Thursday, November 15, 1934 THE H IL L S B O R O A R G U S, H IL L S B O R O , Page Five OREGON her rMirm, Anne was suddenly con­ have her picture taken. When the fronted wltli a large loaenge of same firm called three times in light. Neal had heard her ap- tw enty-four tiours »he hung up the proaciilng fixitsleps fie must have receiver with a bang, and answered been ilstenlng for them and had the telephone no more T hen of LAUREL RIDGE— M ountain Home filing Hie door of their little salon, course, a magnate from Belford, Ladles’ Aid eighth annual chicken with It« welcoming radiance, wide who had only a day In the city, pie supper Friday evening was a called and received the report th a t open. And dashing out to meet her, hi' almost sm othered tier In a bear "they didn’t answer." He went success. Approximately 200 people Mr». Ego A gain E lected at home to Belford and wrote Neal an were served. hug. W a lte r D avis, son of Mr and M rs. "Oh, Anne, where liave you been indignant letter, and spread the P resident of Club news among his neighbor# th a t John Davis, returned last week so long? I thought you d never Kansas, where he has spent come! Do hurry! You can 't imagine “Conrad was gettUig a swelled head from last 14 years. He plans to re ­ what's happened. Anne—Anne- - already." Neal was very angry the illy Mr« l lin l Mc< 'ormicij m ain here for the winter about It, and Anne felt th at lie read th at cablegram -" I ll y I t f N lvan l) A nniversary Observed CHEHALEM MOUNTAIN T h e had a right to be. She .'.natclicd a t the flimsy bit of ALUHA Aloha-Huber p T. A Mr and Mrs. Frank B ryan cele­ I’leanant View Community club met | blue paper wliich he was waving, At the hands of the newspapers brated fiftieth wedding a n ­ Saturday night at the luliool house held a cafeteria luncheon November1 In her face. I t was signed by Low, she fared even worse. The society niversary tlielr Tuesday with open house A pot luck »upper w a « « e r v e ii a t I 1,1 l *,p basement of the school . editors like the photographers, had the governor ot their state. And it »even oclotk with the .... .. In ,'^ V ¿ ^ b u d g e t t,’W“' tU **y‘n« telephoned her; like the photogra­ from 2 to 4 p. m. for friends and re a d : charge At Uie bUfttaMS meHlng lr 11 ly “W (Continuad N * a t W eek) "SHELTON JUNIOR SENATOR. phers she had put them off. She neighbors, and a dinner Sunday Mr« IU iv Kg«> wiifi re-elected lot H tu den U of M rs M u c k s room of their family. He «pread out a light wrap «lie DIED THIS MORNINO HOPE YOU could not bear the thought of giv­ for Mr members and Mrs. O tto K rebs and the year , T hotna. Twlgg w o « f t ^ l ft,1* ha,I brought with her. and motion- WILL ACCEPT APPOINTMENT ing interviews. B ut Mis» Sharp, of Fred Krebs of Six C om ers visited vl<-a. r u .lilr n t u lif l M i a . I*. ( W t y ll i- I I »*• y IllU th > l »- p r o i l i , Will« h W ill . , FROM ME HLS HEAT UNITED tlie Evening Inquirer, decided to at will 1 go toward a picture for their room ' “ 10 n tr W) wl uown- the Walter S path home T hurs­ present herself a t the new senator’s ltght- STATES SENATE." ?a-‘ held Tlecem U r 8 A light lunch I he .Murphey fa m ily have moved 1 ' ' Well," la- questioned, still but" • • • residence, and take her chances on day evening. but u t- Mr. and Mrs. John Strickler were will be served following the pro- to Aloha and are occupying the old y. **>en l ^ __ ^ g ___ a p U t ul rsell. being rebuffed, even though she ___ _ C H A F T E B IX went without an appointm ent. Her hosts November 4 a t a dinner party. “ gram l*r»gruiu commit Itee consists Brume home 'The two girls, Helen . nK no,,e' O THE day of her death Anne and Dorothy, are now enrolled l n |,« » » ? Ufct G uests were Mr. and Mrs Richard ring a t the doorbell remaUied un­ of Mrs Claude Allen und Mrs Conrad will rem ember her first Aioli.