THE Page Twelve H IL L S B O R O A RGUS, H IL L S B O R O , OREGON Thursilay, November I. 1934 senator Edward Schulnierlch of fort to Improve state und local feed to poultry Is another one of j ,,/h e m n c PI/1T1 Argus elasslIUxi mis get renults. Hillsboro, republican. considerable im portance, stated Oos- I . I l I l i t I l l I I S I I l l 11 fiscal systems." County surveyor -J. W. Barney by, since green feed ts anothet Regarding tlie Ohio program. of Hillsboro, republican, and H. I* valuable source of vitam in A. This Robert A llilt state», ”1 am very Huson of Cornelius, democrat. is particularly true since there much opposed to Incorporating any County coroner- Robert E. Burns First money to come Into llllls- h as been some belief to th e effect limit in the constitution. The whole of Forest Grove, democrat, and F. th at poultrymen must produce eggs subject is exceedingly complicated ls»ro headquarters on (lie Red Cross J. Sewell, republican. with light colored yolks. Cosby's Motion for a directed verdict for and technical anil iniist be worked membership roll-call was received H . E. C o s b y D i s c u s t e » opinion was th at it is not necessary Lutheran churches of Blooming Selection of a mayor and three the defendant was granted Friday out with tin- greatest care. A con­ Hits week irom the Sunday school for poultrym en to pay attention to Hillsboro. f-Yirest Grove. Sehefflin eouncilmen will be up for voters in by Circuit Judge George R. Bag- stitutional limit is too Inflexible. ol the German Bniantiel eliuri li id P ro blem s o f G ro w e rs tlie color of the yolks of pullet eggs and Seghcrs will observe the 400th tlu- city of Hillsboro. J. H G arrett ley m the case of Donna McMullen Furtherm ore, it becomes the foot­ Helvetia, the sum of $4 Roll-call while they are yet small and they “ “ V ^ ^ y L ,7. „ io it ks, tlW S0!e cal,dldal*' ,or "»•»'» 's . G A. Cobb when the plaintiff ball « W * * rltlier to pi-rson or led to an initiated am endm ent re­ Day to Thanksgiving, and the Hel­ 'annot afford to risk the proper « ^ e,a,c * ^ u o a \ h i i r e h ^ * ‘Ule l>r J ° (B y L. K. Franc!«. A m I C ounty A gent) vetia Sunday school has started the ducing the tux rati' to an Im practi­ bull rolling g C ^ T 3!.i'> o'clock“ The a^ “ pp? e d ?_<* »>' Regular monthly meetings of development of their pullets by B ou g ht an d Sold , w to Rev. H w ' d n w of*Salem' »?U de~ | Aloha. Buck's B ucks building; building; Banks. Banks, I I. «•Bed a postponed sentence Man- A name contest sponsored by the our own county for relief, disaster, j ineeUngs last week. He discussed feejs a[v no( avanablp It concludes with L a n d e n b e r g e r o o F hall North Beaverton da>' u> tlie local circuit court S at- student council was announced at etc. However, there are four elassl- 1 1928 C h e v ro le t Sedan student usseinbly Wednesday Only flcatlons of memberships which are five questions which he said are picking and cannibalism are habit P°w'»'rful arrangem ent of Lutlicr's Hauienbeck building; South Beav- “rd»>’ 0,1 “ Iwveny charge. Janies F o rd T o u rin g most generally asked him at this forlulnj! rathPr Ihan hereditary, A Mlghty FPrtrta!