!*«»»»#» rP»»», Page Twelve THE Martin Speaks for New Deal H IL L S B O R O ARG US, per bucket or one third the amount tor picked Mr and Mrs Mike McCann and tier mothci. Mrs H arr\ Frew ing. who spent Iasi week at their home, went to tlio Frewing home at R ick­ reall Saturday evening Flame-Swept ‘City of Gold’ Candidate Cites Necessity of Federal Contacts (C o n t i n net! fr o m p a g e I t (('«mtinu*»I from pair* 1) boro on a nou-supixut Indictment The case opened Wednesday after noon and went (,» the Jury the fol­ lowing afternoon Ju ro rs selected (or trial were George Dick Ken neth H Wilcox Clem H Esltnger Clara TatJock John H Hargrave. William E Masters. G ertie Meek Scott Wolfe. Edna M Davis Meta S VanKonghnut. Hoy E. Bterly and John 1 Egglman Sentence of six m onths In the county Jail was imposed upon R ich­ ard Reed of Hillsboro Friday when he entered a plea of guilty to un assault and battery indictm ent. Fine ot $2.» and costs was meted out to Rudolph K em per of near Forest Grove Monday when he plead guilty in the locul Justice of the peace court to a charge ot hunting without a license. Burt Daniels of IKirtland paid a fine ot $25 and costs Saturday when he entered a plea ot guilty to o p erat­ ing a slot m achine F. N orthrup ................. iMCK ii entered .1 p.v.i a e i plea of guilty Friday and was fined 1100 hv i ireutt Judge Cleorge K. Bagle\ ;( of $25 h e was p ar- Hillsboro to Meet McMinnville Friday W here Army Life Begins nt 8 'le d o n th e b a l.u u o of th e fin e for^ ioreti; ^ ed ,propt'rV 3 » ir 1U 1 M P o m o n a G r u n g e to M e e t W e d n e s d a y I'»»rent (» r o v e u il of Pomona Ot ill the ha.s<*ment Cu a i e Friday night oiia d rän g e will tinge at Huent County Registration I idea of removing the director of rural rehabilitation out- lined' plat's’ for ilie" roiiel'‘'a‘.','d"i','< work.M ‘vero"]?!. nm " “in? hahlllt»tion of several thousand s.UIl4. (|UV |„. reversed the machine rural i.umlies. s««ne of which w illia n d tried to use It as a blower to be advised to seek the help of the dry his hair Ex county farm -debt adjustm ent com- _________________ mittees ^ r c F° X ^ r° Ve Chambet ° f C° m ' a" '^ ‘<1- to detarn,>n,’ p ^ m ^ 'ta u e - wm he the first ^ R n g ° f h ^ r o n ° r M r' ^ e a t 'T u ^ m ^ h e ^ a n “ ^ „“ " e . ^ » ^ " ^ 1 (Continued from page i ) of a senes of monthly sessions to oe Rev Carl Heinmiller of P ortland method is to plow under all and other points, ing three Newberg passes, two of held this winter. L ater meetings who has been the district su p en n - whcat stubble as soon as the ground This crops certification service has which were good for scores. Tack- will treat with poultry disease egg- tendent of the West Portland dis- u rcadV io r plowing, and work it been of major importance in aid- ling and blocking of the whole grading, storage and m arketing tr *ct of Evangelical churches ha.s d1? wr? to a gOQd seed 56(1 50 th a t ln* Oregon farm ers to build up a Blue and White squad showed a and other timely subjects of in- ^ c n appointed general missionary larva cannot wwk lta way out. reputation as producers of high big improvement o v e r previous terest to poultry men. All persons secretary during the national con- W?lcr>!ve!’J Ii >sslJ>le Sfit X F , L , Ball“ rd. games giving ball carriers an od - interested in noultrv uro upim m e Terence at Akron. Ohio and will re- a volunteer de- vice-director of the extension serv- g tt u iU t, to be“ k £ £ . £ a S ¿ h e ^ S ^ I side to C le v e ltS , Ohio Mroyed