Page - xt THE H IL L S B O R O A R G U S, H IL L S B O R O , OREGON Thursday, November I, 1934 to be present. The hostess eonuntt-1 Marv Sabin will lout the devotion- of this rertlllxer m aterial so th at Ml years ago. Ile liuti been a resi­ ¡Jean Wenger. Clarence. C lara and e n AZ/’ IP\“»on of Gladstone, Willis Pyle, Almqutst. M argaret Cypher, common rye grass Is as desirable and came to the United S tates Rend tilein E Korn “ and Mr Mrs. Simon father. B. _ Bunnell. With them ll.irlv were Misses Hood. Lucille Elvln Dorothy Oox. Roos Cox, Mrs. R. as anything. This will make an t Hershey. rVMIli “AA group * and .......... J Mr ..... ... ..wOhor »>,» I ’’» Chlottt. V Lucille 1 .iff 1 Gladys I v K Swtvllcrs (By Mr*. John M Davidaon) The stayed in P o rt- returned Bunnell's mother. Alt-« Mrs. Harty. 1 *» Lena hollers, W. Cox. and the honor guests. early spring growth, is lhgltly pala­ J B Bunnell, and his sister. Mi's Dorothy HoadJey, and the Mesdames HELVETTIA—Mis. Jasper K effer* land over tin- week-end. table and when seeded a t the rate of Mrs. Frank E Williams of San Charles Routt, of Olympia. Wash. Lester Lackey, A rthur Aldinger. CiUzrnship Group Meets— home wa-s the scene of a quilting C ttiienshlp departm ent of t h e a b o u t 18 to M pounds par actc will bee Thursday The quilt is for the Francisco has been visiting Iter The two visited here lor a few Rupert Kennedy. Ross Hall. Will Plckleslmer. E tta Coffee club will meet next Wed­ Just about crowd out anything else Sunshine club baz%pr. The patch Barents Mr and Mrs. J. M Keffer days and th en left for Olympia, Betaer. M. C. W illiam 's brother and sister- where Mis. Bunnell will spend the Culbertson. J. R. Be tier. H E. work was made and donated by a Mrs ir s , w i u a i u . ....... .......... i Thompson. G N. Taggart, and the nesday afternoon In the library. For u long time proposition It us not Mrs Keffer Those present were m-law. Mr and Mrs ................. W L. Keffer, winter. McAlear will be the speak­ as good as English rye grass. The Just A t T he ... „ . . Joint hostesses. Misses Opal Betaer, E. J Members Mrs. J. W Pritchard. Mrs. R. San-1 o{ Portland entertained with a cant of tlx' club are re­ Kngllsh rye graaa makes a pretty rff. Mrs. Mrs. Marie Mane ™rtv Thursday Thursday evening evening In in th th eir eir ^ h t ^ t o attend the HaJ* ‘ Bn>w.n.' Wdma £ ‘r !T Audr y er. Doctor O rdered ford. Mrs. E. Dierdorff. quested to attend and invite a good growth, comes on early, and Is Jone» *u,d Mn* ,iOSS « artram Pf Jackson. Mrs. Jam es s Hayes. Mrs ^Siwr. Mr and Mrs Williams left n m ^ t a - a r ^ r of t h e pSrthuid friend. quite hardy but It does not make, VV7 E place at rouged emplia Langue. Mi's. Abe Youngen. Mrs for Seattle. Wasta. Monday, where Symphonv chorus of which she is Birthday Celebrated— quite as large a growth the first I The director. Wilhelm Mrs Hallle Ireland entertained William Zurcher and Mrs -iasner Jasper Mr. WUliams has business interesL. a > ala on thia branch of our year. Rye Is another early pasture I Keffer. A pot luck dinner was serv­ bualnraa that’a why your ------------------------VanHoogstraten, returned last week gam ^ iay afternoon w ith a Hallo- possibility which, if seeded in the I ed at noon. Several of the ladies f A z w n r x i T i l L y t g o n physician will aiifureat that from Europe He plans to have the we en party in honor of her duugh- fall, ran be pastured early the next, returned Friday and finished the L / O I l I l d 1 l U t - U . - c n chorus present B eethovens Ninth (er June's ten th birthday aiuiiver- you «end prescription« here spring There ore a lot of pasture quilting. ..... • a . a . Symphony. St. M atthew's Passion pheae present were Lorna I lots, hillsides, and even lanes on The Sunshine club m et October (C ontinued from pa«e I) W in s in C o n te s t and the Messiah. McLeod. Beverly Weil. Violet Lun- 17 a t the home of Mrs. Victor A Complete Stock n.ii.m C uvont o,,,i Pvun- den. Ruby Landberg. Jacqueline on the third and last scoring th reat ' some places tltat m ight well be Christensen w ith Mrs. B E. W al­ seeded to something like rye gra.