Page Ten THE Turkey Shoot Sodai News of November 18 Local Folk and AR G U S, H IL L S B O R O . OREGON Thlimduy, November 15 They'll H elp M ake J ill a B right G irl North Plains Their F riends Legion Sponsors Affair at Buxton; Family Moves H IL L S B O R O •I« Cl MU NÌ PATTERN OEEEIUNGS INCH DE A SPLENDID DRESS EOH PL.W U.ME- A CHIC EROCK EDR THE SCIIODI.ROOM Lodge to Meet ' Mrs Joseph Thompson and Mrs Alvord reiiirned Willi llieiii u n d I peilt the weck end Vtsltlng friends lirre. .lohn laifllx lloiKiiril Membri» ot Washington Giunge I und eluse nelgiilmrs, ubimi 2fl Tn n iin ib e i stirpi isrd John Udii» Sun duy cvelililg. 11 bring hls »eventlclh birthday. The giunge nrescntrd Mr und Mrs Loft!» wlth 2.1-yeur sllver sitrat plus. bolli liuvitig been mi'ui- bers ol Ih,, giunge tur 2I> yeurs Ilie eveiilng aus spellt wlth ionici sul Ion. Mr und Mr» Ernest Nelson of llilisboro s|h iiL (he week-end wlth Mr und Mrs A F Chrlslener. A F. Chrlslener und Kurt Jaekv •peilt the week-end flshlllg on eoust stremn». l.uVrlle Jackson Injurrd Mr mut Mrs M rrrltt Jueksoii and LaVelli* und Miss lillu Cornelius '•Pnil the week end mid Monday 1,11 » « o u tin g on Wilson river The I " " 1' wus u 'iv lucky catching sal 1111111 The girls bail their first thrill in ’— landing “ the big “ fi.-di “ — ' Jm " t before h'livtng loiVelle hud the misfortune to (all on the rocks and sprulu her kl“' , November 23 at the n , lth Piailla K nights of Pythl.i -. null A tire program Is planned Mr and Mrs. G N Taggart and then daughter. Mrs M. C. 1'ickle- LeRoy Mills Re-elected Heed siiner. and children left Friday for Mrs Picklesuners home m Ban of Washington Grange Diego. Cal They wen' accompanied (By Mrs. Jee»e Meyenl by W. F. Lormor, who will visit lus BUXTON —A turkey shoot WiU daughter. We Want to Select Bryson, in that city. be held on the baseball grounds Eli route Mrs i ll y N orth l'U ln a P. T. A.) south they expected to a rrlia b la yuuiiM Mian, inm south ol Buxton November 18 b\ visit N O H III p l a in s F r i e n d s h i p Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence T ag ­ |U«*y«4. w ith H >l< t-HIGH f the American Legion Shot guii fa ir temple, Pytlitun Sisters, will hold gart at Bakersfield. The Hillsboro M hicalton ami m m h aa h a l th rlh i« and rifle shooting will be enjoyed people will probably rem ain south ! Us ammui liiuiie-eomiiig mid roll- who |a wllllntf („ Hot coffee and lunch will be served call Friday evening at the K. of I' ■ l>ar« lim a o r •««’ iiliitf * in ) | | | | B on tlie grounds. 1 UUs * u n er- I mm - x . I., .„ i . J if y aa I N H I A 1 . I Hull A |mt link supper wdl be serv­ a m i N t -K V K I' ra|M rr(i;«*ralore |»',,r attended a party Saturday night Sandford and Mis Hoy iiu iii m A surprise party was given Harry tv r v la w w r it * , m Iv in a ami ili.uge. All members are urge,I io Seabold and sons Friday night. The at tile home of Mr and Mis G. A p tw iv n l u fc u |M il|u n u tn m l. The Past Chlels' club will evening was spent in playing cards Rutfierford in Portland, honoring Ml. and Mrs Jerry Heston iMavme liunlsli (h,, eiieteriiiliimeni with Those present were Mrs. O. H UTILITIES EMIINIT HING I Mrs Earl Hullenbeek 111 charge Stowell. George Hollenbeck. C. A. Urenbeuie:' of IVwell Butte. Mr. INSTITI IE and Ml mill