Page Six THE H IL L S B O R O ARGUS, H IL L S B O R O , OREGON Thursday, November I. 1'i.ti of Hillsboro ami Wilma and M ar­ wltli a birthday party 111 honor ol Sunday al their faun and attended jorie M arr of Kansas City. 1 H illy I V liin t o I k i r t l a n d i Mr Heaton's birthday iX lo b er 24 (he nagiani given Sunday evening Mrs. Larry Lawton of Seattle vis­ | al the Uxlge hall after the regular at the church H ills b o r o Auto Freight ited her sister. Mrs. Bradford meetings Members of Lincoln and m II llo.nrth s|»'nt the week- Bonded and liuiured G am er Powles, last week 1 Ruby lodges anil several friends end on a business trip to G rants Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Halui are Serving Beaverton, Aloha, ll«e,| I were guests. Mr lleaton was ulso pass and vicinity on a trip to Southern Oregon. vllle. llUlkhoru. (iirnellus and honor guest at a dinner given Bun- Mr and M l' Geoige lewellyn Messrs, and Meadames Loel Hol­ day by Mr and Mrs It T Hesse spent the week end al Newpoit Forest Grove lenbeck. J. L. VanDomelen and Hollenbeck» E n tertain a t Floyd Raffety attended Pythian ¡when 13 relatives and friends were Bunday gui-is al the Will Gein- P ickup and D elivery Service at I entertained In honor ot his birth- liella home were Mr and Mrs. J A I'aekage Italea Sister Temple at Hillsboro Friday P a rty ; Smith» Honored day. Undow ol Cedar Mill evening. Hillsboro Phone M3 B en efit Friday Fai mlngton Bunday school W UI Mr. and Mrs. W J. Wall and A community benefit dinner will i„- held a, 10 a in. Instead of 10 30 East Hid» '¡Vrmlnal Portland Mr and Mrs. Stanley Halm re ­ MOUNTAINDALE The work on turned lie given ul the C W Larkin home lU i formerly Wednesday front a fishmg Phone EAst »131 the M ountaindale electric light ex­ trip to th Fllday from 13 to 2 p ill. The pro- Mr ami Mrs J M Btreli het e eoast. tension lias been started Earl Hol­ deeds will start a cook Stove fund visited the F M Henderson home Bible school will be held a t lenbeck has finished delivering the M ountaindale Sunday at 10 a. m for the church kitchen. The affair m D ullam l Tuesday Mi llendei DO YOU GET UP NIGHTS? poles for tile lute. will be followed by the Bcholls .M,n «hu formerly lived in B< hulls. and the regular Sunday school at ABE VOU tlV I lt I«' Ladies' Aid meeting. was Just recently called to Chicago Mr. and Mrs. B ert Wilkes. Mr. 9 a. m. If so. nature is w anung you ot Mrs Harry Hoetfel and son ot and appointed .ales manager lor and Mrs Jack Dyer and son Jackie Mr and Mrs. H. J. M ailer re ­ Witch Hasel were over-night guesls d,,. power equipment depai I incut ot danger ahead. G et rtd of your and Dan Phillips of Longview vis­ turned from Idalm Monday, where of her parents. Mr amt Mrs J E u u. western division lor ihe Intel trouble early. Make tills 25c test ited Mrs. A. C. Wirtz Sunday. Mrs. they have been visiting. Bennett. Thursday Mrs. Hoeffel national Harvester eoni|wuv Ills tie! JUKI tier Oil. lluchu leaves, etc, Wirtz returned to Longview with Saturday visitors at the Archie was a soloist on tile Woman's dub headquarter- will tie In Denver them to visit her daughter. Mrs. Thompson home were Mr. a n d til green (ablets. Ask for BHKET h ' federation meeting program Wilkes. Mrs. Homer Kotch and Mr. and llie bladder laxative Take 12 of Benefit Supper Attracts . . . Miss Bernice Dillon of Hillsboro Kira Delbert H utchens of Forest tlwiu in four duva. If not pleased The Annual Mountain Home spent Saturday night and Sunday Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Wade Armen- go Ixuk and get your uginey. 