-s o f th e q u a r te r S t H elen s th e n of Staple Drugs dorf assisting hostess. The business or perm anent pasture mixture this took tlx- ball down tlx» field 57 (all session was taken up planning for yards with a liaid drivmg attack th e bazaar and appointing com­ O rchard grass. English rye gross m ittees Next meeting will be at to the Hillsboro JO as the half top meadow fescue, tall »at __ ______ the home of Mrs. John Wenger the National Baby contest. Over under the direction ot airs, aiauae ended. grasa, timothy, common white clover, November 14, one week earlier than jq q ooo entries were received. Stannard. Members of the club^as- k Hotxirs were even in the second ladlno clover and nlslke clover are NRA. usual. Mrs. E. M. Hallan returned to her stated in a program a t the Odd |.\,rm er Editor Visits— half, both tennis gaining at will In . l a a i - ia i ui.. . to advance a , thc more onl). commonly used. not Mr. and Mrs. Hallie Jan in re- botne week after a week’s visit Fellows home Sunday. p Bath, former editor of the midfieM but . .... unable In u>a, These ,nuy are USCl, IVegcription Druggists turned from Tacoma. Wash., last wl(h fr jends abd relatives in W ash- ^[rs May McLaughlin of near Hillsboro Independent, accompanied territory. In th e closing b t these are the most common week and were visiting a t the home mgton Hillsboro spent the week-end with Mr and Mrs. W. C. Galloway and scoring lUlU , „ unu. 1208 Main St. I’hono 2«C of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Christensen B T H art returned home Oc- her sister, Mrs W E. Reed, in daughter of Corvallis and Mr. and minutes of the game. H llhl made I l>btlkl|u.d , , mO6t iuiyw,x.,e Sunday. h o b er 23 from a hunting trip in portlantj accompanied them on Mrs. W. J Galloway of Sheridan a last desperato attem p t to «'ore w i t h a bewildering "M m nesota, No', o, -slwuld bt. UM .d ln FREE DELIVERY Harvest Festival will be new at Eastern Oregon. a trip to their summer home at to Hillsboro Sunday, where they the church Sunday. Rev. C. Hoff- Horace Chase, who has spent th e - Brightwood on Sunday. - ---- ----- of - — She ------- leaves were guests their relatives, Mrs. shift play Cook made nine yards lUly OIl(. ,ulxluil, fo r a lly o n e soli sol m an of Portland will conduct the three m onths visiting Mr. and next Tuesdav for a visit w ith her M Galloway and Mrs. Ruby Estepp. oil the first attem pt to the Hillsboro tvpc >P,JC ,,xacl combination that Ilia German service in th e fp^uoon Mre w E Gilmore, returned to son. W. „ r F. Aman, U „ v C. Galloway .. will - be . re- v — 19 ....................... ....... ...... ---------- in 1 San F ran- Mrs W and then raced 3S , yards to .... the njJ?. udvlaable to usc wdj dt. and Rev. G. Zuui of Oohimba his home in S eattle October 24 clsco membered here as Miss G race B ath. 44-yard line from the same form a- . ., co,,d ltio ii' Questions ™ slough will conduct English service Mrs fYcd T . Sm ith of Portland , a tlon. Here tli.