of Bonita second. Another card party will lx- a business trip to Yamhill Monday ’ Mi and Mrs John Connell and j Miss McDonald of Hillsboro were guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. W L. Moore. Mr. and Mrs A C. Wahl tuid MASON H llJ r A number of sons were Sunday guests of Dr friends loined with Mrs C 11 G o n ­ . C K u v ’of Hillsboro " s ite d Sunday with Mr. and Mrs and Mrs G. G. Gibson in F o re s t1 yo October 31 in the celebration of driver, and his son Kay of m iisooro . w ri.-ht dale« Creek an- hunting in the John Day eoun- George W right on Galea creek, Grove. her birthday. A lunch was served try. George Kessler is driving the M itner Home Hums ___again M artha Vanderzanden and Evelyn school bus during their absence. A1 Mizner. who lives two miles Jackson visited Hillsboro high Wed­ evening Those present besides Mr. Mr and Mrs J. S Tresham of J from Scofield, lost hts house and nesday. | and Mrs. Gonyo. were Mrs I,. R en ­ Fiank Rmek and Robert Brown frow and Lucille. Mrs. Toge J o h n ­ McMinnville spent Friday and S at- all its contents Saturday by fire son. Mickey and Noreen. Mrs. W Mr. Mtzner closed I l l s stove tight drove to Blrkenfeld Thursday. urdav in Banks a t the home of »•<— - ->— ■ -»■ and went to Scofield after his mail Mr. and Mrs. B. W Armentrout 8. French and Florence, Mr and their son. B B. Tresham. he got back the house spent the wivk-end at M anzanita Mrs B. E. Waldorf. Mr. and Mrs Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Thompson and and in when aslies. He had just laid in a with Mr and Mrs Claud Morgan C harles Johnson and Hetty. Mr. eli.idren and George Kessler Sr. a t - j was winter's supply of clothing and gro­ Mrs. A rm entrout's s o n Francis and Mrs. Victor Christensen and tended the four hundredth anni­ which wen* also destroyed. Thompson of Portland did tiu- Virginia Ann. versary of th e Lutheran translation ceries. Mr Mizner is now staying al the chores during their absence. Mrs T\)ge Johnson recently took of flic' Bible in the Congregational home C. W MelVak has been ill with the school census for this district, church in FYirest Grove S u n d ay , Beard. of his daughter. Mrs. W alter pneumonia for the past three which happens to be situated in afternoon. parts of two counties. Washington part; Thurs- • Several from Banks have been a t­ weeks. At the R. N. A card party anti Multnomah. An txid fact about night Mrs. Vern Prickew and tending the Christian church re ­ Ask your attorney to send your tills census was this, the names cij,u(jr Williams won first and Mrs vival meetings tn Forest Grove. on the roll being evenly divided. Mr and Mrs. F rank Rmek made legal advertising to th e Argus. George Moss and Jam es Mathieson | dinner was in honor Mason Hill Folk H onor Mrs. Gonyo s fourth birthday. given November 16. H azeldale H as I Thompson Jack R aynard of Beaverton and Mr. and Mi's. Reid Eldridge and Gixirgv M Aitken of Garde'll Home son John of Hillsboro were