Enroll Nom in I he Red Cross !> rgus Millsbori W ith Which is Com bined ’h< I fill,born Independent VOLUME II Enroll Now in the Red Cross JIILUSKOKO, OREGON, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15. 1934 39 ’ State Capitol i City ^ee^s Official Vote Canvass Red Menace H ilhi Qridders U pset Post Office : N e w s L e tte r Repair of Upholds First Report Fight Plea Tillam ook Team 13d) Work Starts SltlcWnllcS Election of Ross over Raynard Confirmed; of Veteran Local Squad I ravels to Tigard Tomorrow Here Soon People Expected Most H y a I. I. I N II II i d It Anything to Happen in Last Election ' T re e T r im m in g , Final Vote Tabulation Listed Below --------- for Tilt with Strong Tiger Eleven A r m is tic e D a y S p e a k e r A s k s S id e w a lk F e d e r a l B u ild in g C o n tr a c to r Election of E L. Rons of Hills- uietl W Gulley 815. James W Mott S e rv ic e G ro u p s to U p h o ld Hilhi grldders sprung a startling j Cook on the goal line but the lat- W a it » f o r In s tru c tio n « boro, democratic c andidate for state 4870, W 8 Richards 211, and H upset victory over Tillamook h ere; ter's momentum carried him over F e d e r a l C o n s titu tio n Election ol G e n e ra l H ills b o r o O rd in a n c e s representative f r o m Washington ‘ R. Turner 3358. Monday in the annual Armistice 1 Holscher then booted the ball Al. EM to B e g in O p e r a tio n s county, over J W Raynard of Mid- Governor Harry J. Correll 48 'hurles II Murtln us governor Day game trouncing the conference: squarely between the uprights for But- * Joe E Dunne 2291, Charles H. H Mar- •of Oregon was way by 21 votes was confirmed Bat- leading "Cheeaemakers " 13 to ««•' not surprising. surprising No : •'Cheesemakcrs" 0. the extra point. m ore so would have been lire elec- ' p I A „ „ I un lay w ith the com pletion of th e tin 3201. Abraham M. Bilrnerman r ’c i m m i i n i c m The locals capitalized on a bre break Hilhi re-opened tHe attack at lio n of either Joe Dunne or I’eter i «IX LX. V y /X J iJ litr V t 11 official canvass ol votes for the 27, Hank E Wirth 11, and Peter V ^ O IU IlllIIllS IIl early m me opening period lor a the start of the second half with Zimmerman Pre-election propa- _____ county. Discrepancies between the Zimmerman 3801. ________ score. drove 42 yards In the seco second a beautiful pass from Holscher to official total and unofficial reports gunda and the element of uncer­ quarter for the second touchdown I Grogan that gained 35 yards to the Secretary of State — Earl Snell tainty In which the entire cum S liu te P a rk D e v e l o p m e n t were small and, although margins 4748, Earl C. Steward 305, Harlin L ocal C itizen s P a y H o m a g e knd then staved off a desperate Tillamook 25. The ball soon chang- M a n y O t h e r P ro je c ts U n d e r of victory were altered in some Talbert 254, and Horace E. Walter J iwlgn was shrouded up to the very, ,, , . Tillamook passing attack in the ed hands when Long "Cheesemak- to H e ro e s o f N a tio n closing minutes of the clash. last m inute», hud prepared th e peo- S h o w n by P la n n in g G roup 1 cases, no changes were made In | 3729. W a y in H ills b o r o A r e a er” back, intercepted Holscher's pass the roster of successful candidates On the opening play, Baumgart- on the 22 a few moments later. pie Vo expect anything. . Superintendent of Public Instruc­ Close race between Rons and Ray­ ner. Tillamook back, fumbled on After Tillamook made but eig h t1 There were some surprising feu- j tion--Charles A. Howard 4581, J. "They shall not pass!" That this his own 28-yard stripe and Samsel, yards on three sorties Into the tur » of the election results, how-. Ordinances requiring the repalr- nard attracted considerable lnter- W. Leonhardt 3532, and Blanche H. Work on the long-awaited feder- ev« r Martin s plurality for instance |nK of sidewalks In the Hillsboro est following the general election Meyer 510. lamous phrase, coined by the French Htlhl end, recovered. Six line plun- 1 Hilhi line, the “Cheesemaker" quar- aj building in Hillsboro will Drobab- Commlssioner of Bureau of Labor army In the successful defense of ges carried the ball to the 15-yard terback chose to gamble on a fake ,v „p, Nt one except, perhaps ills most business district and the removal when Argus tabulations guve vlc- C. H Gram 4359. Walfred Bhu- Verdun, should become the watch- ime and then Fullback Holscher punt for the remaining two yards y y wiuiin a wees, ac- i..b.4 partisans wlio arc claiming of tree limbs obstructing sidewalks tory to Ross by 13 votes and an- rve.v,‘Ilog, had expected Ulr gen- m all parts of the city were adopted other unofficial count