THE T hursday. Novem ber ft, 1931 H IL L S B O R O ARG U S, H IL L S B O R O , OREGON Page Nine the southeast corner of the tra ct of, to satisfy said eaecuthm, judgm ent N O T H E TO < K F lilT O M H Orange conference at the Sherwood tlons and songs were given by the herein described, w hnh p«rtnt is aleo In the County Court of the Htate of O re ­ order and decree, interest, attornggm fass«, Orange hall Friday j children. the northaast. corner of a 2*/9 acre coats am i accruing coats. gon, for W ashington County. ( Jordon Frazer, founder of the tra c t owned hy B ert M ille r, arid nine Dated t)clol>er lb, 1934 Fractures Skull In the M a tte r of the Jtetate of L au ra A. McMinn Bible class, was present ning th em e north 59 deg 19' Weal Dated of firs t publication Ocl«d*er IH. Mr. Gronqulst fell four feet and M ille r, lieeeaaad. 1679 feet along the north line i/f said a t the meeting Saturday night Mr. fractured N o lx n 1« heref.y given that the under­ I9 .lt D ate of last p u b lh a th m . Novemlmr skull last week and Her« M ille r t r a d and along the t Frazer spoke o n Christ t h e was taken his signed has been duly confirmed hy the I . r - : i CluimKIril CulumiM Clou« a t 12 •'rlocM Wednesday N im iii to a Portland hospital. north line of a tra ct of 19 acres J W ( t iN N E L L . S h e riff of W ashing­ M eislah.” above entitled court as F m « m utor of the Miss Frances Post. Bend school owned by Arm a Young and along the ton I ounty, Grtfgon 35-9 East W ill and Testament of said lf«> north line of a 15-acre tra c t owned teacher, and mother. Mrs. Spence, A HKAIIV MARKET WITH HE VF.N r<*>tu h«»u*« «m l ham , f r u it , <« hih « m I, and has duly qualified as such ; by M elanie E. Inglis to an iron pipe H H E M IF F ’H H A I.E and Miss Wilma Post, granddaugh­ Now, therefore. all persons having gardwu . p laie for ■ hh’kens. h«« and set on the north side of a large IIIO KKHUI.TK AT Noth e is hereby given, th at hy virtue ter of Mrs. Spence, all of Forest cow, und ideili y o f w ater . >7 '•<> per claims against said estate are hereby of an E locution, O rd er am i l)«e ree of stone, which point is fu rth e r de­ am i required to prwaent tbs month II II (« n y . I'hone 2 F I4 nolifi«s| Grove, were entertained a t dinner LITTI.X COST scribed ax being the n o rth w m t cor- together w ith proper vouchers Hale. Issiuwl out of and under the seel N o rth ria ln s 3*-4<) same, Friday evening by Mr. and Mrs, said M elanie K. In g lis tra c t therefor, to the undersigned at the law of the f.'lrcuit < o urt of the Htate <»f and ' Joe Borovleka and family. the east line < >f a tra ct of Oregon, for the < ounty of W ashington, F irs t Insertion, p *r word o fflrra of Hare. F.f.Aleur A peters In I ll y M i», Dorothy Cook,» I A U M LO ANS I <2. land rued by Fxlith A. Haas in g ; dated the 59th day of Octol»er. 1934. in BEND — Mr. a n d Mrs. Albert t N “ «en tire Ires than 26«) the Hhute Havings Bunk building In llilla - thenc »Orth 23 »leg. 3H' East along favor of M a riju n I'etricevich, p la in tiff, CORNELIUS Lames Aid Aarvlca Ire« Ilian I r e ) from which Hi m ter of the "m ain (100 has heeli loaned to W ashington ELMER I.E E M il.1.1 It. F -.c u t..r of Yurkuvieh, generally known a* B.g John 31. winch was a great .uccess. The husband of Portland, returned Oc- ditch" is north 6! feet d is ta n t; thence Header«, per line !<»• county farm ela by the hank. W rite or the East W ill ami TiMlam ent o f said He- Yurkovich, and L ittle John Yurkovich as room» were decoraU-d in the sea- tober 29 from a m otor trip of sev- parallel w ith the jxirse of said m ain (N o service less than ¡HeI call for particulars. W ashington Coun­ reased Hteve Hare, 5L A tear fb Peters, A tto r­ A d m in istra to r of the Estate of ditch at this point north H9 deg. w n s colors and a very m terestin« , ral days to Seattle. Wash., wher- ty N ational I arm Loan Asaoeietlon, neys fo r Knertltor. 84-8 Yurkovich, «lereased, defendants, fo r the Count W ords Mend M -ney A cid stom ach, u lce rs , Ran pains, 25* East 319.3 feet to the in ter »ec­ J M Person, secretary, lllllsh o ro Wtf sum of >13 39 csait and the fu rth e r sum program wa» presented with Mrs. they attended the wedding of Mr Count Y»nir I'ro flls tion of t us line w ith the aouthweat of 43.059.99 w ith interest thereon from i Itay Shaw, local president, presid- and Mrs. Scott's non. Clayton Scott h e a rtb u rn , in d ig e s tio n an d o th e r HIJM M O N H boundary /f the land form erly owned the 1st day of Jan uary, 1931, a t the Black Fare llre«llnge N ot per­ mg. David Edmor.aton and George who 1» a private p'lot of Mr. Boe- signs o f excess a r id it y a re no lo n g e r In the C ircuit Court of the ..’ ale of O re ­ rate of 7 (a*r cent per annum , and fo r by M. H. Burna«, and which point m itted. Milne tfave a skit entitled I'he at Seattle He was m arried to a pro b le m , a c c o rd in g to tho usan ds o f gon, fo r the County of Washington. th< » center of County Boud . the fu rth e r sum of 9259.9O Attorneys Cash should accompany the order. stu p id w itness A duet was given M i« Myrtle Sm ith of Seattle. Wash., fo rm e r s tom ach s u ffe ;e rs . T h a n k s H a rrie t Booth. P la in tiff, them e w ith said southw m t imurtdary fees w ith ItU erm t thereon fro m the 19th vs. by Mr». D. Sellars and Mr». S October 27 at the Plymouth Evan- to a tr e a tm e n t based on a s p e c ia lis t's N O T IC K T O ( 1(1 IM TO KH and in the center of County Boad duy of October, 1934, at the rate of ♦» south 35 deg 9H East 1316.9 fe e t; In the Cm inly ( ’m irt of the State of O re ­ Lloyd ( r o t t e r and M ildred Crotser, hus­ per cent per annum , to me directed and Il',Te of Hillsboro Reading» were gelical church a t Seattle. The new- p re s c rip tio n , th e y no w te ll o f h e a lth y Out of fairness to all no Info rm « band am i w ife. Defendants. thence south 49 deg. 37' w w t 299 feet gon, fo r W ashington ('«Minty. delivered, commanding me to make sale given by Mlsa May Cook and Mrs lyweds left October 29 for their a p p e tite s , free d o m fro m distress, and (Ion on iho classified page w ill T o Lloyd Crotser, the ale»vg named de- of the real property herein after described, Notice is hereby given that the *mdei to the southwest corner of a tra ct T Sabin of Hillsboro Rev Chari' wedding trip by plane to Portland. sound sleep. T h e d r u g g is t w ho«« he given out u n til tlte paper la fe n d a n t: signed Albert llra n d t has been appointed of land owned by E. A. Stevens; I have levied upon am i pursuant to said Issued. Reed, pan tor. gaye a talk in where they visited relatives until, na m e a p p e a rs belo w w i ll le t yo u t r y In the N am e of the State o f O regon: th em « south 43 deg. 63' F-ast 261 F.Kertilor of the Estate o f H eH n llran d t. <>»•!«» and In« re« <#f Hale, 1 appreciation of the A ids work. Miss November 2, when they left fori U d g a on a m oney b a r k g u a ra n te e o f sometime« known and referred Io as You are hereby required to appear and w ill on .Saturday, the 1st day of Decent- f«w» to a pipe at the nxsit southern Helena llrandt** am i aa "H elene B ra n d t," answer the com plaint filed against you Iw r. Blanche Ftnegan played a piano Eugene to vlalt Mr. S cott’s sister, s a tis fa c tio n . A n y stom ach s u ffe re r c«irner *»f the land owned by School 1934, at the East door of the ANNOI'N( LMLNTN i o r before Court House in lliila le iru , deceased, hy the County Court of the in the above entitled action D is tric t No. 57 on west boundary of W ashington solo. In charge were. Mrs Ray Mrs. A. Bernard and family, and m a y re c e iv e a fre e s am p le tr e a tm e n t 1934. said «•ninty, Oregon, at the h«»ur of ten o'ebrt-k [ said C«»unty B o • Jewelry store 8ft Celebrate Birthday p la in tiff herein has caused au attach- claim, or a««ertir g or attem p ting to asert I i Northeast qu a rter of the S<*uthweat Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Peterson and any right, t itle o r interest in or to said Holscher. fish pond; Mrs. Ray Cook. A L B E R T B R A N D T . I « «Tutor. Thomas m enl to he Issued out of the above an- »quarter of Her. 36, Tow nship 2 N o rth flowers; Mesdames J. family were pleasantly surprised, cm irt and cause attaching your I G G re real property or any p a rt thereof ad- candy and Thomas G Gr wne J r , A t- titled d. LOST AND FOUND Bangs 2 Weat of W illam e tte M e ri­ Po rter Bldg . 'c a l property situate I n W ashington , verse to the title or interest of the Cochran, Henry Behrman, O. Irm - Sunday evening in honor oí Mr dian, containing go acres m ore or leas, LO S T Ladles brown purre containing I turners for Eaerutor, 3b-9 County. Oregon, described as follows, te- Port Ian I. Oregon. p la in tiffs therein o r thereto, and th at ler and Roy Cook, sewing commit- Peterson s sixtieth except a rig h t of way conveyed to birthday w uu- I I of o Medical scittad card, aome- ■ - — . i .i i w it : the title of the p la in tiff» in and to »aid tee, and Mesdames Charles Reed, versary. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Jacob and G ottfred Yuri gen as de- lim e tn (i.t.S .e r Kinder keep money, Beginning on the Houth line of N O T H E O F L I N A I. A( < O ! N T Booh 61 un page 144 r* al property l»e forever quieted againat scribed In V C hut please return purse ami other «•«»•«- A. J. Oliver and Charles Lathan, Charles Deverell. Mr. and Mrs. Al- the Hichard W illiam s C laim No. 42 In f Dce«is fo r W ashington cl * ‘rhx and demands of you, and Iteeorda ■ I V lllaln e. Kt. 1. lllllshoro. In the County Court of the Htate of O re ­ hostesses. The Aid wishes to thank bert Scott. A rthur Steinhoff and T w p 1, N. It 2 West 10.54) chains, gon. for the Coo nt y of W ashington, County, Htate of Oregon. eayh of you- N and 1.94 chains east of the H. W. Pr<*l>ate Departm ent. to satisfy the hereinbefore named sun.» I rh H Summons is »erved upon you by all who contributed In making the Joe Kusie. Mr. Steinhoff furnished corner of Hertlon 32. T w p 1 N. K. 2 10. WANTED—Ml»rell»nrou» In the M a tte r of the Estate of Charles and for the cuat and expense» of sale publication thereof in the Hillsboro Argus affair such a success. music with his violin and Mr. Kusie W eal, thence Houth 84* 26' East on Gerald Tu rn e r, Diseased am i said w rit. j pursuant to an order of Geo. B. Bagley, M A Y T A G or sim ilar gas engine w