THE Page Ten F Traffic Rule Drive Planned Sonic of the Successful Candidates 1 ii & I J I < 1 « s ( 1 ARGU S, Dairy / Disease Meet Planned H IL L S B O R O . OREGON Award Won Details of the federal program of abortion control will be explained to dairymen a t a meeting In the Reedville school house on Tuesday evening at 8 lettin g under the provisions of this plan has already ot-gun In W ashington county. C ontract agreem ents a r c being signed and as rapidly as small groups in any one comm unity have signed agreem ents the testing be­ gins in that community. according to William F. Cyrus, county agent G rade B milk shippers have been somewluit worrit'd about th e possi­ bility of losing their baste average rating and will be Interested In the following statem ent from a letter written by E. G. H arlan, chairm an of the Oregon milk control boat'd "The milk board is glad to co­ operate witlt you in th is program and, as indicated above, will retain upon the m arket any producer who co-operates witlt tlte federal gov­ Henry Young of Hillsboro receives high I. O. O. F honor ernm ent. especially reserving to him his basic average which he lias a l­ ready established." Contest Winners Will be Announced Next Week s H IL L S B O R O Request th a t city, county and state police heads devote m o r e tim e and effort lo enforcement of traffic rules affecting m otorists' and pedestrians, safety, an d less to overtime porkuig. or apprehension of minor crim inals is being made this week by sponsors of th e sta te ­ wide "Let's Quit Killing" campaign. Pointing out th a t Oregon is ex ­ periencing no crime wave of any m agnitude to necessitate a concen­ trated drive against criminals, and th a t the state does have an em er­ gency existing in the alarming in ­ crease in auto accidents, deaths and injuries, sponsors of the safety cam ­ paign are urging heads of police units to delegate more men to safety work. One of the causes of state's accident increase, they be­ lieve. is th a t penalties for violation of traffic laws have in general been made heavier, with no correspond­ ing increase in the certainty of punishment. Delegation of more officers to enforcement of traffic rules affect­ ing safety, such as speeding, school zone«, through streets, turns from wrong lanes or without signalling, and other safe-driving requisites, would result in a greater certainty of arrest for violators, and a cor­ responding decrease in lawbreaking, it was asserted. Turning right or left from wrong traffic lanes is the specific viola­ tion scheduled for attention during the ensuing two-week period of the safety drive. Records show a n astonishing number of accidents re ­ sulting from th is cause although they generally are less serious th an accidents caused by other violations where speed of cars involved may be greater. Due to unexpectedly large num ­ ber of entries received in "L et’s Santsel and G oetter starred on de- Quit Killing" jingle contest winners fense for th e locals. will not be announced until next | _ S tarting lineups: H ilh i <•> (1 2 ) B ra v e rto n week. City Bowling Teams Break Fie Standing I h n i's ilii.v , N o \ 1'iiiin i , inert tonight < Thursday » iluunN i of co minerve in liti Football Classic Portland Saturday h i i t i l V 'l v 'l |.y auch Ilona, • p u ia u a u t lh « u r .le i „f ! Ut)* (« « u n i» H I U « Ir y . m «tl« ih ih » «b «>4 V ted C u u r l ui N< h e m b e r 19.14 h r . » p u b lie« >1 U>d » N«. ««Milt«» N, ml « ml « Mat. le»< p u b it« « ! lull N u r e m lm r IB. OltFUON STATE C O L L E G E IIB IN T L N S I Corvallis. November 7 O re g o n i H i t h.NO N Uv« r l i r r s - u N f N « h e n i < i J u n ii A X M M ill . Stale college Irait l'ail leant will play C o m p a n y . University of Oregon, traditional I H I IO N 'S rival, ut Portland Saturday after In ( h r I M hat U r h K l I ( t tir o i o < f H ih«* U n ite d Chat*», ntain at 3 o'clock t he contest Hut- fm i h r D la lr iv l u f O rew un utday will be the thirty eighth I In «h« M a l i r r u f W i llia m J (Jet I m a n . ,N I I lottttt In lla n k r u p l meeting oi the two team s in 40 IlHiikriipt N> I h r In h r r r h » Iv a n I » a ll r r e * lltu r » years of football relations. I ha I «an I h r t& lh d ay o f (l«-t><4»«i A D Pre-game prognostications, i l l - 1934. W illia m J G a ttm a n ««f II« « v «rit«n. though counting but little in O re­ O re g o n , I h r b a n k r u p t e b u ve namtptl, « » « lh -N iM l b a n k r u p t . a n d (h a t I h r gon-Oregon S tate games, give tin1 d ( I u r a ly i a t u d jin r n Ilia of hl« c re d ito r» w i ll l»r Webfoot* a big advantage over the i k r C o u n ty C o u r t M im h ii In ih « Orangemen. Oregon has defeated * o u n iy C im r i II»*» *« a i IIU I.b u t.» . O re­ U. C L- A 26 to 6. Idaho 13 to 6 run. nn ( h r I9 ( h «lay o f N o v e m b e r, I «44. and M ontana .3 to 0. and tost to Washington 16 to 6 In conference appoint a tru a i« « . « » « m m « th< b a n k r u p t . games this season. Oregon S tate ■»«••••i »u.h .«ih.i bu»io« Iras tied Southern California tl to ( i a li n a m u a i h*'"r* “w h r p r r » r n t r d in f o __ 6. and lost to W ashington S tate 31 M hy t h r B a n k r u p t A r t a n d a w m n to 0. Stanford 17 to 0. und W ash­ Th« «-Itesi ule h i e l d ia r i, a ington II to 7. *rt I < >61 72 liabilities« . irplton» vlalm esl l»«tr»l N o w m h r r 7. 1931 11103 II T tlN G l I J r, , t. > lltlta lH iru , O r r v ..i Itrfo rr* USED CARS Bought anti So|<| 1929 1920 1929 1929 lo rd Dodge Sedan Chev 4-door Sedan Ford Roadster Chevrolet Roadster Coupe Agency Willys 77 Come in for a dpniontdrntion. M .9 7 Local Boys Going Good on the Freshmen Teams I In 1 a« I CARS PAINTED v Dick Sutherland and Hob Dins­ Nt>TI< K TO ( R U H K i K s more, former Hilhi football stars, In th< m m ly C o u rt ssf I h r N t a te o f U r showed to advantage In both O re­ y o u . fo r W a a h lu ttio n C«»unly. (»as • Oil • Accessories In ( h r M a i le r »•( t h r h r l a l r o f J a im Ttes for the leadership of two gon S tate rook-Orrgon frosh games. M a n n , O rrra s rd frosh won tile first game and out of the four local bowling The . N o tic e la hereby g iy . I h « l (h e u n .lç r leagues wen' broken last week When j llu' rooks tlte second Friday night signed ha« l«een d u ly kSIM gntm i I , , th r three in a sea of mud 13 to 3. Sutherland above e n tttlrw l C o u rt, >« A J n i li t t a t r a t r t . Cars Washed and Polished "The Hilhi" s ta ff held th e a n ­ Lentz defeated Ireland's nual pot luck dinner Tuesday eve­ traight games to top the City played through both games for o f t h r E a ta te o f aatd Its « « •« ,(. a n ti h a . ning in the school cafeteria with j league and Bristol dropped the the rooks a t right guard and Dms- «Inly q u a lifie d ■■ »uch Ha*Inn clahna Robert Tongue, assistant editor, and National G uards by the same m ar- mure substituted tor Johnson at I,r' 1*1 r " w