1813- Ladles Aid benefit chicken pie sup wlth M argaret Mathiesen trout of Banks. Miss Mamie Sandy KETH work on tlie bluditer similar iwr will be November 9 There will / Mr. and Mrs. L. B Hollenbeck o( Buxton and Frances Thompson be a candy booth and also a sa le ol V. ' I I I t I U> l N i l l l l t At to easier oil on llie bowels Flushes visited over the week-end a t Sea- of Portland out excess acids and other Impuri­ bags of farm produce which will side with Mrs. Hollenbeck's brother. Mr. and Mrs. George Herniens pi BEAVEHTUN l'ix- newly elected ties which cause getting up nights, take the place of the annual bazaar W. B. Hollenbeck, and family. and family of Verboort were Siut- are Delbert llurke. The Sunday school orchestra will lli-Y . . olfleers . Amos Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hollenbeck ¿ay visitors at the Joe Baker home, llierly. vlee-preat- frequent desire, scanty flow, burn­ furnlsli musk- and group singing I’" ' ' entertained friends Wednesday eve- Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Hutchens Ivln Guniin and ing. backache »r leg |mms You are will be one of the main features ol treasurer. ’ ami David Secretary ning with a "500" party. High scores of Forest Grove were Wednesday Mason, re­ bound to feel better after this the a ita r dinner amusements. Serv­ were made by Mr. and Mrs. Jam es evening visitors a t t h e Archie New inemtMi.-. a re Edwin flushing and you get yoiu- regular ing will begin a t 6 » m and con­ porter. Mathiesen. second by Mrs. Richard Thompson home. lîlulter. John Btaehle. Ellis Nyland. sleep G uaranteed by Dell« Drug tinue until all are ferì. Sandford and Henry Cypher. Those Mr. and Mrs. William Fisher of Henry ülckiiiun. lavricU e leppiin store Adv Social Friday present were Messrs, a n d Mes- Nampa. Idaho, are visiting friends dames Henry Cypher. Richard Sand- in this vicinity Midway school will hold a basket Markey Bayle and la'onord Rhor- baek. social and program Friday evening ford. William Joos. Jam es M athie- Miss Daplme Lowe and a friend T. H Bclioene and Mrs W. J E ntertainm ent will Include plays, sen. A. K Reynolds. Loel Hollen- Miss Switzer and Gordon Layton, "A Joke (Ui Bobby" amt "Five Jo l­ Scott entcrtalned a group ot frtends beck, Andy Christener, and the wlio are attending Oregon State ut a luneheon at ladies of Rotary ly Ghosts," by up|x-r classes; " Three host an d hostess. college, spent the week-end at th eir j D e m o c r n tic C a n d id a te Mr. and Mrs. Sam R affety went homes here Jolly Pum pkins;' tap dance, and luneheon a t the ivw ter Plate In Portland Wedncsduy Dards wrre to Rockaway to repair th eir house. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Corev and "Three K ittens.” by primary de­ tiw fo r diversion of the ufternowt which was damaged by th e storm, children were Sunday gues'ts at | partm ent; and special music C of­ GUI R éserves of the B eavertoli t i , ...... By ■ Loren . , T. " T ■ S p a n ish and W orld W il t s , tlig» M a- Armed w ith board iiw nikt* nr m t l iss fee will be served. -Anniversary' O bserved the Fred Youngen home a t Hel- There s a long, long trail awlnd- n n es won laurels for their corps on r, , , or cutlass, L. M Miller went to Tuft Bull- hlgh schixil «laid a masque rude | The Misses Amy and Helen Hoi- vetia. ing back to th e first birthday of land or ___ sea. Each crisis rh*o th a t k .,7?