Mrs. A. J. Dooher and daughter with his accordion and harmonica. the B<«ilh lin e of the claim 1.43 1-8 Notice is hereby given that the under­ SNp I Haid sale w ill he made subject to re- »hove entitled Court render- Miss Evelyn of Minneapolis have A pretty birthday cake and other 612 M 7th Rt Monday chains; thence No. 9 * 49' Kaat 7 demption as p«-r statute o f Oregon. an<® •n te red herein on the 31st day f ll- signed. aa K ie r u lo r of the Fiatate of W A N T F .D Few tons of |U noloni arrived here to spend the winter refreshm ents were served. Mr and chains, thence N 84* 2b' W. 1 43 1-6 Chari«*« (ierald T u rn e r, « I «-«•«•«'«ri, has filed Dated at Hillsboro, Oregim . this 31st G««en fa ll to answer or appear herein, and Lig h t work W ill pay 66 « month and | ppolnled hy said Court as the tim e and a fte r judgm ent is enterw l in thia case. lan; Mrs. William VanLom, «uard- e ^£L ton Ladies Aid a t their N O T IC E O F F IN A L H K T T L E M E .N T N O T IC E O F .S H E R IF F 'S H A L E O N 6. I p la t . f.,r Ilia hamrln, riami and Inaird George Molt, Kt U .)« tl...u i , '•'» pl.lnllff w ill apply P. I h . » b ..v . rn ían; Mrs. Lester Mooberry, advisor; Thursday. In the County Court of the Htate of O re ­ FO R E C L O S E RE 38-9 1 I.. . . . a the e .it th e m .f ¡ t i t l - l court fo r a W r it o f i.r w u tlo n Hillsboro. ___ gon. fo r W ashington County. Mr». Charlen Lathan, attendant; g™?ram *lven by the 86110 l u t - l »„.I f l r . l pul.ll.he.1 N o r e n ,l-r », 'U m -tln * the S h e rd , of W u h in c to n C.nin- In the M a tte r of the Estate o f H erm an N'rtice Is hereby given th at by virtue Mrs Rudolph Schultz, clerk; Rudolf •'“chool Friday evening was attended of an Execution, Decree and O rder of f l» ,t pnhll.-.tloti Deeentlotr I >Z. O re«.«,, to >ell the »Io.»» ilwrrtho.1 J. Luck, Dereaaed. II. HAI.E «e TK W E —MUcellaiirou» ism i n.. Schultz, banker; Earl Phelps, cap- by a »ood crowd, considering the r«vtl pro|»erty in the m anner provided by IU X Notice is herrfjy given, th at the under- Hale issued out of and under the seal l l t l l l S l S. *»4t.. h a r n m m . ..»‘I p o lle t., or I the State t - of ----- O re- tain of the guards; Mrs. Joseph sWnnv weather. Many plays, recita- W A L T E R a K O K tiK T U R N E R . K u ra ta ! , i « u - •><»‘• ’1. duly appointed A d m in is tra trix of i f the . C ircuit . . Court — of ------------------- w ill I r . t l r fo r grain I, <' l lu - l .f .1 4 ,. ( ’ Libby. A ttorney. 716 Oregonian B ld g , I his summons is »erved upon y<»u by , he * 1 * ,^ , , dweaxed has filed in *io n ' fwr w < *hington County on the 31st Ftnegan. musician; Mrs. Lee Hoff- » roll«- ...uthw e.1 of l ..u r H tlw .r g . It lU g le y lh „ OT, llllw 1 ,.„u rt ; nd c>u w h r r «lay of Octobar. IU34. upon a Judgm ent man, flagbearer; Harold Schmale, I Portland, Oregon- 34-42 ordar of I h . Ilo a S IN tlU I p. r ,» h l. ..w in « n t .r h ln ., I..U — of » •»-- -----------. 1 . 1 - » ----- - « duly - I - fitia w. l avc ' , “ 5 * ! ' M '■‘ T 1” ° Two or more cords ........ 16th, 1934 . »1.75 >17. 1996 Oak , I inirtoti County, on the 17th day of Octo­ Ftske. Mrs. E. Wolie and Frank l.eJr..o n ■ * Phon, gon, as the tim e and place she's going — sh e’s growing. 34 ber. 1934, In the m atter o f the Estate of Sawed, 50c more Dooher, managers. The Thimble She needs her appetite! S ta rt th r fin a , >rtlJen,cflt of . . , d I neur an'1 L o re tta mmmM“ " ' I'lulcun I ’ Olm oti. l>e«N»»ed. a t ln iitii E« P la in tiff, VON Public Hervice Building W arner, defendants, club of the circle will hold a bazaar Edgings and inside dry judgm ent was rendered in 1 00 ______________ D ated •» .- Is! day of Nokoinber. 1934. ' * * * * * * ” her off right each morning la t K f i i u is e C r l»»» Ila n ro u s ’ >»• Ls«l W ill atol Tsatam ent Portland, Oregon. ll M N A M I F I H M IM h a“ I8' inch' Cord K A T IE L U C K . A d m in is tra trix of the favor o f p la in tiffs and against the de- D e cem b er^ SUPPer with a glass of FIR GROVE n ra v n fendants. B. L . Johnston and Florence H a N'H bicycle F’’ » '“ ’• , firm in g th appointm ent of Ole Oleeon, N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S Estate of H erm an • J. . A.UI», Luck. u Deceased 5 or more cords A»e . »2.75 MILK. I t gives it th a t flavor P m lfic K i m i* r o f the Last W ill and Testa- In the County Court of the Hta*e of O re­ H are, M cA iear & P Paura. A t t o r n o , fo r / ' ' r th - "f w ith »do small Mrs. M. Gnoss was a guest at la p of extra richness and extra 4t ! In le r » t thereon at the rate of »even per , ment <*f Chilena I* Oleaon. Dirceasetl. am i I oraat G nn gon, fo r W ashington County. A d m in is tra trix 1 M » »- . . — — — ■ A day .» of » the L. Gnos home at Orchardale Excellent kitchen wood, th e best »ta and hop . that the said Ole Oleaaah, has duly qual­ In the M a tte r of the Fatate of Ludw ig cent i»«-r annum since the * 2 1 *th f eno freshness. Discover these ex­ C E D A R «hake». buy you can find. May, 1933. and the fu rth e r sum of Thursday. N ltchm an. Decnas««!. prteee. w rite C a rl Davi». ified as auch Eaeruto N O T IC E O F H H E R IF F H H A LE poi «M. tras for yourself. fee«, and fo r p lain ­ Now