P a g e E ight THE Scholls Host to Federation T ig T asse the moi grat to J 1(H) nice Hill lien the In g on he erti tha liée sch tak M pro fur S 4-F tioi Ma Mu cal gra n ir do i 1 Or- J. lx» ers bei ma obi dei Ra Tit th< Fe nit ref tw 1 all Mi we spi be las 111 su ra.’ tn ca in St4 ha nc w< PL ar au Pa be E Will u Inc Il I I. I. S II U R O ARGUS, Soeial Nfivs of Local Folk and Their I rie nds H IL L S B O R O . OREGON l inn iln.v, < »i I.>I> lav witli M i and Mi John Hat no » of fo rti uni. Mr» Ma. IU. »! M a ry h ill, \ \ ,t xh s|H’Ut till’ Ut -end at (ho H A K • RU 11»»m«- Mis H W »11 ot C iv m UOi loua. a rm e d l.LM work lo nd t4ie u tutor with her M r - W 1 I ahiiioi te le p h o n e , Laurel People PI annino Party A nn lln rilin g l*ii t u n ' N ew Y i- n i'lu in I i'n lt i i i' < It»:: i ( Il («I , h Ptlllhi UiH.htp ut II U III ix i \ h - n i»' \ r A i »u’ij .«u pi e,», h in g Th< liad i Ami Haidm in “ l'lie ixniiitum HIIIKI u V M’h ool IIMH't.-. ut IO I and Kilim ls tlie S n u d a» Mondny a m i T u e ­ Uh !> i I lu* .sopri llilt lu lriu \ «»I I m Ivarl bea. m lla» f e a tu re Iltis p ie m ie is lio in ,u .l Wil« V and Muri i'i K,' pui H c.vking club d ia r ie .'. M.■> u n c . i e a l e l o n ol a Mountains n.us 1 1 1 lorotin Wlu. »» ohi . m alni a m in a l i o .„»tight lo Mr and Mrs .lohn Sohaofor iird C lu b W o m en to H o ld M e e t Rat libón«1 Ul th e E le c tric L in e * .Hile H ieir lie a rl llislllie is liecaus»* ■uirtli. Li i l a chosen "The Silver Spoon' as I lie M and William Schaefer of 14 J Rathbone 111 H and name for the club, winch has tliev leit Iti h o ito r b o tili,I to (ln 'l a t C h u rc h F r i d a y I m p a i r e d by S tu r m niemocrs. Shirley Car.son was c e d ­ Im m o n Mr and Mis * .huk Glazier Miss I nimott Honored-— TUfany m tlie 1 n oble p irli ol a w i l l iiuiliiltxl h u s | ot near l.tnnton. Mr and Mrs John About 61) attendt ili.- 1 O G F ed club reporter hand liila n A llein e u n d P a u l l.uk Miss W malx'th Marl x»u ell enter - Pterdorff and . soils and Mrs John lU'iiellt Planned October 1 when Homer a s a r e ili,' m a is m Ibis rom antici SCHOLLS Anyone who is in ter­ social ol l»ort land, I t Coin­ tallied with a mt»cellaneons kitchen Ill> Mr« I I llrew n l Midway sc.ux'l will lu>ld a benefit Serivner Angel of Port Ian. past grand mas- iriiingle. m ander R oks IMeidortt ed Bremer - shower ami caid party lor Miss ested in club work is cordially ui- ter ol I vi vi E I Al'REI A commuiilli Hallo­ s ot Oregon, basket social and program Novem­ Kmmott Pliursda.y evening ol we'en IXIIIV will he held at Hie vlted to attend the county federa­ w a s Uk- siH '.ik er M rs J u l i u s C h r i s ­ ber 2 School room mid play ground ton Wash Mrs Richard Connell Joy Say voti s.iw il In Hit' Argik». tion at tlie Scholls church Friday tensen and Mrs. Ed Bensen sang equipment will be purchased with Muss lsa tt\ I o m a\ and Mathiol last week. Mis. Wayne Kmmott hall Wediies.tui vveilin,: The l a A business meeting will com cue at "Tlie End of a Perfect Day" Mrs the proceeds Barondrocht uor«» Sunday guosis ot made high score a t piiHxiile mul dies' Stx'lal chit» Ls s|tohsnring Hit' Mix-, Kitty Caldwell at bridgi' a lla ir and commlttix'.s on decoral- M rs Emma D ierdorlt and W 11 10 a. in., duuier a! noon, club a c ­ Audrey Heaton read When the A new club, the "Lindy Club P ilo s e present were Me .la m e s A K mg. entci talm nent a n d tivities and program during the Frost is 011 the Pumpkin