Tage Six TUE Tigard Group to Give Play E stacad a B attles T ig a rd T ig e rs at F rid a y W ilm a Boulin. solo by Miss Shirley Taylor, and a duet by Verla and Hubert Aeblseher. Gibbs dram atic d u b met CVtober 5 A pot-luck supper » as succeeded by election of olficers. Mrs W. E. Burke conducted the meeting. and the following officers «ere elected Mrs M C Bricked, president. Mrs II R True y tee-president, and M ss R uth Smith, secretary -treasu rer. Plans for » in ter activities were made and committees apiknnted tor an "Open House" program to be given li\ tile near future“ Mrs. Jolui Davis, who h as been working at H-xxi River, returned to her home here last week Mr and Mrs Davis have as th eir guest this week their son from the east. Mrs. Lester H ailey and son De-ti­ nts from Vancouver. Wash . are house- guests of Mrs Harry S au n ­ ders this week. Mrs. Cora Joyce was a guest of Mrs Arena Courtney Sunday. Mrs. Courtney returned to her home :.u-i week after having n e a t sev­ eral day s »Uh her daughters. Mrs. Harold Davis and with Mrs. Gene Taylor of Scholls. Rev. W E. Sunpson will preach a t morning services at M ountain Home church Sunday morning. THE H IL L S B O R O GREAT ARGUS. A M E R IC A N H IL L S B O R O . OREGON HOME T h u rsd a y , O cto b er IH. |!i;t, day lust ’.eek Tli.we present were M is II ('» m ils M t. John tleiiiei. “ S e rv n n ls ' F .iitra n re " Mi . i i_e O h m akth a O id v c u u i - v \ b ' o u t o u p L n U'li i I AM * Wt-Pi HE'x'GOl HtL WHOLE I'C lK V l- LAU ghi H i S s THE TEACHE k? A l\ E □ H'M IF HE KNEW WHAT A fi S h net ano he s *; o — Çj iall i t e l l hei ? WILLIAM he ÇAiO A FisVt NEI U’AV A LOl OF HOLES? Julius Omen). Miss M artha HUider. Mi-. w Helmut. M t. A Fggliiiuit Mix w l i l i l í Mrs ' Jake SI oiler, Mt.x Rich. M Clu is Rich, mill Mrs W alter Zurcher Bill C m r of IXulland s|«cnt the «eek end » 1th M: mid Mrs G lenn i Cm r. Mr. and Mrs Sam Kunz of P o rt­ land spent Sunday with Mr mid Mrs Glenn Cmr. Rev J K ratt of lAirtlaud gave a talk alHiut G erm any at the B eth­ any Baptist, church Sunday. — the lake in the middle »< U llat raai hing from ili«> g r a w «mb T1OARD -S t Anthony junior Cohen a new inviubrr. was mi In al. ttiai h atifTerln« Yrara agw Uu .1 . t dram atic d u b wilt present t h e n<««l»«| a pr*a< rlplloti f.»r ■lotaa« It til. era, teresttsl listener. th re e -a d farce. It Pays to Adver­ gaa paltta. Iiaarlburu. Intll* "Let's buy a gondola," suggested a«l«l tlnii. atonttrh. Iiluallitg. balcblng anl»alli aa un» ua»r lol«' an->ih»r of plays to be presented by the uf hla wnndurftil |>r•«»«-r11»< 1«>n In ift, |»«»| ai» yrara. fti.ld u grateful botwmib La«« dram atic dub. The cast includes » rllte n I el I era telling ,,f (linjr nm oterUa. Dorothy Twins. Helen Gauge. G er­ BEAVER'D>N A venison iltnner Thia |>r«a< rl|>tlGM la now kanwu I«» liun-li > U aldine Kellner. M atilda Kovach. wius servi-d at the noon Klwunls of Ibniiaamta aa ( I t * t'llga Treatm ent A|| Fred Rilcr. Hay W arm uth, Cl.iren , Club meeting last Wednesday led atumach aulTerera may have a fr.w aami-l« Quinn Mary H enrj Bernard Rev- by writing in p,iga. Hult« rtd. F . m H M. buir« Cramer, secretary of tlie Oregon Everything lu Insulaner llhlg . Mt l*aul. Mlun Miian tn llo g e r' i S ilt iTiv.'ire ( 'ei tific iite w ith 20 R.'inies tion. which is accepting loan appli­ duiner will be sponsored by the lea solo.