THE Thursday, November 1, 1934 H IL L S B O R O A RO US. north of town Miss fkiru Murphy of Monmouth Is a gut-sl ut Hu- J. IX-lmonte home. Mrs II W estcott of Scoggins val­ ley visited here this wees. Mm M I) Maim and Mrs. Mut- lle sm ith visited a t the J C. llun- home In I'orlluiul Tuesday. Cornelius Children Party; Sholes Home Occupied (lly Ml»« IXirutky Cooke) OOKNE1.1UB (Inule actluul chil­ dren were enteriti! lieti with H al­ loween parliert ut Ilk- talwol Wed- ñenday. Mi and Mrs. A. Huffman and non of Biuik-t were Klient« Hunduy of Mr and Mrn. Charlea laithan Mr and Mrs If W lluv lim i family of I'orlluiul have moved Into the late A H Hholes Imune Young Poopto's mm kiv of U m Hl Alexander church m et at Hú­ bome of Mr. and Mrs. Fruid! Dooher Thursday evening Birthday Observed Mr and Mis J W Suver e n ter­ tained Sunday with u birthday lim ner for Mrs. B Inacbrtetson O thers present were Mr. Ingehrlet- aon anil Mm S arah McClaughry. Iowa Hill school lu-ld a program and MMial Friday evening. Large crowd attended. Mr uml Mrs. C. Miles and d augh­ ter of Lyle s|M-nt the week-end here Miss Myra Weldcwltsch e n te r­ tained her pupils with a Hallowe'en Minn I.urllle S ch u ltz h a s resum ed parly ut Ib-ywood school Friday hoi «ark In Portland following a evening. ni a u t vacation lu-re < ouplr Married Mrs. Scott Jack-ton und Turn of Springfield alai Mm. Miss O nelta Husbaurr of C or­ W chrlstriknen of Hillsboro were nelius and Howard Dooher of P o rt­ guests of Mrs latura Jackson Mon­ land were murrk-d nt Wilsonville day. Monday, G uests of Mr. und Mrs. A rthur Mrs. Muille HmlUi and pupils of Ready to supply you with the finest MEATS at the least cost. Brady to advise you In purchasing. Beady tu give real values. All meats Inspected by Dr. Nicol and Dr. AlmquisL Picnics, lb. Cottages, lb. BEEF 13c 17c 9c POT ROAST HAMBURGER Lb. IOC We have a good supply of NEW SAUERKRAUT FRED’S SUPERIOR MARKET 5 Deliveries Daily Phone 651 Re*. Phone 321Z A ^ X " 1: ? Sieh ° iv e Nn T and v Ocean caught, pink. « A p No. 1 Tall can IVU COFFEE Quart Wit PALMOLIVE SOAP— 4 4p 3 bar* .......................................... 10c 20c HOMINY Dented cans. No. 2*4 size. 4.... 25c OC/» STARCH— Kingsford’s corn or gloss. Pkg.......................... 4 A a A vV BABY CLAMS— Whole. Tall can ............................... 10c NEW CROP NUTS BRAZILS— 2 lb*............................. 29c RAISINS. Golden bleached. Lb. ...10c WALNUTS. l.g„ fancy Ore. Lb. 23c FILBERTS— Lb................................. 15c ALMONDS. IXL soft shell. Lb. 20c CURRANTS— S & W fancy. Pkg. 19c PEEIS— Fancy lemon, orange or citron. Lb.........................................29c G. E. MAZDA GLOBES— 2Ô Io 75 watt. Each............ 20c. 6 for 10c C V D I ID KARO. Red or Blue Label. I Ivl-J t (3-lb. can 24c) 5-lb. can ............................................ 35c DTCAT l’ncknges slightly damaged in transit. Contents D l u v J VJJLV-ilV guaranteed perfect condition. Close out! Pkg..... 23c 49-lb. sack $1.99 CORN MEAL White or Yellow. 9-lb. bag QUART 10c McFall Jersey Dairy PHONE 2001 COFFEE Blue Bell Hardwheat Quality unsurpassed 49-lb. Bag Cup-O-Gold ’1.63 25c Lb PANCAKE FLOUR ..... 