and J with tli«' motto Still Higher as Uiordorff. reliesh M a d d e n ol 1 os A ngeles, f a l <’ II incuts were apix'intcd by the presi­ afternoon. M Stretcher gave a talk on Jam es their guide was organized l a s t Waltor VanlX'hov. on the |x»hoo Knuno;t. W G Han D dores Vm Mr and Mrs. Ed Denunm went Whltcoinbe Riley's home dent. Mrs liollln Meyers All in T h e week l"wo cents per member arc n e .u San Francisco, Cal . loll ton. Prod Weldon Wavne Eunnoit to Hillsboro Tuesday to call on the Scholls' orchestra rendered several tlie dues with which club p i n s to IT uvula > for home. all or a t o u of PVirest Grove. W aller Whiling ol the cominimilv are cordiallv ill new granddaughter bom to Mr special numbers. Vlted to attend are purchased. K enneth Carlson, d a \s \isit with hLs sts te r, Mrs. and Mrs. Wes Sandy at tile Jones Telephone and i leclnc lines were About 50 pickers fuuslied glean­ the president, h as moved to the W alter Busch, and other relatives Beaverton, and 1 E Maellowell a n d M ia s e s V ir g in i a Aiiuflcld ol hospital October 22. llin x iln x t b\ the windstorm S a lu r - . ing the walnut crop at Nuteroft Groller school district mid Verle m lho county Ho earn«» up to a t ­ Forest Glove Irene C.xipot t ’h lei da\ night. Fleet rlc light patrons Plan Benefit and Nutmere farm s Monday. Frost, vice-president, has charge tend the fiftieth wedding a n n i­ bay ram. Irene ll. int Kitty i ’al.1 had to n'MH I to lamp'., candles or A benefit dm ner of old fashioned H T Hesse and family were for the rem ainder of the month. versary of hus parents, Mr and .Mrs well. Mary Voder. Ingrid Lind laut»i-iii.N Suu. >ia\ n ig h t dishes will be given at the C. W. Sunday guests at tlie Clianstoin Lyle Robinson is secretary a n d George VanlX'lh v ot Ro\ Mildred Elder l‘eg>;v Doherty I n Mr and M is Allxrl Schmidt and Larkin home November 2 for the C,x’ home in Portland. Ethel Wtubel is treasurer eile Hood, and the honor guest and Mr. and Mrs L. I’ S tran ah an frankit' of i t'lialiitin were Sun purpose of starting a church p ar­ Mountainside school pupils n eith ­ John Sclimeltzer and Herbert hostess. spent the weke-end » u h Mr and da\ gllt'Sl.S t» >t Mr s, liniidt s nii'i i' lor cook stove fund. This is a com­ er absent or tardy were Berime Fischer went to Redmond Monday Mis < leorge Tews, ami family m unity project to which the pub­ McCann Jolui and Lots McCool. .111,1 will tour Southern Oregon Mrs. Elwm Barluun at Salem R eturn From Trip— Mr and Mrs Adolph Sclimldl lic is invited and will be followed Robert Weaver. Wanda Lytsell. c, inirg home by K lam ath Falls and They tix'k their granddaughters. Earl Morley and Glen Stapleton were Saturday evening guests ut Doris Jemi and te la Marie, who bv tlie regular Ladies' Aid m eet­ Maxine W aldron and Philip S tretch ­ the coast route. J r of Portland relurned Sunday have been with them for some the Herman Jaem cke home In er. Pupils, who reeevied ones in ing at 2 p. 111. Mr and Mrs F E. Rowell. Mrs from a (wo wax-ks' trip to Southern Hillsboro. Plan Program all subjects tlie pas: six weeks Francis Rowell and sou John Albert time, home to their parents California and Mexieo they visile,l Ruby Rebekah lodge will sponsor were W anda Lytsell. Maxme W al­ and Mrs. John S utherland Joined Celebrate* Birthday Newton Hursli of IM riland is a delegation of Scholls people to dron. Betty Swank. Eddie Ardeel. other relatives at the Arnold Ander- working at the Hillsboro Meat com ­ Millard Morley, an unele of young G randm a Hogrefo w a s honor visit the I O O . F. home in P ort­ Philip Stretcher. Louis McCool. sen home Sunday m Portland where pany this week while George Fisher Morley at San lliego. and anothei gue.'