* iini...r *,-b,w>i th a t I am In love with you? and she turned for help Joyce. Patricia and Betty Jane Rufus Ornduff. Aloha-Huber school. „ Hire nodded, tier eyes filling with winter in W ashington as a senator's answered; to a young woman, her head en ­ Joyce, Mr and Mrs. Harold Aebls- Frances Thompson broke her fin 1 tears. Mr and Mrs F E Hoffman und wife, with driving insistence. veloped In a mopcap. who was cher, Verla, Hubert and Delmar E P S m ith were guests of Mr. und ger while playing ball November W "D on't cry, Anne. Tliere'Il be She and Neal discussed th e ques­ vigorously washing windows. Aeblscher. Civic league meeting, was held nothing to cry about, you'll see Mrs. Oeorge (lould in Portland tion of a tem orary home all the People on the m ountain have be­ "Can you tell me whether Mrs. Friday afternoon Instead ot Mon­ 'Thursday And you feel sure Neal doen’t wuy over on the bout coining back Conrad Is a t home?" she asked gun to harvest their potatoes since Mrs Lauru Murray und children day Hie program consisted bf re­ suspect a t all?" from Paris, and finally decided, on the change in the weather. The window-washer wrung out "How could he?” site asked sim ­ account of their children, th a t a her cloth from the pall of steaming and Miss Alter McInnis of l*orlland ports by June Weeks and Trunk Fred Krebs has returned from T il­ Hivard. poems by Jerryann Hpriggs small house would be preferable to suds by her side, and turned her lamook. where he has been working were guests of Mr and Mr». D un­ ply Gssirge Garden, and a skit, "You 11 wan. It would never occur an apartm ent. Site went on a t once head half-way around. can McInnis from Saturday to Mon­ and In a tile factory ail summer. Mrs August Rupprecht. Mrs. day evening Mr und Mr» Don Mc­ Dark M om ents.' by Jack C ulbert­ to him tliat his beat friend would to W ashington with Neal to begin "I am Mrs. Conrad." she replied and Curtis Kiley. try to approach his wife?" Ernest Schlichtlng. Mrs. George her search for a dwelling place. Innis und children of Reedvlllr son Andrew calmly, and went on washing win­ Hchoenbuchler returned A more meaning word trad been It siiould not. she thought, be Rupprecht, and Mrs. William Rleff »pent Sunday and Monday with his Monday from fishing at Hie beach. dows. on the tip of his tongue. He had very hard to find exactly w hat they parents. Mr and Mrs. Jack York of Miss Stiarp fled; but as she fled, spent Tuesday a t a quilting party Dr. und Mrs. White were week­ softened It Just In time. wanted, and she urged Neal to fol­ she Uiought, and thought rapidly. at the home of Mrs. John M at- Kredvllle were tlielr guests Monday end visitors at tlie Carl Rudolf "Of course It wouldn't occur to low his im patient desire to b egin, Before the sun had gone down, thleson. L. T. Ftnlgun a n d duughtrr home Dr. While formerly practiced him He would never do such a "getting settled" In his quarters at Anne had been surreptitiously Mr. and Mrs. D. Bagley and fam ­ W anda and Mr and Mrs Tom In Alolia. thing himself.” ily have returned to th eir home the senate office. tographed In the act of wasl Shuck and son Stanley went w Mrs J. iatt iiaa has sold mro u. W w H muii, aviu her uu "Yo u Ft» probably probably n g n l Neal Meal w iin "You're right. with She agreed with him perfectly here after spending the last six her last window; and tlie following Scholls Munday and spent the day home opposite the school to C hur- all tlbi faults, Is intrinsically lionest. when tie told her th a t everything evening, this distorted likeness of m onths in Portland. at the Ed Wonlsclilegel home. lie Van Husklrt of Kredvllle. Also he Is not oversexed. Which was in terrible confusion, and th a t herself, together with the heavy Mr and Mrs. W C Edy visited Jam es L llonun of Gaston spent Haiold Price, student at Unlver- nVakes U easier