P ag e Six T 11 E H IL L S B O R O ARG US. H IL L S B O R O Thnrmlny. Novem ber 15, 19^4 Frank Mast, the past week. | in playing carets Prisea were won Ernest Haas home o r Ä £ > h M r M rs c O M ' k Blierldan Miss M argaret Muthlcsen spent Mrs Jam es W alters spent la s t; * 1 . . . lTjesda.v night and Wednesday with by Mrs. John Oates. Mrs. Clarence Bunday. Meek and Mrs. J. L VauDumrlen. Bernice Dillon of Hillsboro. Mr mid Mrs Joe S haffer and h u S S S u w “ h M rs R a v DOT l “ n <1 o i Mr. and Mrs. M athiesen enter Present were Mesdanies Pat Maher family and Mi mid Mrs. Lee S h af­ Mr. and Mrs Arvid Sandström MOUTAINDALE— Friends sur- fer of Hillsboro visited at llir L. 11. attended the Lima card party l a s t 1 prised Mr? an d 'M ra j . Powers Siiii- WedSwsda»"evenm? Hiah’ i L , I and Andrew Vunderaanden of Por- IVters home Sunduy. Tuesday afternoon i n Portland day evening. The evening was spent V« Miller. Joe Schiiiid- Mr mid Mrs. Wlllimn Clark of lekofer of Thatcher, Fruncís Bcrg- Farm Union Program Next T h e r e v a , 22 tab lc. tr. ¿¡ay. | m piayiA£ There was a card party and old- were Messrs, and Mesdanies George im iw ik i ,u Si . 4* ' g ixu i. Dxyton Mays mid son Davton. Oakland. C al. a re visiting at the Saturday at Hall i time dance a t tlie Cedar Mill O range Meacham. Ed O'Rourke Oabe'*&s- preseiH were kJ*'- 8“ nd.^'Yjh '*',Utee O Berggren, Tom Stlgum, Clarence J Powers home tills week. Mrs _____ hall last -------- st Saturday night. Seventeen ner, William Raehl. Fred Scliwan- HOn e ,? b .v k » th - 'n i Meek. Kay Mills, F rita Mills, Charles l«owers will return with them to of "500" were in play N ex t, der. O tto Voges and family. Delbert iem v A - ^ e r A K * ' S p ie l ing mid Ethel of North Plains Oakland. I tables ol (hr Mr.. F. L. Brown> Saturday ay night, there will be a FMwles w illiam Clark Gladys Raehl. A nd? C h S S J L r Mrs Oscar Aniacher of Portland Jake vmidomelen and son Melvin LAUREL—Mrs. W. L. Stevens en- h ard time dance I ¡ T o ^ n b e e f C f te i n ^ e lt ^ i V c m d m L . o u  w ,„,iñr ' Î v ; 'ndv ™ c d h ™ & tener. j ’a Howard n d ,° rd Hollen- t,W Frank Corey and son Herbert. John visited at the N H. TOutes home tertained with a turkey dinner last ------------ Loftis. Russell Ixiftis. John Oates 'Thursday. der. Mr. and Mrs. William Clark 2 L Thursday evening a t her home. J r . Henry Duyck and daughter. W alter Mathlesen, who Is a t­ honoring her brother-in-law. Clitton I and Mr and Mrs J. Powers. , * c , Wirt* returned Mon- Regina mid Lena Crop. M argaret tending Oregon S tate college. s|ienl Bagley of Portland, on his birthday The ■ p party of elk hiuiters. com- weeks' v'stt ’w ith' n d a t h ^ “ ,W° Maher mid Mrs. Rose Crop of l ’o ri- the week-end ut his home here. ar y Serliun S. C h « p U r 4S* of th« ISSS Swwion L « w . of Oraeun. n.uicu U h rrrb y given that lh » County Court o f " w « . i u » * t .n County A lt numbers on the program from the ‘'«•n!y. J ”* "" «',n "’7 ’ LTV?