The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, November 08, 1934, Image 1

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H ilh i
vk . Tillam ook
2 |>. in. Monday
W ith Which is (
N e w s L e tte r
Oregon Products
on Parade Here
November 17-24
Shows Increase $20,523
(.hurch Arranges
Unique Plan for
Saving Building
City Plans
A rm istice
I .I N I I H I , K
Over Figures Last Year
Frank Peters Elected
District Circuit Judge
'B y Rev. R. L. Putnam)
Jurors f ) rawn
The C entral C hristian church Is
selling its church building n e x t
Sunday morning in a very unique
’ »y- R ather than let the law sell
the property a workable "Building
BUx-k' plan has been devised where-
bv 100 such blocks may be pur- V ^ O l l l I C I I
I chased by members of the congre-
gallon and friends on the "one
dollar down and one dollar per
m onth" basis for a period of two
in Close Race Tuesday
P l'lt lC
- . “ - . ’a » « ? * ’
a w a a y T v x
s » - *
- - -
while tile county road
in creased »34.488 59 to
seven members would be created
to head up welfare work In the »148.838 13. or 5 87 mill*
It e lle f ( o s ls H ig h e r
state -m is board would be au th o r­
Principili item* of Increase in
ized to employ a director of welfare
Who In turn would employ a stall Hie general fund estim ates a r e
— ........................... .... - ----------- *3"°" " ‘»re ' “r
G u b e r n a to r ia l C o n te s t;
street C.hange
the county S Share ol th e sta te
vestin g
greater dl»-
r ,
edAti t I % X e ^ d S wem bm to c uie
toe receiver, the local
church found itself with not only
10811 held by the bank T hw ^fact
— —<
= mcely
£ ‘± j ! E d - r — ---- e P.ut
remodeled church plant in jeopardy.
,^ o 8 re£ation^hjvs bravely faced
m t e r e r t 'i ^ X t o * £ i w h «
loan in order to liquidate the debt
10 the Shut* bank. This h as proven
in these um es aDd the
church faces ultim ate foreclosure
This would be a calamity even to
the life of the congregation, which
the church does not care to suffer.
And' , tx?y at no time in her 72
£ a™
U n ifo rm
,n S
N u n ,k * r ’ >
M a r t in R a n k * S eco nd
P ro p o s e d
________ _
____ _
Preparation of SERA projects for H u g h e s a n d R o ss B e l i e v e d
- - ---------- - - c - U » s y i ,
E le c te d R e p r e .e n t a t iv e .
an enlarged municipal I n - '
oi trees in th e '
e n u a 7 « to T h T m tS iirtra P ¿HSZ™ I R F rank Pet®rs' Hillsboro a tto r-
was approved TTinrorii,- ^avillon neY’ trium phed over his Tillamook
during a special
county opponent for circuit judge
citV council ^ O rd in a n c e s ^ L
u 4** nineteenth judicial district,
of sidewalks
repair i H. T. Bolts, Tuesday, by a m ajority
building rode wee a d o p tio n o f a of 544 votes, according to unofficial
® alS° o rd ered ) general election return tabulations
Renumbering ne »
u, .
compiled by the Argus. W ashington
consecutive inn» f r ^ I y .u
in county lined up in the Zim m erm an
section of F i r s r u
lntCT" column ln the «ubernavcnal corp
by th e ch u rch a t t h e a n n o » , m eer. prepared. H ouse
„„m h e r.
a nrsjonty of 1574
eveP numbers being , « the L o th i S ?
a n d governor-
,, L ,
f .. ,1.
caused by Portland s announcem ent “y
H *7^
n “ wlIe 11 « n a te d as avenues and th e
that store» would rem ain open Ui
approval »est streets as stte^E I
of sales of was not
Wedne^da ' % P 16 church
church and
and enthusiasm
e n t h u s ^ runs
. '
,ocal ^ w ^ d
c ^ H ^
de» * rt“ e n ‘
J commissioner, county surveyor and
"?u n ty coron er
in W
i otiose
r —. —
W ashington
ashington coimtv
county w
A venues R en am ed
the final result in doubt up to the
b e th A
A Allen.
A llen
P m o i-n A —
...... . 6* « B aku, but a campaign to show ever, President H. L. MacKenzie
street ? me lhe h“ 1 precinct was reported.
Frtxl Andrew. Cherry ("rove* Ell” • ° Ur .P^P** Hie Importance of sup- of the cham ber'of c o m m e r ^ a o 6
The "blocks" wlll be sold by ten
** renamed according to an George Aitken of G a r d e n ’Tlonw
1 _v .‘5 rry 3 ,ro v r■
o o r tin u t h e ,-
. -------- S
UI u,c ‘ "M in er oi commerce an- captains Sunday morning a t the alphabetic system. FollowingT au 1 came out ahead for « » L ,”
” n' ^
h"" t h a ^ n o T p e ^ l T m -
B anks route 2, Theodore Vander-
zander,. B an k s route T
Lom s JÓ ;
" il U n ot
b e r , R eed. G aston route ^ 1 ^ - er
U rn dem and
of child welfare, county orgamxa- lax collector. Appropriation for the wood route 5.
