llsb (in Hihii to Pia y 57. Helens Friday ¡ Hilhi to Play St. Helens Friday W ith Which is Combined the llillsboro Independent V O LU M E II IIILl.SliORo, ORE*.ON, Tlll'K SD A Y , OCTOBER 25, 1934 S ta le C a p ito l N e w s L e tte r Il Y I. , I N l> Il L (’ K ( ollfleS-sUllial df Voti rt h Quite < I« B a ttio i County Men Hear Detail Herd Tests C o n tro l of ’« tr y D« D is e a s e « S o u g h t in N e w P r o g r a m SALEM I ii tlirlr inter«-t in Hie F e d e ra l G o v e rn m e n t gillxonntorliil campaign In O tiv x i liKMt of Ut«' inter» nerm to liave lo.i i nht oi i(,iii<">t' I"m i fought nut nil I,till I political Inuit., m i l (!»«’ flUttl* In citah of tlu* tl u r r court» . ... ul (tlntrU’ts ( tUKUilah's ur<- buUlint: A * g r e e m e n t . r f o r m s for P la n (or u p p ’i t hi < out« th«* oaU oiui of v.iil< li In still Ja.it mt much in E x p e c t e d N e a r Futur«* (J(nil4 at Hi I k till»«* iui bi th a t of the giilx’iluitnrlul mn- In tilt first d is tra i w irr BClillg til tlu hl« MN •st for conta- Jaii«-. W Mott I n a < .uidldat« to kious abortion. amounting t o a j, $•<•«•«! hmuM lf Willi«* Mott en »l oim uni of $20 p« r Iwud for n u d e )<>'.% the dl.ituui, lulvitfpagr of »ui ,uu* * I* 1 head for i«i:L.L«n*d o* >*rwh«*lmlng majority <»f n publl- P“, ‘‘bn*<| « atti»*, ai * provici«*«! in *h«* t an*» It It Turn«*r. I >aHas demo f,,th«r fuetor In and Kherwixxl This plan Is In tiir llrst dlst n« t riu «* Is Un* pre* charge ol the bureau of anlmul In­ dustry of the United States d e­ «im* of »Ui iix I«*| m nd« *nt < luidhla jn tU i n ou ler. faced w ith tlu- hardest fight of ladwanltji aaM his political can'er in Ills efforts to . farm er agrees to sel tor rttem h'.s"¿at"'W illie Pierce l . slaughter th«»--- anim als Unit react _ among ____ as »M« and to lx- Strong as ever the _ . '<• fit« Hie ta test and «artll will ilia», then receive, farm ers of Ids district Jay Upton. tli«- case or of grail«* grade <• R. Dunne, republican candì* date lor governor, will be tlu* p rln - cipri .s|x*ak«T at the county-wide rally of republicans a t H 15 p in. M< ik I. i . ai, tin* JIllLvboro Gran#«* hail f ’andldate . for «taU*. district und county offices will also be In mlaii« < . ordii. t«> th«* «’«» ii : nilttee in chance. M»*«’tli»g Monday night will !» the lust oi a ;«cri(*s fondu« Pxi in tin* «ounty under the direction ot tlu* «entrai conunittce Candidate« ex- weted for the rally include Dunne, Jam es W Mott, candidate for United Hlat<*s senator; Earl Snell, < a n d ld a te for secretary oi stati-; Edward Hchulmerlch, state senator J o John-son and J W Hughe .tat«* repr< entatives; H D. K< rk- man, county < ommixionrr; F. J. .s«*wi*li. county coroner; Mrs Maude B o . m ow , county treasurer, and J W. Barney, county surveyor. Committers In charge oi the rally includes Jack Anderson, chairmun. L. C Klamien, Jum es Sewell, d i a r ­ ie • Robinson, Paul L I’atterson and E A Griffith. Tin* Hillsboro Ixind has been in u tili to play during th e rally. Damage H igh in Windstorm L elep h o n e, P ow er S e r v ic e H a m p e re d on S u n d a y Teleplione and electric wires bore _ pru n t Of damage resulting Sun- day from one of the wont wind storms to strike the county in yea, t .. Ixxul tetephoni and Tx,w rt ______ —» crews ___ were •__a company .a— repair kepi biav Bondav Knndav afternoon afienux.., and . nd Mnnduv \ionrh.. bu&v (« pairinu brok<*n inn* and over- turned jm »1« n while tices vJre up- rooted and building, damaged in ............. C ight . S Ä Pierce Ä 5 m Ä um » mat- ’ » • • Mkge 5 over , 1 ..f I».srtv .