h i u i .H ita y , < li l i ' l i c r I H, I '.I.! I THE — ♦ Advertising Class K o i n i m 11\ m Il I I. I.S It O II O i 11 m mi \ r ¡ I i -M«l A llG IIS , H IL L S B O R O , it In » Le ecu- .¡..I N-, 44V ; of aai'l «''»un- I 67 ' 4L' went thence north ore or less to ng, containing OREGON Page Eleven N O T H E <»l I IN In the on. fo r Wa«htn: I in the M a tte r of V incent, het-«,.»«. ! Notice ia hereby ’ algn«*i. a.iminiatrat< i .«- wm | of the ahot filial his fin a l m » ourt of the State hccl ...n h i . XI - 1 1 1 I I M l X'l :Le £ a ta le of H h ild rrn of S eattle visited Mr. a n d E lm er B atchelder S atu rd ay . Helvetia Band . < Mrs. Mrs Perry is Mrs Ilutchcldei ti sister a n d Victor F euerstein spent Gives Benefit the Hector w eek-end a t th e ir hom e here. T I H mb ' MI 7 fet iven th at the und c N o rlh h i I la »si ( I r t i < « h i i l i n * < lo se a i I * «» « Io« k W n h i r i l . i y N imin III. ce of L«n w ith Out W ill i .-Laina to more or I« entitle*! astute ha . T hey a re w orking in th e woods on Hni.t «ale w ill Li oh III« follow ing a Ï 8 /4 a. unt in the Courity Iti Al»1 M IK K I • « 11 H Mr Hood, w here they stay with id W iíilam »••ro. A» lem • or.e (bird In ca»h and U d ii I fo r f O r.-zon, for Wu«»e aion»; t | Ito , |n (, thè Luíam e to Le pani w ith in tw o yi-ar» th e ir b ro th e r • Iloots Feuerstein III It.. Hill»)» H II. lll.H IU .IS AT that Monday. the 2« ami 4*. am i to Lear Interest nt a rate of at I It Xl 3ft Mr and Mrs I hi vid Zenor have rr, 193 4. ut the hour IVth day of Nov ml 1/2 rhui h-M»t (. per cent per annum. . il» m i r,,r retu rn e d from a week’s visit w ith h w l i t i f I ’ t-i i l i f i o i i m a tt- , of AU id day in the of ten o'clock a to A (» J O H N S O N . <« laruian of the per­ 'Le m e Last aio •-»vh» about lino . Binimi, in the C ./urt House th e ir son. Jo h n Zenor, a n d wife (d ain ty O .u r t It' m! 4». 66 rc T« u i. an tn- ! •ir I.I.J.*. i .on . son am i re ta le of fi. h 111 i-t li 111 g larger in Hillsboro, VX ngton C« mi < ire- a t Agate Beach. ►'Irat In»»»* 0 * r * " r*l lining »ie pi of L« ing. 81-6 i .ni I n w n hu,*, • i the fin a l c n n pet etit peruon I n m I ( » i t * n . . . r . m . l gon. has Leon ui it«d um the 'H y M m . J ih n M Davidson! ,N i> eervhe »!»••» 86e) 11,.', of f IT-11 publication KeptemLer 60. | r. 24. Mrs M arvin Plionan of H ed- place for the hearing of 1 im u >t . i , i,. « H ill h a te of last publication October I In s e r t io n , nie. 6 L m . I Itu y T 1 H It I W of W ill Mer I., m ond spent M onday a n d T uesday l»Mt.-<| tl.l HELVETIA H elvetia band ober. 19 14 Esc h alitili tonni mt said fin a l account and th« • ., « la ulti» ha ed the l l t h day of (»Ct.4.er. 1934. A » f. T e le p h o n e JA< « »II I. X A N Ir : IM I l.l il giving a benefit eoneert and d a n ce Vb.tting Mr and Mrs. E lm er B uteh- Adiri litisi ra- im . m < thereof. 1 M ( O N N E E E . H h e r.ff of Wash , Nu «er* tee le i tiu»n xftci > • f (Le • .o f i Ila re , b a te <»f firs t put.Ii.-ati >n f» .’ <4,«^ a t the H elvetia H all S a tu rd a y n ig h t c ' ■'/. Oregon, by It»» Lard flu e t,, Utile i foi Lui ln M « A lc.tr A N O T H h O F 1 I N A I. H E 1 T I.E M F .N T f*.r A llo IlM tlvra. »»•» iin * help defray expenses of ad- Mr a n d Mrs. Abe Youngen, E laine liar.« M> A lcar A Peter«, A tto r ­ 1V3I. b a te of laat puLlici Aion N rmiM-r to Roy . rat«»r. 83-7 In the « .< tiy Court of the State of O re- ( N " service I«" than 96c » d itio n al ¡nstruna-nts. T h e public is Youngen, Mr. and Mrs. D avid ney« for P la in tiff. «4-M j 16. li»34. N \ N 'I I h « I. W uaLington County. gon, fo «al I ,H » N H. D A V IS . Adm Hanti M onty rao.r w,*h invited. All are urged to come a n d Tschahoid, C lara Tschabold and No 13 IK Al ( uuni W ord* Nt» I H I II» ( 1(1 D IIO R S In the M u tter of l he Estate of Vernon t l Lp the W ill anneced of the Fatale of H (f ( tm iit Y »Mir Profits do th e ir b it to h e lp t h e group. H arold McCuen a tte n d ed th e lia r- Notice i> Lert*by given that t Le under- N O T H E O F S H E R IF F ’S HALF. Kdwurd Newland. I»weaaed. III I LA N D n le limi hr itile • <5. Vincent. Deceased. P E Patteraon, A 1 .«I In. . uppointa.l executor» of N o ’ L e I» hereby given that the under« No. 101M T hey are trying to m ake H elvetia v,' ' t festival a t th e C olum bia slough I nil III < » i ut-. l ’Lodi I ..r N «H per- t ortiey fo r the A d m inistrator. 36- Illat k Face Msedhigs I VX U 6p till- . 'lu t e of W illia m (' II.trim .n. ,le- alpnerl, ad m in ia traio r w ith the W ill an- in the C ircuit • ourt of the State of O re ­ a livelier and h a p p ie r place In R eform ch u rch Sunday. niiltä*!. the (H u n ty ( o»j f the neMcd of the « -ta le of Verm .n Edw ard I H K I I Lcu.l . gon, for W ashington County. horses for »ule. i n bed • ****** od, by s t a t v h v s t ••* » I2»»u !.. Kin.i Hat . 4 to Hi year w ife . Sunrise Finance Company, ( rec­ H ilt-b o ro A riel« 'w ith which 1« rem- “ r " I L a n t* ber 10 w ith 16 m em bers present lew > e<| 111 r .»I, to »uni under-ig ned, a l the lay In the County Court r«u»m In the lasued. ord owner ', an Oregon « orporation. »Ingles alni iiir I c I km I teema I W bm -d ih« H U bhore I n. leper,deni,. pub- Sim pson. M tss H elen D raw n, jje x t m eeting will be a t ’ lie home " fin .- .»f 'I L**>»l"rt* (ipaund, 4uV Term inal •urt ll.eiwe In IfillBboro, W auhington and llreaae A irc ra ft C orporation, a co r-j W alch Kt H illsb o ro . I fi’tO feet I„h ed w w k iy , t H ill.ic .ro . O r« ,.,n . for Mr. aial Mrs A S. Wiley, M iss H e„n- h h » h. u lluild ing . Portland. Oregon, w ithin ( .»unty, Oregon, L um Leen appointe»! B tM itll N poration. i>efemlanta i i e . t e i. ]»«« Vivian Reynolds. M r a n d Mrs. H enry »L sh c^N o v em b er 11. 