Mrs. Henry Cypher mid Morgan, . n .. r g f tll, « Mrs na. Prudie e iu u ir Fickas n v f c . c iu mid iu a .,,,,. Mrs. u Heston , ! . » . . __ are former resi- *01 N. Walla HI., t'h lra « a . m daughter Frances. Miss Charlotte dent* of Hhlsboro. U 'sier cy p h er spent Sunday mid Monday fishing on Wilson river Sullvan, Mr and Mrs. Jesse Meyers Mr. and Mrs. L. P. G ann, who have Hie men report having good luck and Harry Seabold and sous Jack been living in Aberdeen. Wasli., and a grand time. and Harry. i since their marriage, have moved G uests a t the Jam es II Davi» Miss Gladys Overton teacher of to Olympia, where Mr. G ann pur- MILL WOOD home Sunday were Mr. mul ...... Mrs. the upper grades here, spent the chased a meat market. Mrs. G ann Edgings and Inside wood Hlrum Davis mid Mrs Norman week-end and Armistice at Cres­ was formerly Miss Minnie Ziegler Davis ami little son of Beaverton I lo o t well. . of this city. Guests at the Faye Mill» home Two or more cords William Riggle and son Delmar Pilgrim llnuxe «1.71 sent several davs with relatives h e re R u th a n d Witcher 1 Sunday were Mr. mid Mrs. B. J. Sawed. Mie more sern stverai aays wi,n ruatives nert of Tillamook and Claude Gudge of Sunday: Chapel services of wor­ K atur. Mr. and Mrs Hagenbusher Uus week ship, id jo a in und 7 3(1 p in Edgings und inside, dry Portland were guests Monday of i anil Mr. and Mrs. Hoys and daugh- V. Ornduff and Mr. and Mrs. their relatives. Mrs. Lloyd Selfridge " ‘‘’" ‘hig worship Pivstor Henri Iti-lneli Cord I ter, uh of Portland. Jesse Ornduff attended the funeral Mr and Mrs. George Selfridge i W ashington G range November 3 i s Huiler will preach on "H tH .o m - 5 or more cords ..................... »j « of their brother and uncle, Sam ® B , us. tile Doubting Apostle." next to ¡elected tfie following oft leers: Le- Rev. Len B Fishback of T illa­ Ornduff. a t Laurel Saturday. sermons on on "The Excellent kitchen wood, the br-t Roy Mills, rc-eleeted. m aster Klva Iasi in a series of sermons Mr. and Mrs. Fred Riggle of mook was a Hillsboro visitor Mon- buy you can find Logan overseer; M is . G e r t ie M e e k V. ? , A Pu a ll,' !’ H ie to p ic of the Birkenfeld spent the week-end with d?-\- brlI1»img a number of football lecturer; Mrs. Peurl Vandouielen 1 ' * n l , 'g sermon will be "Two Pll- Dry Slab and Mark relatives here. K i?'e£ s f.or * rml5Uc,e «am e S!*'.W:.“ .'d : . ' « h ’ r i d r i i P e te rs e n , a s - g X " ?s 1 « ^ , ^ ' ' P l1 - Move to Vernonia between the two high schools. ia-lnrh Old Growth Fir series. Thanksgiv­ ststaiu Meward; Mrs. S adlr Loftis, Mr. and Mrs. Thor Groenbeck, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. G riffith and ing services are announced for Nov- H e r m a n K eh a e chaplain, Mrs. Grace Knffety. re- hi iv »»- ----- have moved to Vernonia. Mr. G ro e n -1 her mother. Mrs. Sohia Freerksen. elected, treasurer; Itosella Mills. s ,inj L ‘W n,X*i’ ,'b’’r, J J* ,tn,t Phone 2383X Res. phone ao«j beck, who drives stage to Portland moved the first of the week from secreUry; Faye Mills, guU'keeuer Nn-nm. • * Advent. Annual at from here, has extended the route their residence on First street to J^ IK E her big lis te r, the little miss enjoys ap­ Clip Dot and Mall This Order Blank for I'attrrus Rose Hall. Ceres, Mrs Uplicnila . , ' “ T *«<»t«erlng of toys to Vernonia. '522 Jackson street. Meyers. Pomona; ¿lien Loftis, Flora , , “li!?. r<>^ *•*» Iw t« « “ tea' C hrist- pearing as chic and stylish a t she can, and the W B. A. met in all-day session Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Rees and FASHION BUREAU, Lola ladv uaalatum >'> ember 8 Pile pastor may Io la Solberuer Solberger. 