THE I’huwluy. November 15, 1934 H IL L S B O R O home of Mi h Helen l*ear»on Fri-1 day night 'l hey oreaented her with a lovely gift Thoae pi «-sent were | 'I k M< fl.uiK W K Maul» 11 u. Koelx-r, und tlie Mi »••••» M argaret' and Marv Yantti I«orralne Chase. Oludy» (Ireenlee. Horothy Hood.) Helen Pearson, and the honor «ue»t. (Joru Hullt AR G U S. H IL L S B O R O , OREGON Page Nine Buchanan of Cornelius, to T heta Nu. Mr and Mrs. Fred Gordon visited Miss Nellie Gordon and their daugh­ ter. Mis» Florence Gordon. In P o rt­ land Bunday. EYed Goetter. student at Oregon State college, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wil­ A meeting of the health associa­ Mrs Rurburu Grave» ot Portland, • Window» mt ® u I ** K Plaup of TltfMrd. und Andrew tion was held at the North Plains grand chief of pytlban Sisters of liam Goetter. h , m - and through U h ’II» uh - m i^-ntx rtrlum rd Tuenday evenlii« Mr and Mrs F. W. Heintz spent school November 8 Mrs. Hugh Mc- Oregon, made a fraternal visit to ,k. out.' Mil* A nhr «irunn. u ui • Boln tt lrh day-» elk hunt In Union Phoenicia Temple Friday night. Monday with their son-in-law and Ollvra, resident of the asoclatlon. e x p e rt fro m ttl , c o u n ty They b ro u g h t b ack th re e Other grand officer* present were daughter. Mr and Mrs. Rufus Fox gave an Interesting explanation of of ..I the II"' HtlUboro IIIIW »..'.’ Coffer the object of the association and Mrs lluzi-l Hollenbeck, grand senior, of faifayette. I l......... g u .ilzu tli» . . in .'.tln « Colonel and Mrs Frank Dexter and Mrs Margaret Phillips illo s of P o rt­ The Ever-Ready class of the the A-1 health school project. iwmbei ol c o h i m iw » « S IX IIKST V A K IK T IkS Applin of Colon I'unamu Canal land, grand manager. Mrs. F ra n k ,, Christian church met Wednesday Miss Margaret Dixon, county nurse ' , Mu. I, h a.. I » '. . * ........n | Zone, unnoun,,- the engagement most excellent chief of Phalena afternoon ut the home of Mrs P. A explained In detail the progress In h ,T an,I wall» H it Ittlr S H O W N IN W IN D O W and approaching marriage ot their health rating made by various Temple, and Mrs. Betty Boles, most Anderson. The AtgUN window ihU week lile— Miss Emily Louise Patterson, excellent chief of Ivanette Temple In the county and described Mrs A rthur Reed and daughter. schools 1 lig h t m tin* "M.m U th r bomiU u display of fine apple . nix lo Lieutenant Mur—lbi.s Duffy, Air both of Portland, were also honor the preparations most helpful to , , h . i„ i,,ii .i,I. , in planning vut letlen Bulled to the climate Corps U B Army The wedding guests. The grand thief was the Mrs. Earl Douglas of Portland, were physician and nurse which can be und »oil of (hl» county. They were visitors Tuesday at the Arnold Je n ­ made by a school obtaining a clinic. in . " “' k will lake (ilai'e Is-, ember 4 a t C hrist principal speaker and told of her sen home. r ,,n . ..!..,» Ilk .' v H ln W . I ll »11.11. b ro u g h t in i»\ B i ii < t 1 h haei of Church by tin- sea, at Colon. The Mrs Sadie Orr Dunbar, executive plans for the year. 'I'lie others made Mis» Rosemary Snyder of Salem secretary of the Oregon tubercu­ ,ri Uh- inac-grry» Wrrr rrcun - Bethany W o n 111«ton county apple couple will sail Immediately for sliort talks Mrs Graves was pre­ grower The applet are arranged in l„.i„l.«l it.