Pajfe Two THE Page Four 1 humer to Schools J ? il ls b o n á j^ A r g u s W ith W hich to ComMnwl lk< H ill»h „r» In d .p .n r f.n l HllU boro Anro»«»t«h. 1»»« llilto h ere Indnw n.tont « .l« h M .K IN N K Y * M c k lN N K V . I ’ »hll«h»r« Published Thurwdayw. Knl»r».l «• m attar in ¡MatafOre at Hillakoro. O m to n W . V E R N E M c K IN N E Y E ditor i.ej NEW SPAPER OE c. M c K inney Aseociate E d ito r W A S H IN G T O N Subscription Ratea S tric tly Cash in Adrauca V S. Outside O re»oa Par y e a r _______________ H .50 M ih« F irs t Audited Paper l«ar«- «•t A udited W eekly Circula­ tion in Oregon M em ber—O ra ro n S tale Edi­ to rial Association and N a ­ tional E d ito rial Awweinll«'® O F F IC IA L MKtt b . UH Foreign CoWBtriaa CO UNTY 12.1X1 >.50 T h * H illsboro Anrus assumes no fin a n c ia l rwixm »»btl»(f L » ■rrvrv published in its eolumn». but in ease« where this paper la at fa u lt w ill reprint th at l'a rt nt an advertwemen» $n w huh the typographical mu»takt uccur». _________ __________ IndelH-ndcnt MWnMW. Ctg“ S,'rAu?* An . r e Based on the P rinciple o f the Golden R u in AndI " »• would th a t m en ehould do to you. do >e nleo to them like- wise " - M atthew T : lt - _____________ — General Martin Liked General M artin is highly regarded by many voters in this county and his chances for carrying the county are considered real good. In his visits here he has im­ pressed the people with his sincerity ami force of character. Local voters also real­ ize that he is close to the Roosevelt ad ­ m inistration and that this should be ot real benefit to the state. The great mass of W ashington county voters feel that they have a real friend in President Roose­ velt and th at General Martin, because of his closeness to and support of the "New Deal.” will prove a good friend of the com­ mon man while in Salem, if elected. His stand for law and order during this crucial period is also winning the gen­ eral many votes. H IL L S B O R O A RGU S, Jingle Contest to Close Soon Real property is staggering under the burden of heavy taxation ami no one will deny that something must be worked out to lighten the tax load on property. Hurry, hurry, hurry! The Argus has fought for a redistribution Not a g»xxt rule to follow in your of the tax bunion for veal’s, particularly driving, it you want to get there for the income tax. in the belief that taxes safety, imt a warning which nuat heeded if your entry ill live “Let's should he based on ability ami ease of be Quit Killing salets Jingle con­ payment. test is to reach this paper or the Oregon S tate Motor association at However, it seems to us that the pro­ IX'rtlaiul in time to he eligible for, posed tax lim itation am endm ent on which one of the seven cash prizes. the people of this state will vote Novem Wednesday. txuober 31. Is the her 6 offers too much of a threat to our dosing date of the contest Verses schools. The dam age to our schools w ith­ are to be patterned a fter the wide­ -quoted one beginning "Here lies out som ething to take the place of the ly the body of William Jay'' and to needed income is too high a price to pay. 1 humorously present a safety les­ The orderly way to solve this problem son. Entries already received indicate would be to have the substitute tax before tfie Judges will have a difficult wiping ont the present source ot income task deciding winch verses will re ­ and creating a chaotic condition. ceive the awards. Many excellent School officials and others have re ­ jingles built around original ideas peatedly pointed out the serious effects. are slated to figure m the final de­ They declare that it will close our high cisions. Among best entries subm itted schools, state schools of higher education during the past week were th e fol- t lowing: ami