TH E H IL L S B O R O P a g e Tw o Groner School Roll Announced Mr. xnd Mr». N. O. Boleen Married 46 Years ¡gr-iint r 51-- Perfect attendance roll lor o w n e r school includes b am - mv G oiter Loyal Howard. Ernest iBA-,— Alice Howard. Suhrbier. Amy n m j ¿»..w ---------- - The - only 100 RTade for th e six weeks test was received by Henry Hansel, for tlie history test. Velma Jean T rask and Amy Alice Howard were on the honor roll. Mrs. Andv Weller spent last week at tile William Oyala home In Portland . ... „ Rov Locke, former ten an t on the old Heaton tarm , came back FTiaay and baled seven ton of hay, which he shipped to Portland. Jack Russell went to W aldpott nn i lishinu trip Monday. Mrs. W alter F urher and Mrs John Mathiesen entertained with a shower and party a t the s ta rk = ^ l i e n o r of Mrs. Herbe . h S d: « (»ned until later because of the stormy weather. Supper Friday Plans are completed tor the M ountain Home chicken pic dinner and social November s) at the John Schmeltzer home, beginning at o Tigard Young Folk Elected Plan Social November 16 Special musical nuinbei» are be- Evangelical L a d ie s A i d , Bazaar Friday Night -------- . reheat> ed toi th e Gipsy I am« - Aid pie social November 16. -------- Mrs C. Uibberi and two chi. h n oi Burlington. Kau>. «ire mshu .-, J her tK ‘usin Mrs. Jess Snyder, and TIGARD cousin. T IG A R D — - - Two Tigard i'b’1“ -' ,,inuiv m is . Dave Ftske was also a ppopie swept the junior class el< c- first of the week. noils at Lmtield college u ien tly Nokes was elected " y ,. Mrs pruncts Fowell and when Richard Nokes elected A R G U S, II 1 L L S B O R O , T h u n td n y , N o v e m b e r X, lib 'll O R K G O N will lx- celebrated Anniiunientcnl . (xxiplei. eliolr Hpwlal recognition lor will be re. .uvixl on servlet* tor m a i l led folk-. A gill Friday Sermon subject, the Model is a w a r d e d t o the oldest collide, th e Chuieli Key .1. 7 -1 3 Y o u a r e most recently m an led couple and cordially welcomed to worship with ¡th e couple preseiil with the miisl us children. Muslcul feature; Htorles Friday at H p. in. tlie Young of "Hymns We laive" and singing IXx.ple s s.x lety of the church will of hymns Also "Hllver Threads pieseul a three act play hi Hie Among the Gold Message. "The partors of the church. "Ruch a OUT Heerel of Hapiilness hi M au led Is the name ot tile play and It Life " Young people esue. hilly urged promises lo be wholesome and to hear lids sermon. Monday, 7 45 humorous entertainm ent. Friends p m Pruetleat workers' class and members are Invited to attend. Thursday. 7 30 p in.. "G reater Mid Week .Service ." Message. "Why Founaiuare 4'hureli Church Members Oo to Hell " J A » . * i t u r c 1 orvlic H i) in Novem»**! 18, Don t forget ,h f ,l,\ ' ,' , I^ l,v7 lH0.'i , iu u e ia i s, iv for Ihe laving 11 at I 4.1 al Ihe . hull h Ihe >l,u,,6 . (j^,,,) • | |„. church webomes you |»eo|d,. will present a gosiM-l >hnina services It I, Put- enthlcd "The Church In ‘l“\ Wild I an Holistic service. 1 4a p. ill W ednes­ pected to be out again » itimi a day. 745 p in Bible study Thura- week or so. i day. 7 4.i p in . prayer meeting O rchestra Plays saiurduy. T45 p in. evangelistic Assembly was held a t the Tigard I service. grade school Wednesday afternoon I with the school orchestra making whosoever Will Tabernacle its fust appearance under th e dt- Five miles north oi North P lata’ . reciioti of J Maurice Adams. Sixth grade put on a Halloween skit. Pile Aloha Church Planning a Sunday school at it) a. in . a good Bible sludy also