for him to be hon- lie did not see Iww he was ever go­ headline, "Senator's Wife Acta as Ed Vincent, who is 111 in a Hills­ Monduy evening at the I G Me- arty of Oregon, spent the week-end ing to get straightened out and a d ­ Own Scrupwoman" surmounted two boro hospital. Cormlrk fiome. at tire home of Ills parents. ( ••'you sh an 't speak of Neal like justed. So she went out to look for columns, more conspicuous for their Mr. and Mrs. Salisbury of St. F C Wohlschlegrl took a load Hill Abbott lost Ids whole Ijock t ^jjat!” flashed Anne, "as If It were houses by herself. The real estate imagination than their accuracy, on Paul. Minn.. T. Jones of Graetlnger, of dressed Irogs to l*ortland Mon- >4 111 axle Island chickens by theft ridiculous to be honest u n d —and agent to whom she had applied led the front page of the Inquirer. This Iowa, and Mrs. Abbey of Forest last week ¡decent!” tier to several untenanted marble was such good "copy" th a t It was Grove spent Wednesday a t the 8. day Freda Kus.nnus.sen. who has been ..jt Un.t ridiculous. B ut It’s some- palaces, hung with mangy tapestries of course, copied—from one end of S Stearns ranch. "R usty” Haynes of Hanks 1« confined to her bed lor sev eral1 , inadequate." furnished in rickety gilt, and the United States to the other. R e­ Donald Edy took Mrs. Puller to spending Hie week X at lU the ck<'nom,U helmng .T h McCor­ e ^ ta to enOUford, who teaches k < mx 1 tlmc T hat small houses, with about eight bending over the wash tub and Honor Roll Given hl Eugene »pent Irom Friday to fc» Wa» the reason I persuaded Neal to rooms, conveniently arranged, and milking the family cow. Had Neal Pupils of Laurel Ridge school, who headers of three local bowling bring you here, and the only reason, at a reasonable rental? Unless it been a candidate for the Presidency were Monday at the home of her parent*. neither absent nor tardy d u r­ leagues m aintained Uiflr advantage 1 hope very, very much th a t you is clear to you now w hat I want, no sort of publicity could have been ing the Mr and Mrs H F Deford. second m onth of school, I think I had better go to another more helpful; since he was Instead were Verla Aebischer, Dorothy, R ay­ Marvin O rnduff has been suffer­ In the sixth week of competition. will believe this ' _ __ __ In the Commercial league Safeway j "I do believe It." said Anne. ing from a severe attack of quinsy an appointee to the senate, none mond and Harold Cappoen. R uth i'f'e ia '»ii” t»u- W illam ette'h o sp ital took the top position away from "Hut I was very lonely. I'd been The agent was grieved. It had could have been more disastrous. Fuher, Anna and John Meyers, at Newberg tlie Coslelt Truck«, dropping the through a dreudful domestic cxperl- not occurred to him tliat such a (T o b« continued; Irene and Mary Nystrom, Robert ence young, pretty, and gentle lady Mr and Mrs Tom Shuck and son “ Uer linee S path and Lora Werre. And now you w ant me to do would be so unamenable to his blan­ Htan ry of IH U s I m u o were «u, ,u, at Anu.rfcun 1(.aljU,. jtoyul Soda Work» the same tiling to Neal th a t your dishments. Allowing her to see th a t 1 *»e I- r Fin.gun home Munday Motors 1. Hillsboro Ice wife did to you?" T hornburgh M em ber of his feelings were hurt, he led her and Monday Works J. Home Laundry 0 City sh e had scored. But. after a mo- from one -.mall dingy dwelling to G roup to A id Settler» Horn. to Mr and Mrs Peter |,.atiU1. Lentd Auto Parts 2. H allies m ent's hesitation, he went on. still another. They were all dirty be­ Trump, a girl. Joan Kathleen. No- | ; c . C. Store 3, Ireland s spcuking calmly. "Mince you put yond description, and in m ost of John Thornburgh of Forest Grove ROCK CREEK—Mrs. Rose Wilson has been nam ed on th e executive vember 2 o Commercial league -C u rry 's 2, R so crudely, I suppose I do now. them both