THE Page Eight H IL L S B O R O ARGU S. H IL L S B O R O . | garet Olsen, president; Betty Leedy. 7 vice-president, Doris Rahmig. « ‘»’- ¡ a retary; Jean ette Slater, treasurer; “ M arjorie Erstead. sergeant-at-arm s; Mrs. A. Gregg and Mrs. H. Elwert. advisors. Miss Doris Saekett, daughter of Mr and Mrs. Robert Saekett of T igers H ave Full Strength 1’igara. » a s chosen song queen for th e alum ni rally week-end at Lut- for C ritical G am e field recently. _____ j Partners in this section o n 1 y J w ant 10 days of good weather ui (B y C u rtis T ia s n I) 1 which to complete farm ing opera - TIGARD _______ — In one of the b ig tions for the season. Many have games of tlie county tills week. Tt- waited for weeks for rain a n d gard high will m eet Forest Grove finally started to drv plow when there for Tigard's first comity en- j the heavy rains came. Seeding is counter. Tigard has had a two being carried on in a num ber of weeks' rest period in which to have big farm s In this section Farm s their injured and sick men r e - I are now in demand, according to cupcrate and expects to have its reports and many inquiries are be- I11U strengtli in tlie field. C oinpara-. mg made about' them, but there five dope would favor tlie lig ers ;u-e none of importance left in this if earlier scores are indicative, for section Tigard defeated McMinnville i n , O u| of their guardian. Miss Ethel Smith 1 at the Charles Devercll home lasti l e t tlie advertisem ents help you lA'llowlug a business meeting nature week and also did some hunting make your shopping plana. Mr am i Mrs Edgar H erm an am i tam es were played. Theresa Puetseli h.ui c h arm of tin' games and Her son C harles oi lin g o n f i t i were nice Friday a n d Ione llaleinmi Sunday guests ot Mr and U n »> II l ’et«'rsit»«< h lining and atop McGraw won the prize for flic of that city Surviving lier are l» « brothers. Iialit A I .ta i of •< !«••» Irllwra pralalng the | games. Janies Slum ot I’m (land mid Jack I'dga Treaim m t have !•«•«» r r .r h P .I fr«.m Itanks D efeated Khaa ot Ontario. Canada, a sister Vlrtlma o f a t .'ii'a . It ul. . »». a -I I aloii.a. h. Banks was defeated by Gervais Stella, of Portland, mid a »on. H eil Indigestion, heartburn, gaa pain« hrhhing and other ayntidncna oi « * • • • * arid ity W rite m tootbuli Friday afternoon on tlie lferry of Winnipeg Camilla. I ’dga Null« »»*. » •■•’I H. hulr. Ilhlg . Ht. Gervais field 13 to 7 Tile score was Paul Minn f - r a Ire. »ample The ! lay in favor of Banks until tlie last O ur classified coluinms may have trial hoi - ten seconds of tile game when lust what you ure looking for — bark guarani»® ot aatlgfnvtlui) by Gervqla m ade a touchdown HlllalMiru P k a rm a rr Read them Banks church shipped out six dozen quarts of fruit last week to the M E Deaconess home lulXirt- land. It was canned by members and friends of tlie church. Tigard Eleven to Play Grove . . " i s « s s s Grove’s measure if w eather re- acre without lights fot several mains dry. Tigard m ight be e x - u n d a y morning when ported to put on a show in the a num ber of polt fell over as a air which will mean touchdowns ¡T811'1 oi Officers of Tigard Grange will Lights were off until the middle of compete in the officers' seating ¡¡u> morning The utilities suffered drill contest to be held at t h e rl'e ’ J* ’ 1 damage m the recent grange district conference a t Slier- gale * ,th a « ““ »<*‘1 of pules blown M S A t . ’s s ’ c B S S i building and which hung over tlie Jlon ' ’‘W’ ,Va *’Ja ln , telephone cable and lutlf way over ' “J ot l,\e depart- the highway, was removed by th e ¡.’“ “ L ', ’!