Page Six THE Ferns Shipped to East Coast minister's salary, Following the business meeting Mrs j . j H utch­ ens told of their trip to Nebraska and Iowa. Mr and Mrs. W. T. Sellers spent a few days last week in Hillsboro | with Mi ans Mrs. Dwight Sellers Nuiiiiiiations Made H IL L S B O R O AR G U S , H IL L S B O R O , OREGON Thursday, November 8, tin* «A at the David Hill school I> • J I *1 z”' • Vivian ltump Esilici Hohti and ö r U lC - l llCCt CllVCIl Lesta P ine at the Junior high I I John Christensen of the 8A2 cia , >»k» stiilered a pam- v 1 tul injury to his eye when accident- 11» Mr». Ilir.1 McCormick) _____ ally hit while playing on the school cno0‘ U IE H A IE M MOUNTAIN Wed-1 grounds. ■mine uilernoon Mrs W F Wolll- Gribner Brothers of Banks Proceeds Go to Red Croat, I New officers u era elected in vie.ui evening, (or the purpose "'¡m ’kel entertained with a mis- m«w L\d n 'a .r s \,,,<’’' ' <', AU,Ma,'- sl" Wer V ating a city ticket for the election Developing Business Several Parties Held Tuesday Only a few were present garet H aiti president; Jack Scare. ¡ ' .'J Those nominated were William Grangers Plan D /” » f» D e n e t l t nO O tl Party Wednesday lt t,,‘’ "'¡'¿l'.m A ’ wm! hWP " " ,U* l," , " d,n ' <’l<«e Cmme. I gius Hai baia W Ilhams, accompanied In »..„, ,, , .. Kalilleen SI Marlin visited hei 1 * FWiinet Voting man, do parents In Portland Sunday. ; k" ow it U G a. in ? What do The annual Halloween party was you mean by tiilhglug mv dauitli- .??"‘d?"L »'im ' loun.i lu rk in g g h £ t ."‘gobhns " 'rJ " home " " ’' at this hot,,-? and Wltche, too assiduous with tlieu . Sul ,,r Well, you see I had to attentions. • ""J k. ld .0>e Hatchery, and I goila be a t work by 7." Ex. I lonor Roll Given bool WHY SUFFER? I'lir iM , g«« pdllM, »nur » In m ifh , n iu ir « , >iinsii|)«i|i»n | n,|, u lh rr I r i l l «m «mJ »«li ( I I d m I « hyper acldllv dur Doni five SAXTON A I.OONEY Producer, ot quality tip h»pr M a n y Hundred« ui a M d r rr r t • V « to u n il r « 11 « f. » H A I S I It I) S I A h I R T S n e helped «»Ihr x W hy n«»l >«■? r " II « ai » ai SAND and GRAVEL Plant bn atetl I miles north nt For < t Grove on G ale. Creek ¡’hont» I tumi t Niin'' 111II * k • n» I’hfcimaty Hillat.«.'.., l i t ........ Keep Fileni Twice as Fong Good blankets deserve good care, ami they h is t t w ic e n s long if they’re careltilly cl called eaeii s e a s o n . O u r p r o c e s s m a k e s them f l u f f y and bright . . . ami the charge is lo w . M a y we call lor your blankets'* Mountain Top school is being re wlileti is almost unheard of at this modeled. a woodshed and pump time of (lie year. - house constructed and the Inside ot bu i'd l.^ panned ~ aT m i' da? V ^ n S k T u Mr and Mrs. Herb Davis of New- ! ix“‘ )U d.rtV old-,l,,u' d a n i* bj-rg were overnight guests a t toe Cedar Mill Farm ers' Union met Friday. I O Uobn 30. u week early because D o u g u e regular meeting night was on parents Mr arm i m „ ,l x2u«al s elixtion Several candidates f o r j s a u f ■x..isp~., ,“ s s s s r - r a A s r s a » seriously ill. is now improving. lu„ the winter at Berkeley" 8A2 class - Charles C rittenden. "•""• and children Howard Mrs Ellen West is ill al her home T- - - r a - Utrkt k •' n e Mr and Mrs. F. w. Christian of president; La