plumbing and heating Ml.» Neva Ziegler of Hillsboro Fairway 1. Hafewav 3. Coslctt 0 Hut I never dreamed It was going plants were antiquated and Inade­ of Junction City. Kans.. last month committee of the Oregon S ettlers' visited her aunt. Mrs. Louisa Fuegy,! Advisor}' committee. Countv com­ was the guest of Miss Norma Mey- National league National G uards to come to th at To be perfectly quate Anne went back to the W il­ er» from Friday until Monday 2. Union Oil 1, Uristol Hardware 3. frank. I didn't think you liad tt In lard. dizzy with discouragement, and and other relatives. She said farm - m ittees will be nam ed to function ------ .— y(JU w a all ltra c t ml, jn th e sense of Neai expressed surprise at her lack uig here is very different compared as aides to new Oregon residents Hill Meyers has returned from his Commercial . National bank 0 you to in locating on lands where they , „ ■ to th a t back east. .......... » -....... — ........... s a a w m e—want you. Well. I was of success. But even so, I don 't be- Mrs. K atherine Caswell of Villa may make a success of th eir agri­ "A ren't you a little too fussy? llonal league. 210. M Johnson, jieve m atters would liave gone as We ought to be getting settled, you Ridge and her daughter. Mrs. O. cultural ventures. Chambers of com­ Commercial league. 184; American | ar as this If I liudn't begun to sc- know, and having Dora and the B Cham berlain of Lompoc, Cal.. merce. county courts and county league. W Hughes. 178, and Mrs th a t—I attracted you. too." children come down. Surely you visited Mrs. William Fuegy and agents will be the m ajor units from Rrlise. ladles' league, 205. "You don't." cried Anne. ”Oh, must be able to get something. I'd other relatives in this vicinity Mon­ which members of the various set­ Schedule lor next week 1» as fol- |a,w can you say such dreadful take a day off and help you hunt, day. Mrs. Caswell and Mrs. C ham ­ tler committees will be set up. lows American league — Hillsboro things! I never loved anyone but but things are so terribly piled up berlain expected to leave W ednes-, Motors vs Hillsboro lev Works. Neal never in all my life! Why, a t the office—" A . day for Lompoc, where Mrs. Cas­ “ H ave a H eart,” F eatu re Home laiundry vs Royal H o d a i wouldn't even finish th a t dance "1 know. Neal. I'll try again. But well Intends to make her home. Works. City league — Lentz Auto with you because I suddenly re- honestly. It's awfully hard." Im proves Place P icture at the V en etia n Parks vs Ireland's, C. C Store vs membered th a t tile 'Beautiful Blue The next morning she dismissed Jack Ruegg has been improving' "Have a H eart." starring Jean Hallie's Place. Commercial league Danube' was the very first waltz the agent an d started out on foot, his farm and buildings He has new Parker, Jam es Dunn. Una Merkel -C urry's vs Coslelt Trucks, Safe- Neal and I ever had together . . . stopping before every' house th at who are moving in soon. I and S tuart Erwin, will be the S a t­ way vs. Fairway National league— j v,-ry nearly didn’t come out with displayed In Its window a sign "For renters Mr. and Mrs. John G utschm ldt urday feature a t th e Venetian. The Union Oil vs. Commercial National y0l, today a t all. I hesitated a sale or to let." At last she discov­ went to Portland Thursday. Mrs. bunk. Bristol vs. National G uards ¡onK tlnuv If Neal h ad n 't Insisted." ered tucked away between two G utschm ldt visited her sister and wholesome them e of the picture "Exactly If you weren't In love handsome brownstone "residences daughter-in-law . Mrs. Edward G ut­ concerns the regeneration of a crip­ W L I ’ct. c u r t w»««»*— rllh me you wouldn't be self-con- a small house of yellow-painted schm ldt. Mr. G utschm ldt took a pled girl through a romance th a t .