seriously ham per the grade schools. "Let's Quit Killing. O rganizations that are opposing the pass­ "Look, ere we go. age of this am endm ent include Oregon "Where traffic's crowded. Congress of Parents and Teachers, state "Stop, or go slow." J E. Joluisoil, 1219 Maple St federation of labor, the state g r a n g e , Hillsboro legislative comm ittee state association ot "'I ni in a hurry.' said William county judges and commissioners, a n d Jay. ot hers. "If you w ant to live, keep out of my way!' Not only for schools, but for other He killed a chicken, a eat and governm ental subdivisions does this pro­ a dog. posal have its threat. Necessary ami de­ "But lie met his end when la* sired functions of governm ent would prob­ met a road hog." Irene It. Strubb. Buxton ably be elim inated. Let’s get together ami work out a de­ cent tax program , forget the "hooey" that I re la n d R e tu rn s is usually put up ami work in the interest fro m T r ip E ast of the state as a whole. H IL L S B O R O . T hursday, < >> lob OREGON Hi* luut lived at Blu'IW«$.»«| f \ D u m a Juan Mptirgpun * |lrij auddeiilv Friday morning ut t,l(. foilin' of her panni... Mi und M: Clifton (> Spingim i of neut C Hui .She Wiw bom al North Pun July *J7. 11*32 «Sin* Ut h t m l v u l by hei puiviiL. «un» biothm I l|«*nn. .»i, ¡ g r und | mi ruuti Suivi««*. wc tv held Huiutay nfU-i noon ut th«» (Mu l.ntliui church n lllll-.lio r o M id i It r v C P Huhu of lAuent (lro \e offlrlulliw I l l h ’ in nt w ut Hunk.n remet «-ry \ , I'unrral II«une luid churu«, of i a un « inri U.V ('rei lit Bureaus (lite «»r|a»rutr«|) M W LOCATION C o m m e rc ia l B uild in g Secoind and Main Htreei . Credit lh<»rv. (U n ir II uà 4ii«| io r r « » t Sociu/ News of Local Folk and Their F riends C a le n d a r Sm lth .itien led him |{« '(u rii'« f r o m I 4>t C ro ie 1*1« k tip and IMdlicry Servi«-« it rocli4Xe |(4(eM Hllbfcburo l ’hon«' 542 Eu.»t Side ’IVrmlnul IHntland Pilone EA.*»t 9131 Tonight— John Cttlilw«*ll of Manning ut- te s te r Ireland, local hardw are Masonic a n d E astern S ta r rivet! thi* morning ul the I huiu * of m erchant, returned Monday evening dance at Masonic hall hl* brother 1’reU In tltot city from from a 30-day trip to Chicago, Friday a Mx iiuwiLh.< xUUt with relative« Dxitbidl. Hillit vs St Helens. where he attended a conference ot At UntNing Mich . uml oilier place.'» .. hool ::<-id 3 p m the national unpleinent code a u ­ thority as representative of the rlirre I Inkerx Meet— American Legion. Veterans' Election Novetnla t (I I «»I Mrs Joseph Sens and I«’«* North Coast Implement ass»x’lation. hall. 8 p. ni. rhree Link u.vvoctatl<»n will meet He reported that unpleinent deal­ P ythian Sisters' meeting and nveived high jux>rc at th«» card ut tlk' I O (> I*’ luGl l iulux night t>iirt\ given W«\liDs«la\ night at All (XU! Fellow> Kebrkulw. uiuk ers are expecting a nuirked ui- Hallowe'en party in evening The United States owes a debt o t Even- farm er of Jackson county who Is in doubt crease in business while wholesal­ th* Catholic scliool hall bv the la­ their J. w . K P hall funuhc-A unit Iru'iuL*» n»’ gratitude to Melvin H. Purvis, head of the as to whether, as an Oregon voter, he should sup­ ers dies of St M atthews’ • hiir> h Wil­ Count v Federation Women's in and around Chicago feel con­ liam B "i.’.u!t and Mt I’red ( ’aid- Vlt«xi to Attend A bosket lunch departm ent of justice in Chicago, to r his port the New Deal th is fall when he votes, or w heth­ fident tliat business is on ttie up clubs meeting at Bclxills well received ««»tisola; t«»n Host«’ • «-s will be M*r\ed Monday - untiring efforts in tracking down John er he should swing his support to the oldguard re ­ grade. Chamber of commerce lunch­ : th«* parts wen* Me.sduino Erank publican candidate, should consider these facts: While in Chicago Ireland a tte n d ­ .1» S M I T llO ltW O S Dillinger, "P retty Boy t loyd. and others eon. Horace W alters denux'raltc Sehneider Ed Sehneid«*r Kavinoiul K«*pttbhcun C andidate f<> Based on end of Septem ber prices, the market Rotary club number one with M in Jennie ThornUm. 