Thursday. November 15, I » 3 1 Helvetia Plans School Benefit , THE H IL L S B O R O A RG U S. OREGON MH iply ut the borne ul Mi und Mu • l i l l u i H< l i i n r l l / . i IT lilu y e v i-iu n i- " Native Daughter r-x- . x-< ** wire Mr und Mr« J II A tm mid C e l (laughter luw in ary , Mr« Lilly M n H IL L S B O R O . w>iws B ^ r u ^ , ° i t e ^ r m ° ^ i Z < V publisher of t h e Cottage Orove Bend Man Honored on His Birthday hiïiiest deYm reu’ cl^d'by'tnti-'r" eulosis to among the young of our country, but If the disease i;,“ V i . u« i ' to discovered In time death need CORNELIUS— Clara Mae \ nexsion» th a t the of living H II liniM'ioy und Mr» Robert Chartrey, 53, of -Mr». Cornellua, a native man runneth not memory to the’ contrary" BEND—*Mr -inii’ m V* " 'r th .a i.. not result. The tuberculin test and — ■ ■ 1 j Pumrroy »pent tlie day Friday In daughter of Washington county, may a. o be left undisturbed In the D t T e l l en“ r t med i n ' h££>r of the following X -ray are the methods . . . . 'l l <«■ l*urtlana vlxltlug relallvri, ■ Cd Thursday at Hill xiro. interest of economy. although It to m / ¿ ¿ V e i l » b i r t h d a y F r ^ a n ^ used to discover such cases before School W i l l he W ir e d t o r | Vun |)lrrly Mr alld they reach the dangerous stage. Hhe was born January 3, 1IUI1, In entirely possible that n,me deserv- Saturday evenings Guests were Mr I Floyd lllirly, who l.% attending <> L ig h t« N e a r F u t u r e C arden Home, the daughter of Mr. ing democrat may come forward and Mrs Oscar Deverell H erbert K C . »pent th f week-end with hl» and Mr» John Oilman. Surviving who can read a» loud a» doe» Hede Deverell, Miss Orace Deverell broth- parents. are the widower, O. O. Chartrey, ft la hardly probable th a t the dom- ers and »Liters of Mr Deverell all CORWIN HARDWARE Kxeciillve committee of the grunge I I I . M i ' J«l>» * • D e video») Cornelius; a daughter, Mrs. Mil- m ant democrats will waste a great Of Portland and Mr and Mrs Headquarter» 1 ,,,r‘ November 7 to tulk over tnal- dred Thrapp, Hillsboro; a son, Hugh deal of sym pathy upon the other w eaver of Bull Mountain Mr and IIM.VKI'IA November -I 1« the tri» in connection with the liutull- H u n tin g a n d F is h in g McPherson. Lovelock, Nevada; and house attache» when there a r e Mrs. Albert 8cott A rthur Steln- dute lor the school benelll proMruin at|,„, t ,„. electric light« The a brother, Eric Wilson. Tillam ook., score» of their own partisans hun- hoff. Joe Kusle and Mr an d Mrs S u p p lie s ut Helvetia 'Hie program will lie I i iccti n turn, i.turted work llie Funeral services were held from gerlng for a chance to sit In at the o. H Peterson Mr Deverell re- held m Ila- »ehool house E veryone,,,, u a. week uml completed their Young's Funeral home, Saturday banquet table Joe Singer, veteran cevled many useful birthday gift« 1» invited to come »ml have a good i wink during the pur,t week The Tube» Tested Free afternoon, with Rev. Charles Reed, sergeant-at-arm s of the house, who Louis Howell of West I lin n and I-«ng's Radio time Lunch w*U be served m th e ' hgii'ing system. width hux been In I officiating. Interm ent was In Hills- has become almost a state Instltu- Amos Henderson spent from Frl- biiMiiieiil and pulroiui uiy expected during llu- lew yearn, wu», Ixiro cemetery. tlon In himself, will no doubt be day until Sunday a t the coast Mr to help with donation« I he lulaail bought by L .1 l-'ruhcl« ol Tualn ------------------------- most conspicuous by hto absence a t Howell 1» a nephew of Mr Hender- lUNird and the teacher al e going to I tll, . the forthcoming session as also ion have electric light« llintulled before Mu Norman Meyer», 'Fay Hun- Nancy Oohtoon underwent thc program The lutnd membein i.