> erton. public school house. Bloom- ’’ Anderson of Beaverton plead students owning student body tick­ divided as follows: On a contribut­ m e eligible to compete. The new j tim e of the year. I stated Cosbv. He felt th a t this ,, u tng. school house; Buxton. Grange guilty Tuesday to a charge of drtv- ets F o rd R oad ster name slitill be symbolle and ile- ] ing membership of $:>. only M) The first of these questions was. ' ld controlled bv Rcv E w HlIVlchs of Blooming haU Cpdar Ml)Ls union chapel tng while uitoxlcated. Sentence will serlpllve of the school. Its athletic s cents goes to the national an 1 *4 50 How much and w hat grain should P^ „ « X m e m of tii7 f i l e t s ^ w o i « ' a r e ^ T t r e ^ ^ e Cherry Grove Depot ’btoldnu W * l » - ' d by Justice of the Peace " F o u r-w h e e l T r a ile r rem ains for lix*al relict mid disaster team s and also conform with t h e , be fed to the laying ________„ pullets? V He ^ „ at 400th anniversary I V. A C R R Co . Connell. D A. W Havens Saturday. on a sustaining membership. *10. school colors of blue und white. ? on the rftngp range and and particularly particularly when when c e le b ra tin g “ tlie P° tnU'hari'itv n n n im a l !hey a n ' ilrst Plaet'd in tJle laym« of Luther s translation of TheWibic W engers hall; North Cornelius, New yells for use a t the com­ *9 50 remains at home; and on a A g e n c y W illy s 77 Orders In the following circuit and barley were Prm tlP**J house. Pickers once forming the Special services and celebration* are citY hall; South Cornelius. M. E. court cases were Issued tins week: ing fuotbull und basketball games supporting membership o f *25.1 Come in for » grains fed poultry in Oregon ana habit are apt to return to it; con- being held in all of the principal church. Dilley, Artisan's hall; North Credit Service company vs H W. »ere practiced at a-ssenibly Wednes­ ♦24 50 remulns here. If this Is kept 1 th at the amounts ana proportions ^ ^ 1 ^ - should be removed cities of the United States to coni- East Forest Grove, library building; Schmale. default, judgm ent. Feder- day with 111,' aid of tlie .school in mind by organisations when (leinoiiHt ration. build, directed by Lynn Slierinan planning to lake out a member-1 in which these are fed is <~ler’ from the flock, he claimed. Another memorate the historic event. Am- North West Forest Orove. No. 16 al Land bank of Spokane vs. James Superintendent B W Barnes a n ­ ship it »111 help materially In the I mined largely by such conditions unportant factOr in the control of erican Lutherans celebrate tlus ac- west side of main street; South F. Hayes et al. confirm ation of sale; th a t school would be dis- 1 as the contents of the mash and according to Cosby, is al- eomplislunent of the great retoraier East Forest Grove, high school I P Bledsoe vs. George H. Morrow nounced CARS PAINTED missed a t 3 p. in. Friday so that total qf tlie fund to renuilu with the availability and the relative |OWlll^ pullets yard space in which n, % , b u i l d i n g ; South West Forest Grove, et ux. dismissal; Liquidation °* students may attend t l i e HIIIU- the chapter for local use prices of these grams. Gei^raUy- t(J dunng tJle earlj. period m »ranMatOTs of th e Bible into En«Ush No' 28 Maln stI'cet; G ales Creek. Shute Savings bunk, compromise Beaverton game at Beaverton. Hillsboro Business and Profession­ speaking, liowever. a satisfactory the lajrtng house. He discussed brief- u those of Willi im Tvmiale Sand Community hall; G ulden Home, claim vs. A H. Busch e t ux; Donna Girl Itoserves enjoyed a talent al W om ens club will iigutn have amount is ab°u ’ ■‘ m r t b w h e Iy the V;Uue of Plckout shields and Mttes Coverdale. ‘ upon whose work =*'hool house; East G aston, John- McMullen vs. O. A Cobb. Judg- program at their ineetlng Monday charge of the membership roll-call 1 G as • O il - Accessories per aa> per iw oiras u ir a tin beess pointing out the fact that the Authorized revision of 1611 is son's house; West G aston. K. P. nient; Wilma H orshberger vs. Ered Patricia