THE Page Ten H IL L S B U R O ARGU S. H IL L S B O R O . OREGON liitii'Ntliiy, October IK, tied the beach at Seaside Bonne­ in turn, will scrutinize them for M a c ' s in .A n o t h e r J a l MAC By M unch ville dam and other p u n ts of in ter­ pss-uile reductions beiore p i . tug They were favorably impressed them on to the slate legislature MAMA • PO YOU with Oregon I next January. KNOW WHtHk hl y Mr and Mrs Archie t’oole of • • • « övj B a p h v ' n w n tn tS ' t h e Monmouth s p u r Saturdac an.: Su fu ll rather than e\|>eiTeiue aiul k tt H M U i t o o o K s HiÙIWiAM. I*VM*T*. day with Mr and Mr W. T. Si ability kUcialc.« Hie |xi> ot &UU* ( Aftt Î IN TUB 1 PUT N MV PlLkifUMij lers. employe» in mans deim iintent >, ac T hvm IN CVPliCAAO, R a n k s E le v e n L o ses G a m e to Mr and Mrs Henrv Atlee W T cording to J I’ PaMpnll. Portland Sellers A I’.x'le and Bernard Sel­ MALCOLM "T ub d ish auditor, who luvs l>ecn making a B e a v e r t o n H ig h T e a m lers went to Forest Grov«- Saturday .Ka in T hu study oi state payroll:» tor the night and heard R R Turner mid UBKMW 1 committee leeentlx appointed h \ 11 E W alter speak Governor Meter to standardize .date BANKS The house near M an­ Glen M ass of Philomath sputt | .‘^tlarles In some departm ents. Pas- ning. occupied bi Hebert Wallace the wek-end with Ins mother and quill louud. employes with no pre and family, burned cxtober 7 The brothers in Banks family was sound asleep when the m o il s extH'tienee and with no |>»ti Cass Wilson. K ill Wilson. Clell fire started and it earned consider­ Carsteiis Vern Priekett and George 'tu iL .u qu.iiuitatuni-, for the type able headway before Mr. and Mrs Kessler returned Thursday from a of work in which they tire i-iutaKed Wallace woke up Their three sons hunting trip to Eastern Oregon are paid more than employes in w ere asleep upstairs and w e l e They succeeded in getting one buck i other tlepartmenks with years of ( Ï '• aroused and brought down t h e They report that tiny saw lots ot e\|M’rlenee »»nil technical tralnlne. / stairs just before the stairs fell in. deer, but the-. were all does Pa.Mpitll’s findings are to !»<’ sub Nothing was saved except a sack Mrs c B. Hall entertained the mttted to the governor’s comm’tt e ál I of flour the family having only bridge club Thursday afternoon ' as (he basts for their recommend«! s L . ■ their ry d it clothes left A great loss N1. ” ’ Crtv’. ' . m . kss noil first prize t tons on standarthzatlon of salaries N i ? was 400 quarts of fruit, every jar and Mrs Ka\ Lieu second. being broken. Neighbors and friends -il F\»lks who insist u | m > u music ami Mis- Alice Lane spurt tile week­ came to the rescue with donations end in Portland. entertam nunt the while they sip of cloUting. furniture, fruit a n d Mr. and Mrs Charles Shipley their suds will hav«» to patroni/e other necessities. The family will visited Sunday in Hillsboro with road houses or down-town dlsjicn- move into a house owned by L. Mr and Mrs Car. Shipley and Mr sitrles if tlie lltptor eontnd eemml . I VE NEVER SEEN Crawford and Mrs Erwin Shipley and their I slon puts into effect a r«‘g u la tio n h im s o & t u o i q o & The high school board and t ' pnqx'sed 1) v Administrator S a m families. ISEVONE------ COST budget committee met Wednesday Mr and Mrs Melvin Berdan left tu ts This regulation would bar or FOR UHAT I l k t i t night in the high school The buc.