THE Thursday, November M, 1934 'lallm an home In 'lim b e r 1 They alf-o attended th e <•«•»-• d u n ce al, Timber hall Olla r visitor» al the Tultmuli home w ere M u G eorge Mn»i. and ¡on» Itulpli a n d lloy m id Ml»» E ugenia itedmund. Mi-i Vehlu Krydendul visited Hunk» high one day last week Taffy I’ull Held Friday at Mr. and Mm. laiurel Front ol Roads and Fields Damaged Forest tlrove visited lib. mother. by Continuous Rains the Fickas Residence Mrs. Jesse Tlllmun. Iu»l week. II.,m l. I |-| n, I U died tu-’ brothel ut Huiim-t Gamp recently Ill y M r., r . I.. Ilro w n ) 4 |ly Mra Jaw«« M «y«r«l E C. Lynch bi trucking log» ut LAUitEI. Farmer»- Union local UUXTON Tha Halloween frolic Heogghi valley. will give un h o u rs program of a t Un- MiWMil October JI won well William Higgle 1» taking tr e a t­ mixed numbers after wtm h there attended olid enjoyed by all. Many ment» s t Astoria. will Is- curd game» with prizes und lit the children's custuiucs were well Orvul llm in an of Ib-nd w as u dancing Kuturduy evening, Novem­ reprenentcd and worthy of u prize Buxton visitor t-rhlay night. lliotie receiving prize« were Jo h n ­ George Higgle anil Mr und Mrs. ber 17. A »mull door charge will be nie Hatley and Marule LaZolt up David Edward» drove to Vancouver > made lier urulle poplin und Itobert Alford Huturday for Mrs. Higgle, wlio hu» The heavy und continued ruin bi und Faith Hcofteld of the primary been vlhlllng the past two week» ut causing much damage Pi roads and m u n i Judge» were Mm. I). E the Everett« Drury home there. 1 Held« washing. A great ileal of Eautnian. Mrs Pearl Watson and Itussi'll POWI-H visited til» sister» plowing by wus done before the heavy Mm. Ethel Meyer» Out of town vit- ! In Portland lust week. rain», but not much seeding Horn were Mri. .link Itiiiitn i mid Hubert Hlllleker has taken Un- Mr mid Mr». J. W Mulloy, Millan Mae and Mr». Vista Fry- agency for the Zunol goods, ex- TTn-mn Mulloy. Ullmun Wight und dendal. truiIs, etc. Amelia Campbell were U n ti­ Fred Is-lpold of H untington, Gal . Mrs. A tatty pulling party wiu Kiven dily guests of the latter'« brother. at I lie l a , III. Ill Ml.,.' I I .Ila I". I' a lu u visited Mr. and Mm. Ituben Kelly Calvin Jack of Portland ’I'hey also Friday night Thone a tte n d in g were one iluy lust wi-ek Mr und Mrs culled on 8. II Drnduff. who 1» Fred Higgle mid Duane of Illrken- critically 111 ut tlie Portland Goner- ; a n.,1,1 : .1 <.«.«• 11. Vi I l a m w . i l .III P'KKV I’lingrulz. Elery a n d Dort» lelil were also visitors ut tile Ruben al hospital. Whiteside. Mate Meyer», Hubert Kelly home Huturday Mr and Mrs. Albert Mellar ol Miss Mabel Nelson Is home from I'urtlmid Pluee Lucille and Ju n n ila lle tlie r- were 'IQiursday evening tord, ltu.->f.ell, Geruht und Melvin Mi Minnvllle, where »lie hus been dinner guests ut the Hl<-hard W hit­ ÿowell. Evelyn Itiin k Kay Itobert*. employed ut restau ran t work. tle home Eugriilii Quiet', Hiille He»t, Lucille Mrs Hubert I.mig and Glen Selig I i i t- Methodist t I n i n l i Peiler.Min. Houille M anley, Harold of l*»rtlund were Saturday ami ¡Sunday school, lb a in.; preach­ Sunday a n d Irene n ä h e r , H arry Heabold guests at the Hlcliard Jr., C hurlotte H utih an . C A M or­ ing, II a m.; class meeting. 