i art* to is* used to finish tin* l imi t h annex. Everyone is Invitcxi Week Hid gU<*hts III the Jllhtv. Hi lus T ib e t i: I l 'U i u * w r i t * H u e D a v i s a n d in i I Hall »1 I'o rll.u al Mrs. W ilbur Mulkey »pent hist n o N,»rih rlaln. i‘ T * > | 'M-rliiln Friday to m ake fin a l prep- week vital in« friends a n d relative» NORTH I'l.AINH Bvcr-IUMuly «O-I aruUoiu* for Un* Ulxlvluiul buz.wu a t Newberg. Helvetia Sunshine Club to cli’ty <>l tlu* U hurvh of Ulirlat m e t |a t tlu* K of I’ tinJI Friday. I I “ O. V Fair, while working llt Hold Annual Bazaar III ilu* luiinv of M rs I Mianc Cl » in - program I» free a n d fancy w iyk. Ibu ry t, mill I.mi W ednesday, dl»- lis-alKd hi» hip. lit- Is getting along i ------------ 1— 6 — nicely l l l r Mr*. John M llavitUun) Mr. and Mrs, E N. G rabel a n d HELVETIA A school program children of G rabel wen* guests S a t ­ urday of M r a n d Mr». W it. W tcn- will be given F riday n ight. Patron» who tiring ta k e s o r sandw iches ecke. Mr. und Mr.*,. C lark Inkley und „tum id leave tlu-in In tin* basem ent son are ..|s*ndln« II»* week a t tin* E lixtrlc lights are ly in g Installed C larence Meek hom e Mr Inkley in tin* Mt'luml th is week by B. C. ha» been tra n s fe rre d to P o rtlan d Hchulinerlt h of Hillsboro Bazaar D ecem ber I aiul they are m oving th ere next Tlie Hunatdne club, m eeting a t week. Ell Poe i u t t l Mrs Floyd H ines and tlu* hom e of Mrs. J C. W enger d a u g h te r M axine, all of F orest November 14 m ade final a rra n g e ­ Grove, »pent S aturduy w ith Mr. a n d m ent« for th e a n n u a l bazaar and program to be held In tlie N orth Mr». F re d l*oe. p. hall D ecem ber 1. Mi»» Eugenie C ypher was d e ta in ­ plain» K ed from Iter school a t Arcade hist B azaar will open a t 2 p m. a n d program will s ta r t a t 8 p. m. Prizes week w ith the flu Mr» Jessie Mays will be given and are on display ta u g h t during her absence. Bible school ol tlu* C hurch of u t Ilu* H elvetia und N o rth Plains Ready to nupply you with the C hrist having a contest III Bible stores M rs J C. W enger will be finvMt MEATS at the leant coat. reading I*, tin» m onth. T h ere ore In cliarge of Die grab bag. A ny­ ciuota-s for all ages Coine a n d e n ­ one wishing to c o n trib u te a rticle s for the grab bag sliould tak e them Ready I« adrlae you In purchasing. joy th e fellowship. to the bazaar or leave a t May» Leave f a r m Krmiy to give real value*. store L unch will be served d u r ­ Mr. a n d Mr» K Hlnuntel have All lutata Inspected by Dr. Nicol ing tlie a fte rn o o n a n d evening. Next leased th e E. P C ornelius form . a n d Ur. Almqulat. 'I'he Kuuiiels com e from S o u th D a ­ m eeting of tlu* club will be a t th e hom e of Mrs. E lm er B atchelder kota und th in k th a t O regon s u re ­ with M rs J M. Davidson assisting. ly lias plenty of rain. A group ol people Including Mr T he m eeting will be on D ecem ber 5 D id Mrs. C lark Inkley, Mrs. C la r­ Mrs A. L eppin a n d Mrs. J . B a u ­ ence Meek. Mr. a n d Mrs. R obert m an n assisted M rs W enger. M r and M is Leo (S horty) Payne Meek visited