« I Hobby Show Saturday Night W ith W hich is Combined the Hillsboro Independent Political Interest Runs High for Election Tuesday N e w s L etter HT A. L. L I N D H B O B Race for Governorship Believed Even Up; Debts Increase C. of C. Speaker Dunne Cites Platform at Local Rally Voters who huvr been to which way the IMilltlrai winds were blowing be­ fore m a k liiK up Uielr minds on the gubernatorial can d id a tes h a v e tound themselves caught up In a P le d g e to Seek D e v e lo p m e n t veritable whirlwind of conflicting o f S la te an d W o r k fo r opinion. As the campaign enters Its clos­ U n e m p lo y e d G iv e n ing days tire outcome Is us much In doubt as It was a month ago I. KM S 1 A walling ii iiwre la one thing upon which NO. 37 HILLSBORO, OREGON, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1934 VOLUME 41 S ta te C apitol rg u s Vote Sure! General Election Hobby Show on Saturday Night Hilhi S tu d en t» of Local In addition to fines and Jail w n- tttlces assessed upon flagrant vio­ lators. driver’s licenses of 43 Oregon motorists were revoked during Sep­ tember for violations of traffic laws, mostly driving while Intoxicated, according to tlie Oregon State School» Cady, Busch Make Trade of Property H ig h w a y G a ra g e P ro p e rty V oters to N am e Favorite in Race o f M artin, D u n n e, Zimmerman for State G overnorship Measures Up for Approval to be R e m o d e le d fo r street and highway safety program. In Washington county there were S ervice S ta tio n in E x h ib itio n three revocations of operator’s li­ censes. with 34 convictions reported rrom tn e from tne the courts of justice Justice or of the Peace I Clerk cases convictions for September had not yet been reported to the secre- R o t a r ia n s S p o n s o r E x h ib it u ry of state, where these figures N e w A u t o m o b ile S a le s r o o m T a k e Keen Large C roud Attends b _____ ■ Many Motorists Forfeit Licenses in Past Month Portlanders In te re » t Close Contests Feature Struggles for County, Cady Moves Today State and District Offices Judge Hie political prognosticators seem to ugree It Is that tlie ultimate re­ sult will depend largely upon Un­ Pre-election prediction« as to the outcome of races vote in Multnomah county; tliut is. R e p u b lic a n N o m in e e » M a k e Traffic authorities have declared P la n n e d f o r C o m p a n y fo r the various state, district and county offices will come by School C h ild re n any plurality which eltlier «1 the revocation of the driver’s license of --------- to a showdown in W ashington county Tuesday when V o te A p p e a l M o n d a y three leading candidates will pile a flagarant traffic law violator to; up In the out-»tate counties will be Horace E. Walter, democratic can­ voters go to the polls to cast ballots for their favorites. A trade in Hillsboro business Do you have a hobby? Local Ro- be one of the most effecUve means so small gs to be off-set by a didate for secretary of state, who In addition electors will be called upon to pass judgm ent "Our first Job In Oregon Is to plurality for one of Uie other can­ spoke Monday at the local cham­ tarumn arc finding that m a n y of Increasing the safety of streets properties between M. P. Cady and Hill&horo boy« and girls and o t h e r s __~ and highways, particularly when A H Busch, local automobile men, on the G range power bill, the 20-mill tax lim itation and find work for men und then to ber of commerce luncheon. didates in Multnomah county. have one and are taking a great ’ conjunction with as announced this week, is one of healing arts amendm ents. Impartial observers who h a v e develop Uie state I dedicate myself interest In the hobby show to b e , flMS jail sentences, the most important real estate deals visited eastern Oregon during the to these program».'* With tliese Principal interest rests in the heated three-cornered held at the Hillsboro union high w ith the coming of fall rains and past two weeks give tlie republican words Joe E Dunne, republican gubernatorial struggle between Congressman Charles H. school Saturday night. Doors will I tarly dargness. sponsors of the "““J® holding activity sum- darkness, sponsors candidate a slight edge over his candidate for governor, wound up b» open to tlie public at 8 o clock. t ■ Lrt s Qult KUllng" drive pointed nlans of b o th ler M artin, dem ocratic candidate and "New D ealer;’’ Joe E. two rivals In that section of Ha­ his campaign in Waahlngton county ( The show has been divided Into ,)ut lhis week pedestrians wearing ula^ X > n e r r ie s ----- -------------------------------------------- * Dunne, republican standard-bearer. state. Dunne, they say. will rarry Monday night before a crowd of j four classification»—Stamps, coins, lark ciothes face added dangers improving the properties and Peter Zimmerman of Yamhill, Deschulea. (Irani. lak e. Malheur approximately 300 persons gattier- in the trade Mr. Busch secures miscellaneous and specials. In o r - , !Xx.auSe o( motorists’ Inability to self-styled "fighting progressive. Morrow, Sherman, Wasco a n d ed in tlie local Orange hall lor a ] the Cady property now occupied tier that all may have an o p - j them. All persons walking on Despite extravagant claims as to Wlieelrr counties Martin, t h e s e county-wide republican rally. by the Cady Motor company at the strength of the followings com­ "Let’s not be fooled Into follow­ D e m o c ra tic N o m in ee T a lk » portumty three divisions have been Syeets or highways at night should Third and Baseline streets on the same observers admit, will run arranged as follows: Seniors for wear or carry something of light manded by the various candidate«, hlS i i-publlcun o|>l»>ncn- .1 • l> • • ing crazy Ideas." tlie candidate de­ highway and Mr. Cady becomes B e fo re Local C h a m b e r high school students; juniors f ° r ! color, easily visible, It was urged, political prognosticators are reluc­ second east of tin- mountains with clared In hte Inimical rapid-fire owner of t h e Hillsboro Garage junior high students, and begin- Another menace which those tant to commit themselves with Baker. Crook. Gilliam. llarney. style "Let'« find out what Is liap- ners for grade school students b e -, sponsoring the drive hope to elim- building and the vacant lot to any degree of finality on the prob­ Hood River, Jefferson and Umatlllu penlng In Oregon, get down to brass Pledging curtailment of expenses low Junior high. Ribbons will be ln, ^ is the bicycle without lights the north on Third street between able outcome. Martin Is believed to M c G e e P re p a re » E »tim ate» tacks and think." counties listed In Uie camp of the In the state department and pro­ awarded the winners, with a purple, at night. and the children who ride Main and Washington, have the inside track, however. Platform Staled democratic standard-bearer In only motion of efficiency and fairness ribbon for grand prize. | bicycles recklessly tn heavy traffic. Start Work at Once o f P ro b a b le C ity Los» Appear locally three counties of the second con­ In the administration of the office Summing up his platform. Dunne Many to Exhibit Winners of the “Let's Quit Kill- ; Cady's property has a 100- All three aspirants for the gov­ gressional district does Zimmer­ stated Uiat he advocated a "pay- If elected. Horace E. Walter demo­ Supermtendent C. H. Nosier of ing jingle contest, which ended j fopt frontage O n Third and work man seem to have any prospect of as-you-go" policy of government, cratic candidate for se< rtary of Adoption of the 20-mill tax limita­ ernor’s chair at the state house slarled immediately on the a plurality These are Union. Wal­ finding work for men and assist­ state, outlined his platform Monday the local grade schools reports tliat yesterday, will be announced next wlu tion amendment will result in a have made personal appearances In considerable Interest is being taken j week. | construction of a modern fire- lowa and KlamaUi. the lattrr c o u n ­ ing business in giving work to men. before the local cliamber of c o m ­ loss to the city of Hillsboro of Hillsboro during the campaign and I proof one-story building, which will approximately »3679 in revenues for the proponents of eaUx claim their ty bring conceded to the progres­ stabilizing of farm prices and re­ merce He declared that the people by pupils and predicts tliat from 50 to 75 exhibits will be made by be Joined with the Hillsboro Gar­ sive candidate on Uie slrengUi of organisation of the deportment of of Oregon were sick and tired of operating expenses in 1936, accord­ candidate is firmly entrenched in grade school youngsters. age The new structure, which will ing to figures compiled this week the county. Election betting Is the Malioney Influence agriculture to give greater service fussing and bickering on Uie state A dinner for Rotarians and their be 50 by 100 feet, will be used for by George McGee, city manager. In noticeably lacking but what doe» Zimmerman, whose strength 1« to farmers ar«l dairymen, re-ad- board of control and assured his wives wlU be served under the showroom for the 1941 the 4 /'"'I • i an automobile showro ..„c amount which _____ ____ - hinges on the outcome of the — city believed to Ue largely In the Will­ Jualing the tax burden, unemploy­ a u d ie n c e tliat. If elected secretary of | supervision of the domestic science lines now raise for this _ purpose will be the race between Dunne and Martin amette valley. Is expected to carry ment insurance and old age pen­ state he would do everything In classes ol the high school wtth Miss m a y _____ - ______ by Cady Motor company. / “ handled Mob reduced »7155 below the levy this and on the vote polled tn Washing­ Clackamas. Polk and his own coun­ sion. He also declared that la- op­ his power to promote more work Lillie Homedcw In charge. Exhibi­ The old Hillsboro Garage building year, a loss of about 40 per cent. ton county by Zimmerman. Slight ty of Yamhill He 1» also reported posed the sales tax