*••««». ™iei anb
Pcrm an '
tlon, public relief, m ental hygiene ,'<>uid)' fair totaling »2451.52 was
tw ,. n u .n irm ,*
cnt Hy “ J » Lb o
and liaudleapprd
included this yeur bu,
Is u offset
" X by
e | y-
b t i c * ? 5 f ncfa.o t lhree ■ f Payrolls
% X . and
X ^ h ^ V u X ^
N ie d
Z i m m e r m a n L e a d * C o u n t y in
Stores C losing years
and Dance 9 p. m.
N O . 38
The product* of western factories
will go on parade throughout O re­
gon the week of Novemlxr 17 to 24
( Consolidation W elfare
Plans have Just been announced
by the Oregon M anufacturers As­
W ork Through State
sociation lor a statewide campaign
to encourage the more extensive
Thought Deaired
R .li.r ,
O ld
A ..P c „ .„ .„ .,
use of goods with the Idea V e t e r a n * A r r a n g e P r o g r a m
of building state payrolls and In­
r e tir e m e n t of W a r r a n t*
a n d D a n c e M o n d a y to
C a u . e R is e in T a x
fo F
N e W
T e t T I l creased demand for the raw rnater- ■
O ALK M T h e n ex t legislatu re will
ials of farm, stream , forest and
C e le b r a te D a y
probably lx' linked u> create u
new KUiU* W elfare deportm ent to
Tlie campaign will be headed by'
fu n ctio n s now
nnw per-
|n r
take over the
lib1 function»
.. -
former mayor. George L Baker of
formed by the board of control. I - . C V V t O D C I ( ) . 1 I V l l I I s T w o M o n R e c e iv e S e n t e n c e * 1 •ortland, who now is m anager ol / \ l |
ergrncy relief a d m in istratio n .
• c
thc Gregon M anufacturers A ssorts-; 4 8 ,1
in S t a t e P e n i t e n t i a r y
Hon Through the medium of news­
child welfare coinmlMiloii and parole
papers, radio, magazines, window
P u b lic
H e a r in g
S c h e d u le d ,
Thta la Indicated by a report
displays, mass meetings, and speclul P a r a d e P r e c e d i n g P a t r i o t i c
filed with Oovernor Meier’» in ­
H e re on N o v e m b e r 3 0
JuroiK for the November term of sales, the lm poriance’ to " o re g o n T f
P r o g ra m a t V e n e tia n
tertill committee on public health
court were drawn Monday morning a concentrated support of th» pro-
J by Sheriff J. W Connell and will duct* of western
r a factories will
will' be,
aiul welfare by a committee of the
Increase of »20 523 or ,..,n rn «i. r,'P °rl ,o r duty November IB The driven home.
Amerlc an Public Welfare nhaoclation
A parade' Patriotic program foot-
based upon a «urvey of social con- mately 7 m ills' In , the W ashington I uro'"»
kr4,up of -ii
31 members consists ...
of i .j,|( factories
__ will co-operate to
,ul J "
“ ‘¿ih<i ! r <lf .h y 4Oun,y Ux lPvy 18 liroPosrd in the
iu,d 22 n,Pn
the extent of providing Store»'"wito bal1 «amp and carnival dance are
nJ?? * in t reM,‘uUon N a 13 oi thc IU35 budget completed this week by
Feraoiw» drawn on the panel are advertising, window displays, and the high lights on the program here
u ,,‘ budget committee Fund» to be
follow»: Mary Johnson. Adali 8 product« with which to conduct .Monday for tlie sixteenth annual
Ihe ie|M»rt d e d y e » th a t welfare HaiM-d by taxation, according to e » -1 Moore and Ethel Meek. Hillsboro; »pedal sales. It 1» their purpose to celebration of A rm istice dav in
work Is 1» tv. Initial function of guv- u n ia t« released. lo u d »395 91104 Simon Hershey. Hillsboro route 1; show the ;jeople of Oregon th a t the . ,®b tWn ° ‘ Armistice day in
ernm ent, requiring trained person- requiring a levy of 10 1 mills on a
w Burkin and Luyton W atts products of our own western fac- Hillsboro. Veteran groups and p atri-
nel fur Its adm inistration and rec- valuation of *24.606.953 90 The pub- Hillsboro route 2: Fred Berger and torles are the equivalent of th o se1 Wlc or^anizatlons of the community
onunends creation of the new de- )lr („-»ring on the budget is ached- Ja,nc» K Ensley, Hillsboro route 4; ¡of other sections and th a t bv dis- wU1 K,ln ln lhe observance with the
pertinent "with power to plan, su-
for November 30 at tig- Vein- Fr,'d w Robertson and John F crim inating in favor of them the Hllkboro P“ *. American Legion, in
pervlse and direct."
Uun lbpBtPr
Burkey, Hillsboro route 5; Omar state Is being built up in payrolls charye and
by the W ash-
'pUJM»s for general fund puraoaM
v i.u u c u. wagner. ray e employment and
l/ed in the re,x,rt a s ou t-m ialed .
