THE T hursday, November I. l ’J.34 H IL L S B O R O ARGU S, H IL L S B O R O , Paure Five OREGON "It do«» go big with me. darling. interested in politics, too?" but a w ashed-out drudge without a edly Hmk |xx, .i ..Inn «if Un* attic, ticket, was elected by a substantial O n ly - " , „ "Anne?" Neal's surprise was ap ­ particle of individuality left. She's and 'eem ed ixrfieU y satisfied to majority, She realized how big the "only remain. She was, like Anne herself, parent In his voice. "Why. Anne Neal was not a good loser; lie done It voluntarily because sho Hlu' Is survived by lier h u sb an d ) a farm er's duughU-r, who had d rift­ had been silent In Jus success tliat was with the first casual glance would be Interested, I guess in an y ­ uf Fat iiilUKhiu. and tin« i children, Hathaway cast in her direction a f t­ thing I wanted to do She—she's loved you loves you. But she must ed to a little city. She was willing Is, at home seldom discussing bis Mrs AI iiiu Ih 'sc li ui I In- Dalles, I know, that, she would be capable Hi learn, and Anne, far from re ­ progress wltti Amu-' Now he be­ er the m utual gretlngs liad been devoted to me." Alex uf Yuklinu, W, and Mrs J exchanged. Tlie house was quite all senting Iwr ignorance, marveled ul came compluiningly loquacious. of som eihing a gixxt deal bigger. "Yes, ot course, I saw that. But Anna Wlllluinsiiii of Hillsboro Anne felt sure of th at And the quickness with which she over­ With her looks and her mind, and He went sullenly about the lx>use, right; Services were held Saturday a t Dora was all right. She carm-d I m< an—has she been helping you came It 1 or .hut iinus«'lf up in Ills office, off tier unaccustomed but wholly actively and directly as well as her natural gifts as a hostess Neal, 2:31» p. m. ut Young's Funeral you utter fool." Ladies* Aid Benefit Helps Ilo in e Itev C M Iteed officiating. But. even with Dora's help, her declining H» come home to Ills correct black uniform und spotle.. passively and indirectly?" "Even If you are my guest, and "She's gone without everything," working hours were long and hard meals If his political mu oenH liad frilly apron with pleanxl pride, and Interm ent wus In Fir Lawn cem­ Treasury) Lights in Is en difficult lor Anne to bear, i served tea without a visible tremor. Neal answered, coming swiftly to an old friend, I think you've gone etery. Indeed as time went on, Anne be­ Ids political failure was doubly so ! defense, under the Impres­ far enough in discussing my wife." came more and more appalled at Through her tears stw; saw In re ­ Tlie children were all right, too. Anne's suppose we discuss mine sion th a t she was being attacked. for "Then And of course Neal was all right; Illy Mr«. B. II. Cos) a change." tlu; num ber of things th a t could membrance the man she had m ar- h u old charm, his old buoyancy, "Good times, and pretty clothes, Yours! I didn’t know you were KINTON G range will meet l i t j rli'd ix> gay. so kind, so loving arid happen lo children, normal, reason­ had come to the surface a n d and trips and friends. I never llu- hull Saturday In ull day session ably healthy ehlldren. They had , tender. Through her tears she saw, bubbled over again a t the sight of would have been able to go into m arried!" •'I'm not. But I was," D llleeis will I»' elected during the eroup, and kept her awake all ’ l ' f > . in reality, tlu; man Vo whom his friend Hathaway himself, for politics if she hadn t. Once I (Continue ! on pn«e 6, business w-ssion and the lecturer. night; they hud colic, and kept her • hi' was m arried w m ber. selfish. all his elegance, had no more d u - thought I was going to 1«»«' her I'd BETHANY -CEDAR MILL Mi Alice Fluke, has prc|>uirtl it progrutn John Meurer entertained Tuesday (('o iilln u eti from laal w«««k ) distracted all grow, not lndiM-d to forget about th a t bad time, you B ut they adored her. She was to Improvements to his lunne on 'file Mr. mid Mrs Phil Tlwirnc of Cedar by leap« and bounds, but steadily them far more Im portant, far more She had the wisdom, greater t h a n ' only fifteen minutes left In which neglected her again?" F lat mud by adding a bathroom Mill mid satisfactorily. He also served precious th an tlu-lr father They might reasonably be expected, to