Verne Duley, vicc-pras- of Chehalem Center und Mr was north of Banks. by Mrs. A rthur Schulz. , . Los Angeles and Mrs. Henry W in- ¡dent; Francis Brown, secretary and Mrs Floyd l’lttard und elul- Mrs given Jo h n Zitzmmi. Mrs. N P Flr Grove sewing club met Wed A m " kelni “ 11 and daughter Shirley Ann BlU Grogan, treasurer; John C hris- dn-n of Salem. Johns Johnson. Mr- J Prtercourt. Mr nesdaJ with Miss Anna Schneider 5 ^ ' K e presi- g * " e Gwens and Miss Dorothy WE CALL AND DELIVER sera son. The mothers voted to take charge ot the annual call and Mrs. Charles Ray Parmley and Graw were appointed _ _____ _ tnittee for the canvassing. They also voted to sponsor the Christm as seal sale in connection with the public school. Mrs. A. C Wahl and Mrs. e . C. Wilson were appointed HOME LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANERS ■lephone 47 Hillshnrn, Oregon Insurance Costs Compared r i - a m i c i Ic x u Z TTL l /À Q d n i f - IA OCTORS tell the man who wants to keep fit to drink at least a quart of milk a day. Milk is a complete food in it­ self—offering all the essentials to keep you physically strong and mentally active. Let us de­ liver to your office daily. QUART 10c McFall Jersey Dairy* eox. Alice Parmley Ed Barngrover The w ater to over the road be-1 £?» ^«hool had a mothers' party Mrs Laura Murray mid children all ui nillsboro Mrs * j ' h * s ifti'?’ ^ T h e ^ i r T 'f o u r t h fifth and sixth k***11 the Corey and'" J a k e " Van ^ b e * ' -*»• There was a play, and Alice e n l im Y is v ......... i'^ M j ! ^ ~ o f ‘ w n > ^ ...... u T p u * I S * ' m.rt*k,»8 d - ; Ill Mi»» M lS s A ll»’«» M M rT n i a ls Ivixt..» J O “ B n Ilu g rad es'w ere entertam ed 8bv^ th en Uon?elen P1“" due to a washout Mother « reaches S a te ty ’’ '« Portland Muss McInnis is etm Mrs. A M Me,J, ¿at fmn.h M u ^ via“ ^ ^ 15« ^ ^ ‘" j * S l ^ f e r ^ ’S y moved to = ? ^d ^ a ^ Y X ’w^ k H^ i d ^ P . E. G ardner a n d i - ^ » * " ^ ‘ yó u n ^ te ^ w e r e served nefreshments dau8*lter SP«« Saturday evening The 5A Safety class of the Peter ‘"an xclxwi In lMrtimid ?ete r man scliool In Portland. ! McKlnlev school . ....... i n keeping Ä *»«*>t " .... in with the season Those at '** ‘he ulc J. "*' Anderson Anaerson home nome ,n in Hills- H ills - 1 avuw i ’ naa a Hallowe en m i i ............. n .vievormiek Hcviann McCor- xi.u'.— i >na . “ PHHirmn ' e t'n ir° McCormick. Hodaon and costume parly *l?d Friday eveiilnv' winning prizes were Connie Lou b° r° had Mrsk MldzvBui?ru Defor,d called on 1’rlzes were given tor Hi? beit pro- M*1*; McCormick a t the fMrtland costume. Pocahontas “ ike al the Eowles’ home'Sunday7 gram games and a' treasure h |lullt u n t Sanitarium. | T ualatin View school ha, penny Crtx»'>ie mid .. children Mel- carnival Hallowe'en ___ night i 1« 1 n e s » s ta- ....... had .. .... a . ^ *’ll,n ™ " and x Zeigler z"'“v Vivian S ._ _____ _________________ high attended the Union school gave a m nday noon. TaKKert-Thompson wedduig m Hills- the Cedar Mill Granite ■ „-.In- .„ K .- ..................... t . ¿ a x | H U w ' ¡ a r i s i B; i>' ¿ i T ,h " ' J a n a ? 1 w a ? . I b u n , " .M i o m . lav S ' .iveoioL. x s . r * • “ 8* _ j ____________ .« * f% s * s s ,? ? s s s r s K - k ' ““ "“ ' “ « « • ■“ » ..