-i>, |«orUand. hux been In the * k, c t^ r io r . J ° tbe*e many years., an operation for acute appendicitis have offered to help pay for it and Portland xanlturluin the pu«t week, Ibvntlnuad from I) Neither 1» there expected to be any Friday She to at S t Vincent's hoi will arrange to have a program and where «lie wax operated on for u | tlon which this office holds to the dearth of applicants for other house pitaJ. dam e 111 tile near future. I goiter »A . . gubernatorial succession. In view of J?1”1 ass,L,t* nt Miss Minnie M attox 6pent the School was flowed Monday. A tm l»-1 Mix |, A william» of Portland the possibility th a t they may be ctork, calendar clerk, and last week or so a t the home of the day. and the teuclier, Joseph vlxlted her daughter, Mrx. Earl C. able to dictate the senate organl- ftorSihln“'’wlnch’r Rmt th e“ ^ ? he£, brothJ r - Bert Meyer, and wife Wenzel. went on a lulling trip Hun- Hell, for a few day» huit week zation the demrxirato therefore, are t\ alf U ju S y or “ more have b £ n VoSto of W e s ^ u L i “ s i^ d M?»“ duy anil Monday. Mr and Mr» D W Hull and two, Rulli O urrber vtolted Fern Pelren xonx (mm lutG rande arrived at the already discussing possible candi- reserved for the faithful among the Howell's brother Amos Henderson Munday Fern returned from Jone»' home of Mi and Mrs W C Itali Tor the gavel-wielding Job. j republican partisans. i and wife. Thursday iioxpllal Friday and to getting along Butuitlay lor a vlxlt. Mr. Hull 1» Of the 13 democrats In the next Only 28 of the 90 members of i Joe Kusle and Joe _ Baggenstos re- I u »on of W C. Hull senate only six are veterans, and ► / I the lg35 legislature have had any cently purchased cars. / . . / « r» right. gilting'. M i . . V e il* Cared«*, •« « » . to Mr and Mr» C harlie Keffer and The »late electrician wu» In town, ------------------ - C .u i» « I.. II. h e r , G ., ., » . L. Dakar, M jtr. O rc r» ,) M ana- j therefore, eligible to the Job. These previous lawmaking experience. The ’ daughter K athryn of Portland »to­ during tlie paxl week to Inxpect the facturera A a a'n .: Jraaa A. Digrean, C l o . i. t » D rva rs , are W H. S trayer of Baker coun­ other 64, or more than tw o-thirds o-tm ras; a «• lled hto parent*. Mr and Mrs Jas- new electric light line which ha» ( h .i i m a n Food D lv u Lgh ,« ad,a» H. X. ty; Ashby C. Dickson of M ultno­ of the entire membership of the IVllSS L zlX O n (jlV C S per Keffer. Bunday ' been built recently. Hr found that re .K a a a , Knight P a .k in a C o , General C h airm an, lla ru ld mah; John Goss of Coos; W alter 8. two branches, are novices at the j llira e h , H l r . e h - W . i . M anufacturing C o . C hairm an of Horn, to Mr. and Mr». H erm an I » few change» liad to be mude m O rg a n la a tiu n ; H a l W h itt, p u b lic ity ; W il l K night, Ra- , Fisher of Douglas; Jam es H. Haz­ business In the senate 18 former Zahler 'Iren e Htalder) of Portland &ome of the home». t a lf “ ' _ . . — . * _ _ ... _ . . . . . . D ivtotoo, P o itlen d Ch»mt,«r ól C o m m tr e s T n . H. lett of Hood River, and Henry L. members will be back a t their desks November 8 a boy. Member» of tile Ueaverton high C ~ a lla, Portland W oo