- attack went awrv 1 . lonciiuons in the afternoon. Everyone is in- visited friends here Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Blair, who Sea Scouts O rganiied— e n d e d w ith t h e ball l m lu»'llll.v asked about seedm,; vited to attend. Picnic lunch at Miss Irene Richmond visited left here several weeks ago for the David Leger is organizing a group . u „ . ,{• , 1 * canary grass on upland. Reed c an - 'frien d s in Portland several days benefit of Mr. B lairs health, are of scouts, boys over 15 years on “ ary grass Is a w etland grass and noon. st week returning Fridav located tem porarily at Milton They o( age. and the group attended a « -» a r o ‘“ w thrives best under conditions where Frank McCuen staving a t the __ __ . . D Tschabold _ place Mr. and Mrs. Leo Landauer of visited friends at W alla Walla, meeting of Sea Scouts in Portland Both squads made eight first there Is an abundance ot moisture I for some time, left for his home Hillsboro h are moved into the Wash., for a short tune. Wednesday evening. Rev. C. M. downs during the game. St. Helens titrouglwut the summer months near Bend Monday. house formerly occupied by Mr Mr and Mrs. J. W K am na Jr. Reed and H. W. Faber assisted in gaining seven from line plays and An c m essiv e .unount ol water in Mr and Mrs. Elmer Batchelder and Mrs. H. Arey. and sons. Mr. and Mrs Earl Donel- furnishing transportation for the one from a pass while Hillsboro , |tt. winter time even where tn • spent last week visiting friends a t Roy Townsend of Sunset camp son and Mr. and Mrs. M Athey boys. made six through thc line, one bv uraa» is covered with water : a ?£d M Ä lie thm ° k ^ M r ^ Ä s Kl7 VW U- and U on .......... the - .1 ___ Ä w-w. A « W. T timber were Sunday guests of Miss Mary Rood of Pomona, Cal.. nlght tn the school hall. Mrs. H. A J. Miller a t end for the visitors Elnx'r Guerbcr la m i near Helvetia Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Marchel llliam Sallee and Mrs. Gene Waliner, w ,.hru.r Mrs. xtr« Leonard leruuira VanLoni. VaiiLom. - played i ...... .. a .___ _ .. tT .I y lilL I 1 .1 .1 ^ W V J H i l l l x V z x /. William heads-up ball .......... game, pick- Of .i,., tlw ..... varieties seeded i..n tall fescue. Hamilton of K ansas City. Mo., spent Mrs. J. Schulte^ and ^Mlss Eliza- ¡¡jg up fumbles a t crucial meadow fescue, tall oat grass, En- Sooth Second St. Millers of Quality Errd» the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. belh O tt will be hostesses. pomts ln tlie game an d turning ln gU«h rye grass, domestic rye gras* Phone 01 Fred Rood. a good punting performance. The and highland bent were the better. Visit Odd Fellows' Home r s ? — ■— i Mrs. Roy Pearson and sons re ­ About fifty Odd ■ turned Wednesday from a m onth's --------------. ------- Fellows . and Re-1 Hllhl line was ragged in the op- Tall fescue is apparently a very1 ■ . . . the enlng period of tlie game but set- fine grass but seed a t tlie present lisit with her parents, Mr and bekahs from Hillsboro visited Hillsboro llsboro Ice Works and Fairway Mrs Gladd, a t Elk Mountain. I. O. O. F. home in Portland Sun- tied down later and made a credit- tune is not available. V Grasses, like any other crop, Market eir Wyoming. day. They took in the annual of- able showing on both offense and le t bowling team s top th their need some care and occasionally respective leagues in the fourth Mr. and Mrs. Hallie Ireland and ierlnS of canned fruite and put on defense. some fertilizer. ContUiuous do*- week of play while Lentz and Ire- daughter June and Violet Lundin a program in tne aitem oon. Starting lineups: pusturUig probably kills out grass lands are tied for th e leadership were visitors in Portland Sunday D epartm ent Inspector Visit«— HUM ( • ) (<) St. Helena of the city league and Bristol and a t the home of Mr and Mrs. George RF.L MacAlliater pasture quicker th an anything else Woman's Relief Corps will hold <>r '«K»n ■ H<4t The grass should liave a chance HTI. National G uards are deadlocked for Thomas, a n all day meeting Friday a t the V aipiani to grow a little each year without Wunderlich RGL _ _ _ _ national _ league. Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Colton and veteran s' hall. ' " Official Inspection Stun first __ place in the Mrtaker hard C All "m atches in the league play daughter Agnes of Portland and will be held in the afternoon. Pot l'.-»< bka LOR Peter«« »n being kept pustured right to the for the week October 22 to 29 were Ju stin Wheeler of Spokane were luck luncheon will be served, Schulm erich M Miller ground. Applications ol phosphate LTR Samuel I, EH Jaaon Miller and n itrate ln some form are oc­ won by scores of two out of three Sunday guests of M rs G. G Chase Attend Anniversary— Q Torbet Yeaker casionally advisable. On some soils games. In the American league w Mr. and Mrs. J. Chalupcy and ru*™ F s i i r w r a t - • ,.r M« RHL Hiiisboro Ice Works defeated the Mr. and Mrs. M attzen of WilsonnUe u ^ red ‘^ t h C^ d l S ! lilt Seal potash Is necessary Light top dress­ (M l Royal Soda Works and the Home S u n d a y ^ M r ^ f t e ^ p X i - Kahlm eyer r Retherford in g s of barnyard m anure put on ln Hllhl aubfltltutlonn : I'attera.Kt. Brunice. Laundry dropped Hillsboro Motor Ke‘ J 1” 1 e ents, Mr and Mrs. Asa Eslinger of wc. Barr. Cawraa, Guodln. Uoettar. Kt the fall are also good but usually there is not a sufficient amount company. Lentz trim m ed the C. C. . ,E ret^ rn h° me ' near Forest Grove. H alen, auhatitution : Curiy. H o llie s P la c e w on fro m from Riddle where he has been tir e working on mining operations d u r- Taken to Vets' Hospital— Irelands in the city league^C om - lng th£ summer B H Hoffman of near Banks d efeaU n ^th e* C tK lett TY uck^'and Mr and Mrs Meyers and was taken to the Veterans' hoe- dereating the co siett 1‘Ucks and 0{ P ortland visited pital Friday, suffering from spotted Safeway stopping Curry s Grocery. Sundav evening with Mr and Mrs. fever, reported to be the first (Republican Nominee) In the National league the C o m -1L P stra n a h a n . known case here. mereiai National bank defeated the He has placed the First National G uards and Union Oil Stephen Cox returned home Birthdays Celebrated— Thursday from Union Creek, where Royal Neighbors will give a pot G A S O L IN E S Congressional District of Ore­ Hich scores for th e week in th e , iTio Wlth th e B ureau oi luck luncheon for members whose v ™ s w e?? Chv te a ™ ‘ birthdays are In October and No- R ichfield - G en eral - Shell - Union - G ilm ore IF SO, gon in the most secure and and Mrs JosePh Belanger vember at the home of Mrs. Bertha important position it has n C Cook 199, National league. B. of Mr Heppner spent th e week-end with Ennis Tuesday. Hi-Pressure Greasing ever occupied in the National Rogers 205; American league, R. her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. „ . . Free Crankcase Service - Automotive Repairs Peters 194; and Commercial league. Hensley. Arnl tr a c t urea— House of Representatives. M. Johnson 228. O ,,,.' , nri MiSK valine Allen of Leroy Campbell, son of Mr. and Firestone Tire», Tube» and Acce»sorie» He is a member of the two Schedule for th e coming w eek' Anu tv were Hillsboro visitors S at- Mrs. L. s. Campbell, fell on the TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 6 a t their home Friday and standing committees of the is as follows: American league— urdav. calling on th eir sister. Miss P°rch DRIVE IN — SPARK PLUGS TESTED FREE fractured w his . left ' Works vs. Hillsboro Pearl Allen. w . arm. .