“ pj““ y nc ,u o ,u’lne ____ _ ••„■ “S.i us“ ■Murtoy o m e on a “ I day day. He took Mrs Luev Miller and l,al'ly Friday lenbeck were hostesses a t the Earl the U. S M arines who celebrate America' has” faced “has given th e his mod*rn P ^’totype Is I Mrs Mis Lily Bones to their homes M' l n l s c . ol Ihc Erh iuUsldp Bridge Hollenbeck home October 21 at a the 159th anniversary of their corps sea soldiers an opportunity to serve skilled hi the use of machine guns. there, a after fier several visit al at 1 lub guest- of Mis Ruin Boyd several weeks weeks' visit dinner in honor of Mr. and Mrs. on November 10. Nearly eight th eir country, a n d m a d d itio n ¿ S n ¿ J “ 1 ,10 and ^ p h tn e s . the F. O. Miller home «1 her home in Sorrento October Hubert Sm ith's fifth wedding a n ­ m onths before the declaration of special tasks have been assigned ? to man a five-inch Mrs Anna Wenstrom of Portland 24 niversary. Those present were the Independence was signed, a Corps to them. t*111' 01 *u l(t-atrcraft battery. 1» a house guest of her sistei Mrs ^ rs- A ® Hansen has returned honored guests Mr. and Mrs. Hu­ of M arines was born amid the first Romance and adventure are In-1 Wooden ships and the cumber- Elisabeth Iteede ’ from a two mouths visit to WIs- bert Sm ith and son Earl. Mr. and B U X TO N *W ork*at^ the Elwood of A m ericas first fight for ter-woven in every episode of th eir s®n’*> weapons of Revolutionary Mr. and Mrs Loren »s«-ward and c“ns“ i ami Minnesota Mi ' Hunden Mrs. Earl Hollenbeck. Leonard Van- colorful lu-storj since the first h a«», » 'e ».a—i faded Into ••-- Uie past, and - 1 »*- Mr. ---* and -- Mrs — Earl - - Ruskr'-liVn'i'idC . visited ( i - id days at the Century Domelen. Sydney Connolly, and the mill is finished and workers are hostesses. Aniv and Helen Hollen- seeking other places of employment Tlie y a il harks hack to the days Marines, authorized by the Contin- lmve btx' n «^Placed with tile float- trip to H arrisburg during th e week of Progress Fair Cuiigregutloiuil chiirih ladies held beck. s Lane of Mist was a Buxton u*lgs buckled shoes; ental Congress in 1775, embarked on lng fortresses of steel an and m achtn- end a fixxi sale al Halstcu s Hardware I of wooden ships .uid iron men. of a successful expedition to the'*B a- *’rv which now guard our shores o . Norman Stanton, who has been visitor Sunday. Psh‘s are Coming I o store. ■ ----- ‘—* possible invaders. Likewise. Scholls' November fighting — tops. — It •------ ham as in 1776. capturing guns and — a»™inst attendtng Banks high school, has Mr. and Mrs. David Edwards and flintlocks and fig 1« when the Mrs M c McKercher has re tu rn -| gone to Vancouver. Wash., to a t- Elsie Meyers spent Sunday at the ’ lnds wa>’ through more than a am m unition from the Brittsii. tbe duties, customs, dress ami mode Scholls la d le s' Aid will six>nsoi a tend high school. Fred Beiiefiel home near Mantling ce,,tur>’ and a half of national Tl-.ev are traditionally a seafaring living of sea soldiers have benefit pie social and program at *d irom “ 'u 't'k visit with friends; in K uklund. Bri'iiierlon and Beattie. Sunday visitors at the Janies Miss R e t h e r f o r H H o n o r e d ! ' ents. ln ’ hich the land warriors force because the C ontinental C on- changed gradually with the tunes the grange hall. Mathiesen home were Mr. and Mrs. birThdav sYirmu-w"Tiny was direcUxI th a t