THE P age Four XftUsbo s^ rgu s W iik W klrh I» Combined Ih» H ill.koro Independent ■ U b b ora A r ia l antab. IS»4 Hilleboro Inderei'.lenl »»tab. 1ST» M cK INN SY A M cK IN N SY . I’u b ll.h er. F ubluhed Thursday». Entered a , aaennd-dtaM m atter in the poaUxftice at lIihalxT*», Oregon w v e r n e M c K in n e y Editor X N E W SP A P E R k c . M c K in n e y A ssociate Editor Eirat Audited Paper. Lar«, «et Audited Weekly Circula­ tion in Ore«on hlem her—-Ore»ri>n S ta te Edi­ torial A;*- n lation and Na tíona! Editorial A ssociation O FFICIA L M rs OF W ASHINGTON C O l'N TY Subscription Kate» Strictly Caek in Advance p< y e a r ______________ t l. t d U. S. Outaida l i r a « Foreign Countries _______ S» S i , m onths *2.00 1.50 The Hilleboro A rgu i eaaumea no fin an cial re* p ossib ility for error« publifthed in ita colum ns, hut in case* where th u P*P** ta at fault w ill reprint that part id an advertisem ent In which the typographical m istake occur». A n In d ep en d e n t N» wsm *NV W h eel Scrxu-i* M d JMtokM are Rased on the Principle of the Golden R ula "And as ye would that men should do to you. do ye also to them like* w i s e . M a t t h e w 7 :12. Congratulations, General This newspaper, which supported Gen­ eral Charles H. M artin in his candidacy for governor, is happy to offer congratula­ tions and best wishes for a successful a d ­ m inistration of Oregon affairs. He is well qualified and with a favorable legislature should do much to give Oregon a New Deal with legislation th at will tie in with the new federal recovery statutes. Protects Small Business Some of the most logical, broadm inded and hum anitarian editorial e x p re s s io n comes in the pages of the Hood River News, edited by Hugh Ball, president of the Oregon S tate Editorial association. This new spaper, norm ally republican, has been one of the staunchest supporters of the Roosevelt adm inistration a n d t h e “ New D eal" because of the hum anitarian policies adopted and the plans for spread­ ing a better living among the g r e a t masses. ™ . tt j o kt The following Hood River News edi- to n a l is an excellent exposition ot the price plan as seen by one who has been connected with the proper working out of the code plan for one of the most im- portant industries. It expresses the belief th a t this new spaper has held and m ain­ tained th a t small business has not been hurt, but ra th e r has received some degree of protection from big interests th a t if continued under trends up to the begin­ ning of t h e Roosevelt adm inistration would perhaps have eliminated the small business institution entirely and still fu r­ th e r increased the concentration of wealth. H IL L S B O R O Building or rem odeling at this time is made easy through the provisions of the National Housing Act and action by many at this tim e will stim ulate em ploym ent in the buiIding tra d e s and aid the lum ber business. _____________ H IL L S B O R O , Thunulay. Novem ber K. |;»;¡ OREGON Complete Unofficial Returns on Contested Offices and Measures As Received by the Argus Armistice Armistice day will b e o b s e rv e d throughout the Onited States ou Mondai because November 11 falls ou Sunday. It will be celebrated in many different ways and the business bouses will be closed in some places ami open in others. Local business will be closed Monday . Business firms in Hillsboro have re ­ mained closed for the day every year since that glorious November 11 back in 1*.*1S when the arm ed forces of many nations ceased th eir w arfare. The spirit of the lo­ cal business bouses has been appreciated by the veterans and their families. As memory fades, however, business lin n s in the larger cities have rem ained open to the loss and discom fiture of store owners in the sm aller communities, who h a v e shown their patriotic spirit by closing. Portland C ham ber of Commerce has voted for the stores to rem ain open Armistice day over the protests of the veteran groups of the Rose City and surrounding towns. It is not fair that they should rem ain open and draw people aw ay from the sm aller cities. Armistice day m eans as much or more to a g rea ter percentage of Am erican citi­ zens than any other day in the year. More than 4.000,000 men were under arm s by November 11. 