-.ir.-..»:!»» ti..- ;— » • * ! I - -•<«.•: •I.i.«- o y i- republican rrgistrutKxi east of Uie £ , tenu,. v ,„«7-, . . .. . nilc Ih«* tw«> t<«(«,tlicr do not total ’lior«* duced lb th.- past two u - a n w ile A n ’7 ‘ county. Voters of tire third district have seven candidates from wlxnn Io pick a tkMignwsmiui If tire rc e were eonflned to a contest between William A. Utwall republican, and W aller B (lleav ii. democrat, tlie-c Dunne Addresses Republican Rally Here on Monday 1 t*41( 'f f 4 » I |i— w .A , I'*.Ung n t the ow ners exfs-iise 'nu-st continue after these two nr!“1 '* "•*•'* ar'' »uid«- uider tile plan "« aei rwlltnlton for an abortion « w h e r d us oul lined by the ..lute ° " 'g o n n ils mean-. Unit the K 3 S , t to r It r R ¿ Eaater. X according local Portland Oeneml Ktoctrl Pow« « " " I» n y manager Service was m - \ i"U| t *$1 in M*ait r«il .>« cti< ns m - Editor Decries tllC ' School Districts in County Show Decrease in Debt Local Group Urged Study Candidates it«. ult.s of the ••Lets Quit K ill­ SAI.EM (Special)— W ashington ing" safety drive were shown In county school districts reduced their the .September monthly summary debt load by more than $108.000 ’ of ac» idents, deaths and Injuries during the past year, according to lor Washington county, although flg'ires compiled by C. A. Howard, figures for the state os a wliole state superintendent of public In- continued to show increases, a c ­ ¡traction. Outstanding bonds were K in to n C lu b M e m b e r « T a k e cord In« Iicuri . compiled by the T im e S p en t in S e le c tio n o f reduced from $351.400 to $310400 G r a n g e r s o f C ou n tv F le et Oregon State Motor association, one and the school w arrant debt was of tlw drive’s sponsors. F irst H o n o rs in B an k O f fic ia ls I n su r a n c e o f whittled down from $225.819 t o . N e w O ffic e r s ; G a le The record for the whole state $158910. E x h ib it T w o Y ea r s G ood G o v ern m en t Is c»> follows: G r a n g e H ost Reports from every county In t h e ' During September 24 persons were ------------- •state show a reduction of more -------------- killed In traffic accidents this year than $4.000 000 In th e school debt « T _ impared to 16 last year; uird.-i Out anding bonds have i N f W C lF O U D r O m iC tl persons were Injured this year and been reduced during the year by * 402 In 1933; there wen: 1825 acci­ $1.326.862 to a l e t ot $17 264,713 ------------- dents this year and 1602 In 1933. while the w arrant debt of the J u d g e Lauda P r o je c t W ork 1 ■ ! for th< Irl.t nine months of P a d g e t C ites Q u a lific a tio n s •school districts which on June 30. W o r ld ’s F air P la n s in ’3 6 . r-i i u 1 »34 are a-s folows: 14.893 accidents; . D ... _. , , 1933 had mounted to the stagger­ of C oun ty C lu b b ers 218 death. 3564 injuries For the °* R ep u b lic a n T ick et R e c e iv e d E n d o r se m e n t ing total of $£,055,563 is now down ----------- same period of 1933, totals were --------- to $3.353.935, a reduction of $2,701.