THE Page Ten H IL L S B O R O A RGUS. H IL L S B O R O . OREGON Thuradiiy, November I. l!i:i.| m * pi Mary Babin will Uxul the devotlou- of Ibis fertillzer m aterial so that 56 years ugo. He had been a resi­ tee will consist of half of th e offi­ als. Miss May Cook will give the thè farai owiier frels llke lifting It lient »f Washington county n cers Mesdames c Eslinger, Fred chapter in "Japan««* W o m e n on a pasture crop. yrars lie Is survived by a son, Ainuclicr Fix'd Caldwell, Nye B ris­ Sp»>ak." utul Mrs G. W. l\x>l will I'Mw.inl IHcliinoiid. and a tluugiitri. tol and Cora COchnui. report on the national meeting Ml’s M I, Heliäni. Ixilli of l\in Mrs. Minnie K orn w a s honor (Continued frvm page 1) MARTIN IIAWKINM Crlchrale Birthdays— Bride-Elret Honored— guest at a dinner party at th e | irraai paatiUYa O ils (nil than usual, i Funerei Services for M artin Haw- land a biollier. John llawklus ot IllUxlxno route I. and a slsU'i'. Mis. Miss M attie Cox and lig'r niece. Some ol the»«' apparently have In I home ot her brother. John BeuhlerJ A progressive shower was given klns. 72. who dled Wetlnrsduy niorli- C7. N Wilson of Nt. Cloud, Minn Saturday night and also at a party last Thursday evening honoring | Joan Jolnuxoti. wen- honored w itlx Harvest Festival Planned at ttie home of her sister. Mrs. Fred Mr mid Mrs. W. A. Bunnell of Miss Floy Taggart, who is soon a birthday dinner Saturday eve­ mind perm anent pastures while i. ing In Hlllsboro. wlll Ix> conducted Wenger. Saturday night. _ O thers South T ualatin returned last week to become the bride ot Newton ning at tin* R. W. Cox home. Those goixi many wont tem porary pasture Friday at 2 p in at thè l*orllmid (Mir class Kind columns may liave at Church Sunday from this vicinity who attended from North Bend, when1 they were Thompson. The evening was spent present were Mr and Mrs Carlos for a year or two only, crematorium Mr llawklns wux tiie parties were Mr and Mrs. C. called by the death of the former's ui playing bunco. Tlhise present Johnson of Gladstone. Willis Pyle, h\>r early spring pasture probably) borii In Bweden December 7. 1661, Just wliat you are looking for — E Korn and Mr. and Mrs. Simon fattier. J. B. Bunnell. W ith them were Misses Luellle R>xxl. Lucille Elvln Alniqutsi, M argaret Cypher. common rye grass Is as desirable and carne to lite United Htutc.x lteud tilein (By Mrs. John M D avidson) Hershey. The group ___ stayed m P ort- returned Mr Bunnell's mother. Mrs. Harty. Lena Chlottl. Gladys Sellers. Dorothy Cox. Ross Cox. Mrs. H as anything. This will make an HELVETIA Mrs. Jasper Keffer s I [‘¡ ¿ f ‘ o ___ ^ r ‘the . ’ wSk-end.' J B. Bunnell, and his sister, Mrs. Dorothy Houitley, and the Mesdames W. Cox. and the honor guests. early spring growth. Is highly pala­ home was the scene of a quilting Mrs. Frank E Williams San Charles Routt, of Olympia. Wash. Lester laekev. A rthur Aldtnger. -------— , , , , i —■ - _____ — -------------— of ------- ---------- — ----- - — ~-.tmpi table and when seeded a t the rale of bee Thursday. The quilt is for the [ Francisco lias been visiting her The two visited here for a few Rupert Kennedy. Ross Hall, Will CiUiensltlp Group Meet»— Citizenship departm ent of t h e about 16 to 20 potuids per acre will Sunshine club bazqpr. The patch parents. Mr. and Mrs. J M Keffer davs mid th en left for Olympia, Betzer. M. C. Plcklesnner. E tta work was made and donated by Mrs w illiam 's brother and sister- where Mrs Bunnell will spend the Culbertson. J. R