« r s x g is s „ « i s s a .„ « k “ „ » 'S h "1 '- ¡¡. v i s jkws ,, ••AS th e elow eks no" by str». M yrtle Giawin*. !f.rli >on- « uesU were Mrs. William The 2A or the Peter Boseow Top school have been out of school for the week ' W ritten Hui». Mrs. Jam es Mathiesen and ^ n o o l held a contest for free-luuid u a> to their home W with Jam es Walters on » h h u » i .o i, l l f M n >d r le confined f fe v .e IU I ./»uiir.x W lU le r.S is O h a lth I borv. fo r R.we chapter. Kl«»wer Guild Miss Mildred Hergert and the host- drawing of a squirrel, and winners ^ a r le t fever. tm , . J '. J ’" “ .hunting liners “ » n « » W . trip ai Toledo over the week-end | Filsrim Hou«e ess. j were Ross Olsen, first; June Vin- Wt 1 Ftiugan went to Portland Mr mid Mrs L. Stark and sun The flowers tu rn to face the liaht Juire, to via» his sister, Mrs. Jam es K ach- Mrs. Steele of Portland aim Mr Mr. and Mrs. Harold Reynolds '< ?"•. sec°f»d. and Gloria McGuire And hold th eir heads up to the nun. of Hillsboro visited at the C. S. th !£d- . ln; , and Mrs Percy Hiui 'f7i'.7il„~7t.‘o ' N o m atter where they utart to grow Reynolds home Sunday. The 5A of the Peter B o s c o w , Miss Helen Homin went to Fort- dale sjm - iii .Sunday with th.-iVnV, .7 O r h<»w th eir n « u may run _________ Mrs. Lyda E ntertains s^ o o l are working on a health £ " d Saturday with Mr. and Mrs Mrs M H Ft") m id fm , K ' So let us a lw a y * face the ffood, And bold our »t.n.Urd lunh ur.d true. Mrs. Claude Lyda of Kansas Citv P e g ram to be given in November E Hoffman to call on Mrs I Mr mid Mrs G lenn f a i r i » n Ajt.tk7I>i'>Xr fi ,frM*r*nt *nd «>“" e«t«nalned the Mountaindale "5GG ' « “ a program will be one of the « McCormick a t the Portland S an- C arr spent Sundav evm ino J u .. t h . newer» do._ c lub Tuesday afternoon. First went ' ° uf er ‘l !» “ »£ "> the good health "arium . Mrs. McCormick |S , ^ ‘h Mr and Mrs. Jm n.“ S ^ r i g D . • ~ to Mrs. Loci Hollenbeck, second to PfPJVcts. which are bemg ohaerved ""proved in health und will I k - land 1 * k IX«rt- — Mrs Johri Jansen, third to Mrs U1 "'any schools this year. able p, leave the hospital soon. I Mr and Mrs Olenn C arr visilnd ? / e d E l" ua ,a n d consolation by Mrs. Many children are working liard t , ? tto, ° i ndu,r ls working m Mr. mm Mrs Albert Smndon ,,t P. A. Qualls. Guests were Mrs. on the annual Service club Dro- the Nut<«>it - — om uuon oi er near Scholls. «•>— Huber Saturday. Lyda s m other. Mrs. Voos, of P ort- gram to be held in the th eater on erack1"« wal,i C' «»""H on. November 23. Many parents are Teacher III "The Barretts of W impole The Mailer forward performance Saturday th a t families th etr u received n c l e / t word a s ^ looking Through 1 ^ 7 to 1 this ^ S * M r ™ - n e X ° diS Street” Venetian Feature H ^ ierir Oi <-anada. had !* r to* lunch room a t the Junior teacher. Miss Helen Reddui * "Ttie B arretts of Wimpole S treet. " died. and d . Mrs. a ile r high h ig h has h a s been been remodeled, n -n u v i» iM i bo «... Ulat Mr-- Grañvlííe" ..... Uulg. É vert^t‘’wei.i », a e., Mr. an “ ra. Harrv Harry M Mailer Mrs featuring Norma Shearer Fredric mghtC1fore% eb e ^ aUer leit SatUrday may « t m X nX O Ä 1Uni'“ “' * '“ > •Mra SnTil TUusch?e*r."wlw | W u v S “^ ^ f f i t n “ * Al7x- night for Alberta, Irwin Schlegel __ spent __ ____ the week- ____ ---------- e repoi The reporters ---- » .