34t f ton alat Lm • M ilita froi Ih* dale und firs t pub­ tim e and place for the hearing of f an exe. .’ «on judgmen» b U te o f Oregon. County of W ashing- C lark ZuTCher. M r a n d Mrs T o m v< « “ V i k5 ek 1 i ANNOCNt I M IN TS •». of thiB not »e. objections to aaid fin a l account and lly virtue H ’ tKSKS, I X I |«A (¿0(11» too. H inton * _ * M 1(»0 II.» . Binale order. • «*’ • A .I.I..I.I ________I SJ— t t- rwi ^z.n PoFwsw v t r u n -t r ’ loeP o r v r r a i » a im e r s a.ttf H A N K f Oct.d/er, 1934. upon t h e ' I S IA K K . E *e ,u «.r» of the N< uvemLer It, 1W84 1 .1 .0 •'"< •»«■• "•*■•* 6«l, . « r n « c o r ti « u> 1.-. W H eng«. E S teiner, a n d M rs. ™ Harmo» J J W lK M E K . A d m in ia tra io r w ith rendered I entered in aaid re (»iMtund, A ttorney the 12th day of September, a i t i the W ill annexed of the Fatate o f V e r T..3». in for Plain« 1 I m . A l"ha Estate 33-7 non Edw ard New land, benaaaed P. E favor "f tin- p la in tiff, for the sum of old people. • ’ * f X M I.I. • * » * for Referen. Patterson, A ttorney fo r A d m inistrator. |lf,o«-'i'. prirn-ipal. together w ith Interest •» M t. N VX per month < a ih e N ( » I I ( E OF » I N A I. S E T T I ! M E N T there* ri from A p ril 24, 1933, at the rate of the ownership, managem ent, etc., of W 'e a ttie r W a2> SO m i l d I h llroU . I l t a M ania . I r w l . a n y t h - — “ t im th e ■ . oí « n v •. i—•. * , s 111D - », . • n ug —r, ie n », — n ... o, * — , ,«9 aaaaav » vaa < a i In the • .»unty ( " iir i of the State of O re ­ N O T IC E O F A D M IN IS T R A T O R S H A I.K <»f seven per cent I VX i » year old N ili nie ow am i • a lf fur p track . „ . i ,i... . . „ . „ r w e n t s u m m in g . gon, foi \X sailing ton County M ( Sher y im s I. Heur W iti L H '.zrl attorney g^own j n above caption, required by OF RE A L PROPERTY iy statues fee»» herein, and thi l u l l home p o rtra lla . groupe No. 4178 . 1 . »,.,1 d l.l.u r ..- (h< A c t o f A u r ,J„ 24 lv :2 TObod.rti in b . !».ud house Mr. a n d Mrs. C . Scholderm an 36p Notice ia hereby given that by virtu e merits of thia suit, and em ta and dis- J . t.m uO fu i figure« In gr»« ful lewe» In the M atter of (lie Eaat W ill am i Tant- P o rtlan d were guests of h e r • aiiltig fr«»»i. Kuy Del» hnai.n. photographer J I IU Y cow. Decree ami license of the Lursem. ' J - on thia w rit, dem anding m e 1 section 411, Foetal Law s and Regula­ of ament anil Fs>tat«? of Colurnbua • W h it­ of Order .a il «I» J K J tions. to -w it: brother. H enry Bishop, S unday. in a n . ( i a i l L a l i l l A v I'Lofii* 2IU7 H ili» Hill» i '.»in ly C./nrt <»f the S tate <»f Oregon, for to make rale of the follow ing described HI IV Maple Ht.. more. D c .-USMÌ al( i sculptor, Iw .r i. J ftU W ashington County, Oregon, made and 1. T h a t the names and addresses of the R obert Davidfton W eds Noti.«* is hereby given that th« un.ler- 1114 pr«/perty situate real property in W ashington l...ru Ph»*t 1 A M IE Y Jcraay c w for sale < husinea managers are: Publisher«, M c­ Claud ■ igiirii c».«. ut«»r of tliv last w ill am i tc*V- entered upon the Hdh day of October. Mr. a n d M rs. J o h n D avidson a t- ! /only Oregon, t o - w it : See t in the m atter of I lie E state of I .-.k e l( t I . llilIsLo».. K inney A M cK inney . Fxlitor and m an­ tended th e wedding of th e ir son a “ ""!. üï .'....... ,&t' am eni am i « -ta i. of i . |>.n Lu ('. W h it- H»3t »2 6p The East one-half (*-j> of Lota or ager W V ern e M cK in n ey ; Associate edi­ R obert to M iss M arjorie Q Mayes h l(,l. IÍK ID >cui obi (iucrnsry hull tuore, .le, cased, hu» f il c l his fin a l ac* Juo,.s Sluter. DereuMcd. I w ill, from and T rarta numbered Si« «4» and Seven tor. M r«. K. C. McKinney. f"t u lc II I. I lint | I . h y f t I on I l- ,1.1 I I N IM M »•'■■“' 3 Ip count uml rr|M,rt u • such « »c utor in the a fte r the Vth day of November. 1934, graits.l 17». Spem er Homaatesd, as the same ... f ’. ««- a t H eedsport Sunday. T hey were s«-ll at p rivate »ale to the higheet bidder, 1 » » In u la p r . « « “ « .! a '“ ' 2. Th a t the ow ner* are M r* E. M ( AHH paid for g.Mul, fr.*sli rows am i • ••unty court of the S 'a te of Oregon, for appears of record r«*. !»*•**••. »d. Ihan •tore Sf* 31 Hillsboro. W’aahington County, pirea J an u ary 1», 1937. Anderaon a Jew».«» M II |tnm p residrm •• und uddrie*». H ill* - gon, and bids w ill l»e received at aaid House a at o ffn e fo r said property from und a fte r Oregon, at public auction, subject to 1 i 1,1 I .I l UH pplre am- I »a k Loro. Oregon, A ttorney fo r s a id LICEN SED EMBALMERS redempt the higheat bidder foe I N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S I Bring your ow it |.n k y«M»i F-state SS-7 the Vth day of November. 1934. and I.O ST a n i » » O H M ’ Dated tin - l l t h day of Oct«4»er. 1934. -h in ha mi. all the rig ht, title and in ­ • elf H E a tm k In the County Court of the State of O re ­ i t , u f ■■■i - ' • » ' « ' '* K 1 , ’ FITFJtS. A d m in ia tra io r o f the terest whn h the w ith in narre»! lefend- FU NERAL D IR E C T O R S S e lfr id g e B ro s. P h o n e 21X Junior high ech«» N O T H E TO ( KF b lT O R H gon, fo r the County o f W ashington, I» . . . II" - ., S '" » ' W’yatt and A nna M W y a tt, I A I Pl.F-S (. I.Irn a h .I K.»l D e lh i' us. fur Probate D epartm ent. In the ( «»unty < "u rt • f the State o f O re- M Al.