by « j ^ w , ^ heat or should pIowtog. be and lee It has be«m largely responsible Mrs. Eleda Shank who has been lf P0“ 10^ avoid planting wheat for the growth of the sm all seed lrvg running attack in a Newberg hosnital recelvin» baclc on «round th a t was in wheat production business of the state 1 Starting lineups were care for injuries .sustained In an thls year the ,al1 brood of the from a half million dollars a few H U M (S7> < •) N e w h e r r auto wreck, was taken to the Joe Hesslan fly usually gets its egg-lay- years ago to between one and two S errad REL Magnuson home last week. ing done before October 15, Mr. million a t the present tíme. W u n d e r lic h RTL Air. and Airs C harles Haynes ^ clt recommends planting between Oregon, for example. Is the only spent the week-end a t th e beach »i1? 1 and November 1. I t Is state th a t produces Ladino clover G o etter ........ c During the seventeen business They caught two nice salmon on a r*s* cV ' 10 wait to p lant spring w heat seed ln volume, much ol which is C a w r»e LGR W ill day period between October 12 and deep sea fisliing trip out of De he as lo u of larva may live certified W ithout field Inspection, LTR G rogan October 31 the Dwight Edwards Poe Bay over and »'¡PC out spring plantings. Ladino seed cannot be told from LER B a it Q F is h e r Coffee company is sponsoring an Miss G race Miller left Tuesday ------------------------- ordinary white clover seed The H o la c h e r RHL unusual contest for customers in for Walla Walla by auto with h er Sarcastic Prof. acreage of Ladino in Oregon has ln- C ook LHR Customer Coffee Contest Announced K a h lm e y e r _______ F B r ia n Nob Hill « a n u d o Edwards u w a iu h u Dependable. v p c iiu d u ic . A A n n - - nouncement is made by Safeway. A total of $330 in twenty-five DI prizes split up as follows will be K ia n awarded First prize $100. second prize $50. th ird prize $25. fourth « - r_, Countv J Men I urn L/UVM1 V^Orll t ^ , ^ by CUttin*' do’ n t o - t h e 't w e n t y ^ i r L r n w ^ ^ e feed available th an by limiting the instrum ental in promoting t h e hogs themselves highest number of sales during the Ty‘e ,*deal Plan, he stated, would oontest. be to limit feed under the adjust- _ _ ' ment program and leave hoi- out M n m i n o t k w W in e of the plan. However the benefits 1 1 1 U I& U L " W lllS m ust be met by a proce sing tax L_I' -1- r * • IT and this canno- be placed on feed i lliT I l D a i r y H o n o r Thus any benefit Dlan a r i n n t e o »» 7 « ... u m ust necessarily inclortf Mormngdew Dairy of Hillsboro on live-dorir nl> lnclude Payments «as awarded a gold medal diploma Dorn tw.it cto»o at the Dairy Products' show held n rlw ^ n , o1 S are aPPr°vmg the in connection with the Pacific In - ? means of changing j ternational Livestock exposition in grata nrodue a™ 7 Portland Iast week- local <*a iry gr p ductlon, Cyrus opined. . had a score of 98.2 on raw milk. | Motningdew received a silver medal , diploma last year. Dairies from all over the Pacific northw est were i.ntered • « Il J «A i n c r e a s e in ,n the th_ show. , h„„. A . iAr!,p California “airy placed first. t C o n t l f t u « ! from r » x e ’ ) 1' of a liigher rate of interest o r , . ------- — bonds due in 1936 Plans for A rm istice Net total of general obligation. Started by Legionnaires (tad B ancroft bonds outstanding at committe.se for the Armistice non Prese“ t time amounts to *164 - d?y observance here were named 080 according to McGee s report b he executive comm