„..e „ X r t X h e r a 'w t o ^ l ^ Ä d f r re S tre tU rn M t® h e r | ^ er MWtlla be “ ‘ tt,C V ^ '^ " ' ¿ " A - Y !iL a i 45? •»m e of Mr. and Mrs. » 's h to thank those teac h ers'w h o home S aturday' are prompt < in ». handing in their Mr and . Mrs . < d«m t ,Mo,.K,ay Tuewday. n U jo n n Luther of Keasey. ilr<1 . . »• P F Hnffm Mrs. Enuna Schwander, who re e. news, because it is their faithful M erhoel^ J nt £> Portland ¿kt“uT* of U e’^ear0“ V i lh^ ' SL pkturea turned from Portland Thursday, k. recovering nicely from her opera- . fi°" , a . success ------------------------- S a a Ä . « - S S Ä S i 5 3 -JU S ! t S Ä * » tion. Mrs. Elizabeth Harms returned with her. B irthday Celebrated Miss Bonita Thompson was hon­ ored with a dinner Sunday for her ITMEANS * our .h birthda \ Guests \i ere Mr. — - — , ■> a x_w 11 v »v »1 b; > . ■ I ,. ■. . 11 ,, * *" * “ 1 ^ . ' X / H o U e n S V n l t f ^ d o f ^ n u D i ^ V - T “ 1" ' ’ and irlends i i S . J W‘th has nothing to do with Mothers Entertained at Johnson School HOGSOR HOUSING.. DRAIN—FILL—LISTEN And our Texaco Station ia ready to put your iOn f° P tbe - “ ‘- l i v i n g season. Dft t/.V summer o H -H L L with Texaco or Havohne of the correct grade. And LISTEN to a perfectly lubricated motor. Drive .round. Don't wait for the first cold winter blow to slow you down. Thg)m ^on.Mr' and Mr!>' plearantly % nterU m ed ' « ‘“ a !a n T c h U d re n ^ m c n i ArClUe P h ‘u i ? I‘'8el Mr. and Mrs. Archie Thompson and daughter visited r e la tiv e s a t Forest a tu X - n est Grove Grove S ¡Saturday. Misses Effie and Shirley Toates spent the week-end at the R E Pox home in Portland Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Connolly of Hillsboro. Miss Helen Hollenbeck and Sydney Connolly were guests of Mr. and Mrs. George* Canno^y Sun- ^,H n*'L en ,4 rty a t the “ »'ool Wednesday afternoon. Decorations “ ts. ami and Hal- H a? f e.— .e».».» u ix x cats, ° ^ e ?n «treamers were urranged “bout the room, and Halloween Pim es provided entertainm ent. Prizes n . l ?le guessI"g contest were re- o r o ? n by BY thl£>hiEi » unday a t the Carl ^ » X r o i e L ^ ? .,a t..®?,,?.llfi' r ------ a new° c irrn u io ? dlsf lct installed School S aturday"8 heater ln thelr C M d ^ r ^ n the ho„ > „ u Buck H eave? i h?n?r ro11 a t the weJks Llr?1 roff Dora*) and Vlnw1.1^ 01«’ P et' "** of toe J°hnn‘C M‘ tt' n’ A?a adtt ed u » . „ ^ere S KnOCllDUt For Bad Coughs The Only g L “nd 8pCed‘ly of the new window curtains decor- 1 "Z --------------------- aisuppear. ated by the winning design' m the Oet a «5-cent bottle of Buck- recent contest sponsored by the »31. IVIarV S ley s Mixture a t Riggs’ Hillsboro -« suUaWe . ----- -------- ••• M1&s RltaJule RltaJule R of evennann wax ........? the I 4 ? a L r.'5^cy or “ st any rpal d druK s t o and re - crayons’ »»?