Betzer. H. E. Coffee club will meet next W ed­ Just about crowd out anything else. Mrs Keffer. Those present were in-law. Mr mid Mrs W. L Keffer winter Thompson, G. N. Taggart, and the nesday afternoon in the library F>r a long time proposition it is not Mrs. J. W. Pritchard. Mrs. R. San- o{ Portland entertained with a card ... „ _ ........... jouit IwKstesses, Misses Opal Betzer, E. J MeAlear will be the speak­ as good as Wigllsh rye grass. Tlie Ju>t At The ford. Mrs E. Dlerdorff, Mrs. M ane party Thursday evening ui their C E Wells went to Portland Hazel Brown. Wilma Ptrie. Audrey er. Members of the club are re ­ English rye grass makes a pretty Jackson, Mrs. Janies Hayes. Mrs. So,h\r . Mr. and Mrs Williams left V n ‘i8 attS!'d.i '. 'i Jones and Mrs. Ross H artram pf quested to attend and invite a gixxt growth, comes on early, and is Doctor Ordered friend. Longue. Mrs Abe Youngen. Mrs for Seattle. Wash.. Monday, where £lrst rehearsal of t h e Portland quite hardy but it does not inukc, William Zurcher mid Mrs. Jasper Mr w illiam s lias business interests. Symphony chorus of which she is Birthday Celebrated— W ^ l ’ place R(rt>ngrit empha- quite as large a growth the first Keffer. A pot luck dinner was sen’- | ------------------------- • member. The director. \\ llhelm Mrs. Hallie Ireland entertained ■1» on tbla branch o f our year. Rye Is another early pasture ed at noon Several of the ladies __ VanHoogsiraten. returned last week Saturday afternoon with a Hallo­ bualncM that's why your possibility which, if seeded hi the returned Fridav and finished the D o n n a I lllOtSOH front Europe He plans to have the we'en party in honor of her daugh­ phyatdan will aujrgrftt that quilling l z u iih u *- i i io i a v .ii chorus present Beethoven s Ninth ter June's ten th birthday anniver­ fall, can be pastured early the next you tend pretcrlpttona here spring There ore a lot of posture The Sunshine club m et October W /,‘n e « n C r»r»tx*ct- Svi’1PlK>I\ s }- MatUiews Passion sary. Those present were Lorna 17 at the home of Mrs Victor lflS 111 V^OIltCSt mid the Messiah. lots, hillsides, and even lanes on McLeod. Beverly Weil. Violet Lun- (Continued from pair« U Christensen with Mrs. B E. Wal- lBy MiJ< Ju|ia A Morwi Misses Helen Stevens mid Evan- den. Ruby Lundberg. Jacqueline on the third and last scoring threat some places th a t m ight well be A Complete Stock dorf assisting hostess The business, TIM B ER- D o n n a , the small geline Fuller were initiated into the Hunt. T aka Iwaslki. Lots Hewitt, of the quarter. St. Helens then seeded to something like rye grass session was taken up planning for, daugjlter of Mr mid Mrs. Bert F L>. club Monday evening. The Dorothy Butterwortli, Betty M or­ took tlie ball down tlie field 57 or perm anent pustule mixture this of Staple Drugt the bazaar and appointing co m -, -ptllotson. was elected as a winner club is planning a play to be given gan. Lola Kearn. all of Hillsboro; fall. yards with a hard drtvuig attack m ittees Next meeting will be at l)f a engraved trophy in the first T hursday in December, laxxa Whit«' of Buxton. Helen Ire ­ Orchard grass, English rye grass, the home of Mrs. John Wenger [h f National Baby contest. Over under th e direction of Mrs. Maude land of Portland, and tile honor Co tlie Hillsboro 20 as tlie lialf red top. meadow fescue, tall oat ended. November 14. one week earlier th an jqq entries were received. Stannard. Members of the club as- guest. Honors were even In the second grass. tlmoUiy, common white