72. died candidate for secretary of state, McCoy, and Wen. C al. where si u- will Funeral liotne m HllbJioro — and in many instances some have gotten in April this year tile Chicago mrket prices aver­ drove 8he wu. born March •< IH(12, m rooms. 7 p m meet Mr. M artin and from then* home. He reported th a t con­ She married A E away with it to such an extent th a t the aged 37 per cent higher th an in April. 1932, they ditions were considerably improved Tuesday. October 30— they will leave for their home in .Mtnn«*M»t«t Ihornton Septcm lxr I lllh.». to now are alm ost tliree times th a t increase over the in the drouth area through which "Jamboree" Kiven b\ B'.Lwi- Torrance Cal »ml* ■ to prurit public was beginning to think that crime corresponding which union ih iu children were Hess Women s i lub at 8 o i’Ukk date two years ago. Early in June tins wiUi or«- ul und pr U Rei and Mr Charles Hied and born The « hlldren »urvlve, Mr.» was a paying business. W ith a few more vear these prices averaged 71.5 per cent over June. he passed. p ill ut K. P. H a II Women Mesdami-S Fnxl A m aiher 11 W la lion ” Edith Horn of l’Ul «-:« i .Mum Cl.cui only. ring’-leaders resting on a slab people will 1932. !*ool and .1 A Krumten attend I riuu tdon of HUI *t>oro und Hurry November 3— have more confidence in police protection. The average price of hogs is approximately 47 the tali festival at Helen Kelly of Vancouver. Wauh. uml f i v e Rotary Hobby show. Hi UU Mani-, community ren ter in P o rt­ grandchildren l h« t are uLso two per cent higher th an a year ago and 67 per cent auditorium. Thirty Years Ago land Tuesday Hie ladles are m em ­ sUters in Mima a higher th a n two years ago. November 5 Argus. October 13. 1904 B arn of Federal Housing adm inistra- bers of the Home Missionary so­ Com. on the basis of December future prices, J. C. Buclianan near Cornelius ciety tlon films, cham ber of com- sells at 79 cents a bushel. This is 28 cents, or about bum s with »3.000 loss. W h a t Basis? erce rooms, lunehw n. a fte r­ Andrew Nuntkes 6.» of Sherw »ul Mr ai d Mrs A H Metcalf and 54 per cent, higher th an a year ago. and 50 cents, Herman and Will Schulmerich. D e m o c ra tic C a n d itla te noon and evening '.n i Cecil and Mr and Mr lai- pn.NMxl away .Monday of bust week. Ed Boge. H. W hitmore and Dan Wednesday. O ur friend Editor Chapm an of t h e or 172 per cent, higher th a n two years ago. November 7 — FoiU-tte Brown ot IXirll.uid altend- Burkhalter bag big bear and three December wheat a t 1104 per bushel, was 14 County Federation Women'-, •xt the funeral of C E Shorev here Oregon Voter did a lot of criticizing of for on Wilson river cents higher th an a year ago and 50 cents above deer club program a t Venetian th e ­ Sunday Mr and Mrs J II St Frank Peters elected president of the "New D eal" and the Roosevelt re ­ prices ater. of two years ago. an advance of 92 per cent senior class at Pacific University Rayner of iXirtlund visited ut the C o u n tv C o m m issio n er covery policies in a talk before the Rotary over the end of September. 