-ar A Peter«. Attorneys fo r A d m in - his wife PH ILC O DEALERS .. . W a l l» S « » ’ . '■ Sunrise Finance Company, a »aie, f,uc hot Bring le.»e» M f : g"ii. f«»r W ashington County. Notice i« hereby given th at the under- 84-8 corpora'ior or eith er of them had on W ..It, W.w*t Mi: 34 7p In (be .Matter >f the E etate of Adolph istrator. the 24th .lay of October, 193*», and since s*vned has been appointed adm inistrator Henry W olf. be. .-use.I N O T H f : T O ( R E D IT O R S of the entate of Archibald R. W rig h t, «aid date had in and to the above I X lll'l N I 1 •«I'*«- • H. ROOMS a m i A l'A H IM E M S N o th e Is hereby given, that the under- In the Courity Court >f the S tate of O re ­ any purtiu a there- »>» ih e < u u r.tr Court of the crib «! premise«, c N . * l e , is hereby yiven 0 . the level voters nt School D is tric t No. J. of W «eh- W l I.E furnished m-slerii apart "«•nt f'*r siu'i« 'l ba ’ I k -« i duly « »nfirmed by the f r W ashington C.ajr.ty, if, to satisfy said • u r a t i a a . judgm ent s ,< t® ,,f . huí gon. for W ashington County p lu ll'l adults, !it>ove entitl.»! court as A d m in is tra to r o( In (be M u tte r of the Estate of L a u ra A. S l , u " f O r e v n . th at » School M eetlny of said d i.tr ic t w ill he held and has qualifie«!. A ll persons having t4tf -rder and decree, interest, attorneys fee- ¿‘ »u*ne H 14 furiitdisal the Folate of raid «!«• eased, and has claims against said estate are hereby a Lnn.n Rurh School, on the 6th .ley of November. l» 3 i. a t 3 o'clock in the a fte r- ■outs and accruing «aits. M iller, Deceased. uly garage Miified as m. niMified Ut present the same, duly veri­ noon for the p u rjx *c o f diacuaaing the budget herein after set out w ith the levying Dated O' ••4»er 16, 1934. Notice is hereby given that the under­ w ANTEIL MI m •rll.iliro u * » 34p therefore. persona hnvi.ig signed ha» t*«*s*n duly confirm ed by the baled " f firs t publication October 18, fied, us by law required, to the under­ b<»wrd, and to vote on the proposition of levying a district tax. fil­ .n a t H a t . ebma The total arm/unt of money needed by the said school district during the fiscal id estate are hereby above entitled court as E x eru tu r <»f the I ' 1 it b a te ■-f la»' publication. November sign«! at the office of H illsboro Argus V vit.«! and ■ *s> r«».ms to I* miin • tified arid re»iuire»| to pr«*ent t h e « aah li.-w w ith in six months from the date her«»f. >«»r beginning on June, 1934, and ending June. 1935. is estimate«! in the follow ing East W ill anunta to l»e received from the county school fund, state • together w ith proper vouchers there- ceaaed, and has duty qualifie«! as Fuch ; Dated and first published October 1 J W C O N N E L L . S h e riff <>f WTashing- -s ilt | .h .« r (• r. Io the under Iglirsl at the law of- fund, elem entary school fund, d is tric t ta x , and all other moneys of the dis- » n (1 Now. tberef.*re all persons having ton < ty. Oregon. 36-9 1934 b a te o f last publication November , w ish.««" » \ N I M i O M - iul. 11 •»» of H are. M. A lear A Feten», in the claim s against »aid estate are hereby 15. 1934. trie t, n *« : ’ W rite I' FARM LOANS maple f g m il u r * C H A R L E S E. W R IG H T . A d m in istra to r j B l’DG ET Shule Havings B»i.k building in HEta- notifie*! anil re«iuire«l to present the If change your address k in d ­ , i Portland X EM ' ey t . -an I F F « lie r a i L a n i...ro, (» re v i» , w ith in six months from same. John Olsen, A tto rn ey. Estim ated Receipts VX hltaker W s i tinier her w ith proper voucher* ly notify the Argus d ire c t a n d a t of raid Eatate. W A EN V T H wanted E j i In b * 'li I» t lute here»»/. bank rt»w La» ample fui 424 R a ilw ay Exchange Bldg.. P ortlan i I Balance on han«l at beginning of school year 4198.27; fro m county high sch.Mil therefor, to the undersigned at the law once »ie S Telephone nut I ’a .k tn g p lan i. O v .- r 11.out» loan to farm er« at 4% iistrNl thia 3rd day ..f Oct..her. 1931. Oregon. 35-9 ' tu itio n fund fo r tu itio n >9301.73. trans porta ton MOOO.OO. T otal estimate«! receipts o ff.'« » of H are. M -A le a r A Fetera in 81-kp W M ‘ I llg t " h'M» Las I mwi * ¡.»ane»l > 15,500.00. II W I KK KF. IT . A d m in istra to r of the Sh.i’ c Saving» Bank building in H ill» - W r I ' e r*'un(y farm ela («y the La ni I i -tufe Hure M< A lear A Peters. lw .r o . ( I r W ' Q, w ith in six months fro m the GENERAL C O N T R O L - E ’ U « > *« Washington C. uri- ■A.’ orney» f« r A d m inistrator. ra il fo r particulars 33-7 date h«-r«* f N -.'i.e ' L« reby given that the Budget Com m ittee of the C ity of Hillsboro. ty N a tio n al Funi Euan Association, Superintendent l»Mt.*d this l l t h day of October. 1934. > 2.000.00 OAhington ( ..unty, Oregon, a m unicipal corporation, has filed in the office of the J M F e ..o n , se«r( r ? ,: N O T IC E K t < R E D IT O K H ■ F.I M E R E E E M IL L E R . E x e c u te of 270.00 The C ity Council of said C ity , the detailed « » tim a t« of the Stenpher* and other office assistants I.u , Ilo r.d .» . k , l.'— > íu rn H u r» , 1126 N ' I« hereby given ti..:’ the under- the East W ill and Testam ent <»f said I»e- levying I*oard. t,/-w it 50.00 Elections and publicity I ’eters, A tto r- total amount <»f money pr. p*wed to l>e raic«J by taxatio n and expend«! by said k im l ha« (wen appointed Fixe* ut**» of cea»e.l Hare. M r A lear 85.00 SV...I.U »' . IIIH*1 m unicipal < urporation fo r all purposes fo r the year 1935, which estim ate* are a* Legal service «clerk's bond, aud it, etc. i 34-8 'lie East W ill and Testam ent of Ras­ iicy« for Executor 150.00 follows Total expense o f general control mus Nelson. b«*e*»ed. am i that said ap- > 2,556.00 G E N E R A L F I N D — 1915 l l l l l' W AN 1 1 1» IN S T R U C T IO N Supervision— i uitm* i.t was confirm ed by an order H l'M M O N S II. N(»TI< E to < RF.I»IT(»RS Principals Prop«««! Budget«! 