to dress; so she had washed h asti­ "I suppose I did— do. But—there's Mrs. L Orbctz of Vancouver four H-rms In tlw slate legislature, loved him, of course; but he did neither reproach nor nag him ; a ft­ ly, and hastily twisted her curls never been another woman." unit othi'i equipment. A lsiul 75 attended tile cldrken spent Saturday evening with Mr:. tlie th ird as speaker ot the Imu.». not figure largely In their field of er a few weeks, lie pulled himself , Into a knot on the top of her head Good O -d! I should say not! dinner Friday nlwlit, u l th e lioiue o l , Frank Hteffan. (lie fourth us (jiulimuii of the most life, not nearly as largely os she Hjgether, and flung himself Into Her "best dress' was nearly a year W hat do you w a n t The Capitoline I, M Commons of Toledo Is vls- m i|jortunl commltUyi in the senate.' did. not even as largely as Dora J Ills law practice with renewed vigor, [ old, and she had made It lurrself. Venus?” Mr and Mis Juke Falx under tlu- Buckley's Mixture «triple acting’, During the same eight years, II; was away from home a great He was making money now, real; as she did all her dresses; It was allspice» of the Ludles' Aid society. ttlng relative;. Mr and Mr C le v « "No." roared Neal, angrily, "w hat the largest selling cough and cold Sherwood, lleaverton and Scholls Owens and Ills brother. A. Com­ Anne. ..mothering again and again deal, and they learned to take this moru-y. and it ne kept his nose to a brown taffeta, many seasons be­ are you driving at, anyway?" hind the style, too long, too full, w ere ie p re s e n le il 'flu* iitfulr netted mon* In r dlsiiptxiiiitmrnl at taking no as a m atter ot course. My dear fellow, please don't medicine in all of Canada Is now j the grindstone, and closed his ears over-trim m ed She had thought It made in Buffalo—It's different from Walters Entertain tangible p art In her husband s cam ­ tlu Aid about »18. Whirl» will be So. In the adoration of her chil­ to the humming of the political pretty once; now she hated It. And think I'm venturing to criticize your all others because It "acts like a Mr. ami M r. . i . i i i i i :. Walters paigns. and a t being left behuwl used In w iilm t th e church for e le c ­ i bee for all time, he could become— , when Hatliaway gave Jier th a t cas­ conduct. And as for criticizing dren und ot Dora for she attained tric Ukhta anil neeessuiy equip­ gave a dinner party Sunday. Pres­ when he went to lb lford. washed th at also Anne found, for a long ' well, very comfortably fixed finan­ your wife—well, I thought ten years flash"—one little sip proves It. You c a n 't go wrong on Buckley's m ent. which will be done ut on l ent were Mr and Mrs. F. Mili­ rooked, cleaned, sewed, and took time, all the beauty and romance cially On C hristm as day he gave ual look, she felt tliat she could ago she was on ot the loveliest, gladly tear it off and throw It Into isiini and Mary June Malcolm of care ot Junior, prum-nted t h a t which her life contained. If she Anne the deeds for a large lot on as well as one of the most rem ark­ —often 1 or 2 doses ends a stub­ eurly date. born cough and the toughest old Hervites at the church Sunday Portland. Mrs 1 Oliver ot Pomeroy, husky youngster, when |q. was three hud iu> talents towards directing I the outskirts of the city which she the scrap basket. girls, I'd ever met in my life. W hen she left the two men to able Include preaching by tin* pastor. Wash Mr and Mrs John Walters, years old, with a little sister, Nun- political destiny, she a t least had had long admired, and suggested "talk I've remembered her, pretty vlvid- hang-on coughs and colds leave for over old times together" and Itev W F Simpson, ut u 4ft. and Mr anil Mrs Ham Waller». Mr and cy; tisik care of them both; wash- undeniable gifts as a homemaker i to her a little gruffly, th a t he went to her room, exhausted, from , ly. all this time T hat's a little un­ good in a day or two. I t ’s a powerful yet safe and W. Kldpnuui a n d Bertha ■ it rooked, rleaned and sewed some Tlie dingy little cottage became thought the lime liad come when llih le s i I l l s , I ut III 15. Everybody Is Mi emotion as much as fatigue, she usual for me. And I confess th a t Hhipman ol IHnverton. Mr and more invited to