‘ he _e«,mi.,g year total »155.- ,.s l
-..? ,^ ' nb,‘rs ° ! . comm PW through-
I Uu- n,vds of the ! u u
° f J ? ’ " ? ” H '0* ,“ ”‘2
8LpeJ'WUJuSI? i a S ^ e ^ i d
10 furtber the cam -
Program 11 a. m. Monday
Stäte Capitol j County Budget for 1935
Il V
! Armistice—
" *’1. " h PO^
E*’**1* Ch<“ ‘' ° f
r hinds and m .aeeds horn the i ? " 1*1“1 Thursday by George
* ‘th
c o m p le tio n ^
p ow er
n r o ie n
bUt tb at in the future local dosin'g frie-Sds i n " t h e ^ c S S b S H f n ? m l ^ ^ r e n S m t e ° rdiJ? nc<; re ‘
would be governed by what P o n - there are any who desire to help contm gem n ^ ^ ^ ^ g.the streets
land did. In the m eantim e legion- ?uch are welcome and their help
„ g 1 0 approval of th e work
^ s
are h ^ e f u n ^ T p ^ d
^ r y great,y a p p l a u d "
Preparation of a city base map
engineering work on city planning
^ v e n t X ^ ih .”
0,8 1
study of delinquent taxes and as-
.th,e day wU1 become a
sessments and investigation of uses
of property in the city are proposed
Band in Parade
in the municipal inventory pro-
H hlsboros newly organized band
r '1
inventory has
»hl appear m the parade of v e t- 1
p r e r ^ r i * n e u - <T iPJ eted
th e
w atb, auxlhary groups, national
work would be an
?uard “ d Boy Scouts from the
« ' U S , ”'
' H ea v y Rains
par£ lt,y ele€led for
re p r £
^ n ta tive. H. D. K erkm an of Schef-
fh n for commissioner, J. W. Barney
« ^ ^ opo for surveyor an d F. J.
Hillsboro for coroner. Mrs.
Maud w Boscow, republican-demo-
cra^lc candidate for treasurer, wax
uloPP°i* d and will rem ain in of-
iice ior the coming four years.
Power Bill Approved
, WasthnBton county agam veered
fr°m the trend of state-w ide bal-
board authorized to Invest sliUe ■ T()UI oj.
mrluded In P*“ '*‘d 0,1 “ charge of burglary not
luinls IS seen »in. n. a .uaiion
compensation on 111 “ dw,,llU1« luld ol receiving stolen
; u ,,h ' X X x , ' a m W‘' ,l‘ 1' H
•• k t d i i v X
X X n tm
tliree years in
ln the I
h l? m b J i k t ^ i ? X .
m hilr Hem Is more th an offset by the in-
Sentence of three
, . i IM UIW to f£ X ,re mi. m p h i- C° ’n<' ir',,n lh *' •mUc ul
* Pc"
lt*»t‘ary was meted out
ment relief Under an act of the
°u ts,an d ln g w arrant total as ret to Theodore Wannebo Wednesday
S t r e a m s R e p o r t e d «» N e a r b X h ^ h L g rn ^ X ^ d ^ X
by Circuit Judge Bagley on a grand
_______________ —
second special seoilon of 1833 un- M{’h ,l.n Ul<> " ’‘''» ates 1» »147.5.5 83. larceny
am end-
cliarge. Sentence had been
° “ c program. Lt. A rthur F. Kroeger
L a s t Y e a r F lo o d M a r k
was also approved.
employment relief financing Is ^ h h e a sum equal to th i. has been
I m ent’ w a s d efea ted by co u n ty vot-
postponed previously during good I
114 in charge of parade arran g e-
limited to liquor profits and c e r n ii- “ “ “J1'*1, ' “r ¿ r , !r,'mP,,í.
tbf T ‘ k ‘
tion nf
iOF gradlng and construe- ere by 576 votes while the healing
behavior, but Wannebo was arre ste d ! A n n u a l M e m b e r s h i p D r i v e ^ Cni i V 18 planned
« " iv e at
cates of irulrbtediw«. Issued against ranl,‘d ‘»h«'1* '•< >«•« It is offset by Monday
" 7 -----— H " M r ,v e the theater a t 10:90L80
ll'c can
R _______
ainfall __
of 7.13
3727 votes.dmeDt
8Wamped **
a t Tillamook for parole vio-l
10:50 so th
th a a t t a all
__ inches in Hill»- Shute
tliese profits. Plans of slate offi­ an estim ated Income from delln- “ UOn
O p e n i1 o n A r m i »‘ >ce D a y
£ , * ‘a,4'd by 11 * " m " lhe arn^ i c e boro during the past 11 days, ac- sidered by the council and an SERA
cials to invert, sona- of the state's quent taxes of »130.059 56 and u
Voluntary non-suit was taken by
reduction o f »4500 In the budget
Idle m oney ' m th ese certificates, i<te>
u n ta m u l r iH /lk lr u ll/t n
A n.
Delbert V. Learned ol Cornelius
keeping the Interest in the family for elections and registration. An­ Wednesday after a Jury had been „....
