Thurmlay. Novem ber 15. 193-1 Scholls Group Gives Benefit r IC Gypsy Musical Hall Friday G range Social, HCHOI.tH A pie MM lui and (lypsv musical by chums of voice» for tin- benefit of the Hcholls laidles’ Aid will In- held at the G runge hall Friday evening 'Hie program Is free and pi«*“ #»d coffee will la­ old Find and »croiid pii/e* will be given for tlic most appropriate t h p-y costumes and anyone a t­ tending the social may compete Mi III - le lloelli-l ol W itch lia srl will sing the lead in (he chorus ol ■evil ul numbers. Mrs. Gladys THE H IL L S B O R O Trask In ARG US. H IL L S B O R O . OREGON t h u l r m u n o f tin* itn m n lth •‘■••'’V ' "iiipl.u il log I ioum ’ on tlie Rankins Mr Bluffer returned w ith 1 ! Wuif.011 fami. Knox, county agent, wlio made pre- three nice turkeys. A so w of eight have I m oii n iu k i . o i . ij HEAt H Ihe program of liinlnary arrangem ents for th e Mi and Mri Dahl Frye, who uri* Miss I.aVellc Berg spent the week- 1 iliac wulnuta a t tin* N utrroft drier in o i.o iiL g rio n i h i,iti,, io California, government testing of dairy herd.- testing This program gives dalrv- end with her parents, Mr and Mrs. ( tin ’ iiiti.l ta n week,. for bang-, Is now under men their first opportunity of v i n t i l i M r. u n ii Mi:. Wi-irli R um - Charles Berg, at Bkamokawa, Wash. Ernest llansi'ti had I lls I m n m w ir­ ! Hunduy. way In Curry rounty. and the atti- I cleaning up bangs disease In their Miss Mary Louise Hlgby. Red ed fill till- lig h t,, lui.l week .mil V, of dairynu-n Indicates prartic- herds and receiving compensation M i lim i M i G eorge la -w e llyn Cross aide was a visitor In Timber! in now enjoying liwtits f iiiiiis lu d l,y ninni lai, « •.« n, Brillile a t thè 100 per cent co-operation in lor anim als which must be slaugh- last Thursday. I* F I* of Hillsboro ,l,.s county, according to K M. tered. W illia m M imi ilo hom i* a n d a lv i Bchollx orchestra win give u u-m D a v id H i l l P u p il* to G iv e v ‘ lt. il I m i. t e r in law, Mia. Idu AB O fficials are Re-elected fit variety show ul the Hi hull, Ilo*1. i t Mi t ilo W o o llry , W uh I i . S h e rid a n P u b lis h e r C o d e at General Election O range hull November 23 at H |i P r o g r a m on F r id a y A s ilv e r tea w ill lie g ive n a t the A d m in is t r a t o r o f O re g o n in. A small adml isioii will be chair: I I I M m p liy hom e W ednesday fo r cd and a cafeterlu lunch will be tin- iM-iiein. o f the R ed (truss. Steen Johnson of the S h e rid a n ’ „ (Ily M im « Dorothy Cook«) sold. A 311-nilimtc play will be given Mr. and Mrs J English and Mrs Hun. president of t h e Y am hill-' Die 5A and SB of the David Hill CORNELIUH B y . r o u n u r Mooberry and ensemble and individual n o v e lty l b - k e o l P o rtla n d w. ,,- H unday a w e » . ; W ashington County Publishers and school elected the following officers: " e the II, Jix- I - Kerr K e r r home hom e was re-elected mayor of Cornelius Printers' association, has been nam -I Robert Beattie musical iiumbers will complete tin - gurutu at president; Jack mu- and a half limn prnglum A Hupcrlnlcndent Krause visited a t the city election. V. Freni li Wa . e,l Graphic Arts code adm lrustra- Kennelly, vice-president; Wallace SELECT YOUR ' treasurer, D. C. Whit-,a- ,or ,„ r Oregon to s in n e d Arne Rae Wood, Vt