Paure Two THE Page Six Tigard P.T.A , Plans Session ixxiple and interm ediates h a v e merged until there a r e enough members to reform th e two so­ cieties Tigard lost the achievement plaque to Bethany. Juniors Sponsor Sale H IL L S B O R O ARGU S. and children Jane* and Calvin of Battle Ground, Wash were Sundnj a - i, ot Mt and Mis H \\ Ar- menlroui, Mrs John Hariwiek and little daughter Joyce letu n u d home S un­ dav from a week's visit .w ith rela­ tives in Pori land Mis Frank Hartwick and little Out R esult Storm daughter Maxine ot Vernonia vla- itcj. relatives in Hanks Monday S un d ay M o rn in g Banks Student Plav Selected Junior class of the high school is sponsoring a pie and cake sale to funds for their page m L ig h ts T ig a rd E leven Noses O u t the raise annual. A dance has been planned by the senior class for on W in O v e r Estacada November 2. Senior class was ahead Democrats Meet in the student body ticket drive A democratic central eonuniutec illy Mr> Fred WolfonB with a 100 per cent Freshm en had .By Curtin Tigard) m eeting was held ill Hanks Friday BANKS rile ‘ T hirteneth Chair \ .,x'd attendance and Intereatlng TIGARD - Tigard Parent-T eacher 76 per cent. has been selected for tile annual Tiger» Win meeting is reported association will ItolU its meetings student body plav of Bonks high, Football team of Tigard high Mr and Mrs R A Cook and the third Wednesday o f e a c h "ill be coached by Mi.— daughters and Mr and Mrs Htanlev rnci th nt 2 30 p m. at the Tigard school managed to beat out E sta­ which Alice la i c Tlie play is a three a.: grade school auditorium, according cada Friday afternoon on the local m urder mystery w ritten by Bayard H e a ls and d a u g h t e r s sjx'nt the week-end » u h relatives ui Mon­ to plans made October 16 Over field by thé acore of 14 to 12 M ak­ Veiller lh e cast includes M an mouth. 100 were present at the evening ing the two tri for points was Cason Raymond G unther. Tilly Miss Lillian Steele of Gaston is meeting Paul Patterson, prominent all that saved the game from end­ Knorr. David W alter Jc- e wo: king for Mrs C harles Kessler Hillsboro attornev gave a compre­ ing In a tie. Estacada and Tigard Marte Rieben. Wilson Rita Cop. Elite fought to 0 to 0 tie last year at Mi and Mrs Hoy S ta tto rd ot hensive lvp. rt and discussion on 1'nates. A rthur Vandehey. Wayne f a it spen: Ihursday and Friday the 20-mill wx lim itation ­ the visitors' field. Two passes a c ­ Shipley Leonard Fowles Patricia ing ins! what effect it would have counted for both touchdowns tor Jensen. Earl Groat. Miriam Max with relatives m Hanks M Turner and P:auk Rinck made on ill. two Tigard districts. While Tigard A pass from Goldhainmer well. H an y Seabold. George Thomp­ a business trip to Hukeuteld S a tu r­ he was in favor of reduced prop­ to Suns in th e second quarter re ­ day erty taxes, still he did not feel sulted m a touchdown and ill the son and Billy Best. Honor Roll Given Mrs Herman Hopkins and daugh­ th a t this was th e proper way, es­ tim'd, a pass from Goldhainmer to pecially at the expense ot t h e Carson. Tigard's conversions were Fourteen names are on tlie honor ters ot fillanux'k ylsited from F ri­ schools The association voted to the result of a kick and a trick roll for the Batiks high school. day until Sunday evening with her take up welfare work in the school plav Several C the regulars were They are Jack Seabold, Hairy S a- husband. who is working here. as a project for the >ear In this out of the game due to sickness b, Id Mae Cason. Wilma Bai'.ey. Sunday the Hopkins family and project, milk and clothing will be Clatskanie trounced the Tigers last Mane Rieben. C harlotte Sullivan. Mr and Mrs George M cFarlane furnished where It is needed Rev. week 19 to 0 at Clatskanie but Erma. Vandehey. Howard Reppeto. and daughtet of F o r e s t Grove were S. R Smith gave a report on the were present for the game. If Couch Etta Bailey. Lucille Rutherford. guests ot Mr and Mrs Charles 4-H club work which the associa­ only about half of the Ticard team Evelyn Rinck. Saturo Suuainato. Shipley Mrs c D McCalm aixl son of tion is sponsoring Max Lewis and Smith e.ui get his regulars back Vera Reppeto Rita Cop Jack Sea- Maurice Adams, accompanied by m to lineup, file Tigard team will bold has the highest honors of tlie Pei alld and Mr and Mrs Archie Miss Iola Oooding. played two musi­ give their opponents plenty of list, having three 'o n es' to his 1 l. ' . 