learning the books F\>rd Motor company showed some jot the Bible by topic and S|n-elal pictures ot the Century ot Progress Benefit Dinner Friday memory verses keep up a good at tail tn Chicago T hursday alte r- [ ------- - , tendance (or the whiter. Preaching noon L. E Francis, 4-H club lead­ iBy ll <’ at eleven o'clock, the pastor will er of W ashington county, visited tlie school Wisincsday and talked M flH A Oscar Hagg was elected speak on What is the Meaning ot about club work. Plans were being -■ mwsier of Alohl G range lor the the le t te r Ram," come and hear ll [u a u> form several clubs under ting T huis- At 2 m (he usual afternoon Bible aid T. A sponsorship. | day lourm night m m O . . ther . officers are ..... Mis tudv and tarry servie. t,u* 1 _____ es Wet supper Jam lecturer. R P Hagg Elected Aloha Master Doctor Told I his Lady How to Safely Reduce Fat ner lleld at the U. w w r i r a f^iday and $16 was raised lor a cook stove tuiid m r tne enuren kltcnen. Plan Annual Burner A COIlu,uuilt> Thanksgiving din- an a . choir l.yw- »sv. . . . . . . . . L IllHUIl M 'lliw t, ______ of the tx u id M t cave Deposits in the First ikiiik oi at , Peters of Hillsboro . p in .1 Kent “ «4 Mrs. s(s Frank Pi Tigard mcreased ov-er »14_twonom ;UUt aU<,,npted u , land ,n ••• "• tn a a «vvni| I " were guests for for th. the .•evening O ftleers the call of Jtm e 30 to tilt Gose ot 1Mstun, when they encountered and a ..d several sm em l members members ot the m e local loeai ibers of th« « e ^ n t at £ d v £ £ M rs ^ ne; nvnn Mr. an d "Mrs. F lan k Potter of The wedding will be an event of j 'uiishenek m d Portland were w week-end guests at uecem December home oi of the ees-eua guesis oer o 8 a at t u the ie Home me Hitehcock. Carrie TIIILIIVW » n H L. I. P ttC T OTfde s n parents. a n * n t.< i R n t.h VOUFIff O O lS ; the Clifford 'TVa«lr T rask a and C. P P O otter Both young M people A rthur Hitchcock. _____ home. are well know n hl county C. E. N O. Boleen Honored ~ n ~ B o ieen were I Mmor Hesse. Joe S tretcher and work. Mr and Mrs. N^ O. Boleen I Herb gnyder attended the Portland Elected to Cubs entertained Sunday a t tne v i Epworth League cabinet meeting in Lawrence N unnenkam p of Ti Carlson home Portland Suitday. gard was one of ten W illam ette fo rty -sm h weddjbig a n tr \ sa r taW(?s Qf fard s were played freshm en announced as members Mr. and Mrs. D onC oie and son oi y sponsored by the of th e Cubs, cam pus service group Portland were among those pres Scholls y,vjn la n s C(Ub at the J W. a limited num ber ot freshmen are eDi o n p visitation to th e Odd R aynard home Saturday evennigh elected to th e organization each vJ.', ° Ir^JS rtD n d was ixy-t-! Hu«h Kellogg won first and second year. The Cubs eniorce the campus Fellow home m Portland was post : Car[ Carlson Next card traditions and do special service party will be the first Saturday at games and student body events, night in December. Mrs. C. E. Allen Visitors from Sherwood andB eav- of Hillsboro was a guest. _ erton atten d ed the m eeung o f 1.». A1UKN tM** l.'NIl ‘Good Things to Eat FREE y DELIVERY Specials for Fri., Sat. Nov. 9 and 10 Cranberries F a n c y M a c F a rla n d C a p e Cod. or 2 ,u......... 33c Arizona Grapefruit 12 fa n c y f r u it. 39c. MILK M t. V e rn o n . 23c tall cans Corn Flakes K e llo g g ’s 25c pkgs.......... 3 SPUDS N ative D au g h te r B uried W ednesday 29c G ood co o k e rs. PUMPKIN te . R ed & W h ite Large 2Vij can ........ 