Thunuliiy, November I, 1934 THW Dir Halloween program mul party nt Ihr Fir ( trovo mliool. Mr und Mm Anion Wutklna vln- Ihxl Bom <»indilli Tluir.Mluy al the l*oi I hind General hospital, where hr I . H I lnil»|y III A. N allerer linn been u t tlii* Ernest i G uenther home the |«i»t two week» H a l l o w e ’e n G a t h e r in g H e ld ““ ‘‘■«n« » 'll. some carpentering ' und general I m in work. W ultrr Hehmldt uiul Cora itu lltj a t W a t k in s ' H o m e of n rur Hillsboro wer« Bunday ■ ■ Klient» of ht» purent», Mr. and Mm. in» M.» r i. Bniwni Jacob Hchmldt. . , ¿ \¿ .. . , Mr. und Mr». William North L A U R E L Ml u iu l M n Amon , P re v i un d h e r la t h e r W ll- Walklnn entertained with u Hal ¿¿„..’n'v Ï. P< rtlu n d were Tuendav Laurel People Enjoy Party lo w e e n p a r ty u t t h e i r h o m e F rid a y .‘" , * 2 J ' . J „ 7 H IL L S B O R O F1F C lF O V C H IL L S B O R O , OREGON School Dresses 'That H ead Their Classes .j. .¡. .j. •I* *1* *1* ■!* «I* AI UHI.h IN HIESI* DISI IN( I IVE I HO< KS, COLLEGE LASSI S \\ ILL I INI) 1IIEIII WORK IMMENSI ItABLY MOKE ZI.SI1 I I. Field», Maxine Feldt, George Hol- »Cher, Betty Havens, Rena Hertel, MAN’S HEART STO PPED. Florence Holcomb, Jam es Kohlmey- STOMACH GAS CAUSE er. G race Kingston, Marlon Peters Robert Patterson. Elizabeth Sabo. W L. Ailams was bloated so with Helen Baldfeld. Helen Schmidt, gas th a t his h eart often missed • By Mrs. R. P Rasmussen i Anna Schwanke, Edith Walters, O. B Kraus, county superintend- beat» after eating. Adlerlka rid hint Helen Wick o ent of schix»ls of W ashington coun­ f all gas. and now la- eat» a n y ­ T hree subject pupils Sophomores, tv in his first Interview as chalr- thing an d feel» fine Tlie Delta M argaret Cypher, Dorothea Schaus man of th e legislative committee Drug store.—Adv. I Benlors, Dorothy Becker. Frances ; of the county council of P arent- I Lair. K athleen McAlear, Jam es Teacher associations, said th a t If Sameel. Blanche McCormick, p. Q , the 20-mlll tax lim itation amend- and Alice Schulmerlch, P. o. m ent 1» passed by the voters at the polls next week there won't he any money to run the high schools of W ashington county. Mr. Kryms said the elementary school fund would th en furnish 'mly *113 per teacher and only *5 I By Mrs Zell G Rtruthora) HITEON—E D. Hite was hurt per child on the district census. DOES YOUR R A D IO - quite badly last Monday when he This would make it necessary for j POP. crackle, hiss, hum, or fell while loading baled straw He practically all grade school dis­ whteUe? We specialize In clear­ Is reported as Improving. th e full five mills ing up these troubles Call us Hiteon club was well represented tricts to by levy the amendment. Even with confidence. Friday a t the County Federation allowed the full am ount of this levy In meeting at Scholls. many districts would not keep the Results Guaranteed Rebekah club members met Oc­ grade schools open for any thing tober 4 with Mrs. Lester Robinson like the norm al term. a t the home of her mother. Mrs. C ‘In this case," said Superintendent W Struthers Eleven were present and the afternoon was spent m ak­ Kraus, "w hat would the high schools have to operate o n ? Nothing, ing quilts. Mr and Mrs Charles VanKleek simply nothing. It would m ean th a t Selfridge Bros. Phone 21X attended Pomona Grange a t Gale all the high school» in W ashing­ Grange hall October 24 Mr. Van­ ton county would be compelled to PHILCO DEALERS close their doors. Do th e people of Kleek was elected steward. Miss M arguerite Ferris of this Washington county w ant this?