'xseti and children ot Moiui- t.undale visited Mr and Mrs. J. J. cal selections. Tile teachers of the fight. credit Making over a 400-nule trip in Hutchens Saturday. grade school were introduced. Eve­ Superintendent to speak J. W Raynard was a political ning was concluded b y servuig one dav Mrs Elizabeth Vincent. Rev and Mrs E M n t.o n of Viola and Evelyn McDonald and Yamhill visited Sundav school S u n ­ visitor in Hanks ITiday. dough! nuts and cider. Art Vincent left K lam ath Falls m Mrs John Kessler and two Person Speaker day morning Preaching services Ted P Cramer, secretary of the the morning, visited C rater Lake, were held following Sunday sehool daughters spent a lew days tile o; t ie yy.-ok ill IX’i'tland Mrs Oregon Bankers' association and came over the McKenzie Pass went Next Sunday hurch services will J M Person. W ashington county to Marcóla to visit and got home be held at 7 jO p m Dr. Louis Kessler s mother. Mrs Prior, who the same evening They were vis­ lias been visiting liere for two housing chairman, were the speak­ Magín, tlie M E district superin­ ers at the Tigard Lions club Octo­ iting with Mrs 4V 8. McDaniels, tendent. will be the speaker of the weeks, accompanied them to P o rt­ ber 15. J. O. Johnson, local ch air­ a sister of Mrs Vincent. evening. Quarterly conference will land and went on to her home ltt Tigard Grange officers arc prac- be held in the afternoon at tour Taeoiua man. advises th at funds are now The K N A women enjoyed obtainable Rev. Timothy Watson, tici- for the grange council m eet­ o'clock a pot luck dinner in their hall deputy district governor, visited ing at Sherwood November 2 when Wind Causes Damage a grange officers' seating contest is Rainier club with a delegation of Banks was without electricity Ihursday In tlie afternoon Mrs being staged The well is going to Sunday as th e result of tlie wind, C hark s Hamilton s side entertained Tigard Lions October 16. c a r d s Mrs i;,vc Hermeiis won A private dance, sponsored by be worked over and a bigger reser­ rain and electrical storm that i n ­ the social committee of Tigard Odd voir made at the bottom. Grange curred m the morning Tlie large tu s ; a n d Mrs Ge. ree Moss second. met Thursday. Fellow lodge, was held Friday eve­ oak tree on the lot occupied by H..dowe cii evenuig October 31. the ning at the I O. O. F. temple. The the Boy Scout cabin was blown R. N A todge will give a card regular old-time dance given evert’ down by the wind, li le tree with party. two weeks is next Saturday Mrs. L ew is H o s te ss its large lunus fell near the cabin Russell, Lewis and Edward Rcbie Mrs Alfred Lewis ot K ansas City and it seems almost a miracle that all of Los Angeles, were guests of the cabin was not damaged at all entertained with two tables of Mr. and Mrs. B. L Daniels last A large limb fell on tlie electric ..... ." Friday alternoon Mrs. C U. week. Russell and Lewis Robie are BEAVERTON—The county C hris­ w.res. eausuig them to break S un­ Ha!! won Hrs; and Mrs C E van­ spending several weeks at Roseburg tian E ndeavors , , o :; day school children were guided ston consolation Those from Banks before returning south. Edward left held at the Christian church in past the place which for a tune was attendm g were Mrs Je tt Kennedy. last week. Beaverton Friday and Saturday. very dangerous. Tlie tree a