7:15 W hittle home eau and M r P i l l i l l e i l. ka-, lind p m Subject In Hie morning. A boy wus born t Mr. and Mrs "Holiness Unto the laird Living and Frailee». Ernest lzi»ll October 31 H l - ha» Giairge Higgle A II Edward», Abiding In Communion with Him.” been named David Lawrence. George llleil.Mie, Mr und Ml», DiiV- Vou are invited to attend these L. A Whittle was the guest Id Edward» and Mr». E thel Meyer» meetings. Urtng your clilldren with of Mrs. Mr». E. T. Fox of Sherwood and Elsie Meyer« visited al the you Key H J Yates, pustor. from Thursday until Suturday of last week. Mr. und Mrs. J. W Twlgg and sons of Scholls were Sunday guest.-, of her sister, Mrs Lee Brown. K en­ neth Twlgg. wlu> had been ut the Brown home since Thursday, re­ turned home with his parents. W H McNay ha» wired his burn und chicken houses for electricity. Alden Host-year had his tonsils removed at the Emanuel hospital hi Portland last Friday The J. Cronin family moved from FREE DELIVERY — PHONE 2001 the F L. Brown tenant I kiusc to Portland last week, where Mr Cron- Friday and Saturday— November 9 and 10 I l l has employment. Party Friday A "kid” party will be held by the Broadcasters class of the S u n ­ day school ut the Lee Brown home Banchine Tip-Tide. Double sise can. F rid a s evening All lin in g people A real cracker of the community are cordially in ­ A Pacific product. vited to attend and urged to dress In "kid” style. 2-lb. bus B>oc. r u n ............. Many Attend The community Hallowe'en party lit the hall Wednesday evening was attended by more than seventy-five petwons. Party games wen- played on th e main !l/4s ........................................... V (3 lbs..................... 59c) MAXIMUM SYRUP— Pure cane 9Gp and maple. Quart j u g ...........................M l v V DILL PICKLES ffx » Quart ....................... SHORTENING — P u r e vegetable. 3 lbs........................ PRODUCE FEATURES for Friday and Saturday Onlyl CARROTS— Bunch ........ CELERY— Fresh. Bunch ................ send you Rock Crystal Syrup Pitcher. CORN MEAL White or Yellow. 9-lb. sack ........................... 15c Citron, Lemon Orange. Noted for th eir n atu ral sugar content. ROLLED OATS Reg. or Quick Cooking. 9-lb. sack ............................ ... PEELS 10c 2c.„. 25c T 2...15c R IN SO Lafge pkg 21c Toilet Tissue SCOTT— 3 rolls ......................20c berty Whit SO A P liberty White 2c WALDORF— 3 rolls ............... 14c aundry. Bar SHASTA— 3 rolls ....................10c CHOCOLATE CONES— Old Fashioned. 2 lbs..................... 29c SALAD OIL— No. 77. Pure Cotton­ OYSTERS or SHRIMP — Gulf Kist. seed. 23c 5-oz. ................................... 2 cans ....................................... Á ltfV Quart Bulk. Send sales slip for 2 pkgs., plus 25c, to Betty B IS Q U IC K 8 Crocker, at Minneapolis, Minn., and she will 29c Package PEAS COMPOUND. 3 lbs. VEAL R O A ST BRAZILS. Just off the boat. 2 lbs. 25c PEELS. Orange, Citron and Lemon Lb....................................................... 29c LARD From Prime Cattle. Lb........... 19c WALNUTS. Groner’s fancy. 2 lbs. 45c ALMONDS. IXL, soft shell. Lb. O Y STERS B O ILIN G BEEF MAZDA—25, 75-watt, each Send package top nnd $1.10 to C arnation Co., Portland, and they will send you an Electra-Hot Grill. Retail value $3.50. Delicious Flavor. 3 lbs................ 19c CANDY Gumdrops, Chocolate drops, Broken Mix— 2 lbs............................ Fill those empty Sockets— General Electric VAN CAMP'S M IN C ED M EA T $1.79 $1.59 $1.98 29c o lc 2c GRAPEFRUIT— Large Arizona. 3 for ......... LEMONS— Juicy. Dozen ......................... 10c 10c