49C SYRUP LUMBER JACK—Cane sugar and com syrup, .Y Q x i maple flavored. No. 5 tin ...................................... BREAKFAST—Cane and maple. ‘lOV I7c Full pint ............................................................. . T U N A FISH SALM ON SO U P 25c 25c 21c T ^ can VeY ^ , W A X PAPER OVALTINE Lunch rolls. Drink it hot or cold. IO C 29C 50c size 18c BEANS °5X Northern:......................... 24c MACARONI 3 4 -lb . pk( 19c ON FIRST QUALITY PRIME MEATS FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY GIRL. Made by Crown. lb*.................................................. FLOUR 49 BAKER D LESS. ........................ R A ISIN S S 4-Ib. E E bag H IG H W A Y . carton ........ MATCHES 6-box MINCED. CLAMS F. */g A. can* B. .................................. PUREX 2-quart handy j'ug Large 2 Vi can PINEAPPLE HILLSDALE. bulk. Lb....................... BAKING POWDER Calumet, SUGAR 106 lbs. . . . Pure Cane. Pu !.19 10 lbs. ’5 POW DHtE 3 lbs......... BROWN— 5 lbs. .,. Del Monte. PUMPKIN Large can . O ATS ÎSt BULL DURHAM PEANUT BUTTER— Maximum. 2-lb. jar .............. CORN BEEF— Libby’s. 12-oz. can ............................. 17c 29c 14c 18c WHITE KING Granulated Soap. 24-oz. pkg.................... FREE — 2 5-cent bar* Mission Bell Soap. IOC Fine for Canning. Lb. LARD Fresh Home Rendered. 3 lbs. ............... MINCED HAM ............................................ BOLOGNA ................................................... | HEAD CHEESE ........................................... FRANKFURTERS ....................................... PORK & BEANS— Van Camp’s. 11-oz. can BACON JELL WELL^- Sliced, Cello. Wrapped. Vi-lb. pkg..... (3 lbs. 60c) .WALDORF TISSUE^- 4 ro ll» ....................................... SALMON 6 pkg*.................................... COCOA— Baker’s. Vi-lb. can ........................... CANDY BARS— General Foods. 3 for ........................ AIRWAY COFFEE— $1.08 q p A M < A T r ? C CHICKEN, or RAVIOLI. IXL, 7%-oz. cans. 1 A JV l/V LtlO Closeout! C a n ....................................................... Fisher’ Blend ^ Milk ts a complete food in It­ self -offering all the essential« to keep you physically strong ;md mentally active. Let us de­ liver to your office dally. SPECIALS S afeway S tores RAISINS— Seedless. 4 lb*............. 23c FLOUR ^ r e ^ r b e ^ p J ta l^ m tell the m an who w ants to keep fit to drink D OCTORS at least a quart of milk a day. Orchardale Columbia Best. Highest quality, ground to your order. (3 lb*. 73c) 1-lb........................................... COFFEE— H ill. Red Can. (2 lb*. 59c) 1-lb. Hillsboro FLOUR RICE B1- 7-oz. cellophane pkg............ 39c t S lc ^ June llave returned lrom a week's visit Trinity Lutheran Church tendent. N ext Sunday is Rally day of a t Redmond and Powell Butte. Public worship begins a t 10:30 in the church school. We are plan- w,iere they visited Mr. and Mrs. a. m.; Sunday school a t 9:45 Ser- ning for a big crowd and an ex- Jerry Heston and other friends. mon topic, "A T earful E n trea ty ."