ntee of Hills- Thls figure is th e total of outstand- t American Legion. Friday tag bonds less existing sinking , h t * p m com m lttee jneiudes U dZon9r-rU'ra' ? b’LgatlOn5 P L Patterson. W. H. Dierdorff loono?2' ^ 7 an,L Bar‘7 oft and W Verne McKinney. Dance S8..022. During the past year $ j 000 committee is A. W Hoffman. H. L. ta pum per bonds $6000 in refund- MacKenzle and Dr RaI h Dresser tag bonds and $30.217 in Bancroft ________________ bonds were retired by the city, a Divorce Suit Filed total of $41.217, according to Me-1 E astm an—Fern Eastm an vs. Ir- Gee. , , vlng C. Eastman. Total of $18 406 was collected on Debley Ruby T Debley vs. Ralph th e 1934 tax assessm ent in Hills- E. Debley. City Budget Shows Small Tax Inrrpa«M> coast and Special Sale on Riding Comfort T h at's w hat a Alarfak chassis lubrication Job really is. Your car rides easier, ft Is less likely to need repairs. Marfak is the world's finest grease lubricant and we do a first class job. Quirk service loo! A rd d e n 't forget th a t it is time to change the grease and oil Io w inter lubricants. Drive in and let us take rare of your ear today. C ar W ashing and Vac Cleaning Valve G rinding a Specialty ta O ur Shop. T H E TEXACO STA TIO N Towing Phone 1703 L. S. Campbell N ight Call 384 Across from O. E. Depot T he O nly Station W ith C om plete Service the Russell G ilm an Jvome m Air t . ana roner Vlr- and Mrs. Airs. Ferd Ferd G Groner. Vlr- gil Bisch and Miss Velda Koekx*r of S Sherwood herunod w » n t t the iw w *«»ir-j»n e< o a » t spent week-end the G ro n ers beach home Mrs Lilas B artlett of Portland and H er- man Koeber of Sherwood cared for cancer?" **»^*^»1 iu u v i h .— j aia Medical o Student—“I did know, Profesor. but I ’ve forgotten." Professor—“W hat a pity! The only ,nan ln history th a t ever knew the cause of cancer and he's forgotten it."—Ex ^ I d ^ w a i 3^ ^ ' X n ^ r compared with * to ^ la S T y w r They were sold for $5 per ton T he 0nj0n yfeid ln th is localitv is lighter th an formerly but the qual- ltv ls excellent. Earl Demmm and Sammy and S tanford G otter are ill this week Mr' G ertrude Cahow of Omaha N<' b and J W Cahow ot Portland visited at the G roner home during the week-end. W alnut picking is finished in this vicinity except the gleaning. ,o r which the pickers receive 25c — — — — — — This store will be open nights and a part of Sundays. SYRUP Red & W hite cane — YOU KNOW US! I Pint jug and m aple. ............................................................... BEANS Red & W hite cut. N o . S tins. 2 for ............................................... ORra A/Ve OQo TOMATOES Red & W hite, solid pack. ro. 3 for ..................................................... 6 for .......................................................... $1.03 Tomato Sauce Red & W hite. (M ade from whole, ripe tom atoes). 3 for .................................... 6 for JAMES WHITELAW, Manager 3rd and W ash. Phone 441 1 Zl/* \< T C ’ Red & W hite Floating. 6 for______________________________________ Silhouetti; Corset Section Saturday, October 20 H b y .. . GOxSSA R D ’S I'd s h i on ¿ X p e rt • Vv showing ol the new t.oxvard lin e of Beauty foundation garm ents . . and to give individual figure aruly- sis M odels designed to he worn under the new tubular dresses will he featured including MisSun- p lu ity g a rm e n ts, c o m b in a tio n s , step-ms, IxtiL ¿roundsand brassieres. A Agency Willy» 77 Come in for » dem onstration. CARS PAINTED Used Car Exchange A gency for Nash and Hudson