'lady axs.slant stewi picturesque frocks sketched above accentuate the Saturday with pot luck dinner. Mrs. family attended services a t Laurel- between 10 u. m ard; Harry Chapman, executive com- w id ^ J l.n V Sv6® 103 Park Ave., New lo r k City. Jessie Tillman was taken in as a wood academy Saturday and were fresh eharm and attractiv en ess w ith which she la dntm ent. at m lttee chairm an; Faye Mills ugrl- 7 i,.‘ , ' 2 ' “y P « appointme new member. Dinner guests were guests during’ the day of Mr and ■aurally endowed. culture chairman'; Ev,i M. "k ' "inie »'«.. »tree- . ------- J*« ackson W ith th is coupon, which I clipped from the William and Delmar Riggle, Ruben Mrs. Ben A m undson’and family All young peoples meetings Us an- vTOhoinlcs chaliinaii. clay Dorland, f Kelly. Jesse Meyers. Irene Fisher. I Mr and Mrs Henrv In this w eek's offerings, th ere Is an exceptionally installing officer; Lucy Baker, musl-1 ,wulK‘Hl' is a a w a e e s ^ Pd“ aL e l ^ d p X er ’ “ d E:ean°r « « clan. cute frock th a t lends glam our to • schoolgirl's <&•■• Of Newspaper) “ m ^ ^ v ' Meyers of Beaver- Eme^- P ^ h L Nuts, lauiyl studies, and a Jum per frock splendidly suitable for Mxtliiesens E ntertain I am e n c lo s in g ...................cents. Pleaae send nit . - „ Pieschal — a t Tillamook ton. Mrs. Fred Caldwell of Hills- Bmery Mr. tiitii Mm. Jiutte.s Mathlesen) No foolin', a lot of We girls have absorbing th e punishm ent any g irl’s dress receives • the p attern s listed below a t IS cents a p a ttern : boro and Mrs. Jewel Losli of O r over the holidays. of Muuntaliulule entertained with a wx'ukness for gold braid and Mr. and Mrs. E. V. K aufm an and durin g playtim e hours. enco were visitors of W. B. A. S at- lbuUi»“‘ No sooner luul the i ti curd party November 7. Present P a tte rn number^ urdav. All are members of the o r - ; M arjorie and Marcele of Silverton T he Jum per frock— P attern SS3— can be m ade were Messrs, tutcl Mesdumrs J. it batllfBlup Houston lied up In P o rt­ I visited during the week-end with gam ia tion land harbor tluui we got aboard to ¡Sandford, William Jons, Henry Cy- S6S • • • • • • • • • Size Mr. and Mrs. Ralph H annan and ,U rs' Ro5? Prickett and with rela- la m atPrial» to su it th e season— wool, cotton. or i Piter. A. F. Chrtstener, A. K. Rey- get an eyeful of the "big guns." family of Portland and Mrs. ChrisJ tl' es at Ballk-S Spying a tall, handsome brute silk. P a tte rn s are available in sizes S to 1« year« 354 1 nolds, Loel Hollenbeck, E arl Hol­ Size Domashosky and daughters of Ju n e -' Mrs. W. S. Tilton suffered a Size 12 req u ires 2 H yards of S5-lnch fabric for lenbeck. Glenn Sandford and How­ drestu'd up lik«' a plush itortte, one tion City visited at the W. E. Hill, sprained ankle Saturday evening. th e dress, aud 1 % y ards for the gultnpe with sh o rt Name . • • • • • • a > • • • • • • • « ard Hollenbeck. Mrs Loel Hollen­ fair