1918. and millions of homes were affected. Many millions more of fathers, m others, sisters and brothers were directly affected. They keenly feel the im portance of this day which brought re­ lief and new hope to them and other mil­ lions of people throughout the world. These patriotic Am erican citizens feel that too much stress canont be placed on ' true Am ericanism, and th a t this d a y i should be a national holiday with its les­ sons to every resident of America. Remodel. Repair Now A RC, U S , ? 5 3 3 S V A L4»» N K F,( Cr, »«* \ »*rb«*»rt 15 Hank» 57 a Tim ber North riuin» 2S S.h.dl» 54 C201 III 116 XI 02 41 29 100 so 12S OS IOS 56 S4 S2 115 S7 76 SI 62 55 74 107 60 &S 00 S4 04 S7 IS 04 116 65 02 SI SO 110 5S so 42 126 5S 01 2S llH) 64 50 65 71 17S M il •4 llN 164 94 Hu 173 6S 114 <14 V • I 41 Hi lit! IM IIN 147 l«4 I Oi 51 144 I lo ns ut iti tu 115 5S 229 14 74 Iti Ti tas BOI 145 4M» 32»« 4770 372» 44» Hillsboro Stores to Close Monday 3132 4744 347» 4447 3443 >414 >427 4422 <241 4441 S»»l »»77 4444 34)» «»2» 413) 1424 3442 444» 2201 'n o r c i 'I , ! Portland. Mr. Spurgeon lias r e - , end guest« of Mr» Will’s inothrt u H n o i il’crsily uean e, turned u> the OOC camp ot Timber , _ , »■» e after nm dtng the week end el his Uvea Mi and Mrs Wallace Townsend to _ Speak Before ho Elmer ,"e b,rp . , Bailey Andrew Lent*. Dan. Of Pumpkin Itldgr purdutsed lumie in lllllstxiro recently and will P »1 I .Cl 1 . VI l l I I I I I l l l h Friday for and the K»l L Burkhalter le ft allrunde country -oon move to tills city. M rs ( i l l f h / ’ n t l O ! G eorce Business houses tn the city will be closed Monday in ob­ Miss Dorothy Hill of Portland ------- on an elk hunting trip servance of Armistice Day. was a gunit Friday ait the W It John F Bovard. dean of the . . . .... .... Willard Newton student at Mon­ H illsboro's new band is entitled to all but tn the future action of school of physical education at the . -',r 7 o ' h *!*! Manley Ixinie mouth Normal school and a friend. local firms in closing will be the support possible from local people. A Milton University of Oregon, will dUturn ““¿ ' „ A 1 J*?!"? i'il, n,!,' Schurer. spent the week-end governed by what Portland "Community Recreation** at the Bunday at the S J ileilHii band is a real comm unity asset. with his parents. Mr. a n d Mrs. business does. They general­ dinner sponsored by the Parent- *’,ne ,,ast Hillsboro. George Newton. Willard has Just HARRISON 0. HUGGINS ly disapprove of Portland re­ Teacher association here tn tl» Miss Cena Halley of Vancouver, i been elected president of the Crim­ Congregational chureh at « 30 p m Wash, returned to her home Wod- maining open on that day D. son "O ' club at Monmouth. Tucsday Musical numbers will also nesday after a month's visit with Post office wilt be ckxed The prophets are sadder, but wiser to­ Mrs. Laura Pittinger of Brad- EVE. EAR. NOSE AN» THROAT be given. , Mr« h A Brock after 11 a in. Monday on ac­ who visited here with the day. Well it m akes life more interesting at wood. Dean Bovard will be here Tues- Mrs C E Wells was a special S P E tlA IIS T count of the general closing Peppards about a week ago. passed day afternoon to study the rerrea- guest of the Forest Grove Womans least. It is one of the joys of a democracy. awav at Emanuel hospital in Port­ for Armistice Day. Through­ tlon facilities for the young people dub at their meeting Monday after- ! tll.AONRS FITTICI» land Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. out the day there will be the tn tile community and will make noon Peppard attended the funeral at regular receipt and dispatch­ suggestions based on his survey Mrs j NlU c ,X)prr ttnd Mrs Woodburn Tuesday Russell Morgan will slug ing of mail and distribution Robert Baldwin of Portland were Arthur Reillng left Monday night | to the boxes. One complete there will be selections by lne guests Friday of Mrs. George T : PRICE DETERMINATION for a business trip to Chicago. 