-, bv Eddie MeLlroy and Ladies' Aid society at the home cations. bow led —e ith e r Indies or gen tlem en . voeal d u ets by Miss Genevieve Metzger Women .-, d u b sponsored of Mr. and Mrs. Jake Pnix from 8 C a rte r and Carinclci i S m ith , ae- a b en efit, dance Saturday evening until 8 o'clock October 26. Plans ate eom panfed by M . Eleanor C a rte r a t the Metzger clubhouse for tile being made for a short musical of Portland benefit of Improvement o f t h e and literary program. There will be Mr mid Mrs S It taiwrenee e n ­ club house building. Members of plenty of good things to cat served tertained with a dinner EVIduy C o n fe c tio n e ry — B o w lin g A lle y s tlie committee a c r e Mesdames cafeteria style. night in honor of then son S u n Mr. and Mrs. G lenn Snider and Mandy Blevins. Ju an ita E n s o r . uel Ji s iweny-first brthd.iy O ther "Where I ndles are Courleoii'-ly T ieated and Helen McCarl, Grace L'melv. Mor­ family of Lake Grove were guests were C F Ha Sunday of Mr Snider's parents. Cordially Invited gan and J. O Johnson. anil Mr and Mrs p it llrown. Lions from the Tigard d u b a t­ Mr and Mrs J C. Studer. I Hili“ Shtrlev C arr who n sen tly Services Sunday are as follows: tended a banquet and social g ath ­ 1 'till Main Street Hillsboro, Oregon underwent an operation for ap- ering at the Hill Military academy preaching by tile pastor Rev W. pendtellLs, is at home now and is E S im ps'n 9 45; session Bible M e S e rv e (1 1 1 M i ' l l a u I M I I M l l i t I ) I S I I I I It October 5. slowly recovering An enjoyable social function was school. 10:15. Everyone is invited About 200 students nttended the Fred Van.Kleek is having his held a t the I. O. O. F. tem ple Oc­ fivshm .ui am i sophom ore m .isqiier- tober 5 under the sponsorship of house on Pleasant Valiev read iwle Friday party at the home of Mr and Mrs. tlie Tigardvillc Rebekah dub. R e­ shingled. Harry A. R tclu rd s has Mrs. Lula Dcxlson entertained Heinrich of Sehefflm bekah lodge will have practice Oc­ charge of the work with a b lrth d a i d in n e r W ednesday Mr. and Mrs. W arren Wilson tober 23. Social night was deferred Miss Leila Peters visited over the ill lienor o! M rs How ard Hug!, on until the first meeting in Novem­ moved to Beaverton last week week-end with her parents. Mr. Mr and Mrs D-avtoii Peek had where they will occupy the place SOME GOO D BUYS ber. and Mrs. L. H Peters Mr. Peters as their house guest Muss Margar. t MOUNTAINDALE—Sunday school mother. C lara Harvev. is visiting Dewey Talent. Tigard's star scout, on til’d by Mrs Wilson. Tucker ot mi Vernon Wash Slie BETHANY-CEDAR M IL L A rally held at M ountaindale Sunday Mrs Gladys Aten and Mr liad charge of scout meeting Mon­ with them. group of friends surprised Mr ui'd returiuxl home Saturday rrwood was a success. Sunday school was day night as C. E Blakr.ey. scout­ Madge Pomeroy went to B eaverton G a rd en rlu b ad o p ted a Opal Stew art and a friend Mr N P Johnson at the home <>t master. is still in the U. S. Marine Thursday to attend a pot luck din- held from 9 to 9:45 atid services. of Miss St. Helens visited a t't ii e George Mr mid Mrs A rthur Schulz T ues­ constitu tio