Sundaj were political visitors tn Banks guests of Mr. and Mi’s Je tt Ken- Sunday School Monday nedy. bus Mrs George Moss and son Roy Club P resid en t Leaving for T ex a s to M ake Hom e HAZELDALE — A Sunday school was organized a t Hazeldale school Sunday by Mr. Everett of Portland Mrs. Dave Rutz was elected super­ intendent, and Mrs. Kuicheloe. a s­ sistant. O ther officers are M arjorie Broad, secretary-treasurer; Verne Jelderks. librarian; Mrs. William Heil, pianist. Prim ary class teach ­ ers are Mesdames Webber a n d Kincheloe. and the Bible class lead- er is Mrs Jolm Black Sr. Sunday school will be held at 10 o'clock each Sunday and everyone is in ­ vited to attend. Miss Hags Present Pupils Miss M arian Hagg of Reedville P u rs u a n t to the prx»vi»i p r o p p e d to he raw ed hv ta x a tio n f o r th e e n s u in g y e a r as pub lish ed h e re w ith , by an y ta x p a y e r su b je c t to auch ta x levy irt: Claire Walker. Joan Heil. » m o u n t o f m in oney fa v o r o f o r a g a in s t any o f th e p r o p p e d ta x levies h e re in a» th e C o u n ty C o u rt m ay deem fo r th e hast in te rn a t» o f W a s h in g to n arian Wilcox. Zelma Schaper «hen m»de. Lois York. Lois Kincheloe. Doro- County, T he C o u n ty B udget C o m m itte e f o r W a s h in g to n C o u n ty . O reg on, has p re p a re d and s u b m it* th e fo llo w in g A n e s tim a te V f th e a m o u n t thy Kirkwood. required f o r each d e p a rtm e n t o f C o u n ty g o v e rn m e n t. C o u n ty o ffic e o r C o u n ty o ffic e r , each C o u n ty im p ro ve m e n t th e m a in te n a n c e o f each C o u n ty Mr. and Mrs. R alph Holmes and b u ild in g , s tru c tu r e o r in s titu tio n th e s a la ry o f each C o u n ty o f fic e r o r em ployee, in c lu d in g thoae whewe salarie» are fixe»! by s ta tu te , fo r th * Mr and Mrs. A1 Meyers of P o rt­ im p ro v e m e n t and m a in te n a n c e o f p u b lic h ig h w a y s , roads, b rid g e s . th e const ru c tio n , o p e ra tio n and m a in te n a n ce o f each p u b lic u t il it y am i p tio n o f o u ts ta n d in g w a rra n ts . th e «w tim ate o f th e receip ts o f th e c o u n ty fro m source» o th e r th a n d ire s t ta x a tio n upo n real and pem ona! land were guests of Mr. and Mrs. p re ro d e p m e rty in th e c o u n ty d u rin g th e pe rio d f o r w h ic h such ta x is t o be le vied a n d an e stim a te a t th e p ro b a b le u n a p p o rtio n e d and unexpended A rthur Mills Saturday balance« in th e fun d » o f th e C o unty. Mr. and Mrs. R ichard Thorburn of Portland were guests at the J. B udget Jau. Expenditure"« P rvptw cd C Sm ith home Sunday. Budget E xp e n d itu re ? 1 to J u ly I J a n . 1 to B u dget E x p e n d itu re s E x p e n d itu re « Move to Texas 1933 1934 J u ly 1. 