1932. Shorev home Saturday. and Ills sister. Miss Lottie, is These price increases represent an increase in nam ed treasurer. club here last week, but we still believe The Harvest Home dinner J. E Adkins and M yrtle Taylor C h ristm a s O p e n in g In tile I allies' Aid of til«- in President Roosevelt and his efforts to revenue to the farm ers of the nation—to th e farm ­ I H ' married October 9. Jackson county, if you please. church Wednesday evening work out a "more abundant life” for the ers of John M Wall elected grand pre­ You. as farmers, have a chance this fall to show S et fo r D e c e m b e r 1 ■•erv succesBful More than common man. The Portland editor charges your appreciation of the New Deal, and to show late G am d Lodge K of P . and W tended. Decorations o f autum n Christm as opening events a n d H. Wescott of Gaston is grand o u t­ leaves, corn stalks, and pumpkins th a t the “New Deal" is economically un­ your support to President Roosevelt, by voting for er guard bargain day program In Hlllsb-wo were used. sound. but it seems to us th a t it is “ hum an­ G eneral Charles H. M artin for governor of Oregon. will be held December 1. accord- Fifteen Years Ago you going to vote to support the New Deal Rev and Mrs Charles M Hred ly unsound" for millions to be on a starv a­ th a t Are Argus. October 9. 1919—Rev W al­ ing to plans completed Monday were ■ a ts of io v and Ml has so increased your farm revenue? O r are tion basis in a “ land of plenty. you going to forget the hardships, the losses, the ton Skipworth returned to Hillsboro night by the retail trades com m it­ tor Plnlllps of C entral M ethodist heartaches of th e years of the last republican a d ­ M E. church for another year. tee of the cham ber of commerce. church in Portland Monday. The ther assignm ents nearby are. C. K Previous plans had been to hold men attended a ministers mix ting m inistration. and vote for Joe Dunne, th e old guard O Carlos. D irest Grove; O A Gray. the Christm as opening the evening during the day. republican candidate for governor? Beaverton. J. G. Crozier. Cornelius; cf November 30 and the bargain Of course r.ct. Miss Marion Lytlo left Katurdav Business reports by Dun & B radstreet F S. Ford Banks. J. T Kegting. morning for Medford where she On th e other hand, when you vote for Peter Dilley; C. S Young. Metzger; T i­ day December 1. show th a t retail expenditures so far this Usual bargain day specials will will sp-nd otic week ot her vacation the independent candidate, you take gard. J. C. Coleman. Scholls. F arm ­ year exceed the total for 1933 by more a Zimmerman, again be offered by local m erchants with Mrs Charles Ellis She will vote away from G eneral M artin, and G eneral M ar­ ington. spend next wixk in Seattle. Wash In addition Santa Claus will be than $500,000,000. Yet w here were we tin might need th a t vote before they are all counted. Legion elects following oflicers: No person who would vote for Peter Zim merm an C O. Reiter, president; Chiton in town during the day and tickets Mi -es Constance Ccahran and when Roosevelt took office a short year think of voting for Joe Dunne. B ut those who Bagley, vice-president; Zenas A are to be distributed to Hillsboro Marie Simmons, students ut O re­ and a half ago with banks closing by the would and nearby grade schools to p er­ Olson, secretary; Jake Weil, treas­ gon S late college, Corvallis spent vote for Zimmerman would probably otherwise have hundreds daily? Can you rem em ber? voted for General M artin if Zimmerman h adn't gone urer; Archie Ihtman. Guv Edson mit children to participate In candy the week-end wiili Miss Coclfhui's and R. G. Cull, executive comm it­ gifts. Schools situated outside of sister Mrs J w Barney. Some critics have short memories. fu rth er to the left th an will M artin. tee. the immediate vicinity of HUIsboro So a vote for Zim merm an is a vote for Dunne. Mrs J II Murton entertained C attle breeders groups gather ut may obtain ticket« by writing to so n « r or i i \ M «n \ r Remember th at. I t isn't so much a m atter of loyalty Banks in connection with Banks the local cham ber of commerce with a bridge luncheon Thursday tr ..f Oi ■ • FVjur