dunw asked boldly: home Monday. " ° h . sir, wlwt kind of an officer I Her sister, Mrs. Elma ’Denby, is beck and Henry Cypher hud high Mr. and Mrs. A _____ rthur Fisher of | staying with h er until she has re- eleeves, or 1 14 y ards with long sleeves. Address score and Mrs J. H Sandford and are yxMi? "I'm a naval surgeon." A ravishing school dress Is th a t Indicated as Sunset camp were Buxton visitors I covered. Earl Hollenbeck second My goodness' How you doctors I City . . . Sunday. Ladles of the Parent Teacher Mr. and Mrs. Donald Megargel P a ttern J54. Any girl would be proud to nave It do specialise ’—Ex. ' H arry Coleman has gone to Carl association cleared ubout »15 with . “ ><1 Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Murton In her w ardrobe. It can be made In colorful glng- State , the lunch suit? on election day. U>n to run a switch engine a t the spent the week-end and Monday h sm s with lawn collar, and le available In sizes 4 Mrs. Patrick Davis was taken to Ca^lton Mill. with Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Miller at t0! I 2’«, S lle 8 calls for 8,4 fu rd s of 35-lnch fabric, Mr. and Mrs. George Riggle. Mrs j Salem. ? 1 W rite your name and address plainly, giving num ­ ! the Portlund open-air sanitarium with % yard co n trast for the collar, cuffs and sasn. O H. Stowell. George Hollenbeck, Vr M , p ber and slxe of patterns you want. Enclose 15 cents last week for treatm ent. F or the white collar, an o th er H yard ts required. David Edwards and Mrs. Ethel Mey- 'daf ^ V Mr. and Mrs Curl C hrlstener and i 10-Iube Croaley Conaole In coin for each number, and mall your order to Incidentally, thia dress may have a double or single ers were Hillsboro visitors last week. 72. collar. Mrs. Gale Luther of Portland i thirty-nititfi wedding an niversary' New York. N Y . with Mr. and Mrs. E. M B arham at and Mrs. Nancy Riggle of Bellflow­ Salem. celebration of Mr. and Mrs. J j Sale price the week-end a t the John COU-1 »22 31; er. Cal., visited friends at Manning Nussbuumer of Helvetia Sunday. WdUr», »37.41, Burl >12.28, L e n ti Aut*» Part« 14; F t Mrs. J. R uffer and children left «ell home here. Monday. Annual roll call of the Red Cross Sie w a r t - Warner Conaole , 159 89 F L naughts Machinery C o. 228.40 J t II Mrs. Jewel Losli of near Orenco week for Rockaway for a visit Is on this week .Mrs. W E Mays Mr. and Mrs. Donald T. Temple- Reg. >69.50. n, >.»7 36, Loyd Dailey, $ 8.3 7. (iet visited Mrs. Clara Allen Saturday. wlt“ her slsc«-’r before going to E11 ton and son John spent the week- * Drown- sellin.- A Co., »59 27, A rrhie Jr««e. »16 . . i Is canvassing tills community. ♦ " 38 R o w v e jr, $S 3 7; J,»e Cronin. | 5 5S, Don Sale price 20 A rth u r Jesse. »335 28, Harves J ,. Mr. and Mrs. David Edwards vis- j where they will make their end at Salem Mrs. J. H Davis and Patrick aid T Templeton. >46 95. Herman Hole »363 4 8; I. I. Ma. In ls te . »8 99. Bi „1 D aria and little son visited Mr- ited relatives at Riggle Bros, camp home. Miss Helen Craig of Rockaway n cel. >124.75; W J Stan,ell, >., x Croaley Tablr Model H i" . ' t o »12.96, A t Haag A C o. In c . Miss Betty Irwin oí Rockaway is a guest this week a t the L. C. near Birkenfeld a lew days this Patrick Davis at the Portlund S an ­ Ll. yd DaiJe>. >.