.i Ot her daughter. Mrs W 1 land November 4. A short program Bertme McCann Jean Wolilsehlegel. a surprise birthday dm ner was giv­ the ptx'prielor. is on a vae.itnui uncle W illiam Phipps, m Upland Slovens. Momlay w h e n .w'veral T h a t th e g irl w ith Helen and Irma! Holcom en m honor of Mrs. Horace Fischer Mr Hursh was formerly connected Mr 1‘lupps ts the owner of a large neighbors and tier two otlu ugh- Vic« side of the Scholl s Woman s The Scholls orchestra furnished with the Hillsboro Meat company, orange grove. Ai 1’a.sadena they ters. Mrs Hattie W illiam, ot till llTls lt« a u llfiil lia lr g e la th e visited Merle Shipley and olhei club w.l! sponsor a series o ' benefit tlie music for tlie Eastern S tar boro amt Mrs Clifton Burley ol VOTE FOR Mrs E. L Staples of Corvallis relatives. m o at u lle n tio n « h e r e - card parties, beginning November social hour Saturday evening at Portland, gatheixxi to lielp cele­ 3 at the Jack R aynard home, to Sherwood. Mrs S. Raynor Sm ith was a guest last week of her son Sewing Classes to S ta rt— brate her seventy-eighth birthday over «lie gue»! M ake and daughter-m -law , Mr and Mis winch the public is invited A also contributed to the program. You are invited to enroll m sew anniversary Mr. mid Mrs H G. Hesse vis­ H E Staples, w ho are making their tng classes to be Iteld m (he Pub­ lunch will be served and a grand y o u r h a ir » oft, lu » lr- T ig' lad ies' Six'lal club was en- Republican Candidate for prize will be given at the close of ited Tuesday at th e AI Craven home at the A. J. Vance place on lic Library every Tuesday a n d ti'rialneil last week bv Mrs lo is o i i h , um l a llr a e llv e by tlie river road. C O U N T Y C O M M ISSIO N E R tlie series. home in Newberg. Thursday afternoon, from two u n ­ Stone and Mrs Ixnile farow at the Mrs. Cot' Sealy of Roosevelt. Pupils of the M ountain Side (l»’i:P l 111.It \N NOMIN o u r inexpensive t r e a t ­ Mr. and Mrs. Elmer V arner of til fom- o'ekxk No fix- is chargeit Curow home m Hillsboro Mi Wash., with Mr. mid Mrs. L. O. school who received 100 in spell­ Ikxxl River arrived the first of tlie for enrollm ent. Class wx>rk will be Adolph Schmidt will be hostess ut m en t» . Burge of Hillsboro were Sunday ing for a period of 4 weeks are week for several weeks' visit witli conducted by Mrs. Lucy 1 Ingr.ini her home next Wednesday lie has m ade one of Hie guests at the S A Got ter home Betty Swank. Eddie Ardeel. Maxme Ins parents, Mr and Mrs H V ar­ The first m eeting will be Tuesday C W Brown milt Ervin ami Leta outsf um ling records of H u­ New pupils at the Jacktown school Waldron. W anda Lytst'L R uth Hol- ner He is on six weeks' leave due afternoon. Baker of l\»rtlaiul were week-end 73rd Conifrcss. are Dale. Charles mid Don Devore com Philip Stretciier. Vera McCann. to ill health. guests at tli»' F 1. ltrowai home Mr. Bergen Honored— Tlie Devore family, recently from H erbert Herd, John McCool. Helen Mr and Mrs w I, Stevens, ac­ Ills re election a ssu re s ro n Mr mid Mrs. Elwood Joluison North Dakota, live on the Fielding Holcom. Aline Hutchens. Shirley W. V Bergen was given a b irth ­ companied by Mrs H an«. Williams tinned spent tlie week-end with Rev and