TUE Vage Ten j The only penalty of th e game was ' against Tigard for offside. Defensive play of the Blue and l W hite squad was outstanding, but on offense ti e locals proved poor ] "mudders," bt ing unable to get _____ thetr running plays to click in scoring territory W hen the game Tigard Holds Local Team was called, it was reported th at _ _ four second* remained on the tune- to 0 * 0 S c o re r r t d a y keeper'» watch With time left for -------- ; one more play, it is possible th at Hllhl and Tigard gridiron elevens HUhl might have passed for a score. battled to a scoreless tie Friday Lineups : afternoon on th e stow, muddy Tiger Hilhi < •) Tigard Hillmen Play Scoreless Tie S tu n k an l RKL H IL L S BU R U A K GV S, H IL L S B O R O . OREGON Thursday, November 22. 1981 Red Cross Roll Longs Turn Out l ax Payments Call I’nds Soon New Type Plaue Continue Hinh of the State of On-gon says: Cornelius Port Meter "1 am glad Io call the attention Lineups Thanksgiving Clash <('ontlnu«d from )»«<• 1) Here November 29th 10:45 a. in. The current Issues ot belli Pop­ ular Aviation a id Sportsm an Avia­ tion have articles and |6to(ograplu about the new I on,: an plane i'lie new ship is entirely different from anything now in use and has a t ­ tracted hundreds of visitors to look at It. It Is of tin* low whig type, such as now used by th e large mall planes, but the wings Instead of Ä f f U» X * w t . « s of a Fow ler of the people ot Oregon to the annual nationwide roll call of the American Bed Cross "During the depression the Keil Cross lias given relief lo one out ol ci cry five iM-rsons In the Untied States To victims of unemptoy- nient. drought, tornado, earthquake, flood and other causes of distress they liave supplied food, clothing, housing, m using and medical care Furllicrinore. they have m aintained public lieallh nursing, aid to sick and dLsabled veterans, and other constructive welfare servnes which must be safeguarded and m ain­ tained during the emergency la'riod. " I liope every citizen ot Oregon who ra n possibly do so will enroll In this legion of mercy, for every dollar so Invested will ii, in to bring hope and safety Io sulfering h u ­ manity throughout the world." advantage in every departm ent of CoakKt R T I. Cooper Will Jenkins KG l. play, but were unable to sink their W underlich 2 Cawrse C Steele G oetter cleats In touchdown territory. 3 W ahner l\vnald(>s*n Pewchka LG R Hillsboro threatened to s c o r e M ohr Podbielen LTR Kaldmeyer gull or swan. Tills gives the ship l.F f t Sims twice during th e tilt, driving to the Grogan several advantages. and i t h u s 5— Wunderlich Carson B arr Q 1 proved to be very easy to fly. Tiger 10-yard line In the first Coofc 8 — Coslett Muinn K ill Forest Grove period and th en uncovering an Rica It was built at the lo n g shop Sm ith I.H R 7 S tum p F H ite HoUcher aerial attack In the final quarter Mutecher north of Cornelius, where several 11— D Hines 8 Rice Torbet H ilh i »ubetitutett Patterson. previous models were built. Much th a t carried th e ball to the 12-yard 12— P Hines 9— Patterson Kahlm eyer Samsel, Schulmerich. ol tile work was done by students stripe as the game ended Tigard Cawrse, 10—Samsel IS—Phelps Bnm leew e. W il. iGoodin, Tigard subati- of the Long School ot Flying E ast­ was unable to penetrate the Hilhi tu 14— Higby 11 P ea'hka te : Moore ern experts predict th a t the plane defenses beyond the locals" 40-yard Refere«: Patton. U m p ire : Men incamp. 15— Allen 12 -Burr may establisli a new style ui a ir ­ m arker and gained but 57 yards 14— G oetter 16— B enner plane building but nothing definite on running plays to 177 for Hills­ 18—Nordgren 15— Molir will be known until better w eather boro. 20— B ritton 18—AMs allows more flight testing. 