aiatv “ 1 a r e in H iiia d 1 Tom S tretcher, assistant m anager, i gut to lead the National league, u-tt etui lor tiie frosh a tu l rw«iGlrr*i («. pr«M»rn( (h a a am a , |**> in charge Preceding tlte dinner a Hillsboro lee Works continued toj ir * ( h r r w ilh pr*>i>«r Am ir har« th a r a fo r . l o ; th a un.lrrw lg t»r*l a t th a la w o ffle a a o f staff meeting was held to discuss • lead the American league, while H a rr M. M aar A C a ta ra, ht th a H h u la plans and to decide on a them e Coslett Trucks went into the lead- Hillsboro Rotarians Agency for Nash and which would be of local interest. I ership of the Commercial league to Put on a Program Ma* tutta H a n k l«uil>lht«. Iti Iltlla b *> m . O r » . Ray Alexander, representative of when Fairway. form er leader, post- Hillsboro Rotary club will pul ....... ,h* ,l*1” Hudson and Terraplane the American Engraving com pany! poned the game with Safeway on tl«,- program for the Portland ■‘•'•u ;i,i. so, „1 N..,«mh«r. IM« of Portland, provided the surprise! Play In the fifth week of coinpe- club Tuesday noon It Frank P e lm Ji ssii m w i i h i , o u t o . A.iuont.,,«. 2nd and Wash. Phone 2641 feature of the dinner, a large cake, tltlon was as follows: American which was inscribed and decorated league—Home Laundry won two out will discuss' the history of Hill»- ¡¿'’virar ’• ^ X . " ' A tto r n e y » fo ' r d A d m ln - boro und W. O. Ide tlx» bu&lnetus uir»»ru 3 » -43 in the school colors, and surrounded of three from Royal Soda Works by a ring of candles, one for each and Hillsboro Ice Works took three angle. Forest Grove club will put year the school lias put out an straight from Ireland's and the C. on tlte program here Thursday annual. C. store took two out of three from j R epresentative-Eleet Hughes Those present were Ray Alexand- Halite's Place. Commercial league AI Saini»' Mltaion lEpkropal) er; Miss Tennessee W eatherred. ad- Coslett Trucks won three straight T w enty-fourth Sunday alter T rln- visor: K athleen McAlear. editor; trom Curry's Grocery and the game) tty: C hurch school, tl 45 a. in . Jim Samsel. m anager; Carl Doern. between Fairway and Safeway was service and sermon. It a m jr L humor; Bob Tongue, assistant ed- postponed. National league Union low-ship group. 6 30 p in ltev R flto r; Tom S tretcher, assistant m an- Oil scored two victories over the H. Wisecarver, vicar - » . e r . Sidney Ellingson, a rt; Helen Commercial National bank w h i l e ----------------- — ■ — --------------------- j S tu n k a r d R EL W h e e le r Wick, activities; George Holscher. Bristol made a clean sweep of tlte Co» let t KTL athletics; and Robert Tupper, snap- series with the National Guards C, IO S S ll RGL ^ o ts . . , t „ Schedule for the coming week w a n t e d R.n«i,i. m. n BUY ALL w< « »1. Senate club will attend a meeting American league— Hillsboro Ice and .in», , i . « h s ,.r « «, r— | . nd LG R Hart SchafTn I I t U HLS BE LTR of the city council T hursday eve- Works vs. Royal Soda Works, Hills- «>r Erad ll««,«. Kt LER rung. The club intends to discuss boro Motors vs. Home Laundry. - l""1 _________ . s» T o rb e t SURE — WITH Q civic improvements in some of the City league Ireland's vs H allies 1 « o r . , ''....... „id. t,.r (C o n tin u e d fr o m p a r e 1 ) P a tte rs o n RHL year's programs. Place, tx-ntz vs. C. C. Store. Com- v"*~' M.«,„i.ind«lw i.,. LHR THIS LABEL! ty assessor $8415. $8380; county Cook Nineteen students have ’um ed out nterctal league—Coslett s vs. Fair- r,tHH' min. «.»