THE Thurdday, November I, 1934 H IL L S B O R O A R G U S. H IL L S B O R O . OREGON Page I I afternoon a t the home of Mrs age* cradle roll to adults. The "99" Eldon McLeod Member the Ccntei ville school entertained Bishop and family Huiulay evening Charle» Olson. cla*s for men Invites men not In tlielr mother» a t the w liool Wcd- were Mr. und Mrs. Stanley Sin U. of O. Debate Team Miss Jenkin» gave a party for any «lass tx, tome. Morning wor­ elulr, Mr und Mr». Htroeder and neMlay afternoon her pupil* (xl/Xx-r 26 at the sclgiol ship, 11 o ’clock. Special music. S er­ Eldon McLeod, a 1914 graduate ol ( Lloyd Hluiw of Vernonia »pent M r anil Mr» Henry nlng. "Feature" service, 7:30 p. m. (Djf North I'laina P. T A.) tie Sm ith vlhlled a t the J. C. Hare Washington County Federation of Floyd Updike returned home S at­ (|ly Mlaa Dorothy Cook») Song service assisted by the young urday Women » club»’ meeting a t Scholl* home In Portland Tuenday. evening a fte r spending a NORTH P L A IN S - Mr». A CORNELIUS G rade m I km U chU- people's choir Stories of "Hymns week a t Yakima, Wash. Friday. Birthday Observed b eA ro th cr* of% ?c Py U ü a ^ S U u í í ¡ «Iren were «mterLaliuxI with Hal­ We Love" by M aurlne Moore with Miss Vera Reppeto was absent Mr und Mr» J W Stiver e n ter­ lowe'en jxirtle» ut the mliool Wcd- Ä Unilly L l k n .u r« la y oflernoom T hree visitors German M. E. Church, Bethany each song sung or played after the from Bank* high school Thursday tained Sunday with a birthday E Ï Â story. Sermon. "Hen-Pecked Hus- on account of illness. nesday. ™.CM J. , Parmley spent ,«.n, . tlie a,.,.« Mr und Mm. A. Huffm an and dinner for Mrs. B. Ingebrletnon. Mr* week were pr. xnt, Mn Jam es Anderson 1 On Oermantown road. Sunday band* and Foolish Wives A seml- non of Bunk* were t(Ui*xl» Hunduy Other» present were Mr lu g rb rlrt- ml with her duughUT, Mrs. I, J an,J M5i' Erne** Nelson of Hillsboro school every Sunday. 10 a m.; O er- , humorous message. Reserved seats Min unil Mr» S arah MoClaugliry. I,..,. At,,hi, and Mrs. Jam es M athlesen ol man service, 11 a. m , first a n d "hen-Decked" husbands This of Mr wild Mr» Cluul«*» l.iithuu MULL WOOD Iowa 111)1 »ehool held a program IxiVenie Shay of Tillamook .p .m l J ? * “? .- *o be good, be sure and Mr and Mi» II W llav tuul aiul M M ial Friday evening Large , m„ second and fourth Sundays finally of I'lirtUuid liwvr moved come. Monday, 7 45 p rn. Practical Edgings and inside wood .06 Sunday with his parents, M r and ry Cypher iiaving high score and —E. Julius Tragllo, pastor. tf crowd attended. workers' class Tuesday, 7 p. m.. Green. 4-foot ....................... Into Che lute A H Hholrn houar. 2w second ivira. Mrs !.»■! W a lte r lU L ta h a le r left K a liin la v Mrs M r" r Emil *n “ 1 Miller M in e r ix-cono. L oel | Mr. und Mr». C. Mlle» and d augh­ Y uiiiim People's wxlety of the meeting of elders, deacons and Two or more cords ............ |1.75 ,,.r n‘L't . . u ’ HolU-nlxck will entertain th e club Bank» M. E. Church Ht Alexander church met ut the ter of Lyle »lient the week-end deaconesses for organization o f ' OCTORS tell the m an who Sawed, 50c more in November. Sunday school every Sunday, 9:45 groups to be followtxl by t h e hotiw* of Mr and Mra. Prank here want* to keep fit to drink Ml»» Myra WeldewlUeh n ite r- Following I’ytluan Sisters visited a m • Mrs H. Jypsen, superlntend- m onthly board meeting, 8 p. m. Edgings and inside, dry. I hioher TI uiim I uv evening. at least a quart of milk a day. th e Hlll.slxjro Temple Friday e v e -! 5JJ1 Preaching services by Ellsworth Wednesday. 7:30 p m., monthly 16-lnch, Cord ................... Ml»» Lucille («'hultx bus resumed lulnt-d her pupil» with a Hallowe en Milk Is a complete food In it­ nlng. October 26. and enjoyed the n ito n , pastor, every Sunday eve- meeting of church school officers ih - i work in Portland following a party a t Heywixxl M'hool Friday self—offering all the essentials 5 or more cord* ............... 