attend these services they ixiuld build If she would like flung herself down on her bed seeing her tonight has been an harm les remedy and when you buy gradually more and more lovely. one 45-cent bottle you won't need Mrs <) E. lu ll, who 1ms been Mrs J. Satchel and D e lln u Satchel W hen the lecond buby was Im­ She "put up" more fruit and vege­ ' to, and tliat he would tell her an disappointm ent.” sobbed acute making an extended visit with her ut Beaverton. Art Pearson and Miss minent. It became app aren t th a t tables than any woman In Hinsboro. architect who was said to know w ithout undressing, a n d "Well, I'm not dissappointed in to worry over bronchitis, coughs or "I'll take the first train to her. colds. son and wife, Mr anil Mrs Earl G ertrude W alters of Portland. I-rolii, the little flut. in which they had She kept hens, and supplied not h:s business to s ta rt drawing plans aloud. She suits me " New York after he goes and buy G et Buckley's M ixture at Riggs' (' lu ll Cooper mountain, returned Barham. Jliiunv mill Donald W al­ continued to live up to this time, only tier own family and her m oth- i whenever she said the word. “Ju st a m inute, can't you? I myself some clothes, I can leave still to h e r lunne In Welbaux, M ont, ters, mid the host mid hostess, Mr. would not suffice for tlie family ( er-ln-law 's with eggs and poultry, think she's beautiful—and re ­ Hillsboro Pharm acy or any m odem She knew th a t this was his way the children with Dora perfectly drug store—money back if not de­ needs any longer. Ho they moved Hi i mid Mrs James Walters lust week. sold some of both besides, until of seeking to make amends, and well, and I don't need to scrimp markable. Even more remarkable lighted. Mrs Jan a's Walflfrs, Mrs. Ham a alk-room cottage, which th e y ' but Mr H arriett Ford, u former than I'd guessed. B ut I think she's Neal put a stop to ttiat; then n ponded with delight. W ith the and save any more. Why Jiave I leaeher of the Klnton school, hut W alters and Mrs John W alters were able to ren t cheaply, and i canned her extra chickens a n d plans spread out before them , their been such an awful fool as to keep tragic." A T D R U G G IS TS 4 5 « S 8 5 ’ w Is, now teaches a school neur ...pent, Friday with Mr». J. J. Churcll- which was sorely in need of )>aint,1 stowed away her ex tra eggs in wa- , heads touching, they came closer on doing I t and on. and on! I'll "Tragic!" paper and plumbing By degrees terglass. “Yes. How old is she? Under Hinsboro. spent the week-end with ley of Portland. Hgpdlier, mentally and spiritually have my hands taken care of, too; Mr und Mrs Ed Hickey, Larrlc they persuaded a reluctant lan d ­ I thought so. Well, she old friends here. And so the seasons sped past, [ as well as physically, th an they had they're as rough as nutm eg graters! i thirty? Mr and Mrs. Clarence Snider of H i t key. Mrs. Weeks and s o m e lord H> make ll more comfortable looks over forty. She's stagnating, been In a long time; and, with the And my face massaged and my hair filled to overflowing, with hardly a Long Bruch. W ash . have been friends visited M C. Lursen and and attractive. of spring they spent every treated. I—I am probably the most m entally submerged herself in your Mabel cam«, and spent a m onth landm ark to s ! m » w their passing ! coming moment guests recently ut (be home of Mr family. Mr. Larsen luis been 111 for In supervising the hideous looking woman in all the personality, and your career and A SINGLE SIP PROVES IT / Smdei s parents. Mr and Mrs J. C. i . . n i n e time. Miss Nellie lau sen ol with them when Anne left the hos­ She hud been m arried five years, spare your children until she's nothing bqilding They had found a com­ world." Snider They returned home the Portland spent the week-end at pital u tter Nancy's birth, a com­ six, seven; Junior was five years mon interest, a common enthusiasm Meanwhile, downstairs, the con­ old and starting in kindergarten; placent Mabel, engaged to George, home. first of Hie week. versation had taken a tu rn which Shelburn Bowen of Sherwood; Mrs. Ed Moor und family of who find become more and more she had been m arried eight years, again and both were happy. ten; Nancy was five years old TJie new house, when