1934 1933 1933 1931 Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Copley and their little daughter Jean ette are Com m i »ai oners* C o u r t— $2,400.00 $1.200.00 $1.200.00 32.400.00 $2.400.00 leaving this week to m ake their I 1.500 00 750.O0 750.00 1.485.00 1.500.00 home in Gladewater. Texas. Mr 1st C o u n ty C o m m is s io n e r's S a la ry 1.500 CO 745.00 750.00 1.440.00 1.500.00 Coply lias been president of t h e 2nd C o m m im tooer*» S a la ry 720.00 360.00 307.50 787.50 720.00 C le rk H ire community club tor the last 100.00 130.85 47 50 67. (H) 95.00 375.95 600 00 375.00 months, and on Saturday evening Telephone 603.50 600.09 C o m m is s io n e r’s Proceedings 25.00 50.00 14.40 «0.09 50.00 the members met and gave him and S ta te W itneaeea Mrs. Coplev a iareweil surprise M'scellanexXis. ( p r in t in g , s ta tio n e ry , pxwtage. ad­ 300.00 212.00 265.36 150.09 500.00 v e rtis in g . e t c . » party. Cards and games were e n ­ 250.0O 125 i») ltX).0O 622.69 five girls and boys each county. Florence French was an overnight guest ot Betty Johnson on llal low e'en. Mrs J. Moler of Portland vlstlcd Thursduy a t the Charles Wood home Mi- Wood relum ed with her daughter for an indefinite stay. Miss Helen Kinsey ol Beaverton spent (lie week end at the Cluuies Wood home. Reedville Mr and Mrs. Janies I*eterklns of Portland spent last week at the home of Mrs. Christina Kelly Frank Vinton. Mis Mary Gordon and son of Portland spent Bunday a t the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Imlay and family. Mrs Bevdle Johnson visited Mr. and Mrs. W lloltz In 8alem this week-end She attended the blrth- 1935 Budget Estimates—Washington County, Oregon S joyed. Bedfeat E \pen.-e T o t.L * * * * Roberts, Mrs. * Bert C o u n ty C le rk — C le rk 's S a la ry D e p u ty ’s S a la ry Mrs. Max Berger spent several days last week in P ortland with her sister and brother-lh-law , Mr. and Mrs. George McLeUand a n d -nd .P*;1’ 97.M 9.77 ’ cst Ury Robertson oi ,'o n la n d visited M r.'swi w 11) ’ s»i«ry Telephone Ro>>ks. s ta tio n e ry , supplie» _____ Stam ps £ E xp ress and Mrs. J. C. Sm ith Tuesday. Mrs. Paul O'Connor attended a banquet at M ultnom ah hotel Octo- Heip ber 31 given by th e officers club Total* of the Daughters of Scotia of which I------------------— ------ she is a member. Caanty Record»!— Mrs. r . B. Da.v recently en ter- R t c o r te r '* S a la ry 1st Deputy*» S a l a r y talned several members of the G on- 2nd D e p u ty 's S a la ry zago football team a t dinner at S tenog rw pbfT Iter home. The team of winch her S upplies, S ta tio n e ry , etc. son Edward is a member was in T y p e w r ite r ¿t R epairs Portland to play Columbia univer­ Books & Indexes Telephone sity. T o ta l Build New Home Mr. and Mrs. R alph Schappert C e u n ty .............—...................... .......... 1 G ertrude Churehley i of Roseda-e ' A s s e s s o r 's S a l a r y . 1st D e p u ty '* S a la ry -------------- — ....... — are building a house opposite the I 2nd D e p u ty '» S a la ry ..........................