lar. M illa , C h tir» ia n <4 a ll other production f wool ana, fu rn itu re, gchooj o{ W ashington coun- 1 Horn, to Mr and Mr». Emil Jox- M-hool public «peaking claxx hate o l c j ; Charlar L Stldd, Oregon M u tu al P it« Ina. Co., Stato-wide Speakora B ureau; j Hess of Union. Of these Strayer and of the 12 new senators th r e e , Mac W ilk in *. Mac W ilW n a » Cola. In c . A drare,am a Co una.I W A. O ita». M » 4 - ■ with 20 years of continuous service t i e ih2fm«hevne1??ner^cfOihii1enHrelv ty deslrln« Information concerning xy of Tillamook, ______ - a - boy He hux been , I engaged the _ grana, e hall lor No-1 «Oíd. ______ Ore«nn. Cbat^m a» R e ta il Coorar a tap« I» »ot I» pbotogrepk, H u r t , p » » l H lre h . so th a t they will not be entirely t£e tuberculin test may obtain It named Wade Kiila Mr _ Juxxy had veinber 27 ami will n u t on u play. to hto credit to by far the most new to the game B ut in the house writing to Miss M argaret Dixon, the piilk route heie lor Bevergl' Home member» qf the cast live in I experienced and the logical choice there will be 45 freshmen, entire by years before tlie preseni NorUi till» town and it to expected they I » . . _ . , ,h .. .„ n r tin „ ton d»vx for the democratic leadership, but ly w ithout any legislative exper- court house, Hillsboro. Where the local demand to suf­ Plain« Trucking company took th. will draw quite a crowd i t the J ^ e x h ó s ¿ T u i where she 1» said to be not overly eager for lince. Only 15 ÓÍ th i 80 representá­ ficient to w arrant the arrange -1 ronte. . . . . I Albright Brotherhood of the Evan-1 ¡underw ent a major operation j the responsibility. Dickson, on t h e ; tlves, or one-fourth of the house ment of a clinic, the physicians of Mtos Madelyn H listturk and Mix»' grillai churches of thto district will Mr. and Mrs. A rthur Park a n d o th e r hand, to understood to be membership, have had previous ex- the county are donating th eir serv- ’ Anuna Joo» wrre guest» at the home uiert at the I ruiic ul Mr. and Mr».! son and daughter of Eugene were Í ambitious for the honor and the penence and of these 15 the ex- ices In giving the test and. when ui .Mr and Mr». Otto Hulbrrgrr on Arno» Watkln» at Laurel November FDREST GROVE - H e n d e rs o n ' luncheon guest* of Mr and Mrs ' other four In a receptive mood. ¡ perlence of 11 to lim ited to a single necessary, the careful foUow-up ex­ Mason HUI TTiuraday nqjjht ¡ 30 aminations. Miss Dixon states th a t sev eral, ,. r i L , i w 5 U S Ü I " ; T : « I S X Z ' i K " 2 " ! '! 'O I“ » . " » .a mu, -n ó u re r& re ol P o r r e w ¡“ i ? ¡ L ± !,S , 5 K ? " L ‘S E ? _ '2 Í “ S schools in the county have already ' OU needn’ t wish 1» f 1 V ni ^1 *n 11 e Forest Grove U nderstating Mix« Olga Timmerman, Mrs. John ?n 9 ^ ° r*e Winslow of Tillamook publicans. B ut th a t Utile detail to availed themselves of this oppor- for a llu rin g wave«, guests at a blrtlwlay party, the or-1 «torn of Hlble IreiVm1 ihoaJ°J!rvic.Oi company chapel Bunday afternoon I Tim merm an and Frieda. ! Baget of M ultnom ah and not expected to deter the demo- t,unjty axrd plan to have X -ray casslun being Mrs. Wlilte n and a .c invited and glistening soft­ re 1?,14? 