*. SS . R „b | Klinger, >_' 79 , »312 29 M It Scnler T. h .I Works. ».9 01. itarium Friday. week. L o n g u iiil s h o r t w a v e was an overnight guest Monday at Lomax home E Reynold«, »'Î 9X; Howard Cooper Corp., »12 10, John A w S llilh . r Mrs. W. E. Mays anti Mrs. Loren c h ^ . h o m e . She returned Miss Marion R e g . > 4 2 .0 0 . H - N « - Son« I'.. ■ f t'.Oo , » |8 , M - Thompson visited Mae Alvord and » M ow noau, » „ ™ ,1 « « S » . 7 I l R th a n llr r . »«7.3« “i ; , ? ’2°" ’3M CLEARANCE SALE ’5 7 50 YOURS ‘5 5 00 Junior Class Play Cast Starts Work r 8 K rn /tc M otor C o. »37.90, E I. Ro«t, »60 80, E I. Boss. »379 12. law g .ls A Contractors M aihioery Co . »39 43; Oregon StCforetiSit MiS8 ,Jane MUhoIland of Portland 7 .r » , '• ' I Mu-.; »1 Pate, $1.70, Concrete Pipe C o. »196 -pent the week I sP™t the week-end with Miss L o r - ' ' '• ' ' ,;l ' » ..m i Mr X d^- lth hpr P»1- raine Chase ’ •*'<»«. » ih x j . l ,... Gus Kcichow, »151.26; Frank Vanat s tn ts, Mr. and Mrs. George Fischer. Fither. f <\-,rivs f , \ r ’w J, 87, Saxton A Looney, »117 mg." to Mr. and Mrs. Ed Dudley of Los tte“ t ^ t r i i f »' « .1 , „ 1 »72 Electric A Engineering Co , » ! _ . , be 14. has -Angeles. Cal., visited Monday with ¿n business d 1 R^ d HuUh''"'’ »' • H.n »..-.' 1 II k don A Einkbeiner C o. »2 30, Bitum uls A been chosen and practice is in full her aunt. Mrs. H. G. Vincent, and „ . >'• r" r , »•!! 11. 11 f .......... . « 1 ,; ,, , I phalt Soles Compans. »1 1 1 8 60, The A. swing. Members of the cast ast 0. are cousin. Mrs. Lois Walworth “• McKinney of Portland was 1 '■ * » u r -.1 11,.,, ..4MI1U» K........ ,n tin Western Road Machinery Co., »16 ' LuVern Abendroth. Bernice How­ a Sunday guest a t the McKinney 4107.7 Sales Compans-, »8 - K L C hJinfjcrJjin, >96.26; J, g , Air Itrd u rlio n Earl Priecett, student at Oregon home ard. Lloyd Selfridge. Carol Coulter. II.« ,. »74 * “ 1 ; R W William« .> 4 9 ; „ í Paine s Auto Top Shop. »10 75. Potilat Jam es Forsyth, M arjorie Montgom­ State college. Corvallis, spent the L F O'Mar. 1 .3 .6 0 ; B L Daniel*. >34 4 i General Electric C o, »8 4 0 . Th week-end at the home of his m oth­ ery. Christine Robb, Ann Munures. er, J Ç 'Mara »4« 4 4. J B r,,.. » H . I « . ; H.alson C o. »10 50. B .a ll Pipe A Tank Mrs. Rose Prickett. and Billy Allison. The managers K d le n vr. < • '. « . j (VH ,lloran, »5 RS G C orp, »155.89; Cady Motor C o, »1.35. Mr. and Mrs. A rthur Aldinger are Betty Hobbs, business; R uth Wallnw, » 2 1 2 » ; L F " M i n . » li; «3. B i John Herb, »26.94 , Chri«t.-n«eti Marhine M ohr' of P ortland were CLAIMS allow ed for O ctober . I934 I. rtamiI«' Kraus, property; Miss Louise Nex. ti 'H ajas ulda 12.19, G Walling, 3 12 .19 ' j I Works, »9 50; Portland Bolt A Mlg. C o, L- rx/T «-< ■ - i— „ . _ * advertising; Miss Marie Houguez, week-end guests of th eir parents R & H— I. M e lie nlin e, »6.97, Archi • •M ara. »12 19; G E V a n « « ., $02 3.., »20 7 0, Barde Steel C o , »90 65. A lb. director. and other relatives. Hutchisoi la'nc flak Service A Garacr. Ro H • Chalmers Mfg Co , »15.31. s t t r Industrial club will Monday select candidates Accident rotnm., »424.70, state Indus for Senate membership ~andf"wUl w ith^qum ^y^a/d ^ n s h troÜoíe a t 1 ‘¿ T » f 'j - 7 / ° 37' x " ■■> « Service station »1.13; Oregon Waa melon W ater Service C o , »1 R-, d r e . o tria l Accident t oriini . »26 t>6 standard Oil Sleart »2.79; J l| Typewriter Co., »1.91; Ralph N e l^ n »»•• nave m arge of the ass«>vi«iv p -o. the Jones hospitai. under the care n ,™ v »12 •. ........ t ' a lii . »881 t l . Geo I If. 47 Hillsboro L u n itx r Co, 45; Wo, B .a l., »2 79; || Spreilxee, » li.x R gram next week. Candidates Dr. D E. w .ley. »122 16. Jack Weimer. 912.55; I. Burk. 4 >269.95, State Industrial Accident comm, mitiation will be callea out uunng , Herman Schoen Hillsboro ac * >393.12; State Industrial Accident comm, Groge W . e, »4 IX ; W illo rd Ne|«on, ».*, Rfi 812 20, A Mill«, 817.93, K M ills. »15 7 " . Schlesset, »12.55; Fred Stamm, »12 the assembly. Club members v is - ! companied Ted Reichardt of Port- *132 1~ Stile lii 2 1 7 5 - Fred rer. »22.32. Donald Butts, » ]9 R ;| |t„, ' janon, »5.23; C A Weaver, »5 58. State hurst club in Portland November by M. P » " « ;. »17.8«; L c .tc r R «., »14 29, An plane for San Francisco, Cal., on coe Matteson, »16 7 4; II A Herr, »11.1«, Industrial Acetcknt Commission. »141 87; ¡ 24 were extended this week ™ "'"-< n vcn . »14.29; Ah« Haccr. »14 John Bose. »424«; Alhert Wachner, W E Borns Dan Burns, »31 47. Zola 1 ‘V5uslSal Pr°Lrram » as held at the j Thursday * ln P ' He Will return - L 9 / ; 1» Richard Hulun. »14 2 9, C A Weaver, e d n p s d n v assembly. a_«iR/»mhlv The ’T’ program , »7 9 6, Geo j Wednesday ,, J .. , »14 2 9; 11 C Sivard, »14 2 9; D W FultJ, »4.18; C Welder, »5 R x. J |[ Bamford, Morgan, » 2; J W Barney, Fisher, »34.93, li.-.. It lolenheck. »2 consisted of a vocal solo by Claire . 5?J- Bnd M rs- Carleton Hande and »14 2 9; Junn ™ .n . x »14 u 2 is 9; w John « Simmon*. W' D avi,, »13 9 6; F M Allen, »97 3(1; ll.n r y G rib - j bon, > »9.98; Edward S w itstr, >'.♦ '*9; L John B ill, 1 1 1 6 , Fred Watson. »1255 Beeler accompanied by Helen B et k - ' children spent the week-end with ........... »14 29 Mat Vrlicak .. ■ ■ - »'«-■». -1 4 J 9 ; R Price, i C. Reilly, 38.37; Andrew Anderson. > « 3 7 , er. a solo by Betty Mayes accom- Ue* Parents. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas ......... « F F Claude E I. Sherwood, »8 3 7, A Forrest, 8.37.1 » 1 4 . 9 ' ; • Alfred Ncl«on, »14.29; ---- *--■ •- by — - — F M Allen. >22 46; Henry Gribbon, >6.98, J. C. W hitaker, »8.37 panied Delaurice Bump and _ Connell. Thornton, »14.2»; Joe Raurh, »1150- A rth u r Mill«, >87.77; Kenneth Mill« >76. trombone selection by John Elaridee Mr. and Mrs. H. __________ Ruth Beatrice Anderson, Widow’s Pen ' K. Lucas Ot F ___ En«l»y, »R.RS; w Vindl. »20.21; H L accompanied by Claire Beeler. Bend visited Monday at the home M - i.r , » :,.;« . Bob H .jt, » 139R ; O P , 7 7; Andy Schles«er, >61 37, Fred Stamm, »ion, » 8; Henrv Beach, damages, aheep l t u • . ec. »r • 3-‘>2 3O,; Jack Weimer, >58.58; F C Bell killed by dogs, »40, II E Kappel. d.n; II- I Prospective debate students listen- of h er parents, Mr. and Mrs H K Johnson, 37 66, B Teschner, »1.19; Y m , , $52 jo , ea to a radio debate Emmott. cenae fund, »42 9 0 ; H E Kappel, dog li h ill Co. Orc., »68 6 4; Jack He«*. »2.99 Schreader, »52.30; L B urk, » 4 1 1 4 ; »1 rense fund. »6 8(1, Callagham Ai C o, W m neldavii,SinEU^ OetHa.KU,“ , " a' “ ' „ M rs’ Grac« Todd oi Salem v»sited Meyer», »12 2 5 ; Geo Rosevcar, I Strickland, »5.5«7 a Law Library fund, »10, The Frank Shepard snruJSSS0 », ^ i ? ' J h£ debate was . her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F Mc- « 1 3 - .., Joe Cronin »13 2 5 , Adolph Br.