10c OYSTERS 25c cans the m form ation a lie n "first r e - ' the old meat 'm arket building It is Sunday. November ll i l ’eace Sun- quested. There are a lew more to be known as tlie Aloha Notion a y Chti|X'l worship at 10 .«) a c h i l d r e n U l LllC d i s t r i c t t l l f t l l A .» • » .> tn and ‘ G ift simp, operated U by .. Anna m.. with Pastor Henry S. Haller and Nina Greves. ; preaching on St. Simon, the Zeal- ported last year. Miss M argaret Brsland of Bow- ot The llitrlo tlc Apostle. ' in the m an N D daughter of S A Nor- series on "The Holy Apostles." Jim - mun who resided here fifteen years lor sermon on "Hanging Out the | ago is visiting old friends here. Flag.” There will be no evening Mrs W Hiss is visiting for a chapel service, and tike congregation week In Portland with friends. is asked to uttend the Peace serv- | Mr and Mrs. Emil Bergrenn en- lee at tlie First Methodist Episcopal LAUREL R ID G E — S h e rw o o d church several guests with G range elected officers Saturday tertalned Thanksgiving services have been as follows: "Charles S. Haynes, m as­ turkey dinner Sunday evening. announced for Thursday evening. ter; Robert Allison, overseer; Rostna November 29 Advent seiison tx- Taylor, lecturer: Henry Voss, stew ­ gnis December 2. Young People's ard; Archie Stahlnecker. assistant steward; Mrs Mary Baker, chap- M F ch u rch Bethany meetings as announced. The pastor lain, Julia Olsen treasurer. Clara % ™ -‘" er'II’ aInow„ road Sundi'iy may be seen any day between 10 < a. m and noon, or by appointm ent, H ^ ' c ^ e s " ' 8In e i school every Sunday. 10 a m ; .......... at the House office. 1332 Jackson nl" 1 ' Rln h W ah ng m“n «'D '1«'. U »• m • ilrst. “ ««J street 1 ..? ? Riadv assistaiR third Sundays; English service. 11 — F ‘om Lllhe AUW»n. lady assisliuu # and ioUrth Sundays Trinity Lutheran C hurch H . ^ r ic k itt. e x te u tm j uUus TragUo. pastor. tf Services begin nt 10 30 a. nv; X to t t o f i S d t a r 8und“> acho° 1 “ l 945 “nd lesU m onia? b^uig planned in •»•»"ks M. E. Church class at 8 p m At this service ^ £ 0 S i 8 8 1 5 k T f t S S U i ^ ^ a c m m e m ^ U M U i r d 's sup p er Mr». Helen Greene writes "A phvvl.lau advised my BWtlier U l . t k r K r u M l i f t » S.tH» for ovriwrlulil I imiurdlalHy tuHliia It myweir. I orlghrtl IM .«»«I » tlrr taklnx 3 bottle. I now weigh IM amt never fell mi »ell. IF . a tout. as well a . reducer, Reduce safely and sensibly by taking one-half level teaspoonful every of Know In n 1,1 ,.verily«! wtlli m o .lllI lK y .-o 1 u 1 morning you . “' T . Y ' o ...* ," your improved heallli amt slender, Stylish figure Oiw botlle lasts 4 week. You can gel Krusvhen Hu is al I lie IXUm Drug »lore anil Hills­ boro Pharm acy or any drug store Adv. h i the world ED’S MARKET In r e a r o f I’ig g ly m ' ^ im ,md.>.n- «*. :" v W ig g ly S to re QUALITY MEAT— Specials for Saturday, Nov. 10 ----- SWISS, klB an“ S ir lo in S te a k s ””5teer Bee^ POT ROAST 15C Pound CHURCHES Tilton, pastor, every Sunday eve­ « n h S ’^ a W r B u s m e ^ ie ^ r ^ d were = « “ 2 ?^ l i v l l S ' ning 8 oclock. Ladles' Aid meets E Keenon. 4o. who died at ner Business m e n u i n g a i u » « e - first and third Wednesdays a t 2 North Plains home late Sunday washing th eir windows w ith kero- *• Strickler of d m. tught. were conducted Wednesday sene Wednesday night to keep soap p rX M" w **,t Sat rndav night a t afternoon a t tlie Donelson & Sewed, off tlicir winnows, but from the «-escott s p i n . saturuay m g n t a i chapel w ith Rev. Henry S. HaUer appearance Thursday morning th e oi Nv'strom and Services are held every su n o a) officiating. Interm ent was at the work was of no avail. The neavj • 1 vlsited in Newberg S atur- H “• : Wednesday eventau Arcade cemeterv. North Plains. rain storm prevented any serious L h !' K services at 8 oclock; Sunday scluxil Mrs. Keenon was b o m M arch 29. damage being done by Hallowe e n . ¿-..5. n lfe■ DEAL 4e,.