Mrs. P atrick Davis ut th e P o rtlan d S a n ita riu m Sunday an.1 d a u g h te r Shirley were guests a t Hu* Peuerstem hom e Sunday Mr P a tric k Davis was also a visitor. Mrs Davis is reported r'*-acttng Payne has bene on th e sick list for d i n e m onths. He is now m aking nicely [rout Uie t n afinenlft Mr» DH tle T annock a n d tier a »low convalescence a t h is Ivome In P ortland. d a u g h te r Ml»» Jeon were guests ut Joe M erccp lias been a b se n t from th e Ju liu s Schoenberg hotne a few school for nearly two weeks w ith day» la st week Miss Lena C rop of P o rtlan d vis­ a severe a tta c k of flu. D r Wiley rep o rts th a t he Is im proving now ited relatives here Suliday. Z u rrh ers E n te rta in P. T. A. to M eet Mr. a n d Mrs. E Z u rch c r e n te r ­ N orth P lain s P a re n t-T e a c h e r a s ­ tained w ith a d in n e r p a rty Bunday. sociation will m eet Tuesday u t 3 Tho»e p re sen t from th is vicinity p in. hr tire prim ary room a t th e were M r D id Mrs. Jo h n W enger school. T ile topic for tills m eeting Did d a u g h te r Jean , a n d Mr. and is * H ealth.' M r. C h am b erlain of Mrs Elm er B atchelder. O tto S chultz the sta te hygiene society will be tlie ol Bethany. Mrs. Eliza N oretrom speaker a n d will sliow pictures Il­ lu stratin g 111» talk. Everybody come. guests of M r a n d Mrs. Eric P e a r ­ T h is m eeting should be of special son. In tere st to p a ren ts of scliool c h il­ Mts» Ja M e Jackson of tlie Good dren. S a m a rita n hospital in P o rtlan d vis­ T he I*arent-T eocher study club ited relative« h e re Friday. held oil Interesting m eeting Novem ­ Mr. D id M rs D. D. H ayw ard a n d ber 13 w ith M rs C lara T ro u tm a n children. Jo Ayers a n d W. Odom, Lb. leader T ile topic was "C hildren all of P o rtlan d , visited frien d s h e re In a Cluuiglng C ivilisation " T he Bunday. club will m eet again Decem ber 11 M rs W H W lenecke sp e n t S a t ­ for child study T ile following m ee t­ urday In Hillsboro, tlie guest of h e r ings will take u p hom e economics. gran d m o th er. Mrs. J. N G rabel. Mr. a n d Mr». Henry C ypher a t ­ Julius Schoenberg liad th e m is­ tended Un* fu n eral of Mrs C y p h er's fortune to ru n a nD l in to his foot Lb. cousin. R alp h Russell, a t M olalla last week, w hich caused him a g re at Friday. Mr. Russell accidentally sh o t deal of discom fort. lilmself. ’I’he P a st C hiefs' club spent T uesday quilting a t tlie hom e of M rs W E M ays a n d enjoyed a We have a good supply of pot lu rk dinner. M rs Emil M iller a n d Mrs. A F. NEW SAUERKRAUT C h rlsten e r were guests of Mrs E rn ­ est Nelson In H illsboro S atu rd ay . P rogram Planned Ladles of th e P. T. A. m e t a t th e hom e of Mrs. H enry C ypher M onday evening to s ta r t work on th e program to be given D ecem ber Res. Phone 3 2 1Z 14 u t tile K of P hall. Proceed» Phone 651 5 Deliveries Daily will la* iLsed on th e ten n is court. Mr. a i d Mrs. Tom Stiguni sp en t S a tu rd ay evening In S t H elens as 2 N orth Plains Church G roup Sponsoring Bazaar Saturday Picnics, lb. • • • 13c Cottages, lb. • 17c 25c SWISS CHEESE Lb 14c LAMB LEGS <ä ‘"‘~ Spr'"“ BEEF ROAST VEAL ROAST LAMB SHOULDER HAMBURGER LAMB STEW VEAL STEW 9c 6c H IL L S B O R O . H O R EG O N and sun R obert. Mr and M is Fred A m arlicr aiul ch ild ren visited in tin* afternoon. M r. I»avld://g can ............................... Hillsdale. Broken slices. No. 2 can .................................. BACON Very Choice and Lean. PRODUCE FEATURES MARSHMALLOWS— 1-lb. carton ........................... 