>}t...TlgiUV, alut K1?e a. ta k telephone company last week 011 Safety m the near future. Rebekalis are planning a social MeWger " lMut‘u s f l\lb spunsored night November 13. Members have a Hallowe en costume dance at the to put on several dem onstrations a t i?11* ' Saturday night. Mrs the Rebekali district convention at \ IaP Townsend is piesident of the T ualatin November 10. It will be clu0' a n all-day session, b u t no night Letterm en of the high school meeting. Odd Fellows an d Rebekalis initiation for six new members will visit the liome m Portland week and took in Suns. Kecber. November 18 and put on a program. Carson, Ttowers. Selander and Beck- Another room is to be furnished by hanv both the Odd Fellow and Rebekali Tigard P arent-T eacher associa- lodge in the home. taon is sponsoring a card party Eleet O ffirers Monday afternoon a t the Tigard Girls' league of th e high school public school Bridge aaxi "500" w ill elected tlie following officers: M ar- be played. — ......— - Activity ill th e ■ '.me is picking up in Tigard with t h e Fourth street highway being worked on and many people are coming out into th is section. There are practically no vacancies in store buildings in .'.Tor-* Tigard with r the l». j Canadian Thistle Treatment Shown tain spent the week-end w ith her week-end with Henry's DJ parents Applying sodium chlorate as a uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. O Mr mid Mrs. W alter Beard. W. McGraw. Sunday the three vis­ Mrs. Jo h n Kessler and d augh­ control for C anadian thistle was dem onstrated by L E. Francis, a s­ ited relatives on Gales Creek. ters returned home Saturday from Mr. and Mrs. Pete Caveness and Portland, where they spent the sistant county agent, on tlie farm ot It H K inclidoe a t Hase’daie Mr. and Mrs. Erol Murray of P ort- with friends Thursday afternoon. Seven farmers land visited Sunday w ith Mrs. S tel­ Pupils of tlie seventh and eighth of ttie comm unity attended tlie la Kelly a t the N. Berdan home grades a n d their teacher. Clyde dem onstration following which a *i • They , , were form er neighbors of SwlVin r K x a a u u f i m m a a n n T l a a t k t e e « s r P a a n r t Mrs .... , ,, ... , Hopkins, had a Hallowe'en party general discussion of the use of Kelly a t Baker ut tlie school The chlorate on thistles and morning Eli Hopkins of W ishram. W ash . Friday evening in S tu d e n t B od y P la y was spent playing games giorv was held George Schabosky and Dorothy Hall of St. Helens evening and P. B. Staub, both of Huzrldale, were Sunday guests at tlie Hopkins and Hallowe'en stunts. Mr. and Mrs. Em m ett Shipley and Hazeidale. have used the chlorate (Bjr M r». Fred W o lfo rd ) home In Banks. Prudence Hix of Oregon Normal n°v VlSlteC* treatm ent and reported very satis­ BANKS—Roy G unther, a senior M onm outh spent the week-end ^MUes D a v ^ o ? tS r^ m v « - visit factory results. in high school, has moved to Yam­ at Miles Duties» ol vancoutei UMI« hill and will enter the senior class w i t h I d a Hook ins Hazel Wolford has been absent ec^ Moss Sunday. (Continued from page 5) there. Eivin K aufm an has taken his from school the past two weeks ,, \ Ia* ‘ZCI1 ‘) Ioludauidale and ' You mean you lost her? Clare— part in tlie student body play. Nor- on account of sickness Ralph Moss and (.teonie Kessler ol I'm darned sorry. I had n 't h eard—" man Stanton, a junior, has moved ( Ily M r,. 1), I I. I'c lr r jo tll Frank Sias attended a meeting ILinks a cre hunting nn r l "Yes. I lost her. But she didn't to Vancouver, where he will atten d 2 i.u Mr. and Mrs. W O. Zedntk of JS a v “ 11001 Pr,nClpftk at Sal‘'" ' tile £ y with Mra Q f Z die. She found out she cared for high school. Milwaukie were week-end guests Saturday some one else more titan she did Mothers to Meet SDl'1 and Mr anil Mrs. lieorge Puterny for me. I found it out. too." M others club will meet Friday Mrs. Nielson Honored end with friends In Portland and daughters Caroline and Betty •O h—" afternoon w ith Mrs. E. E. Nicker- A surprise birthday dinner was Mrs. Jeff Kennedy and daughter Ann of Belli, and were Bunday given for Mrs. N. C. Nielsen Friday Connie Lou visited relatives in guests of Mr and Mrs. Joe Boro- Yes. Exactly. She was. a poor “ n girl