21— Selm unel Mr Long states there Is a move F irst scoring th reat by H ilhi oc­ 17— Schulm erich 23—Workman on foot to stop experimental work curred In the middle of th e first 18— S tunkard 'in Oregon, wlueh would be a serious 25— Sager 19— Torbet quarter after Tigard had gambled tContlnum l fro m tw o * I I loss to Uu« whole state 26— HUlis 20— G rogan for a first down on th eir own 42- : were stolen from the Union Oil 27— Franks 21 Holscher yard line and tost. Rice, midget company station at Cornelius T hurs­ 28— Zuiunerman Hilhi half, raced 16 yards for a New grand jury for the November 23—Cook day evening according to a report 29 Bailey 23— Goodin first down on th e Tiger 26 and term of court was selected Monday 30— C arpenter 24- Chase then Holscher and Cook made 10 when members of t h e recently | gained through a bark door. 31— Kappel yards on a first down on the next drawn jury panel reported for duty 25 Bronleewe Rowin T Poplin of route 3 Hill 32— Storev 26— HoweU two plays. The th reat bogged down O m ar FY-ndal; of Forest Grove was Seven new members of tlu- Hilhi boro was arrested Thursday on on the 10-yard line when three named as jury foreman while other 33— Boyd 27— Bentley Si-naU' club were elected Monday line plays gained six yards and a members of th e group included night and given tlteu- first exxtrse of pass to S tunkard fell incomplete, j Layton W atts of Hillsboro route COACHES < initiation Wixlnexilav before Ute Two blocked Hilhi punts assisted • Simon Hershey of Hillsboro route B. M Goodman. Hilhi F L. Halverson. F. G. student body assembly New Sen- of Hillsboro . . route .__. 5 was ators Include George Holscher Bud Sftlll™ky »nxl booked on a chargi Tigard in holding off th e local a t- *■ Howard J. iln<1 Person. Jim Samsel, Robert P atter- creating a disturbance, tack during the second and third " ' 'J* ° { „ B“ '* rto n ", L2uks ,A soil a m i Jim Grogan, seniors; D ick .. periods, but in the closing moments route 2 and Carl et a l. appoint lag tem porary receivers, I 1*11 • *11 Abts. jm uor: and Jack Christc-tt, "™ ” .G u y M ount vs. M arshall T . Ryan et al. k j r O V C - I l l U l l L i n d U C r S of the game Hillsboro opened up a C „ . ot , Banks TOUte 1. fteahman. Sentence of six montiis In t f l P ' a llo w in g filin g of supplem ental com« I passing attack th a t seemed destined county Each answered roll call by giving I la i— in t ; v— Kern *— Kastm an vs. ■*— Irv - in 1 g C. Kaat- i I T fl w*« « « jail was unpossed u p o n p - ,- *-------- — YOU KNOW US! to of the fire w pull pi*A4 the game out w* ck-xwxi,« ex# —x.,e x m an. o rd e r. VS C. Stumbars va. nazei iui introductory talk of his favorite Hilhi took possession of the ball < ' I > a X Poplin of Hillsboro POUtt Buddina | • A — aes«w s«ss.v et w- al. «•«, decree. wws . WW , State • Indua- 11UUS- 1 candidate. Chief feature of the pro­ T v x ’lxexyx rs e x is s iilt i. V x .x . • , ■ , WE KNOW o n it« ow n 30 a n d w ith th ree b e a u - I 3 T’leeda.v when J u he plead guilty t o be- a D trial Accident fum nikuin n vs. Leonard tC onlinued frv m pane 11 r ifu l n ^ s v ^ d s fro m fo re C ir c u it dge " ,d ,n w ,.. G .w gram was a debate on Uie ques- : tion. "Resolved: T hat all neophytes tilul passes, tu o lor six \a ru s ironi chanre of eontributini? tn tJv* de- w - *< v*- C. R. Oman et ux. H n b m h e r to tn B FU r r and a n d another h O I ^ “ V n o u t in g IO U lc a e - i viefault. dogs" staged a brilliant attack In should Ivave an average grade of at d p c r w , A. A. Schram m Holscher arr by v I . tlie final quarter to win 12 to 10. least 80." Tlie affirm ative was up- i A n n ie .M Pearce et al. d e fa u lt; VV lik e the same combination for 22 y ard s.: Fine of $25 was imposed upon A bstract company va. R a y -H a lin g . In c., Last year Uie Blue and W hite was held by Senator Barr ami Elwood and three line plays gained to the Louis B. Holt of Hillsboro route 5 o verrulin g m otion ; John Strubich va. Os­ considered several touctidowns bet­ Coslett, while tlxe negative was j Tiger 18-yard swipe, only to lose ald W . P utnam et al. co n firm a tio n ; Monday in the Hillsboro city re ­ w L iquidation Shute Saving« bank, o