Page Eight THE H IL L S B O R O ARGUS, H IL L S B O R O . Thursday, November 15, 1934 OREGON B U Y H IL L S B O R O M A D E We have made it easy for you to have a new W IN E S M o n ta g C ir c u la to r H e a te r 47 $ H elp Luc a I Industry mid G rape Growers Local Wines Make a Local Market for Grapes .50 C H O IC E W IN E S You cannot bay better wines any place and the liriees are reasonable O U IU R M h im . M ’ l l I K I IN G S .U SPARKLING BUKGl'NII V II i; \| SPABKUNO MOSK1XX ■"•te ,'3 I.;” 1? Î/X . -.-t »1.75 . ‘ " ,i.u ’ ,'»n(. Many more varieties available in u lew wreks TUALATIN VALLEY WINERY 1roprte(or I E v ery section of h e ro n scads us its hacst produce to bs p ro c e s s e d u n d e r th e S w if t label of q u a lity. O u r p a y r o ll in Oregon is f 1.000.000 per year, expended in producing the fo llo w in g q u a lity itenm : Prem ium H am Brookfield B u tter Prem ium Bacon Brookfield Rggs ewel Shortening Brookfield Cheese c ■ — Silver Leaf - - Brand . Vigoro Pure Lard LESTER IRELAND & CO. T H I S W E E K Oregon takes in ven to ry of her pres- *■ ent and her future. Manufacturers, retailers, and consumers are asked to feat, critically, the produc­ tion of O regon— whether from forest, farm or fac­ to ry — to learn first-hand that Oregon Q uality has no superior and that it can be purchased econom ically. Spread on this page are a few o f Oregon’s famous Q uality manufactured articles and services. Your re­ tailer, no matter what you wish to buy, w ill gladly serve you with Oregon Production. T ry it! T e st it! Becom e proud o f it! “LET'S SELL OREGON TO O U R S E L V E S !” J Swift fir Compmy H illsboro, Oregon P o rt/an d • Coffee e x p e r ts agtee t h a t O n g o n 's atmosphere is ideal lot coffee toasting A d d to thia, the finest cof­ fee roasting pio- cess. T h e r m a lo . plus a flavotful blend of the w orld's finest cteen coffees Real i t a i o n i why G O L D ­ E N W K S T C O F F E E is such a favo rite w ith O iegon reta ile rs and consumers. o a io o N Portland Provision Co. OREGON'S • In W A D I I A M ' S I) .U P G'nnJ Codec. you w ill find the high­ est possible q u a lity . A true payro ll builder. FARMERS’ CASH STORE Feed — Seed — RANGES a HEATING lOUISHgtNT P o u ltry and Poultry Supplies Phone 3061 • W e believe sincerely is the V a lu e of Q u a lity W e are as sincere in m aking It possible for Oregon people to purchase this q u a lity, eaai/y. Your dealer is fea­ tu rin g M ontag ranges a n d c i r c u la t o r beaters. H e has a plan to bring one to your home. T h e re is a M ontag Furnace and O il B u rn er for every heating requirem ent. T h e many employees of our in stitu tio n Join in offering you M ootag Q u a lity Products. Blitz Weinhard Beer and Rose City 1 2'ga^on Jugs Triangle Millwig Montsg and our own Hillsboro made ROYAL SOD A Phone 2432 m akes c lo th e s 5 0 Io r e d brighter. line in tim e ." Easson's Soap, Inc. We Are An Oregon Manufacturer • For fo rty years a provider of sound lif e insurance to Oregonians. A 109% home product w ith n ea rly 100% of its investm ents in Oregon. 2 Od A r t i sana B ld g ., Po rtland POULTRYMEN For better egg production and better quality eggs FEED IMPERIAL EGG MASH. Our prices are lower the quality is better. Our manufacturer to consumer policy saves you the dealer profit. M ilk Egg M ash— Sack ................................. $2.05 Im p e ria l Egg M ash— Sack .............................. 2.00 B ig-Lay Egg M ash— Sack ............................. 