™ Soda House which together control Royal Motors, Home Laundry vs. Hills- M r. and Mrs. Paul C. Rees and U. V. Meets— more than half of all the leg­ boro Ice Works. City league—Lentz three children were Sunday guests D. Daughters of Union Veterans will islation which directly affects vs. Hallie's Place. C. C. store vs. of Mr and Mrs. R. E. D unn of hold a regular meeting Monday Vote for One STATE SENATOR— Ireland Hardware. C o m m e rc ia l Portland. evening at the Veterans' hall. the district he represents. C O 8L E TT 8 TRUCK SERVICE league—C urry's Grocery vs. F air- Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Sigler and to Meet— First and Baseline Streets Phone 1263 His work in Congress at way Market, Cosiett Trucks v s family were Sunday guests of Mr Guild Methodist Missionary Guild will this session has been directly Saleway. National league—N atio n al; and Mrs. Date Sigler of Portland. meet C O S L E T T ’S B A R -B -Q a t the home of Mrs. A. W. uards vs. Union Oil, Commercial Mrs. M. E. Groehong and daugh- a t 2 p. m. Thursday with instrumental in b r i n g i n g G National bank vs. Bristol Hardware, ter of Cloverdale spent the week- Havens V o te fo r T w o Mrs. P J. Kalkwarf aslsting. Mrs. STATE REPRESENTATIVE— more federal money to Ore­ Games are now being arranged end at the W. E. P ittinger home. With team s in Portland Vo meet Women’s ch u rc h Service league gon than has ever been local bowlers on th e home alleys W ill meet at 2:15 p. m. Wednesday granted in any session of in th e n ear future. A num ber of a t the Episcopal church, Congress. ladies are bowling every Friday Mr and Mrs A. J W hiddon were and they are also planning guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. In National legislation he night to schedule games with P o rtlan d , Charles Boyer of Bonita. has begun a career which, teams. | Mr. and Mrs. R alph Ireland of Standings: in the opinion of his col­ Portland spent last week with Mr. Vote for One lx»««— w l Pet. and Mrs. Hallie Ireland. C O U N T Y C O M M IS S IO N E R — leagues, marks him as one of City Lentz 1 “ | Mr. an d Mrs. Lyman Howe and the future leaders of the Irelands .... ......... ... 6 6 500 D r- and M rs- R alph Dresser spent H allie's Place House. 4 s .333 the week-end a t DeLake. C. C. S tore . N stion al League— w 1. Pet Mrs. Floyd Mcymer and daughters He is already a recognized Bristol Hardw are 7 c ' r 'J of Antelope are guests today of N ational Guards J | Mrs. W. R. Manley. leader in Congress in the Union Oil ........ V o te fo r One COUNTY TR EA SU R ER - nm ercial N ational 5 7 .41? Mr. and Mrs. Onas Olsen of fight for OLD AGE PEN- Ow American L en gsir- * 7 ’¡ 'i Salem spent Sunday evening a t l í e Work» ‘ the 6. E. Olsen home, w t t * Ktllsbara iloytil Sods Works ... 5 7 B. L. Taylor of Reedvllle, who «uf- INSURANCE and the FRA- Hillsboro Motor 5 7 417 fered a stroke about three m onths ZIER FARM MORTGAGE V o te fo r One w l iv ago, Is Improving. COUNTY SU R V E Y O R - REFINANCING BILL. i.