therefore, ail per»* > having claims Vernonia, Ore. 14-Hp Notice ia hereby given th at the under- Miss V em ita Irmler, who is in Notice is nereby given th at hy virtue 3269.90 attorney's Dry Slab and Block t if fs ’ costa and disbursements taxed at t an Execution, Judgm ent, O rder. De- training I'E I i AK f - « » - p.»ta fo r •»» Will «lell»er against said catate are hereby riot if tesi »lg n o i has l>een duly confirm ed hy the ing at the Good Sam aritan delivered, resent them w ith the thove entitled as Executor of the cree and O rder of Hale issued «mt of and 314.60, to me directed and Bay Delaman. “ iarÜMíldl Ave. Pho»««» and re<|uirr«l hospital, spent Sunday w ith her S&lf proper vouchers to the undersigned at Last W ill and T«-»tament of said I»e- under the seal of the C irc u it C o u rt of commanding me te m ake sale of the 2197. Res phone 2062 property herein after described, I parents. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Irm ler. Phone 2383X hla residence near Garden Home. W ash­ ceased. and has duly qualified a« au c h ; the Htate o f Oregon, fo r W ashington real ington County, Oregon, and his (M»t- Now, therefore, all persons having County, on the 31st day of October, 1934, have levied up«»n and pursuant te the of Cornelius. offiee atldreaa 1« Portland. Oregon, Route claims against said Mrs. Lloyd Shaw spent last week 15. <’ARS AND TUCKS estate are her«d-y in a cause therein pending in which commands «if said Execution. Decree and •i. or at the law offur of T IlM H. notified and re«iuir«al to present the same, M ary W r* ia r, TV ilie liters IB p la ia in tiff tiii and Samuel O 7 rder . . of , Hale. I w ill on Monday, the in Vernonia. "- . . th u u r Hietnke and . — H a ttie Steinke, hus- ¿ í4 ',>y ?f December, 1934. at the hour Tongue J r . In the Commercial |ll>*ck In together w ith pr«q»er vouchers therefor, A rth D inner guests of Mrs. M. D. Mann • he C ity of HU I iboro id and w ife, W . J. Feldt and Pearl : ° ! u. c l "ck * ; “ ,n ,h __ 7 __ fur ren«jon W ashlnglou Couh- ' to the undersigned at the law office« of , a »». ■ •» i e »m i auu r e a r i i u i - a ' I :« f ' ’ '•• ' H* ' V ate of f the first publication o f this Savings Batik building in Hillsboro. O re- tors, a corporation, a re defendants, in W recker» 3 ,f notice, te -w ii W ith in f Hillsboro, W ashington County, Oregon, and B arbara Jane of Portland, Mrs. six months from j/on. w ithin six months from the date favor of the p la in tiff and against the de- O rloiter 14. 1934. hereof. fendants in the sum o f 15.900.oq to- sell at public auction te the highest H enrietta Morgan and Miss Emily FUNERAL DIRECTORS Da^ed this l« th day of O rtolter, 1934. Dat«-d this I Ith day o f Oct*»ber. 19.74. get her w ith interest thereon fro m the bidder fo r cash in hand, all the rig h t, Young of Hillsboro and Mr. and and intereet, and claim which aaid Mrs. Lester Mooberry. O I.F. O l.F H O N . F x e ru to r of th« Last NIT< I IM A N , ExociaU f 13th day of September. 1931, at the rate title . CHARLEE LICENSED EMBALMERS B. L. Johnston. Florence Vt ill and Testament < f Chilena P O le- the Last W ill an.I Teatam ent o f aaid of t» , per annum and the fu rth e r sum defendants. UHF.D aut*' p a rt*. a«a »»nd hand f a r i n ' Earl Phelps spent the week-end Johnston, Alice Handley, J. C. Farm ley. son. I n * «aes«-d T h **. I I Tongue J r A»- Dereased H are. M. A lear 4 b Peters, A t- <»f 3-160.90 attorneys fee« and the coats m>< hlnery. at.wk tra ilers, fo r « *» t or ¡ torney fo r Exerutor. 15-9 terneys fo r K aoruter. 34-6 and disbursements herein taxed at 323 - Sally M . Parm iey. G. A . Cobb. M a ry M. in Portland. sale - 1259 K e c n d Kt. •” Mr. and Mrs. Lee Miles of Lyle. W a rn e r and L o retta ■ -------------------------------2 ----- **'’• commanding me t<> make aale Cobh, Curtiss D. W a rn e r and each and a ll of them had on Wash., visited in Cornelius over the G E N E R A L L A N D O F F IC E . W ashing- N O T IC E O F R I IE R IF F ’R H A L E U P O N ..f the follow ing described real property the 25th day o f June. 1932. o r at any FORE4 LO H I'R F; "itu ate in W ashington County. Oregon, week-end. t.rti. D < . Oct 16. 1934 Notice U hers»- H Kl IS. tim e have since acquired and, or now Notice Is hereby given that hy v irtu e p artic u la rly deerritxvi as hy given that subject to the citndIGone _ follows, ----------- - to -w it Celebrate Birthday have in and to the follow ing bounded of an execution, decree and n ler of aale high test f«»r tract*»rs ■ I llu Bullone of the acts o f J Beginning at a point 19 feet east D IE S I I. (H L and described real property lying , being Fuel (>B Service, 436 1916 i.79 Htat. 2141. February 26 1919 i«sue«l out of the C ircuit Court of the fro m the I» section corner on the Mrs. S arah McClaughry celebrat­ |ndepeii«le«it and situate in the County of W ashington. State of Oregon, fo r W ashingten County, um e 1962 «7-42 w m t Une of Section 12. T. 1 H R. • 4" Htat 11791, and M ay 17, 1924 (45 Ten th Ht I ed her birthday anniversary Sunday State of Oregon and more p artic u larly ■ >n the 10th «lay <»f IIB-f<«»t dry oak w«a»d. 36 69; aawe*l Slat. 667. Public No. 417i. and pursuant cause therein (»ending j Bgaeribed as follows, to-w it. wherein Jamea ty. Oregon. and running thence regulations. C ircular before delivery 31 Phone f(»33. 