secretary The 2A and 3A this orchestra Is usually demand si bools in tin . vicinity last week °* this school also elected officers: at all lit tie 10m111111niyalfa11.ini Wallaci Flint and Christine P ut re-elected recorder, an d E. B. Bah- 0( Eugene who has resigned. Rae of Elmer Jesse, president; Virginia of cliaritc a s|s*clal plea i., extended **f the Groner si litsil received grade now and J. A. Iruiler were re-ele t- wm ( ontlnue as field m anager of K to everyone to attend this program two In all subjects for the six cd councllmen tin- Oregon S tate Editorial asso- Banner, vice-president; Ethel Mc- Prises A warded 1 will la- u-.i ,| to buy weeks test |a ,i week .. . U ' ‘“Bon. W Verne McKinney «XI Donald, monitor. Cochrane, Mr. . Hillsboro has been named on the David Hill school ls presenting music for orchestra work. Mr. and Mis W W. I a n g worthy Langworlhy of ^m lth, Julian Dclmonte and C ather- legislative committee- of the asso- a program this Friday a t the school- Kclullvcs from Portland mid u .1 Mi. , « Katherine " " - i i " » r a s i s a s s r s a f ^ K i s s f « " » “ » neighbors of the Trunk Watson house at 1 o'clock Everyone Is In­ i .,1 - cosvumi-.'i a i m e l i a r a 1 in n s pur luinlly were entertained at a I ioum - vited to attend. Small admission s,w l erí"7 rm n r,^ r . i Í ..... S . v ( the K * ™ .» . lh«. Methodist Sunday wuitiling parly In honor ol the r< - The number of Illnesses has de­ attended the ON OREGON FARMS liio g r iim a t the Venetian In Hills­ school Wednesday evening a t the creased during the past week. At Various contests, charades Ih r e r Squash Best in T ria l the junior high Frances Sm ith was boro November 7. sponsored by the church. songs, buikuon volley ball, as well PRINEVILLE In a trial plant- the only person absent more than county federation of Women's clubs. us other games were the evening i In i'o f” m -vi-ral varieties ‘ of pump- three days. Tuesday noon Evelyn 1 entertainm ent. Apples and pop corn gin and squash on the Dewt-y Haworth of the 8A class of the were served to aoout 50 guests. Shobert farm a t Powell Butte, to Junior high suffered an Injury to C a lifo rn ia n s Buy determine their resistance to curly J finger while playing volley­ Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Dore of top disease, the three-varieties m ak -| her ball. California have purchased the Ban " Ing the- best showing were Ford- Jerry Everett, who formerly llv T H A T ^ E ^ . ^ r s Allle S T * ' 7 » % ^ ^ From the HILLSBORO MEAT CO., where assort­ Ross and son Archie and their son ‘ m m a*'"'l ° ^ ‘er var’ TherP has ‘x ,' n considerable out- ments are greater and selections best. Owen and his wife 01 Callaway. Mr a „u ¿ r j M H oihrti-r and m, rlL‘,i Uie , ,were slde ?ctivJiZ a t the ->unior hl«h Nebr., and Claude Kendall of Ben- .„ “ n? “ ik o r tD Iv ^ K o tl h a v t moved o Hubblu'd- t * J‘cata and Uma- recently. The 8A class has been ton City. Wash , visited Mr and mo c X ce lllla' * orl“ni °" a play ** «lven 1,1 Mrs. Chari, . Hears oth.-i Mr* H e n rld ta Morgan of Hills- Will Irrigate Fiber FUx £*cve" ,by l i v e d t h i s Yount “ ^ V d ' a i ' y ^ 'n ‘Ur8rtisetnrv ’ with rfluiivcs here. •oils, Ls preparing 20 or 30 acres of drought area from which he bax view cemetery. Mrs. C. Wells ahd daughter of land for irrigation, and plans to use lust come Mr* sn a d M rf" iSwlie n X KKenrn ali" wlth Mrs Lloyd Shaw of Vernonia spent first girl I never tried to kiss.”