*’ district was Initiated In the Torch Honor society a t Beaverton high school. Red raspberries are so plentiful on the Handy place Mrs. Ray Kin- ken canned eleven quarts William P. Campbell spent sev er-! al days near White Salmon W ash.,! last week. Danger Tax Limit Plans Here Cited Stop R adio Noise Douglass R ad io Service ELEC T H. D. TO HEAR NEW PASTOR All who will are cordially Invited and earnestly urged to attend the annual meeting of the Union Gos­ pel Mission of Portland Monday evening. November 5, at the First Republican Candidate M ethodist church. Portland. Dinner served a t 8:30 tickets 35 cents. To be followed by the hour in the for church auditorium a t which time Dr. Albert G. Johnson, newly a r ­ rived pastor of the Hinson Memor­ ial church, will speak on "Give ye ; them to e a t” Program includes good male quar­ te t of Salem, unique in the field of Gospel song and evangelism. Clip Out anil Mull This O rder Blank for P attern s W ith Dr. Johnson. Rev. Ezra S. Gerig, pastor of the Staub Mem­ orial church, and Ross Cornell, now FASHION Bl'RKAU, a successful business man who was On May 28, 1934, the President of the W ashington County 1(>:| P ark Ave., New Vork Cl(y helped Into the new life through Tax Reduction and Equalization League in his annual re ­ With this coupon, whlob I clipped from the the mission, will speak. They will port to the League made the following statem ents: declare w hat It m eans under God "In comparing the road levy of 1933 with other years th a t the churches of the city and this section have set a Gospel light­ we find th a t it is about the sam e as the levy of 1914 o f ,\fH » p a p r r ) house down into this stream of a and considering th a t some of these funds were used for I am enclosing.................. cents. Please send me hundred thousand men. homeless relief and th a t we have many* more miles of road than th e p attern s listed below at 15 cents per p attern : ! all, who have taken to th e road we had in 1914 the savings enum erated clearly show th a t these depression years economy has been the watchword of the members of the You will learn what it means th a t P a tte rn num ber: County Court and Road Engineer." the churches have opened and a well of salvation among the broth­ 333 ............ ................... els, saloons and gambling dens of He fu rth e r sta te d : th e North end. You will be brought 347 Size "Exam inations show th a t the affairs of this county so face to face with th e challenge to far as the Court has control are efficiently and econ­ Name . go on from the solid beginning of omically m anaged” these past seven years of the mis­ Address sion’s life; churches of the city This report was printed in the County papers in the edi­ and section keeping step with the City . . . Union Gospel Mission movement tion of May 31, 1934. across the country. State Mall to-day to the Union Gospel VOTE FOR H. D. KERKM AN for CO UNTY COMMIS­ 21 S. W. Third Ave.. P o rt­ W rite your name and address plainly, giving num ­ Mission, land. a card th a t the num ber of ber and size of patterns you want. Enclose 15 dinner reservations may be known. SIONER and for a continuation of this efficient and econ­ cents In coin for each number, and mail your or­ Signed—H arry A. West, for the omical management of county affairs. der to Hillsboro Argus Fashion Bureau, 103 Park i trustees. adv (P aid Adv.) __________________ Ave . New York, N. Y. K erkm an L>1UD were Hunddy |1 w“ ‘ in d □ u c te d ^ u h ler^ M ^ rrlh ill ^ ^ A h S i Mr “ l F” n *îi' Hllls clllt» bc- C. A. Teller was home from °f the school year, according t o , B. W Barnes, superintendent: ln n !i uîid K emicth M clnnu v £ Portland over Sunday. Freshm en—Jeanne Abts. Robert Mrs. Dysle of Bethany lias pur & i n £ k , v 8ChaU,f‘er “ * POrÜMnd »o’ t h ^ l i ^ l e ï ’^ n r e T t chased th e D. E. Bales farm. Allison. Glennis Carlson. Jack tv,.»,.