2 15-oz. pkg.............................. JELLO— 20c 59c Lb. 3 “ 17c Sm all . 3c C an 3 lbs. NOB HILL 25c 73c I,b. 5-oz. can ................................ PEELS— Citron, Lemon and Orange. Lb. ..................... CURRANTS— Maximum. AIRW AY Mt. Vernon. 2 3-oz. bottle» .................... CORN— Butter Kernel. 2 No. 2 can» ....................... PEAS—Del Monte Early Garden. No. 2 can ........... OYSTERS— Eox Inn. Coffee M IL K MARASCHINO CHERRIES Raisins Seedless 4-lb. bag 09/» ÄÖV Dessert B rand 2 15c 3 lbs. Armour’» or S w ift’» ORDER NOW! CHOICE TURKEYS, GEESE DUCKS, CHICKENS FANCY BABY BEEF PORK, VEAL and SPRING LAM B IT WILL PAY YOU TO LOOK US OVER EDW ARDS i D ependable Lb. can 2 pkg»...................................... D E L IV E R Y I SHORTEN’G 143' 25c ORANGES £ £ ~ ................... 19c BANANAS 0"™?“*.'.......... 4 19C S W E E T P O T A T O E S V . 4 a 15c C R A N B E R R IE S ............ 10c FREE T hanksgiving 50c 24c 23c -£oui.......... OdU r a n ........................ 17c ROYAL— 12-01. can FANCY CHOCOLATES V RAKING CHOCOLATE B ak er's Prem ium . 20c TOMATO 23c JUICE Libby’s, Is, tall. SOFTASILK 28c r L ,r U \ rrc r r r c r (Lb. Hills Red Can. 2 can» ............. 15C 3 iC) 2 ib»...... 59c GINGER ALE CK . Ä . ..........................IOC 20c 25c 25c 23c 19c 29c 25c Swansdown— 1-arge pkg................. A PUMPKIN—Ray-Mai. No. 2*/g can ......................... CHOCOLATE— Hershey’s Raking. Vg-lb..................... I X L ALMONDS— Lb............................... B R A ZILS— Large. 2 lb»........................... PEANUTS— 2 lb»........................... WALNUTS—G roner’s. Fancy. Lb................. -CURRANTS—S & W. Fancy. Pkg............... PEEL—Citron, Orange and Lemon. Lb........ ( A U MET 1-lb. ra n B roken Mix, C hocolate Drops and G um Drops— Cake Flour MINCE MEAT— Kerr’s, fancy. 2 lb»............................ 15c He 15c BAKING POWDER 25c ALMONDS—S oft shell. 19c W ALNUTS—O regon so ft 4 /» x* shell. Lb.............................. AUV PEAS SPICES—Schilling’s. 2-oz. can a T C T K T C Choice Thompson N tJ seedless. 4-lb. bag O 2 can» ............. O O K z Fit for any Thanksgiving. OLIVES—Sequoia. Medium ripe, Is. Tall can CATSUP—Del Monte. 14-oz. bottle 15c 14c 15c BROWN SUGAR— 5 lb»............................. ■& QQr» No. 2 tt. B roken Slice»? Broken Del Monte, Is. Can S n o w d r ift 49c 3-lb. can 93c 6-lb. can ...................... & All P urpose Flour. Best 1-lb. $4 .53 lb». SUGAR pure cane 100-lb. $^99 10 lbs. Sack FREE DELIVERY Price» for Fri., Sat., Mon., Tue». and W ed. — Nov. 23, 24, 26, 27 and 28 ,ar8e DAILYES 27c 53c Hillsboro Meat Co. Phone 982 FREE DELIVERY <