- iyp- of room anil 11» order of theh j»>puliu ILy und m - uaoii , New York where they will spend sented with a gift and the other spent the week-end at the home ol losis society, gave a talk upon the ivir <>l a rrh ltw tu r- muat aha» U< C Iravennleln, Dcllelou». Northern their honeymoon, after w idth they grand officers with corsage bou­ her parents. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. beginning of the tuberculosis seal Snyder. movement and the development of will go to l.aiigb-y Eb-ld. Lt Duffy« quets. Miss Mayme Tausen of Union- the work of the society In Its effort A pot-luck dinner preceded the oiiaUrrrd in planning ll> > Hpy. Upltaanberg, o rliry and Yellow new station. Mis» Patleraon Is the daughter Temple session, and a program town. Wash., spent the week-end to abolish the scourge of tubercu­ Mi and Mrs J D. Patteraon of followed Assembly singing was led with Mr. and Mrs. W H Wieber. losis. 8he explained th at 95 per ' ' ’» I I I ', '" » 1 , n n p u ' ' ' ' ' i U n » big crop till» ' 1 yeur. und 1» parkin« ol Hillsboro Blie Is a graduate ot A chicken dinner will be served cent of the money resulting from boxea to »end for Chrlxtina« p r e s ­ Hillsboro high stliool class of 1931 by Mrs Harry Morgan, with Mrs. seal sale is retained in Oregon, E , ,,,.,mining th a t colnt A m -, the and attended Normal school at Fred Bewell a t the piano, and G. Friday, November 23. at the C hris­ the T hu .,,-. .„>,1 i-.' a tin ., I » bad. ent». »ay» tlieae varletle» are this Russell Morgan sang a number of tian church, from 5:30 to 7:30 p. m. the balance going to th e national organization. , , l l t , 1(inv Wa . re c o m m e n d e d ........................... ................ - Monmouth Lt. Duffy 1» the son of solos. A short skit, "Little Red R id­ Henry Nelson of Cascade Locks In spite of inclement weather M V. i n. .. lllu»lratril I.-. talk will, " all r.ain.l apple» for Dr and Mrs Lcnclster Duffy of ing Hixxl and Variations.' was pre­ spent Uie week-end tn Hillsboro as there was a very stisfactory a t­ ka,np‘-» ol drap-» ami »all papers • U.nat- N cw buin N C lie graduated from sented by the officers. Mesdaines the guest of Miss Jan ette Cady. tendance. After the meeting re ­ U H Mllltury Academy tn 1931 Lester Ireland. Natalie VanMoock, , W.'lk ,,1 111, An.. . I, in b n l l l r i l i- Carlton Mell and G erald Bragg freshm ents were served by the und from flying school a t Kelly .1 Ii peppard, W. C. Gifford. L l i , . i In n 'll' , Ullin.-,I t,v Ml» A I |- |S ( o l- A L s M U M . of The Dalles were week-end guests North Plains P. T A and a short Ill ,|,-|M .rtin -n l .h a i i i n a i . GKNKKAL CONVKNTION Field In 1932. Oakes, R. F. Peters, and Florence social session was held. Reynolds, assisted by Mrs. Willard of Mr. and Mrs. Clem Eslinger. " lu, announced lliul »lx »b— t» lor Member» „1 All Bulnts' Episcopal Mr and Mrs Ervin B urkhalter ot Hughes Jr. as reader, Anne and ilu loan tluw'l bad b—I. mad,- and MI mi I uii In llllhboro will hi —t at Robert Peters and June Gifford. Farmington were Sunday guests of iHivrird lo Ml»» M argarrt Dixon. Trinity ib u rili In Portland Bunday Marriage License» Phoenicia Temple voted a »5.00 Mr and Mrs. Frank Wallace. ' lontv nuria- MU» Dixon related •veiling, together »III, delegate» Al Grover and Antonia Pfeifer, membership to th e Red Cross. III,- next day tbe »Ii—U w-re nut 111 lioni Milwaukie, Oregon City. A»- Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Anderson both of Portland. Novembe, 13. Past Chiefs' club will