and Terraplane SEE NEXT WEEK’S PAPERS FOR BIG EVENT COMING WATCH YOUR MAIL FOR (T R f’ULAR W EILS WINDOW S AND SI’ECIAI ANNOUNCEMENTS GRAPEFRUIT Blue & W hite, broken, 2s. IE e lEant Your ^Business We say so each week and offer you the best bargains the markets afford. We tell you what is new in our stores, factories and places of business. We want you to come to Hillsboro and to make Hillsboro and espe­ cially our places of business your place of business. Ask (or advertised merchandise and make it a practice to look over our offer­ ings each week in the Argus. Wc Arc Building Your Town and Our Town ¡bWt 27c ADVERTISERS OF J T ilIs b o n O ^ r g u s ! Many other items specially priced for Friday and S aturday. These prices good Octo. I!) find 20 only. Plum,» J 7| W .a r 27c SOAP Red & W hite Laundry. HillsboroMotorCx ’ L*'2 2nd St. Prompt Service . , . CHEVROLETS You'll have no reason to "kick” if this shop repairs your Chevrolet. We render 100% certified service guaranteed to satisfy in every de­ tail. Here you get th e service of killed specialists who understand your Chevrolet from A to Z. If we can’t fix it—junk it! pre BOUGHT and SO LD 2nd and Wash. Phone 2841 MAIN STREET MAIN 81 Specials for October 19 and 20 th a t gangsters object to being i ailed rats, but we are wondering if the rats don't have a "kirk" i oming too! Insurance < an Viitani r >our hi an H i i l ii n * * liinntblv I'.oJ*. . . . ici I I be a n sii'cred in o/n more than 11,000 acres this year. and the seed of this giant white Gas - Oil - Accessories clover 1 s finding a n expanding m arket In many states B ent grass seod production, another develop- m ent of recent years In Oregon, has Cara W ashed and Polished also been m aterially aided by cer- Powers G rocery WE KNOW IT’S H ARD TO BELIEVE R e a l E s t a t e m id to t ^ ich/ere the USED CARS ' - e r l " 'c a l i o n S e r v i c e A id to O r e g o n F a r m e r » « , [ , inarw tinn n f i t , . i o - iz 7 « “ inspection o f t h e 19J4 ,d . 2°?e,r 8e*‘d ?ro»?i' SIna11 ?,™u^ 3 ? } d pot»b*’s and other crops k ^ ^ h o u t th e \ta ta from ^ G R IF F IT H W HAT.. .To Farin Debt Plan Makes Progress "’ii,, Pn,,|rrv E. A. I udt r a drastic n<*w compiil-.o v military settle«* .« t. I G n a to n H an N o m i n a l i «» k most »weeping in history, all mate Italians from S to ' Cattiti*; Baker Selected forth undergo m ilitary training. Youths it ft, t ie d bv l< decree a re pictured above eng.i Ing lu ba» »»net »hill n near Koine. IV * • now pi t If teat ton, and this s duces approximately i»o per 7 ® of the domestic seed supply i f tl S llO W S u H U 1AKSS G rain certification wi rk was car- , Con»Inursi frutti puco I » led on in 22 Gregon eountt«.-.. in­ est Oro\ 172, 174. Southeast For- c h in g the inspection of 4l»»»(> neu est G nn 218, 120; Southwest For- f wheat. (Mts and barley last year t Grove 349. 180; according to a rei*ut bv 1** K Jack Gales Creek 211. 73; Gart n m.in. extension agrouombt and in Home 260 146, East Gaston 146, B4; addition 4050 acre »f alfalfa. l a* lino clover, red clover. In ni I"..i s v , , t ia l V j! ' and English rye gin s w«*:» In pi ‘ . in itii.sH 11> 4. ,t. u-t. ^outh eil and cert if I«1» I A tota: o| lO i e,u?1 Hnlsixux) 4 ».* 184; Southw* a acres of poiato**, in 16 counties Hillsboro 383. 142 142, K m ton 144 43 also received ecu if h at ion Laurel 344. 121; and up- New certification rub Leisy 215. 96; M anning 101, 46. plication blanks have Just been is- Metzger 274. I4i. Middleton 279. sued by Ute exten ion •: \tce and 87; Mountain 62. 