particular care Oregon contributed Corl Wohlschlegel and family W ash more than The "ftOO" club wus entertained A. L. Jensen and Bernice Dillon given Miss Lucille Retherford of ^ ^ ¿ f o - b a n d be taken th a t no persons be up- 1,000 of its sons to serve in tlie with Mrs. i,. i. H ulett of Newberg -------------------------------------------------- i r u Ketneriord at fighting u ith pirates m the medi- pointed tn office or enlisted intn at . (he Grange Lantern in Portland and . ---------- Melbln Ziegler went W O r ltl — n vu i i to v v Gobh itM n t' , , Corps during the Worin “ ------ undhigm >rs of SllIldav Io attend the birthday dm - I?,*1 w,'''k il" kursLs °l >f Mrs. i leorge Roberts & e h n Rmck R iS e ll fto r a t c h a Pul"'l*'c. stalking IncM- good seamen, or so acquainted w ith t t a t 's t a t o are e n ro T C d 'in i l l ranks Iler kiven In honor of the birthdays Blassei anrf Mrj, FYltJi u ,Lst a daughter, Patrie la Ann. was uddn ¿ X l ; ans u i o u r own country, battling m aritim e affairs as to be able to , enrolled in its rank,. of ! m Boxers in China, and th e raising of serve to advantage by sea when re- ^ ron’ lts orl»ln ln colonial days days. Mrs. Clara Wnhlschleirel i, vi.o born to Mr and Mrs ............... William ¡ ' ^ n L(W me' OId Glor>' U1 ot different q u l r e d ’ and 1 ¿5s P‘'n n ‘ui,‘nt establLsiiment ¡ng at the Fred Wohlsrhlegei h o m e G< tober 24 Mrs Canq>b»-ll iien e F ^ ^ “ WUina C r o it h e ^ Pegd IT v,,aled when PMW The old-tim e sea soldier could J ? ?-o«rai,,Ch ? iore''? Mr *"d Mrs .1. K Vien,u’tt s,amt *“ convalcsl,,« m the Wilcox mem- gy ¿o n g m z. V e rc Z WatlSn Tun; C t k hlSWn' — -------------------------- 011 “ „ „ " „ „ , ,79#; tbe C°n»> has been proud the week-end at Blue Lake nark orl“1 hospital In Portland Irigate. climb aloft to drop grenades °f ts ser\lc e to the country. It Ls Christian Endeavor .wx-tal at th e •',|s 1>oy tlri,v entertained tlie 1 *Ye-yerS in hatties of the ;he Revolution, on the decks of opposing war craft t c i ’ -P™1“ 2f moMo' 'Sem per M ountain Home parsonage was well ^ ‘'itn u t bridge ,-hib with a luiuh- and Lucille, Ju an ita and Velma -------------- the W ar of 1812 the Me ___________________ C ........ ivil o ..................... r come to ........... grips .......... with the enemy. S iw i..'., ■• whlch m eans "Always attended ami neiied 1 eon o . w r w Mexican. ................... ted JH 88 , , October ., ,, 23 Mrs Anna Cox and Retherford Several from Scholls attended the ,, ,**, H Nelson were guests of W. B. A. m et in all-day session ciUcken supper given by the K lnton 1 Ï,S ‘U. . - , ... f with pot luck dinner October 24 at i .a i » - Aid »m Friday evening < I m 7 ,o n T bry l2e 8 Wednesda5' Stark home Included Veona Russell. Ladles' . . Mr. and Mrs. W. ... T - Desstnger and J the home of Mrs. La Vona Peterson. | in honor of_Hcr btrtoday. Wayne Andrews and Bruce Dodge , Mm G race Taylor went to Port- Miss C athryn Deailnger attended A substantial taxpayer o perat­ I About 30 persons were present. Vis- the G erm an Festival a t the Turn- ing a large form near Roy Rest- p „ , *** _ . of Sherwood and Bill Yedd ot Port- bind Sunday with her daughter I itors were Mrs. Ione Justice and u r d f i - ^ announce S at- land MLss M argaret S tark was Mrs. Phil Dahl, who spent the day VT * ‘n ,ul11 Saturday. dent of thia county fur 58 year- ' son Lonnie. Mrs. Dorothy B ritten, d at? , for HT*«- hostess. a t th e H P Tavlor h o n ,. 