present the and sons spent the week-end at • bv u family of five which bad torla. Tillamook. McMinnville and Frederick James Handlan a n d All characters In t h e musical program at the next meeting. f ,o bed linen al all Itlock» for th r h i . Helen« A ddreues will be given I Daisy R uth Robbs, both of P o rt­ Tacoma and Auburn. Wash. comedy. "One Live Ohost." given " ... which tbe departm ent U muk- by reprrsenUtlve» from tbe general Mr and Mrs. R Hornecker spent land. November 14 ma an- ready Mr» Ravena »aid convention of tbe church held re- Wednesday night ut the O range Loren E. Stiff of Beaverton and the week-end with Mr and Mrs. Leah D. Ballard of Hillsboro. Nov­ Tbe Conslltutlon will lie studied ' ently al Atlantic City. N J The hull, gave line performances In Will Hornecker a t Gresham. ember 14. h l t i l l - Am-rlcaiilxallon departm ent III Rev Frederick II Howden D then parts 1 he cast included Misses C. L Parsons of Eugene Is m ak­ .it tb e d u b at the next departm ent D blahop of New Mexico and Marie Melansen of Cornelius, and ing an indefinite visit with his ■iipetlng »rfieduled for December 5. so u th w e ste rn T ex as. Rev. Charles Marn- .Smith Mrs Rose Cox. Rob­ H ats cleaned and blocked, shoes daughter, Mrs. George Newton. Table decorations were discussed Mrs Elwood Johnson departm ent E Wieland of Seattle and Rev E ert Kelly. Nell Stangel, Charles shined. W. G. Stampolls, 1132 Main Mr and Mrs. G. G arthofner and Street. chairman announced McAllister D D of Bpokane will be Dougles» u n d Adrian Hornecker by Miss Calhoun of Portland a t a 37tf ij,wa of Hillsboro will be the »ub- pr. - nt Mrs Charles Carver Jr. Mrs Georgia Hess was music dl- ! meeting of the American home de­ daughter spent the week-end at Turkey Shoot led studied by the legislative de- will represent the woman'» uuxll-j rector and Mrs. H. H. Stannard. partm ent of the Hillsboro Coffee T aft on a fishing trip. dram atic director The Hess o r­ club at the home of Mrs. Lester Sunday, November 18. at Ed iM itm rn t al 11» ne»t meeting. Mrs lury of Oregon Mr. and Mrs. Donald Franklin chestra played for dancing after j Ireland on Tuesday. Her talk was were Sunday guests ot Mr. and Johnson's, Stacey avenue, Aloha. K Prank Peters was one of twelve churches com , -dies staged here for sometime worked in Portland with her mother, Mrs. Saturday on a quilt which Is to be night. The Georgia Hest ,,I the mualc departm ent, announc- represented at the "99" da«» rally sold to raise funds for the Ameri­ B. L Phillips. orchestra. Tickets. 25 cents. 48tl ,-,| that she 1« planning a muslcale Monday evening al Montavlllu Paltrm ons Entertain— Mr and Mrs. Edgar B arrett of can home departm ent. The next .or th r first, purl of next year Christian church in Portland Those Mr and Mrs. Paul Patterson en- J meeting will be held a t 2:30 p. m.. Parkvale visited friends in Hills­ See W. M. Smith about your a u ­ Plans lor the C hristinas party for ultendlng from here were I’. A i , i l a i n , ,l w n l, ., dinner party be- December 11. at the home of Mrs. boro Monday. tomobile Insurance, a u th o r iz e d umh-rpriveleged children » h u b the Andeison and his father. K E lo ic th e d a n — M o n d ay n ig h t. Thom as Connell. F ourth and Base­ Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Hagle vis­ agent for reliable western com­ Coffee d u b will sponsor Orcembei olsen, Ernest Creekpuum. Clem Guests were Messrs, and Mesdaines line Mrs. A. W Havens, d epart­ ited friends In Longview, Wash.. pany. Can save you money.