Red Cross membership
roll-call naire —
and past . comm
to » a flood m aterial to sisoo
UU y f 0 ilvPn
on county while Botts
, -----------------------------
v ., u , uu
. uw ol iu
» r to
~ . bring
. . . . . county stream s w
t erial to »1500.
given an advantage of 855 votes
so to speak, were quoaited by an other Item of increase Is a boost drawn to bear his complaint * ‘1 , 'a rt next week to “11 w-ctions City post ln Portland, will be the stage similar to the disastrous hiah lna>
Recommendation of th e ordinance m Tillamook county. T otal vote
opinion from Attorney General Van
Winkle holding th at the certificates sane and feeble-minded. Tills ex­
for Peters was 6286, 4929 being
did nut quailly for Investment of
polled ln W ashington and 1357 in
. i . i . » „„a . i.l
it » «i„t» i. but the county Is In arrears three
Tillamook. B o tts total was 5742.
. . . . . . . .
w . m onths under the previous set-uo. I ^ ru 1J
ln,!' >«•'' m “a auto- ”
" " “ “ J ’ mook m i s pair» uc groups will be introduced w™
2312 from Tillamook ai:d 3530 from
now paying Interest for the use of
. .
mobile accident and which resulted! year ** • I35°- “n increase of »150 and Miss K itty Caldwell will plav easily cause a serious flood, accord-
.vviiin gton .
,Ui own money on which the banks
* » d n - " X e ?, of oubstand- ’n U,e luBS oi hls lpft
the plpe organ for the xW to g of mg to J. W. Barney, county engi
anv biter-
Fimd for ret.rem of outstand
Memberships are divided as fol- "America,' and “The S tar Spangled neer.
refuse- to oay
pay the slate
state any
Zim merm an polled 3851 votes in
alreartv h a v e m o r e mg road w arrants totaling »93.670.-
*‘ln e ° r Jlo° » a s meted out to i , “ •'•"«ersm ps are divided as fol- «m e.ica, an a in e s ta r spangled
i-st because
the county to 3201 for M artin and
l i n e deposit? th an they 84 Ls largely responsible for th e m - * .
1,‘d * a" l‘ <,f P ortlan d M onday
A n" ual m em bership. »1, of
11 ls hoped to have an
Heavy rains the forepart of the
2277 for Joe E D u n n e
money In time
' crease o f »34 488 59 in the u x pro-
,7...b,7 .7 ‘,u 'r'‘d “, Plr“
n“ L°jial American Legion quartet sing.
week resulted in the flooding of
• Sum
m ary of
know whut t o d o w U h
precincts earned by the
I Continued on P o » lo, column S)
chapter for relief In times of dis-
The gala event of the day i s 1 several county roads, changed head
A H Averill. sUU- Insurance Pose'> tor Uu- county rood fund
indicates th a t Zimmerman carried
commissioner, Is out with another O ffsetting this item is an estimated
28 out of 48 precincts, M artin 18
n ark auditorium,
a o A itn rin m into
raeina torrents and put
n o t thou-
t h m i.
.. »5 of which »4.50 rem ains in night a t the Shute park
toto raging
Details of the federal housing ad- and Dunne 2.
warning urging Oregon resident» to income of »71.588 from delinquent
Hushes Hirh
beware o f unllrenst-d Insurance '-axes, approximately »49,000 over
. T “ iS i .lng "’•'toberehlp. »10. this event an d tickets are selling Highway a t Cornelius was flooded 641 to Hillsboro citizens and busi-
"Webb" Huvhes received . tzv.i
companies and associations which Hie estim ate last year. O ther b l ­
A _
° L " b„
,S jb rem abis here; sup- rapidly. The legionnaire selling the Tuesday due to a plugged culvert “f 88 men Monday a t the cham ber of 4547 votes to lead
are operating by mail, lurbig vie- creases Include »2000 more f o r
® r v toembershlp.
which most
tickets will receive a new ha’, and
was reported over the oi bommeree by cam era slides with —
44:6 fOr
tlnis with "extravagant promises of bridge construction to assist ln re ­
il 1 ns
I K for
f n r Irid
al m
l i a f and
. Hillsboro
.... .
M *» .
m?.5? rema*
union high school and l <xsva.
road s o u th 'o f the M asonic! talking accompaniment The effect state representative. Ross ls a p ­
insurance protection" With 511 Placing structures washed out ln
parently elected to the second posi­
aisaster. life membership of »50 the Tillamook "Cheesemakers" will home and near M ountaindale. New of the program as regards home tion with a total of 3527 votes, 13
companies of standing and respon- Ibe flood last year »4000 more In
Henry Young, local business man
PatJ’on membership of $100. furnish the athletic attraction a t ' fllls “n the Buxton-Vernonia high- owners, builders and contractors, above J. W Raynaud of Midway
siblllty licensed In the sU te. Aver- interest on w arrants. (18.200 more
ill declares th a t there ls no need to o f°r
th . v e o G itu
for crushing and lutullng
h au ling rock, and *»s
" — awarded m
.u u Decoration
w o ia im n . common.».,
h -
— chapter
-----’— ' the
— ' high school Held a t 2 p. m.1 way were reported sloughing off .^5 ^ pnancial institutions was shown with 3514. Ju st w hat effect the re-
and the road was said to be to bad graphically a t three special m eet- port of the canvassing board6 will
take any chance» by buying in»ur- k ’500 mtwe for purchase of road ot Chivalry at the Sovereign Itxlge.
ance from unauthorised companlee. machinery. Total of <25.000 was I O O F . a t Toronto. Canada, in w F ’ ’Ni~ ‘ J?ounced
Committees to charge of a r­
hi&vp on tLio outconif*
t his
Many county creeks flooded
cannot be predicted* J. CXJohn-
• • »
slashed from the budget for main- September. Mr. and Mrs. Young and
rangem ents Include: P. L. Patterson
..uuucu «»»«
,— P*?“
'"T” Y15
tenance oi m arket roads.