(,, >u., y ,« d i r « , k H o ls c h e r E treasurer. $2430. $2350; county sher­ for debate this year, the largest way Market. Safeway' vs. Curry's. - n*>w 0 A large m ajority of freshm en have vs Commercial National bank. Brls- 1.000 S H K M M A N M i l l . (O M I'A N V Fabric C h eats B e a v e rto n .................. N » U r « ia h«r«4>y ( i r r t i <*, » II r r w H lo r » $4400; county school superintend­ 1 <1• 0 1.000 entered this activity, indicating th a t tol vs. Union Oil ent. $4220. $4.00; probation officer they have been awakened to the William Ziegler In the American a n d <>er»<>n« h a v in g c la im » a tfa ln a t 2 2 h e rm a n M i l l C x m p a n y , an O re g o n cor- fact th a t debate Is open to them league turned in the best score of S |M»raOon. $1790. $1840; county nurse. $1855. J H ills b o r o th a t W C. ( h r t» (m » e n a n ,I as well as th e upper classmen, the week w ith 219. High scorers $1865; county surveyor. $330. $405; M c M in n v ille 1 2 A x » l K rlc ka o n w « re a p p o l ti teal K » , « « c r . 1 .333 rarely The debate in other leagues were Andy 0 .1 0 .00 0 : circuit court. $10,750. $11.750; coun­ . .. happens. . ...................................... , Lentz. «•f aatd S h e r m a n M i l l C o m p a n y a n d of C o a n t y S ta n d in g question for th is year Is "Resolved City league. 207; Ray Sigler. Na- a ll it» p ro p « rtte a a n d aa»«(a by o rd e r o f ty agent, $2505. $2440; justice courts. Senator-Elect Aitken w L T P ct. T h at the federal governm ent should tional league. 204 Ross Hall. Com- lh « H o n o ra h l« G « o rg « I t lla g ie y J u d g e $750. $750; coroner. $725. $675; Bee v erto n adopt the policy of equalizing edu- mercial league. 160; and Mrs. John- o f th e C ir c u it C o u r t o f th e S ta le o f county attorney, $1600. $1500; coun­ F o r m t G ro v e O re g o n fo r W a a h in g to n C o u n ty , m ad« cational opportunity throughout tile ston. ladles' league. 200 H ill» boro a n d e n te r « ] on l)«t«4»er 1«, 1934. in th a t ty health officer. $650. $600. court T ig a r d nation by m eans of annual grants Standings: 0 1 0 c e r ta in » u lt p e n d in g In » aid c o u rt e n ­ .«>00 house. $6464.40. $6692; county hos- ________________ f - T , _ to the several states for public cu» i.»«i 'K d M«»y«r a n d H e rl«e rt C a m b e rg I . P et. title d pital, $10,810. $9910; miscellaneous, x-s. .. P la in t if f » , v. K lw r m a n M ill C .m p a n y . lO r ixO V C IllD tT T e r m elem entary society education I l«entz Ir e la n d D e fe n d a n t.“ A l l h a v in g c la im » $227.63735, $202340 and county C ity COUilCll PlailS Debate team has again been in- H a lli« '» P ia r » o r de m am la a g a in » ! «aid S h e rm a n M ill roads, $289.180.94. $191,710. 1 ' (Continaed from pas« i) vited to enter th e all-coast debate « .e ■•»'u w W.SSWS u n «Mi-vxawv u tiau t (• C c . S Store tu r« t.m p a n y m ay file th e sam e, in duly Complete budget is published in Street ov S vstem in the local justice of th e peace tournam ent a t Linfield college Feb- v...,,,,,, , ,O . •" » ! ile m ite * , fo r m , w ith th e un DlICCl s itu i f r - i l e e r r f e * (X 3urt to a charge of £ rlv. ruary 1 and 2. This Is the largest ,,r“, this issue of the Argus. ««7 i “ «•r »‘ * " « - l R eceiver» o f aald C o m p a n y a t M .466 ¡ he C orom ereiaJ N a tio n a l B a n k o f I f IU ». (C o n tin u e d fr o