*“ T’j~ I.r» in *” !“ "** '"J Fn'Uy h»r la s t, . t , h , ho „ , .g ip ” ..d . ,. h Deputy’» Salary different neighborhoods represented A ‘S “ w *"121 . " T * . • n.d pl* ” ' « ’’ ‘“ r tu a fty ’» » < » « ' fo r * fu ll .n d d im a a io « o f t h . . U n . « i t th. C lerk'» Salary In th e union represented , „’rS T S ? 2 - of * ¿ ‘ X J. Tn r r - h' r’wi,K ’“ «•»« > '« <« Telh*• u ^ ^ ’T i d * " ! . ^ ^ C«urt Ro««*— Ade Rutschm an Saturday and S u n - _______________________ J a n itn r a da}-. Mrs. Rutschm an and sans. -------------------- Z T ------------------------------------------ W a te r l.l« h u £7 C U - We, m h? “ e * , l h K v w u d i.u r « E a p -v d liu f l.ud^, K Expenditure« a p « u d i,u rw ^ ’]J ,* " l Jan 1 to Budget ÓUB a n .l Etici her m other for a few days' visit. •**> im s im j IM S J u ly 1. i«S4 IM S In a u ra n e « They called on Mrs B. O. M cN av---------------------------------- K levator Inaurane« a t the Good Sam aritan hospital „ 1 c * . m — Mt«ce4l*ne>v«ia iflx tu re e . repaira, « l e i Sunday afternoon. County J u d g e . S alary 12.400 00 tM O O .oo 11.200 00 11.205.05 K U vato r Opera l»»r 32.400.00 Laurel People H o n o r Relative Couple Surprised at Mountatndale V»*l/4 »Uaa ! ls t t h c 2nd m Commiaaioner’a S alary Ctwnmiaaionar-. Salary 2 ^ d f l,M e -v e r s - S l m d a -V e v e m n « aad M o n d a }. & |7 .t< « .7 7 .^ ? r 7 Telephone _ Mr. and Mrs. John Schneider of Book,, stationery, «uppii« P ortland were Saturday and S un- St*n’P* 4 Express SchnudfStS Ot hiS sister' M rs' EX,r*To«aiB Mr. and d a n J h t? Mrs. Cally ¿ ° r tl7 nd, Whitmore ta te th e ir B e n n e tt' th f “ ecorder s S alary i» t Deputy's S alary -n<^ Deputy'« S alary s t« "°« ™ p h e r Supplies. S tationary, etc. T y p e w rite r 5 Repair^ Bcstks A Index«« Telephone ........... ............... r.Mal £ a u re l school teacher, spent Sunday and Monday a t her home in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Schmidt a c - companied the Sam H ulu ffflnilv of near Hillsboro to Corbett Sunday where thev were guesU of Mrs H unt's mother. Sir. and Mrs. S. E. Stoller and Children were Sunday guests of h i» sister. Mrs. Lloyd Waymire and family of Woodburn. ’ Mr. and Mrs. s. E W atkins and William Gallon of Newberg were Sunday guests at the W. H. Me- Nay home. - Mr ™— ---- C atk in - s 1s Mrs. McNay s father and Mr. Gallon, h er grandfather. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Rothstrom « n ^ a 80113 56 616 53 35.956.72 33.962.61 ,uppii«a. 53.455.61 «to. Ron. 7 D a v id S tat* inspection In d u strial Accident A Ir i .Jr « n ri E. w \.t- 4 Banks '• P e e w it Printin» F -« -^ re Ct ^ U on Bank Bonds” Suppli«» 33.675.15 In i IkSthXOO 1.200 00 W .M 720 00 50 00 1.000.00 100.00 31.600.00 1.120 22 916.00 736.00 35.50 705.22 149 09 65.776.66 35.464.62 9 9O5.0O 600.05 550.00 360 00 20.00 500.00 50 00 75.00 33.955.66 31 joo.oo 900.00 730.05 ll.itMKOO 900.00 725.00 3 60»'00 450 00 340.00 33.00 9 600 05 460 05 350 05 295.00 325.00 45.00 33.465.55 163.17 406.11 43.05 33.465.13 170 00 176.00 23.50 31.777.55 110.84 434.62 21.60 33.512.71 31.805.00 1.200.00 905.00 3.500.00 300.00 400.55 405 00 326.00 60.00 400.00 60.00 100.05 ................ 88.426.50 31.800.00 1.192.60 330.00 2.300.60 238.00 530.26 438.76 291.76 60.00 379.00 54.00 115.00 9 900.00 000.00 450.00 L1 50.50 150.00 200 00 175.00 175.00 9 95000 600 00 107 7.33 358 so 102.00 348.00 353.78 31.800.05 1.200 00 900.00 2.500.00 300.00 600.00 150.O*) 360 00 215.00 J6.0O 60.00 450 00 50.00 100 00 16 00 36.415.66 13.565.66 9 900 00 600.00 417 90 345 00 19.40 698 « • M . 2 J 31.800.00 1.100 00 »00 00 710.00 40 0t' 1,200 00 100.00 200.00 34.166 66 33.354.21 32.340.45 ll.8 W .0 fl 1.500.00 1.600.00 11,796.35 1.506.85 1.506.35 9 905.00 7S0.0O 750.00 9 31.600.00 l.ftOO.'M 2.500.00 430.00 500.00 3.000.00 850.00 184.26 383.46 335.05 727.28 781.00 807.01 75.00 200.00 350.00 425.00 316.224.64 72.90 475 12 332.39 134. »5 99.441.87 - 250.00 350.00 60.00 94.435.00 94.485.22 600.00 700.0» 100.00 39.935.66 Sl.200.00 • 1.211.6« 9 600.00 9 698.18 31.200.00 858.6« 215.20 239.24 41.35 686.45 2.41 747.38 3.82 82.945.17 420.00 360.00 150.00 25.00 400.00 50.00 200.00 25(H) 92.230.45 378.46 298.18 847 40 21.25 9 501.96 1,664.6« 263.21 236 56 803.03 8.72 896.40 321.85 3 250.00 33.394.69 Deputy’« S alary E x p e rt Cara on Peace O fficer» ---- -------— ..................... ......... n^urance 175.33 353.00 M, «uppliee . 313.617.88 39.646.31 900.00 500.00 50.00 1,000.50 20.00 400.00 50.05 I« .I2 O .M enVe,OP" Telephone 35.365.06 34.715.13 t 38.263.92 34.749.79 500.00 2.500.00 500.00 200.00 600.00 106.89 900.00 300.00 50.00 35.354.M9 2 - I 'Ml 200.00 100. 011 300.00 225.00 300.00 FLxams 34.961.64 34.441.51 . Probat ion and Ju venile O fficer*« S alary I M ileage on County W«»rk ........... ..... ......... . Telephone ........................ ........... ............................ Juvenile Ccxirt Exper.ae ............................... 32,097.43 32.334.48 31.519.98 31,965.60 11,0:1.24 31.200.00 605.00 30.00 26.00 61,855.90 • 3 368.21 3 342.84 60.00 3 516.44 .1 • r*. 317,265.78 37.693.36 County A gent— A r e n t ’s S alary A«»i»tant Ayent*» S alary C lerk'« S alary Waarcs fo r e x tra clerk M-.t.-riai. and Supplie» 900.00 400.00 700.00 800.00 1.000.00 4,050.00 160.00 150.00 1,000.00 300.00 160.00 89,535.04 8 929.76 3 24* 12 1.154.90 121 41 193.27 470.03 232.88 547.81 148.18 33.116.49 3 250.05 450.00 189.36 205.05 166.69 122 50 42.26 102.41 27.05 9 450.00 239.12 15.45 31.788.54 10.00 3 920.00 3 814.17 31,200.00 701.64 27.32 43.68 31.972.39 8 600.00 800.00 16.00 17.60 8 932.50 3 600.05 338.18 67.93 21.86 31,025.96 31,200.00 «00.00 80.00 25.00 31.855.00 4.7O 100.00 60.00 10.00 20.00 • 9.03 16.00 6.70 9 50.00 26.00 26.05 Ï4 38 8 297.35 25.00 9 202.54 t 2.00 60.00 12.60 6.00 10.00 90.00 87.75 7.60 46.96 3 887.00 816.00 672.70 705.30 864.60 6.285.40 148.16 272 50 940.00 121.8« 121.80 • l « . t l l .i .] l 67.50 • 8 45.0.0 360.00 850.00 400.00 500.00 3,000.00 75.00 126.00 600.00 62.60 75.0(1 •S, M l . 