It was slie was very far from guessing. stient tlie week-end with Ills aunt, Burllngtun spent Saturday evening prosperous and who had tlie largest nine, H athaw ay talked of himself for a and starting In kindergarten. She finally done, was extremely com­ with Mr. mid Mrs. Cluirles Hoy. ¡arm und finest burns In Hmnstead Mrs J 11. Airn. of his satisfactory advance­ A masquerade dance was held ut AIU'I' sill' left Anne was unable H) was not so busy any more, and fortable. and very attractive. It while, Mr and Mrs J. J. VanKleek re ­ house was empty, terribly so. sttxxl in her name, unmortgaged ment, his delightful post in Paris, turned home Thursday from a few th e C edar Mill O range lutll H atur­ go motoring with Neal, or entertain T the his hopes for an even more not­ hen war was declared, and sud­ and fully paid for. They had built days visit with their daughter. duy night Four prizes were aw ard­ her little bridge d u b Worse th an able appointm ent; easily and quiet­ Mr r , I) Landess, of Chitwood. ed Next Saturday nig h t a m odem this, her close confinem ent to the denly, site was busier th a n ever. for all time, and built well. w ithout arrogance, without even A ITeplione has been Installed dance will be given. Their first guest, after they were ly, house, und the never-ending d ru d ­ She was spurred to supreme ef­ a too apparent complacence. And| John Luutien and Thelnui Hukuin gery of her work began to tell on forts In “conservation because Neal duly installed in the new house, it during Uie past week In tile home was he who finally began to talk, had been appolnH'd food adm lnis- was Clarence Hathaway. ol Mr anil Mrs Oscar Llvrtnan. of l«urtlund were visitors of Mr. and her heavily. She not only grew of Neal. very Uiln herself but the baby tru to r for tlie state. He filled th e who are living on the W arren Wil­ Mrs Arvid Sundström recently. He appeared in th e wake of a ut you’ll get terribly fed up Enfred Erickson and Arvid S an d ­ stopped gaining, became fretful and position with tlie greatest brilliance H'legraqj stating th a t he was pass­ if "B son place I go on like th is—How about thoroughness. Twice he was Mrs Adell» W K indt and son ström went Lo Biicona logging camp tu m id blue under Uie eyes. A larm ­ and ing through Hinsboro on his way yourself? Doing well, aren 't you?" actually "called to W ashington" by Hlllts K indt mid daughter Miss Frlttay t«> lake Inventory They ed. Anne consulted Doctor F rail, back to W ashington after a vaca­ "Financially, yes. It was h ard ; Eleanor Kindi and Miss Louise met with a head-on collision about and he Hdd her th a t unless she w ire, and on one of these occasions, tion in Canada, and would like to sledding at first, but this year I've J lu- went to the W hite House and Hagan, a l l o t Portland, visited Mr. eight miles on the other aide of had regular help and «dually regu­ talked "spend tlie week-end If they could [ earned close to fifteen thousand ! earnestly to the president and Mrs E 1. Cox Sunday. The Sherm an's mill. T hree men were lar recreation, she would have to put him up." And Anne felt a I've never run into debt, or even for five minutes. The press of the K indts were former residents of in tlu* otlier car. Both cars were wean Nancy. stirred excitement, even greater all my income—Anne's seen "And th at.' lie added, meaningly, state, which, up to this time, had than Neal’s surprise, when the spent K lu tu n . living In the Itouse now oc­ dlsabli-d but none of the men were to that," he added ungrudgingly. "you should not. of course, consider [»aid scant attention, began first message reached them. cupied by Mr. and Mrs II J. Val­ h u rt seriously. "Not startling, but pretty solid. I to notice and then to "feature" him. C Sm ith mid Enfred Erickson of In this warm weather." entine old. Clare—he doesn't for- i should say. But why do you stress By th e time th e arm istice was get "Good flu* electric lights were turned on | Portland were callers a t the S and­ Anne's dread of the "servant his friends, does he? He's first the word 'financially'? Don't you Monday, and those who have their ström home Sunday on a hunting problem" rose from a deeper source signed, there was no doubt th a t secretary now. you know, in Paris