! cellent program. Come and join us. M rs. F H. Keenon is seriously —Phil. 3, 17-21. At 2:30 p. m. a 1 Divine worship a t 11. Special music U1 a t her han“ ' ' service will be held In th e Congre- I will be furnished by Miss Doris Mr- , and_ i-i rs. L e s t« Cypher and gatlonal church a t Forest Grove Weber and the chorus choir. JThe Mrs. w K Mays and son visited to commemorate th e quadricenten- choir will sing "Crossing the Bar" M r and Mrs. M R. Finch in Port- nial of the open Bible. You are by Wheeler. The pastor will preach 1‘UMi Sunday. I cordially welcomed to a tten d these on the subject “In Debt to God." Mr 31111 Mrs J. R. S an d fo rd , services. The Young People's s o - 1 Epworth League a t 6 :30 We begin visited friends In P ortland Sunday, clety will meet Friday a t 8 p. m. the course of Bible study, which we — — have been planning. Bring your He Knew Misfortune C hristian Church Bibles. Evangelistic services a t 7:30. Rastus—"Bud luck? W hut bad Lord's dav church school. 9:45 We invite you to join us In this luck did you evah have?” | a. m., C. H. Nosier, superintendent. evening hour of worship. Come and M om * "You-all d o n ’t need to tell (H r M m Richard H u n g er) T hree classes have already ady reached sing with us and liave Christian me w hut bod lurk It. Jos' las' night An inform al bridal shower was j th eir goals in the "Loyalty Cam - i fellowship. Let's make this a great Ah drenip Ah wuz walking' along given for Mrs. Byron Raines 'Ire n e palgn." Which one will get the service.—Charles M. Reed, minis- a whole lake full o' gravy an dev | Lockett 1. a recent bride. Tuesday i sta r this week? Classes for all ter. I wuzn t a btsklt In 50 miles. —Ex COCOANUT W ESSON OIL SALMON t ^ 2 a s h o r t b io c r a n h v Economy (3 lb*. 59c) Lb. Fisher’s. No. 10 sack ............ : Friday, Saturday, Monday— Nov. 2, 3 and 5 Wt-s-ks e a v e COFFEE PANCAKE FLOUR P^ylSl c K renorts of d ifferent battles 12-oz. cans. z tQ o ^ a H e t fever. Is re- c h u r c h « ^ Theodoi* Roaoevelt Mrs B eattie was a visitor A c iv ic le a g u e m e e tin g w a s h e ld Monday M argaret Wolfe was elect- ed reporter and Mary Pulver a s s is t- ..... » made ant. An ..................... announcem ent w was to interest all n e o u le In dix la m a - tion aiul to urge them to nartlcl- pate in the contest * $1.63 F lo u r 49-lb. sack 18c C orn ed B eef 2 X" 27c lteg. or Fast. 9-lb. *ack Phone 953 FREE DELIVERY 100 feet BELL BRAND— ROLLED OATS LICENSED KMRALMEKS and FUNERAL DIRECTORS RUCHEK’S ASH GROCERY e ig h th g r a d e s w as h e ld P rid a v in sPen t Sunday with We in ec Ice's broth- these services. Midweek gatherings' — -— h o n o r of N a w D av end T h e o d o re e r- George Welnecke, a t West Tim - are being planned, as Is also a Methodist Episcopal Church R ^ i v e l l s birthd?>' A few o f t i J b er visitation. C hurch schooT/9:45, classes for e ig h th grade boy* gave Interesting Mr and Mrs Q m er Batchelder — everybody. Miss Rose Cave, superin- P ow der L arge p k g. ’3 Scouts at Aloha FREE DELIVERY W a s h in g Oonelson ÖC Sewell CHURCHES Price* for Friday, Saturday and Monday — November 2, 3 and 5 CITRUS afternoon at tlie borne of Mrs. Charles Olton Miss Jenkins gave a party for lu r pupils October 38 a t the sclrnol ho usi- Mr and Mrs Jai k Johnston a r ­ rived at Terrabella, C a l, October 22 Foursquare (h u rc h i l-".p . Fin'd. Robert Brunswick, a pupil of th e ' ’ ’ _..