—Ëx The 7A class ls making Interest­ wî u w rrn a n . tjie week-end here. ing notebooks on the possessions of Mrs. haru Haney of Strassel «pent Clifford Mapes, who ls attending . If y°u change your address klnd- the United States. BJ ew. d“y!4 ,tt*sl week wllh her chll‘ Oregon State college, s|M-in spent m t ' ie ly notify the Argus direct and a t <-i once. Quality Job printing—Argus. j Mr und Mrs. AJlK- Ross of Cal- Henry "iiehrniun. """" ~ laway. Nebr., Mr and Mrs. E. Place Mr. an d Mrs. C harles Flnegan and son Emery and Mr. and Mrs attended the luneral services of Jim Place and daughter of Banks Mrs Einegan's father, Mr. HUI. of and Mr. and Mrs George Wilson of Tillamook Thursday. W atts and Mr und Mrs. d ia r ie s Alex McPherson has been 111 at Sears visited Lou W right and fam - his home here. I *Jy Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Loyal R. M ann of led Haney has a new truck to Eorest Grove were guests Monday d e liv e r m ilk to the C arnation con- al th e M. D M ann home, denser at Hillsboro. W alter R itthaler returned Sunday I M urjone Place is staying a t the (rom a easl. Lou W right home and helping care ltH . c H latt IaIIUly h ave moved lor her sister. Mrs W alter Wright. lnb, the B. Miskimins house. FREE DELIVERY PHONE 2001 * ““ M r- allc* Mrs Lester Mooberry Nellie Haney Wilbur W right and entertained Hunday with a chicken Friday, Saturday, Monday — Nov. 16, 17 and 19 Cecil Tower spent Suturday night dinner a t their home. Season colors with her parent*. Mr. and Mrs were used in table decorations and Fred Haney, near Strassel. OREGON PRODUCTS DAYS THROUGHOUT OREGON lavors. Present were Mr. and Mrs. All this coming week. Buy Oregon Products and boost Bertel Iugebrietson. Rev. and Mrs. C harles M Reed and family. Mr your own state. “The Count of Monte and Mrs. Ray Hhuw and Helene. C r is t o ” N e w F e a t u r e Mrs. Laura Jackson. Mrs. Ellen Vickers, Mrs M artini M ann. M is "The C ount of Monte Cristo," M attie Hmilh and the host and .... ! , Alexander Dumas' im mortal story, hostess. will be shown u t the Venetian Mr. and Mrs. R. Bellinger of CUP-O-GOLD K err's. Made in Oregon from theatre Hunday, Monday and Tues- day i t o S r t ^ n â t mm E l ^ Landl ^ ¿ S s S T h ^ “ “ *“ 8Und*y *** Blended and roasted In Ore. W illam ette Valley Oats. : are featured. A flaming figure ol Delbert Henderling of north Cor­ M b. pkg..................... 9-lb. bag ..................... vengeneel For 20 years in a living nelius spent last week w ith Mr, grave he educated him self—steeled Louise Cochrane. In n . -i ll for a daring escape. Then Jerry C artw right is 111 a t his emerged as the Count ol Monte with measles. C risto -w ith the wealth and pow­ home Vera French h as been 111 er to drive three men to their graves at Miss her home lor an extended time Pillsbury White Wonder us they had driven him to In •. Holds Big I'iniM tih Meld Milled in Oregon Made in Oregon. Joseh B ernards of Hoy melded M o re K e il C lo v e r H a rv e s te d H n is iin iti, r o red Hover 1500 111 >Jl“ nP >n “ pinochle game , ' r ................... bars -4-,-dw .