— ..... Churehley home. Mr. a n d Mrs. F ie ld D e p u tie s — ---------------------- ------------ Schappert have been renting m e ' C o p y in g F ie ld Slip» Anderson farm since th eir marriage. C o p y i n g T a x R o l l s ................................... .............. i T ax E x t e n » i o n a — ................................................... Mrs. Staub Hostess Mrs. Staub entertained w ith a S ta tio n e ry , postage, o ffic e su p p lie *. etc tea party «1 Thursday of last week R„nj for Mrs. K anuttcen. who recently T<-;rrh,-nt moved here irom Hoquiam. W ash. per«. ■ ..i i -pevi >n Those present were Mesdames W al- S ta te In d u s tr ia l A e e id e n t C o m m ission ker. Schaper. Kincheloe, Webber, t « . i . Waldele and Murphy. ----- . _ — —--------------------- Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Oison and C « .tj T M u arrr- daughter Dorothy of Portland spent Sunday with Mrs. Eilerson.^ i/ep h -i» J. p. Jones and his son Wayne oi B a n k * "D e p o s it on B a nk B o n d s" Chehalem M ountain visited Mr. and Printing and Suppiie ' Pu« ta g « Mrs. W. A. Jones Friday. T o ta l» Banks Boy Scouts Guests at Party Sunday. _ „ $3.962.41 M u e e lU n e o m T o ta l» M ile a g e "n C o u n ty E xpense . T e le p h o n e T o t a l» C o u n ty R egulation Size G ra n d J u ry $2,475.13 $1,800.00 $5.464.42 $3.304.21 900 00 720.00 40 00 1 ..’ OC (X) 100.00 200.')<> $6.140.00 $1.2iH>.lM> 900.00 720 00 $ 1.20O.00 900.00 725.00 $ 400.00 450.00 600.(H) 430.00 340,00 $1.200.00 900.00 720.0t) 293.00 325.00 45.00 $3.465.00 163.17 406.11 43.05 $2.440.13 170.00 175.00 22.50 $1.777.59 110 64 434.62 21 50 $2.412.75 250.00 325 IH) 45.00 $1 600.00 1.209.00 $1,900.00 1.192.60 330.00 2,300.50 266.00 530.25 436.75 291.75 50.00 379.00 54.00 115.00 $ 900.00 $ 900.0O 6 0 0 .0 0 « 50. OO 600 00 L25O.OO X ‘7 ; 13 358.50 102.00 340 .00 1 5 0 .0 0 209.00 175.00 $U 1.1 175.CO 2 1 5 .0 0 4 3 2 .5 0 2 5 .6 0 9 0 .3 6 $«.«25.00 $7.770.45 $1.20 $1.200. 610 So 50.40 169.07 307.67 58.03 $ 600.00 264.95 25.20 73.24 123.11 29.15 15 00 $6,415.00 $1.1 15 .45 1 ,500.00 1.500.00 $ $1.794.35 1.506.35 1.504.35 400.00 500.99 2,000.00 650.1)0 75O.O*> 750.00 898.16 748.18 748.19 164.26 363.45 75.00 200.00 »5 3 5 0 .0 0 727.28 761.00 807.01 250.00 56.90 200.75 219.67 411.84 187.50 311.2« 8 5 .0 0 64.9*) 250.00 350.00 237.80 425.00 $ 598.18 $1.200.00 900.99 858.6« 215.20 IJ 360.O0 11....... 25.90 4(81.00 50.00 200.00 25.00 378.45 298.18 847.4O 21.25 840.00 2 3 9 .2 4 $4.740.79 . .......... .... C o u rt H o u s e - J a n ito rs W a te r 1 u III • Gaa and Fuel In su ra n ce h.leva tor In s u ra n c e M tscellanem is »fixture*«, le p a ira . e t c ) E le v a to r O p e ra to r S ta te In d u s tr ia l A ccident In su ra n ce T o ta ls $ 250.00 »00.00 125.00 100.00 100.00 100.(8) 450.00 150.00 25.00 $2.260.6» Ñ9.M 500.00 5 0 .0 » 5(8). 00 50.00 800.00 75.00 500.9V $1.735.00 $2.230.00 S 248.12 1 .15 ( » 0 121.41 193.37 470.03 232.88 547.61 148.18 $3.116.4» F x p e n illtu re a Ja n 1 1« J u ly 1. 193 4 1 l'r«*tt 96 36 0 011 260.00 360.