favored Itay- holm 3606, and Lawrence Waer word of veteran groups in then rifled a pass to Samsel who w ent; but lost two yards In the attempt. cording W Joseph H. Anderson, fight to uphold the constitution out of bounds for a first down o n 1 The Blue and White took the ball f*°rtland ccatractor, who arrived at rrul J roll up the huge plurality Thursday night by the city council naid by eight votes The final of- 489 State Senator—George M. Aitken against the encroachment of Com- the one-yard stripe Patterson, local and drove to the Tillamook 12-yard Fourth and Main street site whlch he did A 5000-votc lead, or The proposed city budget for 1935 flelal canvass showed Ross as hav- at the most 10.000. lutd been pre- wtts also pussed and an ordinance lug received 3527 votes and Ray- 4784, a n d Edward Schulmerlch munlsm was the plea of George halfback, then raced over standing line where the attack bogged down Tuesday and started preliminary Koelui, past commander of the Rose up for the first score. Holscher's An attempted field goal was block- 5urveys. The contractor declared dieted by Ills more conservative approved making a tax levy ol nurd 3506. J. W Hughes of Forest 3897. County C om m issioner— H. D City American Legion post. Monday placement for the extra point wasted, the ball rolled free in the midst that he would start operatioi as supporters, whrrras Martin r a n 127,450 Grove was confirmed as high man Kerkman 4517, and J M Vander- “< ■ the annual Armistice Day cere- partially blocked and fell short, of a host of "Cheesemaker" players 8000 as authority was received from more than 21,000 votes ahead of hla Possibility of damage actions In the race for representative with monies here After an exchange of punts, the on the 28-yiuu hne, but was re- Washington, D. C. nearest rival. I’eter Zimmerman, against the city as a result of the 41817 votes while J. O. Johnson of dandeu 4276. County Treasurer—Maud W Bos- "Let us today, as wave after wave'Blue and White warriors held the covered by Samsel before the vis- Proposed local postoffice Is to be and nearly 29,000 votes ahead ol dangerous condition of sidewalks Metzger received 3453 votes of Red propaganda rolls In arid visitors deep In their own territory itors realized their opportunity completed within 240 calendar days Joe E in the downtown The official count of votes cast, cow 7244 Ills republican opponent, __ ______ _ area caused ______ the _ Donne council to take action requiring lm- in Washington county as compiled County Surveyor—J. W Barney nearly overtakes us, adopt that and on the first play of the second From this point on Hilhi was aiter work Is begun, according to Martin's strength, and by t h e mediate repairs The second ordl- by E W Johnson of Stierwood and 4418 and H R. Huson 3880 famous slogan, T he/ shall not quarter, Holscher Intercepted Baum-1 decidedly on the defensive as Til- contracL An average of approxl- asmr token, Dunne's weakness in nance sought the Immediate re- K. C. Tonklnson of Hillsboro, can- County Coroner—Robert E. Burns pas> ■ Koehn declared. They gartner’s forward pass on the TUla- ;amOok opened ud a vicious aerial mately 15 men will be employed shall not tear down the 'Stars and mook 42. M-Xing line drives and I attack Tillamook intercepted a HU- during the period of construction Ihe outstatr counties was a real movul of all tree limbs hanging less vassing board, was as follows: 3965 and F J. Sewell 4470. Stripes' and substitute the Red forward passes, Hilhi drove to a hi DaSs on the home tea^ s 43_vard and these men will be taken, as far (Continued on pa«e 14,column 1) surprise to must neulrul observers than eight feet above sidewalks Representative in Congress—Em- ‘ flag ol communism. They shall not first down on the 10-yard line.!strl*2: Ja5t ,h clo6e . ', , h as possible, from the list of Hills- of t h e gubernatorial campaign Both inundates guve property ( w n - j- force their oodiess religion upon us. From this point Cook, Blue and perl(xj. Baumgartner punted and 00170 men registered with the fed- While II hail generally been con- era 30 days m which to comply. They sliall not crucify our American White halfback, smashed and twist- Patterson fumbled on the Hillsboro eral re-employment service. Ander- ♦ t ill J. even by the republicans. Uiul II. a t tin end of thut tune, property manhood upon the cross of com- ed hlo way for a touchdown over 15-yard line where Long recovered “ n stated. the democratic candidate would rtm owners have not compiled, the city munlsm. well in Multnomah county, where will do the work and assess costs to l^er, nr* ht “ d(e Ot the n 3»?1; ! Hllhl for downs ao“ k«*«» Community