m p « ^ e l ) ing. He was arrested Friday eve- ®«^Dt of its kind. A rrangem ents National Guard, » .466 ,>r * ” »> H o w a r d T M e. Building Code" was adopted by th e ning W alter Haney of Forest Grove have been nlad,‘ for wl« n e rs to i 'n i. . n o n 9 .400 ; ’ “ ••‘•«•h. F a ilin g B u ild in g , P o r tla n d . O r e - council and th e city an attorney In- £ paid on a con}Pete t wlt-h the W CBl1' ash- la i N a tio n a l u « n k W 1 I'., fZ T ' f w . a x l K a rM v rra . on structed to prepare ordinance £ g e a fine of $5 S S X aturday h a tr u c i K X « winners s S° of Uthern ¿7*" 1 4 7?i ^ ' " n «». I M 4 . Hilhi Annual Staff Holds Yearly Meet Used Car Exchange 7 IIC 10 “ Too UO L.C County Budget Shows Increase j , Jury Panel Drawn W 7 a 4M , a a w m ill h a n d , a n d u l m code' ordi- Orders In the following circuit Junior class play “I ’ll Explain k"yBl 8o- s 1* “ h ats and with V. W. G ardner as meeting I I ) , I , a lta O m a S to ra chairm an. Paul P atterson announc­ weroffensive failed to gain Evelyn Ann Busch on a butterfly Two Men Arrested ground were the feature of Hilhi [ collection Philip Baker of M onm outh was ed the Armistice Day observance performance. The superior weight arrested S aturday on a larceny and dance sponsored next Monday and experience of the Beaverton' charge for Polk county authorities. by ttle I« -»1 American Legion post, eleven, however, proved the decid­ Theodore W annebo was arrested wblle Mrs. E. C. McKinney an - ing factor over the light Hilhi Monday a t Tillamook on a parole nounced the annual Red Cross roll I B y M is s M a r t h a V a n d e r s a n d e n ) gridders on the muddy gridiron. violation charge from this county, call beginning Monday. No meet- Mr. and Mrs. P. J. V anderzanden and daughter Delores, Mrs. William He was on parole o n a larceny ing of the cham ber of commerce Is j VanDomelon and Mrs. H enry V an- charge. scheduled for next week. CORWIN HARDWARE ! dehey visited with Mr. and Mrs. | Charles K arllck and son and Mr. Headquarters MAIN STREET : Henry Hazen Thursday. Mr. Hazen Hunting and Fishing j has been quite ill in a hospital WE KNOW MAIN 81 Supplies i there. Miss Rose V anderzanden is em - Aladdin Lamps L onr’s Tube« Tevtod Free iv — Erank Ploy«l at the home Mr. Hillsboro. and Mrs. .xm gs Radio icaeno lubes Tested PranKer ol of n ear W L FOR SALE Annual Roll-Call r, , Oregon ProdllCtS g Urogram - _OD o Local Hobby Show Attracts Interest onstipation A D L E R I KÆ Roy 4 • ' FOR EXCHANGE 25 acres all in cultivation except 4 acres pasture. On highway, g o o d buildings. Will accept going business up to $2000. Balance Fed­ eral loan. Insure with TUALATIN VALLEY INSURANCE AGENCY W. G. IDE 1314 Main Street Hillsboro, Oregon -.V / r ï Orange Elects Officers Hillsboro G range will hold elec­ tion of officers a t the meeting S a t­ urday. All members are urged to a t­ tend. The Privilege of the Living Until the living have erected a memorial to their d e p a rt­ ed, they have left undone th a t which is a t once a priv­ ilege and an obligation. Let us help you select an a p ­ p ro p ria te memorial now. OREGO N M ONUM ENT WORKS Hillsboro, Ore. H. H. S ta n n ard , M gr. SIMMONS Every fabric that Hart Schaffner & Marx use must pass the infallible all-wool test. Don’t tak e a chance. Get all-wool clothes. Hart S chaff­ ner & Marx clothes are guaranteed all-wool. T hey’re here at \V eil’s only— in sizes for every figure— styles for every taste— and