21*’ f to departm ental were Mr. and Mrs. B. Ingebrietson Lots h and 9. Bohart's Subdivision, Downing is p la in tiff, and W illia m C. N o rth and parallel w ith the west 1200, the tim ber « hi the follow ing lands S F.A SO N ED oek and country slab *<»«l and Mr. and Mrs. J. Suver. ; as shown by the duly recorded map Ilo ffin a u , M yra llo ffm a n , J. H. O fn e r, line of said Ser. 12 a distance of In- W ill he sold Dec 3. 19.74. at |0 o'clock Charles Ball, and John Reason. P. K. 8aw e.i any length before delivery and plat thereof. In the George Mr. and Mrs. Loyal M ann of For­ 19.25 ch». . thence N. 89* 3o’ E. 37.57 651 a rn at public auction at the V H Land Hale, and I,. H He»a«>n. co-partners un- side block wood T rum an Ih-yd, Eblterts and w ife D. L . C. in T ow n­ rh«. te the N W corner o f that cer­ est Grove visited Mrs. M. D. Mann O ff n e at K.wehurg, Oregon, t«» the high- 14tf N in th St Pher cent i»er annum , and the of Oregon. Friday morning. distant*, o f 0.02 ch*. ; thence 8. O' hut certific a te o f sale w ill not issue fu rth e r sum <»f 3126.99 attorney's fee«, FARM PRODVCR XI. Date«l at Hillsboro, Oregon, this firs t i fts W. alone t h . w rat line o f .a id u n til the purchaser has complied fu lly t»e»id«a the euata and disbursements of Mrs. Dorothy Shaw has been ill FO B HALI B ir l .i k. Nctte.1 Getn day of November, 1934. 2« acre tract a distance of M 0 .6 I r r t w ith aaid rw u la tio n s . C ircular 1299, as said suit, taxed at 317.26, and alao the B ritish (Juren taide potetera E. J . W . C O N N E L L , S h e riff of W ashing- a t the home of her m other. Mrs. to an iron pipe at the re-entrant cor­ to the executhm of the contract o f sale poete and exi»ense« of said sale, I w ill, N o rth iu p . X S miles east of Banks. i ton County. Oregon. Th«w. H. Tongue Louise Cochrane. and Imnd najuirtal thereunder The money • »n Saturday, the 17th «lay o f November. ner ttn the » a t line of ,« ,d H um ph­ J r.. A tto rn e y fo r P la in tiffs . 27-41 A num ber of Hallowe'en pranks re y . land, »aid corner being witnt»»eti de|M«ite«l w ill I h « returned if sale is not 1934. at the hour of ten o'clock A M of said day. at the Fast door, being hy an »-inch oah which h ea r. 8. were staged Wednesday evening, but nppnwed. otherwise patent w ill issue XX. KA11M MA( IIINKRV the frv n t <1«»or o f the C<»urt House «»f C A L L FO R W A R R A N T S 2 5 ' E. o.oa cha. and a 12-inch a .h fo r the tim ber, which must he remove*! little damage was done. G O D I) 7-ff the U nited State«, asso­ Oregon. pn>ceed to sell to the highset thence 8. 2 9 ' W ashington County, Oregon, end«*r»ed 1.38 cha. to an iron 6-lnch d rill Ralph l ’ rahl. 2 ‘ j ciations of such citivens, and corporations hithicr. for cash In hand, and subject to pipe on the w a t lin e of »aid Hum ph­ "no t paid fo r want o f funds” on o r be­ nutra n* rthoost HUlsbor*», Bt 1. organised under the law« of the Unites! rntem ptIon, as |»cr statu te of the Htate fore A p ril 39. 1934. are now payable rey. land and on the left hank of at the office «»f the County Treasurer in 14 IN t 11 sulky ph.w for sale. L. H the T u a la tin l i t t e r , thence continu­ State«, or any Htate. T e rrito ry o r Dis- of Oregon, the f«»ll«»wlng described p a r­ Hillsboro, Oregon. Interest on such w ar- ing 8. 29* W . 0.62 ch». m ure or M uhly. m ile s««uth of G olf cm rae 3 .-9 p trlct th e re .f only. U|»«»n application of cels of rcsl proporty. situ ate in the C«»un- W ashingttm , Htate o f Oregon, to- purchaser, the tim ber terlr direction to its in te r- 37-4p o ffe r o f a larg er unit. T 1 H . It 6 E., age Phone 873W' It I W of W ill. M cr. 89 rod* south I.HIM) I See. u. N W \ N W , yellow fir »ection w ith the »ooth lin e of the with Peninsula club i n Portland |6 2o Caso tro cto r fo r sale, plowed I«** of the northeast corner of the south N O T IC E O F F I N A L A C C O U N T M . T. 8 N . R 8 W . Her. IS. S K U N W > , Ilf eaid Sec. 12; thence N. October 31. R. Frank Peters of Ihan 6t» a c rw . valile 312 H), w ill »eil half of said sw tion ; thence south In the C ounty Court of the State of O re- ' N W '» yellow f i r 2.100 M. 8 9 ' 60 W . 30.00 ch». more o r im». r«xl cedar Heyer, Box Hillsboro was the speaker. for 3799. slwl 339. along said east lin e 69 r»sls ; thence M . r«-«| ce«lar polm Ho ; T. 26 g.. R. gon. fo r the County of W ashington. to the place of beginning, containing 36tf in cars of every make and west 24 and 40 65 r««ds ; thence 154, Ttgard Miss Mary Jan e Junor and Miss In the M a tte r of the Estate o f W illia m 37.69 acre», more or le»». 12 W . Sec. 25. N W 1» N W '» yellow f i r N o rth and p arallel to «aid Faist line Schaefers received prizes for the model can be quickly stop­ B. Tucker, deceased. t w ill on Saturday, the l . t tley o f (>e- 1.659 M. hemlock 625 M none o f th« 69 rods . thence East 24 and 49 65 POULTRY No tice is hereby given that the under­ best costumes a t the G irl Reserve lim iter on said subdivisions to l»e sold tendter. 