38. Mulloy 64. 37; can be obtained at the I North Plain> 185, 90; Wt-.st any county agent Gtuwcrs desiring Nortli Plains 212. 80. Oreneo 246. cert d teat ion this year are urged to 110; Purdin 125. 58; make application immeduu HeedviUe 304. 105; Roy 119. 132; Scholls 217. 48; Sherwood 198 82. Itirtlix North Tigard 294. 185; South T i­ Hlghsinith To Mr a n d Mi gard 271. 126; Tim ber 79. 44; T u al­ Reginald Higlvaullh ol Manning, atin 249. 194; Verboort 125. 86 and G> lolx’r 15. a boy Belville To Mr and Mrs J '1' West 81ope 259. 131. Belville of neat Gaston. OtolM-i 15. a girl Ilolznagel To Mr and Mr- E (.' llolzjiagel. Hillsboro o , :..!»•»• 12 a ___ i 10““1, 1* OffSet b'V a h®”“ 1SaUe' o Vi5 £or ------- Boleen and were N G ardner. Norman Annes Helen he declared. . . Anunon bnn,la-;ngU^ , 2 L . . th e . . Carl Brandt,’ ” William R*. ' S r “ 7M ----------------- ------- E. G and W C Heaton visited F,*\‘lena p o le *“n G uardianship at the Al Craven home m Newbero S,?1" 5 wcrt' lssued for * »JUIiry i v i t t l S O t I Snnriav Clossett Good minors. Ann Louise r • W7 1 Sund*y „. p . Hemmelright and S arah E Steele I OF k^O U llU g VV CCK ria n i a n te s „ _ , Scholls W oman's club will spon- .... _____ _ E- Grosbv. extension special- sor a senes of benefit card parties OREGON F ARMS }st ln . P°uItry- " 'l l discuss prob- The first will be held a t the J DALLAS—The Heesian fly. which e‘7?s ln connection with bringing W. R aynard home November 3 decreased the yield of w heat ln Polk PuIIets m to laving and feeding the jj r . and Mrs. Emil Neltzel of ,an<^ elsewhere, from 5 to la-'lnff nock in W aiiun^ ° n coun- Portland were Sunday guests at the 10 an acre this year, can be ty n€xt weelt according to L. E. L. W Guild home. controlled by good farm ing, says Francis, assistant county agent. Mr and Mrs Elvrn Bell and J R - Beck county agent. The fly Meetings are scheduled Tuesday a t mother. Mrs Elsie Bell, of P ort- Passes through two life cycles a L f t. S u 'W S x K S K i t i s m t S “ ’’ “ c ' « - ¡ 3 “ X e ^ tin g s at a town ettiieim Moi,«!«. Matt lUUe« an«| »Ir,,,. » (mm Ilmen, and lkm (. -,,ur* 'í» He I‘«Uri recorder trcu.siirvr, w, i, u lu»,Ur loi ie election Carl Klu, . Applicai loti »»I t ho Until HEI (A »(her candidate named r,M’ * ,,k office fot $414» in hUmi lo com ­ council. plete the .Sherwood Tonqtllll nmd project was approved till.*» morn lo*t the ud u lv e itl- n,,.,,, , mg a» cording to wont received here The wo,k Is appioxlmately (U ( make your »hopping |,i,Uk 1 ’’ |M*i t f l i t I'oinpffte and til«' piofeet ; apptw ed today will | h i i i ,H IlnHh i ¡ mg the work i Other piole» ts approved Included 6-Room Modern ,,„ me I I,ir fencing of an additional 160 acre of the l ’o n i Oiove waternhed in llill.xlioro, large |„t f land the o|H'ialluil ol the Jackson ll.V o r e h ill'd , H e a r S It tjuai i » to provide nx k (or the park. ‘ O w ner anxioug t * I ’ • ' ltd \h •!s.» I-'I iid a n t a ’ nwil work The flr-t Jeb calls tor ' ' “ 1.1'' »»»>»11 holt h«‘ near ................ » h im III labor and the second $3.103 "U.xlHcsa Kel t Ion. I m lalH»r _ Approve I liree Jobs f or SI RA Programs during good behavior. H Fleenor. second member of the trio indicted for alleged theft of filberts, also plead guilty and sentence was post - poned The third m em ber of the Rtoup was rem anded to th e Juw nlte co« f Alvin Brown of Forest Grove was found guilty of n petty larceny charge Wednesday by a justice ot the peace Jury He was charged with stealing three ducks from C A. Tompkins, also of Forest Grove Sentence was postponed by t h e ¿e until October '27. Jurors were II A K uratli. George Harms. W ard Walker. Glen Burge. George Mc­ Gee and L. E. MacDowell. O rders in the following circuit court eases were issued this week: Jam es Downing vs. William C Hoffman et al. default. Judgment and decree; Liquidation of Bank of Beaverton. authorizing sale of bonds- and Ed Mover et al vs Sherm an Mill comnanv order ' P m icro u.'