(81 1.200 oo 1 fto ( o •»no 0.(8) 250 OO 3 08 571 00 13.000.00 9 «'«I 13,116 5» 44" 65 6 ,0 0 0 18) 250 00 ft.0 9 9 «0 269 6 4 8.780.10 3(81.00 ftiM» 0(1 ft 04) I «»0 (»0 too 1 15.048» («O 2.451 52 313 50 3 0 1 3 13 |ft4l 04» 3,048« •»») ft,992 .J 5,0‘ U •» 3 173.04) JUO i f 6 6 1 2'»2 69 1,»«4O 5<> 553 »5 ?18) 1.' 6' (Hl 200 no 1 964 401 06 0 0 «ft 50.181 6<8' 14)0.0 1 $ 1 .5 0 163 40 635.85 »04).0 0 6,000.00 >.O48> 0 65» ' ft ft.>24 »V 4ft4> (8) 47 52 178 «•> 10,673.9*» 445.00 12.188). 00 9 4 3 »2 1 1 .3 0 2 >8i 6> m 6 .(9 9.75 U I «• « , 5(8» <>o 8 7 6 .6 5 607 18 ft.9O0.(»0 >» 6(8» » ,» 910.610 60 5<) «» 804 90 700 «8» ft<>.00 600.00 A l l 31 &...... ft,non mi IS.tMMi 9ft 306.»« 124 40 819.19 1,1 04» 00 5481.(»0 8 4 0 .0 0 A3 4o 1(8» on 1 50 (81 25n 04» 10 mi $ ftl »<» 281 «6 65 7 ft» 66 73 94.653.6« 1 i. ■ L a w L ib r a r y M oth er's P e nsion * ( lid Age I ’v n . i. n w ant O u ts ta n d in g W a rr..n ta Not p s id fo r q f fu n d s " |'er-< nal l*r«»|»erty Fax ( ’o lle t'tio n a P rem ium « on O ff ic ia l Ronds Sheep K ille d Fy Dog'» la x « " Y a m h ill ( ’«Minty T ax R e fun d to M > rta M |b»y«l W o rkm e n » C««nipvn-atl.»n on Peace O ffic e r M («rrllaneo u« 6 6 3 .6 6 ............ « . C o u n tv lla a p ita l— C a re ta ke r'» S a la ry C o unty P h ysicia n O th e r D o ctors C o x* l.aundre»» Jaa itre a a W a it re«« Nurses («as (P o r tla n d Gas 6 Coke < o. > Meat G rocene» S ta te In d u s tria l A ccid e n t C om m ission Telephone L a u n d ry L ig h t and P o w er Insu ra n ce Feed and Seed D rugs lin y C lo th in g Fuel M iaceliaiu« »us T o ta ls »22 76 XAo.lH) 671 43 4.23O.0O 6.753.97 9,754).O9 5,000.00 24 < P' ft s i 4 00 5,348 73 0 : 19 <8) 7 .« 9 377 15 315 25 4(8» • » 125.48) 150.00 Itrcn« $ 500.00 2.000.00 J . • » • fM , o 990.1 » 222.0» 900.00 150.00 50.00 $4.472.00 $8.240.00 t ««urt l ’r» •!»»’>«• $ 600.00 $4.745.91 $ 915.99 Budget Jan 1 to J u ly 1 19 i $ 7ft (HI O ffic e r — O ffic e r C ou rt M ur n a g e Liren»«« C o u n ty ('«»urt M isrellane oua R e ta ti Heer L ire n a e $1.211.66 $ 501.»« 1.064.68 263.21 286.56 803.0.3 8.72 R96.4O 321.35 $ 633.66 C ir c u it $1.200.00 50< 2.500.00 300.00 200.00 500.00 109.8» 900.00 300.00 50.00 85.356.»9 ( ’o u n ly H e a lth S a la ry o f H«m lth O ffic e r's Expense T o ta ls Scholia ( lull (<> Meet Heliolb Woman's club will meet Tuesday ut the church A pot lin k lunch will be served Mrs Kffle Marsh of lleaverton will siieuk on •Health." E x p e n d itu re « 1999 720 (»0 D iafcurwem enl» ( ou n ty G eneral I < a a h an lla n d i g r n r r a l (u n d ' itn « i n s $<> r t o i s n g k k f k a l F l S I> I r a l l m a l r d ' — Fr«»»’ . ( <>unty C 'lerk’s O ffic e -— A ll f i n e » , f o r f e i t u r e a and penaltie» 230.55 44.51 8 Ì M 9 9 94 T o ta l $1.180.22 $4.710.12 $3.864.11 Budget 1-, the H|Ninlsh Ainerleun anil the World War ale twperlally Invited Mrs Georg,. Imlay gave a Hal lowei n |>aiiv for her Bunday school class Tuesday evening al her home Mr. ami