prices for every pocket book. Accept No Substitutes for All-Wool "A rrotp" SH /R T S and TIBS NATIONALLY ADVERTISED HOLEPROOF AUTOGARTS FOR MEN I O«M* und MlaOO 4 new p a ir i j k n il in p ir le r Those fam ous self-sup­ porting guaranteed socks with the k n it- in lastex g a rte r (g uaranteed to out­ w ear the socks) are car­ ried a t W ashington coun­ ty’s iargest departm ent store only. W inter colors are here and the price if« ela atic ity Powers Grocery CHEVROLETS Miss Johanna Derickx, who at- lends beauty school In Portland, | spent the week-end here. Mrs. Thomas Meeuwsen has been quite ill a t her home n ear here for the past two weeks. Mrs. Frank B ernards of St. Paul has been stay- in# with her. Miss Theresa Meeuwsen, d augh­ ter of Mr. and Mrs. Thom as Meeuw­ sen, had an appendicitis operation Erlday a t Hillsboro. Miss Evelyn Jackson of Banks spent Tuesday and Wednesday night with Miss M artha V ander­ zanden. Mrs. Minnie Sohler and Miss Cecelia B ernards of P ortland spent Monday night a t the J. M. V ander­ zanden home. Thirteen tables were In play a t a card party at the Roy hall T h u rs­ day night, which was quite success- And you can't tell Fabric Cheats from all-wool by looking at them G R IF F IT H , Planned fc-Marx are fabrics that are made of 20 • to SO ■ cheap substitutes for wool. The mar­ kets are flooded with them. Clothes made from them shrink in the rain, fade on your shirts, acquire permanent wrinkles, the nap quickly wears off leaving thread­ bare clothes. Hillsboro to Play Tillamook Monday . *FABRIC CHEATS WILL GET YOU IF YOU DON’T WATCH OUT! Prompt Service . . . — YOU KNOW US! Specials for November 9 and 10 Be Comfortable! W inter driving is m ade com fortable for the en­ tire fam ily w ith the in­ stallation of a h o t w ater h eater in your autom obile. The cost is sm all for the g re a te r' riding com fort achiev­ ed. You w ouldn’t be w ithout one a fte r you have had one on a car. P rotect your rad ia to r in the cold days th a t are ahead. Come in and have us drain y o u r ra d ia to r and put i n I’restone now ! Busch’s Service Garage Phone 501 Main St. PUREX Vg-gallon jug 20c BEANS 14c BEANS 14c Ray-M aling. K. W. IT GIVES US A PAIN to realize th a t a m arriage or a dog license is priced the same. Marriage may be a dog’s life, hut why rub It In? Realizing our ability is best dem on­ strated by the results of our work we leave no stone unturned to prove (be dependability of our Chevrolet repair service. Highly skilled Chev­ rolet specialists only are perm itted to work on your ear and their per­ formance is carefully checked by attentive supervision. When we fix your ( hevrolet it stays fixed. Every repair is made for enduring ex­ cellence. HillsboroMotorCo.j JAMES WHITELAW. M anager 3rd and Wash. Phone 441 Ray-M aling. Lima .................................. PUMPKIN RED A WHITE. 2>/g ......................... 10c You can’t be uncomfortable in CUSTOM-FIT TOPS by PHOENIX PUDDING Crosse and Blackwell. Fig or Plum 33c COFFEE MANNING. Pound ............................ 27c Stocking tops th a t stretch both ways! Up and down for length. Or round and round for width. Every well-dressed leg needs Custom- Lit Top. A nother boon is the Phoenix "long mileage loot, with Pip-toe and Duo-heel re­ enforced for hard wear. AT WEIL’: Many o ther items specially priced for Friday and Saturday. These prices good Nov. 9 and 10 only. SPECIAL 79c Store Closed Armistice Day— Monday, Nov. 12