—1356 22 were discussed by Mrs Fritz F ls h b u i k. J. A «hurt und the pas- E rn e s t S c h m id of E-orest Grove. C ment chairman, announced. Sunday. Second St. Phone 283IX. 34tf Abendioth chairm an of the welfare h |, Putnam Music wa» lurn- B. Buchanan Jr of Gaston. A. H. ilepartmenl The children will play |.bed by the Arleta Baptist church Busch. R. J Nicol R. J. Scearce. Oregon Loggers' Dante tames a t 111, purty und Banta ,neb,-sir., und II O W i 1 m . ii . p a sto r, J 11 Dinsmore und H. D. Huggins. Enjoy Home New»— At Laurel Wednesday night, Nov­ .'luus will pay a | ht sonal call on tla of th e I list Church ol Christ. In Mrs Clem Bostad 'B erth a Fitz­ ember 21. 39 Mm. Senko Surprised— gerald' writes from Baker. Mont., , oungstcr» Portland, wa» the speaker. as follows: "How much we both Mrs. M urtln Senko of Reedvllle to y , foi the party- are being „ „ m e n M e e t- Did Time Dance was given a surprise party by Hills­ ’¡ilic irt bv Mr.*» Luren ii Mini* SCHOLLS—Mr. and Mrs. Frank enjoy the paper—look forward to At Kinton Grange hall. Saturday man chairm an of the Christm as 1 usine.s» and Profc.ssiona Women s boro friends at her new h o m e B rvon Have ,d M o u n ta in Home observed its arrival every Saturday. November 17. Two turkeys wrtv com m ute, Those having toys club wnl meet Friday evening ut the Wednesday evening. Those a tte n d ­ their fiftieth wedding anniversary had a very busy summer, and saw night. will be given away. 39 A h u ll th e y a l w il li n g to contribute chamber of commerce rooms at ing were Mesdames Ross Hall. Reece Tuesday with open house to thetr so many things of interest coming i be toy - best should notify Mrs 6 3d I he education committee. Halhlioru. Chester Merrill. Everett friends. They entertained thirty- here; also t h e Fort Peck dam. Turkey Shoot tielorc the end of next IVarl Allen. G ertrude Needham, Prtcketl, Will Joos Maurice Romlg. five relatives Sunday In honor of which Is a real construction." Sunday. November 25. at Hel­ icek 11 was announced Repairs Helen Schoen, Margaret Suhnow Peter Sehukart. and Harold Rey­ the occasion. Mr. Bryan Is a wheel­ vetia store, beginning at 10 a. m. Mrs. Anderson Entertains— >n broken toy», and reconditioning “ “ ,1 Ihla Corndlu» will be In charge nolds. 39-40 chair Invalid The couple have been h o - wh ih , 4,ow wear will be car- „1 Hu- d in n er with the m em bephlp Mrs. Jam es Anderson entertained Rifle and shotgun. active members of the Scholls with , « «»..I Kv I» vk und uirLs of I’l l - , committee. EUwl Barnex. Angle Inspection Monday Night— a tea Friday afternoon, com­ Rambling Mountaineers Grange. D a u g h te rs of Union Vet,'runs will Mrs Barbara Graves and irlin hous«' under the d ire Hon „1 Harrington. Hattie Davidson. Ivy Dance a t Laurel hall Saturday Many beautiful gifts were re ­ plimenting M argaret Phillips of Portland, night, November 24. Old time and hr Rev Henry B Haller and Mrs By verson and Margaret Uppenkamp have departm ent inspection ut their ceived. Ernest Brunton and family Mrs meeting Monday evening a t the grund chief and grand m anager of modern. Admission 15 cents and \m -ndroth Thbae who are willing In cliarge of the program of Eugene were present Sunday and Veterans hall Mrs May Esberg Mrs. Brunton rem ained for a few Pythian Sisters ol Oregon. o roiitribuir money In pluee ol 5gr% |,l>1 < om phm rntrd— 25 cents. 