feel you're doing well every way?" th an the horrible stories she h a d ' Neal liad become tlie most con­ —getting on the way he planned houses wlrixl ore enjoying lights. trip. "I was thinking that I hadn't heard from her m o th er-in -law . spicuous figure in his state. E m ­ all right, and look a t me— ' Most of the homes will be finished done as well politically as I'd hoped. about tlie depravity of all dom estic' boldened by Ills progress, he ran by til«« loot of this week “You're getting on all right, too, I expected to be governor of this workers; It rose also from her very j th e following fall for lieutenant- by now." sincere sense of her own probable j governor. He had been confident, aren't you? I think so! Oh, Neal— state "Well. yes. I rather thought th at incompetence In directing, rath er glowingly confident, of victory And. what shall I wear?" Neal burst out laughing. "Well, was your plan. But after aU—” th an doing, work, and her unwll- by one of ttioee strange tu rn s of Hathaway tapped the arm of his Representative J. O Johnson of hngness to entrust the care of the fortune which make gambling a you look all right to me whatever with his fingers, gazing into Tigard and George M Aitken of children to anyone else. But to her safe and sure sport compared to Hathaway may think, and th a t chair G arden Home, candidates for state inf mile surprise and relief, Dora politics, he liad been overwhelm­ ought to go as big w ith you as it the open fire as he did so. Then There will be a Hallowe'en |»irty representative mid senator, respec­ King, the first applicant In re­ ingly defeated. T he blow was the does with me when you say you he asked a most astonishing ques­ at the arhool house Friday evening tively. rrrelved tlie unsolicited e n ­ sponse to the advertlstnent. came more bitter because Low, the man think I'm getting on all right w hat- , tion. "How about your »die? Was she given by tlie seliool and the la ­ dorsem ent of the Railroad U rot her - alien she said she would, con ten t­ running for governor on the same ever—" d le s club hood About 50 neighbors and friends "Automotive News." official |>ubll- were present ut a shower a n d < atlon of automobile dealers of tlie charivari for Mr and Mrs. Brice Pacific Northwest, cites Bepresent- Adams Wednesday evening atlve Johnson as author of tlie bill I.K I8Y V IU X Mrs Jolui Gates which made It unlawful to rngage Sr sustained a broken hip when In the sale of gasoline both at »lie fell on a slippery board while wliolesule und retail, and co-autlior visittigf relatives near Tekam ah, the bill which defined and p ro ­ Neb She Is recovering In the M eth­ of h ib ite d unfair competition m wiling odist hospital a t Omaha. Tlie periodical quoted him Mr mid Mrs. John Sinclair and gasoline declaring th a t he would continue Mrs. Uly Hanley attended the fu n ­ us h is fig h t in is-ha.i oi Hi,. Indepen­ eral of John Stark at McMinnville d en t gasoline dealers, would urge Saturday Mr mid Mrs. Stark and that tlu* sale of gasoline be d e­ family formerly lived on tlie Bug- clared a public utility and subject iey place regulation, and would fight "Iln* next meeting of the Lelsy- to prlue lower gasoline prices, low gaso­ vtlle lad les' club will be- with Mrs. for tax and lower license fees for II McIntyre Thursday. November 8 line private carriers. Mrs H arriet Ford visited with tlie VanKleek.» and Hierlys of Kin- H ENRY B CO FFEY ton over tlie week-eud. Funeral services lor Henry B. Coffey. 86. who died In Portland, • R ight now is the tim e to A ct! T ak e advantage MRS MARY C. M'MMFKS were held Sunday afternoon at the Mrs Mary C Rummers. 