n m id by-law s at th e ir hospital a t Seattle. Lyle Perdin ner given bv the Ladies' Aid society which were conducted b v Rev. Stew last nu-eting day night on their 21st wedding art home Sunday. of one of the churches of tli.it Reule of Hillsboro, were from 10 talked on Boulder dam. Past Noble G rand club held a k Miss Evelyn Steinke of Hillsboro anniversary Tliose present w e r e lunche town. to 11. A pot luck duiner was lu-ld .11 at tile home of Mrs Celia Expec t Hard Game Mr and Mrs Glenn C u.r, Mr mid Tlie flag pole at the school house at noon and a program given by visited W auna W irtz Sunday. Hulett October 10 Mrs R e b se a Mrs John Zltzmmi. Mr at d Mr . Tigard j . lugh school _ . will ’L P play 13? Es- Es' which has been out of commission the M ountaindale pupils from 1:30 Mr. and Mrs Floyd Stovall and harles Bov Mr and M r - J o h n H art and M r s . M arjoile Lewis », 2 -1 9 3 2 V-K Furti Coupes tacada at Tigard Friday. The team s for some time, was fixed bv some to 2.15. The others presents from Miss Maxuie Roberts and Mr and C Meurer. Mr anil M rs W ilson of honor guests. battled to a scoreless tie xast year t ^e men in the community dur- outside of the M ountaindale com- i Mrs h . iC;a-VoUrV. V LSi!txl , OVt7 Aloha. Mr. a n d M rs C lrve Owens 1929 M odel A Forti Scilan at Estacada Enthusiasm is being lnR the „ week tjle of m unitv Sunday were Mrs. Jungickal. i ™ni? 7.4? M r Cam bur« s Mrs Jam es Walters. Miss Leola lo K liin n i \ i. h o i sn aroused among Tigard people to the pole setting apparatus, which Mr. an d Mrs. C hester Dreeszen. O folks a t Birkenfeld. Walters. Mr mid Mrs Fxl Kruske A w ritten p.«en» 1 hut the ne»U 1928 Motlel A Furti S edan attend the games and give t h e has been in use during the past A- Dreeszen. Mrs. s Steinke and W hen all who ItMik alo ft may re e d * Sunday v o m » , dinner u o m o i guests gui-sus a av t i t h n e vi of Sylvan. go a n a . George (rc o rg e Stevenson. » le v c n s o n . Al A1 players their support week or m making reads- for the Philip Mohr of HiLlsboro. Mr ,,n(i home brow. »n o w iT i-w iicd , on m ountain 1927 of Mr. mid Mrs W. J. Wall Ott. Mr ai d Mrs Albert Kalndon ‘''“l C hevrolet C oupe Rally day was observed a t the new electric light line through Mrs. Biersdorf of Schefflin. were Mrs William Nelson and Mr of Huber. Miss Jeanette Schuiz. the Methodist church Sunday a t which town. S u ffic ien t in Ita e lfi 1929 Essex Coupe, ru m b le .»eat °r pal t? r '.v.A Mr and M rs- George Snider, who and Mrs' George Beck and family and Mrs Henrv Johnson a n d host and hostess, Mr and Mr- It» stately rhythm , silent word daughter of Portland. A rthur Schulz, and the guests of Hy cmr attune«! is ever heard. glven by were called to Cloverdale by the of Prescott visited at tlie James 1926 Dodge -1 S edun luinor. Mr. and Mrs. N P. Jo h n ­ Sunday school. serious illness of Mrs. Snider's M athiesen home Sunday, son. You grasp a i«en. then stay y«>ur hand. brother. G ran t Dawson. returned ^jr ^ 4 H arry M ailer left A card party- and old tlm.