-n 2 1 1 1 « W.«t A J Nault, >46.72, D< Schmidt, »13 2 5; Le, Brown, $7.«7; J F - ’ ’ W' ” e»t Coast Telephone Co, Co.. Law Library fund, 225 ; American ponsoredjby the N. B. C. through i Fadden. and Miss Marion Lytle nan t i l - « ’ 1 P * ’ " ' K * 6 1 W,■, , C° “ * Telephone Co.’ (Continued on page I I , colum n 7) station KEX and was for the ben Monday. Beat, »13.25; Clayton Rutschman, 4.9, ’ e,'« ' J ’ lr’ ' * ‘I'T » Grocery. » 3 5; ( I limes. e n t of debate students of the L .y d Dailey, »18.57; Robt Klinger, Miss Marion Lytle spent the 19, W N Hathorn. »27.44; Ida U A r’ shepherd. »90.51; || Becker United States. Rodcrirk L . odsa o ? '’d ‘’ J n rk A T«; c C-»k. »82.78; J.W Corrieri »85 Ross Cox returned last Monday ^i.d \n Por" a n d with Mr. and and Minnie G Pearson, »204.00 "siva rd *8 1 v r ’ F d ‘ ; D” " Bu" ’ - » * 37 ; II I. Susl.auer, |4 o after a week's illness Mariorie Marjorie M rs' c h a rle s w - Elhs of Medford. Fields, »1 75; H C ,e Si R , ; . 2 t a i 2 ' E W B' rk' " ' « f E »15 Meek returned last week after an Mr and Mrs. B. R. Pooley of Dancer. »24.43; Lester (Incorporated) , 7 s ; ° w; ' ’? (8 4 75. E D Lus attack of flu. Barney Campbell is Portland visited Sunday afternoon dew Christiansen, »19.53; C A Weaver, by- >9a.5o; C E Downer, >81.36; A Pale, CoUections «— Credit Report» »13 9 5; Alfred Nelson, »13.95; W Da now absent from school on account • with M r- and Mrs- H- R- Emmott. 778.86. F J 6 , under*. 877.96 t l A Mr I ,n ofwl1Ili ss- . Mr. and Mrs. Zenas Olsen and vis. »13.95; Claud Thornton, »13.95; Mat Lewi, »79.24; Thos Rood 895 76 H L been xra ^.ctthi^ ?J?ere,t ta has dau«h te r ot Portland visited Mon- ir iic a k , »13.95; John Simmons, 813 95- Funk. 263 84; E E Latimer. 247 88 W ashington, Tillamook and Yamhill been started by the Hilhi glee club day with Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Olsen D W Fultz, »13 9 5 ; R F Price, »13 95; K u rt Luebnow. 133 9 1; R Meacham, »90.- Counties under the direction of Miss Edwlna lfha rd Hohin, »8.37; Fred Yuncen »9 41 76; John Herb, 29 5 4; Verl Sake »93 26 Mr. and Mrs. Delbert T urner of R Broad bent. C O May, »23.71, Louis H olt, »19 5 3 ; Corvallis spent the week-end with Bob Mercer, >11 16, Courteay Service H Schindler, 986.77; Edwin F B.lcemann, J Personal Contact on Collections »■76 2 8; Edwin E Baletmann, »3500, hls m other, Mrs. E. T. Turner. Washington County Office Station W orthin21.99; John MRS. SI SAN K. REICHE.N Pool Gardner Lumber Co, »2 32, C S Rev Misses Lena and Mary Koch of w „t. 32; H Cruse, >8.37, J W nolds, >1.13; Washington County Newt- Funeral services were held Mon­ Portland were week-end guests of AMock >22 >4; Mary Woodward, >65; L L Times, >15 65; Corwin Hardware, >2.90; day a t the G erm an Methodist Mr. and Mrs. Omer Vuylsteke. Second and Main S treets >134.77; Vernon Ro«ebra jeh, Sahnow Brothers Garage, >50 51, S W S?ur=h, ? t Phillips for Mrs. Susan Phone 3071 >•>98; J W Barney, >199 7 0; W A Tun Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Coman Melhuish, >1; Busch’s Service Garage,! K. Reichen, 88, who died in P o rt­ >100, W A Tupper, >15; Bert H ill, llillsboro, Oregon >218.61; Ahll>er< Bearing Co. of C alif., | land November 9. She was the spent the week-end with Dr. a n d ' ?