50 8 3 450.00 411.00 161.00 630.80 291.00 1,943.60 40.66 66.00 160.00 140.06 60.65 34,242.65 107.73 22.09 75.00 750.00 3 215.47 195.00 77.10 419.6« 40.00 843.59 92.910.82 458.94 32.195.82 260.00 262.95 S1.46M.67 259.00 199.63 91.365.8« 33,600.00 32.480.00 82.425.46 12.035.04 81.061.16 81.061.15 K l K .\ rial 50.00 76.00 26.00 25.00 75.00 25.00 100.00 375.00 44.75 39.60 9.00 12.83 41.30 1 200.00 395.65 8 662.2.1 8 3.00 138.60 9 242.79 T « ta l 9 719.94 3 989.83 3 262.00 260.00 8 725.00 8 522.00 8 150.00 175.00 5.00 7.50 9 327.54 8 170.25 235.00 18.00 34.00 33.02 8 490.27 H u d le t 19.1.1 150 00 77ft 00 109 I I 712 Mt 9L2470ft Miscellaneous IM » * « « 8 995 00 9 013.05 9 600 00 8ft »0 9 624.00 I 3 955 05 » I ft«ft 1.178 1.410 178 80ft 67 10 34 34.018 I» 1 413 70 1.200.00 72 06 6H4 16 164 Ift 164 16 166 Jft 1 1»4 44 141 21 6sa 6i 912 61 144 64 112 10 427 16 833 14 79 44 421 44 4»l H9 8 l0 .ft0 l.IJ 3 (10 •4M) 00 6.031.70 10.883.58 337 76 3.000.00 1 U hi oft 1 3 5 5 55 13.000 9ft 30« 07 9 6 » 293 ft« 18 80 6.760.10 343.33 662.41 3.040 20 693.40 99.7ft 1.463.83 6&S.94 980 37 1.032 30 07 ft» 117.14 331.97 635.06 6.9 17ft «‘0 9ftO OO 1.06" 00 161 40 460 oo 8 fto IH) 4.85« oo »3 92 8.178 00 7»5 08 0 43 293 0ft I 04» 60 663 ftft 61 fto 328 00 133 78 671 41 6 763 97 6.7fto 00 6.04)0 00 843 40 6 094 0o 6.340 71 800 05 fto DO 90 76 566 oft ft (2 6 09 948 »2 11.202 OO 10.00 3o5 00 I 6O(I 05 10,000 05 700 0«) 8. loo.iMi • 'M l (HI I ...... 900 05 I 760 55 9 ihj O.O u IS.iMH) (K) 10.“50 05 11.5- no 3.15(1.00 1.too. 00 380.00 3 0 .0 5 7unty Hch»»l 192.630 00 Fund 991.770 38 316.129.70 0.005.05 6ft.500.05 87.06» 6« Cash on hand 8141.709.34 3166.294 41 Expenditures 1932 Rudert 1933 V ie w e rs —-----O ffic e of ( ounty En gin eer— ( «ninty Engineer mid Hh<*p Foreman ('•»•t Keeper E x tra Help. Registered Unemployed Tran s itm an and Draftsm an Head and Rear C hainm an B***ks. Forms, Statio nery. f ’<«ta*e. Telephone Const ruction and M aintenance of Ronds and Bridges— A llo ratio n to Cities Bridtre Construction «nd Maintenance D is tric t Foremen (M) In d am n lty Aw-ar>i Insurance. T h e ft. L ia b ility and P ro p erty D a m a r* Inte re st on Outataridinif W arran ts , Labor. G rading , M aintenance. • rushinK and H a u lin g Rock. etc. M aterials and Stipplien M iiintennnce <»f M arket Ronda .Machinery an*| Equipment 4 purchase) O otstandlntr W arran ts "N o t paid f.»r w ant of funds” Oct. |. 