11 ' i ^ i «W u V 'n d »Ith Hrv Alexander B ennett offl- Miss Ella Tim merm an returned Earl HUI of Lane. Each of these crats In their determ ination t o plales made 0[ positive cases Victor Chrtotenarn» birthday an As tlie election was held In tlie elating Interm ent was In Banks j to Portland after spending B unday; republican veterans had the sp eak -, make the most of the opportunity! whlch the test has brought to their ness. W e’ll m ake your nlvrriary school liouae, the session of school cemetery. ershlp "In the bag" and aU sewed th a t to offered them a t last, after attention. | and Munday with her parents. h air b ea u tifu l, and im ­ I'oUlorw Lost was discontinued for tlie day . up ready lor delivery to themselves more tb a n 50 years of waiting, to Miss Dixon claims t h e clinic Many farmer» took advantage of | Kennelli Peterson, who resides In prove the condition of BANKB Mr. Sm ltn was born Ini Iln PersI board been chlldrcn taking tin 111^ J l u H IM of th e ha.1 M l)oo, i,l remained home George Imlay s class and Mrs. A. j Now th a t they have the speaker- eU " and profits are expected to net ¡ checks would then become m o re ! r ' N M,rel,..,4 a.i.a.a, o ■> *4 i the Ln Treutln, , |p in their ... ♦ 1ÍWT DÍWT re 9 mnnth imrvirfanf im portant. , Ground floor Odd Fellows' Bldg with his father orlunds class, and Turtles, ' sh possession w hat will m onth- K1NTON A Jubilee will be held tills district during Uie past week Mrs. Sadie O rr Dunbar, speaking i ln Iowa until he which consists of Mrs. C. Imlay x vj,e democrats do with it Alrsadv ------------- ut tlie church November 23 when Emery VanKleek and daughters wax 18 and later class. Mrs. A Shradder's class. V. , 2 ! . . , * ? \ A „X a t the North Plains health meet-1 the electric lights will be turned on IXirutliy and Annabell and ML is helped hU father p. perry's class and the T ru Blu J * h, “ l" H in d e n t ‘ T t h Humh.yV nrnrnmg T « “ ! 1,1 butchw Ha»». The lo » w side to to give the th e , “ ' Wh!le ‘here are 32 (B y Mre Zell G. S trother») Mr» .1 H Aten president of the Bunday H orning to visit Mr am pl(Uj) IoWB winning side a party on Saturday democrats who would no doubt be l adle» Aid society, is in charge and Mrs Virgil Land, is lliey returned 1875 hft wen( Neb JaIlu a c l/p person e itm m must willing C L E A N U P . . . P A IN T U P . . . F I X U P Junuary * 5 5. E Each ust come com e' w ’uung to to sit sit on on the uie rostrum rostrum and and A number of Rebekahs from here to preparing a program of musical i home Monday where he wu.i engaged In buying three Sundays to become a mem- run the show custom decrees th at attended the convention Saturday and literary number« The addre and selling livestock, which he ship- her Each member will count live the Job shall go to a veteran of at at Tualatin. evenln,: will be to- given by Rev » , . t Tll * ] ol i| th' the evening ped to Chicago. Omaha and K an- points lor their side and each visitor lest one previous session, which Mrs A' Ke,ller °* W hite Salmon •a n ii'in in iiF r r lu id a city market». While engaged m will count three points. This con- narrows the choice down to seven aa^_ a^guest^last.w eek^at the Wil- th tlns businexx he called a meeting test will end January 6 and another on the democratic side of the house liam F. Campbell home. ' <4 « XWP c- gelteal cliurrhr.i Everyone is cordial very Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Struthers , ul livestock shippers a t Omaha, one will start. '17ns next context Of these seven two may be men- ly invited to attend Wiring wax Neb. Thto meeting wax the founda- will be lor the members. Each tioned as actually in the running and Elizabeth and K enneth S tru th ­ ers attended the wedding T hurs­ day night of Miss