9 Months Expended Expend«! Expend«! f..r , w . - r » l by the «¿ounty ( *urt of the S tate of , n , ht. C ircu it Court of the m -.*. « O re- Budget 1.800.00 .f ( In the ( ' ounty l'*a irl of the State of (»re- made *'•»»»•<•<•»• - in ( » r e g ■. 1935 T o tal expense, supervision ..... fo r W ashington ( >mtity on the Exp. 1934 1933 1931 , gon. f*»r the County o f W ashington. r . r . ..« 125 00 I . l b ,l.y ..f A I) i M t . l n i h . „ . , r lr t p i» |n t|ff . 125.09 > 125.001 IN S T R U C T IO N T e a c h in g - 125.00 > I'r<4>«te D epartm ent. C ity A ttorney Teachers M atter <>f the Fatate of Rasmus Nelson. v# 600.00 500.00 435.(8/ 399.00 139.00 18.315.00 55.00 ________ - ____ Node» is hereby given (hat the under- In UH — Supplies «chalk, paper, etc.) J’ *' 1 robnttting to probate the 1-oat Lloyd Crotxer and M ildred ('r o tser. hus- J 100.09 150.09 43 41 98.09 31.51 186.00 ' 500.00 ' slgnesl E lls C lara Htrurken has l»een ap- W ill and Tiwtam ent of Rasmu« Nelson. «- Ky Engineer and T o tal expense o f teaching band am ! w ife. Defendants. 18.815.00 W OltK U YN 1 F I> M unger 11 2.145.00 2.203.01 O P E R A T IO N O F P L A N T — I»«*e«»ed. ami that the undersigned. To Lloyd Crotaer, the at*»ve named de­ 2.109.09 1.594.85 2.404.14 1.C92.94 s_l ,, f.-'ii. i. . »«• ..............' i \ . C ity Hall H e nry Johnson, has duly qualified as 800.09 Jan itors and «»(.her employes 800.00 466 17 883.24 743.34 1,700.00 W X N I 685.64 fendant : C ity Property , .„>.1, '■> “ ’ " Z ; ( ourt of the State of dreg**». E»r W ash­ SUch F'.XeCutor Jan ito rs’ supplies '• 50.00 4t| x 40.53 20.31 25.94 250.00 In the *w«B„e N am e of viae the S tate of O regon: 79.84 ; ington County, and ha- qualified A ll Fuel and telephone Now therefore, all persona h a v i n g You are hereby required to appear and S?tjr Recorder 1.300.00 1.275.00 W GruMt. 853.76 1.169.12 1.201.40 1.302.00 I 1.000.00 persons Laving claim» against »aid estate 600.1)0 L ig h t and power 500.00 wanta any kind of 594 50 r ___ _____ _ ____ _ claims against said estate are hereby answer the com plaint filed against you Emergency 719.34 709.00 311.59 ; V t ltlN G man er l>ste«l and first 359.00 chickens w.ajd 2 .0 0 0 .0 0 •1.000.09 2.000.09 2.000.00 4 t . v tT T otal expense f m aintenance and repair* 500.00 2.000.00 f last publication November Tongue J r . in the Com m ercial Block, in f „ r want ther«»f p la in tiff w ill take a L ib ra ry 1934 Date 850.00 2 .3 0 (1 .0 0 ____ ____ ___ 3.410.00 a u x il i a r y A G E N C IE S - 2.109.90 1.573.65 1.736.36 2.978.96 (he C ity o f Hillsboro. Oregon, w ith in six judgm ent against you ____ foi _____ the _____ sum __ of Lights (Streets' I. 198« K K»K S M » *l‘»* «■"»«»**•“ » 459.00 Î L ib ra ry bcoks ..................................... ................. 460.(8' 450.«8) 393.75 405.00 386.25 F'.xecu- months from the date of the fir s t pub- $ . i o<. together w ith her c««.ts and dis- M ayor A Council CLARA « T R U C K EN . ELEA 150.00 and M isceilan«>us 1 0 9 .0 0 175.00 of this notice, to -w it W ith in ..... ________________ 167.18 | Transportation of pupils 451.51 537.27 144.33 l»ur»e«nent» herein. 33-7 lication í I Ilk R 14.250.00 rl Davis. tris . 200.00 200.00 Domestic Science Six months from September 2". 1934. And y<*u are fu rth e r notified th at the P a rk : Gen. Exp. 200.09 200.00 200.00 100.00 36-Mp 2.950.09 2.975.09 M anual T ra in in g 2.552.60 2,671.90 IIF .N K Y J O H N S O N . Executor of the p la in tiff herein has caused an attach- Dept. 1.968.59 3.166.58 N O T IC E O F F IN A L H E T T I E M E N T Xerm m ia, Ora. 200.00 W ill deliver I , T otal expense of a u x ilia ry agencies to be h «u «I «»ut of the above P rin en- tin g and ln the County Court o f the State nf East W ill and Teetam ent o f Rasmus N e l- mt.„ | 14.700.00 H .A K A„ 206 45 F IX E D C H A R G E S — ---------- ---------- ___ Stationery 175.09 175.00 88.86 s«»n. Dereaa«! Thus. H . Tongue J r.. A t- titled court and cause _______ attaching your 205.29 34.89 Orgguft. fo r Washingt« n County Itey Delsmsn. B’.tf In »he M a tte r of the Kstate of Al rshaet torney fo r Executor. 150.00 150.09 178.89 Insurance W ashington S a n itary Sewer 24.65 62 50 31-6 re« | property situate I n 215.16 800.00 2197 I'H.J»., 190.67 I Street Im provem ent ............... 109.00 51.48 71.01 Fred follows, to- Storm Sewer 75.36 ale County. Oregon, describ«! D rake. Derafcaed. 600.00 fence P«»«* '* * 4 HAH N O T IC E OE R E A L E S T A T E H A I.K 109.00 T ra ffic 50.09 .40 T o tal fixed charges 14-«p 19.65 w it : Notice ia heceby given »hat the iinder- 1.300.00 Haaee. Rt 2, Cornelius. 35.06 C A P IT A L O U T L A Y S --- T ra c to r Beginning on the South line of sign«l administ rat r t « of the »state of Notice is hereby given that the under- New fu rn itu re and equipm ent ____ the Richard W illiam « Claim No. 42 in Abrahm Drake. deren««!, has filed her sign«!, W illiam F Crow e am i Beulah V. 90V.-ÎO 11. CARS AND TIKES >19.