111. I delivery will be made In the Hour« Ebon« high school trio. McGrath. 9 It) • . m to II m HrahUnr. 2171 Dr and Mrs. Earl B Brookbank j Representatives from rural dis­ It should be obvious to all that if there is any morning. orrir« 1971 I . Jo p m to 5 p m. Mrs W Bonar left today forJ and son John of Seattle. Wasti . j tricts have been invited to attend virtue in that section of the codes which applies to were week-end guests of Mr. and + tlie dinner In letters from Mrs J Kansas, being called there by the price determination, it should be upheld even by M Person. president of the local M*rloix Illness <>f her father Mrs. C. T. Richardson. court action. And. by a like token, if this section of Place the $«500 cut in the city budget beside P. T A. Circle two of the M E ladle«' Jean and Joan Baines of Port­ the codes is without value, it should be revoked. the amount paid for the publication of the city land spent several days last week Reservations for the dinner should Aid will meet with Mr, W E Tq our way of thinking—and we have the ad ­ budget and it will be found that the expenditure witti their grandparents. Mr. and be made by Monday with Mrs. P. L. Brown next Thursduy afternoon vantage of having been for many months closely would not pay the interest on the saving even for Mrs Art Glllmore Mr. and Mrs. Friday— 3212. and Mrs Mr und Mrs C. O Martin of „ Patterson. . , telephone . - „ associated with the operation of one of the major a short time. The public information which stimu­ John visited Sunday at the Portland were guest« Friday of American Legion meeting, 8 ' codes—there is much virtue in price determination lated the move for a request for the saving was ob­ Oillmore home. Part of the proceeds of tl» din- Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Holt p. m. and. contrary to the views expressed by some who, tained at a comparatively small expense Coffee club meets a t chamber ^ ,rrkwU1 •* U8*'d ,or H^ent-Teacher Rev. and Mrs. Len B Flshbaek Mr and Mr, J I. Auld moved obviously, have not given the matter much thought of commerce. 2:30 p m Those unable to attend the dinner J“" ' . i"lr I,M1L , W,“ll" u,tll At this point we do not care to discuss the of Tillamook were Hillsboro visitors except from the personal and sometimes selfish Phoenicia Temple Home-com­ this morning, en route home after ■e invited to attend the meeting 1 11' purihaaed the place ing. Pythian hall. 8 p. rn. standpoint, we hold to the opinion that price de­ merits of the savings approved by the city council attending t h e Christian church ' ‘ Maurice Dean of St Helens spent Play at Christian church, 8 In U» church auditorium at 7 30. tlie week-end with I lls parents, Mr termination is of much benefit to the smlaler mer­ after reviewing the amount allowed by the budget convention in Portland. p m. chant and operator. Before codes were in vogue, committee The significant fact for the present und Mrs. K A. Dean I. ... M. ,«n..r.,nm Varner and daughter Dor- Nov_mh_r I 11 tO „ II th at with the information provided A u x ilia r y many of the smaller merchants and industrial op­ moment is _______ V Ur...,Il Idllhn Q Tirf L.Oitli.l, Clifford long of Seattle was a __ ______ ________ ____ _____ °thy of Mountain Home. Idaho, and through publication of the budget there was suffi Book Week. Visit the c i t y erators were forced into bankruptcy, mainly because cient“ pubiic” sentiment"created by the general knowl- I J. W Kimball and daughter Dot week-end guest of Ills parent«. Mr library. they were unable to compete with the larger opera­ edge of a .PFopoted Increase in and Mrs. L A. Long last ° fa y^ o^ a tThe H. C Vamci Monday. November 1 2 - tors. who. because of immense buying capacity, day to Monday Mr and Mr, W O. Morley moved V F W Auxiliary installed Mrs Armistice Day observance. could easily undersell the smaller man and yet. col- year to bring about a move for a return to the low home week to the Wehrung liouse at Business houses closed. Program Hugh I’arnliani a.,president al^the lust standard set last year. Without publication the pub­ 1470 Washington street lecUvely, make a profit. Mr and Mrs. E. A Emery and Thursday evening. Mrs lic would have been uninformed until they started daughter at Venetian theater. 