- fbr their home in San Diego Oc- I chest r a s nnd entertainers from Ixvr V, get adopted was appr. xtniate'.v the tober 10 after a two weeks visit ' iwrlors in residential or s e i n i - h im a n i c e p ie c e with Mr B erdans parents. Mr. and same as tliat of last year. resldentlal districts Another n ‘»:u OF CAKE i lation which the commission has Banks church has packed six Mrs N Berdan They accompanied , S i under consideration would t»ar b e e r dozen quarts of fruit to he sent to Mr and Mrs. G I*. Douglass of parlors entirely from 'rtctl) • the Methodist Deaconess home in O ntario Cal and Mrs J. N Olm- dentlal districts Portland. stead of Salem wlio were Wednes- • • • Motliers' club held a sewing bee day guests at the Berdan heme Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs Elmer Lyda of G.enwood Tw enty-three thousaml books wer»» Mrs. A C. Wahl. Clotlung and visited relatives in Banks S atur- sent out from tlie state library to lM>rrowers in ail parts of O nyon qttills were made for the Robert day and Sunday. Wallace family whose house burned Arnos Sellers spent the week-end during S«»ptemlMT. according t o last week. Mrs Luke of Manning, a m Portland. , H arriett 1-ong. state librarian Tht» sister of Mr. Wallace, was a visitor, Sundav visitors with Mi an.. is an inereas«» of 5200 over the rec Mr. and Mrs Fred Wolford and Mr- Otis Jackson were Mr. and ord for September 1933. and Is daughter* Hazel and Ju an ita were Mrs w c Jackson and Mr M V. AA K\ X Sunday afternoon guests of Mr and Jackson, all of North Plains. LAX THE BLADDER Mrs John Bradv at Hillside R eturn from Trip I' m * Juniper <>d, llucliu ? Banks was defeated in football Mr and Mrs J. J H utchens re- Leaves. Lie. Frrd.iv afternoon on the home field turned home Saturday from a two If von are bothered getting up bv the Beaverton team 33 to 0. months trip to Nebrasxa and Iow a Douglas Dreezen of Moclips. They flatted with relatives of both u, be present as urgent business- brother >.f Mr... Anna Berry, wh ■ niuhtxS burning leg »nuns, he.' Wash . spurt Friday night with his M r and Mrs Hutchens at Arno.d u to be considered. ls seriously 111 at Emanuel ache, make this 25c test Flush out and Omaha. Neb and Council parents. Mr mid Mrs O D Dree ’ '' Mrs 11 N Robinson of Forest the excess acids and wart*» m atter Bluebirds met Wednesday after en. and his uncle and aunt. Mr Bluffs. Iowa and other places school w ith Miss sm ith The Orove accompanied by her house that eaus<» irritation Gel Junqn*r and Mrs. R. J. Dreezen. here They drove 5 0 0 t l i t t l e girls made dolls of twig guest. Miss Estella Ixuiverton ot oil. extract buehti leaves, etc in Mr. mid Mrs. A J Friedley of their trip and found th eread s.g o o d apples * nd autunu, leavcs. IMrtland visited Mrs Mary Beach given tablets called BFKKI’S the Hillsboro spent Saturday night w ith ad the «.it and t.u wi.i.lwr yrm.-ntrnir and Mrs S. L. Carly le Friday a fte r­ bladder laxative After four da\* if not satisfied anv drue-ist will Mr a rd Mrs Rov Parmlev and mild all the tune they were gone. noon. children S H at. ol Hfllsboi c n y «ondtttons were » ere Sunday v . s , . return sour 25e Delta Drug . t o r e Win Second Place C h ild ren P r e s e n t •arm- bad in both states on account of tr. and Mr* c ....... School Adv Phe 4-H rabbit judging team ley home a n d 't h e Friedlevs re- the drouth, but Nebraska was worse ‘-unuy eompix-d of Bab McCullock. K< u- Colum bus Day P rogram W L. Moore baled his crop of turned home with him. hit than Iowa. There was no wheat neth Woodward and Alex Bella hops. He had 75 bales. Mr. mid Mrs. Ellis McGraw and at all and only short stubby corn baby won second place at the Paeitic Mrs. F S. r i d Gibson of Forest Grove children of Vernonia spent the hi Iowa. In neither state were there a y w .t h h e r r i a u e h t e r (By Mr*. H uk K B urdette) International Livestock show --end at the W G. Walker and « 7 fruits or vegetables. All food i “ "®» with lai d a-----et ORENCO Die first meeting ot The return Indoor baseball G. W McGraw homes in Bank.