Mis .1 I, C hm ihley mnl small daughter Myrna l«re ot Rose­ dale visited Mr and Mrs 11 J. Churehley Bunday. The November meeting of the Women's Missionary society will be a joint one wilh die Oreneo soci­ ety. held a l the Oreneo church next Wednesday, November 14. al 3 p. hi . An Interesting ttrogrum Is bring arranged by the two societies This meeting la Is’ing brld a WMb ■•••111« I than originally scheduled T o ta l 5 0 .0O 41.35 565.45 2.41 747.38 3.82 $3.905.17 C e unty A lte rn e y — Ib ’p u ty 's S a la ry C le rk 's S a la ry T«deph«»ne M isceUane«Hi» T otals !.. $4.435.06 50.00 1,000.90 20.00 400 00 50.00 $4.120.00 E xp e n d itu re « 1932 E x p e n d itu re s 1931 I 72.90 475.42 332.39 134.05 $9.041.67 $9.444.31 $8.262.92 $3.440.06 3 4 6 .0 0 6.36 $5.194.4 5 31,500.00 $5.390.04 1 .2 0 0 »8) 35.00 $2.394.89 A p p ltc a t ton« M IIO O I. F rom ( o u n ty T re a s a re r’a O ffic e — Recorder*» («■«•»• S h e r iff ’» fora J u s tic e C o urt» Dog L ire n ««• O A (' Land 9 2 7 .0 0 ( «H inty T a x R a cing <»n th e 1.922.32 0 265 Fund i ( h iM r e ii C o u n ty S« b - I L ib ra ry F u n d 10 cent» per c a p ita on th e 1033 census c h ild I • ' 93.3» 1,451.52 ( otnrniaainti r i'N D M I I O ho p«r c a p ita 1933 cenau» c h lh ll ('«M inty R e in a d 3 .4 3 0.5 0 t ir a n ta In te rn a t on I><*|x»ita C o u n ty F a ir S ta te Levy C o u n ty F a ir O reg on S la te F rom $6,415 05 T o ta l Im o tfn t to he Mala rd h y T a x a tio n fe r < «»«niy S« hiMtl 1 ,(8 (0 .0 0 $ 9 1 ,7 7 6 .5 0 D e p a r tm e n t— lnt«*re»t on D e lin q u e n t Tax«» D e lin q u e n t Taxes "1933 L e v y " D e lin q u e n t Taxe» "1932 levy and year» p r io r th e r e to " 8 .0 0 0 .U0 6 5 .0 0 0 .0 0 T o ta l K a tti sated K e r e ip t » " G e n e r a l F u n d " t o g e t h e r A m o u n t to he Kaiae I f o r < o u n t y (¿ e n e r a ! l a n d b y l a t a vilh $ 1 7 1 0 5 » 54 C ash an h.„4 $141.7»».34 $153.294 I I Itm lg e t Jan. 1 U» J u ly 1 1934 F.xpenditures J a n 1 t<> $ 831 »6 157 94 87 «2 $ 7Ro.(8) lo o 00 $ 222 00 3» 4() 74.28 2,««0.00 1.880.00 2.331 47 1.866.00 1,2<8) 00 690 OO 1.18» 18 690 00 4 0 0 .0 0 301 8» 160.(81 lo f t 82 30O.0 » 7,000.00 30,000.(8) « 492.73 21,283 66 3.6(8» OO 12.6(8) 00 4 813.76 16,648 10 7,000 «(» 27,( mh ). ü «. H. 0(8). 0 0 7 .6 6 9 63 78(1 00 700 00 780.00 876.76 1,679.42 4.060.00 3V0 oo 276 oo 4.762.01 390 00 E xp e n d itu re « I »32 B udget 1933 E x p e n d itu re « I . ■ : 3 1 ,6 0 0 (Ml 8 0 0 (H) J u ly 1. 1934 Pn^M wm i |lu,<) 37.693.36 « 00 .00 $ 900.00 450.(8) 189 3« 200.00 166.59 122.50 42.25 102.41 27.(8) 50.00 20.00 20.00 50.00 100.00 50.00 60.00 8 0 0 .('0 «17,280.78 $1.800.00 »10J8) 324.80 290.00 »6.26 215.09 80.85 208.(8) 131.50 $ 900.00 450.(8) 2<8).00 150.00 112.50 100.00 42 50 50.00 75.00 20.(8) $2.100 00 81.900.00 »00.00 375.00 400.00 200.(8) J udg e I C ir c u it C o u rt W itneaaee I G ran d J u ro rs ...... I C ir c u it C o u rt J u ro rs M eal- fM -I IM V 9 A tto rn e y ’s Fee» C o u rt R e p o rte r 1 M iscellaneous Telephone ............ T o ta l« J 900.00 601». 00 437 90 360.00 19.40 898.69 68.22 $5.770.00 $ 904.00 600.00 450.O0 360.00 20.00 5(H). 00 50.00 75.00 $2.955.00 $6.245.41 Surveyor— C ir r o lt C o u rt— S<- ro ta ry t o C ir c u it B a ili f f s $1.900.00 1.120.22 915.00 735.00 38.50 706 22 149.(‘9 5 0 .0 0 ........... A c c id e n t I n s u r a n c e ................................ ................. —- ........ $L8(H%00 1 1......... 900.00 720.00 50.00 1.000. »8» 101». 00 400.00 50.00 100.00 S ta tio n e ry and S upplie» ......................... M iitcellaneouft ............... Stam ps and E xp ress .........— —~* M aps and P r in ts .......................— C o u n ty S u rv e y In d e x Record o f S u rv e y o r’» O ffic e O ffic e E q u ip m e n t .................................... Telephone S ta te In d u s tr ia l R ecord B o o k s T o ta l« .. .. $7.420.40 9 0 0 .0 0 W ork ................................. $3.648.85 2,500.00 ... 400.00 400.00 325.00 ( o e n ty N e rs e — N iin e *« S a la ry O ffic e $3.762.54 $3.465.41 M .t e r i. l* Mrs C B H-ili. Mrs. Tom Qualls in.urazce and M r Cass Wilson attended a J’^ 1h,i(a^ n, r ’ F« ‘ur-> r'" -500- party a t th e home of Mr. *v"alJ ‘>troB and Mrs. Claude Lyda a t K ansas T«,ai. City October 30. 1--------------------------------------------- Mrs. H attie Davidson of Forest ( »uniy S c h o o l S u p e r i n t e n d e n t - Grove spent Monday night with her S u p e rin te n d e n t'« S a la ry mother. Mrs. M A. Dodds Mr. tmd Mrs. ^ e d H a^hberger T n . , ^ H p » » and son Larrie of forest Grove » er^ printin« a n d s t a t i o n e r y Sunday guests of Moxie, Ida an a s u p p lie s Clyde Hopkins. Telephone ' Miss Ida Hopkins was a guest in - th G rad e and T e a c h e r '» E x a m a s titu t e Salem Saturday of Dorothy Mae 4-H C lu b In W o rk Bvington of Farmington, Mo. T e ta l» Mr. and Mrs. George Snipes of __________________________________ Portland spent the week-end with p ro b a tio n o t f ie e r — Mrs H. A. Williams. P ro b a tio n and J u v e n i l e O f f i c e r ’« S a la r y Miss Sylvia Oasheim and Miss M ile a ir e o n C o u n t y W o r k ......... ...................... Phyllis Nelson spent the week-end Telephone in Vernonia with Miss Nelson s par- J^vende C . ^ Expend eison. WjtneB#eB ................................................ Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Hutchen were S upplie guests Sunday a t the Archie Thomp­ D o c to r’s fe«» f o r e x a m in a tio n s son home a t Mountaindale. The I ' oh t a g e a n d S ta tio n e ry $7.614.9» »5.JS4.7J C o u n ty S h e r iff — S h e riff’ s S a la ry -----— ....................................... 1st D e p u ty ’ s S a la ry -------------------------------- — 2nd D e puty'» S a la ry ..... ........ 3 rd D e p u ty 's S a la ry Special D e p u ty '» S a la ry — Telephone ........................ ........ —- ......... — _~«.- S h e riff's E xp ense ............. —...............