¡»on Andrew returned last w e e k
k / S J anws M Welch.
W. H. Dierdorff and Lt Kroeger. their banks the first of the week m atured a t the regular chamber son. present incumbent, was a close
'I'liat the gambling instinct Lx
from a two m onths' automobile
n^»ntf^-Mrs_ c . A. Shipley.
program, and A W Hoffman, H ) 8X1(1 OU1 over adjacent farm lands. „ commerce luncheon, while a t 7 fourth with 3453.
still very strong among Oregon
Reduction of (2969 40 ln the
»hich w ,^ i .. h » h <>. o,
Beaverton—Rev. C. F. Clark.
L MacKenzie and Dr. R alph D re s-' Lowlands from Dilley to the W apa- ?' *?' Plctures particularly adapted
rertd en u I* shown bv the annual county sx hool budget ls directly
?4 h1, ‘" cb*d^d the .S“ v<‘r ’
T hat Commissioner K erkm an was
B ethany—Rev. H. G. Dickman
ser, dance.
to lake were reported under water
bud . re and contractors were re-elected by a m argin of 241 votes
report of th e s ta le racing cotnmls- traceable to the smaller school
lod£ ” e to “ past grand mas-
B B. Reeves.
u m u iu
which reveals th at »2.768.233 census. Tile county sxhool
fund 1 r ° r t,lc ° r e8°n I . O. O. F
was — the indication o f a u unofficial
Cherry Grove—Mrs. S. E. Linde.
T hat water in the T ualatin river
hOme ° ’ ’ners
co-op- tabulations. K erkm an polled 4522
was paid Ui through the purl-m u- based on
»10 per census child
The award is the
Cornelius— Mrs. Henry Behrmann.
was very close to the flood stage " ate. tand a n explanation of how> votes to 4281 for J. M. V anderzan-
tuul windows at dog and hors«-
amount« to »92.850 and the library honor and m erit ln the I. O O. F
nmea conductedTn OrTgo'n this
<>ind o of
1Se and
of last year was the report of Ken- benefits of the act could be secured i den of Roy for county commisslan-
.»... yen?
...... - fluid
f 10 10 cents
cen ts per
uer census
cen sus child
c h i l j d > ! «<
and '» '» conferred
conferred only
only by by the
the I i aVm^ngtoiT-’xire ° F W i n u ^ P . . ,
Of this am ount »2,422.200 was re- to *92H 50-
Sovereign lodge. Twelve
others from
from man J r
*" J™
neth TlUotson. engineer on t h e
we~ L ? ' ,
I « - Outcome of th e race was in
Ive others
W i n s V O n t P S t Tualatin river survey. Wednesday Th8t 'm e program will assist la- doubt until the last m inute with
were so
so hon-
hon- ! Forest Grove—Mrs D oro ih v Sev
turned to the holders of winning Estimated receipts for th e county ja il parts of the world 1 were
the water a t the Cornelius bridge borers- builders, contractors, build- tbc advantage changing continual-
tickets The stale's cut of two and general fund was Increased from I °«*d a t the session. Only
Only six
six are
are mour
_____ _
»car the golf course was within lng materuil concerns, bonks and ]y between the candidates.
one-half per rent amounted to »69- »LM 030 to (161.789 34. A sim ilar In- possessed by o d d FVllows in Ore-
Gales Creek—Mrs. Eva Sargent.
feet ot 016 hlgh water mark, m erchants was the keynote of t h e ,
Aitken defeated Edward Schul-
200 and »276.824 went to the pro- crease In anticipated receipts for | Kol>
G aston—Mrs. J. A. Baker.
In the O fficers s e a tin r drill Panri T u esd ay toe gauges showed 24% ?lee!blg?' n i e » « makes it possible merlch of Hillsboro, former sena-
moters of the vurlous rare meets, ‘h** n ,-Ml ,u nd brought the total!
Mr. Young said the president
Glenwood Mrs. G. L. McCutchen was one of flve X « lu r in g
feet of ’ ater a t J * kM n h0« 0™
re ™™1
h “” 8 ° L to r' by 885 yotes f° r st» te senator
M<»ii of the betting was done at the i
»129.239.98 this year as com- seems
to be more popular ln the
Groveland—Mrs. J. Sheelar.
officers present at Ilu -P d lstru t on
33141 23 5 feet of "’“ tor a t the Rtxxi
and remodeling from this district to fill out the un-
dog races In Portland, (2.618 204 Pac«! with »79.360.46 last year.