5 Seven dead rat» we ■ere found In a Blands for lower taxes an farm s i Pauline Tisdale and Theresa G oert- newly remodeled store. Hot coffee will be served all Y h ~ r — MllW* M cCann sP™ t ^ ‘Uik Nutley of Redmond spent 8“T.T-„,? dí.‘y .¡ ‘_n lt‘ . 8bnday a< T ,” ‘™*a ' . \ '» * Snyder lióme Blanche Hillsboro; with a reasonable reduction and Mrs. Alta Hensel of n of ear Bonks. a¿ d C h u r c h P la y B r in g s in S u m th e ¿ y 's T r i ^ n ü n “Ä *' °f u Y rnnhunom uym eii-hem ’ D P Saunders of Avery,' Idaho S a le o f F e d e r a l L a n d still efflrlent service Government sfx-nt .several d a (,».« with i Mrs. Julia Kirk. Mrs. Rose Bellish. P a rties P lan n ed ¡ institute. at minimum cost. He believes in his twin sister. Mrs. Jennie F ar- A d v e r t is e d in A r g u s for W o rld Service ! Mrs. O. H. Stowell and Mrs. John G/U‘,‘5 “ ot Mrs Elv,,ra ° ? d'ie of Pasadena. 8tr<‘tch(T h? me Notice of the sale of tim ber on nuiking tlie public dcdlar do tlie Bellish, all.o f near here A meeting 51(16 oi f whlch is C a l. who was called to the parental th i Jo™ * h.»piuueb»»rtelF rtd7t fron' O rrK"h »nd California same work as tlie lrrlvate dollar. , of the ladies was held th e following ‘t o aril home b>' th e death of her father. SCHOLLS—A novelty musical act S ï r i L ÎÎL - S n , , î L th e b2n^ « V " « ¿ “ U K K , S S S .cS 7 1, 5 ? ' „ r ' K » ; lJ a f 1j " grant 5 " If elected will londuct tile public afternoon a t th e home of Mrs. Vida J . W R ay ’ J T Anderson of Farm ington, ar- business as carefully as a private under the direction of Mrs. J. M H^Dr a S C\ f atUG ilv /'c o o l ? Powell to tie a quilt. rived Saturday morning by plane daughters o f Oenevteve and ^ Mnrv veru»in„ page of J this week's . L2£ . Argus. 2. “d business. S tretcher in which the Misses F lln ih e th n e ...» ;. Bry v,‘rUslng Farm U nion to Meet olnT H a llo w ed * Several young people, students grades includes Alice Watson, Eve- Tuesday evening The homes For D irt destroys fine fabrics. v u ■ . . . . . . and alumni from here, attended lyn and Allen Boleen Delà M av next rflsor Bu„n„„.Jlomes. ttre Take this precaution . . . . Tillam ook and W ashington the Hallowe en party at Banks high Viola and Ethel Burke Perfect , d -------------- H a lo u e en e n stunts stunts . . , , , . a t - and games included both homes Friday night. tendance roll includes Virgil I _ . - , ___ a Counties », »»- =• j f tendance roll includes Virgil H at- Scholls orchestra will give a Mrs. Mary Stowell and daughter field. Alice Watson. Allen and Eve- benefit m u s ic a jlt the GnuSte hall November 23 G range nan —Born and reared on a Patsy Visited h er parents at Che- lyn Boleen. recently. Miss Dorothy B arr of Hillsboro Mr. and Mrs. B urton Moore of ^ ’.•jshinprton county dairy- halis. Wash., Meeting Planned sP*“nt Wednesday night with Miss Portland visited his uncle and aunt W. B. A. will meet in all-day ses- Doris Lewellyn. Mr. and Mrs. George Lewellvn We will charge you Just a few cents to make your drapes farm. It ii io much ..tie r to Sion Novenwei at h a ll. "The Ring of Kama Krlsh Nlah," Monday. and curtains as clean as new. G uaranteed work ls always —-Educated in Oregon krtp new p.m t and vat- with basket dinner. Out-of-town a pageant- — « « e c i.h .» . g|, l » j q Brian Aheme and Madge Evans are nounces they will be glad to give a t Turner. auitable (or everything from front nihlT i »id Adv.) featured. at any church, th a t