10:50 a. m. meeting ~ ’* last * * ™ Jean of Pioneer Heights Will Today, with price determination, no merchant is to pay their taxes, which would have been too late Ann Kelly, state department pres- . Mr., , _ William ... ... , und sent Kob- Football game at Hllhl gridiron and Mias Cox of Laurelwood were I permitted to sell merchandise at a loss and at the for any effective action. ^’ ** Kluin. Wash . were week- 2 p. m. Dance Shute park. 9 nlcnt z.i. InMolUng officer Othei ,rt visitors Saturday evening at the same time, other codes make it very difficult for p. m. officers installed were Orace Sut­ We simply wish to point the moral th a t the the larger operators to exploit the producer, as in relatively small expense for public information in home of Mr and Mrs. Paul C. Rees. Tuesday. November 13— ton. senior vice-president; Agnes Mr. and Mrs Wayne Fuller of former days, when the big merchants were able to publishing acts of government is always Justified.— P. T. A. dinner Congregation­ Furrow. Junior v ice-p resid en t; Cuba, who are visiting relatives In buy below the producer s cost and thus sell at prices Forest Grove News-Times. al church. 8:30 p. m. Myrtle Helvogt, secretary; Veral Portland and McMinnville, were which the small merchant could not possibly meet. Brown, treasurer; Florence Peter­ guests Friday evening at the A. W. Wednesday— Play at Orange hall. 8:15 p Today we find one group of lumbermen of the son. chaplain; Mrs. A. Brandaw, Havens home. ni. Pacific Northwest using every effort to eliminate guard; Oleneva Brandaw, patriotic Mrs. Brunier and two children of price determination and. apparently, enlisting some November 15— instructor; Bertha Dorland, histori­ Holland arrived Sunday for an ex­ Thursday. State librarian speaks at Ro­ an;. and Marie Morrison, musi­ public sympathy. Yet it is a foregone conclusion that, tended visit with her brothers. Pete tary club. if this provision of the code is eliminated, it is going cian. The next meeting will be This story isn't ours, but nevertheless it is a and Cose Barendrecht of north of Friday. November 16— to work a severe hardship on the smaller lumber Thursday evening. November 15. Hillsboro. B. and P W. club meeting operators, who will find it almost impossible to re­ good A one: Mrs. John Gardner, who has been farmer had an old blind horse which had out­ O l'H h a ir . . , your at chamber of commerce, t : » 1 s u t e librarian Speak main in business if price-cutting is again resorted lived his usefulness. One day he fell into an old well. ill at Jones hospital for several ■kin . . , y o u r I iu i k I s to by the big operators. - p I Miss Harriet Long of Salem, state The fanner looked in and saw him standing deep weeks, is returning home today . . . ure n o ticed in u Of course, we have no sympathy with unfair in the water. There seemed to be no way to get Her condition is much improved. Dooley, who has been making her 1*.b raJ'lan.' wl11 **' ttw', 6u<;st speaker H lf/h -E lh tltitty ttM\ K"Wr>' club luncheon n e x t; Miss Patricia Meeuwsen under­ home with her daughter. Mrs. price fixing, which would penalize the consumer. him out. as he was quite useless, and the well aban­ glunce by (lie tu rn But the consumer would quickly retaliate by refusing doned and dangerous, the farmer ordered his men went an appendix operation a t Jones, for some time, will spend the Thursday. you fu