to Benefit “Let us stand united and un­ gartner. Coming up fast, ta c k le d (Continued on page lZ .e o lu m n 2 , he was well known and popular, the abutting property. That the community would be afraid. We dare not. we must not as witness hl» overwhelming elec- I’rxrlx P la n » Shown benefited between $15,000 and $20,- fall in this program. tlon to congress two years ago, It Colored views and blue prints 000 from the construction work was Faith Must be Kept was lust as generally believed that showing possible development ol the estimate given by the contrac­ th e u n tata le vote would be very Red Cross Membership roll call That every service organization, parg wer(. .shown to the city S to re D is p la y s to F e a t u r e tor. He stated that the major por­ close. Especially was tlic general council by C. A. McClure, assistant started in Hillsboro Tuesday and in national convention assembled, tion of this would be in payrolls. W e s te r n M a n u f a c t u r e s believed to be weak in eastern Ore­ regional planning consultant, and win continue until the community I*®» this year found it necessary First indication that Hillsboro gon. where II was pretty generally Dean Wright, assistant regional has b»'en completely covered. Mem- to renew their pledge to uphold the _____ was to have a federal building was conceded that Dunne would receive field supervisor. Plans were pre- bers of the Business and Frofes- constitution of the United States, “Let's Sell Oregon to Ourselves ' slonal Women's club are in charge was the declaration of Koehn. He received in a telegram from Senator a plurality of lire votes cast. O n pareil by the staff of the regional will be the theme of special window C h r is tm a s O p e n in g , B a r g a in Steiwer. October 6. 1932, stating th litrary Martin carried 14 ol planning board In order to give the displays featuring Oregon products of the solicitation and will make exhorted veteran groups not to With the compUing of auto fatal­ thet $80 000 had been appropriated the 18 counties east ’ of “ the “ Cas­ city possible projects to be taken In Hillsboro stores during the com­ an effort to cover the territory iu break faith with those who did not ity records for Oregon for October, D a y S et f o r D e c e m b e r 1 by the government for this purpose. cades with the other four going to up under the public works program. ing ton as possible, although tile time return from battle, it became apparent that the state week. Local merchants ure co­ ------- Following a call for proposals for a Dunne and Zimmerman, drawing u Suggestions included 11 n atato r-, operating This constitution contains th e will this year set a new all-time tile Oregon Manu- of the Roll Call Is from Armistice most . site, federal inspectors viewed 12 per ect method of government h dfaths m ulU n^ , rom blank so fur us any pluralities were lum. artificial lake, park entrance faeturers with Day to Thanksgiving. Official opening of the Chnsintas sltes on March lfl33 amJ association in the slate- concerned although lie was runner- mid landscaping. Plans were prepor- wide program. November 17 to 24. . . . . . $5 00 mem ver devised by nian. the speaker flc accldents. according“ to the O re -1 season and another popular sales present site at tiie southwest comer Organizations voting on day e itn t will tc conducted in Qj Fourth and Main streets was up In several counties. ed to permit the use of local mater- to encourage the more extensive use bcrsh.ps to date arc the Legion old a record audience assembled at gon sta le MoWr Dunne'» strength i n Klamath lal and to allow units of the pro­ 01 products ol western factories Auxiliary and Pythian Sisters ne Venetian theatreU « t t e « r v - 0, lhe sponsors of the statewid' ide Rnlsboro December 1. according to »elected January 22 of this year county was another surprise, it be­ tect to be undertaken as the op­ During the past year approxi- ices. It assures liberty, freedom and Every available window In the mately $500 has been spent for luslice to all men and is based on Let's Quit Killing" safety cam- p.a:i no* being prepared by local n le contract for construction was ing generally believed that Zimmer­ portunity presented Itself. paign. tradesmen and the chamber oi ¡et ^ndenon October 9 with a buslncas district will contain ex­ man would run ahead hi that coun­ commerce retail trades committee. bl£j oi j 39 2go Couiicilm en also In stru c te d the hibits dt monstratuig that the pro­ local and disaster relief, according tiie principle th at authority comes Already, with two more months ty on the strength of Mahoney's city attorney to prepare an ordi­ ducts of western