vener­ Mrs C It Hall and Mrs. Vern Damage Slight Beaverton city council passed a able oak. was hollow and occupied Prickett. No serious damage was reported Nuisance Ordinance ' at the m eet­ by bees. The honey was so mixed Forrest Gibson visited Henderson in the Tigard vicinity u the re ­ ing last week. It was also decided with w ater and ro tten wood that Smith and daughter Ethel Sunday. sult of the sweeping storm th at to cliange water rates. He had accompanied three carloads 1 it was not worth saving raked Oregon last week-end Some The small daughter of Mr and Cop Buys Marr Place of cattle from the drouth area in trees were blown over, but did not Mrs Henry DeHaan is recovering M ontana to Portland. The cattle I V ü u a i Cop l a.' p . 1 ' cause any damage. Lights were on from the burns received recently A F. M arr property on M am street have been sold to the governnient, in this vicinity during the entire when she sat in the fireplace The family moved into their new Forres; is taking advantage ot the storm The terrific wind helped William Sleight fell in front of hem e last week from th e W L trip by visiting relatives in this harvest the walnut crop th a t was a car in Portland Saturday a fter­ Moore farm, where they have been part of the country. not alreadv picked. Com patches noon and received head and shoul­ living. Three other fam ilies have M ts b A French of Puyallup. were flattened like pancakes. der lacerations. He was taken to also moved into Banks the past Wash., visited her father. H ender­ Students of St. Anthony school the St. Vincent's hospital. week. son Smith, and other relatives here put on a three-act play Saturday Beaverton Kiwanis cluo will p ur­ Mrs. Tom Engen of Vernonia fr ill Friday until Sunday evening and Sundav evening at the school chase a trophy to be given as a spent a few days in Banks last Mts Earl Wil. n is on the sick auditorium. It was entitled "It football award to the school in week visiting friends. list tills week Pays to Advertise." W ashington county winning the Robert Young of Portland vis­ Lose Plaque most number of games during the ited October 17 with Ins aunt. Mrs Tigard Christian Endeavor Octo­ season. E tta Preston ber 15 elected delegates to the C. Officers of Beaver chapter and Mary and Lam ar Sandy of Ver­ E convention at Beaverton Young their families were entertained at nonia visited tlie B anks high school the home of Mr and Mrs. Harry Thursday. The teachers of Colum­ Eliander October 17. bia county were at institute th at
1. I'rIrrJ(,nl Mrs M C K ercher is visiting day. BEND—Bend hool is preparing friends in Kirkland. Wash. New Pupils Enroll a Hallowe'en pt ram to be held Guests oí M tss Rhoda Shelien— Nine new pupils are enrolled m November 2 at rt p. ni R efresh­ berger last week-end were Mr- the Banks grade school tlus week. m ents will be served following the Alfred Lewis of Forest Grove and They are Betty Lou Rosecrons. program. Miss Dorothy Compton of P o rt­ third grade; Billy Roseeroiv and Mrs. H L. Doane and daughter land. Bobby Brown, second grade; Janies Barbara a rd son Lyle and D m ald First of th e regular Wednesday Brown, fifth; John ft Tower visited rel. tives In Portland night suppers of the Cogregation- sixth; Gladys Cop. seventh; Alla over the week-end al church was held October 17. A rthur and Ft: 1 Steinhoff and and Ethel Brown and David Rose­ JL Rev and Mrs. George Springer crons. eighth grade. Mis.