lk tn. Ih* li<*yond Jones hospital Saturday. Dr A. O. winter here with her sister. Miss I ' to buy if the price was raised to a level not justilied tof ill up the well and leave the horse burled In It. c r itic is m le t o u r Barrett. Other guest« a t the Bar- Twelve tables ot '500' Pitman performed the operation. by conditions As between the ruthless and merci­ The men began to shovel dirt into the well. But I t r u u l y I re u I in e n I s Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Gates and rett home are Charles B arrett of l»«y at the St Matthews'cord party less competition of the past ten years and price the horse was not willing to be buried. When the Jewell and Mrs. Amanda Purdin. Wednesday evening. Mrs. E A THEY IMrMOVS TH8 keep you lovely. determination as specified in the codes every rea­ dirt began to pour in upon him he began to shake Mr. and Mrs. O E. Edwards of who has been sjjendlng the summer Sharp and John Reilly made high PERFORMANCE OF sonable man and woman who know the facts will it off and tread it under foot As the well was filled Portland spent the week-end at In Yakima. Wash., but will spend ^ore, and Mrs. Frank Walbel and ANY RADIO Seaside with Malcom Peterson. readily choose the latter, because it provides lor a up the horse came nearer and nearer to the surface, the winter here Paul Vanderzanden. low. Martan Mr. and Mrs. E L. Johnson spent fair ileal for all. the merchant, the producer, the and when the men finished their task the horse Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dentei and W‘‘N" n r"CP,ved “ P«" the week-end at Eugene with their employe and the consumer.—Hood River News. F Emmott, who has been walked out Into the pasture. daughter Margaret. Mr. Johnson a t­ daughter, Mr. and Mrs. William Gooding and two daughters, all of 1 visiting at tile home of tier daugh- The very things which conspire to bury the tended the Dad's Day festivities. Such an editorial is refreshing a fter Aurora, Mr and Mrs. Allen Ogillx-e ! t®«*- Mrs. C E R ig g s , In Portland, these days, are used by them to lift Mrs. C. W Olsen ot near Moun- and baby daughter of Portland, and ; returned home Sunday and is im- an occasional reading of one in which lionhearted themselves out of difficulties and into the light. The taindale underwent a major opera­ Selfridge Bros. Phone 2IX 1215 3rd St. Phone 127$ facts are distorted and once in awhile go very last thing one should do is to agree to stay tion at Jones hospital Monday. Dr Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge la n e and proving in health children of Boring were guests at Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Gerardo of I'HILCO DEALERS so fa r as to absolutely forget the truth. dead and buried.—Fairmont 'Minn > Sentinel. A. O. Pitman operated. the W. E. Ogilbee home Bunday. California, who have been visiting Ground floor Odd Fellows' Bldg Dorcas club will meet this eve­ Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Wells spent a t the home of his sister, Mrs. J B I tion. "What Does the Gold Seal “ S h e L oves M e N o t” at ning at the home of Mrs. N. E. the week-end at Eugene, where he Dinsmore, left Tuesday for Prlne- Haworth. Mrs. J. W. Kelley is as­ attended Dad's Day festivities at j vl,le I 3tand for?” V e n e tia n T h is W e e k -E n d sisting hostess. . . Rex Howell of Hillsboro received University of Oregon. Mrs. Wells Ross Cox Is 111 with the measles, "She Loves Me Not," featuring __ ____________ o r r c C i i r r c r u i l l i t t j lu Mr Alfred won Holcomb of Mr. ___ and ___ Mrs. _____ Larry O. Bennett attended a special meeting of the 1 J. O. Hare, who lias been 111 for i f u u d u v g re t ;"-t Prl?' 2 Beaverton, second Bing Crosby. Miriam Hopkins a n d ; of Tacoma. Wash, are visiting this state board of the Oregon I-edera­ about a month at his home in (Continued from pH«e ’ ) i prize. and Mrs. Cora Heaton of Kitty Carlisle, will be the Venetian | week ner parents, Mr and tion of Women's