and favored and less squabbling by that body. tors. who make dinner reservations will house the used car department interest has been created In the to have strong following'. Ui Clat­ making Uonnevllle power project Branding the state purchasing with Superintendent Nosier, 8u- L eg io n n aire» M ere A rra n g e Estimates are based on an assessed candidacies of Harry J. Correll ot motor company shop. He sop. Culumbla. Douglas. Lincoln and brneflclal to all the people agent as one of tlie most damaging penntendent B W. Barnes C. T. valuation of »1,737,813 which is the Marion county, Abrah-jn aft. 811- A r m i , tic e O b servan ce I wUl occupy this building at once Dunne scored the state bank pro­ political machines In the state. Tillamook counUes wtth fair pros­ cent of actual valuation or at the Argus by 10 Cady building, which is 50 per ' a m e n d m e n t T h e verman of Multnomah county and pects of a plurality In those coun­ gram a.s a plan to loan the peoples' Walter declared tliat he would Richardson to be vacated by Cady Motor com- proposed in the amendment, Th Hank E wtrUl of Jackson county, money to persons without security eliminate this office. He contended a. m. Friday, are invited to attend , ties. 1934 levy for operating expense to-1 lllri4,n_nd. r,t. the dinner. Rotariaiis are | Portland Chamber of Commerce. paIly today w uj be completely re- Marlin seems to have the ad­ and unable to obtain loans else­ tliat this statement was not idle count,y politics IS Ior , be asked by Hillsboro Post, < m(xjeied bv Mr. Busch, whose plans taa-d »17.582 and would be 10 . vantage in Marlon county In spite w h e r e He contended that talk of campaign promise, that It took but half the price of the American Legion, in a letter this Ior ft modern super service mills on the 50 per cent base. divided between the race for the o f Its overwhelming republican the government’s gift of »164.000,- two votes to remove the agent and exhibitors, who care to attend, _ Under the 20-mill limitation set­ two xtate representative positions Committee in charge of arrange- week reconsider its action in not station. The present building will comptexlon. snd Is said to be out to the slate of Oregon was a declared Uiat he had the second meli ts_Jor th^- I do»*«1« a11 d®y November 12 In ob- ] cut w leet j j r Busch will up. the city would be allowed to and for county commissioner. J. W. ahead of his rivals In Jackson, misnomer and that taxpayers would vote promised Richardson.^ T O. BronlKwe and ( ^ v a n c e of Armistice day. local continue to operate his Service levy 8 mills for operating expenses H ugh« of Forest Grove and Repre- have to repay every cent. lin n and Coos counties. That Uie practice of printing Uie Verne McKinney. -gionnaires made this decision Frl Oarage at its present location on in *1936. yielding »'13SO3 or 20.9 per! ¿ ^ a ttv e "j. O. Johnson of Metzger Tliat there would be no change name of the secretary of state on W Registrations Dunne will unquestionably carry should ‘-e made 6> nlgfu urging other the east side of Third street. cent less than in 1934. Subsequent are campaigning under the repubh- In the Wolf creek highway and that all stationery from Uie office was Uenton county, noted as a strong­ all exhibitors by ITlday with the county to lake similar reductions provided in the amend- can banner while J. W. Raynard lie would work for Its prompt com­ Mohr Brothers have the con- personal political propaganda al hold of dyed-in-the-wool republi­ school officials or the committee. ! acti^n ment would produce the follow -, oi gcjxju, and g. L. Ross of Hills­ pletion was the asaurance given by ■ tracts on both construction jobs and Uie expense of Uie taxpayers was canism and appears to have an arf, the democratic nominee», Portland s announcement that the the work B completed with- ing results: 1937, 7.6 mill», »13.207 advantage In Curry. Josephine la n e Dunne He lauded the milk bill and the charge issued by the speaker. businem houses w ouldlonly close in Mf Cady hopes have revenue. 24.9 per cent reduction be- H D Kerkman, republican and predtrted Uiat objectionable fea­ Such a practice is »olelv for the and Washington counties. for an hour and a hali ** the new building completed in time low 1934; 1938. 7.2 mills, »12,5121 preaent incumbent, and J. M. Van- tures would be Ironed out. purpose of perpetuating the name Assuming tliat this forecast Is revenue. 28.8 per cent l06s; 193J. derzanden of Verboort, democrat, morning came in for criticism from > m o d e ls That republicans take no Issue of the officeholder and results In the legion. It was pointed out that 10 sho' the «*w models. lalrly accurate Dunne would seem with the "New Deal" If It Is con­ 6.8 mills, »11.817 revenue, 32.8 per; have been conducting vigorous per­ huge waste material should tlie in­ to have a slight advantage In the fined to national Industrial recovery cent loss; 1940. 