I cast than In the west. If such a
Hazeldale—Mrs. W F Brooks.
, -------- 8 pr; ^ , " i . S L tJ?!_d“ i I!i ct..con- bridge. The gauge a t the la tt e r "-ccessary to put homes and office exnired term of Edwin Allen of
lielng wagered on the greyhounds1 Comparison o, budgets for th e 'th in g is possible. Business is plck-
and a tS v h a ? n ? ' br‘dBC'
U tter n?m
h" ^ t^ 1 ?
Hillsboro—Mrs. E. C. McKinney.
° f g W
r X ashington
e w Frid?\
27 BaUge
feet above low watcr
C° ‘- ^
l' expired
orest Grove.
wlille only »149.969 In bets w,.rc various county departm ents f o r , mg up and conditions ore looking! Hillside Mrs. Carl Clapshaw.
hil1 county ,8T?n?se.r8_ I ? d" y at.®hLr; level, was reported under water pD °r .to the depression. T h at funds earlv lead m The victor took an
placed on the ponies a t the sev-) 1935 ‘“ ‘d 103-4 follow with new « - ¡ m u c h better, he said. He was par-* Jack to w n -M m “ ^ . F ^ m ’bella.
Total of 158 persons attended w e d »
10^79 fo r^ h J im T ric ^
eral fairs, Including tlie state fair I Umates first and those for 19341 Ocularly impressed with the high- j
......... .........
d ^ b y ^ y w ’o t l / r t a ^ g e '
^ m y engineers visited Washing- a - to be consider«! investments.
the M ultnom ah county fair a t Ore»- next: Commissioners' court. »7430, J way systems and signing, which'
* PTan«:e ton county Wednesday to study not .5 ^ bts- a a s a r iact repeatedly out over H R Huson of C om e-
ham and a num ber of county fairs *7M st county clerk. »6160, »5910; I Perm itted him to make the trip
m aster, and o t h e r prom inent flood conditions and viewed nearly
Loans of not less th an iius for county surveyor by a m ar-
. . .
county recorder. »3440, »3500; coun- without ever getting lost for a
an headw ater stream s and portions
or more th a n »2000 are made gin of 67g vote6 Huson polled
(Continiiml on pnae in,column i f
Hillsboro, Tigard and A l o h a of
Textbooks In only two subjects-
flooded areas near the Tuala- ,u lde.1. tbe Pro»-'ram al,d are to be 3882 votes
Barney 45g i j n the
heallh education tuid high achool
in regular equ?1
equal Paym
oh *«»»- tin river
' ' m i?.,re
ents.: t race for COroner, Sewell received
chemistry—wlll be up for adoption
PlCrf^ eS.»,f<>r toe showing were , 4444 votes, 467 above the total of
when the state textbook commis­
Project for the production of above order Cove O rchard. Tigard,
nf M
i th e co-operation; 3977 received by Robert E. Burns
sion holds its biennial session hen-
comforters for use in relief work Sherwood. Aloha a n d Hillsboro
o f the state housing ad m in istratio n ' Of Forest Grove
on November 19.
with vne
the local
local co
T-v . .
K aniittuoil WHO
m -I
» r- g r a m lr n defeatorl riniincll
• • •
proved this week by the state SERA tendance of officers and were giv-
wmg iip man ak ei by
v s ln
Twenty-five more patrol oars of
A determined Hilhi eleven will
completely nullified bv the slonnv office The governm ent will pro- 7 ' llelr choice of a Bible, myrtle
Nye ° B nst°l. George McGee, P. the clt.v electio n for th e n e t »
Preparations for foreclosing on A. Anderson. Jam es Say and S. W . I coU nctlm an from th e n o r t h w a r d
the state police departm ent are be­ meet the conference leading Tllla- footing and the wet ball
vlde " “ torials from federal surplus Wl**> gavel or ballot box as a prize.
ing equipped with short-wave ra ­ miMik "Cheesemakers" on the local
A fumbled punt recovered bv i commodities while the SERA will
Morning session was given over approximately 2000 tax delinquent Melhuish. J. M. Person of HllUboro K r ^ en re c e iX l 716 v o t« to
« • f i S
S 3 h id ’ ’ S S 1 S 1 S
dios. Thi« means ttiat all patrol field Monday at 2 p. m ns a fen-
Beaverton on the HUhl 20-vnrd ■>rovlde Iabw Tlie projects will lx- i?1„c4,n,fte renc^ 1 by officer groups.