when I m arried her. almost as I ? « J ' a l have charge of evening. Her children and their Hillsboro Saturday. vlcka and family. poor as Anne. And she came from the Pt^STam. families were present. Mrs. Kay Parmley and two chil- Mr. and Mrs Albert Scott left Phyllis Nelson. Moxie Hopkim* dren visited Sunday in Hillsboro Friday for Beattie to visit several a home th a t w asn't much better. S en d Fruit to Home - - - M r days. B ut she was pretty, devilishly pretty Six dozen quarts of canned fruit Prudence Hix and Sylvia O ash ein ' with Mrs. Parmley s parents, and ambitious—for herself' I fell and vegetables were shipped to the attended a Hallowe'en party given and Mrs. A. J. Friedley. Mrs. Olive Kercher and Mr. C ur­ for her h ard —and fast. I ought to M. E. deaconess liome in Portland Friday evening by Ida Hopkins and Mr. and Mrs A. C W ahl ac- ry of P ortland were guests of Mr have known better— Lord knows last week by the ladles of the her pupils a t the Spring Hili school, companied by Mrs. C. W. Moore and Mrs. C harles Devercll October I've had experience enough—but I church. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. W itt and drove to Portland Friday an d met 21. m arried her. She began by almost Barney Roscoe of McMinnville children returned Sunday to their John Wahl, who spent tlie week­ Mr. and Mrs. A rthur Overland of ruining me financially. And she and Miss Melda Heesacker of Cor- liome a t Garibaldi after a few days end a t his home here Mr and Bonita, visited Mr. and Mrs. Amo» ended by almost ruining me diplo- , nelius were Sunday evening guests visit with relatives near Banks, Mrs Wahl accompanied by Forrest Henderson and Mr. and Mrs Bert matically Caesar's wife had no th - of Mr and Mrs. Clell Carstens. Mrs. Jeff Kennedy and daughter Gibson took him back to Salem Meyer Sunday. ing on th a t of a rising young sec- Francis Thompson o f Portland Connie Lou visited relatives in Sunday Johnny Is a pupil in the Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Eisner and state school for the deaf children and Mr. and Mrs R M. retary. I left th a t post in Rome, spent the week-end with Mr. and Hillsboro Saturday. which I enjoyed so much, because I Mrs. B. W. Armentrout. Sunday George Kessler. R alph Moss and O. E. Johnson. A. C Wahl and Scott of T ualatin, parents of Mrs. was given an indefinite leave of they drove to Vernonia and were Max Dreezen were hunting a t Phll- B B. Tresham of Banks and Dr. Eisner, visited relatives at Flatters. absence. W hen I went to Paris. I guests of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice om ath Monday. R M KinPs of D irest Orove went Wasli., October 21 Thompson. Q uarterly conference was held in fishing October 24 on th e Big Nes- Mr. and Mrs Ed Johnson and went without her.” (Continued N e x t W eek) Seniors E n tertain the church Sunday afternoon. Dr. tucca. J J. Hutchens, who with daughter Lucille spent the week­ Senior class of the fugh school Louis Magín, district superinten- Mrs H utchens is visiting relatives end in D irtland with friends entertained the student body and dent, officiating. L ater in the eve- at Blain, was also a member of file Mr. and Mrs Ed Stohler and M A R IO N E T T E S faculty Friday evening w ith a ning D r Magin delivered the eve- party. They report a good catch, Mrs. Sum W alter of Bethany vis­ I This world is but a stage masked Hallowe'en party. ning address. getting ten big sllverside salmon ited Mr. and Mrs. B ert Meyer Oc And we the puppets all. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Davis of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Tilden and between them. tober 21. Each on the end o f a thread Held in the hand of fate. Manning were Monday visitors a t two children of Beaverton visited Miss Moxie Hopkins entertained Joe Borovlcka and W. Jednlk vis­ the CleU C arstens home. ■ Sunday with Mrs. George Moss. her first and seconil grade pupils ited Mr Borovlcka's father, Ku- P u ll one thread, we la u g h ; J. W. H unt and son Jim m y of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Hutchens are with a Hallowe'en pattv Friday dolphe Borovlcka. at Scio Sunday. I Pull another, we cry. St. Helens were Sunday guests of visiting their sons Claud and fam - afternoon. I A thread breaks, we d ia Mr and Mrs. Linus Lurson and Each o f us a m arionette. An tone Sohlcn of North Plains children of Portland were Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Charles Powne and | ily a t T aft and Caddie and family Guided by the hand o f fate, son Clark. I a t Blain. was a Banks visitor Monday. guests of Mr. and Mrs H erbert ! Dancing to the tune o f th e piper Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Sellers o f ! Mr. and Mrs. H enry Beard and W akapt-N ahan girls liad a party Eisner and family. O ver the flo o r o f the age« Hillsboro visited Mr and Mrs. W. sons of G reen M ountain spent the Saturday afternoon at the home George Dulln of Portland visited In to etern ity. T. Sellers October 24. , A R L Y N E B A R R E T T . 1340 Baseline St- Mrs. Nora Dooley of Forest Grove Hillsboro. spent a few days last week with her m other. Mrs. M. A. Dodds. Boy Scouts are making wood out of the oak tree th a t fell on their lot during the recent storm . They Nominee tor expect to have a fine lot of wood for the fireplace in their cabin. M. S. Woodman is very ill a t his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Clark Inkley and son are visiting relatives a t Banks W ashington and and vicinity. Clark has been tra n s­ Tillamook Counties. ferred from Los Angeles to Seattle j by the firm for which he works. Mr and Mrs W. G. Walker spent Election Nov. 6, 1934 Saturday night a t the John Luther home a t Keasey. On th eir way of October 17, 1934 32 years active practice in Oregon home Sunday they stopped in V er­ courts nonia and visited relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert H utchens of Forest Grove are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Archie Thompson a t M o u n -, taindale. Mrs. R A. Kennedy and little son Ronald of M ountaindale were Sun- ■ day visitors at the Eli G rindle and j John Hartwick homes. RESOURCES. Miss Alice Lane spent th e week­ end in P ortland with friends. Cash on Hand and Due from Banks $13,031,017.17 B arbara R itenau of G reen Moun- Banks Senior Moves Away "Queen Anne's Lace” Bend Ask Any Man And h e 'll say th a t th e first th in g he notices about a g irl is h e r h a ir — and th a t so ft, lu s ­ trous waves w in his vote! Millie’s Beauty Salon 1215 3rd SL Phone 1Î73 Ground floor Odd Fellows' Bldg I H . T. BOTTS T he First N ational Bank Circuit Judge of Portland, Oregon Condensed Statement of Head Office and 17 Branche« As DEFEAT THE HEALING ARTS CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT! YOUR REPRESENTATIVE VOTE 305 X NO Every person in Oregon is vitally concerned in the proposed “Healing A rts Constitutional Amendment” which will be on the ballot at the general election November 6. Under the fictitious claim of preventing “MEDICAL MONOPOLY,” this vicious Healing A rts Constitutional Amendment is proposed by; healing “cultists” and others having selfish in­ terests, in order to destroy the effects of the Basic Science Law passed by the last Oregon legislature. It also is designed to destroy the high standards maintained by our Oregon hos­ pitals, and to rob the State Industrial Accident Commission of its power to properly administer the ever efficient Workmen’s Compensation Act. This Amendment is a direct attack against ¡Oregon's enviable health standards and low rate of mortality. It challenges the self respect and common sense of every person who has the wel­ fare of this state a t heart. Every voter in Oregon should make it his or her business to appear a t the polls on election day and vote “NO” against the Healing Arts Constitutional Amendment, Vote 305 X No! Against the Vicious Healing Arts Constitutional Amendment Paid aJv. by Joint Committee for the Preservation of Oregon'« Hospital Standard» and Workmen’s Compensation Law Bov. Axel M. Green, Seey., 512 North Graham St., Portland, Or«. J T o ta l Resources T o ta l D ep o sits $59,848,910.51 $52,024,467.67 United States B o n d s ..................... 