will pay the A Sunday dinner party a t tlie doors to table tops. Its high glosa I INI expenses of the trip. All native withstands hot and rold water. Can costumes and properties of the be nibbed to a dull sheen. HALF PINT were furnished by Rev. and Mrs. Smith, who spent several years as missionaries in India. The play cast included Cecil Heaton, Ir- mai Trask, Arlene G otter, Ava Howard. Evelyn Benson. G race Mil­ ler. Mary Lovegren. Leila Howard, Wilma Herd, Tom Stretcher. Leland McCann, Minor Hesse. Herb Snyder Raynor Sm ith Jr., Len Howard, Tom Stretcher, and children's parts by Philip Stretcher, Sammy G otter and Amy Howard. Mrs. Herm an Koeber, who is con­ fined to her bed a t the home of her sister, Mrs. Ferd Groner, was given Marine Corps Born 159 Years Ago M ountaindale to H ave Juice Beaverton iii-i County Commissione Work at Elwood Mill Finished ELECT R. Frank Peters J. M . (Jo ck ) V anderzanden Scholls G ro u p A ids Program Circuit Judge DRY CLEAN YOUR DRAPES AND CURTAINS Paint 'n ’ Varnish for Easier Housekeeping a§ HOME LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANERS VERSATILE SPAR VARNISH QUMT . o g u Removal Notice CORWIN HARDWARE Headquarters A fter N ovem ber 1,1934 H u n tin g and Fishing Supplies Aladdin Lamps W e will be located in the build­ ing now occupied by the H ills­ boro Garage. D u rin g our remodeling period we will offer our E ntire Stock of N E W and U S E D CA RS and T R U C K S at REDUCED PRICES CADY MOTOR CO. H ills b o ro , Oregon DO DG E PLYMOUTH L ong’s R ad io T ubes T ested Free VOTE WO FREE C o m p le te B u ild in g S E R V IC E ★ Uncle Sam is doing the pow er job in Ore­ gon. W h y set up a new state commission to plunge us deeper into debt? I/Ofe 301 X H a / ASSOCIATION TO PRESERVE OREQON’S CREDIT H arry Dorm an, Secretary Weatherly Building, Portland (Paid adv.) PHILCO For Repairing and Modernizing Any and All Types of Buildings *59” P a rtic u la rly Covered by N atio n al Housing A ct Just received! A powerful new Lowboy that tunes-io the world in addition to your favorite American programal And priced sensationally low! The new 1935 PH ILC O 43L features Automatic Volume Control, Tone Control, Bats Compensation, new Electro- Dynamic Sneaker and P H IL ­ CO High-Efficiency Tubes in a grace iful new cabinet of fine wooda. See and hear thia value nowl w i a u coort a n n u i A G A IN S T th e G ran g e P o w e r B ill T rtd t-ln your o ld radio now I Just phone 301 or call on us and we will gladly furnish you with ac­ curate estimates as to the cost of any remodeling or repairing you might want to do. We will assist you in making ap­ plication to banks who have arranged tp make loans. We will furnish you with a list of competent and experienced crafts- men to do the work, also with plan and architect service. It is our sole effort to assist owners arid craftsmen to give a complete building service. We also offer this same service for all new construction. Phone or bring your repairing or remodeling questions to us. Build now while costs of building materials are at a minimum. f y N«w 1935 EASIEST TERMS PHILCOS for your selection ’’*r / ’" 'r ■ small amount d o w n — ' 1® b “ c.?, our •••F Paymaot plan. You II oavar m iss th* m ooayl *22”„P Extre-Llberel Trade-in Allowance A ll M akea of Radioa Repaired S E L F R ID G E BRO S- J. W. COPELAND YARDS The Black Cat Office . $1.40 80c 40c Boas-Hue ter P aint Dealers Phone 301 1138 Third St. Phone 21X