clover, usaal j « .i n Mrs E. M H allan returned to her ¡n-sted in a program a t the Odd Former Editor Visits— JM R A Mr. and Mrs. Hallie Jam n re- ¡jOnie last week a lte r a week's visit Fellows home Sunday. half both team s gaining at will in laduio clover and al.xlke clover are D W But 11. former editor of the more commonly used. These are not turned from Tacoma, asn.. last with friends u u i relatives in W&sli- .. _ _ _. ... week and were visiting at the home and relatl' ,s Ul " asn Mrs. May McLaughlin of near Hillsboro Independent, accompanied midfield but unable to advunre in Hie only grasses that may be used IVescrlption Druggiata Mr and Mrs. W C. Galloway and scoring territory. In the closing but these ore the most common of Mr and Mrs. Victor Christensen T Hart returned home q , . . daughter of Corvallis and Mr. and minutes of the game. H llhl made ones and seed of these may usu­ 1208 Main St. Phono 266 'Harvest Festival will be held a t & X e n f 3o re ro n * hunlul8 tn p Portland and’ accompanied them on Mrs. W J. Galloway of Sheridan a last desperate attem pt to score ally be obtained almost luiywherc w i t h a bewildering "M innesota the church h a h has . , spent , the h . i Rr ,tr.'P to their_ summer «he home rnuren Sunday ounTOy, n Rev. e v v C. . Hoff- m - Horace Chase, « who tZ , vp at to Hillsboro Sunday, where ttiey FREE DELIVERY Not all of these should be used in th r„p m onths visituur Mr mid “ right» ooq on Sunday. She leaves were guests of their relatives, Mrs. shift" play. Cook made nine yards any one mixture for any one soil man of Portland will conduct the ran service ~ in the forenoon ‘ W * E G dm ore ‘ reiu n ie d ^ to “ 5 « “L ° r “ " “ ’i s ? " M Galloway ami Mrs. Ruby Estepp. on die first attem pt to the Hillsboro ^ ^ v - - O f - Z i n n “¿f. ¿ ^ lu n tb s! ¡p^'hom e hi Seattlered > T Slnith of Portland in the afternoon. Everyone is ln - vislted fr iends here Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Blair, who Sea Scouts Organiied— tion Here tlie attack went awry pend on soil conditions. Questions are frequently asked about seeding vited to attend. Picnic lunch at Miss Irene Richmond visited left here several weeks ago for the David Leger Is organizing a group and the gome ended with the boil canary grass on upland. Reed eiui- 11 °2?' u _ . . friends in Portland several days benefit of Mr. Blair's health, are of Sea Scouts, boys over 15 years in St. Helens possession on the ary gross is u wetland grass and Frank McCuen. who has been ,ast wee|j returning Friday. located temporarily at Milton They of age. and the group attended a Hllhl 45-yard line. thrives best under conditions where staying a t the D. Tschabold place ^jr and Mrs. Leo Landauer of visited friends at Walla Walla, meeting of Sea Scouts in P ortland Both squads made eight first there is an abundance of moisture for some tune, left for his home Hillsboro have moved into the Wash., for a short time. Wednesday evening. Rev. C. M. ^ M r mid M°r"d Elmer Batchelder formerly occupied by Mr Mr and Mrs. J. W K anina Jr. Reed and R. W. Faber assisted in downs duruig the game, St. Helens tiiroughout Hie sum mer monHis. SDMit 1 « w k ' risiting M ends at H A7 y , c and sons. Mr and Mrs Earl Donel- furnishing transportation for the gaining seven from line plays and An excessive amount oi uatvr in one from a pass while Hillsboro tlie winter time, even where tli? sjx p t last yisuuig in en o s ai Roy Townsend of Sunset camp son and Mr and Mrs M Athev boys. j imid«' six through tlie line, one by grass is covered with i WMter for ^ t m fesUvmdthere Mr ¡£id received, word ° f ,d eath °£ hls of Portland were Sunday guests of '.