active, evper.e need farm. Carlson. Lois McCool. Im ial Holcom Mrs. Len B. Eishbaek at Tillamook day surprise party at HLs home m of Hillslx>rn S|X'III from Thursday Mr mid Mrs. Lloyd Murray re ­ mid Bertm e McCann. Portland Monday evening. Those until Sunday at th eir eoltuge at and successful represent;i lio n and drove as far south as Florence turned Thursday from a fishing Mrs. George Linton and son present were Mr mxt Mrs. G N Geeansule They- viewed the wre, k in C ongress. trip to the beach with several nice Frank of Bonneville visited old Monday before returning home. 1215 3rd RU Phone 1271 D iggart mid family. Mrs M c. Of "Happy Ciinip ' at N etarts euus- Iteud Record in Vi .... ................... Mr mid Mrs C harles Buddin Picklesmier und children. Mrs C et! by file storm Saturday night. salmon. neighbors in tli«- M ountain ............... Home Clifford Trask and family were district Sunday F ran k and George and daughter Ethel ot Seattle spent B Applegate mid Miss Ethel iter- Ground floor Odd Fellow»' Bldg Mis ?.."j'oa W atkins lavs a rliodo- P am phlet. Sunday dinner guests at th e 'L a u ra Linton are working as civil engt last week Visiting Mr mid Mrs gen of Hillsboro and P ortland rela­ dendron in bloom. William Roehl and Anton Ospelt tives and triem is McConnell home in Portland. neers at tlie Bonneville dam site Adolf Rutschm an lias a potato, R alph Vail and family have at M ountamdale. Storm Wrecks Lines which siarfed to grow Inside u Mm. Laura p i » 1- small root of a n nsll tree. The Telephone «uuj ' ‘nes in this moved from the parsonage, which fn~i -ig er of B rad- Entertain at Dinner— will be occupied by Uie Frank vicinity were torn down bv tne u - Mr and Mrs. H R Morgan e n te r­ tuber soon outgrew its quarters amt ... was a guest at the J. R. . . ^-,»— wmd storm Sunday and ! í '” í¿Sv ..ow ard 1^.,.—.,. IVppard hom e Saturday. She was tained Sunday evening witli a d in ­ In pushing its way out the root Mrs. Florence Larkin visited at on her way home from a trip to ner bridge party. G uests were Mes­ was split enough to allow t Ii e Nominee for srs and Mi'-.d..nn's Paul Patterson. growth to continue outside the the J. E Sutherland and C W. California. W Hoffman. R J. Nicol. A H root. Larkm homes during the week-end. Mr and Mrs. C hester Stew art of A John Speiriiig went to Portland Mr and Mrs. Fred Groff and Beaver visited Monday with Mrs Busch. J W Barney. Verne Me- Circuit Judge daughter of P ortland were Sunday Anna Schulm erich mid M rs John Kmney and G R. Morgan Mr anil F rid a y to visit Ills b rothn d ia r ie s at Hie St Vincent s hos|Utal. where Mrs. McKlniwy made high score. guests. G ardner, who is ill a t the Jones he Is being treutixl for Injuries re ­ W»uU ilng ton and H eaton and Mrs hospital. Mrs. Megargel Hostes»— 8 a c re s, sto c k e d a n d a , , n ‘ i i n ‘ -C -liiord Audrey ceived in a logging eamp at C a th ­ Trask attended the Busi- TUUunook Oountiea- E ffic ie n c y i» M e a su re d Howard Hadley and two P o rt­ Mrs Donald Megargel was host­ lamet. Wash p e d . 