1034 Repairs. Upkeep and M in o r Replacements R**ck Crusher Supervision Rights of W ay State Industrial Accident Ins. County Shops— Shop Foreman Blarksm it h Blacksm ith H elper -hante, chief Mechanic, araistant T ruck D river W ntcbm an Telephone, lijrht, postage, power, w ater, etc Totals E x p e n d ilu r 1983 Ilude«« Jan 1 to July 1 1934 Expendituraa Jan I tn July 1. 1934 Itu-laet 1936 9 l.ftoo oo 200 04) 100 00 1 921 96 167 94 87.92 9 76(1 00 |D() 00 100(H) 1 222 00 99 40 74 28 9 300 oo i M *.., 160 00 ( 1.890.00 2.191 47 1.866.00 1.204)00 495.00 1.198.18 «90 04) 2.400.00 I 400.00 801.89 160 00 306.88 300.00 7.04)0.00 80,000.00 « 492.73 21.28.1 «6 3.600.00 12,600.04) 4.918.76 16.648.10 7,000.00 27,000.00 ' Mil 7,349.61 780.00 676.76 1.679 42 4,0410.00 «39000 276.00 4.762 01 990.00 444.09 1.919 97 8.00004) 733,33 700.00 1 77.170.98 27,530.85 20.044 10 7.962.7« 32.600 00 11,260 ()• 12.600.00 4.000.00 14.048.8« 16.447 16 4.220,09 7,446.00 91.200.00 22.600.04) 790 (H) 45,04)0.05 22.600.00 .10.112.00 M.(100.00 10.(MIO. 00 2,600.00 2.000.00 3.000.04) 10.402.12 1,019.20 2.241.81 4,216.61 6.000.00 900.00 1,000.00 2,000.00 3.577.20 786 69 886.00 2,339.26 600.00 469.83 300.55 343 14 9104.734.07 18,600.00 93. «70.91 9.000.On 1.600 0o 1,800.04) 6,000.00 1.200.00 1 ,D »0 OD 1,000.00 «55.55 8266,036.76 8144.873.39 «55.55 8263,172.50 686.81 612.75 9261.699.72 ' N H A N D ( ( ’aun ty Rood F u n d ) Fstim aled Receipt» (o u n ty Road Fund— M oto r Vehicle License A p propriation O A C Land G rant Hales of Pfgwder, C u lve rt, etc. Refunds. Gas Tax and Freight Sale of Junk, Iro n , etc. Equipment Rentals Sale of R»w k Miscellaneous Sources " M “ 00- 396.066.66 1 .non i.u 1.000.00 1.250.00 M00.05 1.200 00 «(.5 (Id «00 00 8289.180.94 .............. 813.102.01 348.861.98 600.00 460.00 3,000.05 160.05 780.00 4,000.00 1,000.00 71.688.00 T o tal K aflntaU d R o r^ p t, 8129.239.98 . T ® *tl D l» k u r.,n i« il« "C ounly Cntih on lln n il County iton.l Fund Futim nled Itn -e ip t, --County Rrnul F u n d " ll<.»d Fun d" 9289.180.01 313.102.83 129.231). 98 T u l . l E a tlm uU d R u e rip t, "C ounty Knud F un d" T o u rth .r w ith f,u«h un Hand 9142.342.81 Am ount to h r H«l«rd fu r ‘ ‘Cnunly Ruud Fun d" by T a .a tlm i f o u n t, " G r n r r .l Fun d" T " T A ' ' A M ,’ " N T ™ “ * « * » * « • ’ " V T A X A T IO N 300.00 . ( ’ounty County 300.00 9148.838.13 "School Fun d“ ’’ Road Fund” 9166.204.41 93.778.60 148.838.13 8306.011.51 S T A T R O F O R E iiO N ) County of W ashington ) rtu n p le t, , - t l m u i , nf the p 'r.d m ld e '\ *....... .... 50.00 y f * " t V " 7 .n ? n b ™ ,’y m r , ^ ,% i " , . ^ r^ 1' , lh * ' ,h " f « 'r »nd * " , u ... ..................................ih ' .............. .. ........... .... ............ W e fu rth e r c e rtify th at the eatim atu o f tnpiaise of the various iu siitiitio n s of (he c , a,'d . isM,bi(,^ | OH|,(, !