**1 ‘estival there. Mr mid Mrs. aunt Mrs. Belle Bailey, m Port- M r mid Mrs J W. Kanin i Sr Gaston Lodge Visits— passes and one on a penalty. Y aid- four or five monHis does not hurt William Batchelder of Hillsboro week. Mr. and Mrs a n d Miss Bettv K am na Montezuma lixtge No. 50 will con­ ! age gamed by tlie team s stood 191 1L There is u highland strain of stayeu »1 their home while they Townsend and son Gene left S atu r- \ i r a n d M r s H F i j . n . r and White Holland Seed Wheat, Jenkina Club Seed were gone. h „ v Mr. mid Mrs. H. E. LaBare mid fer the first degree on a candidate for the visitors and 165 for the reed canary grass which Is being for W apato lodge No. 40 of G as­ locals St. Helens lost 44 yards from H arriet U of l oi St Helens. mid R ichard Miller is on the Sick list daH p'rhprt^'snider1'n f^ c irltz m was Miss "miiCT, rvcieus. a Mr. il. a m developed and which is being tried Wheat, Rink Seed Whent, Reelenned Grey Winter ton ui their hall a t Hillsboro next scrimmage for a n et gain of 147 this week Mrs. Ida Jessy, who a busine ^ ?5 ito r in Timber ih n iri’- OatH, Recleaned Full Rye, Cheat Seed, Rye Gritus, Montezuma extends tut yards while Hllhl lost 36 yards for in a few small s«x*dings in Hie had a serious relapse last week, is j . , v mid Mr. and Mrs. L. W . LaBare Wednesday. invitation io all Odd Fellows to be a net of 129 yards. Tlie Hllhl pass­ county, in seedutg reed cauary Hungarian Vetch, Common Vetch, and all Clovers miproV1,^ a a . a . a M“ » Sylvia Shifter was a guest M rP^ M r s Ws C w UM ?i' present on this occasion. grass on wet bottom land, if it ing attack, which liud sparkled hi can be seeded ui the fall th a t Is Birthday Celebrated .. of Mias Ju n e Townsend at Sunset 0{ M a d M rs S ' W Mel" Our fall Seed Stock is complete. Buy your Seed Attend Canadian Legion M reting— previous games, was nullified by Ela!Ii i WuS Pleasantk camp Saturday and Sundav. ' probably Hie more preferable time requirements from Imperial. surprised Friday night when a Mr and MrJ Landauer were Jam es B utler of Portland visited Mr an d Mrs. L. M. Townsend the hard charging St. Helens for­ group of friends gathered to help visitors in HtUsboro Sundav Friday with his sisters. Miss Lottie attended a Joint meting of U. S. wards. five passes out of 12 a t ­ to get it, started. On Hie Ed Freu- Better Quality — Better Price» celebrate her birthday anniversary Arcadia park dance hali was re- Butler an d Mrs. Lucy Sigler, mid Post No. 17. C anadian Legion and tem pts being completed f o r 26 denthal place, two years ago ca n ­ The evening was spent playing, opened Saturday night under the other relatives and friends. He Auxiliary. Mrs. Townsend was in ­ yards. Tlie visitors attem pted four ary gras was seeded ui the lull anil tlie water Hooded over it within ttreS.V3 ?.ere MJ '.^ nd management of Everett Rundall formerly resided in this city. itiated uito th e Auxiliary. Mr. Town­ and connected with one for two weeks from Uie time it was W A NTED GRAINS — CLOVER SEED KM. David Tschabold. Mr and Mrs. o( Vernonia. Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Wooley and send has been a member of the post passes 14 yards. seeded. Tins seed lay there under Frank Corey. Marjorie. Halm Elaine. Paul Loring of Powers was the family of near Forest Grove spent for some time. We have a large shipping outlet for your Oats. Cook. Patterson and Bronleewe Hie water oil wuiter uud came up Francis. Calvin and H erbert Corey, week-end guest of Mr. and Mrs J. last week with the Fred and Warren sparkled hi the Hllhl running a t ­ in Hu- spring. » ■ T. Richmond. Kelly families and with Mrs. G ar- Have Card Party— Barley, (.’lover Seed. See us before you sell. Ladies of St. M atthews church tack while Retherford was tlie con­ Mr. and Mrs. J. Cline of Wes- outte a t Cottage Grove, In October, 1933. 14 varieties of timber were Sunday guests of Miss Mary Rood of Pomona. Cal., will have a card party Wednesday sistent ground gam er for S t Helens. grass were seeded on plots on the Mr and Mrs. J. B. Marche!. William Sallee and Mrs. Gene night in the school hall. Mrs. H. A. J. Miller a t end for the visitors Elmer O uerber form near Helvetia. Wahner, Mrs. Leonard VanLom. played a heads-up ball game, pick­ Of Hie varieties seeded tall fescue, Hamilton of K ansas City. Mo., spent Mrs. J. Schulte and Miss Eliza­ the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. beth Ott will be hostesses. ing up two fumbles a t crucial meadow fescue, tall oat grass, E n ­ Mlllrra of Quality Feed« South Second St, Fred Rood. pomts m tlie game and turning hi glish rye grass, domestic rye grass Phone 01 Visit Odd Fellows' Home— a good punting performance. Tlie and hlgldand bent were the belter. ___ -vp ' Irs- Buy Pearson and sons re- turned Wednesday from a month s About fifty Odd Fellows and R e­ Htlhl line was ragged in th e op­ Toll fescue is apparently a very „ ' visit with her parents, Mr. and bekahs from Hillsboro visited the ening period of the game but s e t­ fine grass but seed a t the present Hillsboro Ice Works and Fairway Mrs. Gladd, a t Elk Mountain. I. 0 . 0 . F. home in Portland S un­ tled down later and made a credit­ tim e is not available. Market bowling team s top th eir Wyoming. day. They took in the annual of­ able showing on both offense and Grasses, like any other crop respective leagues in the fourth Mr and Mrs. Hallie Ireland and fering of canned fruits and put on defense. need some rare and occasionally week of play while Lentz and Ire- daughter June and Violet Lundin a program in the afternoon. some fertilizer. Continuous clos" Starting lineups: lands are tied for the leadership were visitors in Portland Sunday Department Inspector Visits— Hilki <•> <•> At. Halene pasturing probably kills out grass of the city league and Bristol and a t the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Woman's Relief Corps will hold Grogan RKL MacAlliatar pasture quicker Uian anything else National G uards are deadlocked for Thomas. RTL Holt The grass should liuve a chance an all day meeting Friday a t the Coalwtt first place in the national league. Mr and Mrs. W o. Colton and Veterans' hall. Official inspection W underlich RGL Y alpiani to grow u little each year without Stunkard C M «staker All m atches in the league play daughter Agnes of Portland and will be held in the afternoon. Pot Peachka LG R Peterson being kept pastured right to tlie for the week October 22 to 29 were Ju stin Wheeler of Spokane were luck luncheon will be served. Sehulmerieh LTR Ed Miller ground. Applications of phosphate won by scores of two out of three Sunday guests of Mrs. G. C. Chase Samuel LI it Jaaon .Miller and nitrate in some form are oc­ Attend Anniversary— 1 Torbet games. In the American league Mr. and Mrs. J. Chalupky and Q Y eaker Mr. and Mrs. Clem Eslinger a t­ H «lar her KHI. M