Page Ten Pag ± T THE onlv temporary was the hope ex- /^» H i l h i Faces p. d by i . it m is .„»I th . case, there is a possibility of a j y ( dictatorship and th e American St. rie ic n s i people m ust not stand for the can- cellatton of the constitution, he ¿2 i continued. The speaker concluded Tig T asse the moi grai to 100 m ti Hill hen the lng on he ert; tha pec sell t*k as pre fur 8. 4-1 tlo: Ma Ml! cal gia nir dot Or J. ho ers bei me ob de Ra TÚ th> Fe nit ret tw 1 all M w( sp be lai Locals T ie M cl 7 to 7 Last ca in st hi nc wi Pt ar at Pt b» E x ^ s w ^ vm s t J • , < to rn -n o g c? Production Control — ' — Program to be Renewed 19 $5 _ College ix V .»«». . Service V? . »... « .. » 1 Definite A— . • , ■ , , • ( F ». » .. . W il ‘ ashington 1 k ■ « k k . k k as to , any ... decision a. News from cm ing alleged discrepancies Detween received by (he extension service mental in (Ins territory In Oregon (Continued from pare U I the democratic platform and the a t Oregon State college. Details of the wheat counties voted almost alm ost perfect interference for ¡•'New Deal." the new plan will be announced solidly against the idea, touchdown iv u c u u u w ii gave n Hillsboro u M w iu « a 7 ■ —■ Horace Walters, democratic can- about November 1, th e officiats “The referendum results seem to 7 tie with the Grizzlies Fiiday a ft- didate for secretary of suite, will were informed. indicate rath e r clearly th at rorn- ernoon at McMinnville in a game be th e speaker at the cham ber of Decision of th e AAA leaders to hog producers w ant a follow-up featured by the relentless offensives commerce next Monday. Oilier repeat the corn-hog program In program." Dr. A G. Black, chief and stubborn defenses of b o t h meetings announced were: Federal some form followed compilation of of the eom -hog section, tuuiounced elevens. McMlnnvile opened the Housing adm inistration films a t prelim inary results of the national “In view of this indication. It has scoring early in In the ______. ________________________________ __ ___ second period __ tlie chamber of commerce November ____________ referendum _____„ among ,__ present corn- , been decided io ....». offer „ a definite W ith a a 4 42-yard 2 -y a rd to u c h d o w n d drive riv e 5 5. ArmiKtinw» tw * contract (wuit»•,»,»» signers .> ,».»»-«- which would include all W ashington. N E Dodd of Baker second kick-off from the local 37- A ^O U IllA I M t 11 l l t t i r gram s and livestock The early re- comity, farm er member of the state yard line and carried It to the Me- ' ports showed a favorable vote board of review, represented O re- Minnville 15 with two long passes r l C r i l I CSt F la ilS nationally of only six to five, while run. Representatives of the three and a series of line plays, only to Oregon farm ers gave it an adverse m ajor farm organizations are also lose possession on downs in the ^ m pu, 'rv " Howeve7 the'il^achinerx- v h^rd oa'Ilere generally can- X T . , . . . , D n k k t»r ,‘ P c - Insurance company vs 3. E. H iatt scoring play. on th a t basis The Ore- 1 I t U i y Ix O D D tlT t-S , Pt al. default, decree: United States On the first play. Holscher took , proudes that th e majority - T T National honk of Newberg vs. Dewes th e boll on a center smash, went r a tt' e owners in any designated tv C D O rtC U l i i ' T C C. Gearm et al. dismissal; Corn- through a big hole in th e line and or commumty may petition All,nmfthi!