39-40 ova ahould noUJy Mr». W x o( U l i a yC lu. g h e receiv ed Mrs. Holt Honored— food decorated with "Bride and away Wednesday a t her home tn Friday. November 23. under auspices Loyal Order of Moose. All ladies 4taa M aurtne Moore many lovely «tit». T how present. Past Noble G rands’ club of Ute Groom." Mr. and Mrs. J. Snyder of Portland Site was well known here, bring boxes. Mrs. Georgia Hess or­ »>««( nw »1«. « V . »» French saw mv*. Ci Feld- w » - Rebekah lodge presented Mrs. E’or- Portland were among th e many H om * - m -> iof the a th r r w e lltuii. r e Mexdainrs havu g formerly lived I n south c h e s tra . 39-40p iiellus, W th O. in. Morley. Harvey of Eisner d r* J u M rJ m a n . But 1- W Heintz Cor- rest Holt , Elizabeth G h—n> with an Tuesday callers. L Chase Hillsboro Funeral services will be (are. Mi J E ium hede ai d Mr nt»hux. W Millet. O Morley Harvey and Carl Misses Ttlllc Eisner H off­ electric toaster at Uteir meeting Hard Times Dance held Friday at 2:30 p. in. at F in­ man K athryn Miskiinlns, Irene Wednesday evening of last week Mrs. Essie Blum and Mrs. Bertha Cedar Mill Grange hall Saturday lielntz of Cornelius, the h u n o r1 Mrs. Bertha Johnson was hostess Wells of E’ Grove are openmg leys chapel, in Portland. Commit­ night. November 17. Greenwald's or­ guest and hostess. an "Old People's Rest Home" tn ment at Portland Crematorium. for the evening. chestra. Admission 25c. She is survived by four daugh­ the old Alpha Zeta fraternity house Make lluroe Here— Will Present Pageant— ters and one son. Mrs. E. O Shep­ in E'orest Grove. Mrs. Wells, who Mr and Mrs M. L. Anderson ar- Thanksgiving pageant under purchased Harold Joy's Interest in herd of Port Moody. B. C.; Thomas ,ll.w. s Faye Faye Gregory, Gregory, daughter daug J r ol rived here Thursday night from the A direction of Mrs H H S tannard the property. Is a trained nurse. Copley, Mrs. John M Mann. Mrs. M ane Downing ol Hillsboro. c # | >jjd vUlt, Bl Lena Hyde of Portland and Mrs. I Bruce Hay. »on of Mr ai d lJired boucle suit with brown ac- Mesdamrs Joe Collins. F. L Mar- and Miss Marion Lytle attend,»1 a Davis of Portland were guests S un­ gational church tri Beaverton. Plain colors and plaids. torles and an autum n corsage. Un #n(1 p a p,y l . L. Brown and banquet a t Newberg Wednesday day a t the Davis home. $ 4 .95 $ 0 .9 5 rmond Gregory was best man Francis, G. W. Handsaker, J R night given In honor of Paul Alse- Divorces Granted Mr. and Mrs. M att King of Aloha fter a »lu>rt honeymoon In o re - W algtIls iu,d Rose, W H M erritt ford, star American farmer. JL and A Baker—Jessie Baker from Oay- were guests Saturday at the J. W. i the newlyweds will return to #n Rebekah lodges EYKlay eve- Mm. Marlkowell Entertains— his sister. Mrs. Fisher of Haines Breaks Arm— ( with the exemplification of CARD O F TH AN KS Mrs. C. W Mercer suffered a visited a t the home of Mrs. Helen Breakfast club met Wednesday Junior degree of tlie I. O. G. F wish to thank all our kind friend« These are made of love­ el Junior lodge No no. 1 i of oi Port i-,„ i- with Mrs. L E. MacDowell. Inttla- broken arm Monday l t was broken Deichman S aturday and with other and W e nelirhbor» Uel for th eir kindnea« and near the shoulder. Dr. A. O. P it­ Hillsboro friends. wlll confer this degree All Odd lion was held with Mrs It. F help during the illnee« and death of our ly crepe. Some lace Glen