*77«'O >18.725.00 >11.700.50 >15.812.46 >17.734 99 >20.485 15 T w p I. N R. 2 West 19.50 chains. Total Gross T otal cap ital outlays * such adm in- Crowe, fin a l account and rvp«i husband and w ife, w ill sell on I U l l l l truck IM 2 *“* l" " * V» L«orl- D E B T S E R V IC E •(1 9 3 3 ! N and 1 <»6 chains east of the 8. W . the county court of the »ealed bids to the highest bidder at I.L -. » U M b a H H . w .. ^ k « . Ht . I. ist rat rix P rin cip al on bonds corner of Section 32, T w p 1 N. R. 2 »‘clock A. M. on Saturday, the 15,000.00 36p state of Oregon, fo r W ashington ruuti» | l> Accounts Payable 9 m«». proportional. P rin cip al on w arrants West, thence South 84* 26' East on Corneliue ty. amt that said fin a l account nnd re- 27th day of October, 1934. at the o f- 4,300.00 Audits 125.00 > 93.75 (1933i 3.585.00 Trans, to S c Fund Interest on bonds the South lin e of the claim 1.43 1-3 port has l>een set for fin a l hearing and five of D o rr E. Keasey, N< 616 Stark 6.180.00 L ib ra ry (1933) 1.000.00 Interest on w arrants chains; thence No. 0* 40' East 7 settlement before «si.I • .u r t at the court Street. Portland, O regon, the follow ing 2.400.00 Lie. Remit 350.60 352.50 >29.397.46 T o tal debt service chains, thence N 84* 26' W . 1.43 1-3 r«*mg in the Counties of W ashington and W a rlo rd I Refus«! ! to place of beginning, containing Y a m h ill. State o f Oregon, to -w it : T o tal estimated expenses fo r the year f said day. 72,900.00 licen se. >‘-’6 ona acre, in the County of Wash­ D a t« | and firs t publish«! Septenmer A ll that part of W apato L ake Total oitim ated receipts, not including proposed tax 15.500.00 >3.710.25 >1.47 L50 nellns. i,l,, | 2" 19.1« D ate of last piihlivaticn Octo- ington. S tate of Oregon. Subdivision accNirding to the o ffic ia l Balance, am ount tp ba raised by district tax II tltalxw > 57,400.00 9 mo. proportioned C H E D aut*» parts fo r V g lf ' I»er IN, 1934 l»lat thereof on file and o f record in You are fu rth e r notiifed that if you ^ « n ia a ry of Estim ated Expenditure^ addition >2.232.75 2.232.75 W reckers M A I ’ DF M T A Y I.O lt . A d m in istra trl fa il to answer o r appear hereit . and the o ffu e s o f the Recorders <»f Con- Personal service ............................. . >38.385.00 of t h«* l&Hgte of Xl inhnm Drake. 1». a fte r judgm ent is e n te r« ! in this case, veyanr«* of Y a m h ill County a n d Supplies .............................. >3.710.25 750.00 >3.710.25 »--------------- the p la in tiff w ill apply to the above en­ ce«s«|. M II Bump, residence and ad- W ashington County, O regon, lying M aintenance and repair* 860.00 ............. >13.933.25 t it l« ! court for n W rit «»f Execution Net General Operations «Irees, Hillsboro. Oregon, A ttorney for West uf the drainage ditch at or Debt service 28.080.00 directing the S h e riff of W ashington ( ’••un­ said eatate. S I-6 near the East Inm ndary line of said I HF D But** parts. s« "i»d hand f a r m Miscellaneous sum G E N E R A L O B L IG A T IO N B O N D S — 1935 4.835.00 ty. Oregon, to sell the above d««rrdved Interest on Sutnlivision and met«» and hounds 1 m ih .:;* ,. *..-v »*•"*". «"* T otal ................................... > 72.900.00 N O T H K T O ( R E D IT O R S tract» adjacent thereto, am oun ting in r«w»I property in the m anner provided by Refunding Bonds > 2.462.00 > 2.783.00 sale »260 geeond BE . . Indebtedness > 3.113.00 > 3.223.00 > 3.223.00 Notice Is hereby given, that the un­ law. th«* aggregate to 82u acres, m ore or Sinking Fund Amtvunt o f bonded indebtedness (include all w arra n ts issued dersigned has been ap«»oinled Adm inis­ less. together w ith a I I drainage This sumnums is served upon you by R efunding Ronds by vote o f electors >133.500.00 2.800.00 2.217.00 2.387.56 1.727.00 3.000.00 tra tr ix of the Flatate of John Dennis. Id. iliicbea, dikes. c«»ncrete control works, order of the H«»n. G«»rge R. Bagley, Interest on Am ount of w a rra n t indebtedness on w arra n ts issued and tide gates, pump«, am i applianc«» us«l Judge of the above e n titl« ! c«»urt, duly Pum per Ronds » endorsed “ not paid fo r lack of funds'* 42.060.23 > . ( <»KJ>H dry ash w »«l Very re a -m - Dr< <» ns «I. by an order made am i entered 262.50 36p in the County C’«mrt of the State of in the drainage thereof, and all made ami entered on the 8th day of Oc- S in kin g Fund T o tal indebtedness ahis» l ’h«a»e 784 >175.550.23 t.4»er. 1934. rights of way app urten ant to said Dated this IOth day of October. 1934. • *» 69 . sawe«i Oregon, for W ashington County, on the Pum per Ronds 1.800.00 . »I’ R-foot dry oak w.»«l 145.66 1.000.00 1.000.00 premises, a p artic u lar description nnd Date of first publication Oct«4»er l lt h . Interest on |,efo‘re delivery >1 Phone 20l>. '-»’ f 26th day of September, 1934, nnd that n 1 » |, ..f l . . t p „ b lir.t,..n N o vem b ir 'B „ nd, -he has duly q u a Iifi« l as sm h A dm in­ plat of which premises are filed at Budget Comm ittee. S E A S O N E D oak and country slab woml 1.500.00 1,500.00 1.500.00 the office of said D o rr E. K<»asey. 1 »t h. I 9.1 4. 1.600.00 T P Goodin. H. t T b e m p » » . F. L . B raw n, John W . K . m n . , Dirwrtom . In - istratrix . Sinking Fand S«we*l any length before delivery Now therefore, all persona having to which reference may he had by SENN A RECKKN, A ttorneys fo r A tte s t: L. C. L O M A X . D istrict Clerk. 661 Funding Bonds 1.500.00 1.000.00 side block wood. T ru m a n l<»y«l. 466.78 500.00 35-6 claims against said estate n r e hereby 1.500.00 any attending bidder. P la in tiff. 908 Public Service Building. | tltgr w t I I'.f W IL L IA M C. C H R IS T E N S E N . C hairm an. Board of Directors. on N in th St Phone H illsboro 2‘ ' m»tifi<<«l and r « p ilr « l to present them There I» hereby reserved all personal Port Ismi, Oregon. 