- „ , v » , „ n ~ , ¡ , mereiai Adjustment company vs burst into the McMinnville sec- bUch 821 area designated ■• ‘ - ’ - , .,„ ,„ '1 Triangle Lumber company, con- ondary defense. Ahead of him were “ abortion control area. Wheii formation of sale; Ed Moyer et al Hilhi interference men blocking tJU;' L ,done 8nd 80 p e F cent of . ...nice Thr»> tire- « „a vs- s h e rnuui Mill company, order; out would-be tacklers. Reversing his ° atÌÌL 25 concrol art' a wheels tiv >” h e i- llic h ts 'h o rn ^r-i 1 Comnu't'ciat Adjustment company field. Holscher slipped twice, touch- . ^ ted- the * ^ e *h«>ls. vs. C. W. Thrapp. ronfim iaB on; ed one hand to th e field, recovered ot^'e r r*'r cent betxxnes com- ‘ . ' Pj ÍL w kH „, J o h n C. Aydelott vs. Florinda and continued on his way. At the stolen e ^ t í / ^ í h t » K n ^ ^ te n et al. default, decree; 20-yard line G rogan cut down the . J 1115 e n ' lre Program of abortion from car ta o ,u« htA Albert Fuchs vs. Henry Ulmer et Grizzly safety man and Holscher tlas o,le mam object, to p . Rpnrip_ pn, a r ttl- order; M arijan Petrieevich vs. had an open field to the goal line eliminate contagious abortion from ¿ ^ enU John Yurkovich et al, default, de- M cM innville's s c o rin g d r i v e herds. Some comments are gn ^ n .“rM h *’. crw ; Jo6eP*’ Rouch vs. W. J. Clark started late In th e first quarter 5° »,lnie regard‘ lo iii Jr'i™. et decree; O. F. Via vs. N. D. while Hilhi was playing ragged. desuability_ of cleaning up P g c o u rt t h e full i¿ ,n .<’'rL>v Jam lson. dismimal; John Meier vs. sD iritless h all O n in exchA n«* of this disease from a public l“ e peace court the following da\ Rov \V H e a r tt #»t a 1 n puntó, the Grizzlies took possession “ not S í^ th e 'ro im tT ja ü '1 l° m° nthS L MacKenzie vs. Mlídred M Kellyi of the ball on th e Hillsboro 42- c,eaai"uP Be‘n F RrJ.^Ù n former! dismissal; O tto Brose, adm inistra- yard stripe and with Thurston and P ^ ? “ - ? ? the.r - object is to V tor- vs- w D Baker, dismissal; G Dulev nacklng the oval marched to elim inate th e disease as a cause Scholls, was arrested Friday ni an W Lafkv S e n i g ^ d ^ n e ?n * ^ d a i ^ ^ b le ^ m lu - ° p Vla vs H v erm ^W ^ K d i< 1^ m i« ^ ,.i From this Doint T hurston went the dair\ farmer. In other words, • P* Stnlty to t h t dismissal i^ o n ard Rmuyi over standing up for th e score. lt,s clean‘uP ,ls a dollars and S 1^.Hsam e m ^ ìe ^ocaI ai vs G lenn F Bell dismissal This score^snapped Hilhi out of ’ lth d^ - S ? " P° rÜ8nd ^ ctrtc ^ " e r r o m X H IL L S B O R O , O R E G O N ^ ^ t h ^ ^ $£ Of local h e ^ Will get Twice d u r i n g i h e ^ e X haU W il P ^ lb;e line up th e Hilhi o ffe n s iv e ' nuxw e o a s s e s WOrk 80 U ** done effi- laterals. S i e r s a n d r o v e r s ' CientIy without a *<* oi dupli- seemed d a r n e d to ^ v e . ^ o - ™ e l. scores but bogged down as a re- w -------------- suit of fumbles and incompleted H i l J i l t o C v MV p I passes. During the sam e period. I7 U U 1 1 t o V j r a V e l Cook, elusive Hillsboro halfback. F ld d E n tra n c e nearly got into th e clear on an intercepted Grizzly pass and again E ntrance to the HUhl athletic on the return of a McMinnville field from Lincoln street will be punt. The Hilhi passing attack proved fo o tb ali fans í ^ „ ^ en.‘5nCr ,.? { particularly effective during t h e m a^ T b y t h T HUW ¿ X t u c o S game, eight out of 17 attem pts be-1 MaV~ b ra n c h lng completed for a total of 121 vanous c i U ^ d m a ^ e s ^ t ‘ f£ into custody Saturday on a larceny charge. He p l e a d ^ onday and was given a postponed - m e n c e by JusUce oi « ^ th a t he oav the cc^tó th T £ t k ’ T actlon dohn p Johl^ ‘n Jr. of Hills- ó?1'0,. WtL _ ,return^? i rom B 'crott. Wash-- Friday to W ashington coun- I roll-call, Junior Red Cross, and anti Mis ViuiDeliey All are living Local lliiiness Concern other work. anti were present wlUi I heir (am CXninlv Red cro ss chapter mem Good M a rk e t fo r W alnut* Hies at (lie celebration The chil­ ber.s attending were l’resldent W .: dren are William l.eo and l-'ianel. The Perfection Rakery in F Norman. Miss M arjorie Forbes, oi Roy. Jtkseph of l'llle-,| t l l i n e hug Io I»1 a very good maik.