Clubs at the Hotel Portland, is reported as Improving. advantage in each of the three ioute 2, Hillsboro, third prize. There feature tonight. Friday and Satur- Mrs H q Varner. Osborne. Mrs. J. P. Rhea returned Friday Hillsboro precincts. J. H Garrett were 75 entries in t h e contest, day. It Is the mad. mad story of a ' „ „ d Robert Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Erickson from The Dalles, where she attend­ received 856 votes for mayor. Dr j Prize winning answers will be sub- w i i i ? f h r r o s giTM drel^d^ike spr nt the week-end at Eugene X h and daughter Carol of Adams. N. ed the funeral of her sister-in-law. J. O. Robb 789 for councilman from united for the national prize. h id d en T V his S i t e r y , X ^ o ™ 8lUdCnt UniVW' D. arrived Wednesday for an ex­ Mrs. Emma Oray Sexton. the southeast ward and J. J Wis-1 ------------------------ Miss Kitty Caldwell, Jack Connell a sweetheart swooning at the wifi- “ J ™ 8 ' ... tended visit with her parents, Mr. mer 845 for councilman from t l f dow. and a snooty fiancee furious Mr and Mrs. Lee L. Witherill and Mrs. J. H. Kroeger, and sis­ and Thomas Connell spent tlie southwest ward. Idle J R Pep 1 W U Jd ters in Portland. at the door' and daughter of Portland spent the week-end at Silverton with Mr. and pard received 744 votes for ion- Thirty Years Ago ______________ _ week-end "With Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Miss Edith Wright of Seaside a r­ Mrs. Carleton Hande. stable. Tlie last four candidates Argus. November 3. 1904 — Mrs. Peppard. rived Tuesday for a visit with her Mrs. Clifton Spurgeon and son Hershey. Furrow Win were unopposed. George H. Wilcox, wife of the as- Adrian Hughes underwent a ton parents, Mr. and Mrs. Victor H. Olenn are spending the week with Ballot on district and state of- sessor of Washington county, ’died t h e ^ R d “ - ershey — o t of ° * Hillsbori ^ i 1n b? ie M - s» QpeZatton Friday a t Jones hos- Wright of Mountalndale, and left her brother and slster-ln-law, Mr. prize oi of >za $25 in tne the t Ed- flees found James W. Mott polling Octoi.-r 28. the third prize o - „lta|" Qr A q Pitman operated. today for Oakland, Cal., where she and Mrs. Everett Townsend o f 45HS votes to 1298 for R R Tur- Contest for St. Louis fair trip wards Coffee company customei H inhnmn nlU i, « T .r will be employed. f ^ remesenwtivJ in congr^s Christmas day. Vote of thre£ coffee contest conducted through . “ I* ,o r^ v i? it ^ th h « Mrs L. V. Linde, daughter of S I f « n e \ ? P r e e e iv i n » 4 7 7 8 vote- to ¡•••iders: Stella Boscow. 4781; Susie the Safeway stores. Lewis Furrow [ rWed Tuesday for a vl,it with hci Mrs. H. A. Brock of west of Hills­ Earl Snell recewng; 4 8 . to McKintwy 3484 and Mrs claude of Hillsboro was eighth and won daughter, Mrs. R. J. Bcearce 3729 for Horace E. Walter lor sec- fjreear ¿481 S10 Dr and **•"’ Mrs. John C. nortni« Bartels of boro. returned home from the Port­ retary of state and Charles A. How- w B Cate anrf claude Cate his ----------------- Portland were Sunday guests of land Sanitarium Monday. She has been ill for several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Coman. ard leading J. W. Leonhardt b\ a have started the Cate meat Birth, Jean Person attended a studio margin of 4635 to 3532 for super- market Mr, A. O Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Melhulsh and intendent of public instruction C. n Fifteen o . . « Year, Ago Pitman—To Dr. and Mrs. f?1" “ “ ‘¿..¡¿A “,,UN“ ‘ 7J children sent Sunday w ith Mr and party Saturday afternoon at the studio of her dancing teacher. Miss ... ____ was favored for commis- Argus November 6. 