6-rooni m o d e rn flom ' ------ e, ness and Professional Women's club Mrs Louise Brunner U earing RESU LTS in Hillsboro Friday night. landers spent Saturday and Sunday ess for the Breakfast club at her p o u ltry h o u se , b a rn , g a r ­ meeting t Boardman China p heasant h u n t­ home Wednesday morning Mrs H for Hie C. 1* Stafford home since Mr mid Mrs C harles VanKleek a ing E le c tio n N ov. 6, 193 1 In 1930 th e County Court made a g e , e le c tric lig h ts. 1 m ile and report good luck. M Goodman and Mrs. Lester Ire ­ the recent death of Mrs Stafford and Mr and Mrs. Ned Cox of Kin- available for road purposes 72.552 land l.a ,! i b a r g e o l t l i e p r o g r a m Miss Helen P arr and her mother Mrs. E Sheldon of K ansas City. ton G range were visitors a t the 32 year« active practice In Oregon cubic yards of rock a t a total cost fro _ m to w n . P ric e 8 2 5 0 0 .0 0 . Scholls _____ ___ _ Mo. arrived Wednesday of last with Mrs. F rank i’eters and Mrs. of Hillsboro were callers at tlie all ___ day _ ______ m eeting _________ Saturday. courts of $80.452.00 or $1.11 per cubic yard, f o r m s . At the C hristian Endeavor so cial, wet''1 ^Jtend^d visit with her IL H. S tan n ard m charge of the m- Amos Watkins home Tuesday . Bullion. In 1933. after H. D. K erkm an be­ Mrs. W ~ E “ Brown to be held a t the M ountain Home sister. '* “ came County Commissioner, there parsonage Friday. October 26. a con- H H Biirlliigluim and their baby Barney Campbell, son of Mr. and Card Party Wednesday— was made available for county roads In s u re w ith undrum supper will be sold A Mrs L. S Campbell of Hillsboro daughter R uth Anne ol Willetts Royal Neighbors will hold a card menu wiU be in the form of a She also visited her sister, Mrs. 74.760 cubic yards of rock at a is seriously ill at the Good S am ari­ party at the old G range hall on T U A L A T IN V A L L E Y John W aterman of San Diego. Mrs crossword puzzle and five cents per tan hospital in Portland. total cost of $48.579.00 or 65c per Wednesday evening. Committee III IN S U R A N C E A G E N C Y item will be charged. cubic yard, a reduction of 42'7 in Mr. and Mrs. Paul Jones an d son is Mrs. G rant Zumwalt. Mrs M cG rath made an I extensive trip A tree fell across th e home of of McMinnville are spending the charge production costs. Claud Cook. Mrs J F. Buckland. Mrs W aterm an. They visited the Mr and Mrs. Will Sm ith a t 6 o'clock week with her parents. Mr. and Mrs Lockett. Mrs J. JohaiL.cn, and The record of H. D. K erkman Imperial Valley. S anta Rosa went Tuesday morning, partially wreck­ Mrs A. W Havens. on Mrs. J H. Watkuis. speaks for itself. into Mexico and y isited homes of ing the house Mr. and Mrs. S m ith ' ~ , many famous people m the state were asleep when it happened and are mov- Have Dinner Party— Retain an 1314 Main Street were uninjured. lnK u> B ^ w o n . where they are experienced, conscientious, able Mr and Mrs. J. J Wismer en ter­ Mrs M cGrath visited in San F ra n ­ Hillsboro, Oregon cisco Ben b enjam in and family who U known as the tained with a dinner party Sunday. home. and Palo Alto on I k t way official. have lived in the Midway district 01“ _otipes home Pilose present were Miss Anna Neill t Paid Adv.) Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schulm erich of Monmouth. Miss Elsie McLeod Reerives Auditing ( untract— for the past 15 years, have moved Through n fvtirrul connection money U available to the Setter place In the Oroner returned yesterday from two weeks' and Jesse W ak en of Foi-est Grove. A I. Amueher has received tile for loans on g<*Kl home.