193« et the hour o f to o'clock X4 ped by letting us replace n«ls to the |M»«nt of l»nrinning. con­ signed. W illia m C. Tucker, executor of f.»r les» than I.’ oo (,r r M f«-r the yel- I A M of »aid day at the fro n t door of party Friday night. tain in g 7 and 3 4 acres, more or leas, It K i l l pedigreed yearling cock birds at low f ir 31 99 per M for the red cedar, R. Tucker, de- the Court Hou»e tn Htll»boro, W a»hing- the estate «»f W illia m worn pistons or rings w ith C e le b ra te B ir t h d a y lim ited in said Secti«*n and being the S«»uth greatly reduced price» f-»r ______ _______ ___ «cased, has filed his fin a l account in the 59 rente (»er M f«»r the hem lork and ton County. Oregon, »ell at public a Miss Betty Munden was hostess 7 am i 3 4 acres of land o f that cer­ new ones. G reatly 1 m- tim e Hans«'n strain W hite Leghorns. 75 cent« each fo r the re«| cedar tion to the highest * bidder f«wr cash in C«»unty Court of the State o f Oregon I tain 19-acre tra rt c«»nveyed to Hugh fin e fo r pullet m atings, dams 2«'» T. I I 8 . It 6 W Bee 29. 8 W ' , B W '» .| hand all of the right, t itle and interest I f'»r County of W ashington, and that at a partv Monday evening cele­ proved perform ance will be T . Evan« and A n n ie L. Evans hy 127 «xtgs. »Ire dame ««ver 399. Ala«» yellow f ir 1,679 M which the w ith in named defendant« and on Monday, the 3rd day of De«?einber. brating her fourteenth birthday a n ­ none of the tim ber d«»od recorded in h«aik ‘ '82” page 6 monthe-.dd pullets reasonably priced the dependable result. T his Miss Munden was the each or either o f th«»m had on the 7th 7*A4. at the h«»ur of 10:00 A M of niversary. on «abi «ubdivlalon to l»e »«»Id f«»r ln*s I ''256." D e ci Reconl« «»f Waahlngt«m Paul Dudley, Aloha. O re M « ll Bi day of August. 192», «»r have acquired * M*<1 a t the C o urt House, in H ills- recipient than 31.76 (»er M T IH 8.. R. 7 W .J of many lovely gifts. i Is but one phase of a com­ C«»unty. Oreg«»n. subject to the rig h t i Bei ■ • ■ since said «late In and to said real pr«»p- Sl*ro» in "a '<1 county and state, has been Her. 9. N W , H W ', red f ir 1.380 M, Mrs W. B Hamilton of Irvington of «aid W ashington County te the W A N T E D Poultry of all kinds. W rite. «lewd red f ir 9 M. H W ', S W ', . re«l f ir erty «»r any portion thereof to satisfy ‘*PI*»’»nte«l as the tim e and place fo r the entertained the high school group plete auto repair service existing County road acroaa th e W ill call or bring Friday. Saturday or 1,326 M. den«l red f ir 29 M. none of «aid Execution, Judgm ent. O rd er and hearing of objection« te said fin a l N o rth end of the land hereby de- from the Union Bible classes with th a t is available to you c»unt and the settlem ent thereof. Monday before nmm. Portland prices^ Detree. Interest, CoaU and Accrued C.wt, the tim ber on «aid sub«B vision« to be! scribc«| ; also excepting therefro m that D a te of firs t publication Novem ber 1. a Hallowe'en party. Those present )- R Harden 1 •aid *ale te b«» aubjeut to nM em pthw as • •■Id f««r M M thnn I I IB per M fo r the here on an economical ba­ portion of the above deacrihml tract this vicinity who attended re«I f ir and 31.90 per M fo r the deed l»er the atetute* of the State of Ore­ 1934. D a te o f last publication Novem ber from as dsecrihed In Deed Book “ 124*’ sis. 29. 1934. gon. were the Misses K atherine Denney. I re.1 f ir F R E D W J O H N S O N , Commia- page "394" th ), records o f sold Coun­ 25. W IL L IA M C. T U C K E R . Executor of M argaret and R uth West, Elaine .. ... —------ ------------- , BÌ«»I ner. .77-41 ' j Dated this 1st day o f November. 1934. ty and 8tete. hont« and w eanling pig Tucker, de­ I J W. C O N N E L L , S h e riff o f Warfhing- •he E state o f W IUIO M B T H R E E large ------ Shaver, and Charles West. 8r*»«>m1 T r a r t : Beginning at the trie r. Bl I 111 W illia m L. H arrison. A ttorney ton County. Oregon. H are. M cA lear A ceased. N O T IC K O F F I N A L S E T T L E M E N T NnrthfWMt purnrr o f 8ec. 26. T . 1 B Miss Doris Noel entertained a for Executor. 1110 P o rter Bldg., P o rt­ | Peters, Attorney« fo r P la in tiff. 37-41 N IN F ; . w ««k--«. Id pig- for «ale. John In the County Court of the H tate of O re- ' l( 1 \ \ W ill. M er., thence N o rth of young people Tuesday WH land. Orev«»n. 37-41 group W a rn k r. l ‘ a miles w«st lllllab«>rv on along the Hecti«»n line 7 ' j chains to gon, fo r W ashington C«»unty. evening with a Hallowe'en party. S I M M O N S highway. ______ the southeast corner o f a 7 3/4 acre In the M a tte r o f the Ketata o f I I. G Miss Joan Windolf was hostess In the C ircuit Court o f the S tate of O re­ N O T IC E O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T tract now owned hy said W illia m C. W I \ M . I S ' « p 'c - G««orRe It Vincent, Deceased. gon. fo r W ashingten County. In the County Court o f the State o f O re ­ Wednesday to a group of young H o ffm nn ; thence west along th e m il«* s«»uth. H a lf-m ile east Campbell Notice is hereby given thnt the under- John II. M c L c « h I and Latin M cLtod, hus­ gon. fo r W ashington County. 