__ We wish to take this opportunity Hulbert Rydeman, who has been Arcade school, broke his nose last ah sain ts' Mission (Euinrouall undergoing medical treatm en t In n lav in i, a t sc h o o l n " \ ,n., yiission Lpis, «pan to announce th a t the young people Portland, has returned home, Ini- Mrs Louie Hughson and (laugh- Tw enty-third Sunday a fter T n n - of our church will be presenting Iirovi-il hl nean h e a lth . , u le u . u Davis, i-J. . lly : Church school, ,, 9:45 p rin iu in n. ter Ix-lorls and Mrs. Elizabeth ani, ^ rmr,n „ m a. hv a m.; ' the gospel dram a entitled "The Mrs. Sam F etters was a guest a t „ n lu -a v e rto n w ere g u e s ts o l rvK< Iul -ernion. 11 a m . bj the ......... ................ ................ on Friday C hurch in the Wildwood a party tor her grandson's th ird Mr antJ Mrs Janies If Davis Sun- ,Vic? r ' youngt. People s fellowship. 6 evening, November 2. Our r mai many blrthdav n t the Imine of her non ¡¡ttv ' I i? 7 p m' ^ v . R. H. Wisecarver, friends of Hillsboro will be glad to In Portland 3 vittrr. hear this as they have enjoyed the Mr am i Mr nt Mrs M artliu Jones of Banks and many dram as our young people Campbell Hill on H I i A t ¿ r'nmnhx.ii ImiLs n,a of tlie P. T. A. will serve p m. Thursday, p ra y « meeting, Thursday, Pilgrim November 1: chapel steen of Portland as "Hastus l*?Ch a l the,.two P?11*"« 7:45 P m. Saturday, evangelistic service. 7:45 p. m.—Harry nownev" sctYlce of worship a t 7:30 p. m. in Brown " There is (lancing every “ ‘^ ‘ ^ w i l t y on election day. 3' celebration of All Saints' Day. S er­ Mr and Mrs. Clark Inkley and pastor. | Suttirday night In the Aloha hall mon by the Rev. R alph H. Wise­ Mr. and Mrs Andy Denholm and J “! oi 8 V Helens were gucsU carver, vicar of the Episcopal Mr. and Mrs Williams of Portland Saturday evening of Mr. and Mrs Free M ethodist Church church. "A belief m the communion vuitcd O. .Mason Ma.son norae home o Sun- C Mr D ;UUJ Meek- school. meeting. 10 a. m.. a i o at the uk un Mrs c h arles Lehm an of ing Sunday at 11. Class 7:15 preach- p. m. of saints is a vital p a rt of the Due to the large enrollm ent in ^ “ d, visited Mr. an d M rs^A . "I wm re- C hristian's faith .” serv- eighth grades of i F ChD-stener and Mr. and Mrs member the years of the right harxl , Friday, November 2^ chapel com- the seventh and bi-r M lnmI Mrs Mack John G,vller Sunday. of the Most High." Psalms 77-10. *?£blU? 11at« J ?® R l ? - , th e Aloha-Hubc 1 v ä te i’ m em orating All Souls’ Day. Pastor : . . M erritt Jackson and Thom as Strangers welcome. B -> v«»«. mem Souls 1 2eventhr gr'ule n a d tn g llc i a ^ ken “ N,'llson ot Hoy returned Sunday pastor. ’ Henry S. H aller will preach on "The C hurch T riu m p h an t.' The of­ W U liin!A tilxnt a u c n ^ a ban- evening with the hm it caU h ol fice for the dead will be used. nuet at the Multnomah hotel Mon- -^'Lersldes. a fter having spent the ( ongregatioaal (h u r rh ( j a i l u i m e a i u i m o u i a n now i Mon week-end w(.,,k . end on Wilson w ljson river. During the m onth 1 of November river.’ Sunday, November 4: public wor- Th* iittu» ru»t Hniidzio Mnah ^ Dr r - Andrew Carrick of the 8cotch Scotch the church Is is planning an «*.. intensive: u .w i^ .c , A . -„P-.11?; llill was lnlured E rid a v w h e n ’ it Frcsbyterian church was calling on program under the leadership of At r? or? 1I}.