“ dance „ R IG H T PRK EaS and EASY TERM S! home th e first of th e week. for Idaho Sunday morning to visit was held at the Cedar Mill Grange ' g ate -----’ and dream Mrs. E sther Aems of Sherwood friends and relatives. hall Saturday n i g h t Fourteen spent • days last week with William Fandrey and Miss Lavira tables were In play Next S atur- F a r In Iha p a .l b»r..ra R a inier her brother and sister. George Ha« - Hauseman of Portland, Kenneth Rv Mi«a Jean S m ith ) day night there will be U modem H ad raloed ita head .... m undane aphere, lev and Mrs. H attie Lawler Keenon and Mildred H ergert were dance W hat w«a It T W here (hen lap Ita charm T (B y Mabel B. A llison ) HAZELDALE— Hazeldale c o m ­ ^!rS' Florence Larkin, who has guests of Mr. an d Mrs. George Con- m unity club will sponsor a card W hat waa the furee that hr.-ueht alarm MOUNTAIN HOME — Rally day made her home for sometime in nou y Sunday. Mr and Mrs R W Mann of made it rear ita m ighty he«d Hillaboro, O regon _ , . .« j Party and entertainm ent S aturday Portland and Mr and Mrs Ray And a t Mountain Home Evangelical the Bethanv country, spent a few To guard it« fo rm e r au rfar« bed ? friends at Me the house evening at 8 wtl] o'clock Rlven In the school Neil of Sauvies Island spent S u n ­ » Su2,d n B . ak i t . y . er'h . quests church was considered a decided days last week with her sister. Mrs Joe o m e and Sunday were Mr. D O D G E PLYM OUTH day evening with Mr a n d Mrs To send a challenge fa r and w id e : success by Sunday school officers J. C. Snider. an>ro rout« 2 Mrs Ole Oleson of near Olcson Celebrate Anniversary few weeks, has returned home. cal trio by Betty and Patricia Airs, o ie Oleson of near Oleson Mr Mrs j L Vandomelen Brlde-Eleet Honored Joyce and their m other Mrs. Rich- Station, a sister of Mrs. Fred Am- , ‘Y «V ard Joyce: vocal duct by Miss ker of this town, died suddenly at c i i Hprnrehf? . ! } i ^ u n d i ^ ^ M s i Miss Jean Sm ith was pleasantly surprised at her home on Wednes- hme a n d K H o r ,Ly hOme the l3St ° f laSt ’ ’eek < ( i J .m V i X th lr H Schmeltzer; recitation by Relda Funeral services were held Satu-d v and Mrs Herb celebrated th eir day evening with a bridal shower th irty -fo u rth wedding anniversary, by a group of friends from Port- Ti fl'S s T r as ¡i lb. life and s tre n g th Boulin: song by the three children afternoon and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Adkinson of land. Twenty-two » e r e present J o f it tre e tiepeiiti of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Ego; recita- Anicker were in attendance d ep en d upon u tion by George Allison Jr.: song Mrs Melvin Dawson and dauch- Tlie Dalles are spending several Miss Sm ith was entertained at a tre e flow of no u rish m en t from by the Misses Mary. Dorothy and ter Miss Darlena of Cloverdale.' a days a t t h e J. L. VanDomelen party and shower given in her hon- T hat which you can buv just az cheap here In Hillsboro? " home. or on Thursday evening In Port- its roots, so must th e roots of q ru n of - ™ Mfs at George Snider w aiu ar.d K, . i, J. Mfs. William Jungickal of Hills- land She was the recipient of many COMMON BRICK. FACE BRICK and BI II.IIING TILE er ? ? M r. .br i boro visited Mr. and Mrs F rank beautiful — - > business seek free f l o w i n g gifts. coals you the same a t IIULsburo us in Portland. DRAIN TILE ueek fka qn.H ' h Corev w .d family for the week-end. ea p ita l anti cred it. This bank M ls . B utler Raffety spent t h e TH E GREATER A PPEAL COSTS