¡* ■O"” ' 1’ ’ required for pulille enterprise. . . ■ ......................................... • " ' ne « -iu iiiy us I Fieri'In set oil l h , Just ¡ iih I „,.,1 ( ounty durtng the pant three years, and u a I thorough exam nf its probable ” n»J,h , i, .H . '"'“7. believed , r ination ¿.................. ..........JmU,|p ”” '1 ' »lurine u L L A 1 . 2 L*?.“ 1. >tud/ ' ■■ < ■ • » ■ ) * expenses of the ................* aach and every item therein Is h beloved Io »« he neeeMsary i,eee,iHi.rv f f,,r .......... .. i i . .............. «luring the e in -ve»| to „ r the proper u hi 11.,(, , .t H l.,.h » ro , Drmttm, th l. M d .y u , N tw m nhrr. A ,9 ,1 3 300.04 400.00 10.00 15.00 725.00 34.683.69 6.U05 041 260 oo 82.545.00 I 39.946 9ft 3917.041 n CO I NTY R O A D S — O ffic e of County Surveyor— County Surveyor C hainm an 630 .00 3 750.00 i 555 55 004 00 65 4o 600 55 40O 0« 26 00 16.464 45 30.245 05 Expenditures 1931 200.00 175.00 900.00 60 00 2»ll.0il 91 400 05 888 ini 147 *.26 83 1.6(H) 00 T o tal Estim ated Receipts “ General Fond” to««ther w ith Am ount to be Raided fa r (a u n ty General Fund bv Taxation 155.00 60.00 100.00 00 Nft 00 OO 605 00 60.04) 686.00 640 05 1.350 OP 60.05 •» 0 Oil 340 On »00 0«) 965.05 1.800.00 165 OO 65» WO 1.600 00 160 00 100 00 400 op 348 oo 105 00 30« et) 80» OO i • ', 900 OO 6.005 00 8.000 00 I 180 05 9 844 48 189 16 • 04 W »18 84 931 44 65 40 94ft Nft 805 60 104 99 3u«i oo 8(H) oo lt'.noo oo t&O(h) 7 00 (HI 2.100 (HI • 100.00 lif t UO 81.495 45 I 900 00 100 OO 1 »<• DU 100 00 04)0 (HI 7ft 00 900 OO ........... 7ft 00 ft4l 00 260 05 180 oo too 00 I l o 00 260 00 4M oo 82 14 10 DP ft(H) 09 — 31» 16 197 102 1,446 314.449 I <80 05 111 85 737 ftl 12ft 180 I. .’ 43 48 I7.51» 01 90 40 3 fto 00 240 00 91 «4 KH) (M) 400 00 10O oo ftiH) on 6(H) DO KM) (H) 99331.42 6ft 08 98 78 M il 00 44 O« ID4 ft« 9 591.71 105 60 8 005.05 00 236 00 1.800 00 8.000 00 1.805 ai 107 71 1.000.00 90.0 IB M 600 00 fto no 100 00 9 719 45 1217.617.91 From County Tax D epartm ent — In te rra t on D elinquent Taxra Delinquent Taxes "1983 l«evy" Delinquent Taxes ‘, 1982 levy and year» p rio r thereto” 310.750.00 100.00 150.00 Hudtfvt 191A It era» From County Treasurer*» O ffic e— Bei-order's foaa S h eriff's fees Justice ('(Hirts D or License O A ( ’ Land G rants Interest on Deptatta County F a ir State |»evy CcMinty F a ir -C r««o n State Racing Commission 1 ,000.00 F rupoaed Expenditure« ,I«i. I t.* 1954 8 720.00 76 On « -.— ....•m 314.041 40 I HiulaxH Jan 1 )■ 1914 Fx)*euillt urea 1911 4(H) 00 .140 00 140 00 1(H) (»0 1.110.05 115.00 4(H) 00 1.005 0« T o tal lliabursem eats ( ounty General Fund (a s h on Hand ife n e r a l fund) K F ( K IP T S FO R ( O I S T Y G E N E R A L F I N D «estimated — i'r*»ra (a u n ty ( lerk s O ffice— A ll fineu. forfeiture» and penalties C ir r u it Court P r b a t e Court M a rrta a e Ll*en»e» County Court JM Ueullanuou« R etail Beer License