-i i(l. and Mesdames Rex Wilson, Dorothy | Wallei o| S a n ir .in c is e o t'a l . A H alliin meats, according Io I h r i n u , Seymour. Isabel W arrens and Em­ J an I Mi Walter Bn... Ii ol Hills Mcltoen. proprietor Mi Bela*. ,, >. ma McKinney. boro Mis John J Vanish* of Cot - iiiliiilng a cliu ailetl advertí The Business Women's club will nehiis. Mrs M J. VailDersamleii liave charge of the roll-call In Mr and Mis George Vanliehey ol oi riialeliet and Mae and H allie ill lor walnut meut», an d says |||„ t Hillsboro. near Buy ix-lctiraleij I heir golden home They also have 28 g ran d - .a n take from a pound to a to n wedding annlveiNiiv Btindav with children anil one gteal-grantlelilbl. a iwrty at Hie C O E hall ai Gerald V iiii I shi . son of Mr aiul Nueli Ignorance Verboort About 22a relative* and Mi's F rauds Vantsm of HticrUlnn Mrs (Jollen ia biuiei -j Vttll| friend» were present, among I hem lo buy it a easy chair for my hn Friends uttendlllii from Hlllslsno Ixuid. being lelailves from 81. 1‘uul. you know." WiXMlburti Portland. G rande Itonde. j were Mr and Mis F. V Engeltilng- F u r n i t u r e H ale-.n ian " M o rris? " and family. Mr. and Mrs Ed Approximately «0 county poultry- lebnnon. Albany, and Oregon City ) er Mr*. Cohen "No. no. n o t M o n , Miss M artha laipkc. Glen men attended the poultry meetings I Many beautiful gilts were reeelved , anti Violet Gray Mr ami Mnt. I It's Isadore You got me m lslak ei by tli«' roupie. Tue.-Hlay and Wednesday ut Beaver­ Hiilierl Pninger and family., Bister I a m Mrs Isa d o re (Ju lien " Fx Mrs Ed W oitmaii played a wed- M Eusobla anti Rev. J T Ctvtlello. ton and Forest Grove H E Croa- Verboort Couple Observe (iolden Wedding Snuda y 51 mage to 105 for the Grizzlies, but Modern a ^ S ^ b l Z w l m ^ X v 1 lost 46 yards to 15 for McMinnville, Reese H athhom leaving the net yardage gamed 184 and class nres-rient^5^ 1^ ^ co?ch’ for Hilhi and 90 for the home team nishJd^b?- p i ^ J “ fu rS Hilhi made nine first downs Rye and H1 BeeIer 81x1 from passes and four from line ' laurlce Bump. plays. while McMinnville tallied ' five o first downs, coming the rte lw i ’ lone one pass and from fS ^ O IC r ly D O yS W i n S c fK e V ? ¿ al M a r r ia g e I . Ie r n .e s t E A G R IF F IT H WEIL’S 88c SALE Starts Friday, October 26th Be Here When the Doors Open at 8:30 f f i X H e m ^ T h i^ D Tw eeds fo r Y our T o p c o a t-S u it Women’s Kid Gloves. Special . . . 88c Values to $5 Women’s Hats . . $1.88 Values to ¿6.50 DRESSES Conference Held 88° yd " ‘P0’’*' “ 8herUf s oiilce- T 1“ Representatives from Red Cross same e'e n in g a quantity of beer, chapters of 14 counties attended the cigarettes and candy were taken Regional conference In Portland i,rom the Schoenfekfc restau ran t at Monday. Judge George Rossman. GasU>n- ¡chairm an of Marion county chap- Report th a t the shingle mill at i presided a t th e morning scs- Cherry Grove burned Wednesday sz i . afld W orth Caldwell, chairm an night received this Robberies morning ? i J i Ui a t.n‘??5tn « rtiiS iL rOll’CaU’ by the was sh eriffs office. ‘ tbe “i* ™ 000 sesiUon pr* ' M c C all w ■ ft iS fl Vi ai & tl st d printed PATTERN IS THE I t ’s T r ic k J B,"kS 70x90 Part Wool Blankets. Pair $2.88 Suit Cases, Zipper B a g s ............... 88c ~ ~ R c d C ro ss from line Dlavs t t ~ Don ,c Sm ith of W ashington. D C o sle tt c was - natlomU director of W ar and Service, o r ? r X i* o n . . 