-. stuffs of this kind were sli p- Mrs- A. C. W ahl in When Mr and Mrs H ut- L loyd Whitcomb spent the week- the local P 1. A and reception for phived Ix tw.x-n Orenco and H ol Iowa after three weeks' visit with hikers and families leaving the G ening Mrs Manuel is a daugh- Ernes; Wilfert. clunrm an of school fui • colum bu Boyhood Is ... M r and Mrs O D Dreezen The drouth area, ail headed west. The ter of Mr and Mrs. M. Turner. board, re-poiise by Austin Scraf- Parks H,w A,n,.nc; « „ ..v e d u- two men are brothers Mr and trlP was nl3de ttl a Ford V-8 and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Whitfield ford principal of the school Re- Ni„ ne • Helen W tlfert; skit by Mrs Dreezen will slop off a: R am - they averaged 18 miles to the gallon ° f, a s - ¡2? k’Vre «reslYue" ts * e‘*. ¡«rv®d by Me-- lk>bb, 1)u. n (r,.ne neuh. ier. Wash to visit Mr and Mrs. of gas \r e ^ N'Wr C riffen t” m U' stew art - t , a U K a ij is and V V !wo-act play. Columbus.” coached J. Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mr and Mrs. Ferd H artram pf ani fr’' Iri';o" n J anrt H R“ ’K by Miss Marie McK.-nnis Tliosr in Petit While in Oregon thev vis- °f HUsboro were Sunday guests of Mrs jo n n m j i i w u k ana n ttit yjfs Calvin Gross nnd son C lar- the cast were B arbara Jean Hur- _________ _______________________ Mr d a t^ h te r Joyce a re flatting relatives ence flatted In Portland and 8 t dette Louie Bella N a n ,-, pitman When you go to ('«lifomia, try Mrs. L. V Schramel and Miss hi Portland. Johns Thursday. Valerv Stewart Robert Bernards. the train ' Big changM hive (¿ken V enuta R affety o f Forest Grove General Martin Speaks A shower was held at tlie home Stephen McEntee Ernest L.x hd.-n place on our rati*. Pullman visited Monday afternoon with Hen- Charles H M artin, democratic of Mrs W H Ring O ctober 10 Norman Bradley . Arlene Uernurd- charge« ire a third let» than derson Sm ith and daughter Ethel. candidate for governor, spoke m complimenting Mrs. M J McEntee Rebecca Webb. Esther Bella C ath- lact year. Kail farm are touching The W ikapi-Nahon Camp F:re Banks Monday afternoon. A large About 35 ladies attended O ut-of- ertne Goodman. H attie Warren, bottom at a mile and leia. girls met October 10 with their crowd gathered on the school town guests were Mrs. J. C G allup K ha Bradley. Bernice Ensley . Doris Comfdcte meaJt in our dining leader. Miss Ethel Smith. A c«re- grounds to hear him H T Botts and Miss Louts«- G allup of Hills- Rogers. Dorothy Parks Viremia and can cost at little as H<><. For de­ monial meeting was held at which O{ Tillamook was also in Banks boro. Mrs Alex Allen of Buxton hots Robson tails, see y«»ur local agent or Helen Sm ith and Edith Goodridge Monday in the interests of his and Mrs. Robert L Johnston of • ■ ■ write J. «A. Ormandy, 70' Pacific were taken m as members Seven- candidacy for judge of the circuit Beaverton. M I Budding, Portland, Oregon. teen girls were present Including C0Urt „„a < i . ... „ a the members and th eir guests. «-I»«* and Mr. and Mrs. A Lindgn n and son r T h n r s z G v «-vpnino- t h e W i k a n i - N a - M r a n d M r s - c la r k Inkley and Rav of Forest Grove visited a t the (t„n tln u » .t fr..m i-«»» t > hon izirL« rrw-t with P e -w Wilson 500 -Migeles are visiting J. A. McGee home Sunday. erm zatlon of the old udmmLstra- and made candy, which they sold E ^ p ..s ’T he’ Sunda>' guests a t the G A. Rob- tlon building at a cost of »hi.000, Fr;dav afternoon at the footoaL aU' CS' They son home were Mr and Mrs How- addtt: it of an 'lu r story to the game Geraldine Kessler. Peggy a r n ' ecl nere -«onaay ard potter and sons Harold and new hospital building at a cost of Wilson. Bernice Friday ar.d Ione Children of the grade school gave Robert. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Grom- $15.000 a nurses’ home to cost »31.- Bateman were the committee which a Co.umbus day program In Miss mer and children Marjorie and ooo and a pliystt ihils ' building to sold the candv. O ashetm s room. Each room fu m - Bobby. Mrs. Ward Ktezer and son rost |,;b00 n , e newer han,.s u „sk,,,,, f()r a « of for the deaf in Salem spent the Miss Sylvia Oasheim and Miss M. Perry and family moved into ., - i ... ‘ . , . week-end a t his home here Phyllis Nelson spent the week-end the Louie Madden house- last week. X * . , * „ in Portland as guests of Mrs. Bur- Mr and Mrs Louie Madden and ‘’'“ ’ttlngs m< hiding a new 100- Auxiliary Installs daughters Marylee and Patricia Ann ** unlt cost $83.000. a House Burned Near Manning e st ALT Orenco P.T.A, Has First Meet TR Y THE TR AIN TO CALIF&itölA H. D. KERKMAN V-HpitOl IN CHS LCttCT |H>mt exuding Ford »pex-ifira- lio n » — llir a e tiling» are making friend» for our Loss . . . Tht* tnightly of a h o in « ’ Inst tit flanii-s that fjiiiie from "nnlintly knnyy s yy here" can only he partly relieved by the'seenrity and protection nt fire i lis ti ranee eny erage. F o n i »ri-vice d r p u r tu ie u t. Ilr iu g y o u r c a r lie n - fo r a d j u s t m e n t » o r o v e r h a u l­ ing. U e guuruutce our work. C H A S . L. W A LK LR ' r y Agent M otor C o . Every form of protertion Fire, automobile, casualty, liability. Fidelity, Surety and Lift*. 1161 3rd SI Flionr 1732 Ukit w> I Keep Informed on Local Affairs S o u th e rn P ac ific V x - to d V f .H /lo tv . n n p o n tc A fe b llllillf lL ' t/l fie » ) <27 1)00 11 ing officer. Officers installed were in Portland Mon- for deaf includes $80.000 for a net Mrs George Moss an d sons have market meeting ‘ Mrs. Edna Davis, president; Mrs. lo v e d in t o t h e P e 'e J a c o b s hoirs«- “ X. n tg iii. ,_____ , _____ _ ....„ Eva Mo°re. vice-president; Miss Rev g Tilton will be in Banks ««iirs' 8? lt n Ir ,ian m an- }ear's work and gave helpful sug- Friday with Mr. and Mrs. B B returned from Yakima where they tr a ‘‘i acem ent of Counrv t« rnC- ?e'’:ior-s iu r the coming year D u- Tresham. She motored up from were called on account of illness ot iTg T . XTT! « h C ^ t . 2» ' trlct commander Nedn’ of Sher- Oakland with Mr and M rs H. D. his mother. or the blind trade m I kx .I a t Port- pledge to the peopie of W ashing- WOO(j installed the American Donnell, who visited in Portland. Mr. and Mrs J. A. McGee and laIK! which catt-s for $66.407 ton County. Legion officers W’ednesday. They Mr. and Mrs Frank Watson of Mr. and Mrs. B A Mitchell a t- AI1 °< Hie Institutional budgets An examination of mv r e - n rd a - are as follows: Flovd Davis, com- Portland pent Sunday with Mr. ’ended the funeral of Blake Shaw are subject to approval by t h e Juntv CommlsLsoner »«u Jack Benefiel vice-corn- W atsons aunt. Mrs. M. A. Dodds in Portland, who died suddenly board of control beiore being aub- County Commislsoner ’ » reveals a » mander; mander Ralph Wilcox, ad ju tan t; Pearl Beard of Portland spent while in Eastern Oregon. He was a m illed to the budget director who. constant, continuous service to the Roy Smith, sergeant-at-arm s. Vis- the w-eek-end with her