factories ure the to Treasurer Omar Fendall's report, from tiie people, not Iroin a pnv- to go befor» t»jo jc ar is ended, A Santa Claus will be on hand with Although the original appropria­ support Failure of the progressive children and five adults eleged few. Contemporary govern- free candy gilts tor children, holi­ nuking It unlawful for any equivalent of those of other sections Twenty liuve been fitted with glasses, and ments, bereit of the rights of people there have been more deaths in day merchandise and decorations tion was $80 iXM), the amount set candidate to carry Klarnath county nance properly owner to connect dram that by discriminating m lavoi In the constructive program 74 ccr- and of liberty, have passed away 1934 than there were in the whole will be on display and each mer- aside lor the site and building was is generally accounted for by Ma­ Hie w ith th e city storm »ewer. How- o and Uk. sUitc m ay Dc bui.t up tlficates have been issued to mem- while the United States has grown of 1933. Thirty-one persons were later reduced to $56,700. The build­ honey's eleventh hour repudiation »ver. tiie measure will not interfen , In payrolls, employment und gener­ bers of first aid classes. First aid lrom 13 weak colonies to an undis- killed In Oregon auto accident» c.iant will feature a special bargain ing is to be a one-story structure ol Ziunnermaii und endorsement of with person» who have been con­ article for the occasion. ________ during October, bringing the total al prosperity. Local windows will lias also been taught to firemen puted power in the world. y Dunne's Bonneville dam program us nected with tiie druln for sometime Fuil page advertisment in the Ar­ with basement with an exterior of That the constitution was not ^or l^e ,tn months of the year gus November 28 will carry the ;ick and stone. Dimensions will be broadcast In a radio address by and wlio assisted in paying tiie cost have displays unrelated to the groups and at the CCC camp at to 249. whue only 246 fatalities were stores in which they appear the Klamath Falls mayor on the of certain storm sewers. Westinibcr. Kelso flood disaster, struck off at a given time, was not bargain messages of tradesmen 68 by 52 feet. Members of the local committee Nome, Alaska, fire disaster, end a happy accident, and was not an registered in the state during the while reprints of the advertisment night before election. Considerable other construction Application of C. H. Esimger for Wlille Zmuueripah s s tr e n g th was a llccne to con ruct a card room Irum liai Uurna, r ol cullimene that ( Cedar Mill fire contributions ainonnt- ekptrunent. but wa» woven on the twelve months of 1933. will be mailed to every home in the work Is being carried on in Hills- loom of time from centuries of (C ontinued 00 paue 4. co .unin fi) known to lie hugely In the Wlll- ut tiie “Pastime" was granted by is c o-operating in tiie piugram are Should November and December tracing area. In addition to the boro at the present time. Re-model- Anglo-Saxon law and experience ol this year be only average months gpecjaJ amptte valley und he lias been the council while Salinger's appli­ Lester Ireland, chairman, Verne local retailers will ing of the former Cady Motor com Curry, Howard Hadley. Bob Cull, conceded most of the counties in cation was the statement of Koelm. it is estimated that 47 more per- iiave new Christmas merchandise in pany building a t Baseline and for a retail beer license at J. 11 Oarrelt. Herman Schoen and Ooaued by depression, need and sons will be* killed in traffic acci- »-ock and hundreds of other at- Ihird streets into a super-service that section ol the state the pro­ the suine place was endorsed. Per­ Arthur Reillng. The manager ol the starvation, many people, llstenmg dents before this year is over, bring- tractive bargains for visiting shop- station is progressing rapidly as is gressive candidate displayed unex­ don was grunted to the Amer­ state campaign Is Oeurge L. Hukei lo com m unists, are challenging th is ing th e total lor they e a r to the m b work on the new Cady Motor com- pected strength In Marlon a n <1 ican Leg! ii to hold .ui Armistice constitution and - declaring it . to be unprecedented level of 296. »ha 1 x „ t That lhe gala event wlll q ,,, pany salesrooms on Third street. Washington counties, both ol which Day dunce ut SilUte park auditor­ ol Portland, lortner mayor and now w - A A A « , , . , || rl. '»hl . ivxt imin zL worn out. Il the constitution is If deaths continue during the last , --------— nature of ------------------ advertisment of ------------- the corn- he e a rn e d by su b sta n tia l p lu ralities ium