-, Mildred Steinhoff were e n ter­ and sons left this week for S anta Honor Roll Given tained at a birthday dinner party Rosa. C a l. where Mr. Springer has The grade school honor roll in ­ Sunday in P ort.and a t the home accented a call. cludes Mabel Kinoshita. Haze! ot their sister. Mrs. Frank Ander- Mrs William Campbell was giv­ Thompson. Kay Lien. Joseph J e n ­ •on and family in honor of the en a surprise shower by th irty la­ sen, Dean Cloninger. Connie Lou Am: : on twins. !' i hard and M ari­ dies last Tuesday a t the home of Kennedy Jan et Sellers M am a an. They celebra'- d their eleventh h er sister. Mrs. H. M. Barnes. Finck. Koji Shigeno, Shewso Ishii. b.rthday Otlx*r y itors there were A poultry meeting was held Tues­ Barbara Wilson. Ju an ita Wolford. Ml and Mrs Leedv from day in the high school by the Evelyn Kessler. Marjorie Wilcox. near Lake Labish. extension specialists in poultry;. Mr and Mrs. Oliver Clark and Connie Lou VanDorn. Nomi Kaw- Tlie D aphne club was entertained amato. Boboy Stohler. Sheila Hall. -on returned horn October 15 from at the home of Mrs. V. A. Wood Norman Lien. Beulah Shigeno, Bil­ their deer hunting trip, bringu with a luncheon and cards on ly Moore Geraldine Kessler and home a large tie- r Mr. Clark and Thursday. Peggy Wilson. s>n Gei r-.'e ( f t a on Friday to try Miss Juliette C arter and Mrs. L Mr and Mrs. George Stone and their luck for an' tier deer. D. Shellenberger attended the state two daughters of Portland and Mrs Mr and Mrs Albert Scott spent board meeting of the Congregation­ William Douglass of Forest Grove Sundav and Mon lay in Portland al church at The Dalles Friday visited Sunday with Mrs. Stella visiting relatives. Miss M arjory Weaver Is th e new Kelly a t tlie N Berdan hone Damage Done telephone girl a t the local exchange Amos Sellers Is spending this There was quite a big wind and ■ ■ office. week with his brother. Charles, at ram storm Saturday night and S un­ The local Boy Scout troop held Iowa Hill. day' blowing over telephone poles their monthly overnight hike last Sidney J. Pascall of Portland vis­ and trees. The ram was welcome Saturday. ited October 17 with Mr. and Mrs. as it was very much needed for plowing. W T. Sellers. Our classified columns may have Miss Phyllis Nelson -pent the just what you are looking for — week-end at her parents home in Read them. Vernonia. Mr. and Mrs Frank Akers of Portland spent Sunday with Mrs. Bella Hart Democratic Candidate for Mrs W. G. Walker ot Banks and Strengthening of th e milk con­ STATE R EPR ESEN TATIVE Mrs Rose Prickett of Hillsboro vis­ trol law is adv'xtabxi by J W ited several days last week with R avnard of Scholls democratic can ­ I have lived on a farm in W ash­ their sister. Mr Anna Kaufman, didate for state representative He in Woodburn and with another sis­ feels that the producer should re ­ ington County. Oregon, continu­ ter. Mrs. E E. K aufman and fam ­ ceive a greater portion of the price ously for forty-five years during ily in Silverton. paid by the consumer than he now which time I was manager of a Mrs. E. E. Hopkins of Wishram receives. The candidate declares local farmers' telephone com pany' Wash., spent tie week-end in th a t the producer has not received for about ten years. Banks with her daughters. Moxie his just share out of the recent in­ and Ida. and her son Clyde. crease. I shall not make a lot of prom­ Miss Pruaence Hix of Monmouth Raynard has also taken a stand ises which I know cannot be ful­ spent the week-end with Miss Id a for the strengthening of the Income filled for the purpose ot securing Hopkins taxes so th a t real and personal votes, but do make one promise Frank Rinck and Sherm an Robi­ property shall bear less of the bur­ and that is that, if elected. I shall son were in McMinnville Monday. den of taxation. He also favors the give my full time and attention to Miss K athleen Jensen of Hillsboro old age pension, provided it is fi­ the duties of the office and will visited home folks Monday. nanced by some m eans other than support any measure or measures Ms. and Mrs. Fred Hollenbeck a tax on real property. designed to lessen or more equally distribute the burden of taxation. I believe in the principle of an Old Age Pension, but also believe th a t it should be financed by some I means other than a tax on real and personal property. I believe the so-called Milk