Norton, coach and Instructor w ife and m o ther; al«o fo r the beautiful ws Rebekahs and members ol ; Peters and Mrs. H H Stunnard In man attended her. trimmed. T. Rose or order are cordially invited to! charge. Mrs. Donald Megargel and Have Card P arty— at Toledo high school, and one of flower«. W e especially thank Friendship id. Past G rund Master Homer Mrs. Lester Ireland had charge ol his students spent the week-end and Tem ple No. s and Glenrtw Lodge No. 22. Blue. Royal Neighbors will hold a card K night« o f Pythias of N o rth Plains. Monday with his grandm other. Mrs. E H. Keen un and fam ily. jigell of the G rand Lodge of the program. $ 4 .00 party Monday evening a t the old Mary Sabin. on and Brigadier G eneral John s hnrl. Thuae' Mrs M P Cady entertained her nnd with other relatives and kindness and sym pathy extended us in the present were Misses Lena Chlottl. Wednesday bridge club a t a one day recent luss of our hu«band and father. friends. I. MARY IRMI VER Lace trimmed or tailor­ Catherine Stangel, Elaine Caldwell. o'clock luncheon this week. G. W . P»te. and also fo r the lovely Mr. and Mrs. Byron Elliott. R ich­ flowers. M rs. G. W'. Pate and fam ily. .» S .-> l » ltP ItlS E Mesdaines Janies Burns. Bophiu EIN A ed gowns, bias cut. ard Sargent and Miss Margaret i Mary Hoover was given a ; Duyek and It. A. McCoy and the $-1 .79 Mr. and Mrs. G ardner Pool of Richardson of Eugene were week­ lag purty at her home here j hostess. New York were Hillsboro visitors end guests of Miss Maurine Moore. uy, the occasion being her |»r,>vrani at Cornelius— last week. Mr. Pool Is vtce-prest- Mr. and Mrs. C.H. Em m ott moved lin nu g ’ 'l‘ i o m l“chuieh found * u a The the L utheran church dent from church ’ lounu . ,.v ladies ~ of .......... -...... -----.............. of the Frosted F,axis company. to Portland this week, and Mr. GOAR'S full of Kiiesus and a birth- are planning a, pro«rain to be given B M ahng. Mr. and Mrs. Pool and Mrs. A. L. Amacher have moved ..........— “ ut * Hunni«« Bunnlng's n hull hall on on Saiiiiduv Saturday at- al ftn(j Mis» Anonn Joos made a bust- Into th eir home on 12th and Oak. dinner ready. Present were ternoou at 2:30. A bazaar, food sale ness trip to San Francisco over the Uld Mrs. Ed Boge, Mr. and Mrs. and Miss Jan ette Cady, student at O. will be held In connection week-end. E. M. BARNES. Prop. Boge, Farm ington; Mr. and with tea S. C., was home this week-end, a t­ the program. The community Marlon Huge. Mr and Mrs. tending the Oregon State-Oregon Mr. and Mrs. Charles Boyer of les Coffin. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Is Invited to attend. Bonita and Miss Elizabeth Mills of game In Portland Saturday. R uth Hoover. Portland; Mr. T ualatin Chapter Celebrate»— Portland were guests Monday at Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Mitchell and Mr Veldon Boge. Beaverton; T ualatin chapter, O. E. 8.. will the A. J. W hlddon home. Mr and Mrs Rafael Raymond of Boge. Bevyn Boge. Cecil Boge celebrate Its lortteth anniversary Pendleton were week-end guests of Dorcas club m et T hursday eve­ Mr. yn and Arilta Boge, John Tuestlay evening. A pot-luck d in ­ and Mrs. J. L. Searcy. with Mrs. N. E. H aworth for er and Mrs. Hoover. ner will be served at 8:30 o'clock at ning St. M atthews' ladles will hold a a work meeting Mrs. J. W Kelley the Masonic hull. Past m atrons and card party a t the hall Wednesday three Elk— patrons will