6 4 mills. sonal campaigns for election as it was having its effect on local number of counties listed under his le g isla tio n b ut d o la k e Issue w ith cumbent fall to complete his term. 36.7 per cent loss; and 1941. 6 mills, county commissioner and Interest is business institutions, who objected banner al 13, compared to 11 for tlie measures taking lawmaking Waller dixiared He stated that »10,427 revenue, 40.7 loss. rampant over the outcome of the -------- to closing if Portland stores were each of his opponents. On the powers from legislative representa­ this would be eliminated if he Experience of other states with race Expressions regarding the Details of the federal housing going to remain open the most ol basis of population and registra­ tives of tlie people and vesting It were placed In office. tax limitation laws was cited in a | probable outcome vary widely from In explaining his proposal to pro­ administration program will be the day. Hillsboro business houses tion. liowever, the forecast leaves In exeeutlve bureaus was the de- explained graphically In Hillsboro have remained closed each Armis- pamphlet received this week by precinct to precinct. the outcome as much In doubt as i la r a lio n "I .la m e s W Molt, candi­ mote efficiency and fairness In the Monday by means of motion picture tlce day since the end of tlie world the city manager from the league interest is also running high ln administration of the office of ever. of Oregon Cities. The mayor of. i Continued ™ 11, column I) 111ms covering salient features of war and a holiday closing agree- date for United Slates congressman. iBy Leon Davie) The forecast. It will be seen, He held that the people should de­ secretary of state, he declared that the plan in three entirely different ment among local firms provides Huntington. West Virginia, is q u ot-: lie would not employ more than one makes no attempt to predict the mand that Uielr representatives act Lack of work projects in the ed as stating it is evident that F A * programs Financial phase of the for an all-day closing on Armistice, 1 1 result In Multnomah county which as lawmakers and not as "rubber member of any one family In his program will be shown at the regu- Notice has been served, however Hillsboro area under the SERA is many functions of municipal gov- | y l . S « i n i g < j V 6 l S office and none of his own family. still remains the battleground of i stamps" for tlie administration. ___ He stated that It had been called lar noon chamber of commerce by some that they would not close! bringing about considerable waste eminent will be curtailed or aban-1 the campaign with all three can­ luncheon details of interest to con- unless Portland stores did. of man power, according to records doned unless the legislature en- C x u ll Mott stated In opening Ills ad­ didates claiming t h e advantage dress that he was not giving a to his attention that as many as tractors and builders will be shown A. W. Hoffman and P L. Patter- . in the works division. An audit of acts such laws and tax measures A LvC S three members of one family were there at the chamber of commerce at 7 son reported on plans for tlie Ar- the available labor supply on Oc- as will provide added revenue. "At political campaign talk but was However. It must be remembered, making a report of his stewardship In some of the state departments p m and a public showing will be inlstlce day celebration, which in- tober 30 disclosed a surplus of 1978 the present time and until legisla- -------- Tliat It was not good for business that any attempt to forecast the to his constituents. He traced his held at 8 p. m. elude a patriotic program In the I man hours of unskilled labor and tion gives us relief, all city em- i Annual sale of Christmas trees result of a political contest In this work In saving Oregon and Cali­ and municipalities to keep the o i­ Films to be shown are primarily Venetian theatre at 11 a. m.. No-1 506 hours of skilled labor, all os ployes including police, firemen and ¡n Hillsboro and Forest Grove will age of Independent voting when fornia revested land revenues for lie r of secretary of state In the for the purpose of disseminating vember 12, and the big carnival which could be profitably put to all others are on volunteer service be conducted again this year by hands of one group for a long party lines mean little or nothing. Information regarding the federal dance at the Shute park auditorium work for the benefit of Hillsboro column 6) held and the visitors lost the ball tine Davis Is the Instructor. E conom y G oal o f Candidate T ax Limitation E ffect Q u oted V eterans A sk U av s C losing Dod«e F ilm s S h o w H o u sin g Plan piym°uth S E R A W ork N eed ed H ere C ounty V alu e U tilities Rise D .A .V ., Auxiliary Meet November 8 Scouts Advanced H illsb oro G ridders to Play B eaverton Friday A ftern o o n Contracts for Federal D isease Clean-up Available in C ounty County Receives Relief Allotment Ten Adult Classes Started in County Fanner Found Dead in Field on Friday Argus to Post Vote Returns