65, died hon r oi hu n iti' Mi . Samuel B. of our special plan w hich w ill allow you to have a In lleaverton October 28 and fu n ­ Olds, the Old Meadow farm, near new M ontag C irculator H eater in y our home imme­ eral services Were lU'ld nt Pegg's Beaverton Interm ent was In Union diately. N ow ,You C A N en jo y real com fo rt in your, rliup>*l. Beaverton. Tuesday In te r­ i e m r l i i v ment was In Crescent Grove cem ­ hom e th is w in te r and for m any years to come. Mr Coffey was a twin brother etery She was tlie m other of Hubert of tlie late Mrs. Rueli^J Walker, It Sum m ers and Mrs Mnbel Alex­ pioneer resident of thia county. B eautyz plus Economy ander ol Beaverton. He Is survived bv two children Mrs T he fam ous M ontag circu lato r h e a te r is designed Mary S tohr and Asbury Ooffcy of to do an efficient and econom ical h eatin g job rig h t MRS. F. A. HEITZEI. Portland. Mrs Anna Marte Heltzel. wife of here in this te rrito ry — bu rn in g th e fuels w hich are Frank A Rellzcl of Farm ington, M M F R IC H 4RD8O N m ost practical for use here. W ith a M ontag in y our died Thursday a t the home of her Fuio ial m n i c s lor Mac E R ich­ hom e there w ill be no need for co n stan t re-fu elin g daughter. Mrs Anmi Williamson of ardson. 68. were held at Pegg's Hillsboro Mrs Heltzel was born chapel In Beaverton Sunday a fte r­ and boxes of fuel w hich create d irt in y our liv in g August 18. 1863. In Fllnthrope. D en­ noon. Interm ent was Ul Crescent room. T here w ill be less sw eeping, less house clean­ mark. She come to America In 18811 Grove cemetery. ing, and an abundance of h e a lth fu l w arm th. and m arried F ranz A Heltzel In Meeting Fourth Friday 1888. ut Portland. Oregon They se t­ There's a M o n tag C lrc u la to rH e a te rfo r e v e ry hem e; Federation of Farm O rganiza­ tled In Oreenvlllc and lived there about 211 years Moved Hi I ’rrn HUI, tions. which was recently formed a typ e, a size, a style, a price fo r e v e ry req u ire m e n t. south of tkirnellus. and lived tliere here, will meet November 23 In­ four vears, then moved to Farm ing- stead of November 4 os stated In th e Argus last week. ton. where she liad resided for 26 See our Complete Display! Kinton Grange Plans Election years. Mrs. Heltzel was rulw d uj I,lillu run Parties Held at Cedar Mill Homes Right Now-To-day Start to Get Rid of That Old Cough I Leisyville Woman Receives Injury Johnson, Aitken Get Endorsement M E N ! . . . I f You Plan to Spend About > s20 You Can Save The W e have m ad e it easy fo r y o u to h av e a n e w M O N TA G CIRCULATOR HEATER o f a N ew H a t Shoes §s^>Shirt < Socks^X^and By Buying Your New O vercoat N O W ! Penneys Spectacular Y O U R O L D H E A T E R IS D O W N LESTER IRELAND & CO. EARLY FALL SALE 6-Ib. Electric Iron, special H ills b o ro , O re g o n YOUR OLD HEATER IS T O W N PAYMENT $1.98 — HILLSBORO BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Extra large, strung Strong Egg Beaters, sp ecia l........ 29c Card Tables, sp ecia l...................... 98C BEAUTY SHOPS Stable Brooms, sp ecia l.................. 59C Heavy Wire Trash Burner, sp. .$1.19 Heavy Coal Hod, special.............. 39C Stand Lamps, beautiful, sp. . .$1.49 21-gallnn Capacity Galvanized Garbage Cans . . . . $1.49 large Bird Cages with Stands, special $3.98 Door Mats, sp ecia l........................ 79C Electric Vacuum Sweeper, sp .. . $9.85 Davenport, Chair and Stool $49.50 SEE OUR WINDOWS LESTER IRELAND & CO Hillsboro, Oregon Every Coat a Thoroughbred In Fabria and Tailoring! Don't let the low price fool you ....they look like a lot more than $12.75! Rich, luxurious fabrics, that will convince you in a min­ ute! Styled by experts! Single a n d double breasted models, smart polo styles! A big choice of popular grays, browns, blues. It's big news! Be down early to­ morrow ! J.C.Penney Co. Inc. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON EVE'S BEAUTY SHOP A. 0. PITMAN, M. D. General Beauty Work PHYSICIAN and SURGEON X-Ray and Physio-Therapy Permanents and all kinds of beauty work. Felt Weather Strips, sp ecia l........ 9C Big Bowl PAYMENT Telephone 1881X Balcony Hillsboro Pharmacy Commercial National Bank Bldg Telephone« Office »231 Reeidence 7»1Z Sanitary Beauty Shop DR. D. E. WILEY. M. D. All Kind, of B » > t; Work Physician and Surgeon PERMANENTS Wells Buildln« a specialty Telephone 1471 WEIL’8 APARTMENTS Mabel Schendel TELEPHONES Office 2682 Reeidence 2681 DENTISTS GARBAGE COLLECTION DR. RALPH DRESSER Garbage Collection Dentist AND CANS Commercial Building Telephone 144 D. P. CORRIERI Evening., Sunder by Appointment Telephone 2325 INSURANCE RUBBER STAMPS GEORGE T. McGRATH BUY YOUR Washington Coanty A vmic I m RUBBER STAMPS from HILLSBORO ARGUS INSURANCE SERV1CB Shot» Bank Hnildin* Phon« 1211 For Infermati«« Hillsboro «boat Directory er Ito A4rertleere cell The A r r m - l l i l