12.75 evening. Hullowe’en party: Mesdame* Loel “ big, 8 oclock. Ladles Aid meets and teachers. Thursday, 7:30 p. m , ala ill vwcutlon lierr to keep you physically strong Hollenbeck. Floyd Raffety, J. L ,lr»t “nd third Wednesdays a t 2 "G reater Mid-week Service.'' S er­ Excellent kitchen wood, th e best Couple Married Mrs. Hcott JwckMui und Tom and mentally active. Let us de­ tf mon, "Hc-athenism In O ur Modern Jucknon of Hprtnuflrld and Mr». Mias O nelta Hu.»bauer of C or­ I Nr If r sir»«!) Vand««inrlen, Ray Jackson. Clyde p m. buy you can find. liver to your office daily. C hurches.” Sunday, p. m. (Novem­ AIXHLA At the court of honor Lincoln, Henry Cypher, J R. Sand- W Christensen of Hl Unborn were nelius and Howard Dooher of P ort­ Dry Slab and Block QUART 10c Christian Science Society ber 111 a special recognition service guests of Mr» laiuru Jnckuon Mini- land were m arried at Wilsonville for Hoy Scout» Lloyd and Frederick ford. M ana Jackson and Miss 8ervlce» are held every Sunday for m arried folks. Mesasge. "The da> Miller passed the tests for first Eugenie Cypher. Monday Herman Rehse Mr» Mattle Sm ith und pupil» of Guest* of Mr. and Mr». A rthur I class m erit badge» They are mem- Frank Kittson wa* seriously In- at 11 a - •J’.; Wednesday evening Secret of Happiness I n M am ed Phone 2383X______ Res, phone 2062 ! red while working for the Dixon kyvlces a t 8<>clock; Sunday school Life.” You will always find a wel­ brrs of the troop 219 of Aloha. Jured Mr and Mr». W E F'ord of Los mill on Pumpkin Ridge Monday. a m Pupils up to the age come.—R. L. Putnam , pastor. Angeles are visiting his brother. Break. M ar of 20 years are welcomed. Sunday s Robert Brm ” w *k "Tpupll of the U’plc' Everlasting Punishm ent." Foursquare Church We wish to take this opportunity llullx rt Rydenian. wtio ha* been Arcade school, broke hl* now la*t .11 s ain.-. «¡»dim iPniw»n»li undergoing medical treatm ent hl w(,.v whii,. nlavlna -it sc-hixd ... Sa,n" •'>K»lon iLplw“pall to announce th at the young people i.,,rii .,„i ha* returned _____ * Louie’ P H ay ugh-on in g a t and scnooi. daugh-1 j ity Tw ^ enty-third Ä h ^ s c Sunday h Ä after « ‘" a T ’1^ rin- * ' of our church will be presenting Portlund, home, .... Im- *'7 Mm. prov«*d In health ter Delorls and Mrs. Elizabeth Davis, xy Lnurcn » 45 a. m. the gospel dram a entitled "The ” r ’- . Hu'.n »''’.•iP'rs *'a\ a K'iest a t ¿ J w^re g u e sU ’of’ ‘ J .1 C hurch ‘ e WHdwood " on Friday young people’s fellowship, 6 evening. November 2. O ur many a party for her grandson'» third Mr_ ari<1 Mrs H Uavls 8 u n . vicar1’ m ' ^ ev- H. Wisecarver, friends of Hillsboro will be glad to birthday a t the home of her »on ,«..„ In Portland. y hear this as they have enjoyed the Mr and Mrs. J. A. Campbell of . M,"i M artlia Jones¡ of Banks and many dram as out young people Campb. ll Hill on th e S c h o fi road daughter, Mrs C hester EdmU- Pentecostal Tabernacle have given in the past. D on't for­ <1246 Lincoln street 1 FREE DELIVERY — PHONE 2001 were dinner guests n t the M att ton ttl G ran ts Pass, are vesitin, f . Mr get our other services of the week. and Mrs. Jolm Loftis this wee Klug home .Saturday night. Sunday evening at 7:30 the subject youn« wUlU^ . C" T ^ ,SEtecUom"U'n u s U^ a Friday, Saturday, Monday— Nov. 2, 3 and 5 m asquerade «lance ut Alolia S atu r- a,1<^ Uarl Chrlstcuer left Tuesday people* service, 6:30 p. m.; cyan- very timely message so be sure to duy night. for the best v«»- cos- '»ornl«’« - t ”r a iew days fishing . . . . . . Prizes . - on gelistlc service. 7:45 - p. m . Tues- come and hear it. lum e»‘were 'aw arded' to M rs Frank th e co“ t „ „ . . „ cott®«e prayer meeting, 7:45 to .Serve Panli of Hillsboro, who wan dressed . - ?.• .r' ’e ... P- m Wednesday, Bible btudy, 7:45 Pilgrim House I»adies of tfie P. ............ T. A. will serve p. m. Thursday, Ready to supply you with the as "Mae West.” and Archie Lund- ____ prayer meeting, Thursday. November 1: chapel steen of Portland a.s ‘'Itastu s ,unc> * a t the two polling places in 7:45 p. m. Saturday, evangelistic Blue Bell finest MEATS a t the least cost. Cup-O-Gold of worship nciw-riev » service rv ic e ui worsiup a t i 7:30 i .uu p. m m. in u llrown " T here Ls dancing every 9ils community on_elertion day. . service. 