tables were in play. Mrs A to the grange platform th a t should command fair ■ shltiKt* Two committee chairm en were Wayne Vaught returns from serv­ ippotnted Monday night by Jake II Busch made high score and W. Raynard. who has lived on a your attention, but a m atter of common sense The M r, It J. Nicol second. grangers are again about to be th e victims of an ice in th e aviation corps down on Weil, chairm an of th e committee It farm at Scholls for 45 years, has taken old A lulvdantlal taxpuycr operat­ y game. T heir votes are being directed away the Mexican border Howard F Doohcr nt Portland (h r ing »* hu-ge farm n ear Hoy. H« a stand on the milk control bill th at will from arm Postm aster Lamkin goes out next for the event J. H G arrett will and Mt . Oneita Susbauer of Cor­ t hr c»t«te General M artin so th a t Dunne, with his old Wednesday and H. A Ball suc­ head the tirk et comm ittee and nelius were granted m arriage li- flle-t dent of this county for ’»H years. . hn doubtless be welcomed by county dairy­ guard following, can nose in ahead. .Stands for lower taxes on farms Verne Curyy the candy committee ie n .s e in Portland Hie first ol the him. Not one granger in 100 would vote for Dunne ceeds men. He is advocating and rightly so th at and Itoines. both city and counti -. Vancouver high defeated Hilhi week. > < l ths in preference to M artin. Saturday 9 to 7 with a reasonable reduction und the producer have a bigger slice of the .»f N .n r n <-r. 1934. Mrs George Fischer and Miss Is the grange of Oregon going to deliberately e g io n n a irc s P ia n George E. Allen, who has been .till efficient M’rvlce (»ovmni • * of consumer’s milk dollar. M argaret Newton sla n t Friday at «»*rl with D a n e Fisrher. who th«» rirtirt tion in Oregon s history? for a couple of years, has formed «I I» 1 «■< Htr« « th« anti making the public dollar do the fo r A rm istic e is attending Orr-gon State college. fo r i he twwrtni / of U ijeeti This newspaper doesn't think so. It still believes a partnership with Lester Ireland ere- sAtne w«>rk as the private dollar •I the eetlletiif nt thereof Armistice (lav plans will be con­ Mr, anti Mrs. Slu-lbv Forney and th a t tile supporters of the New Deal—and certainly of N orth Plains. The firm h a s If elected will conduct the public |>uhli«h|sration at Jo n ,-s task and a hard one, too. More so than L.'.-l, «von. A ttorney. falls 25 feet in elevator shaft in at the Shute park auditorium Mon­ hospital Friday Dr A <> Pitm an most people realize. Their willingness to Portland w ithout serious Injury. operated. day night, November 12. give their time in this and other public Mrs C. L Seclv of Roo evelt. A rrangem ents are In charge of services should be appreciated. . Is a guest ol her sister, Mrs C a p ito l N e w s L e tte r ■tie following committees: A W L Wash O. Burge. Hoffman. H L. MacKenzle and The campaign now drawing to a close in Oregon (Continued from pace 1) bids fair to become a memorable one. In the field been exhausted by the demand A Dr. Ralph Dresser, dance, and P Visit Portland < hapter— lor we have two regular nominees. G en­ few libraries are buying additional L. Patterson. W H Dierdorff and Mrs. R F Pelers and Mrs. J H Commercial National bank had an­ eral governor Charles H. M artin for th e democrats and S en ­ books on these subjects, but most W. Verne McKinney, program M u:'on attended Friendship night" on new other fine 4-H club corn show Saturday. ato r Joe E. Dunne, for the republicans Besides Peter ol the libraries are w ithout funds meeting of Minerva ( hapter. u E This stimulation to 4-H club work in the Zim merm an we have a host of independents who to finance purchases ut this time, I Local G ra d e D is tric t S In Portland Tuesday evening, Mrs. Murton was a guest of