•47 S 12 1 <«n t a gives her the will to overcome her y t» boo clous about motoring with me or brick. It was only two stories h ig h ;, trip to Seattle. Tacoma and C lat­ Irvlarui i it» location was excellent. T rem ­ skanie. They came home Sunday handicap—and m arry the m an of boo • H a lit* • her heart. ■ .444 a dance. You wouldn't no blingly. Anne sought out the a g e n t.; night. (’ ( Hlor« i. Pet. be w here listening to me now, The house proved to contain a small | Mr and Mrs. Theodore G u t­ S a lU n a l I.»«« «*— .722 IS 6 |lr(a l» l but sunny drawing room opening ldt are taking a trip to the I .500 • N ational Guard In the deepening twilight lie mto a dark little dining room wliose schm coast near Seaside this week. M 10 .444 Union O il leaned suddenly toward her, and one window overlooked a dim inutive J Carol Fuegy. who lias had an s 12 Winter driving ia made ( o in m rrria l N a t'i Bank w 1. P e t. Hung his arm s about tier. Then, back yard, and a kitchen In the ell; operation, is improving satisfactor­ I >Mttmettial 1 esagu*—- comfortable for the en­ .667 abandoning all restraint, lie kissed on the second story two large bed­ • Safaw ay ily. * Fairw ay her. over and over again, on the rooms and a small one. and a bath- | tire family with the in­ Ben Leus Honored 1 » t'oalatt'« mouth. The passion and violence room: in the basement, under the, Neighbors surprised Mr. and Mrs. ,SU2 stallation of h h o t I t C urry » of the embrace, w ithout prelim in­ drawing room, a storeroom which Ben Leu Friday night. Present were w 1. Pct- A m rrtran l.eaaur— witter heater in your ary caress, struck her like u blow m ight conceivably be used as a play Mr. and Mrs W alter Wismer and 4 1« llillnt»orv I» * V .500 Hut with a sickening sense of self­ room. Anne felt, a t last, th a t she Ophelia Wlsmey of Hillsboro. Mr. • Itoyal b«»la automobile. The cost is SV2 horror she realized th u t she had had found som ething which offered 7 11 Horn* Laundry and Mrs. Fred Jossy. E arl Jossy. unutll for the greater • 1 - Hlllobom Motor nuide no determ ined effort to es­ possibilities, a t least. She asked the Mr. and Mrs. Chris Reichen. F ra n ­ cape from It: Uutt she had. for a um ount of rent. riding comfort achiev­ j cis Relchen, Mr. and Mrs. Bienert moment, actually responded to it; "Two hundred and fifty dollars and daughter Virginia. Mr. and Petera A p p reciative of ed. You wouldn’t be o » a ___. . I ...I at a|tlI1g Clare, ¡n still a hold- month, w ithout h eat or light, Mrs Ernest Stahli. Mr. and Mrs. Support A ccord ed M H ir., m realizing, 1|)|{ hfr also, was th spc voice a linen without one after you and silver, of course. Very Louis Zurcher. Ted and Ben Zur- "As It Is Impossible for me person- vlprant w IHi trium ph. reasonable." have had one on a car. cher, Clara. Ida. C hrist and Alfred lv to thank ull voters who ex- ••v,,., w w * *•_ K m u K is ally You see." he whispered. “Anne. Anne was aghast. B ut she was Jaggi and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Leu pressed th eir confidence in me by darling, won’t you a d m it- fo r you also desperate. I Mr. and Mrs. Leu recently moved Protect your rudiator their votes on Tuesday. I take this tj(> th a t you love me. You 1 11 let you know tomorrow. I on the W alter Wismer place. in the cold days that metlHxl of telling them th a t I sin- wouldn’t have kissed back if you think probably 1 11 take It." Birthday Observed ' TTr.1?; *£pr2 2 ?2 i J i n i ••“»n t , »'»I make everything . very " I’m sure you couldn't do better. are ahead. Come in and A birthday party was given John d a red R F lan k Peters, successful asy for you. about the children Mrs. Conrad." have u» drain y o u r Brooks of Munson Hill. A num oer candidate for circuit Judge. "Victory aiui all th at. Neal wouldn't take It was because Anne was so m is­ Is sweci but far ‘"o r< graHfy mg is (ll,.nl from you y ou gnow you erably