Doris Sm ith and Williatp Stum p at the C hristian church a t Beaverton. Correcting an item in last w eeks; news, the age of Mrs. A. R .! I S truthers should have been past ; 94 Instead of 84. _____ _________ _________ ___ ____ ___ r_______ ___ w I Dr. Mason removed the tonsils of . ... ------ - ---- - ----- ----- -------- ----- - — ran the H an k s! Mr. and Mrs. Frank G aunt returned have a nucleus o P ^ ^ v o t e s from Miss Mabie Behn last week. Ralph Huke wax in a hunting Gray trc.i urcr, William F Dei- h o ld lor two y ean He continued Monday iroin a three-day fishing his own county on which to build Sunday dinner guests a t the C. party from Hiteon district in unger. gsteki-epef; Mr Freda Au,- to reside In Hanks until hto death trip to tlie Wilson river. They whereas Cooter as the lone repre- W S‘n>tf>WS home were Mr and ern Oregon during the p an week tu , Ceres, Mr Bernice Dobbins December 27. 1877. he wa* mar- brought 23 salmon trout and Chi- sentatlve from’ his district must Mrs A c Robinson. Mr. and Mrs.) T!n»w from lu re who attended iiiinona Mi Agues VanKleek, rled Ui M artha G reen Jones a t Lo- nook home with them. start from scratch On the other L estir Robinson Misses Elizabeth Protecting wooden surfaces with paint is good insurance against the annual chicken dinner given by n o r a ; Mr Beatrice Hanson, lady gan. Iowa Bln died ln March, 1931. Mr and Mrs. L. Grey have mov- hand, m the event th a t Corbet' Struthers. Verna Mae Walters, Ur- expensive repair bills. It prevents decay caused either by moisture I 'he Mountain Hume Iaidic A ld |a s ,, u m t teward Mr Mildicd six children were burn to thto union. 111 ‘he Argus direct and a t ready to be walked on when it's community chnirmuu ol the Na- Mr Sm ith had alwuys been proud knowledged Armistice day with a re,1,P e ^ h d p r e t t y ____ ' _________________________! tin e .<• cook dinner. Forma a tlunal Iti-d Croxi roll call of the [act th at although he only duel by A S tilt and A. Sturadder. ranks with sev- p n ju c T i p A T c r i -?n Y F JB Q *ough. durable, washable surface Members of the Beaverton O ar- aeighed I ', pound, at birth hew * who sang the rousing verse* ol t d n i other em : L U N o l l r A I t U oO YhAKS / all types of floors—wood, ce­ den club enjoyed picture slides In,ng to a up«' old age with no Keep the Home Fires Burning »d^iTrVln* Bnd A ID E D BY O L D R E M E D Y tempor- I shown by Mr Borsch and Mr hint of Ulness In fact he wa* Mrs. A. Schappert accompanied , Oi ‘£ mpor- ment or ooncrete. 8 good colors. <>t the Borsch Horx-h gardens ut at never confined to his oed with 111-1 ill- them on the piano. niano. Sixty-one Sixtv-one were 1,7. “? , " ¥ , n a , ” ‘.,pftr.‘>• ------Drager. Fred p ra g e r.' "For thirty years I had constipa- Clnrey of cierk of the house, will prob- tion. Souring food from stomach Maplewood Tuesday even,ng lies» until the last tlircre- days of present and Mrs. E. Grey s was the Member« ot Beaver chapter, O E his hie. He never wore glasses and 1 honor class for the day. l “ , ’, u,, be retained in spite of hi* choked me. Since taking Adlenka I . . . . . . . Becker, president of the 'epubhean leanings because of the am a new person. Constipation 1* a 8., were guests of Beaverton Lodge, hto hearing was keen. Helen ' ' ‘ “ i., '; Reedvilie C. E attended tlie cao- hqportance of an experienced man thing of th e past."