the county and its results in the producing of offer their services to the state, but It Is evident hence the appeal for donations, j Tax Io be Discussed worthy m atron. a t th e contest lies between the three mentioned. Oregon's outstanding bonded debt better quality corn is a splendid service th Discussion of the proposed special Men of the Zimmerman tem peram ent and radical has been reduced by more than levy in district seven will be held Celebrate Anniversary— and on the part of this local institution. leanings naturally a ttra c t to th eir support many $10.000,000 during the past six T hirty friends and relatives g ath ­ a t 2 p. m. a t the David voters who feel th a t for some reason or another the years, according to a report by Monday school here The budget sub- ered a t tlie Jam es Stew art home cards are stacked against them. T his was never bet­ S tate treasurer Holman The .stale Hill ted for the 1934-35 school year Monday evening to celebrate the ter illustrated th an In our neighboring state of C ali­ debt which reached its peak In mu 59th wedding a n n iv e r s a r y o l Milk is down to 5 cents a quart in San fornia where Upton Sinclair, a novelLst of radical 1928 a t $63.325.710 is now down to r ails for a special tax of $19.256 i liandpa and < Intndma I ■■ ! < , $52 634.510 and Includes »25.375.000 parents of Mrs. Stewart. Francisco. In this battle for a competitive bent swept the state with promises of performing in V eterans' bonus bonds $24.866.- M ill W o r k e r P a in fu lly advantage between the retailers who will miracles. Undoubtedly the years we are now pass­ 750 in highway bonds, $2.172,760 in Club .Meeting Postponed— through will form an Interesting topic for study district interest bonds and $210.000 In ju r e d in E xplosion be the eventual and the heaviest loser? ing Past Chiefs' club meeting, sched­ for coming generations. One m ight well imagine in farm credit bonds. Partially off­ George Woll suffered painful uled for tig- November 8, lugs Is-en H ills b o ro , O re g o n The producer always is. Stabilizing laws himself reading out of the pages of Plutarch as one setting this indebtednes are assets burns to the face, chest and neck postponed until November 22. win n are necessary to prevent such actions. scans the kind of rubbish offered as solutions for valued a t $26.364.388. reducing the Tuesday morning in a babbitt ex­ Mrs. Oeorgc Burkhalter and Mrs. DODGE PLYM O UTH net debt to $26.270.122. Most of plosion a t the .Sherman mill above David R utherford will lie hostesses. our economic Ills. In times of stress drowning men grasp at straws. these assets are held by the Veter­ M ountaindale Dr. A. O. Pitm an Is E ntertain at Dinner— We lose sight of the age-old precepts and examples ans' bonus commission and include mortgages covering bonus loans, attending him. Mr and Mrs R J. Seeari e en ter­ Be sure to vote at the coming election. of the things necessary to succeed: Sobriety. Indus­ first of sale, farm and city tained with a dinner [wirty Tuesday I May the best man win. It is an old axiom try and thrift. We have many who believe in the contracts Guernsey Herd Shipped In property taken In on foreclosures, evening, compllmcntUig Miss Joyce I of nostrum s th a t liave always failed, a l­ and cash. Ernest Lindgren of Wendell, E m m ett and John Hare wlu» are th a t if in doubt vote "no.” However, the efficacy ways lasing sight ot the fact th a t good m anagement, Director Henry Hanzen Idaho, who has leased the Harry to bo married today. duty of all citizens is to study the men careful husbanding of our resources and hard work has Budget announced th a t he expects to Anderson place south of HUIsboro, and m easures and use their right of suf­ after all are the only cures. recommend to the next