87-Hp folks. south line of «aid tract 24 and 49 65 bridge slgned. H«1mlnlstrator w ith the W il’ sn- band and w ife. P la in tiffs , In the M a tte r of the Estate o f Vernon rod« , thence *«>uth 7 and I 2 chains Misses Iona and Doris Widlng en­ W F 1A N LIN G pig* fur sale. W L. Burke. nexe«| of the above entitled estate, has Ed w ard N e w lan d , Deceased. to th«» 8ertl«»n lin e ; thence East al«*ng 34tf filed his fin a l account In the County B t. 2. Hlllsbor«. Lucy Jane K akin , E. E. L a k in , Edna Notice is hereby given that the under­ tertained a group of twelve young the Section line 2 4 and 49 65 rn, fo r W ash­ people a t a Hallowe'en party Octo­ Bowdler, Ben A rth u r Bowdler. W alt signed. ad m in is trato r w ith the W ill an- to the place o f beginning. e«»ntalning ington ( ’ounty, am i that Monday, th e , Bennett, M arie L a B a rr Bennett, Lavena nexed o f the <*»tate of Vernon Edw ard ber 31 a t their home a t Raleigh. I 4.61 acre«, m ore o r le-«-«, in Sec. 23, HOUSES 19th «lay of November. 1934, at the hm ir 26. Em m a D im m tck, F rank D im m iek, M arie j N e w la m l deceased, has filed his fin a l The young folks were dressed as T 1 «8. B. 1 W . «»f W ill. M«»r. B IG farm team arid and hnrneaa. W rig h t. Frank Anthony Bennett, iteesie account in the County Court o f the "funny paper" characters. hnrncMs, |l0 9 . L ittle i»f ten o'clock n. m. of said «lay in the Dated the I Ith «lay o f October. 1931. County Cm irt R«*>ni in the Court ILuise Bennett, Beryl Bennett, the unknown H tate o f O reg fo r W ashington County, th in , hut aotind and good w««rkeni. J. W C O N N E L L . S h e riff o f Ws Public speaking class of the high In the end, it usually costs less and your work of whatever nature, Hill boro, Washington County, Orte | -• , heirs «»f Beryl Bennett, deceased, the and that the 13th day o f Novem ber, 1934, % -m lle east l ’ re«byterlan church on li Ui.n, ha> Hwn n|>|«.lnlr.l » th.. It m . and , inatnn < "iin ty . « T ’'« ""- R>.'h«rd llu -. h. unknown heirs of W illia m H. Bennett, at the hour «if 10 o'clock a. m. o f said school are presenting a play en ­ more satisfactory. S i.r l n v l ll » n - U . Il» th .il)-. . f,.r I h . h r .r i.,8 ••« .11 .« .jn -li.m . to K ofU ty. Hnr». M r A le .r I ' . t . r . , At or- titled My T urn Next'' In the audi­ «ley in the County C«»urt r«»otn in the ¡ decenaird. the unkn«>wn heirs of M ary ..<1,11. »m l h r i.l., . . I I j >it|,, f|n > | , he . r t t lr t t i.n t '»'V’ f " ' 1 'l.ln t lf f . »»-* j S H F .I LA N D pony. Spalding Bennett, deceased, the un- C o urt H«»use in Hillsboro, W ashington torium a t 2:30 p. m. Friday. «»r tra ile fo r g«**! saddle ,h«»r«e. must . |h<>rc,,f. known heirs of Lucy Jane Bennett. C«»unty. O regon, hns been appointed ns Members of the Gurden club will he young and high spirited. F., B. D ate of <1 first publication ()ct«d»«»r 18, N O T IC K O F S H E R IF F ’S S A L E dec«»o*tate of V e r- December 7 a t the church. w ife ; Sunrise Finance Company, (rec­ i the unknown heirs of Beryl Benneti. ” «»n Edw ard N ew land. Decease«!. N O T IC K O F F IN A L ACCOUNT W alch. IB 6. llllls h o ro ; 1599 fe«»t | P. L Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Lawrence a n d , ord «iw tieri, an Or«*g«m c«»rporatlon, south Newton stati«»n. _ : ,,,f In the ( «»«inly Court «if the Slat«» of O fe- ikve»st»«|. the unknown heirs of W illiam , Patterson, A tto rn e y f«»r A d m inistrator. ami Itreeae A irc ra ft C orporation, a e«ir- j i on, fo r the C«»unty «if W ashingten. Mrs. Louise C arter attended the H. Bennett. de«-ease«l, the unknown | — ---- — ---------- , 'oration, Defem lants, Probate I)<»partment. W ashington county heirs of M ary Spalding Bennett, de- N O T IC E O F A D M IN IS T R A T O R 'S S A L E Y am hill a n d 27. CATTLE lly virtu e o f an execution, Jmlgment In the M a tte r of the E atate of Freda cease«i, the unknow n heirs of Lucy G U E R N S E Y huH for sale. " T7 iL G w a n . OF R E A L PROPFRTY oriler. decree am i order of sale Issued II. W ells, Deceased. comb. 13.39 a tr m T I N R2VV. Jane Bennett, d«*ce«*ed, and all «»her N o tice is hereby given that by virtu e , Notice Is hereby given that the un d er out of the above entitl«xl court and cause ' -m ile south N e w to n .___ _______ F. I ’. H«ile«»mb to W illia m Johnson.! persons or parties unknow n claim ing T H R E E more Guernsey hellers for sale. signed, ns A d m in istra to r o f the <*tate . to me directed and «lat«»«l the 15th day o f OnJer, Decree and license o f the 11.61 acre-» T I N R 2 W . any rig h t, title o r Interest in the real judgm ent County C o urt of the State of Oregon, fo r , f October. 1934, upon t h e fi«s«h In Jan uary. Buy Delsman. mb, ' pm perty herein «k'serihed. Defendants. W ashington County, Oregon, ms«le and 63.65 acre« T I N his fin a l account In the County Court ! n»nder«»«l am i enter«Ml In said court R 2W . b alili Ave Phone 2197. Gr««eting: 1934. entered upon the 19th day of October. Maud Holc«>mb to F ra n k lin Holcomb, ! TW O fresh heifers fo r sale G«s»rge .A the St-atc «if Oregon, for W ashington I the 12th «lay «if September. In the N am e o f the S tate o f Oregon, 1934. In the m a tte r of the Fstate of ' 13.39 «cren T I N R 2W . County, an.l that M«mday the 26th day | favor o f the p la in tiff, fo r the sum of Ho lt, 1 m ile south Newton station P you. and each of you, are hereby re- f November, 1934, at the hour «if 9:39 61599.99 p rincip al, together w ith interest , quire«! to appeur in the above entitled James S later, Deceased, 1 w ill, from and M ary I'.. Cooke to W . T . G raham , part W A N T E D Gentle, fresh, fam ily e«»w. r the 9th day o f November. 