Applications R oad O ltW JO N US« fUcoitd III 1 R40 00 1.200 00 Miscellanea Itera • — A d v e r tb in * A u dit C«Hinty Book» Bounty C are of Poor C a ttle Indem nity County F a ir C o urt House Bl«ix Fund Cem etery D is tric t Sealer Re« Hi rat ion and Flection fim erguncy T a x Refund» and Fureeloeuru» F ire l ’n « e rtio n Herd Inspector H o rtic u ltu ra l Inspection H e alth Hetriatrar» H illsboro Sewer A •»«»»merit -C o u rt )l>>u»« Ind ig en t S«>bliera Insane and Feeble-minded Interest on W a rra n t* Land Product* Show I«aw L ib ra ry M other's Pensions O ld Awe Pen-ion O u b ta n d ln * W arran t« "N ia paid f«»r want of fund«” Peraonnl Prop erty Tax Collection« Prem ium s on O ffic ia l llontb Sheet» K illed by D<*tf» Taxee Y a m h ill County Tax Refund to M y rta M Boyd W orkm en*« Compensation on Peace O fficers th< " S : 2 d 8 300.00 400.00 10.00 16.00 Kxprauiiturra IM I Ou8 800.00 5,000.00 150.00 200.00 760.00 300.00 I W IS M K K H II.I.H IIO H O . TaUphon« 11« I 38.541 00 l.aiuiAreee J aa I tree« W a iira M Nurae« G o t P ortland Gaa A Cd (o h e a r f r o n t a lo m a c n a u fT e i, nd w i l l Mend a f r e e a a m p le to t . w h o w rite -» h im T h e 7 «lav ti li> it o f I'd««» T a b le ! « 1« Mold on i t . b a c k i r u a ia n t a a o f a a t l a f a . t lo n t>y lllllekerw r k a r w a r p OKA I. IN R K A t. K H TA Tg W rlla F ir« au«l Autom obile Inauraite« M ake l.oana and laau« Rurvty Ronda County Heepi ta i— C aretaker'» S alary County Phyaician O ther lkictv«ra 3 900.00 800.00 700.00 150.00 31.20 9.00 85.08 S tale Indù» tr ia l Acci tieni Inaurane« T u la b 50.00 3 330.00 »3.01 32,995.37 3 60 00 60.00 22.00 .33 33.600.00 32.013.70 31.800.00 900.00 400.00 826.0« 226.00 205.00 85.00 100.00 135.00 60.00 34.220 60 32.205 11 3 460.00 300.00 17.50 10.00 100.00 20.00 12.60 179.00 21.00 16.40 197.47 900.00 100.00 3 500 00 2.000.00 250 00 200 00 200.0o 222.00 9»O 00 150.00 50.00 34.472.60 3 IMKi.OO 600.00 30.00 25.00 150.00 20. GO 30.00 10.00 25.00 31.790.00 786 80 38.90 104.96 811.23 100.00 720.00 600.00 60.0» 6«»» i » 60.00 800. GO 75.00 34.735.00 83.214.39 9 900.00 450.00 200.00 150.00 112.60 100.00 42.50 50.00 75.00 20.00 32.106 05 3 900.00 627.22 44.92 85.00 611.92 I 34.656.49 125.00 60.00 2» 00 20.00 60.00 100.00 60.00 ■M l ( B a iliff w G rand J u ry WitneaoMU C irc u it Court Witne»»ee ........ j G rand Juror« ........................ C irc u it Court Juror» .......... . Mn*. E. F reem an Law writes: Exactly 37 days ago I weighed ¡M2 Travel lbs., was troubled with mv kidneys* Repair, and d ro p ia » .ymptomx. A lter my f i r t botlle of K nw chen I weighed t m « i » lb«. Now I weigh tM «Ml •" '• ’ felt I letter. I ’m 26 yra. old and Amf»unt ( 'Minty Agent*» Offtum ery Leola W alters fell and f r a c tu r e d _________ _ 2 _ _ ............. ..................... her leg Friday. ' County N o m e - Mrs. Jam