8 « ^ d d the principal speaker, said sgarred in the line for th e Blue and . (Continued from p«M n boro and the th eft of a auantitv tn p art: "l t becomes apparent th at W hite while Cook and Holscher bJ growing and selecting th e type of cigars and cigarettes fro m th o i th e plan oi the federal government i carried the brunt of the ball car- ° f M innesota 13 com mast in de- Farm ers’ m arket near s h iifo n a r k contem plates co-operative e f f o r t rying in the backfield. Coslett op- mand. Alf. O. Johnson, cashier of m arxet n ear a n u te park. with public prlvatP forces ened big holes a t tackle for often- the bank, presided a t the banquet n < . i together Furtherm ore, just sive backs iwiu and p proved and sh o rt talks were given by seed B e a r d R e c e i v e s ' ^ edwPross expanded its pro- iu v r u a tower to w e r o of i — oy seen strencth on on defense. ri»f»n^ Samsel and - d e a le rs of of the th e county n o „ n .„ a n d club „...u ix c c c iv c z grams to become the first line of strength i defense the states and ------ fed- 'T " T • ! rcienae u while nue ui_ ------------ Grogan were continually dumping lead^rs 1 governm mobilized for ^ M^ « f w b^i,1 , caJ riers ln their ExhibiU of corn shown in the 8 WO J itili “ 11 I PffîlS i eral ^ unemployment mp to 7 n w ^ ent rV c rU is7 ''l? “is 'h ig h the ly own oackfield while Samsel blocked Commercial National (Continued from page i) 'probable th a t in the process of a Grizzly punt and was key m an bank this year were of fine qual- Wednesday. The suits arose from i curtailm ent of government rebel in the effective lateral pass play. Jan u ary — 16 activities it m ust be prepared to ity considering the th e handicaps the an automobile — accident ----------------------» T »ineiipp ‘ S/W« J _ • FlPQr RgM W+vtllo in n-V *4»U 4 the V.»» 4«.», .a-zvV.1 »»*«, c of transition meet »Ha the m problems boys nrAVn were under due to adverse near R< ‘**Jvhle which two rorux» H ilhi (7) from dependency relief to self- n> McMinnville climatic conditions, according to L. women w5re Injured. The H art case Grmran — REI. Francis, were assistant C o a le t t ___ « Mntee £ £ E. Exhibitors X * countv o f O P agent ^ l f a a s scheduled to open in the cir- support.” RTL C*w r»e . .. A. L. Scahfer, m anager of the RGL S tunkard „ at the Venetian theatre in the af- - - November 2. C Pacific branch, was another speak­ Orders in the following circuit Pes. hk« .... L (iR er. his subject being “Mobilized for cievinsrer ternoon. W underlich court cases were issued this week: Service.” All phases of Red Cross LTR Samvel __ LF.R Edith Jack vs. Ross M. Jack, de work by c capable . , . ----- . * ’*- u c - w u ix were w ere u discussed rs c u s se a oy a p a o ie Patterson Q fault, decree: Union C entral Life leaders, and plans outlined for H o i *c her RHL Torbet LHR ----------Thurston KahJmeyer H ilh i su b stitu te .: B urr. Coolt. Coulter and Goodin. M c M in n v ille suhetitute : Fouel. 70x90 Part Wool Blankets. Each $1.88 Curtain Marquisettes. 6 yards . . 88c et dmkissal . It a 8043 S U IT S im p le to T a ilo r w ith your M c C a ll P a t t e r n ! McColl 00*3 Fay Mills Heads County Grangers ^Continued fro m pane 1) be held a t T ualatin with Winona Grange as ho6t. Visitors included J. D. Chitwood of Boring, chaplain state grange; T. G. Krueder. m aster of M ultno- fContinuud frompaMi) ? a h county Pomona, and A rthur ing th at there was no h arder work- 1 Brown °f Portland. ing or better thought of 'm an te l 81x Wok the n n h degree, the last session and stating th a t his ‘W hut you-all doin' now?" loss wCjdd be felt by the county Ah is a ' exporter.” and state. "Exporter? Since when?” g a ^ t oihL Unpr^ cnl ent*d de!