Bill passed by the last Legislature is a move in the right direction but I believe it should be strengthened. I believe the producer should re­ ceive a greater portion of the price paid by the consumer than he now receives. Out of the recent increase in the price of milk, the producer lias not received his Just share. Oregon has the Income Tax. the Intangibles Tax. a G ift Tax and other lorins of indirect taxation. I believe the various forms of in ­ come taxes should be strengthened to the end th a t real and personal property shall bear less of the • You CAN have a new Mon­ burden of taxation. A move is on tag C irculator H eater in your foot to increase the salary of public home im mediately. W e have officials and employes. I am op­ made it easy fo r you to have real com fort in your home posed to such movement. I believe this winter. See us today! th a t public officials and employes receive greater pay for their serv­ A Montag C irculator H eat­ ices th an the pay of our farm ers I er will furnish an abundance and producers. of warmth econom ically. It will bring beauty into your I desire to see Oregon benefitted home, for new M ontag models in every way possible in connec­ are modern— attractiv e in ap­ tion with the construction of th e pearance. Bonneville Dam but I do not be­ There is a type, a size, a lieve this is the time to burden style, a price for every re­ tlie S tate of Oregon with a great quirem ent. bonded Indebtedness until it Is d ef­ SEE OUR initely determ ined what we may expect from the Federal G overn­ Complete Display m ent in the distribution of elec­ trical power and energy in the j S ta te of Oregon generated a t the Bonneville Dam. bringing to every | m anufacturer, every city dw eller,; an d every farm er its benefits on j equal terms. C. E. Convention Held Beaverton Bend School Will Hold Program Soon ELECT \ Ö & J- w . RAYNARD enjoy REAL COMFORT this year! Bigger Share for Producer Wanted HOW MUCH LONGER MOST THIS LAST G ET Y O U R N E W MONTAG Circulator NOW'. L e s te r Ireland 8C Co. (Paid Adv.) YOÜB OLD HEATER IS DOWN PAYMENT VOTE TAX LIMITATION 302 X YES Paid for by la x Elmlf tii n Langue of Orog' n, 41U H. VV. Juiu vt-, Portland 11. Cover, Secy., H IL L S B O R O . Tlttir* . O ctober 25, 193 I OREGON Laurel Ridge Boy 1 lonored on Lriday LAUREL RIDGE Mis Walter Sixitli gave a blrthdav party E'lt- dav afternoon in honor ot her son Robert's sixth birthday aiuil- versaiv Guests were Vella and Hubert A.'bt . Iier. txuothv Vapix'im Maiy Ny.strom Anna Myers R uth Fuhi'er. l ima Werre. Robert and Ralph Sputh. Hancel My ers and son John went to Portland Saturday, where they bought a ear Mr Cutllllt and son Lysl,- of Sherwood visited at t h e Jerome Cappeen lion,- Sunday M 's H a m W right, w h o h asb ecn staying wilti hei s-m-m-law and daughter. Mr and Mrs R Mmr. m IX’rtland tor several weeks, r e ­ turned Io Iter home tins week Charles Hay lies Robert Allison and Ge.uge Walling n-presenied Slierwixxl G ran t' ai the Pomona Co Ojx'i alive Marketing eouueil in Hillsboro 1 riday evening Mr and Mrs Wayne Strong and daughter lo ts at Metzger visited Salurdav at t l i e Jolui Sti'lekler home. Visitors at tlie E 1' Sliejqxird home Sundav oi last week were Mr and Mis Arthur Sheppard of IMitlamt ami HerUva Shepjrard. who is attending University at Oregon Guests at tlie II P. Sti'lekler home Saturday night were Mr ami Mrs J o e sti'i. kier of Preseott and Mr. amt Mrs Jolui Striekler. Mil­ dred ami Diek Pupila oi Laurel Ridge seluxil with no absenees and no truily m arks [or Hie Iirst m onth of seluxil are Anna Myers. R uth Führer. Verla Aebiseher. Raixu i Spath. L o n a Werre and Ray mond Cappoen. mid G e o rg e R o g ers they lived lor 19 years lin y k place in return your 2ftu Ih’ltu Drug Ht»»r«* the CornelULs cemetery Adv. the auall girl, oldest daughter ot lX'ii.ilit Davidson, has brx'ir HI tor some tune, and died at the family h o m e i'ridav inonimg She was born in Hillsboro June 29. 