17,782,670.74 $.30,813,717.91 Bonds of Federal Agencies . . . . . . . . 4,272,238.75 Municipal and Other Bonds . . . . . . . . 7,601,112.12 Loans and Discounts . . . . . . . . . . 14,465,776.31 Stock in Federal Reserve Bank 135,000.00 Bank Premises, Furniture and Fixtures . . . . 1,801,251.92 Other Real E s t a t e ................................................... 109,510.00 Customers’ Liability—Acceptances and Foreign Bills ................................................................. 120,161.98 Due from U. S. Treasury (Redemption Fund) - - 125,000.00 Interest E a r n e d ............................. 278,527.34 Subscription to Federal Deposit Insurance - - - 51,263.2.3 Othef Resources 75,350.95 T O T A L ...................................................-” $59,848,910.51 LIABILITIES. Capital .........................................$2,500,000.00 Surplus — . . . . . 2,000,000.00 Undivided P r o f i t s .......................... 213,542.73 $ 4,713,542.73 Reserve for Contingencies, Interest, Expenses, etc, . . . . . . . . . . . 447,642.67 Circulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,500,000.00 Acceptances and Foreign Bills . . . . . . . 120,161.98 Other Liabilities . . . . . . . . . . . 43,095.46 D e p o s its ................................................................. 52,024,467.67 T O T A L ...................................................-"l59,84879i67iT RE-ELECT J. O. Johnson U pon Hi» R ecord! He sponsored and supported the following Legislation: — Old Age Pension — Reduction of Gasoline Tax — State Funds for Schools — Protection of our Dairy Industry 1—Reduction of P roperty I Taxes -Grange Pow er Legislation -And he consistently op­ posed the Sales Tax (Paid Ad».) Main B r a n c h .................... Fifth, Sixth and Stark Uptown Branch . . . . Sixth and Morrison Other Portland Branches ROSE CITY BRANCH............... ............NE. 42d Av«, ft Sandy Blvd. UNION AND RUSSELL BRANCH.__ NE. Union Av«, ft Ruiiell St. EAST PORTLAND BRANCH..............SB. Grand Av«. A Morriion St. SOUTHEAST PORTLAND BRANCH SB. 82d Av«, ft Foiftr Rd. MONTAVILLA BRANCH.................. SE. SOth Av«, ft St«rk St LIVESTOCK KENTON BRANCH...... Denver Av«, ft Kilpatrick 8 t BRANCHES OUTSIDE OF PORTLAND ALBANY HEPPNER SALEM ASTORIA HILLSBORO THE DALLES GRESHAM PENDLETON WOODBURN DEPOSITS IN THIS BANK AND ALL OF ITS BRANCHES ARE INSURED UNDER THE TERMS OF THE FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE PLAN Production WITH D O N ’T G R IN D YOUR O A T S! You t an make more money if you trad e your oata for I. X. L. DAIRY FEED This excellent dairy feed contains 500 pounds of feed concentrates per ton. u»e I. X. L. POULTRY FEEDS for beat result«! A high grnde feed nt it m oderate price. Seed W heat — Seed O »t» Seed V e tc h HILLSBORO FEED CO P hone 271 1004 M ain St. M c C o rm ic k -D e e rin g F a rm M a c h in e ry A Vote for a Democratic Candidate is a Vote of Confidence in the President Back the New Deal by Electing Your Democratic Candidates Charles H. Martin for Governor Horace E. W alter for Secretary of State R. R. Turner for Representative in Congress, First District J. W. Leonhardt for Superintendent of Public Instruction WalSred Shuholm for Labor Commissioner Geo. M. A itken for Senator, 11th District J. W . Raynard E. L. Ross for Representative, 4th District J. M» (Jock) Vanderzanden for County Commissioner H. R. Huson for County Surveyor R. E. Burns for County Coroner I Paid A»lv.) County Democratic C entral Comm ittee and \ R rpubllran friends of tlie Administration. )