34-8 P ark Bonds 675.00 675.OÍ. H U R T Class W.wsl fo r «ale F ir, «»ak and w ith the proper voucher«, to the under- property on said premises except the mo 575.00 Interest on C ity ash IU y Delsman Phone sig n al A d m in istra trix at her residence tor u»ed in connection w ith said dram - N O T R E TO ( K E D IP lK S 500.00 1.000.00 at 1324 Jackson Street, llillshoro, O re- Mge plant ami the heller reserves the In the County ( ’ourt of the Sta*e of <»re­ H a ll Bonds tin Notice is hereby given to the legal voters o f School D is tric t No. 7 o f W ash- Sinking Fund ». «»r at the L aw O ffic e «»f Tho H . rig h t to twrupy the hay barn on said gon. fo r W ashington Countv. D IE 8 F E end fuel oil. IJeorge E. Ilem l •n*D *n 8.063.13 signed ha» been duly confirm ed by the Am ount Payable to General Obligation ants BUDGET her 27. 1934. Term » of sale cash: C e rtified check above entitled eourt os F'xeeutor o f the .1 |% m it a H. B rin » . « . k . Estim ated Receipts ( IIF’ A T E V A M c C O llM IC K , A d m in is tra trix of «•r ra»h for 10*, of the hid to aceom- East W ill and Testam ent of said De- Total Gen. O hlig >10,928.00 >10,737 50 f 8.066.13 > 9.050.50 > 9.930.00 >11.270.50 <' I.In ro tn . >i<-r l.ln.-..ln ,l» t l.'n (IHp the Balance on hand at beginning of school year (th ird M onday in Jun e) fo r which G fft. Fund 1'o’ nl Fetale of John Dennis. Deceaaed. i pany all Lids, the sam e to he returned ceased, am i ha» duly qualified as such . >30.600.00 >30.462.60 >21.986.38 >28.447.96 >27.664.99 >31,755.65 I I I. . I k - i Wh»«. H .'lla n .l. r— I.— »—I Th«»« II. Tongue J r., A ttorney fo r Ait- in all uusucceasful hnhlers or on a ll re- Now. therefore, a ll persons having Im p r. Fund C ity F'.ngr. 1.000.00 1.000.00 this budget is made, >46.23; fro m county school fund. >10.219.07; fro m state school Sons, ID >17 Vi Y i’232’0 0 ’ frOm ele,nentary fund. >5.550.84. T o tal estimated receipts, 32-6 jected bida. T itle insurant) in the am ount claims against »aid eatate are hereby Street Fund for ..»la w T P u liw m m in is tra trix . 36-6 of the successful hid w ill he furnished notifie*! and required to present the same, 4 ity Engineer 700.00 ft. llillsh o ro _ 237.66 226.80 N O T IC E O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T by the owner. Balance of the purchase together w ith proper vouchers therefor. Estim ated Expenditures In the County Court of «Le S tale of O re ­ ■ rice payable delivery o f dee«l and to the undersign«! at the law offices of t«rand Totals HAY ANI> KK.F.n » 1 .2 0 0 .0 0 >31.162.50 >22.224.04 >28.674.76 >28.664.99 >32.755.65 G E N E R A L C O N T R O L — 20. gon. fo r W ashington County. pn of sani premise« The ow ner Hare. M c A lm r A Peters In the Shute Superintendent ....... I IG H T urne Clover Lay K S Ileum ** > 1.800.00 Clerk »ey. h a lf m ile south of .county h 2.200.00 > 60.00 > 75.00 Í 44.18 > 265.05 > 101.24 British Qutxsi inhle potatoes E K > 36.98 IN S T R U C T IO N S»upervisi«»n. the S late <»f Oregon, fo r W ashington W IL L IA M CROW E. B E U L A H A. Dacens«|. H are. M»* A lcar A Peten». A t ­ Sidewalks 10.00 N o rthrup. 2b , m ile* cast *»f Bank* >itf ¡ County, and that Monday, the 29th «lay C R o W E . 13.00 19.00 5.00 31-5 torneys f»»r Executor. 34-8 Perm its Principals 2,070.00 100.00 200.00 72.25 159.10 243.65 344.46 I of October, 1934, at the hour of ten T«»tal expense, supervision Pines 2,070.00 150.00 200.00 18.00 133.00 58.00 210.00 IN S T R U C T IO N Teaching link a. m. of salii »lay In the County N O T IC E O F F IN A L S E T T I.E M E N T N O T R E O F S H F R IF F 'S S A L K U P O N License* 22. KAHM MA< IIINLHY 2.500.00 3,000.00 3,260.92 2.445.75 2.750.17 2.769.65 ¡C o u rt K<«»m in the Court House in H ills - | n the County Court «»f the State of O rc- FO KK CEO SU RF. Tom her* 16.115.00 COR HALF. 4 h«»r •« conveyor p*dato die- , bom, W ashington ('»»unty. Oregon, has ?'»■"■ 18.90 gon, for W ashington County. Ntdice is hereby given that by virtu e In t. on Cheek Aect. Substitute teachers 3 0 0 .0 0 Miscellan«»us 250.00 ger. in good shape M aurer Bros. ID 75.00 259.90 42.75 148.86 160.73 Supplies ichalk, paper, etc.) Grove !»<•* n nppointe»! as tin* tim e und place h, the M u tter of the Estate o f H erm an of an exerution, derree and »»rder of sale 350.00 2, (»»rnellus. Phone Forest for the hearing of all »d»jeeti«»ns to said W etxler, Deceased. issued <»ut »»f the C ircu it Court »»f the • > »»« - , I Textbooks «desk copies and Indigents) ............ .......................... 35tf 500.00 >3.050.0«) T o tal Receipts > >3.645.25 >3.058.65 >3.306.92 fin a l account and the settlement thereof. Notice is herel»y given, Mil m J. — th at the — under' State of Oregon, fo r W ashington County, T«»tal expense o f teaching 17.265.00 18-20 Case tra cto r fo r «ale. plowed leas D a le of fir«t publication September 27. sigm-d A d m in istra to r o f the above name»! 1 on the loth day of October. 1934. in a O P E R A T IO N O F P L A N T S T R E E T F U N D — 1935 value >1209 w ill sell publication Oct«»her 25. 1 estate, has fil«x| in the above e n titl« ! eau »• therein pending wherein Jame . 