rd e r. ter titan Forest Grove but were only defended by Senator Doern a n d ! the ball on downs. corder's court when he plead guilty S tate va. K rank M . R ing, order ; K il­ able to win 6 to 0 in the final Setiator Cook. Tlie rem ainder of Tigard punted and H ilhi opened to an intoxication charge. He was patrick*« va. George H Underwood et period _ _____ a fter being outplayed for the meeting was spent selecting another drive from th e 40. Hol- arrested Saturday. ux. default and ju d g m e n t; E rm a Ardeel 1 »hrtw» m u a r t e r « neophytes. vs. Rene Ardeel. decree. C arl K linge vs * 2 7 q u a rte rs . Senator Barr, eliairm an of t h e ) scher’s attem pt to pass was blocked Denying a motion to file a s u p - , c H Bllk. M c.nfim...R« c.n 1 Given a dry field and _ good _____ foot- and he chose to rue. gaming seven plem entary complaint against the kimse « at »». F. s. Hallock « al. ing. the locals liave a good chance initiation committee, called Sen­ yards. Another pass. Holscher to Sherm an Mill company to include .confirmation. s ta te in d u a tn a i Accident to upset the favored Vikings Tlie ator m-ophytes a t the Wednesday niU1 m «.Ilm en are a h a rd -flg h u n g 'sc ra p - assembly and each m rm b rr was j Kahlmeyer, gained 21 yards to the a topic to talk on for three Tigard 19. On th e final play Hol­ n o n to tne tiko bringing suit. Judge | client commi««n>n va. v in een t Skdiier et Py lot w ith an offensive featuring given minutes. scher made seven yards on a fake Bagley Tuesday instructed receivers! *i. judgm ent o f vo lu n tary non-suit L. off-tackle line plays a sparkling Senator Peerenboom. chairm an of I pass to place the ball on th e Ti­ to examine claims of all employes .£!««£> ~ L . Co. « al default atWck Je of Uie dance committee, reported th a t gard 12-yard line. and oth er claim ants against f . c. ¿ , , 5 5 7 7 . 1 » They have shown a strong Uie annual Senate dance would be i Hilhi advanced the ball 177 yards | mill. Filing of supplem entary j John M u n d o rff et_ux. o rd e r: and Liquida- defense regardless of conditions Iveld ttocember 7. an Invitation was 1 Bank o f B eaverton, orders. during the game to 57 for Tigard. Complaint Was unnecessary, he held. lion but tlie offensive th a t clicks on a extended to the aluninj anil stu- The following dav the receivers P rob ale o rd er, w ere i-.u ed i n t h e rents of Beaverton. Forest Grove Honors on first downs went to the fiUoi receivers wuitn. o( C o lu m b ia C. W hitm ore. J.«ep h dry field is noticeably ham pered and Tigard as well as Hlllu stu ­ locals with five, three resulting tiled a report approving all claims Buhck. Julius H enrikaon. C a .p e r K e h rli. by mud and rain. O ffsetting this. dents. M a ry Paterson. Flo ra C. H illie r, H . G from passes and two from running for wages. Forest Grove has a heavy, veteran The Hll Hl V club invited the LET US GIVE THANKS A pp ro xim ately 150 disnussal o r ­ V in c e n t. M a n a A. lte l, W illia m Harde- team th a t specializes in line smashes Forest Grove group to a Joint plays. Tigard tallied but one first beek. C. G. Robertson. John C. Young and down and th a t as a result of re­ ders were issued this week by C ir­ P eter Dethlefs. G uardianship orders were inside tackle, end sweeps and la te r­ meeting last Thursday. Visitors covering a Tiger punt blocked by cuit Judge Bagley in clearing the iaued fo r Biance L . Bennett and Jack al passes. Tlie Forest Grove back- present were execuUve members I Olve thanks for Uie privilege Hilhi. The Hillmen attem pted 11 docket o f non-active cases. Many H .m m e irig h t. field consisting of Phelps. Hines, and the advisor. Forest Grove re- i you have in sharing in this Nation s passes, completing five for a to ta l; ot Ibe actions dismissed were of < o * un " i 1 m k ** 11 V inrent B ritton and Bailey have a distinct ported on the m inutes of Camp blessings and the |>art you lia v e i l l of 81 yards while the home team lQng standing and are as follows: i cZ~r“<-i “ x * l " p . «i’ vs.