- 13,748 accidents with 172 deaths 627. Amos and Ivan Bierly of tlie and 2958 injuries. "Time spent in the selection of ““j. Fay Mills of W ashington G range Kinton orn ?alnst their debt load in the midst at Forest Grove Wednesday wi’h irdaj I i the second sue- , oomj , Multno- ot recent depression was made G ale O range aa host Thirty-four crssivr year, competing in a group 13 injuries and no deaths in Sep- ,natl county, in peaking before the P'J'x’lb‘e largely through curtailm ent were present from Hillsboro and of 41 county 4-H club exhibitor., tember. 1933. local chamber of commerce Monday 01 ,a ctl',1Ues an much interest -ccta- Riverside, chaplain; A. M Kennedy; plactni being Just the reverse of accident will result in staggering in Pera°nal affairs and forget g o v - -------------------------Beaverton, treasurer; Mrs Leland em m ent, Paget contended. The F llnt' K inton- secretary; o tto Woh- Bicrly took third prize, giving the Drunken driving Ls the major ac- chlei challenge before the peopi gatekeeper; Mrs. J. three brothers a dean sweep of tdent ted for attention todaJr «• to rc-awaken the public to R Poriythe. Hillsboro, Ceres; Mrs. top i.' nor: but he dipped to fifth during tig- current two-week period the blessln«!> of good government z-, Beatrice Hanson. Beaverton. Po­ ll!. 1 Saturday Victory this year of the drive Traffic experts report We m ust re-ded*cate ourselves to Jacob VanDomelon, give Ivan and Amo a record of ttiat while accidents from this tJle Prin ciples of government as set Washington, Flora; Mrs. Alva Lo- gan, Washington, l a d y assistant winning first and second plates cause are not as numerous as those down ln the constitution, he de- steward. ^ t 11" * 8 *" “ * ° ÜU‘r d u a lly cIared' t aro are mrre serious 1« in va»n1>* results, bÇ1 be- Candidates Lauded P ro g ra m to A s s i s t R e l i e f vvva$$>» B urkhalter on Board Dan B urkhalter of Hillsboro was Record Set cause the drunken driver is physl- National conditions confronting f ..» . C m a ll . named on th e executive com m ute» Ar. enviable record in 4-H club cally handicapped In th a t 11 take» the people today demands the for a three-year period. Holdover hlm ton«er- after Perceiving an thought, consideration and patriotic ’ U by the two Bierly boys during emergency, to apply "his brakes or endeavor of every citizen, the rehabilitation program in members of tlte board are R Hom ’m st"tw o T ear«’ L a s t'v e a r“ the .................. it takes speaker svavea. stated. He held it it Im port- Wa-'> ---- bmgbon county aC will get , under ecker oi Hillsboro ... th e boys'w on frotn Oregon would support Presi- P s S U i ? °t reL^f « ^ ¿ “S ^ ^ r e “ oW P ^ i o n law will first at the state and county fairs dent considered and ranked M-cond in Ule sta tt. C . I T 1 would _ Roosevelt not a " when " ru b b right, e r-sta m but p’ on iand wiU i*“ ilrst O utehte’^ i ^ e ^ at the for next T h e meeting. "range . m iii | n «. i irw u m ru.% m wa.sn- nigni wh«*n a croas-am i on u i>»wcr • ntinued «»n p « k <* 10, column higUin county will lx- token by pole near St. Mary s caught fir, Doctor» It J Nicol of Hillsboro and Service wax ru t off from 11 15 Elwyn Coon of Hiresl Grove p. m. to 11:30 p. m. Agreements covering this pro- W arehouse owned by Ferdm anJ Krum were expected Io lx- on luuid Shield of .Scghcrs was blown down I “ w,,,‘k ago but to date liave ixg by the windstorm. Both ends of i As soon as these are the building lead been removed H a lv e d they will lu- available, io while the barn was being remodeled, A withering attack on the 'new uio.se dairymen who are Inter- Hoof of tlu- silo was blown oil at ' “ [ ,h '' ‘ oililtj