und to the local fire dejwirt- inaimger of the Oregon M anuluc-; New sidewalk is being laid in Hirers association. worn out. so also must be the "Ten two months of this year at lnt ' modules and services available ta front of the Imperial cafe in com- West of tire Cascades, also. Mar­ menl for a Thanksgiving dance. iCuntinued on page 12. column 4) C ommandments," Koehn stated. tin revealed surprising strength, Hillsboro rather than a money- phance with the city's edict requir- Three indictments and one not M em bers of th e HUhl Senate club currying eight of the 17 counties in ufo ¡uh .1 inc ro iilird session w ith "Oregon Industries Week" spen-1 true bill were reported Friday by Communism Is being taught in making program is the purpose o f , lng repairs ta the business district, the first congressional district. In Mi s T ennessee w e a th e rre d . advisor. sored by Hie Oregon Manulaciur- the county grand jury. All three ln- Oregon today and its doctrines the committee ta charge. Former The marquee in front of the Ven- hate and destruction are tact the strength of the democratic, sales days have proven successful in tiian theatre is also being painted. i is' association. November 17 to dictmenl* were kept secret . and spread, the speaker pointed out. candidate was pretty evenly di­ ! extending the trading area and ta _______________ 24. is strongly urged by Governor SulUs agalnst four COUnty men vided over the entiVc state. Com­ ' bringing new customers to local Meter as a tonic for poor nidus- were filed Saturday by the Slate then scored professors and ministers pleted election returns show that merchants. trial and eniploymeii! . ndiuoii' Industrial Accident commission for who condoned the cotr munistic form he received a plurality of approxi­ Features of the day will be the ( A proclamation setting lorth tie collection of contributions al- oi government. He declared the vi­ mately 21,400 votes. Of this total Santa Claus with candy gifts for week officially as Oregon Indu.- ie(!ed due under t h e workmen'; tal issue be lore the people today con- he came out of Multnomah county tries bus been issued under dal« »1 compensation law Defendants 11am- was to w determme whether the w ..- Approximately $10.000 in delta- chUdren and free distribution oi November 13. The governor urges wvre Vlncent and Venion , ^ d j t s insUttaions^should q u e n t^ x e s jo r gifts donated byjocal tradesmen ta with 7372 votes to the good, pick­ ................................ — ■ lal¥.OI. ing up 14.000 more In the outstute James R Forsythe was re-elected ...................... general co-operation In the cam- Layton rock crusher onerators conltnue to prevail, if religious free- prior have been paidUnto theicoun- tlle afternoon .T ickets are now be counties. Since slightly more than master of Hillsboro Grange at the paign ‘ • to aid ---------— ’ and William H. Cop and Martin J B er-!dOm 1?aS 10 contmue’ lf individual ty tax department during the last mg dis[ributed to school children Oregon -------- factories ___ ___ ___ Proposed reorganization of the (tioatiniMdon pas» 12. columns) nards farmers initiative and enterprise were to be and a half, according to Miss in _____ yjmacoro trading area which one-third of the total vole cast all-day meeting and election Satur- the kiddies t< to sacks of l°°d and grocery code administra­ ------ ----------------Orders in the following all0Wed iWnily UnH W8S O1*dyS ------- - U»-d?PUty' addi will e entitle waa In Multnomah county t h e day. Next meeting will be Novem- O rders in thp circuit following circuit —- n title tn e kiddies c o m S a e s w e re issued tats w ik : candy from St. Nicholas. tion will be considered next week 4 pluralities in and out of that conn- ber 22 at which Dr. Henry Young i „i o c ,, j Preceding the program ta the property taxes has been received * swings 'of colored"lights, which by members of the county code ly arc almost In exactly direct pro- will speak on his trip to the east, h^y o ? d e r J e s lta B^ker vs G a t VenetUn theater’ » P "» d e headed during the same period. _ give _______________________ will city streets a festive ap- authority, according to an announce- ixirtions to Hie vote cast. Other officials elected are Mrs Martin carried a total of 23coun- j y r . Burkhalter, overseer; Mrs. R lord B iker default decree Mark T by u ’«tomialres Carl Russell and Heavy payment o f delinquent pearance during the entire month ment by Verne Curry, chairman. ties, running secmd In 10 und third Hornecker, lecturer; W. W. Taylor, • Cox executor vs C arl A H offm an Rlchard Busch as color uearers a n d , levies at this time is the result ol of December, will be ta place for the Changes suggested are ta line Ronald M. McCretght. promotion • ' *f„.