7:45 p. m v— lit ‘ a »rev rry y’ | celebration of All Saints' Day. S er­ Mr. and Mr*. Clark Inkley and pastor, H ardw heat Quality unsurpassed Saturday night Ui the Aloha hall Brady to advlae you In purchasing. mon by the Rev Ralph H. Wise­ Helen* were guests Mr and Mrs. Andy Denholm and 49-lb. Brady to give real valu«*». carver, vicar of the Episcopal Free M ethodist Church nd Mrs. Williams of Portland * yiuing of Mr. and Mr* Mr and church. "A belief in the communion Bag Lb. C. D. Meek. Sunday school, 10 a. m., pr-"ach- visited a t tile O Mason home S u n ­ incala Inspected by Dr. Nicol Mr and Mrs. C harles Lehm an of ing a t 11. Class meeting, 7:15 p. m. of saints is a vital p a rt of the day. and Dr. Alinqulat. C hristian's faith." Due to the lurge enrollment in Portland visited Mr. an d Mrs. A. Subject Sunday morning. “I will re- Friday, November 2: chapel serv­ the .seventh and eighth grades of F. i i C hnstener jlf l ii,l<’r o and ‘“ t? Mr. and Mrs. member the years of the right hand ice of worship a t 7:30 p. m., com- of the Most High," Psalms 77-10., , the Aloha-Huber school. Mrs. Mack. J • >hn OleUer ler,„ Sunday. ? i‘” 5.8y M erritt Jackson and Thom as Strangers welcome. B J Y ates,! b}em oratuig All All Souls' Souls Day. Pastor sixth grade teacher, lias taken a Neilson H aller will preach on of Roy returned Sunday pastor. Henry S. seventh grade reading class. The C hurch T rium phant. ’ T i e of­ P ic n ic s , l b . 13c ung with the lim it catch of William Abbott atten d ed a ban­ evenir] fice for the dead will be used. Congregational Church quet a t the M ultnom ah hotel Mon­ Sllversides. a fte r having spent the Sunday, November 4: public wor­ LUMBER JACK—Cane sugar and com syrup, week-end on Wilson river. During the m onth of November day. ship, a t 10:30 a. m. an d 7:30 p. m. maple flavored. No. 5 tin .................................... ‘ x m V Dr Andrew Carrick of the Scotch the church is planning an intensive Pla^ n^ ‘e — At morning chapel the pastor will C o tta g e s , lb . 17c Hin,1's Power■" Mr. Dungan, speaker. No- will run until Advent. Junior ser­ at Bill Abbott’s »tore Friday night Wednesday evening. Tla- children vember 11 "A Privilege In Its Com- mon a t morning worship will be T 1111. h e th re UIC th e s s c c re e n iioui fnnn 7%-°z- cana- Close out! Can FLOUR 17c 25c 25c 21c “ T U N A FISH 9c P O T R O A ST ¿19« 33c WALDORF TISSUE^- 4 roll» ................................... PEANUT BUTTER— Maximum. 2-lb. jar ......... 17c 29c CORN BEEF— Libby’s. 14c 12-oz. can ........................ WHITE KING Granulated d OLz Soap. 24-oz. pkg....................... A FREE — 2 5-cent bar» Mission Bell Soap. PRODUCE FEATURES For Friday and Saturday Only APPLES—Spit». 7 lbs. ............. (Box ......... 10c SPINACH—Fresh. 4 Iba ................... W A X PAPER OVATTINE Lunch rolls. D rink it hot or cold. IOC 100 feet RICE 29C 50c size 18c 24c 19c Blue RO6e. head. BEANS MACARONI 2 4 -lb . pkg SPECIALS ON FIRST QUALITY PRIME MEATS FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY IO« SA L M O N Fine for Canning. Lb. LARD Fresh Home Rendered. 3 lbs................... BOLOGNA .................................................... LIVER SAUSAGE ...................................... HEAD CHEESE ............................................ FRANKFURTERS ....................................... T I A Ml Lb' BACON Sliced, Cello. Wrapped. Vi-lb. pkg. M IN C E D M E A T Delicious Flavor. 3 lbs................ O Y STERS Fresh Willapas. Pint LARD COMPOUND. 3 lbs. BOIL IN G BEEF From Prime Cattle. Lb. V EA L R O A ST Milk Fed. Lb.......................... 8c IOC 49c) GRAPEFRUIT—Large Arizona. SWEET POTATOES— 4 lb « .............................. SO UP Ve^ COMPARE OUR QUALITY, PRICE and SERVICE 10c 10c Hillsboro Meat Co. Phone 982 Prices Effective Friday to Monday— November 2nd to 5th, inclusive FREE DELIVERY