agent's oftus- the It. C. Hurtritmpl place, north deal ' was made bv C. C C hapm an •’« HIRsbon». or at the offices of ot Hillsboro. Part of tlie barn roo! ,- |,tor o! the Oregon Voter, in }** N>‘ ->1 «u.d Oxin H id , of also losi A tree at the H em , speaking before Ih e H ills b o r o R o \,U ,h " Ul ‘ O'>imitl,s-tn. n appointed Beat 11 place fell over and damaged tary club Thursday. He declared ‘I*’ viaru.us »un-tings will ui.so th e porch. that the recovery program was un- a supply of tires,- which Ins Lurge plate glass window u, th, sound and th at recovery based on '» .d ils.rs naiv draw on south side of the w u rt hous, was an unsound economy could not sue- 1 ,u' »hole plan is Voluntary und broken Sunday night by the fore, e n d ' h a ir offered objections to u of Un- wind storm He predicted a big swing away 0,1 |J“’ Krouiui Hint it wh . s not Large locuM trees w«*rv blown from the -now deal bv i' Lake over th e assignment as he d “1 Ia*t ww'k with Coslett at the otlicr tackle Earlier in the sea- 8011 Coslett an3 W underlich were alternating a t right uuard a n d r : ; ; ; ^ 3 *wnd He said there would be some « « i«* the se a» n The locals were othenrtse was th e s te te m e m of of the Pr<* r am ’ hen the county booth“ a t T h i c o u n iv fair Paget in opening his plea for the , increase in prize money were fav- election of republican candidates. suDDlied ^f ored to a resolut-lon. which has had taken a stand against the "bureaucracy" of the adm inistration. He also ask- ed support for Joe E Dunne, can- _ __ Snell for didate for governor; Earl ic r e ta r v ’ o T ^tate'’ ' Edward "ql-*hX merieh fo r se n a to r - r co f «-*«■ vJ I «JvVCIa ^ 1 , • Attack Code Protesting against th l.‘u e , w alnut u * t e X n o?£ ’Vi/" „ 5 " COde Wa? at gr° W‘ i ^ re ^ ^ , h IJS T s ' f . ' ' ‘n ^ X ’rin slim« l at u m eetlnk. protesting against th e no «„m u. . . .T ?‘ i . ,l0~ iu rp ‘us u a in ut crop ex* « r S H 1 u £ t\ll p av^laSe f S i ^ I T " 1, tUmed ° Ver 10 the ^ c u i - ¿ » ,„ 7 ,,,2 ? -4 ,,‘ulac,‘ . , “ tie s ( tural committee to take up with caplt^1 K°ods the fair board.. b J®,. J r1 N P Johnson of Cedar Mill, U„ ^ w^ ? ’! d b> chairm an of the co-operative coun- “ ““ corporation until paid for cil which m et in Hillsboro Friday through some arrangem ent such as night, reported the formation of a Farm Organizations, group will consider cost and m arketing on the the farm er cannot con- a return above cost Another meeting of will be held November 4. Peters Speaker any effort to bring in fam dies on „ R „ Frt nk Pet€rs of Hillsboro and the land for subsistence farm ing ,T' Tillamook discuss- unless such action is approved and l ^eIr <'a r‘didar u ^ u ti t ,X 4 c T i; C . wllh «4u»t w.- might follow some positive z> m arketed in ¿re stete A N ^ York w &t^ C n r LaW" cenM>“ r>" Portland and representing th e Tax ber election. Information to this el leader to sw urity. representative of tlie New York icMi;»r?hore\ Was 60171 SePtemtoer Lnm tation league of Oregon. O. B. Uie exception of about. 20. These fix-l reached the capitol Uus w,x-k were held up temporarily beraiise V /IIIV C U t I KS Editor Chapm an thought we were produce exchange declared th-it f 50’. 111 Waterville. Maine, and Kraus, county school superintend- from a n „m -trently rellabh- sourer of ,n)n<>r” teîùinIcÀlûira nd p,w- piling up a lot of trouble for our- twice as many Oregon nuts as are X HilLsboro for the past ent. and E. J. McAlear of Hillsboro. Rumors of a Farm er-Labor party ,n enl wl„ n w lv „ , S(x>„ sehx-s. but th a t common sense X w be ™ n X ,u £ 6 yea13; $°? 