*» trip to San Francisco, Los Angeles, Lawrence Wismer and the host und district. contract for auditing t h e 1934 Mrs. Lawrence Crowder visited and Sacram ento. liostess. Ix»w interest cost small monthly imyment-s no 1935 ar.d 1938 books of the City of Monday with her husband at the Miss Jean Rogers, teacher at the renewal fee Money may lw used for any pur)««««* in« Forest Grove. Miss Taggart Honored— Jones hospital in Hillsboro, where Ferndale school, spent the week­ duduiK buying, building or rrpulrlntf homes. Mr. Crowder is very ill with pneu­ end a t the home of her father, Members of the Service club gave monia. a miscellaneous kitchen shower for H. S Rogers. Com«* in and talk IL over no obligation U n til th e liv in g h a v e e r e c te d John Hitchcock and Francis Row­ Mrs. M. Hayden of Spokane. Miss Floy T aggart Wednesday eve­ ed spent the week-end on a fish­ Wash visited the latter part of ning a t the home of Mrs W alter a m e m o ria l to t h e ir d e p a r t ­ M arjorie Sinclair ae, n m p a n u >1 her ing trip to Pacific City While there the week with Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Tews Miss Taggart will soon be­ aunt, Mrs. U'u May. to llend f.»i ed , th e y h a v e le f t u n d o n e the windstorm was so severe th at S tranahan. come tlie bride of Newton T hom p­ a short Visit Mr an I Ml ■ A ■ Mr Rowell was swept off his feet Ì t h a t w h ic h is a t o n c e a p riv ­ son. Friable and fauni» of Bi nd visited Dr. and Mrs. Roy Laughlin of I while holding with both hands to ile g e a n d a n o b lig a tio n . L et a t John Sinclair's o u r the wis k- S A F E R E L IA B L E a tree limb during th e storm. Portland were Sunday guests of < lubs to Give Program— l us h e lp y o u s e le c t a n a p ­ Tlie program to be given by the elid Old-tim e residents of th a t place Mr and Mrs. Charles Wicklund of Mr. and Mrs. G ouge Green liuvv County Federation of Women s clubs moved said the storm was the most severe Hillsboro. p r o p r ia te m e m o ria l now . to Forest ( i r i v f r uì the Mr and Mrs. E S. Davis of P ort- is scheduled for November 7 at tlie Middleton ever experienced in th a t vicinity. place. OREGON M O N U M EN T W O RK S Mrs. Widiam Hesse and Mrs. land were Sunday guests of Mr. Venetian theatre Each club of tlie Mr. and Mi Howl,.11. and Mr Mrs. L I. Davi south of Hills- federation will bi' represented on and M i. Bili, H. H. S ta n n a r d , M gr. H illsb o ro , O re. Virgil Bish were hostesses a t a and Adam . ..il,-d Mr the evening's program. -hover and party a t th e Joseph boro. and Mrs. Ray Ix » » e|ain | , Mildred Tivigg home last T hursday a fte r­ Mr. and Mrs. R. p. Aus Sees l-amous Bowler— Rowtoni a t Cor».lid,. Sunday. J. M PFKSON, Manager n o o n . honoring Mrs. Lawrence family of Portland were guei Mr . J. D Anderson went lo P o rt­ Flint. Among those present were day of Mr ar.d Mrs. H E Saving« xl Loan llhlg. ||illd>nrn, Oregon land Wednesday to sec the world ., JAMES AI.BEItl IH y NOI DS her m other Mrs. Florence Twig«, Mrs H. J. Di if Eugen? spen i hamplon woman bow ler. Floretta Funeral service, w ere h e ld S a t - and a grand-aunt. Mrs. Lizzie Blaz- the last of tlie ■e week with her par McCutcheon ot Pmblo, C o lo rad o , urday for Jam es A Revnolds a t Ills • r both of Hillsboro; a sister. Mrs. ents, Mr. g Mrs. S. E Olson at the R ecreation alieys. She tk farm home one mile • west ol Y a m - Sandiforth. and a slster-fn- J. H. Rig a lesson from her while in town. hill. H A Deck offi of Portland is v isitili I n ti I - law. Mrs. R uth Anderson of Port- A t B a rn o f I n te r s ta te H o rse a n d C ow M a rk e t this week nielit was at Evergr r i e n c e m e te ry , the home of his Altend Homecoming— land. McMinnville. Mr. It,*» I u o