*„'; 2 3 c b o ttle s, 12 o u n c e s in a both for ..................... 49c G u a r a n te e d n o t to b a k e out. WHITE KING ’ -<,■•<<» Large Bkg. TOILET SOAP- 4 bars MALTED MILK Cornin’ Through with Rye! Perfection Bakery Products add just the needed touch to th a t school lunch. th ir d larg W isc o n sin a n d N ew A rm o u r ’s b est. i\4 T r A rm o u r's. iVliL/Ix D oub'e ric h . N aturally—It tastes gooo and keeps you feeling fit, for It's made w ith lust those idea* m view. When we buy our we buy w ith QUALITY as our target. W hen It's baked it s baked CAREFULLY and SLOWLY and not just for production. 7 Pint jar 10c SOUP S u p e r io r B ra n d . S a lte d o r p la a in . 25c 5-oz. jar TOMATO. V an C a m p ’s. Can ........ 10c New large can Z est N ex t w eek is N n tio n n l C h e e se W e e k , p ro e lu n in tio n by th e P re s id e n t o f th e U n ite d S ta te s , by th e G o v e rn o r o f O re g o n , a n d by I’iggly W ig g ly Co. O re g o n is th e c h e e se p ro d u c in g s ta te , b e in g e x c e e d e d in p ro d u c tio n only D UR K E E ’S. 2V2-OZ. jar ..................... o r slo w . ‘SERVE CHEESE AND SERVE YOUR STATE’ TISSUE. 2 rolls 1 -lb. can 15c Rolled Oats £b , ...... -j. .ev e,...., m e ti s ^ F a n c y B u rb a n k s. 20-lb. Shopping bag t • »« superintendent. Divine wor- Splendid oo ' el on (|u. Right Truck. " the men Classes for all n „ubject for Ih e l l o c lo c k m g w o r s h ip 11 o'elix k K.,W la-ague « 6 30 30 "A "A Ihe the devotional ,1c so w o OrUi rib Loamie and obs. w « b N ile I «'s l'able the p a st« will Bell- the [ bring a very brief message. m en An lug the Church to D u r s i lves inter-: 100 Building Blocks" are lo oe 1- sold U» the congregation and friends ■s of the church In o r d e r to liquidate to! the building indebtedness. Every of member Is urged to be present ot Junior C. E . 4 p m amt Inter- o oe uelpful I mediate and young people meet at ’ 1 6 <> 30. .IV. g » 4» l HU • « ...» » , 7 • 30 »- tnsuirational p --- nt .r . ... _ ‘TYuture" __ _ - assisted » service. » * by • iim | .. Song service the vs young ; Sherw ood G ran g e Selects O fficers n m eo rro i o u v . - v ^ .....................- tag the home in P ortland Novem- Kipple family of Portland ber 18. They will see the new room A A. Johnson of Sheridan was at which they are planning on fur- the J- C. Hatfield home October m shing with the help of the Rebekah so lodge. A card party was g i v e n Thursday evening to raise funds for a rug in the women's parlor at „ . . & h<^ « - e III C ocoa fla v o r e d . Brown Sugar C. & H . q u a lity . lbs. 24c PANCAKE CATSUP CVDÏ ID 32'' le P 1/2-gallon u re V e rm o n t 4 Q X LV V-z sT m a p pie. lA-uallon hottie bottle S p e r r y ’s. 53c p Kz and Citron Peel FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES FRUIT and VEGETABLE Prices Effective POTATOES 39C LEM ONS S S IO C i-ib Friday, and Saturday Only! O N I O N S V „ - i' l b . n°' b a , *' ............... Bo“ers 29C ' C A U L IF L O W E R Local grown. 2 hradn ORANGE, LEMON 5c 29c P E A N U T S ™ HH R<>AH,'EI> F IL B E R T S 2 H im . VEGETABLE FEATURES Friday and Saturday Only FRESH TURNIPS. 3 bunches LETTUCE. 2 large heads CELERY. 2 stocks 25c 29c