--- bortfcr in week-end Miss ny •‘"'■Hhg .r.Pttl r"g store winner V, V lrilnia Bunnell was the guest Revermann her classmate th<" * or ‘5ge‘ cough ; M4 ® M arlal Cooper, a t the latter's 1 ,° ^, re,n,* dy *" “ H Canada hun- New officers were elected in most home of Jean Miller at Mid- .me *" independence. of the rooms. At th e Peter Boscow if Q The V tiro a » L x . _ TvrxVvA» . I dreds — of ~ — thousands In th a t cold school the following were elected: £ « y .was the scene ot a hvely Hal- Isabel Tyler and R uth Smith frozcn county swear by it try it 2A class; Bobby MacKenzie. presi- 5 7 p en party on Wednesday evening V'?? dinner guests Friday evening I won't fall you money buck If dent; Duane Chapman, vice-presi- S.i525,/l5£ ? " terto1"ed a number of a t the home of Ella Mary Murphy* not delighted.- Adv. ^ . ^ ^ B r l s t o r secretary; Doris decorations w ere---------- --------------- L. S. Campbell Across from O. E. Depot Anderson, treasurer; Mabel Webb. ????', aTd tfl? date aiso formed the song leader; Winona Russell Gloria i”, io5 the refreshm ents served Night Call 38« McGuire, Ross Olsen. Frank McGee *al?r in the evening. Games, music Station With Complete Service and Jane Vinton, monitors. ’ and dancing were enjoyed by the Several new students have en- gu?sts and the young hostess. Pres- rolled in the Hillsboro grade schools en t were Miss O rpha Carter, Yvonne this past week At th e David Hill Bunneil. Jean Miller, Arlo Me Ron- school. Leola Hoffman entered the crt.. Dan Carter, Mr. and Mrs. Frank 5A class from Tabor. M arjie Wil­ Watson, Charles Watson and the liams from Sherwood and Virgil hijstess' mother. Mrs. Miller. Tentative plans for the organiz- H o.Im an from Tabor are new stu dents in the 4B and 5A. At the' a? on an undenominational Sun- Junior high, Orbie Hoffman from ? ? y school In this community have J atx*,r s D Is a new pupil ¡n the ¡5??" nix>d<'k5.nd 11 ls ProhaWe that 6A class. Virginia Garrigus entered I they ? 11 become a reality in the the 8A2 class from Prickett .school 2?a ?i i?aUre' plans '" ‘ hide a near Banks At the Peter floscow social side ®-s well as a religious one w* Ail rooptiuTino school, new students In the 3A and l B u„are„ Howard Hoffman from If you have something to sell and ra b °r ' s - D., Weslev Howard from J5 5 hJurry sc’1 **> let toe Mountaindale, and Evelyn Olesbers ?ire “dyertolng deportm ent of from Centerville. «esoecs ?u the H U l s o o r o A l l ' l l : , prove its ability!, There has been a regular epldem- as a speedy and efficient s a l e s lc of intestinal flu in the schools medium. 1 I recently children absent lately be­ cause of It are William Sm ith in Subscribe for the Argus. Removal Notice We Are Headquarters for cost estim ates necessary to secure improvement or re-m odeling loans under the NATIONAL HOUSING ACT The f i r s t step in securing one of the governm ent sponsored, m onthly payment, easy m odernizing loans is to find out exactly the cost of the repairs or im provem ents you have previously wished you could m ake. y W e’ll tak e care of this first step for you w ith­ out cost or obligation on your part. W e’ll tell you all about the provisions of the Housing Act and th e im provem ent loan with no down pay- «Too to woo'o“" C .