201 1872 of th e WU wouW re- movement would pull us out somehow _____ in New York if available nit rr2ernu; ((f (.()ntr£ luu, . ¿ ’g for X ’ w s t ^s'lx ‘T V ” ? , ’ al“ rm the construction of Uie B. lost July ¡each ln the county jail were im- going Into calls until about a week » f ^ lu w anniversary two was the contention of Ross. He Zlinnu' -u ld d of Rowell of Scholls, who S ? £ v ÏÏÎÎ * ? * « * * ? ™ for governor T ne new f ’vr,.« candidate ror »m » , * i n ‘u lu rn u u re iactory. brinxi us more denmudno* Shore;,, together with a group of 15, have sim ilar bills and stated th a t party, which is expected U, draw E * ™ : “ ¿dm ?■ S »*«» for relief cases F concurrently. At Uie same Unie he boat to Oregon. Soon a fter th e ir're a l estate men and sm all property i»s.K4 i.» n< P&ynitnt will lx. $1 a lu a d . S Scarcity c a r c ity o of f donfitinn.« m ««» donations nf of K broken tlon Io iw. be held In kx,,.. on,- of th e kvw».« roust ‘ In- declared. S J “ plefts oi gullty to 1 blg interests were be- furniture is tlie only thing th at Ls _ eountl«-s with a number of tlie • T a ' X . ’i S S P U : ° ^ " r ,h 3 „ , ‘X X L now hc’ding up the work of tlie Federal housing adm inistration commit _ ____ _____ prom inent progressive leaders of led during dLirinv good mmrt behavior. hehnvtor W ashington ashington county county chapter chapter of of 7 ft.here wlien th a a t t i ¡,laJly si txx>ls ln rural men. program will be explained bv mov- Postponed W ' * " 1' «hey lived until 1908, 1SW.8' wht n L F ear th * the state In attendance. Persons having old. broken or dis- hw pictures to be shown a t three Damages totaling $550« w e r e he. W?lton league wU1 t a t i l H ^ X K ^ ' re ! h to carded furniture nre asked by Leon Hillsboro public meetings November awarded to Miss Elfreida Hughes! lI^ tal.led Monda>' night a t the local earpenler ,7 “?^“ an d th a t some high In upholding tlie validity of tlie 8. Davis. SERA personnel manager. 5. according to the committee ln of Portland Friday afternoon 7 n a ' Cuft“ ber ucomn«‘rce and t h e poure V hich h re 1 * ClO6e W municipal debt refunding act of closed a fter th a t ' , cd h been the lim itation measure was approv- 1933 th e state supreme court re- j Period for converting four per to bring these articles to the foe- charge. Chamber of commerce m e m -: verdict returned by a circuit court ^h arter wlU tory on Third street near th e Ore- ber» will view pictures on Uie! Jury against th e defendant Attend te' acrdln« to Donald T. Ten,- h X ” years ¿’, X preTi d by K raus' He de' iterated tlie principle th a t ''tlie ] cent Home Owners' Loan corpor- P"*sid<'nt'' Invitation cards s ^ r v te S m i f n S , faV° 7 ng «he bill power of tlie legislature to e n a c t! atlon bonds Into throe per cent gon Electric depot or notify the financial set-up. builders and con- Berger of Portland Damage aettan ? ban<’uet scheduled for 7 p. » e ** auT ly^ «1» widow. < “ other nienns of supporting a general law applicable alike to all bonds will expire Saturday, urcord- SERA office. Tins Will n o t only aid tractors will be shown films of a r« * from an autom c^Ie L-cldent fOr aterially In relief work but will particular interest to their profes- at Beaverton M arch 18 of this year havt . been