es Walters, Evelyn and Nurse's «Salary Verna May Walters attended a M ileage on c < « n ty W ork Christian Endeavor party Tuesday o^ic* Expen»« ........... night a t the S truthers * home a t T*le£ S n? Hitcon. TatAj* - Mr. and Mrs. Dan Sullivan, P at- ricia and C harlotte Sullivan o f stationery and s J iiii« Portland visited Mr. a n d Mrs lfiscellMMoaa Charles Boy and family Sunday. stam p« and E x p re w — ................... Bill C arr of Portland spent the Ma^ and Prints week-end and holiday a t home with Count’r Survey index Record of Surveyor'« O ffic e Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Carr. O ffic e E quipm ent ............... ........................ Mr. Larsen, who is in the Jones Telephone hospital, is gaining strength. Stute In d u strial Accident Insurance B2i ’nXiutv’, child of Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Brown Field Deputise Mr. and Mrs. Rollin Meyers visit- Copyinr Reid slip« ed her aunt. Mrs. Ben Turley iSusie Topyine Tax R olla_ Blaksleyi, who is ill in the Port- t-xtensiona land G eneral hospital. Sunday stationery, p .« ta *e , trffioe ,L u c ^ 17.175.47 1 . IM oo 1.500 00 720.00 •6.00 600.00 60 00 Free to Stom ach F leer I'i ,{,t» »K 1935 Budget Estimates—Washington County, Oregon Mt. Olive cemetery Monday for cierk Hire Mrs. Verna Humpke Stephens of Telephone Portland. Mrs. Stephens lived in Cemm iaaiener s P ro re e d in n this community when a child. ,8 0 1 , W it™ «. Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Mercer have. 2 , '^ ' moved from the Nile Bennett place Bud.-« m ien.? to the S. H. O rnduff place since T e o ia . the death of Mrs. Mercer s f a t h e r . ------------------------------------------------------------ S. H. Ornduff. last week. l a w n * c ie » * — Robert Connett of Hillsboro cl*rc> Salary Ce ~.av.-e _a. a.,_. W was « . rtannf»'. a guest a t the home of his uncle s»>*rr .S'/. Paul Man Offt •rx Seek Water III«ill SALEM Amos C mid Noel L. Marlin o( lillllng have applied to Biate Engineer Stricklin for per- Hayward B u r i a l si»rvir<»« wr r e re mission to appropriate water from three unnamed springs, trlbutarv to CImlaimas river, for donirstlr stock and garden purposes in W ash­ ington county die week-end ut the Hubert Hmlth home. Mt mid Mrs. F I’ve and family of North Plains ami Mr and Mrs Bolliuin mid sons of l*nrtluml vis­ ited a t tlie George B tuart noine Bunday. Mr and Mrs. A L. Jensen of H illsboro spent th e week end »1 till' James Mutliiesen home. ------------- V a Í A¡1 ' k ^ æ * .............. <’h«lrnian. ,,K R - ! î , l f |)A I K I ' H U M A N 1 l,f’ :T <,N ' J30“ " 1» __________________________________________________ ----------------------------------------- -- ----------------------------------------- dAH ............ •»UllM. , . . ¿ " K H A N , f-’uinly t:< im m lu ln n ,r. l.h .W IH . Cnunly C u m m l..ln *i.r.