1.90 DAIRYMEN Now’ you can afford to sell your grain and buy a balanced dairy- ration. You can feed less feed with a balanced dairy ration for the same amount of milk than you can when feeding ground grains. P o rtlan d • F ruita, syrups, flavor«, at your favo rite fountain, are q u a lity G ray ft Com- any products. tore fixtures, m echanical refrig eratio n , beer equip­ m ent. bakery supplies. FLOUR SPECIAL ORBIS HARDWHEAT FLOUR Q-fl IM P E R IA L IMPERIAL FEED 8c GRAIN CO. CrJ Phone 01 Millers of Quality Feeds Portland Power and L ig h t and N I C K E L P L A T I N G S.Æ. 6th Casters, W heels, Multnomah Battery Mfg. Co. " M u ltn o m a h -Q u a lity B a tterie s'' Columbiaknit H ig h Grads M attreaaaa Iro n F irem an A utom atic Coal Stokers O uterw ear Hirseh-Weis Mfg. Co. DEVELOPING INDUSTRIAL OREGON W ECK A SY M BO L of • L o w coat electric pow er has helped make it poaaibla for to m anufacture products w hich a r t sold successfully in from other states. Successful m anufacturing companies mean ».eady pay ro lls T h ia is advantageous to every fa m ily in the state and wa consistently, for the in d u strial development of Oregon. W ATCH POR THIS SION OP m any Oregon Industrie« com petition w ith thoee M cC orm ick-D eering The United Statea National Bank of the U. S. H A V E E L E C T R IC IT Y OF PO RTLAN D 'O ld e st N a tio n a l B ank W ent of R o ckier^ N o w rendering 8tate-w id e banking Service w ith 17 branch offices. 70% of the Farmers Of Washington County Have Electricity 'T ’HIS bank offers you the A facilities for obtaining Se­ curity for you and your fam­ ily. Our Savings Department and Checking Department, all are dedicated to this common end. Security is the funda­ mental aim of living, and it is to your advantage to use the services which this bank has at your disposal. VOGAN’S CANDIES Will be welcomed as a remembrance at anytime by Wife, Sweetheart or Mother. i»- Commercial National Bank t a Sizes 2-inch up • ALSO ‘ The la rg e st Independent Bank in W ashington County” HILLSBORO '{&Í.’ OREGON I Q u a rt P alm Cold Capsules r iTLAHP GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. S P E C IA L IR R IG A T IO N P IP E LIGHT Gates Pipe & Investment Co.,Inc Oregon 59c K ra m ie n ’a Russian O il $ 4 19 an OREGON company A T A L O W E R C O ST Hillsboro Kramien’s Antiseptic Pint ............................. Served by A Better Water Pipe I Made in Oregon I BUY OREGON PRODUCTS What Oregon .Makes. .Makes Oregon i M ach in ery 12% of the Fanners S E C U R IT Y IF"-. F arm The First National Bank and economic s ta b ility . are glad to do our part Northwestern Electric Company Pacific Power & Light Company QUALITY 1004 M a in St. Oregon Branchea: A lb an y Oregon C ity St Helens M c M in n v ille Salem Pendleton M t. Angel The D a lles O utdoor Sport and W o rk C lothing A ee^ Portland ALL THIS Seed Vetch HILLSBORO FEED CO P o rtlan d Branchea: 8. R. Grand Ave. at Alder Ph iladelphia and Jersey St. Union Ave. and K illin g sw o rth M ilw a u k ie Ave. and Pow ell B ird . Iron Fireman Mfg. Co. Pies at good Restaurants and Stores. K n itte d Seed O ala — Phone 271 Headquarters : Portland, Oregon King-Fisher Mattress Co. Bradley Pies "P low er« for a ll Occasions." Sw im m ing Suita, and Dresses W h e at — Hillsboro Oregon D ivisio n of G eneral Paint Corp G ot M o t George L. Baker, Florist, Inc. American Hecolite Corp. 3M a ll Portland Ceneral Electric