<>d r o r k rotiti. O l ir u d ir fr a n i Il ill .lH ir o P a r l i.l in i 111*l i mug at the Forest Grove high grouped aroiuiil the eenlerpteee Getober 18 P rler »189811«; 1*5(1.00 d o w n . hai school and meetings will be held Ivan Nile-, Kocher and Mary Hel­ Accordion selections were plavett a u r e r r i i.a n a l d r irrita » . each Tuesday and Thursday eve- by Merlvn Boesbe of Oregon Cltv en Himes, both of Hillsboro, O cto­ ber 18 nlngs thereafter. and music by the Van orchestra John D. Hare and Jtisrphine Mary SmIUi ami George V anPe- llivoree Suits Kile<| hev were marrietl in A tk in so n N e ­ I Joyce Einmolt. both of Hillsboro, Epier Fkiward W Epier vs. M ar­ braska on October 19. 1884 amt October 20. came to Oregon in 1887 1’hev firs t ' Bernard Ferdinand Vanderzanden 1 tha Epier. B atcljelar- Alvin M. Batchelar settUxl on the Robert Walker' place i ' ’f ■’’oresi Orovc route 2 and ls-ilia- III Btxigxins valley ami (he follow- bell,' Cover of IXtetlaiid. Ot-lobei'33 vs Helen o . Batchelar. Frank C K alsrh a m i Blanche I. Baker Jessie Baker vs. Gaylord tug year moved Io (tie Roderick farm near Rippling W aters In s " ’fh'ld l*nth ol Finest O rm e star Baker. Real Estate and 1889 they movtxl to Hie Bellinger route, October 22 Insurance place near OroenvUlc ami a f t e r ' .................. ........ ........ Oivorre Suit G ranted renting It tor eight vrurs they p u r­ BirUia ( a n ( i n a n r r y o u r I n t t i r . i i i t r p rr Jack Edith Juck from Ross M chased tuid still own the farm m lu in » on a m o n th ly hasis Riley To Mr anti Mrs Richard Jack. __ _ _ Ten years ago they bought the R iley. H lllslioro. October 19. a boy. , . .. .7 , I Wlllitun Helling home south o t , Bandy To Mr. and Mrs Ellas 1152 2nd Si. Phone 171 Let the advertla-m ents help you Roy. where they still result* Mimiiluliulale. October 22. make jo u r shopping plans. Eleven cluUlron win- born to Mi n Sandy, girl. Bieriv Rnvc VX/i’n CC reported included the removal oi c 1 • Com bhow 8 Honors fo rs ur tires ni a tru owned by Samse! > 1 ,1 1 W I® !M John fro Jackson of ck near Hills- 01 4 Poultrynien Attend Meetings in County J Peters v , k-ed J ^ X a J C F -»gard « al va (S-oDerative^ Re- creaUonal and Educational society et al. confirm ation of sale; Carl Klinge et ux vs. F. s. Hallock et al. confirm ation of sale; United s ta te s National bank of Portland g e ^ o? L J Pt C° n ' T h at fo u r men assaulted and i-s L M K e f t d e íá tü t" “ 0“ * au bun a week *8° ago aionoay Monday w was Probate orders orders were were issued issued in in th< the as| probate t ^ ^ H followlng esta^ s Minnie Ahistrom Sheriff Connell Friday. Arvis is Oonjlro Yamada. George Susbauer l° h a 'T order^ meI! A braham Drake and Freda B Wells. Of tr I'lmrsdny, October 25, |< k i X in su ra tn vwasgvzs Ui laic i H IL L S B O R O A R G U S , A N O TH ER LOT SILK HO SE Service and Chiffon Weights in “ H O L E P R O O F ,” “ K A Y S E R ” and “ P H O E N IX ” S P E C IA L . P A IR ..................................... Home of 88« 88 P A IR Boys’ Play Suits. 2 f o r .................. 88c 22x44 Turkish Towels. 5 for . . . 88C Newest Fall Suitings. 4 yards .... 88C Women’s Rayon Undies. 2 for ... 88C Lastex Girdles. S p e c ia l.................. 88c Women’s Pure Silk S lip s .............. 88c Women’s Silk Hose. 2 p a i r ........ 88c Toilet Tissue. 20 r o lls .................... 88c Lux Toilet Soap. 15 b a r s................ 88c Men’s Knee Boots. Pair $1.98 Rain Special Trench C o a ts ___ $3.29 Rubber Galoshes. All sizes . . 98c Rain Coats. Men, Women’s, Girls 1.98 Ruffled Curtains. P a ir .................... 88c Rain Jackets. S p ecia l....................... 88c Hart Schaffner 8C Marx Suits and Overcoats