sure of this herself th a t she of friends and relatives gathered. radiator and put i n Mrs. Freda Berger is visiting her the reallzallon thut my friend, and wanl slay ,lere wtth me, in Hits painted the house in brighter col­ Prestone now neighbors, who see and »now my |M,atlliful bright city, where you've ors than it deserved to Neal th a t sister. Mrs. John Berger. every day life, have confidence in b,-gun to live for the first time. evening. And. even with this effort Anniversary Observed me. _____ Once we were married, every one at couleur-de-rose he was not en-j Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lemacher of Brooks Hill celebrated their th irti­ ‘ . — 2XZZT would forget all about It. if we thuslastic. Ship» I llberts Itehave ourselves." " That's a terrible price. Why. we eth wedding anniversary November T P. O ra isin g 1 back to life a m an four days dead and by countless other miracles. C hrist proved himself to be very God of very God. 2. C hrist lived In a real hum an body like ours. He had every urge to sin th a t wells up w ithin us. B ut He was very God of very God and He said No! No! No! and came through guiltless. 3. T hen He took your sin and H ig h -E ffititn c y guilt and death-sentence and died under It all to save you. 4. God wants you th a t much; sends his Son to buy you back; sends his Holy 8 plrit to plead with y o u . If your Tube« "Turn back, face about, come home," are over one year Is the plea of th e seeking God. old you’ll be sur­ Before you sleep tonight kneel prised how new down and tell God you take C hrist ones will improve as the one who paid It all and your Radio. th a t from now on you will search the Bible to learn how to love, tru st and obey Him; looking to Him from moment to moment for power to live the new life. Come on men—let's give the tru th as it is In C hrist Jesus to the last Selfridge Bros. Phone 21X unsaved soul In our county. PHILCO DEALERS George N. Taylor. Beaverton, O re­ gon.—Pajd Adv. Donelson 86 Sewell PHILCO TUBES Douglass Radio Service C L E A N IN G PRESSING and DYEING . . . W E w ill take care o f you r wardrobe at econom y prices, and as­ sure you o f prom pt ser­ vice alw ays. 111 Bowling League «•<1 y°u »« *>avt» Kansan Visitor of Rock Creek People WE CALL AND DELIVER HOME LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANERS Telephone 47 Hillsboro, Oregon Shelled Walnuts CULL PRUNES B o u g h t For C ash DUNDEE DRYING CORP. PH O N E N EW BER G 1605W DUNDEE Be Comfortable! Thank PEN NEY’S for these "BUYS”! You’ll agree ... they’re sensational values! New Styles, Fabrics and Fur Treatments! Busch’s Service Garage W £ P A Y D IV ID E N D S on What You Spend! C L E M ’S PLACE f T R Y THE TR A IN MONEY TO LOAN MODERN HOMES Through a federal connection money Is available for loans on good homes. Low Interest coat—sm all monthly paym ents—no renewal fee. Money may be used for any purpose In­ cluding buying, building or repairing homes. Come In and talk It over—no obligation. TO CALIFORNIA Ç oslett $ uper S ervice S tation G A S O L IN E S R ich field - G en eral - S h ell - U nion - G ilm ore Hi-Pressure Greasing Free Crankcnae Service - Automotive Repairs F ireslon e Tire», Tube» and A ccessorie» L 5 A F E RELIABLE . DRIVE IN — SPARK PLUGS TESTED FREE Coslett Super Service Station Washington Savings & Loan Ass’n J. M. PERSON, Manager Savings * Loan Bldg. Hillsboro. Oregon CO8I.F.TT» TRUCK SERVICE First and Baseline Streets COSLETT’S BAR-B-Q Phone 1263 W hen yrui go to C alifornia, try the tra in ! Big c hange» have taken place on out rails, Pullman charges are a third less lhan last year. Rail fares are touching botiom at a m ile and less. Complete meals in our dining cars cost as little as 804. For de­ tails, see your local agent or w rite J. A. Ormandy, 705 Pacific Building. Portland, Oregon. Southern lucilie