-,y 6 500 Mrs. Caroline Stangel sp en t Wcd- C o slett T n jck s 6 6 .51.3 nesday in Portland with Mrs. M. If you want this legislation HE PROMISES YOU IMMEDIATE E F­ 5 7 .417 Riser. Helvetia Club Plans Bazaar Dairy Clean-up Plan Contracts Available Local Folk and Their F riends Prescriptions Hillsboro to Play Beaverton Friday PALM DRUG STORE FALL Seeds - Grain Your Congressman it*-' TlVfPFRTAÍ LEED GRAIN CD. Bowling Leagues Continue Tourney tu Do You Want Qualified People to Represent You James W. Mott Ç oslett S uper S ervice S tation In Public Office Vote for These Candidates Cosiett Super Service Station 33 X Edward Schulmerich .. 34 X J. W. Hughes ELECT A LIBERAL JOE E. DUNNE GO VERNOR re-elect y o u r Congressman who has ALREADY ESTAB­ LISHED HIS RECORD ON IT, who knows what it is about, and who is in position to fight it through. —Paid Adv. W alton Meet Postponed B rother Visit»— Installation of the county chap- Lloyd Anderson made a surprise ter of the Izaak Walton league, week-cnd visit with his brother, P. scheduled for Monday evening a t A Anderson, of th e J. C. Penney the chamber of commerce, was post- stOre. He arrived here Friday n ig h t poned. and left Sunday. The two brothers -------------------------had not seen each o th er for 11 Our classified columns may have years when Lloyd was 12. Lloyd Just w hat you are looking for — : Anderson Is a radio operator in the navy and will leave next week Read them. for Honolulu, where he will be stationed for two years. Auxiliary Meets Tuesday— The first meeting of the new official year of the American Le­ gion Auxiliary will be held Tues­ day night in the Veterans' hall, and the year's committee will be a n ­ nounced. All members are requested YOUR DOCTOR W R IT E S A PR E SC R IPT IO N When your doctor writes a prescription the success of his w o r k — and Y O U R H E A L T H — depends upon the accuracy with which the prescription is compounded. T hat ia why the Prescription D epartm ent a t our store ia moat im portant! All ingredi­ ents are highest standards. Double check system gOaran- tees absolute accuracy. The Delta Drug Store FALL . . . Is a good time to plan for next year’s flowers and lawns. PLANT— Heed Lawns Tulips Set Shrubs Crocus Use Fertilizer Iris Sweet Peas We h a re Imported and hom e­ grown bulbs. Graus seed for Held and lawn». Farmers’ Cash Store Feed - Seed - Eggs - Poultry Phone 3061 FORT AND EARLY ACTION ON THESE IMPORTANT PROBLEMS: Tax Reduction. Unemployment Relief. Old Age Pension. 35 X J. O. Johnson 38 X H. D. Korkman 40 X Maud Boscow 41 X J. W. Barney COUNTY CORONER— V o te fo r One I 44 X F. J. Sewell New Pay Rolls. We take pleasure in endorsing the nbove candidates: Development of Natural Resources. Improved Working Conditions for Labor. Improved Market Conditions and Better Prices for the farmer. Support of Federal Government in Devel­ oping Bonneville Power. Complete Present Highway Pro­ gram. Support Veteran Fight on Com­ munism. “Pay As You Go Policy” and a Balanced Budget. Improved Conditions and Stabil­ ized Prices for the Dairyman. Rigid Law Enforcement. Strict Supervision of All Public Utilities. Fish and Game Commission Taken Out of Polities. Maintenance of High Standard of Oregon’s Educational Sys­ tem. “FATHER OF THE $5.00 AUTOMOBILE LICENSE” raid Adv. by República« HtaU C«ntrai Committee. SU Morgan Building, Portland, Oregon PAUL PATTERSON, Hillsboro CHARLES ROBINSON. Hillsboro GEORGIA SCHMID. Aloha L. C. KRAM1EN, Hillsboro JACK ANDERSON, Forest Grove C. C. CONDIT, Forest Grove E. A. GRIFFITH, Hillsboro HARRY ROBINSON, Beaverton C. F. TIGARD, Tigard H. F. ELIANDER, Progress FRITZ ELSNER, Tigard EARL FISHER, Beaverton Listen to the R adio Program over Stations K E X and K O IN M onday, Novem ber 5, fro m 11 to 12 p. m. (The night before election) Paid Advertisement by W ashington County Republican C entral Committee