1934 D ale of last a ban Ml aerww Jan itors and other employee .................... Budget 2.300.00 Propua«! Budgeted 9 Months Expend«! Expended Expend«! C. A. Beyer N” * I 193 I ¡C o u rt am i cause, his fin a l account and Downing is p la in tiff, and W illia m C for >700 . sled >30 F :\tra jan itors 350.00 Classification Budget 1935 1934 Exp. 1934 1933 1931 1932 Executrix of the report as such, ami the Court has fixed I ||< ffm an . M yra H o ffm a n . J. It. O fn e r. I M YRTLE DAVEY 2ft (, Tigard. Jnr.it<»r*' Mipph,- 250.00 Asphalt M ain t. 200.00 I 4«»0.0o 9.98 18.01 59.80 I 143.5. ” . I L . tin* I'Jih »lay of Oet«4»er, 1934, at the Charles Hull, am i John Breson. I*. F’ V A U G H N dragsaw f*»r »«ale. »•*>.*! • ron- I Estate of Elixaheth Ih’rst. I ),*,■»•»»*e»l. P. F'u**l 700.00 Concrète M aint. 200.00 300.00 1.05 5.61 600.33 1. 'atterson. A tto rn ey for Executrix 32-6 hour of 10 o'clock A. M. o f said »lay. Hale, ami I. S. Be**,»n. cv-p artn er* u n ­ dll hm. >«o How ard Schneider, ID L ig h t and power, w ate r .............................................. .. 1.000.00 .'.I .p and the Court room of the ni.ove entitle,! der the firm . name am i style ,»f Hews,»n. C ity Enginaer Htllsls»rn. near Helvetia. O th e r expense o f operation 200.00 700.00 700.00 163.66 n o m N O T IC E O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T Court in Hillsboro, Oregon, a* the tim e H ale A I»,--on are defendants, t,» me Supt. Street* T o tal expense o f operation f S O 342.88 160.00 128 18 30.47 93.60 In the ('«»unty Court of the State o f O re­ and place for hearing ohjectinns to said directed and «h’liv e r« ! and commanding Crooaings M A IN T E N A N C E A N D R E P A IR S 23. SH E E P—GOATS D irt Street* I M 'C 160.00 6.77 20.00 85.79 95.54 gon, fo r W ashingt,>n County. fin a l account, ami fo r the D u al settle- me t»> m ake sale o f the real pr,»peri y Repair ami replacement of fu rn itu re anil equipment 600.00 90.46 100.00 too 00 I T H R E E Sanau m ilk goal*, one t»> fi« * i,- In the M a tte r ,»f the Estate ,»f M argaret nient ,»f said estate. h ereinafter »le*,*rih«l. in o r,Ire to satisfy J : “ ’“ '/“ "1 M aint Repair and m aintenance of building» and grounds 50.00 10.93 600.00 50.00 11 >0 26.05 39.54 .*1, November I W ill trade f»»r chicken* W etxler. Deceased. Dated th i* 20lh «lay o f September. 1934. the sum «»f >1500.0,». w ith interest there- Miscellaneous T«»tal expense o f m aintenance am i repairs 200.00 36.58 396.85 1,200.00 160.00 71.82 189.64 ,»r young heif»vr W A. (liaalm an, ID Notice I* hereby given, that the un,ler- H O IIE R T W IT Z L E R . A d m in is tra to r ,»f on from December 1st. 1932, at the rate R«»ck Ronds A U X IL IA R Y AGENC IE S 3ft 1 .......... 1.250.00 Kt. C leaning Dept 739 92 807.94 1,024.72 1.482.68 sieneil A d m in istra to r «le bonis non of the Estate ,»f said Deceaaed. H a re , M«*- I, Cornel lux. «»f 7 ’ j |»er cent per annum , and the L ib ra ry books ............................................. ■ 200.00 100.00 *4 I I I th,* above nain«‘«l relate, ha* filed in the \le a r A Peters. A ttorneys fo r Adm inis fu rth e r sum of >126.00 attorney's fees. Sn«»w Removal Supp'iew and other expenses ..................................... ... " 500.00 1.599.40 3.863.03 50.00 ause, his fin a l tra to r. above entitled Court ami 31-6 besides the costs and «liabursements of Emergency P O I’I.THY 26. Transportation of pupils 2.820.00 account ami report a* such, am i the • aid suit, taxed at >17.2'». am i als«» the C afeteria ....................................................................................... Totals >3.850.00 >3 812.88 >2 670.47 >5.263.33 >1.341.17 >2,802.04 500.00 N O T H I. O F S A L E (>l I.A N D S I1Y C .iirt has f ix .*1 th«* 19th «lav of 2.400.00 >2.933.00 Taxe» 8.620.00 1934. at the hour of ten o'clock A. M. t ime. llanaon »train W h ite Leghorn*, »aid day. uml the Court r«M>m of the Notice 1« hereby given by the nndec- F IX E D CHARGES 805.45 3.647.00 pullet innllii«». .Imu« 2511 In i «l.nve ,.n lill.« l I'm ir l in lllllnhoro. O r»- of »aid day, at the East door, being Miscellaneous fin e f*» I', iiraric* for hearing |*I,D’ ,*»I, the duly appointed, «piaI,fled ami .17 .wiK. kirn ,Innin < n rr inn. Alnn iron, nn tin* lim i' nini pik.' the front door of th e C o u rt House of T otal fix « ! charge« ............................................................... >3,205.45 >6.660.00 Total 900.00 mnnllwi-ol.l pulini« inn«..nnl,ly prlun.1. I nlijnntlonn In nnl.l fin n i nnnnunl. nini fur a« ing guardian of the person and estate W ashington ('«»unty, Oregon, in Hillshore. of (1. L. T«»ut, an Icom petent person, that C A P IT A L O U T L A Y S I ’n.il llu.lluy, Ainiin. O rn M ull III ' lm fin n i rnllln.n nnt of «nl.l n.lnln. Oregim . proceed to sell to the hivhret 1916 P R O P O S E D H A L A M E S H E E T S un ler am i by virtu e of an order of the Now fu rn itu re and equipment :« '■"' < " n n ly uf Wn«h- 1,000.00 redemption, as per statute of the Slate 11 L. A r '" ' I Ihn Enlnlu nf nnl.l l»n.nn«n.l Hum . Mn- in yl.ni. Kinin of O rn tn n . mail« an,I nn of I t I. IL ........ pullet* for sal«- D E B T S E R V IC E - > 3,050.00 >19.572.0« General Oregon, the follow ing ,lre«*rihe«l p a r­ F a tim a t« ! Receipts strong, % m ile north Ju n io r high. 3ftp A lear A Peters, Attorneys fo r Adnilnls Irre tì on the 17,h «lay o f Kept ember, Interest on w n rrants . ..................... 27.460.00 General 10.928.0* cels of real t»n»p,*rty. situate in the ( ’«»un­ T a x Levy Hl-ft 1931. It«* w ill on am i a fte r the 2'»th day T otal debt service ... . # W ANTED Poultry *»l all kinds. W rite « ra ,or. 750.00 of October, 1931, at the law office of tv «»f W ashington. State of Oregon, t«»- EMERGENCY W ill call or bring F rid ay. iiaD ir.lay <»r >30.500.00 T o tal T otal 2.500.00 w lt : P. 1,. Patterson, l,a*at«*«l in the Wells R E C A P IT .H A T IO N Monday before noon P ortland price* N O T H F TO < R l T U T O R S First Tract : B«*ginning at a point Street Fund F It Barden ( ’«»rnelins 4 5 ,f ln Ihn C .m nly C .u.rl nf Ihn Kiulu nf O rn- ........ . H ill’ hnrn. W ..« h in u " n Cnnnty, T o tal esti nated expenses fo r the year 86,305.00 on the East line of Sec. 23. T. I K. ft"' . General ( ’m inty Oregon, o ffe r for »ale at p rivate sale to r«»tal estimatexi receipts, not including prop«««I tax .... eon. fo r W ashington County 17,048.14 R. ' W . of W ill. M er. 8c roda south R< m »«I Levy in Diat. the highest bidder the follow ing describ«! Street Operations Balance, am ount to he ra is « I by district tax Notice Is h«*rel»v given that Ihe nndet o f the northeast corner o f the south 19,256.8s 125. PIOR >3,850.00 IN D E B T E D N E S S No. 38. re tim a t« ! >3.850.00 Expense ..I, .... I A ll,..,I lir u ,„II luu. I .....„ ........ . rnnl prupurtjr l.nlnnirinp In nnl.l Inunmpn- h a lf of said s«*ti,»n ; thence south 'C o lt KALE W eanling pig* W illia m tent person, said property being situate Am ount of w a rra n t indebtedness on w arra n ts issu«l and en­ I x,*«*ut«»r of the Estate of H«*l**n Bi.tm lt. along said east line ftit ria ls ; thence Bonded Indebtedness lie rin g , Cornelius, ID 2; about -U j dorsed "n«>t paid fo r w an t of fund.»” somelimca known Ami refere ” 1 to «* in W ashington County, State of Oregon, west 24 am i 40/65 roda; thence 9.350,00 Improvement. Bonds O utstanding. s«*ured by proj»erty liena m ile* *< *i,hw ret of llillshoro. 35p ■ Am ount of other indebtedness Helena B ran d t” am i ae “ Helene Brandt.*' ami more p artic u larly de*cril>e«l as fol- N o rth and p arallel to said Eoiat line 295.24 ■ i ' G eneral O bligation Bonds O utstanding t.*-wit : T o tal indebtedness l u l l HALF', t'h,w,«*r W hite pig* Hugh deceased, hv the County Cmtrt of the 50 rods; thence East 24 and 40/66 9.646 24 lu rn h a m . 2 % mil«**, north «»f Jun ior S late of Oregon for W ashington Coun­ B **-inning nt » point In the north- Sum m ary of Estim ated Expenditures rods to the point o f beginning, con­ F* .«„I >186.122.76 35-6 ty, and has qualified. A ll per»«»ns having S high > h«sd M«*-t q u a rier «»f the northw est quarter F o r school year from Jun e 18. 1934, to Jun e 15, 1935 tain in g 7 and 3 4 acre*, more o r less, S in kin g Fund* to R e tire General O hligathm Bonds 22.042.07 of Ke« 23 T 2 K of Range 1 West Personal service .... shoa's, claims against said re la te are hereby F O R LA l.l 1 l()0.|h. Jersey Rc in said flection am i being the South of the W illam ette M erid ian , W ash- Supplies ........... . 87 each. Phone llillsh o ro 3OE4 ; or notifed to present the same, duly verified I Net General O bligation and Bancroft Bonds O utstanding >164,080.69 in».ton County, Oregon, which »aid M aintenance and repairs 32 tf ns by law required, to the umlcrshmed 7 and 3 4 acre* of land of that cer­ O k im in i', at Went U nion stori*. And notice is als«» hereby given that the said C ity Council o f sai,l C ity, sittin g le; inning point is north 0" 07’ east Debt service tain 10-aere trnct convey«! to Hugh Burke, at 9iift Porter llu ild in g , P«»rtland, Oregon, W e a n l in g pigs fo r sale. w . ae a levy h«»ard. w ill h«dd a m eeting nt the Council Cham ber*, in the C ity H a ll, in 171k I fret and north 89" 54’ east Miscellaneous w ith in »lx months from the date hereof. T. Evans am i A n nie L. Evans by Rt. 2, llillshoro. saiil C ity of Hillsboro, O regon, «»n Thursday, Novem ber 8. 1934, at the hour of 8:00 48ft.95 feet from the q uarter section Knisrg.ocy Dated and first published O c h b e r 18, d«*«l recorded In hook •‘82“ page corner between sect!«»,is 22 and 23 In o’cl«»ck P. M . at which tim e and place all persons who shall he subject to such tax 1934. Laat publication November “ 256 " !)«*••«I Record* «»f W»»»hlngt«»n said township 2 smith o f Range 1 l«ivy when the same shall l»e made, may appear and be heard In favor of, or against, ( ’«»unty. Oregon, suhj«*t to the rig ht ÌIO R K E H for sain o r trail,* F rank IDnck. 1934. wret of the W illam e tte M eridian, ru n ­ said tax levy and have an opp ortun ity to discu-'s the same w ith said levying hoard. of »ai«! W ashington ( ’«»unty to the A L B E R T B R A N D T . Exeeutor. Thomas RN-« ning thence from m «i ht g in ning point D n t« l this O c t,b e r 16, 1934. existing County r,»a,l across th e « Banka. y'Z " G. Greene. Thomas G. Greene J r ., A t- N. 89’ 6E east 167.2ft f r e t; thence I I y«ai wsat a waddle horse for ym tr own torney* for Executor, 9«'ft P«»rter Bldg . (S eal) O. P H E L P S , M ayor. N o rth end of the land hereby «le­ running south 0 * 0 Î ’ west 743 feet A tte s t: Helen M cD aniel. Recorder. 36-6 I»rlm See Flske, ('«»rnelius. 8 f t 1 Porthm .l, Oregon. 35-9 se ril»«| . also excepting therefrom that lililí: ««»ST « la r ­ ve n a m ..I i i. ii i| . * l .«uni anti L mb fi«e*l I. at i Lo M ut I (lay. f I Le 111.. rl»« till Dance Sponsored S aturday; Joe Hren Building 8i.um.nl of ih. own.nhip, I.-« ..A . n. G uaranteed RADIO REPAIR S tandard Parts Minimum Charges AH Makes Efficient W ork Tubes Tested Free. g c. D onelson 86 Sewell i Kins Phone 953 : g g Douglass Radio Service Hillsboro NOTICE OF SCHOOL MEETING MANU-)' ► — 1 »1C» you tfj, NOTICE OF BUDGET MEETING 491 Lcg.il N otices 1934 I œ «45 ?•"'*• ,..4« -i-i- For l’r»«-. ••**• -’,rr’ ' We buy ami sell usml car». —Used Car Exchange. IHU WE buy ami sell used cars. __M acKenzie Motor Co. nu» NOTICE OF SCHOOL MEETING 19 '»1. KAHM VHOhVCR t«* HORRES