Co. Conveyors, Trucks, Pliers, 8cales Seed Port Investment Co. Paints, Varnishes, Lacquers ft Enam els lo r A high grade feed at a moderate price. DONELSON A SEWELL Pittsburg Plate Glass Co. A lu m in u m , Uae I. X. L. P O U L T R Y F E E D S fo r beat reaulta! O HLY Portland Casket Co. Portland Chemical Co. FEED O regon M u tu a l F ire Insurance Co. Roofing and Roof Coating Oregon Brass Works Bronx«. Copper, purposes. Tools, Dies, M e ta l Stam pings. Models Rasmussen & Co. J. E. Berkheimer Mfg. Co. I. X. L. D A IR Y Thia excellent dairy feed contains 500 pounds of feed concentrates per ton. W . P. Fuller & Co. Western Tool & Die W orks.1« Chas. H. Day Co. • A ll kinds of m etal p latin g , finishing, polishing and lacquering. Prom pt atte n ­ tio n given out-of-tow n order«. South Second St. P o rtlan d M eat Lo a f and Canned Chicken products Sack .............................................................. P A Y C A S H A N D S A V E — T R A D E W IT H P o rtlan d Haley Canning Co. Electrical Products Corp. C H R O M IU M M ail-V II Envelope Co. Labels for packages and other purposes J JOS N W D a rrs Street. P o rtlan d Q Oregon Macaroni Mfg. Co. Rose City Label Co. • Epco Neon illu m in a ­ tion m a k e s b u s in e s s b rig h te r in Oregon. A t ­ te n t io n -c o m p e llin g — aales-producing I • F U L L E R — manu­ facturers and jobbers — painta. glass, ta ah, doora. D ealers every­ where in the W est. • W hen you desire a better envelope, insist on M a il- W e ll Note their beauty, strength and utility. YOUR OATS! You can make more money if you trade your oats for Po rtland T H I S M E S S A G E T O O R E G O N IA N S . W I T H I T S T H E M E O F L E T 'S S E L L O R E G O N T O O U R S E L V E S " . H A S B E E N M A D E P O S S IB L E T H R O U G H C O - O P E R A T IO N O F T H E O U T S T A N D IN G F IR M S L I S T E D O N T H I S P A G E . Cray fir Co. D O N ’T G R IN D Theo. Bergmann Shoe Mfg. Co. Q U A L IT Y F) 8 Im p e ria l D a iry , 1 8 % protein— Ton ..........$35.00 Cow Ration, 1 6 % % protein— Ton ........... 31.00 Molasses D a iry , 1 5 % p ro tein — Ton ........... 28.00 M an u factu red in Hillaboro by H illsboro Feed Co. • Com fort, good looks and lo n g w e a r a re b u ilt ia B e rg m a n n shoes. For dress or sport wear. P o r t la n d • Since 1000 — Beat- E v er brand, the stand­ ard for Q u a lity . M a c ­ a r o n i-fr e s h egg noodlee. M artin Krauts Fringe Co. Portland Pendleton Woolen Mills P o rtlan d 5 Bjyly-Undcrhill Mfg. Co. • V ir g in w >01 p r o d u c ts . Bed blankets, I n d ia n d e s ig n blankets, auto robes, m ack­ in a w s , c r u i s e r co a ts , lo u n g in g robes Portlsnd Woolen Mills • Serving th e g a r m e n t trade w ith Q uality cords, tassels and fringes, drap­ ery and upholstery t r im ­ mings through tha O re- on dealers. Special or- ers of a ll kind«. w h it e w h it e r , c lo t h e * "A snowy haU the M t. Hood Soap Co. • B eauty lor your bedroom and com­ fo rt tor you W ool O' The W e s t. 100% pure virg in wool blankets. The perfect aJeep c o r­ ering The Artisans Life Assn. • W e a r r e s is t in g and shrink proof — H a y ly A l l is a product which is your pro­ tection against in fe rio r m aterials and workm anship. W o rk clothes, Cossack costs — corduroys — overalls. B orano Soap O ranulos P o rtlan d — BUY OREGON PRODUCTS — THE C. C. STORE P o rtla n d — M edford fo r la u n d e r in g fine fabrics, dishes and laundry. Fast. — Cream y suds! H o a r O