Moyer sang to tile accom­ solicitation in this community. are in or past 50 pei cent prouuc- considerable difference largely dependent, were made with hall; Grabel, school house; North Harshberger. order; Llquutatwn ot panim ent ot banjos, Helen Wick C ars W a s h e d and P olished i f , rd umong poultrymen regarding the tlie aid of Luther's Germ an version. Hillsboro, basem ent court house; Bunk of Beaverton, autliorlzing gave a tap dance, accompanied on Marriage Licenses The question often arises regard- success of these mechanical devices, i "The American historian and South East Hillsboro, school house, purchase, paym ent tuxes; United the piano by Wunda Park, and La- Harvey Myers mid Until E Sim ­ v c l l c Jackson played accordion tog the \alue of oats. He claimed Generally they are successful in librarian exclaims in Ills Age of South West Hillsboro, city hall; States National bunk of Newberg solos. onton. both ot Gales Creek. October th a t they are very essential to vne down the am ount of pick- The Reformation'. Among the great Kinton. school house; Laurel. Com- vs. Dewcv C. G earin et al, order Tlie neophytes of the II11 li I 26. poultry scratch ration and th at lng if used when tlie pullets are vernacular Protestant versions of munlty hall; Leisy. Mrs. Rice rest- to show cause; Mark T. Cox. ex- Hl-Y d u b will be inducted at a Karl K. Wonholf of South lleud. they can be fed up to ab° h t 20 first moved into the laying house. Rle th at °f L uther -stunds dence; Manning. Manning hall; ecuior. vs. Carl A Hoffman ci al. ceremony following a banquet at Wash . mid l a Ina L. Palm of Van­ but th a t an >' event they should *lrsl ln every sense of the word. Metzger, Community club house; sustaining dem urrer; R. C. Hunger the Y M C. A to IMrtland T h u rs -; couver. Wash., October 27. A g e n c y fo r N ash and whole oats are generally prelerred not ionger th an two or ~ Middleton, school house; Mountain, et al vs. Jolui Mundorff et ux. de- day evening. November H T'lie new Newton J Thompson ot Hillsboro to o at groats. T his is particularly th re e m o n th s ....................... Meacham school house; M ulloyJ elding dem urrers; Ruby T. Debley members are Tbm Goqdin. Tom route 4 mid Floy E Taggart of H udson and T e rra p la n e true where the poultryman has an The flnal problem dlscussed by Carlton school house; East North vs. Ralph E. Debley. default, de- Stretcher, Faurest Anderson amt Hillsboro, October 30 opportunity to buy up a supply of Cosby th a t of mtej5,uw l Elmo C Hardebeek and Vela C. 2nd and W a s h . P hone 2641 Pliuns, school house; West North cree; Ed Moyer et al vs. Sherm an K enneth Tupper. The club li a s pluiuicd many projects [or th is Kobersteiu. both of Gaston. O cto­ oats a t harvest tune and store them eoccidiosis. He pointed Plauis. K P. building, Orenco, city Mill company, order for sale per- year. pointed out out th a t Regular meetings will be ber JO. since the groats cannot be stored the disease U ap t to appear in the hall: Purdin. T hatcher school house; sonal property; Ered Ennis et ux held every first and th ird T lim s- _ I Continued from t>«Ke l » w ithout the danger of th eir be­ pullets when they are from three tlie state and pledged himself to Reedville. school house; Roy. Moore s vs. Hasel C Peterson et al. decree; day ot eaeh in.m th a t ! I»' li; Si coming rancid. to six m onths of age and is one of continue th e fight to have all tax store building; Scholls, I. O. O. F. Jolui H McLeod et ux vs. Lucy school, beglnniiig this week. Another question discussed by- the greatest sources of loss to poul- loss