-» »,^1 i n - u . i . . . llH* tournam ent wiU receive prizes Christenson. V erna Dillon. Ethel M ri Ì c * k whlle eil< *> member of the winning Harty. R alph Hesse. Mildred K rah - ‘T h e G a y D iv o r c e e ” N o w Hi mni took Mrs. I. O. McCormick »»»«»n uill rccclvi» u coif hull mer. C hester Rasmussen, Margaret to the Portlund 8anltarlum B a tu r-1 ,eam * lu reccl' e a 8°« oal1 Players on one team may play Showing at the Venetian Ruecker, Anita Weik. day for treatm ent for bronchial tïiât anY oilier player on the opposing Sophomores— B arbara Enschede. asthm a. Report Monday was th a t •—x ..... ........................# -o ~ — » “The Oav Divorcee, at, m e v e u - slie was aomewhat Unproved ^ ‘„“ m a i ^ will give full handicap rtlan tonlgh t prujay and Saturday, Marybel Flint. Helen G raf. Esther , . i f o r r liiiT tPrwvH A c ta lr « n e r i < T in _ Dunean York of Reedvllle spent k “1’*' membt* I O l II 4 C I t ¿ n i l W i l l IX co-starring H arty. Vivian Hesse. Dixie Lee Fred Astaire and G in­ 1>u»t week at the D M M cInnis required to play four 18-hole ger Rogers presents the complicated McDowell, Vivian Sacressen. Tom home helping K enneth McInnis, m atches during Uie contest, and hilarious predicam ent of a Stretcher. Irm al Trask. Jean W en­ who was suffering from a badly In- Teams are as follows young lady who believes her boy ger, Florence Wonderlick. K enneth fected hand, caused by* an axe cut , ® ?rre5l * H o lz n a g - friend is a "professional flirt'* and Tupper. Vlzltorz a t t h e L T. Flnigan el* 8t£“ ni‘,1,“ n * BA‘AC 1. J L JVldFr' who therefore tried to teach him Juniors—Billy Allison. Helen Beck­ home Sunday were Mr and Mr.« „ ’"j 1 Miller. M C. Johnson Tintan La\t*i. ,h<' <“rror of hU w ays* 1116 com PH- er. Joy Foelker, Melba Haverstick. acKenzle abetted by Dorothy Jackson. Harold Meyer, G ito Ornduff and Robert; Mi and Hadley. Al MacKenzie. Tipton. caUons are B,ded Mrs Tom Shuck and Stanley ol Propstra, Replogle Cate. *’ those inimitable funsters. Alice Ann Munkers. Marjorie Montgom­ Hillsboro, Mr and Mrs. Jam es C ondu* Brady and Edward Everett Horton. ery. C hristine Robb. Dorothy Stein- Itachln of Portland; Mr. and Mrs. ° « I ke. Robert Tongue. David Torbet. Oscar Hagg and Ida Lou of R e e u -! 8 t,oo»ed to »UCh movement. I believe th a t public officials and employes An hour agd a well-ordered bam receive greater pay for their serv­ ices Uuin th e pay of our farm ers with Valuable rattle. An hour later, a ma»» of flames taking 11» toll of and producers, property and life! DON'T wait u n ­ I deslr< to »es Oregon belief Itted til It'» loo late—be protected now— lit every way powOMe in connec­ always — because you ran never tion With Uie construction of th e tell when fire will h it your be­ Bonneville Dam but I do n o t be­ longings! lieve thia Is th e tim e to burden the Btate of Oregon with a great bonded IndebbxUicss until It Is def­ initely determ ined wliat we may expert, from the Federal G overn­ Agent m ent In Uie distribution of elec­ Every form of protection - Fire, trical power and energy In the automobile, casualty, liability, S tate of Oregon generated a t the Fidelity, Surety and Life. Bonevtlle Dam, bringing to every Phone 1732 1144 3rd S t m anufacturer, every city dweller, and every former its benefits on Paid tor by Tax Limitation Laagua of Oregon, C, If. Cover, Scey.. 410 B. W. 10th Ave,, Portland equal terms. (Pslil Adv.) ' in Entertainment ELECT Page Sevan E. D. Hite Hurt in Fall at Home itu ie h ih W evening guest» ut tlu- Italelgh W hit­ evenlng ( lame* were played and more home. Mr». Hnghen gave a reading Those Mr. aiul Mm H erm an W hitm ore, present bennies the hunt and hunteaa were guests a t a birthday dinMBI were Mr and Mm llioinu.', Hnillh, ut the home of h er (»arents. Mr 