™ ' S e ' i o T . nm”“nt’ of from A BANK’S PROSPERITY • . . depends directly upon the prosperity of the community it serves. N aturally the Hillsboro Branch of The F irst National Hank of Portland is vitally interested in the business and financial success of ev­ ery person in this district. We wish to do w hatever we can to aid this success. A d­ vice or assistance with your problem s is available a t any time w hether or not you are a custom er of this bank. ° f U"‘ le S“ m'‘ J, W. COPELAND YARDS THE BLACK CAT OFFICE * HILLSBORO BRANCH * T he FIRST N A TIO N A L BANK O F P O R TLA N D "OlDttr NATIONAI 8ANK w ttr o r tm K ocK iir M u t u a l—. f 1000 00 costs 1500.00 2000.00 3000,00 «000 00 exists costs costs costs We are now located in the building formerly occupied by the Hillsboro Garage. Í I 000 00 1500 00 2000 00 .'tooooo «000 00 During our rem odeling period we will offer our Entire «Stock of NEW and USED CARS and TRUCKS Phone 1732 Drug Store S P E C IA L S -SALE OL ALL McKESSON MERCHANDISE ut rnininiuft) prices for MILK (»E AIAG.N'ESIA__ CALOX TOOTH POWDER Can GDI) LIVER o il» — Pint SHAVING CREAM Large tube Pursane PLYMOUTH $ J .0 0 RUBBING ALCOHOL Pint 39c 49c 40c $4 oo GOD L IV E R .! AN riSEPTIC SO L U T IO N - Pint PEROXIDE— Pint D ll, TABLETS— VITAMIN CONCENTRATE o E ASPIRIN— 100 tablets »NRA. ------------------------- Z-------- 49c PALM DRUG STORE Prescription Druggists 1208 Main St. Phone 2fi6 wi BO ov« eaar FREE DELIVERY Celebrate Armlatlr«. Day Hl„Hbor(, M„nt|uy Nlivrln,x.r , 2 Program 11 Dance a t Auditorium Monday night. ¡HILLSBORO BUSINESS ANU PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY BEAUTY HIIOP8 EVE’S BEAUTY SHOP I ’.r n , .n . n l. and .11 kind» of n»«,ity work. T .I.p h o n . I IR IX n .lro n r lllllikoro F h .rm a '» Sanitary Beauty Shop All Kind» of n»»ut» Work PERMANENTS a »paclRlt» Trl«*|,hona 1471 W K II/H A PA R TM EN TS M »h.l Bchandnl DENTISTS PIIVSICIAN and SllltUEON A. O. PITM AN, M. D. r ilV H IC IA N and N lfR flK O N X-Ray and Phy»lo-Th»rapy Commercial National Rank Hid« Tclctihnnee O ffice »2J1 Recidane. 791 z DR. I). E. WILEY. M. D. Physician nmt Surgeon Well» Building TELEPHONES Itanidenea fnni O ffic e 2BM2 GARBAGE (OI,LECTION Commercial nulldlng Telephone 14« G arbage Collection and cans D. P. CORRIERI Evening., Sunday by Appointment Telephone 2328 GEORGE T. Hillsboro, Oregon month A Real Blood Builder__ (3 bottles $ 2 .75) Bottle insurance CADY MOTOR CO. o ih * 39c 30c 60c 59c 25c Pim Dentist REDUCED PRICES Prem. for 3 years » 0 00 12 00 . HI INI . 2« 00 32 00 1164 Third S treet DR. RALPH DRESSER at ixlRts costs costs costa ow ts Agent Every Form uf rotectlnn—Eire, Autuniotille, Casualty, I.lability. Fidelity. Surety and I.Ife O eneral Beauty Work DODGE Slurk ( im ipany— Pre in. for 3 years .................* 7.00 1000 13 00 10 00 35 00 2Ê CHAS. I,. WALKER dever *•» suc*' n wonder- J"* 1_?>UKh and cold medicine us B" rkl^y » —Its so different—I ts so P0* « * “} - “ "««•* like a flash" yet It contains no dope. To"g h old hang-on couglis are oft<‘" conquered over night that « 'd ^u^a M uriat^id BtUbboni ^ ” “ 1. th at X i e s you Officers Elected at Grade School W e A re C o-O perating O re y tiit And Lingering Bronchitis THE TEXACO STATION Towing Phone 1703 Xfli r r t,U’ ' " f '"■■'"•anea In the OREGON MUTUAL I IRI- INSURANCE c g aa compared «lili Stock com panies on dwellings und contents In Hillsboro RUItllEIt stamps M c GRATH Waahlngton Conntp A grari». in s u r a n c e Shut« llnnk Phone 2211 service llulldlng Iflllnhoru BUY YOUR RUBBER STAMPS from HILLSBORO ARGUS - « j - llm akaat Pteralara a, IU A4.................. .. Th. Ar„ .