^Vk-i advantage over Hilhi backs in speed. Collins convention and otlver sub­ making t h u world a brighter and jects discussed pertained to prob­ better place to live In for Unix attem pted four, three falling in - ; Order, in the follow ing circuit court ■ to r F . - t e r et .1, D. w. Gra,ty v». Elmer weight and experience within Uie sc!axils. Maurice complete and one being intercepted. tki* K° B ' Goody " Goodman lems Romlg of the faculty was newly less fortunate. Be thunkful th at ________ _____ probably s ta rt G rogan and elected advisor of Uie Hl-V club you help build up- and continue ------------------------------------------------------- -------- —______ ________ ni*n et al. M a lte r L. M ille r vs. W illia m » ill H tnscom , A H . Schuaufeidt v ,. j,,,.ph Samsel a t ends for Hilhi. Mohr and Present advisors an- Paul P a tte r­ to scorn men and meUiods which i G arb an n o et al. J. W . VanderveUien W lU lderllC ll would tear down the principles up­ a t tackles, Peschka, son and Romlg. va. G. F. Via. S. B. Haakin et ux va G w r t e Snyder et »1. John Young ei 'à i , Coslett, Cawrse or Goodin a t guards Philo club ixirty was given Wed­ on which our forefathers founded V». s . B. W a rre n et »1. w. Rediind «“ 'd either S tunkard or G oetter at nesday evening at Uie laime of our happiness and prosperity. W. Clair Murdock w w Bose»« center, in the backfield he will Mr. and Mrs. T Sholes. The host­ , Forre«’. R. F. ng land. M . J. F itx la f v». s t a r t anv f r u ir n t esses were MLsses Evelyn Pasley O tto Enck«on, W. D . B u rn ett va. Joseph ° following Batchelder and Helen p G ettie et ux. County of Washington B arr- Cook. Holscher. Torbet, P at- M argaret Nelson. I v4. c . L . B row n, County of Washing- terson, Kahlmeyer, Rice and Bron- ! ton vs. W illia m H. M cAfee. County of le e w e . Debate tryouts are expected to W a -h in x to n v». M cA fee B n * ., County o f j next week according to Mrs Probable starting lineup for end W ashington v». Peterson Brothers. Coun- Elizabeth Abraham coach ty of Washington vs. W 'hitten 4 B ry- Coach F. L. H alvorsons Vikings JAMES WHITELAW, Manager • n t , W ashington county G. R. W a tt i finds Storey and Sager a t ends can tile company vs Claud L. Roy et al. et a], W ashington county va. H. R — A M Jannsen D r illin g company vs, Kuehn. County of W ashington va. G. R, Kappel and Nordgren a t tackles. ('h a rlo tte Phone 441 J«*»«. H a rt y vs. 3rd and W ash. a t guards. JMck P o w er , Anderson. W a tt. County of W ashington vs. D. L. B enner and Schram el M abel Y am ada, by guartlian L am b e rt. County o f W&Ahinfftnn va. W . Hillis a t center, Bailey a t quarter, ad item . vs. J«»hn H erm an et al. J. F i t i l a f f , County o f W ashington va. B ritton a t full. Phelps and Hines Louis H e rin g . County of W ashington vs. J. G. Lenneville. County o f W a«hing- a t halves. Zim m erm an is another ! ton vs. K. Q ualley, County of W aah- strong backfield possibility. “Pendleton” all wool blankets ; ington vs. John N a eg li, W ashington oi».y ... OMBty vs. Ben T . W hited, County o f i I _ Fore£t Grove game on Thanks- $5.00 and $6.00 “ Perfection” L eather Jackets W ashington v ,. j . h . Yoder; s. E. West- Kivuig day will be the last appea - over v.. j. w. G ilp in . D ettaven a Son ance on a local gridiron of 14 Blue “W estw ood” buckles and but­ PENDLETON H a rd w a re company v ,. Dan Freeman, | and W hite veterans. These Include I L . C. Endicott Grand Jury Drawn Here Local Man Hurt in Auto Accident Hilhi Senators Natile Neophytes H.