YOU LESS. offers its services to estab lish a-o-' oSnld5 r J r ' Ione week-end with her sister, Mrs. J C. I ha yielded to charm o f fare and tbe_, P“ 1 Johnson of Portland. am i m ain tain responsible busi­ form, week at the home of Mr Snider's LET US PROVE IT! W alnut growers of M ountaindale I have harke»! to the siren’s »ong . ness e n terp rises larg e or sm all I have searched fo r beauty in t-very j .... ,, x. vicinity are shipping to Dundee land. j . “ 4 M l - W alter \ anKleek John Nussbeumer of Helvetia vis- R a re things, th at to a rt belone. and daughter Miss K athryn of i£ed Fred Keller Sunday. Beaverton visited Sunday at the Many friends have been visiting But thr purest charm , the sweetest ap- I home of Mr. VanKleek s brother Mary Ix>u Toates who is recovering pwl. and wife. Mr. and Mrs J. J. V an­ from her recent Illness. T h a t ever my heart bevuiled. H ills b o ro Kleek. Mr. an d Mrs. P. E G ardner and W as the flu tte rin g lash, the quivering lip, , W a s h in g to n S tre e t b e tw e e n 1st and 2nd daughters and Mrs. Ida Jackson And the (¿listening te a r of a child. P L A N T A T S C H O L L S , O R E G O N — R uth Coffee H illis visited Mrs. Jackson's b r o th e r . George Markee. who is 111 In a Our Motto— “Friendly Service . . . Fair Prices’’ “T h e l.a r < r s ( P ortland hospital. Our classified columas may have liiilr p c r it lr n t Mr. and Mrs. Philip H ergert and Jast what you are looking for — ! llu n k family attended a n anniversary Read them. 111 YYuftliliiffton BEND—Donald Tollefson son of ( ’onnty. Mr and Mrs. O. J. Tollefson. ac­ cidentally shot himself n ear the eye when he experimented with his rifle October 7 while out hunting with several other sm all boys of the neighborhood. In a couple of days he was able to go back to his school as It didn't prove so very serious. Miss Mildred Steinhoff e n ter­ tained the Tigard Rebekah club on October 10. Mr. and Mrs. H. H arr of Portland spent the past week a t their coun­ try home here. Mrs. Joe Baggenstos and chil­ dren and the children of Mr. and Mrs O. H Peterson were quite 111 last week. The Misses Howard and Henry and Clarence Bowne of Midway fo r visited Mr and Mrs Bruce Bowne T illa m o o k and W a s h in g to n and family Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Bernard C ounties and children of Eugene visited Mrs Bernard's parents. Mr. and Mrs —Born and reared on a Albert Scott, from Friday until Washington county dairy Sunday Mr. and Mrs Frank Anderson farm. BEAUTY KIIOPS P H Y N IC IA N and N IIK G K O N and children Richard and M arian of Portland spent the October 6 —Educated in Oregon week-end a t thy home of Mrs. An­ schools. EVE’S BEAUTY SHOP A. 0 . PITMAN, M. D. derson’s sister and brother, Miss —Practiced law’ seventeen Mildred and Ferd Steinhoff, General Beauty Work P H Y S IC IA N and H llR G K O N A rthur Steinhoff and Mr. and years in Washington Parm arianta and all k ln d i of X -R a y and Phyala-Tharapy Mrs O tto K norr a n d daughter baa II tx work. county, twenty-four Evelyn of near Aurora visited at O om m arrlal N a tio n al Rank Rl.la the F. Steinhoff home October 7 Talrphona i l k I X years in Oregon. Telephone« Little Miss Bonnie June Weller, B a lra n r flltl.h .irn P h a ria a r, Oftlca 1281 Raaldanee 78IX —If elected, will have but daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Weller, spent several days recently one objective: To ad­ with her grandparents, Mr. and minister justice speedily, Mrs. Andy Weller, n ear Scholls. S an itary B eauty Shop DR. I). E. WILEY, M. D. Banker Speaker Beaverton Club RUSHLOW WE /’AY DIVIDENDS Kinton Aid Plans Dinner October 26 What Von Spend! C L I: M ’S M ountaindale S. S. Rallies S u n d ay PLA CE Cedar Mill Couple C eleb rate D ate IN LIGHT IT V / S J 1 J ? Hazcldalc Club Sponsors Party’ Mt. Hom e Church Rally Day Success n C A R CADY MOTOR CO. £ ROOTS OF T R A D E Why Go to Portland to Buy? ELECT R. Frank Peters SCHOLLS TILE CO. YARD Commercial National Bank Bend Boy Shoots Self O ut H unting AMERICASWINGS ^FO RDVB Circuit Judge HILLSBORO BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIR ECTO R Y fairly and impartially. E le c tio n N o v e m b e r 6, 1934 ™ ’kid Adv.) A ll Our classified columns may have Just w hat you are looking for — Read them. G ilm o re Ili-Preasure Greasing Free Crankcase Service - Automotive Repairs F ire s to n e T ire s , T u b es and Accessories DRIVE IN — SPARK PLUGS TESTED FREE Coslett Super Service Station COSLETT’S TRUCK SERVICE First and Baseline Streets Phone 1263 COSLETT’S BAR-B Q PERMANENTS a Rparlalt? Telephon« 1471 W K I I/ H A P A R T M R N T 8 M a lx l Rrhenilel T fíoslett Super Service Station G A S O L IN E S R ic h fie ld - G e n e ra l - S hell - U nion they had made the Ford V-R the O D A Y a V -8 is no longer most economical car that Ford the privilege o f the wealthy alone. But only in one car priced has ever b uilt—actually mure economical than a four. under $2 500 w ill you find a V-8 See your Ford dealer and look engine and the im oothnen of this car over at close rangei V-8 performance. That car is Notice its many features from the Ford V-8. the safety o f an all steel body And the thouxand, upon thou­ to the comfort o f sun visors for sands of people who drive the your eyes. From the strength of Ford V-8 are getting a real driv­ a Torque-tube Drive to the con­ ing th r ill. Acceleration that venience o f a dashboard pack­ whixkx them out of any traffic age compartment. pinch. Power that aeemj abso­ Tlten drive it—and find out in lutely endless. More speed than a few exciting moments why is probably ever needed. M ore than (hat, Ford engi­ all A m erica is s w in g in g to neers were not satisfied until the Ford V -8l THE ONLY V-8 UNDER $2500 Give« you the power and • moothnes* of expansive cars—yet is the most eco­ nomical Ford has ever built. A U T H O R IZ E D FORD FORD V-8 D IA L E R S DENTIN'! s Dentist Commercial Building Telephone INRURANCE teeon fi»HD RADIO PRO«.HAMS -EVERY SUNDAY AND THURSDAY EVENINGS— COLUMBIA NETWORK C « a n l, A (» n e I«« Hheta Rank C'nJU C». N K K V K It B etldlnv Phone 2211 Pw In f a v a t lq q Hlllahoro ab^t TELKPHONR8 O frira 2C82 Raaidanea ««HI Garbage Collection AND CANS Telephone 232» RUBBER RTAMPfl GEORGE T Mi'GRATH IN H U K A N C K Wells Building D P. CORRIERI 144 Kvonlnra, Sunday by Aapolntmant W ashington Physician and Surgeon GARBAGE COLLECTION DR. RALPH DRESSER $ c JC AND up , f . o . b . □ V J DETROIT A » it Klnda «f Beaut? W arh O S ,..,.,, nilY YOUR RUBBER STAMPS from HILU9BORO ARGUS A w „Z,