assist with the special was assisting hostess. evening Mrs. A. Sahlfeld is chair­ i, George and Edwin Burk- program and the meeting. Sylvester VanDotnelen of Moun- man of the committee. •. E H. Bailey, Loren Relise. talndale cut his right foot badly Entertain Mother»— Mildred Donelson. student with an axe Tuesday. Dr. A. O. P it­ nt Miss Oregon S tate college, spent the W au-kee-na Camp Fire group en ­ man attended him. week-end with her parents. Mr. and tertained their mothers with u Mr. and Mrs. Bert Wilkes of Mrs. Earl Donelson. Membership “get acquainted1' tea Tuesday a fte r­ Longview, Wash., visited Monday noon nt the home of Mrs. George . . . NEEDED TO SECURE IMPROVEMENT Miss M argaret Johnson, Univer­ Roll-Call with Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Wilkes. Fischer. sity of Oregon student, spent the LOANS UNDER THE HOUSING ACT Woman's Relief Corps quilt show week-end with her parents. Mr. and November 11 David llill Chapter Meet»— has been postponed Indefinitely. It Mrs, Elmer Johnson. Dnvld llill chapter of D. A. R was to have been held th is week. d to Catherine Boge a n d Florence The first action necessary, to take advantage of meet Monday with Mrs. W. R. Delphtnn society will meet for Hanley of near Hillsboro, students November 29 will Manley. one o'clock luncheon Monday at at Pacific university. Forest Grove, one of Uncle Sam's new monthly-payment, long­ the home of Mrs. Thomas Connell huve pledged Knppa Delta sorority. time. home improvement loans is to find out \that nrge of Business and Profes- Ill Ide-Elect Complimented— Miss Clara Doherty of Banks Wilma Marr of Banks is pledged Delta Nu gave a pot luck supper 1 Women's Club in Hlllaboro the things you would like to do to your home will visited friends In Hillsboro Monday. to Phi Lambda Omlcron, and R uth In honor of Miss Cora Hullt, bride- Community. cost. elect of W alter Schmidt, at the D ecorating o f H o m e T o p ic a t Coffee C lub Value of Health Work Cited at County Session Grand Officers Visit Phoenicia Temple Friday Miss Patterson to Wed Mr. Duffy f I ¡ THURS. iind FRI r L THIS WEEK 1 j j Big D ouble S h o w ! I — ON THE STAGE — ■ | One Hour Performance of £ I Homer’s Indoor Animal Circus I Horaez, Mulea, Doga, Monkeys, Cats and THE B IG APE I J PLUS THE FEATURE PICTURE I r Good Comedy Staged Here Decorations Talk Given at Meeting Couple Observe Golden Wedding [¡ss Eaye Gregory ride Bruce Hay Skirts $2 95 Blouses Pajamas icampment Entertain Dance Sets Gowns D E A D THE li za. Woman’s Shop We M ake ESTIMATES >in + : toss USED CARS 1929 1932 1929 1927 1933 1926 1930 FORD ROADSTER FORD COUPE, V-8 ESSEX R. S. COUPE DODGE SEDAN DODGE lVg-TON TRUCK DODGE 1-TON TRUCK DODGE 1%-TON TRUCK C A D Y M O TO R CO. New Location 1125 THIRD STREET Hillaboro Oregon We'll be glad to do this job for you . . . quickly . . . accurately . . . WITHOUT CHARGE . . . and without obligation. . . . Furthermore we’ll give you all the facts about the new loans which you can use without placing mortgage obligations on w, (ai your home and which you may pay back over a period extending up to five years. Telephone or call today . . . it will cost you nothing to have full and complete information. J. W . C O P E L A N D Y A R D S THE BLACK CAT OFFICE DURANTE CHARLES \ BUTTERWOMF BIG DOUBLE SHOW NO RAISE and IN PRICES IOC CA T 25C | flM l V T H,S WEEK I Matinee and Night! 0 /V 1 • VZ I I I ‘ SHE’LL WIN YOUR HEART! Never such a