1930 sh e Ls survivixl bv her parents a sister Rose Edith, and two bro th ­ els Thomas I.vie and Jam es Alex­ l h .»(\ utiat it M »ri.»k eliai'd* lulirh a llou )ol» really 1« Vour ear ander. Farmers' Cash Store Special Sale oil Riding Comfort Hayward District Slitters in Storm ill» Vl«l«n Mu.l-on) rides rawlri II U b*** hkeh Io need repair« Marfak U the w«>rld*» fhie*t e .»ml we »1»» a first el.»»«» job Quit k »ervlee too! tud don't f»»rget It 1» time Io aid for when you bouglit it? ( all us alth confidence Douglass R adio Service Selfridge Bros. Phone 21X P11II.CO DEALERS IF YOU ARE GO EAST TAKE ADVANTAGE SUNSHINE' i -A slf / z Ú low PRICES If you go East (hit winter, why not go through ( alifornia and Southern Arizona? Hide our fimou« Sunwi l imited or (iolden Slate I imited through America's sunniest winter region. Stopover anywhere. For details, tec your local agent or write J. A. Ormandy, G rnrrjl Faueagre Age«/, 705 Pacific Building, Portland, Orc. now in rfTcrl on «pecial service ro m ld n a tlo M Io condition 4 o ur car fo r trin le r d rivin g . B r jual a little sinarti-r Ilian the other fellow and avoid that la»t-niinole rn«h. w ave. .00 14 Gome irt n m l see f.’ie Southern Pacific G O IN G B ring your car in noir . • . then you'B he all »<•( fo r the cold r ie tr / u ri/ llr a t e r . O n ly installed. Enable* you to do y o u r w inter d riv in g in m n iio r t you »it in h e a lth fu l, fresh, heated air. You regulate and d ire c t the heat w ith y o u r foot. T his heater pro­ vides :i perm anent out-o f-th e -w a y in s ta lla ­ tion. N<> m oving parts to w ear out. Rear com partm ent a ttachm ent in ta lle d fo r only •52.50 iid d i,io n a l. TO BUILD or REMODEL Ford owners are re a liz in g the value o f m isting on only 5<>u are invited to come to our office and Inapeet over GOO floor and elevation pians, in hookforni. You can't help findini what will appeal to you in the price class that you want. NO COST — NO OBLIGATION SCHOLLS TILE CO. YARD W a s h in g to n S tre e t b e tw e e n 1st an d 2nd H ills b o ro P L A N T A T SCHOLLS, O R EG O N O ur Motto— “Friendly Service . . . F air Prices” 1 1 r. ON GUARD /AUTHORIZKD JAltS AND SERVICI HILLSBORO BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY '-p ilE world war brought Into common use the word "ob­ jective." Il means a definite end to be reached by a definite plan of action. Your budget Ls the p attern th a t outlines your ob­ jective of saving and spending w ithin your Income. In Its care­ ful use lies the success of both big business and modest home operation. A checking account guards your budget two ways . . . It helps you plan and con­ trol It, and It gives full proof th u t hills liave been paid. BEAUTY SIIOI’S I'llY SK TAN anil HI MUHIN E V E ’S B E A U T Y SHOP A. O. P IT M A N , M. D. Ornrip] I Utility Work PHTBICIAN and HIIRUKON X-Mar and Phyalo Therapy I’ermRiierifu nnd nil kind« of bMuty work. Telephone ISR1X llalrong Ifillnhoro I'harmnry Commercial National llank Hide Of flee H2III Telephonee Healdence 781X S anitary Beauty Shop DR. 1). E. W IL E Y , M. I). All Kind« of llrnotr Work Phyfllrlan nnd Surgeon PERMANENTS Well«» IliiihlliiK e Rperlalfy Telephone 1471 WEIL H APAKTMr.NTH Mnl.ol Hi-hrndel TKLRPHONR8 Office 2UH2 Iteeldenee tfiHl DENTISTS GARBAGE COLLECTION DR. R A Id ’ l l DRESSER Dentist G arbage C ollection AND CANB Commercial Building D. P. CGItRIETU Telephone 144 Evening», Sunday by Apnolntment Commercial National Bank "The Largest Independent Bank in Washington ( 'minty” IIIII.SItO llG OREGON X INSURANCE Telephone 232» RUBBER RTAMPfl GEORGE T. M cG R A T H nU Y YOUR Washington County A g.nrlw RUBBER STAM PS from H ILkS B O R O ARGUS INHIJHANI K SRRVICB Hhllte Hank lliillrflng Phone 21111 Illlleboyo inb»«a>d Tor Inform.llon «k»«! Dlrertor» o» n . Ad»,M lM „ r« || T h. A r i» . — ID I