AUce ° ° ff' BerUla J being made by the district a tto r­ gram.
ears operating west of the Cas­ turc of the Armistice Day observ
(Continued on page 4, column 1
p - pm m e locals in a right spot ond
auditing B erk- George A. Palm iter, Albert ney's office. In the meantime, let­
cades will now be bi constant touch ance here. Tillamook ls favored to ¡early
in the second qu arter and
with headquarters through t h i s come out on the long end of the gave Beaverton a scoring opportu- and reconciling bond coupon ac- d a u g h te r, George Corson, County ters are being sent out to d e lin -'
modern medium of communication. seore but comparative scores lndl- nlty. On the next play Emmons counts for the city of Beaverton A8ent William F. Cyrus and Yam- quent taxpayers in the hopes of!
| 11111 Assistant Agent W arren spoke having as many certificates re ­
Short-wave broadcasting stations cat«- th a t the visitors' ad v an tag e, fumbled the ball and Samsel Hilhi was also approved.
aie now being operated by the Is fnr from overwhelming. The local end. recovered at, the line of serhn-
Advisory committee to arrange durtng tlie afternoon on various deemed as possible before the fo re -'
police bureaus of Portland, Salem squad ls reported ln good shape and inage. Immediately t h e pigskin details of the medical program ln Phases of grange work. Reports closure suit is filed. A pproxim ately)
and K lam ath Falls and calls from tin- spirit exhibited by the grldders; changed hands again when the the county was appointed this week were als<' Klvpn on the G range Fire five per cent of the certificates)
one or the other of these stations Indicates they have a n outside ball squirted o u t of HoLschcr'x grasp to report to the relief committee Insurance, Granges, and Grange have been redeemed since it was
Much interest was taken by stu- was first. Jack Goodman second
can be picked up by the police chance to upset pre-game dope. | and was scooped up by a Beaver- Monday. Dr. F. Rucker of Slier- work by Pomona masters. Group announced the county would fore- dents of the local sch<x>ls and their and Ardis Ellingson third Eddie
was named as chairm an and aln8ing was led by Miss G ertrude dose.
ears from alm ost any point in
) parents in the hobby show held Wells was first for beginners, D on-
Vlsltors have a record of th ree to® linesman on th e 20-yard line, wood
western Oregon.
Only persons who have failed to at toe union high school Saturday aid Brown second and Ralph Don-
straight wins ln the district title
Beaverton then opened up a con- will be assisted by Miss M argaret skow of Oregon S tate college.
• • •
T he conference was the last of make any paym ent under the new night under the auspices of the aid Ellis third.
Forest | certed drive th at was stopped by Dixon, county nurse, and Dr. Ralph
October was the biggest m onth battle. having defeated
28 such meetings held in all j» rts law which canceled all penalty and Rotary club Announcement w a s
Because there were so m any dlf-
Grove 19 to 0. McMinnville 13 Hie desperate Hilhi linesmen on Dresser of Hillsboro.
from the standpoint of collections to
Reduction of the personnel in of the state. Approximately 3000 Interest on taxes delinquent p rio r) made th a t it would be an annual ferent types of hobbles exhibited
7 nnd Newberg 33 to 0. Hilhi ! toelr own one-yard line. Emmons
by the Industrial Accident commis­
other classifications were made,
a .500 rating ln tlie conference made two yards a t ren ter and then the county SERA and relief office grangers were contacted during the to 1931 and which provided for affair.
sion since 1929. Contributions to has
ls being made this week In com- scries.
ten sem i-annual paym ents on the
Harold Gilbert and E. H. Rock- Tom Bronleewe was awarded a
the workmen's compensation fund with a 57 to 0 trium ph over New- hashed hls way over the left side p!lance with a notice to cut ad-
on a covered wagon carving
by employers during October to­ berg, a 7 to 7 tie with M rM lnn- ' <>f Hi» line for a first down on the m intetrative costs received by R | V I - i 1
proposed suit.
Portland, acted as Judges and spoke from soap and Ernest Brown sec-
W Well, chairm an.
iV ia iin g
K C p O ttS
talled »281,7)4."9 while employes
Letters are also being sent out »» toe dinner for R otarians, their ond on carvings of chess men. Lois
of Beaverton.
j Emmons plowed to the one-yard
IMitd ln u total of »26.874.96, ac­ hands
by the sheriff's office in regard to
wives nnd some exhibitors, which Hewitt won first prize on coins
counting for 2.687,490 m an-days of
paym ent of delinquent personal *«s held prior to opening the doors for beginners an d Howard Hughes
N e w 4 - H C lu b G ro u p s
labor as compared to 3,113.733 inan-
property taxes.
to the public a t 8 o’clock. G irls of ¡coin exhibit received an award
f”’ ,a . two"-yal'd loRS 0,1 *>>
S ta rte d
in C o u n t y
ilays a t the ixxik of prosperity ln makers" dumped Hilhi 13 to 0 but :
18 . eS8v. rohdltlons are much
----------- --------------
the domestic science class served
Jean Abts won first ln the se n -
have a powerful backfield bull! 1
.September, 1929.
„ B'r ..ln ,h e east, according to B i
\x /______n _______
, the dinner. Both men cited the lor division on her drawings and
value of hobbles to children In keep- Jean Oversby an honorable men
around Hediger and Baum gartner, ! O(1 „ ‘" in tr kl4ked <lut. u> his own Ix-i-n' organized r inb KW ashlngton ^ Mil*lllg' President of lUy^-Maling. ^-o u n , y W “ r r a i1 1 * P r o v e
and o,11 1 np.xl' play Emmons' county, according to a report this
Tin- Veterans' Aid commission members of the 1933 championship
* n° , Up”5 u , P 8 a lu r(lay
* ° b e G o o d I n v e s t m e n t s *ng their minds busy.
tion. Jam es Abts was awarded a
also reports a boom ln collections squad. On the other hand, the local ?rrt hî?Ho WT )1R<>Pf cd.» CO,d' The week from the county school super- „ m an extended business trip to
Marked increase ln the value of) NpU Richards°n won th e grand second ln the Junior section and
1 llg fu"b ark then broke lnlendenl's office. Clubs and leaders New York and other eastern busl-
In October, totaling »152,278 18. the
w arrants is evidenced by the fact Prize with his collection of stamps. Norma Lou Kroeger a second and
..... 1933
.n-,n HUhl
i? .» u .___
to the
Cooking -----
neM -- centers.