from these lands repaid to tlie Dali. Sherwood, Boy Scout room Eakin et al. publication of Cosby was the value of corn as a trymen. As soon as any birds in state through direct annual pay- to hotel building; N orth Tigard, summons; Conrad Algesheliner et poultry feed. He stated th a t yellow the lock appear to be affected, as m ents out of the treasury. He also Tigard building. South Tigard. I O. ux vs. R L. Johnston et al. default, corn should be fed as it is a valu­ indicated by a droopy condition, declared th a t he had taken a lead- t>. F. hall; Timber, Bangs building; judgment, decree; Mary Willers vs. able source of vitam in A and vita­ they should be taken out immedi- ing p art to bringing more th an Tualatin, city hall; Verboort, For- Samuel A rthur Steinke et al. de- m in A deficiency th e _ seri- E. fault decree. „ atoly and isolated under extreme S9.000.000 ln highway funds to the Tester's hall, an a West Slope .. , , is one of __,, Rain last night hud a daniiM'nmg h " P^ T , , ‘^ J ^ f ^ n ^ sa;utary conditions. The laying state and h a t f S c J d flo<£ control Lahey's building. Probate orders were Issued In effect on Hallowe'en pranks o f t°h»,CCT r r ^ d house sllould ^ c n be cleaned daily surveys of the Columbia and Will- tlie estates of A rthur Schmidt, Hillsboro youngsters. Altltougli win ior Wn days' U metliod of am ette rivers and of all tributaries Jolmethon Hackman, Vivian Hous­ dows in the business section re kalne<1 m the >nash will determine control is followed a poultrym an to the Columbia in Oregon, ton. Elizabeth Berst. Alice May De- ceived their customary applications the am ount th a t should be fed in ma,- correcr th is tmnhip t,orrect t™ trouble with the Edward Schulm erich of Hillsboro, Line and William K. Tucker. the scratch feed. of soap and tallow markings, the The problem of feeding green loss of yery few birds .a c c o rd in g | candidate for state senator, reeom- residential districts were ulinost lh i mended operation of tlie state gov- ( f ontinued from paice 1 1 free from depradatlon. COM,?, ** J roubled with em inent on the sam e basis as pri- persons should be placed In charge. A burned out transform er put eoccidiosis through th e entire year vate enterprise in his address. He During his talk W alter em pha- the town in darkness for 15 minutes and will be constantly troubled with also suggested a tax program un- sized the fact th at if people of the during tlie early part of the eve­ HARRISON D. HUGGINS sick and undernourished birds. der which persons honestly unable state wanted a "New Deal" they ning. (Continued from page t) M. 0 . to pay could work out their tax must vote it a t the coming election, levy, and our Income Is en tirely ; problem with the county court and He declared th a t he entered the Births EYE. EAR, NOSE AND THROAT C e d a r under which o th er classes of tax race honestly and conscientiously, uncertain." Hergert To Mr mid Mrs. Albert SPECIALIST T T *• * delinquents would be forced to pay th at he was not obligated to anyone Simeon E. Leland, commissioner. ___________ Hergert of near Blooming. October by revival of th e penalty clause, and th a t he had not promised to oi the IUH»!» S tate Tax conunls- 26. g girl. G LASSES FITTED Nine candidates f o r n n h l ic o f f i c e M akU 1« u strike a n d do anything th a t he could not ac- slon stated regarding the Illinois , ey\ ' T2 ll?l .r “nd Mra cllnton PU“ ‘l 2 " ,Se.J c r e a Lng a stole court ol arbitration oompllsh if elected. .program. The conclusion is in- ‘ bliy ot Hillsboro, October 28. a In plain colors anil fancy Heavy blue denim u