^Itth ^ pel pastor will w is r u .t over bv- a , ar mi tlw I.K-h niembers this community F nday the Rev. T. A rthur Dungan. ailin g on . ,? arn ^ as' Sym‘ , front lit th eir olace of H m eF Mays Jr. and L aura Millet g a to r . The general theme. "Religion P f ^ e tic A p o j ^ . a n d j n ¿ h e e\e- ! way in front of th eir place of busi entertained the pupils of the p n - Life's Supreme Privilege." Novem- °n Doubting Castle. Both ' liess. BniiiM-rv A tirm nini marv nxmi with a Hallowe'en par- ber 4 "A Privilege In Its Source, I? 1* Ho y An a tt c i n o i c d r o b b e r ? w as m ad.- ty the hom e of W. E. Mays Power," Mr Dungan, speaker. No- n Progress at Bill Abbott's s to r e F rid a y n leb t Wednesday evening. The children vember 11. "A Privilege In Its Com- wl11 ru? until Advent. Junior ser­ a i Hill Abbott s store Friday nig h t H a llo w e 'e n c o s tu m e s a n d m u n itv V a lu e s " Kne-ikers D r D a r mon a t morning worship be The thieves tore the screen from f l u m e s wid munity V alues, S p e a k e ^ D r D ar- o r L u lh ers Bl£ e, will cele- y ^ f & M a X * Uw ' » o :.-e n n,X . e * “ a n T «f?eUhi m e ^ S tln ev ^M r . T ’w h e y N ^ S e r “ i. t^ S ^ fro m Twenty were h present. "A Privilege the 01 - th u e p Blble £ Mr ^ and C ^ Mrs n } ^ Mize % and f S Mr M ^ T children e ^ w ^ q ^ K t ^ Through V S C hurch.” S s as irOm an- PORK STEAK SALMON Page Three Hayward were Sunday guests at the BUI Ab- 15c PORK ROAST u.______ t i c OREGON ages cradle roll to adults. The "99 Eldon McLeod Member class for men Invites men not In U. of O. Debate Team any class txi come. Morning wor­ ship, 11 o'clix k Special music S er­ Eldon McLeod, a 1934 graduate of Hillsboro high school, has been mon. ‘The Christ of the Church C hristian Endeavor: Junior, 4 p i .,osen as one of the debaters on n ; , G loria Coulter, superintendent; th e varsity debate team of Uni­ G eorge ia e m e rm a n of H ayw ard in te rm ed iate (high stim o li M a rth a versity of Oregon, where he Is now Mrs. Melanaon Hostess Paul Melanaon entertained r „ _ A c c i d e n t s "I* >.t tbiee days with his daughter. James, superintendent. and t h e a student. Mrs. ir society ol tlu- S t Alex- 1 w o i n j u r i a in n i t i u c i i n Mrs jjla tt, returning to his young people's (advanced h i g h tile Alter (lurch ut her home October D u r i n v t l , h I C e W eek 1,1 Hayward Friday Mr and school and older), meet a t l a » 6 M p under church L /U f lllg ▼« M r VAZ ; , .» » m a r ,, - a lla n , o ♦ n W fd h p r« r*. 11rrea.r4 h a ir Mrs. Willis I H f , . iatt were z callers at r m. M others o are urged »x» to let t their 34 tlie Iaem erm an liome Friday e v e -1 junior age children come at 4 p Mm. A L. Brock attended the (B y Vivian Hudson) nmg j m. "F eature" service, 7 30 p. m Washington County Federation «I I H r N orth Plain* P. T A.) Floyd Updike returned home S a t­ Song service assisted by the young urday evening after spending a Women's clubs' meeting u t Sclmlls NORTH PLAINS—Mr*. A F people't chotr. Stories of "Hymns week a t Yakima, Wash. Frlduy. m Ì m te n o re Haimo« of Hehrff.ln g ‘Æ ^ n'.rub “" p v Î u ^ B U t î î s We Love" by M aurine Moore with Miss Vera Keppeto was absent spent a few days with h er brother. .9, , L . J “!’, " fr ,Væ, ‘ f t ' r™™ vLMn,r!, each song sung or played after the from Banks high school Thursday German M. E. Church, B e t h a n y ____________ story. Sermon. Hen-Pecked Hus- on account of illness. On G ermantown road Bunday an d FooUlh Wlvei „ A ~ seml- ...... school every Bunday. 