.'r.. ¡¿.»a .i, Istnan To Mr and Mi estates of Jam es Slater, F E in o,,rav <- r- o Hulsman of near Cornelius K ulner " V F Furdy. S £ u c C k .e G. £ R obert- » M t o M T i p S ’K ’iiw Pacl- ber 15. u boy. Persons to Mr and Mis Merle iO5 f a X e ltu“ c X i a e r 5 P f w k B i ^ >'ea 'A : ' L u d w ?g \‘u G ,m ^ '.i^ m U l 'ie V ' ' - portation for wheat tan n ers in. ■' "■■■—.■ ' ■ Eastern Oregon and Idaho, bring- boro during the first nine m onths ing freight through Portland, bring- of this year according to McGee ing new industries to Oregon and Tins am ounts to 68 4 per cent of resulting in an industrial devel- the theoretic 75 per cent anticipat- opm ent along the Columbia river ed, showing a delinquency of col- S C H O L L S S ch o lls G range wui Farm ers should not be im patient lections in the city of 6.6 per cent meet Saturday. Plans w ill be dis- with progress made under the pres- McGee stated th a t this small de- cussed fox* the an n u al community ent adm inistration. M artin contend- linquency was probably due to ta x ­ Thanksgiving dinner and also for ed. pointing out th at the farm payers taking advantage of the the council meeting at Sherwood price to u t« a .. . 183t th ree per cent discount for paying November•_ level. Bad weather conditions have their total tax with the first q u art- Preaching service a t M ountain retarded progress in this state but erly payment. Home church Sunday a t 11 a m those who have crops have fe:t the Total ot more than $2a.000 has bv Re\ \V E Simpson effect of Increased farm prices he been spent by the government on Raspberries Ripe said. Farm ers should realize th at CWA and SERA proeets within tlie , ,, it win take several years under city and out of a total of »282183 » « improved conditions to pay bills expended by both the city and table use a r d jam making Incurred under adverse conditions government on six projects. These and get back on th eir feet. He include the drainage, airport, city the past few weeks at t h ? S u r k eess a t tn e a ta rx pointed out th a t the agricultural hall, records, park and library pro home helping with the building program of th e government was the jccts. of a garage and woodshed. result of recom mendations of farm T hat all delinquent occupation Brotherhood meeting was held leaders. taxes are either collected or con- , , , . . j . j u , at the R ichard Joyce home Mem- T hat the lumber industry would traeted to be collected by the first bers were present from Laurel, feel a great revival this spring was of the year was M cG ees report At K i n to n a n d M ountain H o m e the prediction of Congressman Alar- present there are 158 individuals churches. Senator Burke was tlie tin. This will result from the Fed- or firms jiaying occupation taxes peakcr. eral Housing act designed to aid in the yearly am ount of $2400. . Family Moves family ^ V a ^ ^ s “ opening t o X ? Ti^ ^ v°n t^ d F r' db V iOll°’ j ? 8 th e ^ d a /w e ^ /p o ^ tf H IL L S B O R O , W it h W h ic h Iu C o m b in e d T h e K illu h o r o I n d e p e n d e n t ■