He »vw»u
found «».»«
th a t ui-op«-
iir.a open nnd started for the nre as follows: v Durham
w iu u u v>uos.«.s
---—-™. **v
largest am ount taken In for a cor­ icnce of the
Questionable completed forward L o
, y
4l,ri';?n 0,11 o [ ' " • Mrs. Esther C. Pllklngton; Sher- were really looking forward to quite th a t a private purchaser made the Bp placcd Hrst in the senior divi- Mary Ellen Morrison a third ln
responding m onth since 1931.
rounds of the court house T hurs-i 8*01’ ln tlK“ stam p classification and beginners for drawings.
nass over he
line in th e flral n
1 ° ? ,^ o Ch “ ne Again wood Sewing I. Evelyn Fiske; Sher- an era of prosperity.
Big business he said decided day offerlng a premium of one per pa ^ nriy. ? lsched® .? ia»S ^ C?n<l.
P rank Vuylsteke received a first
, ,ir I".
2, R ] * ,
. 1 ,81 the Blue nnd W hite line turned wood Sewing II. Mrs. Florence
A total of 110 prisoners have been How B h* as i° m ° ri S '”
», !\ <>U»u int4> 11 stone wnl1 and threw t h e ) Gooding; ReedvlUe H ealth club, late in Septem ber th at the Roose- cpnt for salary w arrants. A short £eddy O ardncr was first and Jack on hls arrow head collection and
released from the stole penitentiary down by Fullback Emmons In the plunging Emmons bnck five yards Mrs-
Bear; Laurel Home Cook- velt adm inistration would win out timP ftRO county employes were Bowe 8?4‘And for-, UiP 1tl,nl?r , d -'L" K enneth T upper a second K ath-
here during the l>iL,t four years
' thp
1 ’ taking a five per cent discount
“ ”r e N^ . Cy
n ? ? J ." ™ ? w llpy was given a second on
gave Beaverton n 12 to <> In three attem pts.
I cry club Miss Alpha K err; Aloha- tn
through conditional pardon-, granted second
victory over HUhl Friday ln a gomei T hen came th e questionable pass l,llbcr cl<>,hln6 ” • Mixs R oialls the t,hlniT £ ’ elpctl4>ns and th at w arrants sold.
^ X i r i ^ r i z T o ^ '^ i o n X - r i o l i / o f a h®341 h®11 an d O race K*®»»10® •
by Governor Meier. The list In­ played
olavtNl In a d driving
r iv in g r rain
a in and
anrt n
n a f or a touchdow n U nable to >cn
R eed A eadem v nnnlelnir rbiH
th in g to
glv, n s, cond prize on collections of second for her agates. Third» were
cludes 14 murderers serving sen­
Academy Sewing club, Mrs. Roy, J-*1 th e New Deal.
Legion M eets Friday
tences ranging from 25 years to field th a t was a sea of mud. Tlie trate the Hilhi goal line defense, H
l ? \ T d i w ith , hlsd 6Xf i ibtu /
T< ^ U T b T t U f aii ^
life, four rapists and six men serv­ Hlllmen staged two brilliant goal Saxton faded back and tossed the Ernest W tlfert; and Scoggins S ew -Jlocal canning plant will be ln-
Hillsboro post. American Legion,
ing long term s for m anslaughter. line stands by th eir offensive, bnsed ball to Emmons over the goal line. ing Handiwork club, Mrs. Eugene creased 50 per cent for next year will meet Friday night to consider airplane building placed first for E1Us
(ContlntimJ <m pa«« ft. column I )
on reverses and laterals, which wns
last minute plans for the Armistice he .senior division In miscellaneous. BtanseH on hls white rats. Orrlelle
(Continual nn png« 10, rolumn 1,
'declared Mr. Mallng.
day celebration on Monday.
In Junior classification G erald Way!
(Cmdnurton p « . ni.wiums l)
S ta r ts J
« * 1 D ld r ie Q
by Red Cross
H o u sin g Plan
I JCtclliS SoO W ll ------
H en ry Y o u n g
vJCtS zaWtirCl
Local G range
New SERA Projects
Approved in Countv Ora!ges Ux,k i’’ut in the
H ilh i Plays Tillam ook Squad
County Plans Suit
H ere in ?\rmistice D ay Crame ln was.hington county was ap- 2S2Ç.8 !??**a 100 per cent at
Delinquent Taxes Nv^^Brito^nL/
J <? W 1
427 ^
H o b b y S h ow A ttracts Interest
A m o n g Local C hildren, Parents
Dettcr Business ,he
• ♦ •