sent out this week ,p r b a>da? g h ; ** provid a „ hn,.,i. .u o . home i____ _______ lo °*..tnis members and prospective mem- ter' Miss 82128 J - Shorey, both of cited losses ln revenue th a t would handy way to elim inate ac- sl°n. « while owners 27.. will t—i,_ be in which Miss Ti Hughes alleged year she over any eonfllctlng charter p ro -1U Johnson, attorney for this dls- be bers. ' ' Hillsboro; also a brother in D am ar- result from the passage of the bill. vlslon or ordinal,re of any muiilcl- trlet. Persons wishing to take ud- cumulations of old furnishings th at (Wests at a special evening meet- j was injured. Jurors hearing the All speakers agreed th a t the tax Banquet speakers will in clude, ^ o t t a Mills, Maine. ! case were Jo h n W Price Vesta pallty. rlty or town " While the act vantage of this conversion privilege exist ln nearly every home, Davis !ng. burden was too heavy on property . ------, ,-------- . All three films, which will b e 1 Kanina. Julia Berggren, Fred Rood, A rthur Moulton of Portland, past . . authorizes city councils to refund are asked Io take Uie bonds to their contends. and th a t some other m eans of Desks and chairs for th e SERA sliown a t the cliamber of commerce I Molly Leach. Andrew Bishop, Scott national director: C hester McCar- ■nature bonds without sulnniltlng te a l banks for forwarding to th e raising funds m ust be devised. office are now being produced by rooms' have been provided by the Wolfe, Roy E. Bierly. John Voelker thy, president of the Portland chap- ! the pro|>»sltloii to the voters, a t- Federal Reserve bank, R. R. Easier of Hillsboro spoke in Davidson, ex-secre- " . " William ----- - tonieys here point out th a t It does Four per ren t bonds nre guar- tlie workers ln addition to tables, state housing organization. Mem- Eva O rtm an. Robert K Wilson 7 ter; opposition of the Grange power reasurer of of the the Portland chap- “ • r « ” • ' j tary-treasurer Portland chap- not authorize the waiver of tax j ant«-ed only ius to Interest, whereas dresses and beds for relief cases bcrs of the local committee sponsor- and Edna M Davis bill, explaining how passage of Damages am ounting to $10,000 are tCr; ,.and Jolul Ebbi,'« er of TUla- j E. C. Morford was elected com­ levies provided by bonding ordl- the three per cent bonds are guar- A number of sets of bed springs W the showings ore V W G ard- power bills liad worked ■ m onder of the W ashington county municipal nances for the retirem ent of bonds, j m itred both aa to principal and and chairs have also been r e - ! n er. Nye O. Bristol. George McGee, j sought by th e estate of GonJIro moolc' ex-state president, to increase property taxes. He de­ Davis pointed out th a t p - A- Anderson. Janies Say and 8. j Yam ada ln a suit filed Tuesday in I post 2666. Veterans of Foreign Wars, .Six Oregon cities luivc already tak- biterest. Johnson pointed out. Tlie claimed. •««n»x«r (!