- fmended ° u al'dsmen Harold Russell and Per- lhe threatened foreclosure of ap- Christmas opening. In addit.on federal proposals to establish more In three. Zimmerman received plur- steward; Irving Chase, assistant man; ■uiager of the Janlzen Knitting ,,,lsa.pr. s " m ry Walker as color guards, pro- proximaiely 2000 t a x delinquent plans have been nude to have trees effective administration. allies In seven counties, all In west- 1 steward; Mrs. R. H. McAninch. (Continued on pave 12.column 2) ern Oregon and was runner-up ta chaplain, R. Hornecker. treasurer; Mills In Portland, outlined the his- ' ovefruhng U!inotion liiz z u certificates ta the county and let- lining the streets and the tall tree Tentative reorganization plans in­ eight. . Dunne carried . only slx.coun- Mrs. C. . Chase, ___ secretary; A M l°ry und success of the l w Jantxeii K , w K ,, C c Clapp 'iann ters irom the sheriff's office re- at the court house decorated. elude re-alignment and consolida- . . ... ___ ... . ... .. H U before m u t i h p r , of t the H i l l s - IX U rB U l Ot U l VS. W l a p p Cl Mills members Hills garding payment of taxes. Com -, Approximately 40 merchants will i Ron o1 local code authority areas ties but ran second in 18 others Blaker. gatekeeper; Mrs. W. M ux. granting writ of assistance; wherever necessary to permit more and trailed behind Zimmerman und smith, Ceres; Mrs. J. R. Forsythe, boro und Forest Orove Rotary clubs LeRoy S. Williamson vs. Julia Ann plaint against delmquent taxpayers co-operate ta the event, here Thursday. He showed how It efficient administration and option­ who failed to take advantage of Martin ta 12. Pomona; Mrs. Erwin Burkhalter, Williamson, default, decree; and al consolidation of administrative the 10-payment plan and others • • • Flora; Mrs. Lela Miller, lady as- liad developed in 15 years from a Lovlna G. Woolfolk vs. Clarence A. offices with other retail code author­ The New Dial landslide of Nov- S|»taiit steward; Mrs. Georgia Hess, small business to the largest nuxnu- Woolfolk, default, decree. who have not redemeed certificates ities in all administrative problems. einber 6, ta addition to electing a musician; and C. O. Churchill, new lacturer of bathing suits in the is now being prepared by the dis­ Probate orders were Issued ta the _____ The suggested program plans the democratic governor f o r Oregon. member of executive committee world. Joseph McCready of Hirest estates of James Mann. Rachel F. Providing recreation to occupy trict attorney. retention of local branch code also swept the democrats Into eon- Hold-over members of the executive Grove was chairman, Walker. Peter Delhlefs, Mary Eliza- the increased leisure time enjoyed Successful candidates ta the re-1 authorities or grocery trade adjust- trol of the house of representatives committee are Albert Howell and; The company now Is showing ln- beth Smith, Erick Sundberg. Vern- by people in the new social era is R p l i p f F l i n H « I T « p rl ceni general election will be guests ment boards to handle complaints of the state legislature for the Hrst Mrs. D. B. Burkhalter. creased sales and profits^ he said. on Etlward Newland. Mary A. Bis- an important problem confronting »■ vacM of the local chamber of commerce and a continuation of the $1 per lime stare 1878. bee. Martin Hawkins, L. Stocker, communities today and must be! .1 noon, according to Ed. L. worker assessment with a larger Thirty-eight members Margaret Wetzler, Herman Wetzler, solved by these groups. This was' I v l t U l C t l l r r o g r a i l l Monday Moore, secretary. Each of the new I share accruing to the local code (Mirty of Juckson. Jefferson, . Wilson' ¿ u i l r ? o ^ a , T s a hto0 ro ± n . J0^ P rn membcrs J * Small percentage of the county officers wiU be'given five minutes authority, use next * et ul, will sit ta the house u l. a h P orders * ‘ rc ^ a‘ Parent-Teacher association aliotment for direct relief will be (or a short address. , Members of the county code January and February, whereas Issued for Henry Krueger and the Tuesday evening by John F. Bovard, used for acute emergency medical Thomas H. Gentle of Monmouth j authority include Curry, chairman, only 22 republicans weathered the Kreihe minors. dean of the school of physical ed and dental care among the needy, will discuss the Townsend Old Age George Fisher and William Durst of political storm that upset the OOP ucation at the University of Ore­ according to a program approved Pension plan at the luncheon the Hillsboro, and M. W. Manley of (By Wm. F. Cyrus, County Agent) i of $50 on registered purebred cattle. applet-art. Not only do the demo­ gon. Vegetable growers and green-1 Following the government test- here Wednesday night by members following Monday. ( Beaverton. Ed L. Moore is secretary, crats dominate the situation In Recreation is the answer to the of the county medical profession, j the house, but they seem also to house operators wlll be Interested In |ngi dalrymen signing these con- prooiem problem oi of finding means to let Under the new program, persons on the short course at Oregon State tract» agree to continue testing be In a very fair wuy to dictate the down from the speed and nervous direct relief may select their own »organization of the senate, what college November 21 to 23. Inclusive. after the government completes Its " ‘tu d ’i e n T at^t™ dentists and physicians, R. W. Weil, with sum« help from the progres­ This three-day program Is prepared worg under the approved state plan Pare""«“ r e s Y d ^ T H i l l s ^ ^ o i ^ " d sive republicans of that body. With so that on the first day. Wednes- Of accreditation. Some dairymen m aw years X d early S u n ^ a f r e i ^ '« re g a tio n a l church. He declared county chairman, stated. Operation of the Jackson quarry i 13 votes ta their own right, Just day, the discussions wlll cover ques- asg wha t advantage there Is hi d ^ m ^ d ^ o f °ch?ldren SUnrjef time. More purchasers all cemetery here. prepared, according to W. J. Mills, of $854.250 during the p a s t 18;°ut of a special fund to meet the election ui of Harry Corbett senate presidency as had been plan- between Insect and disease control the time are demanding that the county SERA manager. Still a months since the emergency m o rt-1 emergency need f o r refinancing Mr. Pate was born February 28, entire herd »-------- from which they pur­ 1858. at Jamestown, Ark., and ta ned. If not actually elect one of and1 market questions third project is being formed for gage refinancing act was passed, distressed debt, usually involving -- **•-------- Men with a lot of practical ex- chase cattle be tested and free of Improvements of the Shute park It Is announced from the bank's' 1876 was united in marriage to their own number to that office. adjustment with creditors. They tlons together with experiment sta­ abortion. Tills means th a t as tills ta Hillsboro. The latter is expected headquarters in Spot ane. Miss Margaret Crawford. In Sep­ »re made on either first or second Corbett, although unquestionably tion people will be on the program Hillsboro Argus, together program continues that accredita­ to take up the unemployment prob­ tember, 1904, he moved with his one of the most able members of , r t , * ™ x .“ " a r e j E 5 « with the Telephone-Register for these three days. Growers from tion Is going to be of help ta find- family to _ Oregon and settled _ _ in ; lem ta the city. the senate and a hands-down fav­ this state have received 2318 regular the property repayable ordinarily of McMinnville, are the first county who have time to get lng a market for surplus cows and Hillsboro, where he had since made Reduction of 14 per cent ta the orite for the senate presidency up away should find much of Interest n bearing 5 per cent ta- weekly newspapers on the . SERA office force was made this type land bank loans tor $8.761019 | his home. He had been a member until tiie recent upheaval, Is ad­ In these discussions. Complete pro- young stock. the same period, and 3708 , , 1 ® , Pacific coast to obtain mem­ week as part of the federal economy during mittedly of the If UlVin-Vtninri ultra-ednservative vnnvv — - , ♦H« Borne milk producers predict that of the I. O. O. F. lodge for 30 years, Land Bank Commlsisoner loans for | ™ bership ta the Audit Bureau | program. the time may come when it will be ( Deceased is survived by the wld- school and as such Is not any too «rams may be ob $7.530.450, or a total of 626 loans " e ™ade Jolntly' on a 8ln«le ap of Circulations. Membership necessary for the milk shippers to I ow One son Andrew Pate of Hllls- popular with the more liberally '(t»1" 1?, a«Sn.u ° “ lce by U of both types for »>6.291.469 Farm- p Approximateiy 91 cenLs out of of the local paper was ap­ are interested. liave an accredited abortion free ix)ro and tWl) daughtcrs. Mrs. Oer- minded members of his own party proved November 7. h” “R e iv e d ¿ n r T f h ln S54M0 eBCh d°llar Ot lhe »>6.291.469 Which herd. Tills is not necessary at this trade Warren of Arkansas and Mrs. Among these latter might be In­ have hI" ° /eJ b“ np»55.000.