10 i i m ; O e r - ! huniorous meflsage. Reserved watA man service, 11 a. m . first a n d for "hen-pecked" husbands. This MULL WOOD third Sundays; English service. 11 is going to be good, be sure and LaVeme Shay of Tillamook spent X b m M m *V ha*mgP hïgh “ " e "and a. m.. second and fourth Sundays come. Monday. 7:45 p. m. Practical Edgings and inside wood. — E Julius Tragllo, pastor. tf workers' class. Tuesday. 7 p m.. Green. 4-foot ....................... meeting of elders, deacons and Two or more cords ......... forWa U«f,or,tWm p ¿ Banks .M E. (h u rch deaconesses for organization o f Sawed, 50c more Sunday school every Sunday, 9:45 g-oups to be followed by t h e Following Pythian Sisters visited' a - ln.’ Mrs. H. J^psen, superintend- monthly board meeting, 8 p. m. Edgings and inside, dry. ttie Hillsboro Temple Friday eve- J-J*1. Preaching services by Ellsworth Wednesday. 7:30 p m , monthly 18-lnch. Cord ........................ rung October 26, and enjoyed the | *xton,^ pastor.^ e v « 7 ^B uijaay_eve-| meeting of church school officer . 5 or more cords ............... 12.75 IV t-llr IP liT P t-r » iT fi> c c H a llo w e e n p a r ty : Mesdames Loel J1*11*- 8 ° m?et5 ar«l teachers. Thursday, 7:30 p m I V i a K I I l ^ a r O g r t S S Hollenbeck Floyd Kaffety, J. L 7*rsl a,ld third Wednesdays a t 2 G reater Mid-week Service" Her Excellent kitchen wood, th e best Jackson, Clyde P n>. tf mon. "Heathenism In O ur Modern buy you can find. (B r M. C. H SarU l , Vanilomx-len, Kay - Churches." Sunday, p. m. (Novem- A1Z)HA At the court of honor Lincoln. Henry Cypher, J. H. Hand- Dry Slab and Block (h ristia n Science Society ber 111 a special recognition service for Boy Scouts IJoyd and Frederick ford, Maria Jackson and Miss Services are held every Sunday for m arried folks. Mesasge, "Tlie Mlller paswd the tests for first Eugenie Cypher. Herman Rehse Secret of Happiness 1 n Married Phone 2383X______ Res. phone 2082 Life." You will always find a wel­ come.—K L. Putnam , pastor. the Centerville school entertained Bishop and family Sunday evening their m others ut th e school Wed were Mr. and Mrs. Stanley bm Pythian Meet Grade School clulr, Mr. and Mm. Htroeder und noon IJoyd Shaw of Vernonia spent Mr aiul Mis Henry and children Evelyn und Hally Kai-, all Ilk- week-end lieie North Plains Holds Parties aiul Mr and Mm. Merle laF o llelte of Hillsboro The evening wus spent luinlly liave moved Into a place playing "500 " nc-alay uf te r H IL L S B O R O . 9 Delicious Flavor. 3 lb». ............................ LARD Carnation— Large pkg. . COMPOUND. 3 or Stud Tobacco— 3 pkg*...................... .............................. BOILING BEEF PRODUCE FEATURES For Friday and Saturday Only 10c 49c I GRAPEFRUIT—Iairge Arizona. From Prime Cattle. 5c 5« ....... 23e Fresh Willapas. Pint Large can .... 5c 9 O YSTER S Mellowest— 7 Ita. ............. (Box ......... «• MINCED MEAT Lb. ............. APPLES—Spitz. JL4 b L>>' Lb. .... ..................... VEAL ROAST Milk Fed. Lb........................... 8c 10« COMPARE OUR QUALITY, PRICE and SERVICE SWEET POTATOES— IOC SPINACH—Fresh. IOC 33c Hillsboro Meat Co. Phone 982 Prices Effective Friday to Monday— November 2nd to 5th, inclu»ive FREE DELIVERY