>.» ..nil..? »_ lx i • I eh th a t the cost of power to J Thursday evening. Installation is clared en advantage of the refunding act period for conversion Ls made by many of the relief cases have no W. Melhuish Uie circuit rourt against M att K urt farm ers in this area was lower than planned for November 1. and nt least 17 others arc cx|x-cted (’ongresslonnl action and the time furniture a t all. The complaint alleges th a t Yamada ln any other point in the country Work Is alm ost ready to start C a r B a d ly D a m a g e d _ A x. T O ther officers selected included considering the sparse population. was fatally Injured June 16 of this Io do .so, according to attorneys 1 cannot be extended. Tticrefore any E rnest Helvogt. senior vice-com­ Dr. George Dorland of Hillsboro appearing before the supreme court bonds not received on or before ln relief woodynrds n t Hillsboro, a t O ld T ile F a c to ry ye?r wh?n * * waa struc,t bV 8 cor Aloha, Beaverton and Tigard, ac­ mander; Francis L. Beach, Junior Saturday cannot be converted. In defense of th e measure. The third auto wreck to h ap p en ! d.r ‘™ i y,.‘bL ,‘“ ‘iend?JU' T?le ac’ Considerable interest Ls being vice-coninolider; o. W. Brandaw, talked in favor of the Healing Arts cording to Davis. Huge logs have a t tlie corner near the site of the | h u o c c u r r e d as Yamada was shown In the Hillsboro "hobby" quarterm aster; Ronald C. Vaught, amendment. Ixcii hauled to lots ln th e various H arriett C. Long, state librarian F orm er H ilh i G r id d er s various factory ft| Jam es S e w -Ia » 1 ft ^lks near tt, . sbow to be held at the union high cities and as soon as tools s a r« ' pji n ilu»P bus sent out an 8. O. 8. call for r$f MiiiaHrtVrt zw»_! L* kpierlng oi near near Pon Forest school here November 3 under the chaplain; Dr. A. O. Pitm an, sur- P u b lic S p e a k in g Class o lle m l X taS , w,S S Perry H L. W Batchelar, officer y' R P < la ^ y ^ on o r e C ,,« ^ ' g 5 e c k T , S? e a ™ Z“ / ^ ^ ^ 1 5 geon; ^ day Farnham htotor- donations of books on psychology, diesel engines and curren t prob­ crlaiut, outstanding tackles on th e o n e cord out of every five will be i v " t ' v . “ iwents are C. T. ian L F ’ Furrow servU^*’officer- lems Tlie books, according to Miss « 1933 Hilhi football team, „ r e n .u k - kept by the\s E R A 7 o r d lrret £ 2? Richardson. T G. Bronleewe and w o n ^ f j F irst meeting of the public overturned and the top completely a c / ge ° f " U“ Un* 8an' e blrds W Verne ' M cKlnne? I ^ , r s ^ u t m r T l “ “ ‘S T I*ong, are needed to supply Hie de- . . ___ . . , , , w and from adults who' are enroll- ^ 7 ' „ shO,'f'l',gs " 7 ” " “ lief purposes, he said. | demolished. The driver” of the caí W#> Par° 'ed ° n to th(< a« « T m . [“ 0 ^ , U speaking class conducted by Miss Eleanor Sm ith of Hillsboro Tues­ w-ns evidently blinded by the lights Classifications ore stomps, coins,' adjutant, ’ s w ................... - ......... .. day night a t the local library under Hod and Gun Club Meet.» lo t on oncoming car and failed lo c; i .,,j7 » í* ? >.b r o u « h ,t b y ¡ miscellaneous and specials wlthi the euspices of the SERA was a t­ 'iu < le ^ l\ ^ u , m b l e M t e yb u i ™rned a 8tartln« WpRt d and G un club make and M argaret Drake i t three division« {°r to , high school ! Miss G J a d y ^ M c L e ^ ^ se ^ e ta ry of tended by 27 persons. Classes are starting poaltlon position a nt t West Un4°n Union R° Rod j wake the the to tu re rn enmlna coming from Uie I g D a la■■» 10. column $> I ** awarded the winners. | ing, suffering a relapse. (Continuait on imik « i 4. column SERA Offi«*«' S^olrc U I r1 • oroRen I’lirilltlirC re'bullt by thf ^’"nS t© Explain Housing Program K e o a rd G e ts B T T» r til i 3 I • I I » TP J a i 1 1 C n ilb W ailOmanS install Chapter on Monday Honie Owner Bonds Now Convertible Moftortl SclPCtPfl V F W Cfktnmar,Joe '-OmilianCier Hobby Show Here /XttrattS Interest 4f