n d ^ ° )mmended mm™ ded”by by Schulmerich Federal housing adm inistration «capable th a t the tax lim itation B Moulton -To Mr. and Mrs. Nor­ cannery expresa stri pes. C«oiBiercial N ational Bank A nnex stripe. in > addition to a plan to tu rn uumes duties ram films s will be shown a t the chamber P ^ 1 15 unintelligent and Inef- campaign platform s Tuesdav niaht »111 oe snown luunwnugeni ana m ei- man Moulton of Hillsboro. Octo­ Bibs. Pbonas Hour* at the Cedar Mto Farm ers * Union thP “Y1* cobLro1 board over 10 of commerce meeting Monday. An- flclent method of accomplishing de- ber 29, a boy Reaidenoe 2872 • :80 a. m. to 12 m. SPECIAL the senate sanitary committee to nouncement was made concerning slrable results, i t is negative and Wllcox—To Mr. and Mrs. A. W O ffice t m 1 :S0 p. m. to S p. m. atterSancet€ly P61^ 0115 were ‘n areas outside of Portland. the American Legion Armistice day s*‘1flsh- rather than constructive and Wilcox, route one Hillsboro. Octo­ __________ _ wvuiae J ' ° Johnson ° t Metzger, seek dance November 12 and the Rotary ,n the social Interest. The sur ber 30. a boy. Speakers included George m M. Evers—To Mr. and Mrs. A. J. prising thing is th a t tlie non-prop­ Aitken of G arden Home, democratic lng re ’electl° n “ state representa- h°bby show Saturday, Beautiful prints at a big erty owners have stood by a n d Evers, Verboort. October 30. a boy candidate for state sen ato r; Robert ? ve' cit€d tiis record to the regu- — — — — - Sotiler— To Mr and Mrs Henry saving. allowed tax limitation advocates so E. B um s of Forest Grove, demo- tae session and two special sessions N e w D is tr ic t 22x44, large enough anil of N orth Plains, October 31. WE KNOW cratic candidate for coroner J M and committed himself to continue V j t i u 7 L > lS in C t easily to Interfere with public serv­ Sohler girl. heavy enough. Colored es . 1 ices and public finances. W hat a a Heuer—To Vanderzanden of Verboort ’ demo- i 10 ilg h t ior reduction of gasoline - Mr and Mrs. Harry ends. Pny 80 much energy could not have Heuer of Hillsboro, November 1. a cratic candidate for county com- taxes and 10 break 016 monopoly of been devoted to an intelligent ef- boy. missioner; E. L. Ross of Hillsboro ^ ajor “ 1 companies by placing M p Cad was — Y O U K N O W US! and J. W. R aynard of Scholls. them . under„ public utilities chairm an for the Bov Scouts at democratic candidates for state eomnussiotr He declared himself as the db,trict committee meeting at Blue denim bibs und lit representatives; H D. K erkm an 01 Th 5 c ^ X J""8 the hou-s<‘ T iiX a y night He ELECT . . . erty stripes. 4 to 18 years Sehefflin republican candidate for Yj d^ n an d ' succeeds J. M. Person V W G ard- comnussioner and R. Frank Peters O range ner succeeds Jak w u G eo. M . ‘S c o tty ’ A itk e n of HUlsboro. non-partisan candi- b‘d . ^ fbrm ° f ’ arra n t laws mlssioner whlIe R prank For women and children. date for circuit judge. Sheriff J. „ j V 1* . . interest would be continuPS chairm an of the court Friday and Saturday. Democratic Nominee for W. Connell represented Earl SnellJ f ^ ‘d a t , r guJa f ‘"terv als rath er of honor and P. L Patterson a s republican^ candidate for secretary ^ 5 . and chairm an of the board of review. Plan to have th e state share i n ; Mr Special T h e y 'r e f u ll d o u b le bed of state and a representative spoke G ardner and for Peter Zim m ennan, independent. w'Yii'Y.105 WaS s“Kgested by A. H Busch were named" ris e as dele- candidate for governor. | J ; W H ughea representotive can- gates ln Townsend old age pension plan th a t V ^ u l ^ S S l i h S P° rtland >«• W ashington County was discussed from the floor. now, but would assure the people 1000-sheet rolls. Friday th at, if elected he would use his T a g g a r t E le c te d L e a d e r To protect the state. Its School G ro u p s A d o p t a n d Saturday special. _ , , _ . Judgment when Issues pre- V e te ra n Post in South resources, its industries, Buy now! B ud g ets D u rin g W e e k .