*r T 4 ww. x- M e lh u ia h . >2.<9; H Cru«e, >8.37 w II Sale price lla th o rn C r o a le y T a b le GO EAST SUNSHINE County Court J for 01 of j4m„ v>||,'y* at the home oX »M Credit Bureaus Commercial Building m other of Chris A. and Sam Reich- Mrs. John Bartels of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. John Baines and en and Mrs. Maggie Sturm er, all or Portland. Interm ent was in the children spent the week-end a t the A rthur Gillmore home. church cemetery. ------------------ ------- Miss ttu R uth tn Losh of Portland spent si Our classified columns may have the * eelf-end with her cousin. Miss just what you are looking for — Connie Peterson. Read them. | Connell ot Woodburn spent L u m b er P r ic e s W hat are You Going to do when Winter Comesi AGAIN REDUCED Wl ARC COAMRATTRO HOME IMPROVEMENTS Now may be financed at low cost on the Government Plan. SEE US FOR ESTIMATES Seasonable .Material— Glass. FJex-O-Glass, W eatherstrip, Roof Paint. Roof Putty (for fixing leak), Ridge Roll, Eave Trough, Etc. If It'» Lumber Call D ur Number Phone 2691 1011 Baseline Southern Pacific American ami f o r e i g n . Reg. >12.95. .00 Sale price Buy that much n e e d e d Radio now at thi* a t - tractive pricea, Viait our Radio Depl. Today. ’3 5 i A few hours ago — a lovely, perfect home. Now a mere skeleton o f a house— ruined by fire. If it was YOURS, would your Eire Insurance he quick to make up your loss? CHAS. L. WALKER Agent Every form of protection — Fire, automobile, casualty, liability, Fidelity, Surety mid Life. Phone 1732 HG4 3rd 8L Open every Saturday until 0 p. in BRISTOL HARDWARE COMPANY Nest door to Venetian Theater Phone 761 IIILLSHUKO, OREGON Four Community Prosperity .N R A . Builders 1. 2. 3. More Employment Increased Wages Improved Working Conditions Have you been making an honest effort this summer to pay or part pay on those past due accounts? 4. Business Stabilization REMEMBER, the man that maintains his CREDIT is wel­ come everywhere. BUT the man that does not pay, soon be- comes a social outcast. The Argus believes that these 4 important factor« w i l l build up the community’s prosperity when ami ewery me" chant and professional man does his part. Y SO when you receive a statement bearing our REGISTERED TRADE MARK make a special effort, at once, to take care of your past due accounts, as you cannot afford to have a poor credit rating with your COUNTY CREDIT BOARD Under NRA Codes which crnvcip-n oil t are pledged to these things * ™ °Ur busln<»«e« we PIONEER «SERVICE CO., Inc. POOL-GARDNER LUMBER CO. II you go East (hit winter, why not go through California and Southern Arinins? Hide our fantiHj» Sunset I intited or Golden State Limited through America'« sunniest winter region. Stopover anywhere. For details, see your local agent or write J. A. Ormandy, (irnrral Patimgrr A gm l, 70J Pacific Building, Portland, Ore. ’3 3 H Model State Office Miner Building The Argus is carrying out this program and urges your support to enable it to do so. Our commercial printing and service is a helpful factor too.