A cr, Portland m • E x p e r t l y b a l­ anced to comple­ m e n t th e m o at d e lic io u s m eal. K n ig h t's Rogue R iver C A T S U P . Nu Bora Soap O ranulos Oregon Mutual Life I PAIR Blits-Weinhard Co. Po rtland Knight tick in g Co. • W e c a ll y o u r a t t e n t i o n to th e ow th and stabil- p of the pioneer m utual life insurance company west of the Rockies. I t was founded in 1906 for service to the people. T ^d ay — it is no m aintained. K W ORKS 1343 Main Street • F or 77 yoars wo have taken Oregon's matchless w ater, tha ci earn of Oregon's hap crops, combined it w ith experience and fa ir d e a lin g — » th at today. B lit.- W einhard beer is i q u a lity product, sold through the bettei dealers everywhere. Crown Mills $7.95 69c u p D R Y P E D LO G G ER S H a n d -m a d e and O reg on -m a de , 12-inch to p . c a re fu lly m ade o f beat o f m a te ria l and c a lk e d . C l .95 Sperry Flour Co. Co. $4.95 H irsrh -W p is M an u factu rin g Co. Kain Clothes E s p e c ia lly a d a p te d to o u r w a rm , w e t c lim a te , b oth w a te rp ro o f and d u ra b le . F L O U R — S E E t> — C E R E A L S Po rtland • A new IS -« « , tin . a new lab el, a n a v K n ig h t* « tom ato juica fla­ vo H Ask tor ft I Our Lime Rickey is in great demand. ALL WOOL BLANKETS Al.I. w o o l It VI IS • Favorites for over 2S years Sperry T lo u r. Pancake and W a d le flo u r Ask your d ea ler— Si. 100 00 cash prises in W h eat Hearts lim e iic k contest. P o rtla n d Soda Water and Lime Rickey W oolen M ills Products P o rtland - __ - • F o r m a n y y e a rs we B L iK U M lI have stated. W h a t O te - “takes O re- Pillsbury Flour Mills Co. • ' i. — and what O n gon P o rtia ad Itr v if g io w s m akes O re g o n r i^ w . W e present Crown Best Patant Flour as the • Por Q u a lity cereals, flour and perfect esam ple of O re ­ feed — look for the T r i , n « l . tr ade gon production and O re- m ark Ask for T n a n g fe produeen. bed industry. S A N G E S — C IR C U L A T O R H E A T E R S O IL B U R N E R S — F U R N A C E S P o rtlan d TOM KAY Made in Oiegon from Oregon grown wool Wadhamt & Co. • M ille d a t A s to r ia w it k th e • ansa care that has surrounded its m anufacture at M inneapolis fo r 70 years — P illsb u ry 's Best F lour is offered you as a Q u a l­ ity product. T h e secret of re a lly perfect baking, "balanced** Hour and "balanced** recipes, comes packed in each sack under the P ills b u ry labs«. A WONDERFUL STATE IS OREGON 1*1'» Makr It Still Itrtler by llrlp lu , Orrgun Hu.Ina*■ and Orrgun M'urkrr* Po rtland — Since 1112 w c H i ir 'U n d e r this brand we pack ham. bacon. Sausage, delicious lunch meats, and offer to you through your dealer. TTU» advertisement not (Mid for by the Oregon Liquor Control Oonunisston. Clossct & Devers We Handle Only Oregon-Made Products . . . so far as possible. Included among these are Hodgen- Brewster Dairy and Poultry Feeds, from Portland Millsj and Oregon grown grains. We also feature the well known Lilly and Portland Seed company's field and gar­ den seeds, Oregon grown. Oregon'« Only Handed Winery WK DBLIVKK Spring SI. near <’«>nden«er Telephone ttftt RAY-MALING CO., Inc. 75c Pint D IS T R IB U T O R S 50c K ra m ie n ’s Creosoted Cough R em edy $£00 100 Tableta for T .00 PALM DRUG STORE Prescription Druggists 1208 Main St. Phone 266 FREE DELIVERY Canned and Cold Pack Oregon Fruits, Berries and Vegetables PLANTS AT H ILLSB O R O and W O O D B U R N , O R E G O N