1934. Lot 2 Block 6 Forcet Grove. o’rlo rk In the foremmn «if said day and thereon from A pi II 24, 1933, nt the rate t ourt and answer the com plaint ft led a ’ fte j j 'r . 1 \ ‘ ? J.din T ra .h s e l, R t. 2. Ileavert.m . •<*< the court r««»m of sai«l court ha« been of «even per cent per annum u n til paid, against you in the akmve entitle«! cause - 1 Shermun P. PlHnk et ux to F. G * Mle to the highret bidder, Y O U N G Holstein cow. to fre«h«»ii In appointed by salt! c«iurt as the tim e and and the fu rth e r sum «if 6125.90 attorney fur cash in hand, subject to eonfirmati«»n Plxnk. S E ‘ < «if N W ' , o f Section 29 T2N February. W ilber 8nl*w««del. half-m ile place fo r the hearing «if «dijeetlona there­ fe««s herein, and the co«ta nnd disburse­ on o r before the first «lay of December, by the County C«»urt of the S tate of R 2W . 1931. the said date being a fte r the ex­ n«»rth «'f S ehefflln. • P to am i the settlement thereof. O regon, fo r W ashington County, all of ments of this suit, am i coats am i dis- Robert Maslov t o W . H . Clen«lenninu piration of four weeks fro m the «late Dated ami first puhlhhed October 25. hursements on this w rit, demanding me i of the firs t publication of this Suni- the fo llo w in g described real property sit­ et ux. Lots 11 and part 12 Con ze it matin I BES1I Guernsey cow for sale. 4-year*- (,ld (J. L « *ll. m ile east «.f Orene.i, .IKp 1934. Date «if last puhl lent ion N«ivember to make sale of the follow ing described i mons upon you, the «late of the first uated in W ashington County, Oregon, to- Bros. r«»nl property situate I n W ashington w lt : James L . Freem an et ux to H . M . Guy M IL K C«ixvs. fresh David Lnrenb. 6 m il«* 22. 1934. ; publication thereof being Thursday, the T h e N«irth H a lf of the Southeast A L F R E D G R E E N , A d m inistrator «if the County, Oregon, to -w lt: er, 1.49 R«*re* Johnson F.otate Addition, m I I south of c«»ndenser and 1 firs t day of November, 1934, and the Q uarte r of Section 29. T . 2 N ., R. The F.ast one-half ( % ) of lavts or Leland It. 3H-9P Fstate «if Fr«««la It. Wells. Breverton-Reedville. nring J date of the last publication thereof being went. s - ~ t ~ 4 W . of the W illa m e tte M eridian. Tract« numbered Hix (6 ) and Seven Shaw. 1113 Public Service Bldg., Po rt­ J. W . Connell (S h e r iff! to H . T . John­ I the 29th C A H H paid fo r g«H»d. fresh cows and land, Oregon, A ttorney. . . . day . of November, . 1934, and , if . | Said property w ill he a«dd at the of- (7 ), Spencer Homeatead, as the same 36-40 son et ux, 10 acre« Section 25 T l S R3W . K. you »1 »o to apponr and ■ n aw w »aid n , ,, H „ „ M c A la a r X Vetera In Shute springers. — C. Flem ing, 9007 8 . appears of rre o n ! on the duly r«^ Edwin P. Edwards et ux to S tate of 2«tf com plaint or o .h e rw i.e plaa.1 here.o, ¡,HvinK, n . , , u bui|,||n, |„ H ill.h o ro , O re- C lin t.■!. SI . P< corded maps nnd plate thereof in N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S for want th .re o f the p la in tif f, w 11 app y >n|, hM , b, r. „ iv»,, , t , M|d Oretcon* L o t 4 We«t«lale. the office o f the Recorder o f Con­ In the County Court of the State of O re­ J. T. Rice to E lla K. Rice. 10 acre« o the court for the relief prayed fo r in f r „nl an,| , { Wr veyances «»f W ashington County, O re ­ 30. IKHiS—PFTS gon, fo r the County of W ashington, Section 35 T2S R lW . th e ir com plaint. to -w lt, fo r « decree the 9|h () November. 198«. gon. containing ten (1 0 ) acre«, more Probate Departm ent. DeLine. Inc., to B irdie V . Cady, Lot d rclarln a the .n tiff . to h r the owner» I , h l, , , th ,,„ v October. 198«. l'O X f i r r l e r | iui >. »m l urown il"»». o r lean; Notice is hereby given that the un«Ier- M anley F .v rrrtl. Kt ». ; R r P E T E R S A d m in islrn to r of the 2 Block 8. Hillsboro. Now therefore, hy v irtu e of said ex- in fee slm pla and in the » r t u .l poaaae- s(gn«»d has been appointed adm inistrator M y rtle Barber et al John Ironside, ,,f J , n,e» Slater. D e r r a .n l. H are, .......... ,„.rll..*,i»l M, of the «wtate «»f A rchibald B. W rig h t, ecutlon. Judgment «»nler, «Irerre nnd or' »ion of the follow in« dw eribed I'.rc e l 7 Clemons Suh-dlvision T IN of real property, ,, lyina, belny and | Ml. M a a r ft Vetera. A tto rn e y , fo r Adm in- part Lot . deceased, by the County Court o f the der o f «ale, and In com pliance w ith the R a w . M »»h i"«l--n / «»'"ty. » W * . t;— ' 1 ; 34-8 istrator. 38. ROOMS AND APARTMENTS Htate of Oregon, f«»r W ashington County, .l»n ..n .I on . . h l w rit. I w ill on t h . Cove Oaks Co. to R. G. Sim on, 3.45 P a rt of the I,Awrence H a ll and and has qualified. A ll persons having ,9 th day November. 1934, at tw o o'clock TW O r.irn d », I>ri»»ti- l,»«h. acrw Section 27 T I N R4W . w ife Donation Land C laim No. 43. hereby P M ., nt the m ain