legislature brought his Guernsey Iwrd of 22 ItiM a l I n j u r e d — Wayra- Rood siLslalned a fractured Why it is th a t folks will pin th eir faith in men th a t the pav cuts put into effect cattle In this week. These cattle frag e to the best advantage. whose only qualification for public tru st is th eir by the 19.3.3 session be continued are from the Miller Guernsey herd left elbow when struck by a ear DRUG < of the Thousand Springs section ol Saturday night. He was walking for another two years. Condition ability to promise when th eir whole career shows along the highway west of llllls- them to be complete failures In th eir limited spheres, of the sta te ’s finances is not suf­ Idaho. STORE ficiently improved to Justify restor­ C ongratulations are due another local is beyond any reasonable imagination. ation of the old pay scale, in the When you cast your ballot In November you are. opinion of the buget director H an­ usiness firm . This time it is the Morn- to all practical purposes, hiring a manager. Go to ELECT . . . announcem ent comes as a igdew Dairy, which was aw arded a gold the polls with your mind clear as to what you would zen's blow to the hopes of hundreds of B I S M A - R E X put me on ledal for its quality of raw milk at the do if you were renting your farm, hiring a m an ­ state employes who had been look­ Geo. M. ‘Scotty’ Aitken ager, or entrusting your welfare to th e man you ing forward to an Increase in the acific International Livestock exposition. vote for. If the people of Oregon will only do monthly pay check after the pres­ the Jo b in 3 M I N U T E S ’ INDIGESTION Democratic Nominee for th at, there need be no fear of th e outcome.—Mc­ e n t "economy” act expires next CAUGHT M E ” Unexpectedly that's when indigestion March. Minnville Telephone-Register. strikes. But there’s no ived for you to suff« i G eneral M artin is clearly the outstand­ indigestion's sp.onies while you wait for ordi­ Our classified columns may have nary remedies to give relief. Bismil Hex is a ing and leading candidate for the gover­ Just w hat you are looking for — delicious tasting antacid powder that gives President Roosevelt was the cause of tile great Read them. norship and the electorate should keep banking W ashington County you lasting relief in three minutes It tets debacle of 1933. say a num ber of hl« critics. this in m ind when they go to the polls. four ways Neutralizes excess acid; relieves How? Why. Mr. Hoover and Mr. Milts .sent him i the stomach of uncomfortable gas, soothes urgent word th a t they were unable to cope with the ' To protect the state. Its W E D E A L IN B E A L ESTATE > ‘ * irritated membranes; and aids in the digestion situation and wanted him to come and take posses- . W rite resources, its industries, of foods most likely to ferment. If you haven't F ire and Autom obile Im u ra n r e sion of hts Job several weeks before the day of his I V *■ A and its homes. tried this coast to coast P roponents of the "new deal" should Inauguration. These are th e same newspaper critics M ake I.oena and laaue S urety Honda sensation get a jar today. p in mind the necessity of voting for th a t accuse Mr. Roosevelt of destroying the con- i KURATLI & WISMER H IL L S B O R O . O R F /iO N ie c a n d id a te s th a t are supporting I’resi- stltution. By the way. these critics furnish a fine j Election Nov. 6. 1934 X / , : i recom m endation for the last adm inistration.—Sheri- | Telephone 1S91 123« Second St. 1 Roosevelt and his program . dan Sun. 1 Does Good Job A Plea to the Grange H U G H E S Our Yesterdays Too Late to Classify J- M. (Jock) Vanderzandcn J. Day Whom Would You Hire? Reduced Prices DODGES PLY M O U TH S CADY MOTOR CO. SAVE with SAFETY'at th e Delta Drug Store Í State Senator BISMA-REX 43/4 ounces