— ------------ Gas and O il C ¿1 r R e p la re rr en t » Mr. and Mrs. A. C. W ahl en ter­ tained the Boy Scouts with a H al­ lowe'en party October 31. A few girls were also invited. Games and p a ir s o f C a r s ....... Hallowe'en stu n ts were enjoyed. E W« x p rk e n m s e e n s a n d C o R m e pcn aatioa on Peace O ffic e r Mrs. W ahl was assisted by Mrs. C. In s u ra n c e . . . -------- —-------------------- W. Moore and Mrs. Jake VanDom- S te n o g ra p h e r — ................ ........... elon in serving. Those present were Mi»cellanex»u> Peggy Wilson. G eraldine Kessier. P r in tin g , s ta tio n e ry , postage, o ffic e s u p p iie T o ta ls Sheila Hall. Gladys Cop. Wilma | McPeak. Ethel and Alta B row m R oy — z— Moss. Billy Kessler, John and Davm , J * De’ ; y. Sa,ary Rosencrans, Frank Wald. G earhart | ,. lr , . SaJary Erdman, Melvin and Delbert Wright, F ir s t C le r k ’s S a la ry Nolan and Dale VanDtmelon. Jim ­ Sec>»»l C le r k ’s S a la ry C le rk s o r a d d in g m a ch in e my Brown. Bobby Stohler. Buly Special T e le p h o n e and Don Moore. Chester Thompson, O ffic e S u p p lie s ------ -------- ---------------------------------- Earl McPeak and Vernon Wolford. M i.-'-eilaneous Sell Seals A d v e rtis in g , p r in t in g , postage, envelope» Wakapi Nahon Camp Fire Girls R e p a ir s o n m a c h i n e s ................................. ........... T o ta U are selling Christm as seals, wrap­ pings and cards. They have several C o a n ty J a il— varieties. Make purchases from Miss j J a ilo r ’s S a la ry ------------------------------------ Ethel or Peggy Wilson. ;tnei o Sm n u ith u i UI B o ard o f P ris o n e rs Mr. and Mrs. Cass Wilson visited Laundry Mr. and Mrs. Grover Rogers m Doctor., Dentiata. etc— .......— H ills b o r o I) . lit.G $7.465.00 17.375.47 day dinner glven Holtz Bunday Mrs Kosahell llriiee spent the week with het sister, Mis Emma Melts In I'oil land Mr and Mrs l< N Snipes have gone elk hunting In EasUrn Orc gon (or a few days. Mr and Mrs Hen Bhellus have moved Io McMinnville for the w in­ ter m onths Robert Taylor Inks been sick with I lie flu for the jnist week He re ­ turned to aehoul Tuesday Mr and Mrs H A Becker and family visited Mr and Mrs <’ Bischoff In l*i>i I land Bunday Mrs D. L. Bulllviui gave a din­ ner for Mrs Mabel Mellar of P o rt­ land Bunday Mrs Marv Olinger and Mrs George MeBreen of Alofia were oilier guests The service at the church next Bunday evening will be in olyserv- anee of Armistice day Veterans of O ffic e of C o e n ty Serveyor— C o u n ty S u rv e y o r ......— . C h a in m a n Road V iewera -------O ffic e o f C o e n ty E n g in e e r— ( ’(M inty E n g in e e r and Shop Forem an < M l |.r r E x tr a H e lp. K e giatercd U nem p loyed T ra n a itm a n a n d D ra fta m a n Hend and Rear C h a in m n n BotA». F o rm *. S ta tio n e ry . I ’lw tage, Telephone < o n a t r u c t io n a n d M a i n t e n a n c e R o a d » a n d B r id g e » — 200