‘s ’ liurvest. ll M o in W ashington “ L lh e ia rd lu rly !’Pon-sur«'t‘ bY the countv v. a r lui i m a i t of a l ' Alexander's Ye ung People s club th < "lia -d riv e V. u s n-Doru cSim tv at Cornellus last Thursday eve- CAKE FLOUR CRACKERS Aaent W F C v S s T iii“ Increase nU‘B' 8uch “ meW u vt’ry unusu»l. Pillsbury Sno-Sheen Snowflake wS^ not due to le a tie r y lèd a ~ r Mr Bernards was the wumer ol Milled in Oregon. An Oregon-made product ^ “ "but m 'larger ' ‘acreage, S ? ^ ^ 1 . 0 ^ M?? Cyrus say*. Prices are higher th an _ J" , ' S I*. 2-lb. box ................. ‘i1..™? 1™"*’ ‘S1IKC tho 6Uirt Oi UlC llrs l- Mrs Jake Vanderven and depression. PUMPKIN . PRUNES ' George R itthaler. second. In pi­ Kay-Mai. Italian nochle. Mrs. John VanLom and Joe Bernards, first; Elaine Caldwell and Made in Hillsboro. A W ashington county product John VanLom. second. Miss Evelyn Doolier also won a prize. lb * .................... 1)1 ran ................... RUCHEK’S ASK GROCERY 9c Lb. C offee 6c Lb. QUALITY, PRICE AND SERVICE W e have a good supply of NEW SAUERKRAUT 25c 5 D e liv e rie s D a ily P h on e 651 R e *. P h o n e 3 2 1 Z " — - -‘ • IOC Mrs. O. Shiffer Given a Surprise (B y Luis R i c h m o n d l Special Sale o f New Crop w W alnuts....All Week Nov. I2th—I7th Dcticioui walnut) the yeai'i Crop -Iron) tlx grower s finest groves! Biougfil to you at real livings The golden color on the means plump, crunchy-crisp tcrnel» inside dlnj), calc), candy They 31 v« simple dishes the party touch They male desserts more ap. petuina as well as more nour- •lung They're healthful in an­ other w a y too ---give teeth and gums n e eded exercise Píe the fru t nut bowl high with them A dd them to saladt, pud Put walnuts on your grocery list right now. W ALNUTS lb . 16c OREGON MADE Cheese Oregon Full cream 16c Lb. FLOUR - 1 ™ ... $1.75 Baker Girl 49-lb. sack OATS , T S E X :.... i S ' " nB' 4 I2c 6 PRUNES Oregon ItAl‘,in- TOM ATO JUICE Milk 4 “ 23c Carnation Tall Can .., 6c lb«. N° a# 2 1 for Candy Bars—G en­ eral Foods. 3 bars .. Deviled Meat Libby's, % cans. Peanut B utter— Maximum, l.b......... Armour's. Sugar 52c 10c Of* Coffee—Maxwell House. Lb..................... 23c Coffee 20c 49c 27c 25c 15C Peas—Del Monte. No. 2 ran Pork * Beans—Van Camp's. 11-ov. ra n . . m m * . .. 100-ib. *k....*5.ia 21c Tollet Soap—W hite 4 4 - , King. 3 bans ............... G ranulated Soap — W hite King. Large pkg..................... Mayonnaise—Best Foixls Pint Q uart Jell Well— 8 pkgs............................ Pure enne Airway ■ I. Nob Hill 2 lbs. Edwards Lb. ran $1.59 Packed a t Newberg. Mt. Vernon OREGON CAULIFLOWER— ■.urge head ......... ONIONS— R lbs. ....................... BUY OREGON Soap 10 AW 9Qp ilwU 33c PRODUCE FEATURES Delicious. Box .............................. A P P LE S . C ELERY HEARTS— Bunch ......... PRODUCTS AT SAFEWAY ....... TIM BER— A surprise birthday party was given for Mrs. O scar K hiller Saturday night a t the home of Mrs. S D. WiUls. The evening was spent playing bridge. Guests in ­ cluded Messrs, and Mesdames W. E. Gilman. William Huffm an. Morris Kochman. Albert Riche. J. T. R ich­ mond, (Jscar Shifter, M. F. Welter, Boyd W right and the hostess. Mrs. S. D. Will’ s Miss Ju an ita Nelson spent the week-end with her parents In Mon­ mouth. H erbert Snider of C arlton was a business visitor In Tim ber Tues- ! day. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schaffer and j son R ichard and Mrs. J. A. H offart ! and daughter Betty Jean spent the week-end In Salem visiting with { friends. Paul De Remer and W alter W right spent the week-end In Portland. Mr. and Mrs. C harles O. S tanton ] drove to Portland Sunday to a t­ tend th e wedding of their nephew. Raymond Myrieh, to Miss Edna [ W right Sunday night. Mr. Myrieh is radio operator on the U. S. S. I G eneral Lee. Miss Cecelia Marchel spent last Wednesday at St. Marys of the Valley. Miss Marchel attended school a t the Academy several years ago. sh e was joined by her mother Thursday and they went to P o rt­ land on business. Those who attended the American Legion turkey shoot In Vernonia from here were Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Shiffer and Mr. and Mrs. Paul 24c SAXTON & LOONEY Producers of Quality SA N D and GRAVEL P lan t located 4 miles no rth of F or­ est Grove on Gales Creek. Phone 1C09R TIGHT OLD COUGHS LOOSEH RIGHT UP One little sip and the ordinary ( cough is gone—a few doses and j th a t tough old hang-011 cough ls ; heard no more -I t's really wonderful to w atch how speixlily bad. linger­ ing colds are put out of business. Right away that tightness loosens u p the bronchial passages clear- - you're on your toes again—hnppy and breathing easier. You never know w hat hour of the |n ig h t you'll need thLs powerful yet harm less mixture th a t "acts like a I Hash"—so get a 45-cent bottle of l Buckley's Mixture (triple acting) and keep It handy. Riggs' Hillsboro Pharm acy and all druggists sell It| and money back If not delighted. AT DRUGGISTS 4B « » 8 8 * ^» M IX T U R E -, ASINOLBSIPPROVSSITZ I fa 5 25c C arnation Made In Hillsboro. Pure cane. Fine gianulated. 52c lb. Viking A first grade paper. rolls ............... Tall can ........................ 6C HONEY TISSUE 4 From Prime Cattle. 8© Lb. ............ LAMB ROAST Spring Lamb. 9© Lb. .................................... ac IXC M U TTO N STEW PORK ROAST Young and Tender. Lb. .......... ............... LAMB BREAST Very Nice. Lb. ................ . 6© Z5C 6© 29c ...... TURKEYS Young Hens. Lb. VEAL BREAST For Stew ing or Roasting. Lb. ............. S H O R T E N IN G A Good Buy. 3 lb*. A com plete line of choice HOME MADE Bacon, Hams, Backs, Lard, W ie n ­ ers, Bologna, Minced Cheese, Headcheese, Liver Sausage, F ra n k fu rte rs And Many Other Items! MILK SUGAR 10 BOILING BEEF 25C 30C S afeway S tores OREGON 43C F lo u r $2.09 FRED’S SUPERIOR MARKET O ats For Friday and Saturday 15C M ountain. Made in Oregon by Oregon bees. S-lb. pail .................... Hillsboro M eat Co- Phone 982 FREE DELIVERY X 42C Co. FLOUR CROWN B est Patent. PRODUCT! W EEK Price* E ffective Friday, Saturday and Monday — November 16, 17, 19 BELL BRAND. Hard wheat, every purpose 49-lb. sack ................................................... F L O U R flour. BIG BOY or ECONOMY WHITE. S O A P Large bars. 4 f o r .................................. s ROLLED OATS— Sperry's. 9-lb. bag ........................................ MACARONI— Standard flour. 3 lbs. $ 1 .5 3 £ag>ey standard- n°- 2i/a cans- QQz* ODw* Q Qz* ÄIÖ V PUM PKIN— Ray-M ai. Hills­ boro pack. No. 2*/a can ................1 8c BEANS — Santiam or Silverton cut, Fancy No. 2. 2 cans AdtJV DATES— New crop. Bulk. KRAFT CHEESE American, Pimiento, Brick or V elveta. 9Qp V !g-lb. pkgs. 2 for 15c i0 c