ld s w as U n io n A ve. a n d C o lu m b ia B lvd., P o r tla n d daughter. Mrs. G. N. Tag gart, Mr. and Mrs. H S Rogers a t­ to rn In Missouri 11 1875. and came Mr. and Mrs. F. Kobe; stein of tended “ J u d g e P r ie s t,” W ill homeecmitig and ban ­ to Oregon in 1911 P o rtlan2 were Sunday gue of quet of the Phillips «amp No. 4 of U. He Is survived by his widow R o g e rs ’ P ic tu r e H e re Mr and Mrs. A. W Lentz. .s V. W. a t Albany S iiu rd ay night Enulv 8. R i'y n o ld f of Y am h ill Mi Will Rogers is a t th e Venetian Mr. and Mrs Leo M orris of St. D epartm ent officers were guests ol Oeorge H O R SE S — M U L E S E Allen of Salem, T C. '.heater tins week in Irv in S . Cobb's Helens were Sunday guests of Mr honor. No in ju rio u s rhcniiru l.x o r c o lo r -tre n k in g lii|iiiil Reynolds of Ni wbei Judge Priest. " The picture started and Mrs 8. W. Melhuish. S ale No. T h r e e — T h e y S ell— Y ou M a k e th e P ric e sp o il y o u r c lo th e s w h e n Me ('le a n th e m . O u r s p e ­ Wednesday night and runs through Stannard Hostess— Lois Brown of Portland is Mrs. cia l d ry c le a n in g m e th o d c o sts no m o re . . . yet Selling carload of horses and mules, weight 1100 to 1800 lbs.. 2-year- Saturday. Will Rogers, from all a Mists M r, H H S t.ii.m ird w as h o ste ss I.IBKARV NOTES guest this week of her sister, a t a luncheon for the K appa Tan olds to smooth mouths. Many well-m atched team s and single horses for accounts contributes to th e film a Mrs. Charles Douglass. is tw ice its e c o n o m ic a l. Are you giving a talk or w rit­ club today a t her home M r , Fred ing a paper? Il so. don't forget farm or heavy draft work. They will be sold on 3-day trial. If not as memorable po rtrait of this ex- Mr. and Mrs C. G. Ellie of M ult­ Coniederate soldier who dilutes Beach und Mrs. Fred Cliase were in your library ha.. I«)ok. and m aga­ represented to be returned in same condition as when bought and money justice with th e milk of hum an nomah were Sunday guests of Mr. charge of the entertainm ent pro­ zines W E C A L L ANI» D E L IV E R will be returned. th a t will help Here 1. a list kindness an d who saves from dis­ and Mrs J. M. Person. gram. of a few: For credit see your own local banker, aster a helpless girl and th e fa th ­ Mrs E T. T urner spent last week Hallow e'en Carnival Monday— Fam iliar Quotations. Passages. er whom she h as never known. No horses sold private on sale date in Portland with her daughter. St. M atthew s' young people will Phraaes and Proverbs traced to Mrs Durald Horine. hold a Hallowe'en Penny carnival their Sourei's by B artlett; English Tualatin Plains Presbyterian Church CL Y D E W . W O O D & B R O S., A u c tio n e e rs Mrs. J. R Peppard has been a t the tva.ll Monday evening. D an­ Synonyms. Antonyms and Preposi­ Sunday school, 10:15 a. m ; m orn- very ill during th e past week, but cing and games will furnish e n ­ tions by Fernald; on tin' "Art of .ng service, 11; sermon by Dr, A n­ is improving. W riting by Sir A rthur Quiller tertainm ent lor the evening. drew Carrick C hristian Endeavor, Couch; "How to Talk, by Clapp. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Walker Mrs. M cG rath Returns— 7 30 p m. Mrs Jean W arren C ar­ "Business Letters Made Easy," by Mrs. Oeorge T. M cG rath returned Kearney rick will instruct the young people's made a trip to Salem and Dallas T e le p h o n e 47 H illsb o ro , O re g o n Saturday from several m onths' vis­ chorus and give a report of her Friday. Consult the World's Almanac and musical and lecturing activities in Misses Dorothy Gillmore a n d it in California with her son-in- books of facts for data you may the east during the past sum mer Phoebe Coulter spent Friday and law and daughter, Mr. an d Mrs. wish to obtain pruna feel al 21 Mr ine Your Consjressman •t .< i Everybody Knowi H . D. Kerkinan James W. Moti Millie’s Beauty Salon 11, r. B O TTS A Real Bargain M O N E Y TO LO A N W. G. ID E M ODERN HOM ES The Privilege oi the Living Lcisy ville Washington Savings & Loan Ass’n A U C T IO N SA LE Our Dry-Cleaning Way Tuesday, October 3 0 - 1:15 p. m. S* in 01 wl lo fo i» ft VC ai gl tt st dt dl HOME LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANERS EARLY FALL SALE O th m ai S T O R E W ID E S T A R T IN G O C T O B E R E N D IN G N O V E M B E R W E P A Y DIVIDENDS Qff on What You Spend! ir b. I c< Davenport, Chair and Stool O ne R o g e r’s S ilv e rw a re C e r tif ic a te w ith 2 0 gam e» b o w le d — e ith e r la d ie s o r g e n tle m e n . $49-95 C o n fe c tio n e ry — B o w lin g A lley« P h ii (Atinuiteò P sl Ii W h ile th e y la s t! S P E C IA L ............... P bi T a k e a d v a n ta g e of th e N a tio n a l H o u sin g A c t to k e e p y o u r h o u se in g o o d c o n d itio n . T h is is th e tim e to m o d e rn iz e a n d r e p a ir . L e t us h e lp y o u m a k e u p y o u r es­ tim a te to s e c u r e t h e lo an . fc 03 P- tl n IC aj ir ti B li tl b e n ti S P h 1260 Main Street S im ila r to C u t cc tc A tte n d th e m e e tin g a t th e C h a m b e r o f C o m m e rc e ro o m s N o v e m b e r 5 to le a r n a li th e d e ta ils o f ho w yo u c a n fix u p y o u r h o u se ju s t th e w ay y ou w a n t it. POOL-GARDNER LUMBER CO. BU ILD IN G MATERIAL MERCHANTS P hone 2691 1011 Baseline PLACE "Where Ladle» are Courteously Treated and Cordially Invited." C IR C U L A T IN G H EA TER S O) b« il C L E M ’S Fire Visits Y our Barn Can You Afford Such Possible Loss $ 3 9 .9 5 New, Large Bowl and Jug Lamps A nd Hillsboro. We Nerve OLYMPIA and WFINIIAKDTH BEER Ç oilelt S uper S ervice S tation H a rm o n iz in g S h a d e s $ 1 .4 9 $ 1 .8 9 S P E C IA L S O U R H A R D W A R E a n d C H IN A D E P A R T M E N T S A re fu ll o f new g o o d s a t n ew a n d s p e c ia l p ric e s. B A T H R O O M E Q U IP M E N T R A D IO S B a th T u b , L a v a to ry a n d T o ile t E lo o r S a m p le s — C h e a p . C o m p le te , an il C ra n e Q u a lity . M AYTAG W ASHERS S f & l “ Look f o r A d v . N e x t W e e k ” $ 4 4 .9 5 LESTER IRELAND & CO <27/1 CA An hour ago a wrll-onlrri'd bam with valuable rattle. An hour later, a m aw of flamrx taking llx loll ,,t property and llfr! DON'T wait u n ­ til It'» loo late—he protected now—- | alway» — beratiae you ran i never trll w h in flrr » ill hit your be - i longing»! C H A S. L. WALKER Agent Every form of protection Fire, automobile, casualty, liability, I Fidelity, Surety and Life. Phone 1732 H IL L S B O R O , O R E G O N 11«4 3rd St. G A S O L IN E S R ic h fie ld • G e n e ra l • S h e ll - U n io n - G ilm o re Ili-P r e s s u r e G re e n in g F re e C ra n k c a n e S e rv ic e - A u to m o tiv e R e p a irs F ire n to n e T ire», T ube* a n d A c c e sso rie s D R IV E IN — S P A R K P L U G S T E S T E D F R E E Coslctt Super Service Station COSI.ETT'N TRUCK SERVICE F ir s t a n d B a se lin e S tr e e ts COSLETT’S BAR-B-Q P h o n e 1263