1919-Coffee Hlllsbort>' Novemoer i, Mrg Morr,s a( Warr(.n H. Oram Jessie Merrlss of Portland. «loner of the bureau of labor c lu b starts memorial building drive peschka To Mr. and Mrs. Ed Mrs. H. R. Emmott spent the Unofficial tabulation of votes Mary express willingness to con- peschka of north of Hillsboro, Nov- week-end with her daughter, Mrs. B. R. Pooley of Portland. cast by precincts Is given on page tribute some as much as $500 and ember 1 a boy. four of this issue. The canvassing $1000 It ... to be a memorial for Ensley—To Mr. and Mrs. Floyd; Mrs Elsie O'Bryan of Portland hoard started work examining el- ' " .erviee men who fought for Ensley, Hillsboro route 4, Novem- was a week-end guest of Mr. and ecrion returns Wednesday morning t ,'r. trv and t0 th08e who ber 2, a girl. , „ , Mrs. " “ E. A. * Griffith. ......" t a it h f t Voting in this precinct b ves. Reichert—To Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Paine and If you go East this winter, why UAUREL vot ng P William Earl Hirsch. 18. of Port- Reichert, Cornelius route 1. Nov- children visited at tlie E. J. Mc- Tuesday was quite brisk, tnen ae !and ]ost Jn woods while hunting ember 4. a boy. not go through California and Egg Producers m ade in Alear home Sunday. ing 232 votes cast near Cochran Southern Arizona? Ride our Mr. and Mrs. Glen Jones and son three grades. Dairy Feed«, Mrs W B. Holton o I Witch Marriagr License, famout Sunset l imited or Golden Billy and Mrs. Alice Dooley of Calf Meal a n d Centennial Hazel dies November 2. B u ild in g a n d Bu»iness Gustave L. Moeller and Oertrude Heppner are guests ot their rela­ State Limited through America’s Births—A boy to Mr. and Mrs. C h a n g e O w n e ra h ip H e re Wllliam w alb el’ October 3L ~A~giil BemanteC both of Cornelius route tive, Miss Deborah Barrett. Mrs. Flour. These a r e quality sunniest winter region. Stopover Louie Deline has sold his Dull«- t0 Mr and Mrs c h a rles Hughes 2, November 5 products, priced right. anywhere. ARE completely equipped to supply you with all bulld- William J. Stump of Hillsboro ing on Main street to B. V. Cady November 3. Ground Limestone $ /* .3 5 Dally Trips to Portland For details, sec your local JIB„ , Pastime _____ M and James Hay and Doris J Smith of Garden and his refreshment and m . C. n Lincoln r u .I-.,*1*1 ftnd dpc°ratlng material« for home or commercial H ills b o ro A u to F re ig h t P e r ton ........................... r a r d r ix im business to Clem Esluig- >me from Grand Army Encamp- Home. November 5 in ding construction. See im for Itemized estimates to be sub­ agent or write J. A. Ormandy, w i^ T ill also continue his other •’! nt at -------------------- Columbus, Ohio -- Calvin Henry Mayfield of Salem Bonded and Insured Carrier mitted In applying for a loan Vaslleff of Beaverton er who w ill aiso conunut General Pauenger Agent, 705 Serving Beaverton, Aloha. Iteed- business Pacific Building, Portland, Ore. c u c i--J . t t c i route I. November 7. vllle, Hillsboro, Cornelius and --------------- - —• **• tJFnduff F u n era l Dean A. Coleman of Banks route Forest Grove S e lfr id g e Bros. A w a r d Set 2 p. m. S a tu r d a y 2 and Mildred Alleen Rood of Mol- Pickup and Delivery Service at T h r e e P riz e » in C o n te » ti LAUREL -8, H. Ornduff. who alla' November 7.________ Parkage Kates October 31 marked the close of died at the General hospital in a„it Feed - Seed - Eff* - Poultry the contest conducted by Selfridge Portland Tuesday had been a rest- «““ Filed building material merchants Hillsboro Phone 542 Phone 3061 Bros Furniture company In which dent of this community since boy- Carmichael—Paul Carmichael vs. I’lione 2691 East Side Terminal Portland m u Baseline nrlres of Congoleum Gold Seal rugs hood. Funeral services will be held Ruth Carmichael Phone EAst 9131 were given awav to tl» three send- at the Ml. Olive church Saturday Vandehey— Lola Vandehey vs. i i ^ n the best answers to the ques- at 2 p. m Clarence Vandehey. C’1, M. Results in Reduction Calendar V. P. W. Installs Officers WAen younttd NEW TUBES Don’t Stay Buried PHILCOy MEN NOTICE EVERYTHING Y TUBES Douglass Radio Service Millie’s Beauty Salon Peters Wins Race f)lir YP P rdn GO EAST tbcouqft SUNSHINE; Hodgen-Brewster O Farmers’ Cash Store S o u th e rn P a c ific POOL-GARDNER LUMBER GO. j