sister. Mrs. -----------------------------—---------------------------------------------------------- taxpayers which has resulted In itors from the Sherwood. Hillsboro George Howell, of Bald Mountain ■ and Forest Grove posts were pres- Monday she stopped off in Banks 1. Lower County Taxes. m t a t tl>-. meeting 10 cal1 on Mrs M A- Dodds 'U n it to Meet • Tuesday guests of Ajr an d Mrs 2. A business administration. I A special meet,ng oi the Legion N B«rdan Wire Mrs M. L Ber- 3. Better roads for less money. Auxiliary will be held a t the H L dan Mrs Adrian Powers and da ugh- HAMMOND Jensen home Friday evening at ter Bonnie of Forest Grove. Mrs iP a id Adv. 8 o'clock. All members are urged F W Sinclair Mrs. J R. Hargraves ELECTRIC CLOCKS and Mrs. C. E. Downer of Hills­ boro. C ounty Com m issioner Special Offer $3.98 OREGON DAIRY CATTLE AGAIN WON H O N O RS At the Pacific International Stock Exposition The Pacific International Livestock Exposi­ tion has had an im portant part in the d e ­ velopment of better dairy stock in Oregon. For 23 years dairymen have met annually a t this Exposition to exhibit their prize stock and exchange ideas for the improve­ ment of their herds. The raising of dairy herds and the dis­ tribution of dairy products has become an im portant industry in Oregon though it had its origin little more than half a century ago in the family milk cows th a t were brought to Oregon in the wagon caravans of the early pioneers. The Pacific International Livestock Exposi­ tion is to be commended for the encourage­ ment and help it has given in the breeding and developm ent of fine herds of cattle, sheep and other products that give Oregon an international reputation today. W G. Walker was a Vernonia | visitor Monday. ( lean-up Cemetery A group of people met S a tu rd a y ' at the cemetery grid spent the day cleaning and burning grass and i trash A pot luck dinner was served ' at noon. On October 23 another meeting will be held in the a fte r­ noon a t the cemetery if the w eath­ er is good. If the weather is bad the meeting will be held at the J - ' J Hutchens home. Green Mountain (By I. R. Strubbl Elw-in Groesbeck of Vancouver, Wash , spent last week with Sam Strubb Sunday visitors of Mrs Theresa Smejkal were Mr and Mrs. An- tone Smejkal and son, Mr and Mrs. Frank Schmldlln and three children all of Vernonia. Miss June Townsend ot Tim ber and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Smejkal of this place. If yon change your address k in d ­ ly notify the Argus direct and a t once. Prescriptions A C om plete Stock of S tap le D rugs PALM DRUG STORE Prescription Druggists I W M OV« W J»T 1208 Main St. Phone 206 FREE DELIVERY “SNOOK” The Neighborhood Kid ÌM GOING TO BL VERY BUSY. GOtl. MID YOU CNN HELP ME — A C o le m a n w ill sa v e y o u fr o m $ 5 .0 0 to $ 7 .0 0 a y e a r, o v e r th e c o s t of u s in g a n y c o a l oil la m p ? X — T h e C o le m a n p r o d u c e s light that is n e a r est like d a y ­ lig h t; n atu ral, e y e - s a v in g lig h t? — T h e fu el c o st is a b o u t If* a n igh t for 3 0 0 c a n d le - p o w e r o f p u r e -w h ite bril­ lia n c e ? Sr» thin n«fr, depaudabl» lamp, that makes and burns us own gas from regular cl»ar- whlt» motor fuel. C olem an Lamps W E place strongest empha­ sis on this branch of our business — that's why your physician will suggest that you send prescriptions here w — Y o u can n o w b u y a genuin«! C olem an L a m p for o n ly $5.9 5 c o m p le te , n o e x tr a s? Make (his your Headquarters for Just A s T he D octor O rdered VN R Á Z "Rnjs'jü- Hill R e a d th e TnilshnnSj^Arg u s and supplies W ith Which 1» Comblnwi Tha llllb b o m lnrfap»n