—Alice Burns, A F and A M.. Thursday An e n ­ Regulation Size met meeting held Sunday at the 111 ttns P ^ m o n around which the The Delta Drug sto re —Adv. tertainm ent of musical numbers , , . wa* pre.ented Hillsboro Christian church. Foreign Missionary society met Helen Becker and Hazel Church- November 7 a t the Methodist * l* n d e d the pot luck supper theatre party given by the church Mrs. Raynor Smith was ln charge of the meeting A sliver b a n k s Melvtll» 8 Woodman Omuma club Ql Hillsboro ten was held. 1 w reuuuuu.n Mcsdaunes J. u -r-oiiw.rt n h passed away Sunday noon, Novem- F F I1 ,I at ulneSi hte home Banks Summers. A. M Bw Fi un and d i-rs^lre “ ** br,ef H«? ln wcy farm ed there and meeting the club will have a C hrist- N a v a l A c ad em y E xam s later in the Dakotas and Iowa mas tree a t Mrs. A. Maes' home. I all time. Beautiful compact cab­ VÁLUE. ONIY W i l l B e J a n u a r y 5 th They moved to Oregon hi Septem- Miss Florence Hanley and h e r . p o w e rfu l. inet. American and Foreign A civil service examination to dc- bcr' 1901’ alld »ettied first in Ftor-j room-mate. Miss K atherine Boge, $ f PEP WEEkl P in t Reception. Glorious tone. (ermine eligible applicants for a p - |,', ‘ l i i oye Four m ouths later they who are attending Pacific university, Glorious tone. polntm ent to the U. S. naval arad ¡1,,,' ed “ ia ™ nt Hanks. They have been pledged to Kappa Delta. ( M outhwash, gargle imiv nt AnnaDolis will since, iuul 111 off t,lis the locality v e r rlet Mrs. L. H. Har- Sixty-nine years ago . . . 3 years a fte r Hills­ l._ U.,1.1 T........ re., fc Marvland •T’»»«« fire*,» ' a„.,_ selling farm e piece Ford and M acIntyre. Mrs. Dick Mrs. Stolten-I held January 5. The first con- atid antiseptic. gresslonal d is tric t' will have a va- by piece until only a house and lot berg spent Monday In Portland, boro becam e the county seat of W ashington cancy In 1935 and the next success- left where they have lived a re- Mr and Mrs. John G ates Jr. en- Ila'x ll u f t 'r Fain P aint D ralrrs ful candidate will enter the acad- “ retl lllu slnct' » ‘hhig off the last tertained a t a party Saturday eve- County . . . The First National Bank opened einv In June. Any young, unmarried 14 acres of land to the Banks union [ ning in honor of their son Wesley's 1138 Third St. Phone 2 1 X eighth birthday. Those present were | man not less Hum 1(1 years of age high school in Portland, then a pioneer trad in g post. Mr. Woodman to survived by his ¡M r. and Mrs. George Pa Padgett and nor more than 20 years of age on April I may compete In order to widow a t Hank* and one son. Rav son Everett. Royal G ardner, Mr. T here was no national hank on the Facific make (he required arrangem ents It Woodman, a t Multnomah. Funeral ¡an d Mrs. Torbet and daughter Lu- to necessary th a t the applicant services were held Wednesday after- cille, Mrs. Bradley, Mrs. Lily H an- C o a s t. . . gold dust or furs were the medium notify Congressman Jam es W Mutt noon at the Forest Grove U n d er-, ley, Mrs. Lorenz and daughters taking parlor. The body was shipped Orace and Elsie, Wesley Gate* and of exchange. a t W ashington, D. C., not later than to Luke View, Iowa, for Interment host and hostess. December 5. by the side of four children, w h o 1 Pupils a t Leisyville neither late died In early childhood. nor tardy for last month are Leland To facilitate the business o f t h e rapidly Say you saw It in tlie Argus. Mrs. Woodman and son Kay ac­ Ftohbaek. Dorothy. Donald, Nell and companied the body east They will Eugene Kennedy. Hobby Gregg. Ed­ PHYSICIAN and SURGEON BEAUTY shops grow ing Oregon area, a group of pioneers go to Wisconsin where Ray will vis­ ward May, Geraldine G ardner, Elsie vüRrs' S3" y ' it for a month and Mis. Woodman and Grace Lorenz, Harold and v ’ire fifija K organized this bank in 1865, under the first will rem ain for tlie winter with a Howard Berggren, Wesley Gates. A. O. PITM AN, M. D. EVE’S BEAUTY SHOP ■’ ••-A . niece. Clifford Hudson and John Hanley, national bank ch a rter to be granted W est of P H Y S IC IA N aad S U R G E O N G eneral Beauty Work UlCS ilt Cornelius j Sentinel, who h a , held down the p<*t of reading clerk for no many ..i------” •'”y OBJECT OF STATE-WIDE CAMPAIGN * NOV. IT TO 24 tLuldln lampi Capitol News Letter •»“ ' house door' «rem (1 m . r. — — .. 84, t-icrelfL * lcrfllll Tnfnwn-iHnr. AniUrmailOn j HendcrSOll Smith Buried at Banks Well Kept Hair IS BEAUTIFUL Y Dre„,|,,l||„ □. C □. C xVCCÍÍVllle Sponsors Contest Millón rOlK r Ian i f *1 1.1^111 Millie’s Beauty Salon *> 'arl Hiteon ui Beaverton Grange Selects O fficers Paint Ci iener and Repair Less B-HSXPORCH & FLOOR PAINT Cl . §3.50 $1.00 60c L r» • « banks Resident Blirirrl O LUILU Wrdnpsrlav ncuiKMldy ley and FOOTBALL FREE í 2 2 L ° B U Y S Leisyville Club Plans Xmas Party HOW THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK WAS ORIGINALLY ESTABLISHED 49c S E L F R ID G E B R O S . GS THE DELTA DRUG STORE HILLSBORO BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY F O R D PARTS Orchardale I ll y M r*. Richard a r e G e n u in e F o r d P a r t s ! F or they are made by the same men w ho n u k e Ford ears . . , out of the «ante m aterial« and on the same machines a» the origin al parts were made. T h e re ’« o nly one standard o f Ford precision lim its. T h a t’s w h y o u r Genuine Ford Parts always fit — th at’s w hy our re p a ir jobs stay rig h t over the longest period of tim e. G enuine Ford Parts are low in cost too. W c are hero to take care o f your needs. Ilu n g c r) Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Maxon of Corvallis spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. N. Hothman. M artin and Carl Harke of Spo­ kane were luncheon guests of Sirs. Adolph Miller November 8. Elsa Fritch of Hillside spent S un­ day with Alice Hudson. Mrs. Charles Glson to expected O lder Boys’ Conference St. Helens December 7 the Rockies. Annual Y. M. C. A. older boys' conference for the lower Columbia river and W illamette valley dis­ trict* will be held a t St. Helens December 7 to 9. Delegations from the Hl-Y clubs in Hillsboro, Beaver­ ton, Forest Grove and other nearby cities are expected to attend. Throughout the succeeding years it has been an integral p a rt of Oregon, providing the short term credit required by business and com plete facilities for the proper handling of the financial needs of its customers. Argus classified ads get results. W A S H IN G T O N W ith the advent of branch banking, The First N ational Bank of P ortland established a branch office in Hillsboro, which provides a com plete service fa r beyond the dream s of the bank's original founders. CO UNTY THE GARDEN SPOT OF OREGON (»n account of lt*a market Ing facilities. Its vast area» of level land and the potential pomihllitieK of these thousands of acres when (hey have been properly drained, makes W ashington County the ideal spot for "Back to th e I .and" movement. Come in and talk over your drainage and building problems. NO COST M otor C o . re