1 Miule uiul Norliw Hnillh. Mm Ituy and Mm Albert Kobersteln of G as­ Moon-, lumen and Wilbur Moore, Dewey Mereer. M llluent and Junior ton ( leorge Hchmldt of Gobi Beach I >uiiajiu»»r. Mr. uiul Mm W illard | W(M( a n „vernlght guest ol hin p a r­ lluglur», June Gifford, Mm A ent» Haliirdav after attending a Nurlerer, uiul John, Jean, Teddy teacher»’ convention In Hulem oil j and Steven Wutklnn Thursday und Friday. The "dreu»-up" party held by the Hundav dinner guentx u t the Mm. Frieiutly Corner eliu.n of tlu- Mun­ Flora Baker home were Mr. und day nehool a t the Ailolph Hchmldt Mrs W I» Baker, Mr und Mrs. home Thumday evening wun a t ­ Nell Baker and Mins Erma Buker tended by more th an 20 member». of Manning. Mr. und Mrs Wlllluin ( The refrenlunent committee served Joo» of Hillsboro; Mr und Mm. I hot doughnut» and elder Harry Hchmeltaer and George Kirk - ; Mr aiul Mm J W Mulloy. Mrs putrlrk Of - Mountain ....................... lloini Mr. Amelia Campbell and W I. Htev- i and Mm Charles Tutm au and eni. ullended Hu- funeral services of * fnwrence T atuum of (heluilem Mm. Annu Heltzel of Farm ington Mountain lust Huturday In Hillsboro Mr and Mr». J II Felton, Mr. Mr aiul M m A m o s W atkins mul amt Mrs. Fr«d Hchmldt uiul Cecil Mrs A Nuderer vlaitixl Ill s mother. Hchmldt visited Ituy Felton a t Bau- Mrs E Wutklnn of Portland, last Vies' Island (X'tober 23 Huturday. Mr. uiul Mr». Ed Lxxih and Mm. Recent guests ut Hie C. P Stuf- Victor Nelson of Portlmul and Mrs. lord home, guests of Mm Louise Florence Peterson of Hillsboro were Brunner, wi re tier son Fred Brim- Bunday guests of th eir mother, Mrs. tier uiul Mr aiul Mis J M l i e n - Cully IMIley. They were culled back nett of INirtluhd. Mr aiul Mrs Monday morning by the sudden O tto (truss of Alolui and Mm Elsie Illness »1 tlu-lr mother, wlio Is con- llrliii and daughter of Kelso, valesclng a t this writing. •---------------- — — Mr. mid Mm. Ed Iteetr. (Nancy g-o /-»• < P c a ia t’ili a n d so n V irgil of D a y to n A RG U S. Golf Club Plans I earn Match Play n County Commissioner nT?fkUtneÄ!Hilhi Students 1°/ J „ on Honor Rolls REGULAR 427.50 Padiantfirp TESTED FOR 100 YEARS w. RAYNARD 4% .Green Mountain Washington Savings & Loan Ass’n J. You cun ch a n g e th is p ic tu r e by Fire Visits Your Bam Can You Afford Such Possible Loss • The supply of genuine Humphrey Radiant- fires which have been specially priced at $15.75 are almost sold out! Order yours now! For any left after Nov. 7 must sell for the regular price of $27.50. Cozy and convenient! You'll like the way this Sparton model Radianlflre banishes chill in the morning be­ fore your furnace “gets down to business’’ and on days not sufficiently cold to make you want to light your furnace. This gas healer is extremely cozy in the evening because the lighted radiants take on a glow similar to an interlaced mass of red hot twigs. It affords the charm of an open fire without being accom­ 3 0 2 X V on Healthful as sunshine! Turning on a Gas Radiant fire is like “turn­ ing on the sun.” Science hat proved that these heaters produce both ultra-violet and infra­ red vibrations of such a moderate intensity that everyone may en joy their beneficial effects. No harm comes from continued ex­ posure. Inspect this specially-priced Radianlflre in one at our showrooms. Then plan to order yours at once because the sale will definitely end on November 7. W Price Includes tn slsllallon In Srcplace on first door er in base­ m ent. alight additional charge for Inalalling In other local ions. CHAS. L. WALKER V o tin g F o r T a x L im ita t io n panied by smoke, ashes, dirt or bother. It can be regulated to provide just the amount of warmth you desire. P ortland G as & C oke C ompany 1300 Main St. Hillsboro, Oregon