*«««1 themseIves to get the best Lawrence G (Oakiei Taceart Women’s slippers, chi and its homes. Budgets of the non-high school ^ , ^ i P°?n«f,06SU>le the leaSt formerly of HUlsboro and son of tlfen’s shoes, men's rub DON’T BE AFRAID district and the Hillsboro grade | o th e r speakers ____ _ ‘ ~ Mr and Mrs MrS' ° N T _ aggart of i . * n , , ■ j »u . v. ! school district were adopted this g p rlm a n H ' D ' Hillsboro, has been elected com- Election Nov. 6. 1934 S pecial 10 te JJ.the ^ rl fn en d th a t when week by t h e respective boards missionpr „.h,, . Y' u?Unt,y .S°m * 1 m ander of Private Harold Brown tUne Members of the non-high school ™ ' hte„ pUt“ or"} P“ 1 Veterans of Foreign Wars, at stan d still, but don t make th e approved the budget aftcr W» P“s t record and pledged Bakersfield. Cal. I t Is one of the mistake o f te llin e h e r sh e h a s a a hearing attended by tw o persons hi”1®* equal treatm en t of all parts la rg e s t n o sts In S o u th e r n C a iiM m ia I face th a t would stop a clock. FnX w lS e t t e g ra X b l T r d th e “ YY? F J Sewe11 oi Big size 70x90. Bright The premier bath a n t r riaay wnue m e graae o o a r a boro c a n d id a l {or coroner j plaids, hound ends. Spe- face soup. D is tric t C o n fe re n c e Have no fear either when your ld °Pted th e estim ates Monday. w Barney of Hillsboro, candidate < la l OX Q Q o f G ra n g e rs S herw ood Chevrolet is overhauled a t th is for surveyor, also spoke briefly, Only shop. There's no better or more E le m e n ta ry School jack Anderson of Forest Orove District conference of Yamhill «I expert service th a n th a t guaran- F u n d s D is trib u te d acted as chairm an. Music was pro- and W ashington grangers will be held a t Sherwood Friday ln an all- teed you here. The performance of Elem entary school funds totaling vided by the Hillsboro band. day session. Hillsboro O range will your Chevrolet will prove th a t to $29.030.20 will be distributed t o ------------------------- be represented and will participate your own satisfaction. We have Washington county schools about T —a M A IN S T R E E T > in the competitive officers' drill in th e most modem equipment and November 10. W arrants will be a O H U C a l i n t e r e s t the evening. shop facilities to insure advanced i drawn on the basis of »141.99 per M A I N 81 methods. teacher in th e various schools. Divorce Suit Filed (Continued from pave 1) Clayton—Lucy E. Clayton vs. F a rm e rs ’ U n io n M e e ts ..... , C . J , the contest between R. Frank P et- Troy Clayton, in H i l l s b o r o S a t u r d a y ers of Hillsboro and H. T Botts of H arshberger—Wilma Harshberger W ashington county unit, F a rm e rs'. Tillamook for circuit judge of the vs. Fred Harshberger. " JAMES W H IT E L A W . Manager Union, will meet in Hillsboro S atur- nineteenth Judicial district on the S pecials fo r N o v e m b e r 2 and 3 3 rd an d W a s h . Phone 441 day in an all-day session. Pot lqck non-partisan ballot. Both candl- lunch will be served a t th e Vet- dates have conducted campaigns in erans' hall on M ain street. th eir opponent's county, but the local attorney Is conceded a sub­ stantial edge in th e race. O ther contests listed on the gen­ CALO. eral election ballot are as follows: Representative in congress—Jam es 3 for ................................................ W Mott of Marion county, republi­ can. R. R. T urner of Polk county, democrat, Em m ett W. Gulley of Yamhill county, independent, and W. S. Richards of Linn county, RED & WHITE. socialist. 2 cans .................................................... Superintendent of public instruc­ tion—Charles A. Howard of Coos county, republican, J. W. L eonhardt You rfo, when you buy of Union county, democrat, and •A Blanche H. Meyer of Clackamas a Ford Battery county, socialist. F o rd baltrriew a re b u ilt to Commissioner of bureau of labor— i/2-g a llo n ju g ...................................... ta k e it. C. H. G ram of M arion county, re ­ Come in and we will gladly publican. W alfred Shuholm of M ult­ tell you why. nom ah county, democrat, and Law­ Y o u r battery tested and rence Waer of Clackamas county, M ade in a new w ay, these H o le p ro o f socialist. connection* cleaned fre e an y day this week. State senator, eleventh senatorial KELLOGG’S. chiffons are exquisite in their filmy per­ district—George M. Aitken of G a r­ den Home, democrat, and form er 2 fo r ................................................ fection . . . clear a* a crystal spring. P o u ltry m en Plan M eets First Red Cross Memberships in Week Quiet in Circuit Court Observance 400 Years for Bible USED CARS Contest on Name Used Car Exchange Dunne Platform Cited Rally Here Rain Dampens Fun Hallowe'en Sprites BE HERE FRIDAY and SATURDAY WEIL’S Economy Pledged by Speaker Here Levy Limitation Effect Estimated 88c SALE Ends Sat Night These Bargains for 2 More Days Mill GrOUD Hears Candidates Men’s Overalls 88c Turkish Towels 88c 6 y a rd s......... Fast Color Print 88c 6 y a rd s......... iJCOUt Chairman CHEVROLETS 36-inch Outing 5 f o r ............... 88C Rain Jackets 88c State Senator Bathroom Tissue Boys’ Overalls 88C 2 pair Comfort Batts 88c 2 f o r ............. Buy Shoes Now 20 r o lls ......... 88C Part Wool Blankets Powers Grocery $X eO O 88c Lux Soap 15 b a r s ......... 88c High for Election Prompt Service . . . HillsboroMotorCo. DOG FOOD w hat you pay f o r . . . BEETS | 25c 23c PUREX 20c HOLEPPOOF HOÇIEPY Whole W heat Biscuits 25c in ANTIFREEZE wait until it’s too late, and your car freezes over! Put in Anti-freeze now, D ON’T at the first chill wind, and be protected while WHOLE WHEAT FLAKES Real B uy 2 acres, 3 -room house, garage, 2 chicken houses, brooder house, electricity, good rock rood. One mile from Hillsboro-Portland highway. Price »1600.00; »250.00 down, bal­ ance reasonable terms. THREE SIZES • THREE PRICES 13-plate ........... safeguarding the value of your car. Bring your car in now and let us flush the radiator in preparation for t h e c o l d weather. Busch’s Service Garage Agency P h on e 501 U . S. T ire s A . H . B U S C H , P ro p . E. A. G R IF F IT H 15-plate ............ 17-plate ............. $ g .5 o $*7.5O I $7 -9 5 / R e a l E s ta te and In s u ra n c e Can finance your Insurance pre­ miums on a m onthly basis. 1 152 2n d St. P h o n e 171 KELLOGG’S. 3 fo r ................ SODA RED & WHITE. 2 p k g s ............................................................ 25c monize w ith any costume . . . and priced to offer attractive value at p a ir 15c BAKING POWDER BLUE & WHITE. 25-o x. p k g . un«o.ift. u u u« u rw r Shown in correct new shades lo har­ .................................. 20c Many other items specially priced for Friday and Saturday. These prices good Nov. 2 and 3 only. B a ll B a n d ” R u b b e r F o o tw e a r