«e to Clash Local Held CORWIN HARDW ARE llcudquurtri^ Hunting and Fishing Supplies Aladdin lain pa Approximately tlS.lkk) In delin­ quent (axes for tlie years 1831) anil L o i i i ' m K a d i» T u b e« T o d e < | F ree prior have been paid into the coun­ ty departm ent during tin- post week, bring the total rolleelcd In a little over l m> weeks to about 32S.OOO, according lo Miss Gliulys Eisner. tax deputy. Collection of permmal property taxes during tlie drive now total $(1(175, ¡die declared New modern 5-rooni house, up- Payment« have been received by to date kitchen, full busrinenl. fur­ Ih c c o u n ts t a x d c |N ii I m i l l ! o n g a nace Best locution In city Priced proxltnately 25 per cent of the to sell. properties listed as delinquent for FOR RENT taxes for 1030 and prior yeurs, ac­ Also have houses to rent. cording lo the district attorney’s office. The foreclosure compluint which was originally to have been flhxl November 10 Is being held up temporarily due to the large am ount of delinquent tax certificates be­ ing redeemed The complaint will pobubly be filial about December I Real Estate and FO R SALE B. A. G R IF F IT H Insurance Scholls l aurel Union lo Meet Annual election ot officers of the C an fin an ce your Insurance p re ­ m ium « ou a m o nthly basis I-aiirvl HcholLx H um Union will be held tlie evening of December 8, 1152 2nd St. Phone 171 according to Gu.x K m use. president. All members are requested to be present. Powers Grocery WIRA MAIN STREET MAIN 81 \ Prompt Service . . . CHEVR0LETS Again Weil’s Lead! Washington County's Greatest Stocks of HillsboroMotorC) Oregon Products Specials for Friday lo W ednesday November 23 to 28, inclusive SHRIMP OYSTERS ASPARAGUS PEAS PUMPKIN SNOWDRIFT COFFEE Red W hite. Large. 2 cans 29c Blue A \\ hit«*. 2 cant 25c Red X’ W hite. (»reon. 2 cant 39c Red 29c \\ hite. Sifted. 2 cant Red . D a nna i w B > h t, Sadie F . M c C a rth y v>. Nor- r V v S . ” ': ; s ile Id 15 good afld Should provide fine footing for players Word re- ln d lc a M s th a t U ie A r th u r E. M anner W a lte r W o lf et a l vs C l a t k a n i A s CO UJlty team Will OUt- Fa. J . Sherman et a l. Investors company W 'eigh the Hlllll squad and th a t It •' i J T 1 a11' M alecher, D. F. Babeock vs. Hal H. U rdahl et al. S tate In d u s tria l Accident commis- -ion vs. H a rley Edwards. E. E. Schroder . vs. F. E. K in n e r and W . R. W illin g s , Sophia and W illia m Fisher vs. Charles F*. and H a rr ie t A. Speerbrecker, A iphon- MO A . L i ns te r vs. E a rl Stimson. R. M. Kir.es VS. Roy K. M a ile r et ux. J. M. M arkee vs. Sherm an Stanwood Lumber company. Ed. Tolke vs. E. E. M ilk and Lee K irF , J. W. B aldw in vs. J. O B a ­ ker. D. J. M cNam ee vs. FI»,yd C. B ierly et al. M rs. C. I G ra n t vs. Clackam as -< in ty . Claude Pearson vs. O. B urris. W illia m Masterson vs. C arl H . and R uth J. G odfrey, E d w ard It. Anderson vs. E rie G ernert et al, George C. Roy vs E J. Boos, John Johnson vs. Jense Han« ben, Oregon A utom obile Insurance com­ pany vs. It. T. and M rs. B. T . Simms, M a rtin Bernards vs. Oregon N ursery com pany, M. J . Herm ens vs. Oregon P o u ltry Farm s. In c.. C la ra W estcott as a d m in is tra trix o f estate of H e n ry M ille r vs. D. W. M cC oilister. George Teufel vs. J. G. Rushing et al, H e nry A d o lf vs. 1 C. and M in n ie A. Yates, D a yn ite Radio Service. In c ., vs. A l Sm ith, alias A lv in Sm ith, D a yn ite Radio Service, Inc., vs. O liv e r VanDom elen, W. H . Benjam in vs. Alfre»! Berger, . . —- E. Hansen et ux. E. I ¡í u r * t ,i VB- A loha Finance corporation, ! rene A ’ H a rtx e ll vs. H a rla n d H a rtzell, ;',p,pr « r r a n k company vs. A lm a Ban- bert E. G Batea vs. H W Waldrsm. I . J. M onk rea vs. I he A tlas corporation Ln” „ Q u’Â,ey Ch* rl«" Q'*'Kley. Amrm K a u ffm a n vs. Charlea G. Rein. L A v» M ichel D icillo , A. L. Scott vs. ( ,t ,I e n » *>ank o f .Sherw <• rO n tlftC C o u p e 1927 Chevrolet Coupe 1927 Ford Roadster A gency W illys 77 Come in for a dem onstration. A Library of Gripping Fiction A D V E N T U R E • M YS TE R Y o THRILLS o L ^ V E IX THK CARS PAINTED WHY SUFFER? Ulrer», (*> pains, sour stomach, nausea, constipation, Indi tesllon and other atom aeb disorders dar to h y p e r Gas - Oil - Accessorie* Car* W ached and Polished acidity DIIDI IK YOUR COPY! Single copies 10