- Oregon farmers received through Blood testing for contagious abor­ time. Too many people look at this Hester Ward of Portland, and three cluded Zimmerman and Burke of Audit Bureau of Circula­ 000 . „ T ; the land bank since May. .933, went tion under the provisions of the clean-up program as part of a pub­ grandchildren. Yamhill, Spaulding of Marlon and tions Is a co-operative associ­ 000.000 of old Indebtedness, saving to refinance and substantially re­ ation for the verlflcatiod of Wheeler of Lane. The support of iedcral dairy cattle disease clean­ lic health measure. Tills view Is J. M. Vanderzanden of Roy, dem­ them $750.000 a year also in in­ duce old indebtedness, President E. circulations. Members are re­ two of these men would enable the up program has begun In Wash­ Incorrect. A farmer can afford to D o g L ic e n s e M e a s u re ocratic candidate for county com- terest charges. M. Ehrhardt says. "Almost every­ democrats to tie up the senate or­ ington comity. Contracts arc being think of abortion clean-up strictly quired to keep accurate rec­ E n fo r c e d in C o u n ty Regular land bank loans are made one ta the community benefltted 1 missloner. left here for Granite in ords of the number of sub­ ganization and compel a compro­ signed and wlll continue to be sign­ as a dollar)» and cents proposition Enforcement of the state law re­ | Eastern Oregon with a party of at a low rate of Interest on first from this refunding of pressing in­ scribers in the trading area mise on some other candidate nior" ed for some time to come and test­ affecting his farm business. elk hunters the day before election mortgage security up to 50 per debtedness." he asserts. "Former A letter from the Oregon milk quiring the purchase of dog licenses and records are audited an­ to their liking, while the support of ing Is already under way. This Is brought two Washington county and did not know anything about cent of the appraised normal value creditors have been paid, store ac­ nually. Thus advertisers are three of these liberals would enable the program under which the fed­ control board signed by E. O. H ar­ residents Into the tolls of the law the returns until he returned here of the land plus 20 per cent of the counts settled, local bank loans government tests the herd of lan. chairman, ta which he calls guaranteed that their sales the democrats to elect one of their eral recently. Thomas Henton of Hills­ i Tuesday. He Is appreciative of the value of the permanent Insured liquidated and back taxes cleared the co-operating farmer free of attention to the fact th at the milk messages will reach a definite »own number to the presidency. boro route 1 and E. Stalder of Beth­ vote received and thanks the vot­ buildings, with amortized payments off. number of prospective cus­ The senate presidency, always a charge and. In case there are re­ board has made "Provisions for any any were brought Into the local ers for the fine support given him. automatically extinguishing t h e actors, makes a second test free of producer whose herd Is Infected "At the same time, by getting tomers each week. Only sub­ much coveted honor, Is especially Justice of the peace court and plead Others on the trip were A. M. debt after a period of from 20 to their mortgages refinanced on a scriptions paid in advance Important at this time In the light charge. In addition to the free test­ with any disease and who wishes guilty to charges of falling to buy 36 years. These loan funds are sup­ Jannsen, Ed Tolke, Art Jesse, Frank sound, long-term basis with a low­ are counted. of the New Deal sentiment of tiie ing the government pays an Indem­ to cooperate with the authorities ta dog licenses Both plead guilty and Vanaken and Orville Harty. They plied by private Investors who pur­ er rate of interest, these farmers up such disease will be voters of the state and the rcla- nity amounting to a maximum of cleaning were fined $10 and costs. chase long-term land bank bonds. brought back two elk. (Continued on pnse 12,eolomn I) (ConllniMd on pngo 12.column 1) $20 on grade cattle and a maximum (Contlnuvd on lm«» 7, column II) Im p r o v e m e n t O r d e r e d in g Local Labor Planned Oregon Goods Red Cross Drive to Be Shown Started in C ity After Armistice Death Total for S a les Event Oregon to Reach Planned Here All-Time Record Grand Jurors ini I «• rT'1 I ndlC t 1 Iirec Um Delinquent Tax 1 Payment High Local Grange Holds Election Food Dealers C»..»4«. tO OtUQy COOC Industry Growth Cited to Rotarv o. Bovard Talks on Recreation Chamber to Honor Elected Candidates Federal Disease C lean-U p Starts for Local Dairymen G. W. Pate Buried T V “r* j Mere on l uesday Washington County Farmers Borrow Huge Sum 18 Months Argus Pioneers Circulation Audit Vanderzanden on Hunt at Election